Oct 21Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Am I surprised by what this teacher did?

No. It’s Commiefornia.

Am I surprised by the results?

Yes! It’s Commiefornia.

The tide is turning folks.

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Well said, Laura. This is not coming from the kids. This is coming from the chatter at home! Parents are coming around to the pure unadulterated bullshit happening in BS public schools in Commie Cali.

We yanked our boy out of the propaganda industrial complex in 2006. We could see the trajectory of brainwashing and bullshit.

We scraped, worked out asses off and saved to keep him in a great private school for 7 years. We even begged, borrowed and went into some debt. Homeschooling wasn't available they way it is now, so spare me your criticism. We did exactly what we had to do to ensure a real and decent education for our son.

As for The Cackling Moron; she is burnt toast. Done. Finished. People hate and despise her and will silently vote their better judgement.

I still believe this election is “too big to rig.” They will try, for certain Not a doubt. The silent voters are too big a d getting bigger by the day!

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I am still going to expect a massive steal. I know too many stupid voters. Sadly.

Good for you taking your son out of worthless stupid school. My daughters managed to get a good education via public school, and learned a few things about weird people too, but they both graduated in 03 and 06, then came college and that was also a challenge.

I am very happy you managed to scrape together the funds to help your son.

I am not super confident about this election. Things will be ugly, they will get uglier

The left is an army to be reckoned with, they have super natural and sinister powers via criminal actors and funds. I am preparing for some ugly times ahead. Either case, You are brilliant and will also prepare

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I am not so sure I am so brilliant, but I chose to be very far from my home in Commie Cali come November 5th. I have no plans to return till after November 15th.

I am praying hard that Trump wins bigly and the insane crowd has crawled back into their dark holes of despair.

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Amen Kat!

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I spent too many years being part of the “silent majority!” Quoting the LGBQ crowd (because the rest are illegitimate), I am so loud and proud! I found by big girl pants in the “closet,” tried them on for size (disclaimer: weigh the same as at 18) and viola!

There’s nothing that could stop me now. Freight train is out of the station a d gaining strength and speed.

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I would love to have you as a neighbor

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Right back at ya, Rosemary! Thankfully, I have no close neighbours as I suspect the vast majority are Libtards.

I live on 8 acres in a canyon. I am blessed and thankful for the extreme privacy given I live in a cobalt blue town in Southern Commie Cali.

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Oct 21Liked by Jenna McCarthy


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Oct 21Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I remember those pizza parties as a kid. Work your ass off for 3 months for something, earn a ‘pizza party’ and said party was just cold pizza in your classroom for 10 minutes. And you were limited to 2 pieces. Worst propaganda in my young life. The scars will never heal.

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bahahahahaha but seriously. this is a perfect example of our pathetic edu-mi-cation system and its "rewards." EVEN KNOWING THIS, we'd still work our asses off for another shot at such joy next semester. Well played, Rockefellers. Well played.

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Oct 21Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Yep! I fell for it every time and won the damn scholastic book reader thing. Waste of effort! Lol

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Oct 21Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I think we are all feeling like that. About everything in our lives now. Where there was trust, there is now unbelief. Where there was innocence there is now mistrust. Where there were no questions there is now refusal to acquiesce. Where there was margarine, there is now butter.

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"Where there was margarine, there is now butter."

That's so perfect!

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Sounds like you learned an unintended lesson which is why you are here instead of meta. Once you see it you will not unsee it!

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Oct 23Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I guess so. I always thought my big awakening were two things: the anti apartheid protests that were all the rage on campuses when I was in college that I recognized as being all the rich, privileged kids and knowing whatever they were I was the opposite, and secondly my first few paychecks with a ‘real job’ after college and seeing just how much went to taxes. But we can count this as a seed too, it probably did define my sense of fair play by being, well, not very fair.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Jenna McCarthy

I always had a contrarian streak, at least as far back as I remember. Perhaps it came with being a Creationist in an evolutionary school system. Poking holes in their rhetoric got to be a form of sport. Oddly, though, I mostly follow rules and try to join in when there is a game to be played or work to be done. Humans amiright?

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Oct 21Liked by Jenna McCarthy

A friend in Argentina laughs when I tell him that we grew up trusting our government. He said that he learned very early that everything they told them was a lie. The more they doubled down on something, the less he believed.

He wonders why it took so long for us to wake up. The handwriting was clearly on the wall for us to see!

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A great question: why has it taken us so long to wake up?

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Tentative reply; we are so busy working several jobs, running the kids to their 1,000 activities and competing with the Jones next door that exhaustion took hold of us and well..., we are too spent to look, research and think - run run run just like gerbils in a cage. But now on the verge of a reality that can no longer be ignored, we are awake and angry!

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Oct 22·edited Oct 22

[I did realize the question was answerable; raising this from "tentative" to "NAILED IT."]

