Excellent article, Jenna! We cannot mock people like Cuomo enough. It’s one thing to forgive those who were duped; it’s entirely another for the talking heads who spewed the Big Pharma pack of lies and ridiculed all scientific discussion. They lied and people died. If they were anything even remotely like a journalist, they would have been aware of the truth, or at least questioned the narrative. Cuomo just admitted how stupid he really is!

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I thought their papa said something to the effect of his boys were drama queens or maybe I mistook his intent.

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My thing about the Cuomo interview re:ivermectin is his ‘scared’ comment. They were NOT afraid of Ivermectin because they thought it might be harmful. Lord, give me a freaking break. They KNEW it would destroy their EUA and purposely set out to dismantle our ability to get it for Covid and doctor’s ability to prescribe it. There was no fear, it was just an attack so they could get their vaccine into every stinking arm. Another bit of utter bullshit from Cuomo and co. And yet another thing I will neither forgive nor forget.

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SPOT ON! Literally everyone in the medical field knew ivermectin was safe and effective, no pun intended, yet they all laughed at the horse de-wormer BS.

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Exactly! And has there ever been another illness where the instructions from your doctor were to go home and rest and go to the ER if you can’t have trouble breathing. Every doctor is going to try something - a Zpack, steroids, IVM or HCQ… something.

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Yep. HUGE red flag for me! Early treatment has been critical for every serious infectious disease in modern medicine...EXCEPT for COVID. If you get COVID, stay home, take Tylenol, wait until your viral load goes critical and your immune system goes bonkers, and ONLY THEN seek care. Especially during Delta, when you have a great chance of dying. Does that sound about right? (I am referring, of course, to when the COVID variants were more virulent) I struggled to believe that ethical professional physicians would actually recommend this practice. I still get worked up, just sitting here tapping away on my phone!

Former critical care nurse here, who has cared for more than a few folks who decided to "tough it out," and didn't seek medical care until their upper respiratory infection was raging out of control...and they ended up in the ICU with multi-system failure.

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Same for me! I am infuriated still when I think about it. How many people died because doctors weren’t allowed to try different treatments or prescribe off-label drugs that were actually proving to be helpful? Grrrrr

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Agree. I'm also infuriated watching Andrew Hill lie to Dr. Tess Laurie about ivermectin, knowing he was bought out by Gates.

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I got the first jabs April 2021 before having enough info to convince me not to get anymore. I never caught Covid until last month. 2024. My story happened ONE MONTH AGO. Keep this in mind.

My doctor instantly tried to get me on Paxlovid saying some of her patients were helped by it. I said absolutely not. I wanted to try Ivermectin instead. I didn’t have any true belief one way or another about its efficacy, I just wanted to try that first as it had been around longer and I am never comfortable with new release drugs.

What I had to go through to obtain a high enough dose of Ivermectin for my weight at an appropriate length of time while being so very sick is something no one should ever have to endure. I was limited by way too low of a dose prescribed by my doctor that really only gave enough for 2 days, and it was amazing the improvement to symptoms in just two hours of taking it. My severe, raw sore throat disappeared and never returned. That shocked my Dr because she saw what my throat looked like and heard how I could barely talk in person, so when I called her begging for another script she was amazed at the sound of my healed voice within hours of seeing her. So while it may not work for some people I saw that it **did** work for me. As soon as I got nearer to the next day’s dose all my symptoms started to worsen except the sore throat. Within a couple hours of taking the next dose they subsided again. So I was desperate to get at least 5-7 more days of it since it was helping. It took **tearful** begging for two more scripts, one of which Walgreens refused to fill due to learning it was for Covid, which then required I quickly find another doctor (next to impossible in a timely manner,) to send a script for two more days to a compound pharmacy requiring a 5-hour drive, and then to get a few more days of treatment just to be sure, I had to learn how to do precise, accurate dosing with the horse paste and place it into capsules to swallow. All while being sick as a dog and feverish. The increased stress and anxiety I went through no doubt worsened my condition. I was publicly humiliated by Walgreens when trying to get one of the scripts filled and the pharmacist treated me as if I were a street dealer trying to illegally acquire controlled substances, as if ivermectin is in the same category as opioids or something. There was a spiteful nastiness in the pharmacists tone with me causing the line behind me to look at me angrily. Then they threatened to report my doctor for prescribing something the FDA didn’t approve for Covid. Unreal. The FDA has no authority over off-label use and never should.

Then the FDA publicly shamed and humiliated those who had nowhere to turn to but the horse paste by slapping memes to embarrass us all over the internet reminding us we weren’t animals and to “stop it.” Yet they are the sole reason people had to turn to horse paste in the first place! Nobody would have chosen to do that if they had easy access to the human formulation. I am college degreed in a scientific field and even I had difficulty figuring out how to responsibly dispense the paste with accuracy. Not everyone has the capacity to figure that out so yes, you will have a handful of people make significant mistakes and a small few overdose, but that wasn’t as common as they made it out to be. And the FDA is to blame for any overdosing that did occur. They keep from us the freedoms to choose which medicine works for us, then shame and humiliate us for the alternate routes we had to follow to get what worked.