I just made a lightning run to Dallas from rural Wisconsin, spending two days in a schmo-tel in what's euphemistically called "the DFW metroplex."

Metroplex is the uber-ultra-chic-y name for what our elders called "the rat race," and you so completely described. To do anything in "Big D", every one is required to get on a "free" way and set a match to two or more hours of their lives. And this happens every, single, day. There is no break on Sunday; Sunday is "catch-up."

We know what we're doing, but we do it anyway: "For I do not that good which I will; but the evil which I hate, that I do. "

We read stories--and see movies--regularly of people who throw it all over for new lives. They all start by taking stock and considering what they have against what they dreamed.

@smrn, you see and say well.

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Oct 21Liked by Jenna McCarthy

As a 3rd generation Californian, writing from deep behind the blue wall, I will say Trump yard signs outnumber Harris yard signs by about 4 to 1 in my neighborhood. this is in keeping with the results of Pizzagate. When I told one of my Bay Area friends this fact, he laughed and said if anybody put up a Trump sign in his hood somebody would burn the house down if they weren’t already too busy trading their Tesla in for a Rivian.

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And here in a blue dot (Austin) in a sea of red (Texas), it's pretty 50/50, I'm sad to say. Although to your friend's point, I'm sure there are still folks afraid to put up a Trump sign...

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Oct 21Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Out here in small town east Texas I haven't seen a single Harris sign; only Trump/Vance, MAGA, and Vote Republican. You have to drive all the way to the big city (Tyler) to see a Harris sign.

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Oct 21Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I have never ever put out a political sign in my life. Until this year when the only sign in my entire neighborhood went up for Harris Walz - directly across from my house! You betcha i picked up a Trump sign asao! The only two signs in the neighborhood directly across from one another! Haha

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Same!!! 🇺🇸💪

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Oct 21Liked by Jenna McCarthy

There are some great "Cats for Trump" signs on Etsy. Not too late to order a couple of those, too. I did it for the kitties, though I'm more of a dog person.

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Oct 21Liked by Jenna McCarthy

There are zero political signs in my neighborhood.

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Same in Michigan, actually some people that had trump signs out years back , now have Harris ( same peeps didn’t move ) and they have a pink female symbol with “my body my choice”. Ps do what you want with your body , land of the FREE home of the BRAVE. Craziest hypocrisy I’ve ever seen .

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No more my body my choice when the c-vax wasn’t a choice for so many. That ship has sailed

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No more my body my choice when the c-vax wasn’t a choice for so many. That ship has sailed

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Please do want you want to YOUR body, just don’t KILL your baby’s body. As Reagan once said: “I notice all the people who support abortion have been born”.

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Oct 21Liked by Jenna McCarthy

There are very few signs of either party in Carlsbad. Maybe we are part of the “silent majority”?

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Yes. I’m REALLY surprised at the amount of Trump signs in my California neighborhood.,too! Very surprised,but,like Jenna said,I’m one of the cowards who would not put a sign up….though, I would not advertise my beliefs in ANY way about ANYTHING,around my house…honestly,sometimes I get a little nervous even posting on these Substacks where I’m reasonably sure there are “ like minds”…

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I'm about eleventeen yards beyond IDGAF. I put up my Trump flag and in less than 3 minutes (not exaggerating) my neighbor texted LOVE YOUR FLAG WHERE DID YOU GET IT? So it's a nice, handy way to find out who your people are ASAP. Boom!

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JC! Ain't that the Fecking truth! Insane morons. Hahaha

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yes, that is how it is in Loudoun County Virginia. This county used to be deep red.

Now, .... dunno. It has been blue. I sure hope people wake up. This is getting annoying

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Oct 21Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Of course, we're not surprised. Thanks for helping to expose this fraudulent garbage. And I agree, this mom deserves at least her very own pizza! Awesome.

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And Pa. Gov. Josh Shapiro finds Elon's gift of $1M per day, for signing his pro-1A, pro 2A petition, "deeply troubling". Elon, Joshie the S has just admitted that you are over the target! Note that the $1M is not connected to voting...

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Oct 21Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Yeah, but him signing bombs for ukraine to shoot at Mother Russia is perfectly okay. Just like "it's my body, I can get an abortion at 9 months gestation if I want to!" vs. "take this untested needle into your arm because we say so! Oh, and here is a donut. Good ignorant brainless orc."

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Yes, it's painful to know that he is “in charge”.

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I’d love the school & teacher’s name to be broadcasted by Elon!!

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Psssh, that's grade school type of fraud. This doesn't even come close to the fraud that was exposed in 2000 Mules. And you can't forget about those pesky Russian and Iran state actors that want to influence American elections! 🤣🤣

If only there was a way to secure the vote by creating electronic voting machines that printed a paper audit trail and didn't also have remote access capabilities or any type of internet connectivity. Seems hard these days.