Ivermectin may not work for everyone, but it can for many and we deserve the freedom of choice. Acetaminophen doesn’t take away my headaches - I need to use ibuprofen instead. But that doesn’t mean nobody should try acetaminophen. We have different treatments for a reason. We are each different.

The entire experience was a gestapo level of control, including how I was spoken to and treated, and I became horrified that I live in a country that allows this. And this was just last month! April 2024. I blame all those in the media, including Cuomo, who made it possible for something like my experience to happen in our country. They supported the intrusion into our lives and the radical labeling of our positions, and the blocking of access to our medicine of choice that had no real dangers involved. Rather than challenge the authorities and protect our freedoms they aided and abetted the governmental and pharmaceutical narrative that allowed this. The least they could do is come forward and **humbly** admit that they were wrong to force one single view/approach on the masses, and that they are determined to do what they can to return to their calling of being a check and balance to our government by chasing down the truth and not being compromised or beholden to anyone but the truth itself, and the citizens. That I can forgive and then re-embrace them. But the best most of them can do is lose their positions and careers, and never be allowed to report on current affairs ever again.

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Just check out 2nd smartest guy substack, order it & stock up. You cannot depend on doctors or pharmacies when it counts. Take control.

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Thank you for telling us about your US experience with Ivermectin in 2024. It's shocking that you had to go through a regressive rigamarole at this late date! F*&@ Walgreens, which wouldn't fill my prescription either. I prescribe a trip to Mexico, if possible, where you can buy Ivermectin, over the counter at any neighborhood pharmacy. And get some Vitamin D with your tan at the same time.😊

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Oh, this should be classic. " one of which Walgreens refused to fill due to learning it was for Covid, "

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Alldaychemist dot com

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no fear -- intentional harm. INTENTIONAL HARM. the masses still need to process that bit. It's gonna be a doozy.

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....CDC do control disease, they control the creation, release and propagation of disease.

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Oh yes. Ever watch the series Dope Sick on HULU?! Very telling.

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If ever the term limited hangout applied, it's to Cuomo's explanation of why he went along with the narrative. I'm just a dumb grandma and I smelled a rat the instant I started hearing that a vaccine would save us. Don't trust this rat or his friends even though they are pretending to be your new friends.

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The following is a copied and pasted comment on this post that I'd linked on a Locals page. Personally, I really enjoyed your article, but this guy does have a good point:

Pretty good article, but the author needs to embrace the concept of "and".

Working backwards, my distrust of government wasn't a "result" of COVID BS. COVID was just the latest "and". As in, climate change AND running out of oil AND AIDS AND white supremacy AND monkey pox AND...well you get it. There is no shortage of reasons to distrust the government. Never has been.

So in like manner, Adams wasn't wrong in saying those with a healthy distrust in government had an advantage over the true believers, but he self servingly left out the AND. A healthy distrust in government AND recognizing the way the whole thing was playing out was fishy AND doing some research AND even, I will assert, just plain old common sense. I'm not so sure that even exists anymore though.

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Great point!

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So true! I had multiple "And's" before COVID, but COVID made me dig deeper, search beyond my usual sources, and expand my thinking as well as my realm of distrust. As a result, I have a more cohesive picture of the non- healthy healthcare/government system that is not on my side. However, I am overjoyed to discover a community of wonderful, ethical, and educated people - who are working to build a better and transparent system of real health care.

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I cancelled my subscription to our local paper when it dropped Dilbert.

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Another painfully funny and insightful article, Jenna. I took Steve Kirsch's COVID vaccine questionnaire because I know someone who I suspect died from taking two of the COVID jabs. The thought saddened/infuriated me all morning, so your article brought a little pointed humor to the entire fiasco. I don't give a flying pig what someone like Chris Cuomo might think of me or say about someone like me because I refused the jab. Had I given in and taken it, I would have betrayed my own integrity and inner compass, and I would not want to live with that.

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I know several I have no doubt about. two of them family members. two more friends / colleagues even this week.

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I am sorry to hear that and send my deepest sympathies for the pain everyone has endured.

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This: "The irony is, governmental resistance isn’t the cause of vaccine hesitancy for most people I know; it’s the result."

My husband and I talk about how they say you can't change the past. And then for whatever reason you're lucky enough that your eyes are opened, and we all become time travelers. The past changes in an instant, completely. What you thought happened, what you believed, is not what happened and not what you should believe. And it all changes forever.

Heartbreaking and terrifying and exhilarating at the same time.

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That's so beautifully put! I may have to quote you on that. ;)

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I just posted a comment on another 'stack about that ... we have receipts! we weren't nuts after all for screenshotting the entire past four years!


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Is it even possible that he could be more arrogant than he was during the Covid era? That's my assessment and in spite of its miraculous "essential medicine"and Nobel prize status, even ivermectin ain't gonna cure that.

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It’s all their arrogance for about 2 years of telling us “anti-vaxxers” that we were stupid hicks, should be forced to take the vaxx, should be rounded up & put in a concentration camp, or jailed, or the worst ones we’re saying & hoping we’d die?!?

They banned us, suspended us, silenced us as much as they could & as arrogantly as possible!

AND now that they KNOW they were completely wrong, and the facts PROVE they were wrong, they still act arrogantly!

Even after knowing they were responsible for pushing how many innocent people into taking the poison injections & now are dead or injured or possibly injured in future???

They have no morals so they feel no real guilt, and that’s why they are still & always arrogant.

Pride is the sin that caused satan to fall from Grace.

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Here in Canada they even people awaiting transplants (good candidates) die. https://x.com/NCICanada/status/1752741382635340134

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My family receives pure joy and lots of giggles from your way with words Jenna ☮️🤗☯️🙏

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Chris is only talking like this because he’s not at a major(ish) network any longer. He wouldn’t be making a peep otherwise. F’ him and his scumbag brother.

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Love this article because everything in it is exactly how I feel❣️

I had many friends & relatives who thought I was a loony conspiracy nut because I wouldn’t take the Tyrants Vax or trust our government.

They looked down on me when I spoke out about any info I found against the poison Vax, and when I got suspended from Fakebook several times for trying to share info from Real Doctors & Nurses who were warning against the Vax.

I was treated like a stupid old hick Grandma that is losing her mind… now some have privately admitted to me that they wish they had listened to me & they all ask me: “How did you know?”,

I always respond with:


I give God all the credit for all my blessings❣️


Never trust any government or doctor, etc… 100% & never take any “new” drug until you wait to see if you need it & what it’s long term effects are on others.


I am thankful for all of my “conspiracy theory” friends here whom I listened to & all the awesome information you shared.

I am VERY grateful for every one of you who are not afraid to speak the truth regardless of the consequences❣️

Our ancestors lived longer with less diseases & less cancer & rarely or never heard about all the childhood diseases they medicate our children for, or caused the diseases with their poison vaccines & bad medication & poison in our food, etc…

Sorry this is so long, but I thank you all again for your voices of truth & freedom❣️🤗

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Your comic relief is extremely therapeutic!

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That makes me so happy. :)

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I agree JLHov !!! This is why I hardly ever comment, thanks Jenna 🤗

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Hard to know who's angrier. Those who abstained or those who partook of the lie. I'm the latter. Hell I'm even mad at me... I do indeed hope the dam is coming apart. May those waters cleanse this earth of ALL and anyone who, planned, participated, profited, pontificated, or pissed in the punch bowl!

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Patrick - I feel you. 😡

I’ve had to work hard to forgive myself. But God has forgiven me. I need to as well.

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True Patrick, and I have family & friends who took the vaxx & I just want all of us who now know the truth will unite & fight against the evil & lies from our government & big Pharma & MSM, etc…

The NWO Tyrants fear us uniting & try hard 24/7 to divide us by spewing hatred & division every way they can think of.


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I just ordered Yankee Doodle Soup. Can't wait til it ships in June (since it's a preorder). I have a feeling I will gobble it all in one day!

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Not gonna lie, it's hard to put down! ;)

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I thank God for people like you! Keep up the good work!

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As a contributor, I wish you happy reading!

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I did not take the Covid jab, but I confess that it wasn’t because I distrusted the government or Big Pharma, (except for the fact that every Big Pharma drug comes with a multitude of potential adverse effects so a product that had no side effects except for a sore arm seemed like an oxymoron), nor can I claim that I did I a lot of painstaking research. I was raised to be a rule follower and I still am for the most part; however, I just couldn’t in the case of the Covid jabs. As soon as they said they were SAFE, my BS meter went off and I knew something was wrong. The fact that they were using a totally different mechanism (and they touted that loudly) and having it on the market nine months or so later, there was absolutely NO WAY they should have been allowed to make that claim because there was no long-term data available to back it up.

I don’t necessarily blame people for choosing to take it (except for the ones who started attacking those who made a different choice). My husband and adult daughter took it without my knowledge and I now have to live in constant fear for them, so I have empathy for people who took it because they thought they were doing the right thing and potentially saving their parents or grandparents and now have to live with the consequences.

In my estimation, most of the people who took the jabs were victimized and if we blame the victims, I’m not sure we’re any better than those on the other side. My daughter is a loving, smart (about most things), empathetic person who thought she was doing the right thing because she was often around her partners 95 year old grandparents and now has to live with the consequences because she “trusted the science.” Blame the scientists, blame the government and anyone else who knowingly lied to get people to take this abomination, but please pray for the victims.

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I agree with ALL of this!!! Thanks for sharing your perspective. :)

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It was insanity to allow the Medical Bureaucracy to inject into your body a novel therapeutic that had zero long term studies. Period. End of discussion.

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casualties of this war, imo. worst thing is the cabal convinced people to shoot themselves. It's so dark most don't want to process it. But we must. And those that chose to must look at what made them listen to the cabal instead of people who legitimately loved them. This is the hard emotional work before us right now.

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