But that's besides the point. The biggest fraud in human history is government! These people don't represent us. They pretend to represent us just like psychopaths pretend to represent a human being. They are all crooks and to put your faith in them is like putting on a mask to prevent the spread of covid.

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Oct 21Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Yup. Took me awhile, but I’m firmly where you are now. My daily truth is walking in my conservation site and bathed in nature. I try not to think about how close guv’mint is to destroying this truth. Of course, God is my only source of truth.

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Oct 21Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Amen, sister.

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Oct 21Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Where I am we vote electronically, a paper ballot is printed, and we put the ballot in a locked box. I’m in Houston TX.... if it can be done here with 6m people, it can be done anywhere. They just don’t want to.

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Oct 21Liked by Jenna McCarthy

That is certainly a step in the right direction! If voting was as important as the system makes it out to be, then they would be as secure as Fort Knox.

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Exactly. And election security should be a non-partisan issue. Whomever wins next month, the losing side will claim they cheated BECAUSE our elections aren’t secure. We are a joke as a country. In this aspect, anyway.

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Which begs the question: is this by design? I think most of us know the answer.

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Either by design or by accident but it suits the uniparty just fine so they don’t want to change it.

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Did you watch Trump on Dan Bongino the other day? Listeners got to write in questions for Dan to ask Trump. The big one to me was this and we all want to know "When you get into office are you going to vet those around you better than you did last time around and keep the RINOs out?" Trump said absolutely. Last time he trusted the wrong people and he knew nothing. Now he knows better and is on the lookout for the uniparty state in conservative clothing. (my words)

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If nothing else, "election challenges" are more grist for the Distraction Mill to keep the unwashed from looking in dangerous directions.

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Love this substack. Restocking— and all that, now.

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Oct 21Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I must be a little extra too, because I’d like to see jail time accompanied by daily booster injections, because ya know, safe and effective…And no, not surprised at all.

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Oct 21Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I live in the San Diego area. I would love to know where this school is. I attend school board meetings in Carlsbad, CA, fighting all the DEI, LGBTQXYZ crap in the schools. When any of us conservatives speak we get the “stink eye” from all the “Gay parents” when we return to our seats.

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You have a good mayor right ??

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Oct 21·edited Oct 21Liked by Jenna McCarthy

A distinction without a difference I know, but *as I read it*, teacherturd rewarded one class, *after the fact* (so not bribery), deciding that doing so would be another teachable moment.

It was, and he did, but he taught more than he foresaw, hopefully burning an impression onto the hearts and and into the minds of 4.49 classes of elementary students.

More importantly however is the fact that These Same Institutions are The Smoking Guns behind how creatures like Biden, and Harris (and Obama, and Clinton, and AOC, and Nauseum...) get so much as a second glance worth of consideration for high office.

Q. Where did the preponderance of school-shooters acquire their "morality?"


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Did you listen to the call? Sounded to me as if he told them IN ADVANCE that classes who picked Kamala were getting the pizza...

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Oct 21Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I _did_ listen to it (and SOMEBODY owes me that part of my life back) and through all the smoke-blowing and chaff-throwing I got the IN-distinct impression that it was done ex post facto.

The alternative that a CALIFORNIA teacher in a CALIFORNIA public school considered, even fleetingly, that the former Senator from CALIFORNIA ~might~ not win, in a landslide, was to me implausible. I find it much more believable that the SHOCK of an overwhelming LOSS provoked a vindictive response.

Still, I am not going to break up with you over this.

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Oct 21Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I can relate with “don’t mess with momma bear!” This teacher should not be teaching! My goodness — thanks for sharing & giving me hope for our future generations here in California !

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Oct 21Liked by Jenna McCarthy

The donuts, then the $100 bribes, were what pushed me over the edge. Until then, I thought that there was some slight chance that the shots weren't that bad.

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Gosh I am so grateful to be in a different state now! Two wonderful differences just this week:

1. A lovely older woman dropped by to encourage us to vote. She is a neighbor we had not met yet. Conservative.

2. My daughter attended a sleepover w friends and the mom interrupted when her daughter made a political comment, saying “we dont talk about religion or politics sweetie” or something like that. We got to explain to our confused daughter that someplaces the value is to respect all opinions and not create tension.

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I grew up in Texas, moved to the LEFT Coast (WA) in 1990. I was seduced by the physical beauty, I will admit freely. But when my teenage daughter expressed interest in going to college in CA, it was a hard NO. This story does not surprise me anymore than any other feverishly, adamant follower of the Dems spewing righteousness in the face of so much ineptitude from the government. It is time to draw a line in the sand and ReDeclare our Independence from government overreach and almost constant misrepresentation of the citizens of this great country.

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