Hyena Harris had 4 years … and hasn’t done jack shit 💩. Sorry but not sorry for my frankness . Happy Wednesday all.

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Aug 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Don’t be sorry. The most kind and loving thing we can do is tell the truth.

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Aug 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Amen to that, AJoy!

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Aug 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Could you please tell that to my family members for me?

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Aug 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

No apologies necessary Bro!

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Aug 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I think you mean Hyena Harris hasn't done jackal shit.

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hahahahahahaha #FTW

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Good for Zuck, trying to blame Biden for censorship when Zuck was all in to the tune of $400mil for election fraud. He is only trying to cover his backside thinking he can blame someone else and protect himself from prosecution. He was front and center as was Google, LinkedIn and etc. These companies believe it is their right to take personal information and sell for profit when it clearly has profitable value that requires compensation to those who supplied that information. They need to be forced to pay for the information they are selling and have sold the past 20yrs without artist royalties that are due to the originators just as paid to professional creators of content elsewhere.

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Aug 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

While Zuckerberg is covering his backside…he can kiss mine!

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At least, perhaps, he sees the writing on the wall and may be beginning to feel a bit apprehensive about team Luciferianism. Any proof will be in the pudding of course.

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Aug 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

People getting high off the prospect of Harris-Walz must be on drugs, surely...As well as being diabolical in all manner of other ways the Dems seem to have become a drugs cartel. Or perhaps TDS is real, cooked up in the DNC and MSM lab, and these days previously intelligent people fervently believe in a vacuum.

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Aug 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

TDS is very real and is/will be used to justify whatever is done to prevent his reelection. And I shudder to think what that might entail.

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Aug 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Toxic positivity is demeaning to people who are struggling and in pain, which most Americans are. Her “joy” is just another distraction so we don’t pay attention to what’s really going on. “Oh honey, just sweep that shit under the rug, if you don’t see it then it’s not be there”

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Reminds me of when British Airways left North America and I became a casualty for the X times, they announced it and then took everyone to a "painting" class titled "LIFE IS GOOD!" How f..en sick are these sociopath? Well that's why we call them sociopath and Ms/her/she is aligned with them!

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Aug 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I'm heading out to the Dollar store to find those cocaine sprinkles right now.

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OMG!! Andrew! Just when I thought my cocaine days were a distant memory. May I join you on the hunt for the elusive cocaine sprinkles? And, while were trolling for "Joy and Bliss," we could add in some industrial, indestructible HoHo's. The combo will surely make us feel the love!

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Aug 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Does anyone else keep hearing the classic tune “Hooked on a Feeling” playing over and over in your head?🤣🌈🦄🌈🤮

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Aug 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Please also pick up some glitter too! 😂😂😂

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Aug 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

how nice, a campaign of “joy”- as comprehensive & untouchable as an earlier one of “hope”

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Aug 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy



[Rest of comment filled with expletives and not cutsie socially acceptable emoji's]

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A small complaint. You seem to feel K-doggy has no policy plans. What about her plan to eliminate taxes on tips?

As for this, "Trump’s your dad yelling at you to change the &%$?!@ oil in your car before the engine explodes and you die in a fiery crash because it’s this close to happening.", thank you for the memories!

Finally, the shout out to Vee was priceless! You are really on your game today!

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LOL so that wasn't just my dad? I actually miss that. I think of him EVERY TIME that oil light comes on "YOU CHANGE YOUR OIL *BEFORE* THAT LIGHT COMES ON DAMMIT!" ;)

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Aug 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Her plan to eliminate tax tips is not a policy. It is a vote buying gambit.

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Aug 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Hope and joy is great but it is not a strategy or a policy. If wishes were horses then dreamers would ride.

For the record I will get my hope and joy from the Author of hope and joy.

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When she broke the tie as VP on the vote to add the tax on tips, it comes off as a false promise.

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“The noun gambit comes from an Italian word, gambetto, which means “tripping up.” When you make an opening move, offer something, or start a conversation with something that seems self-sacrificing but is really a ploy for greater advantage in the long run, that's a gambit.”

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Clearly. Much like the student loan forgiveness talk whish seems to crest with election cycles. I was mostly making fun of her for stealing the idea.

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Tim Pallies- I assume you are pointing out the no taxes on tips “policy” because she also stole that from Trump along with a few other of his ideas.

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Aug 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Kumbaya? You must mean if the cackler knew what that meant. An empty suit with no abilities at all. Zero as a Senator; Zero as a VP ( 12 to 20 million "illegals" ). But you will feel joy as your food bills sky rocket; as your gas bills for your car skyrocket; as all your bills skyrocket; BUT you will fell joy. Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago? Wake the fffffffffff up America........

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Eat crickets. Be happy.

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I looked it up. Mala is a Sanskrit word with two meanings: 1. A string of beads used by sages and those with spiritual aspirations, and 2. A spicy and numbing seasoning made from Sichuan peppercorn and chili.. Take your pick which applies. Then if you added "ise" to your Mala shirt, you'd have malaise: a condition that causes problems with thinking. Or subtract the last "a" and the dictionary definition is "a prefix meaning "bad", "wrongful", "ill", or "poorly". It is used in words such as "malfunction", "malcontent" and malodorous" (also "malinformation". Other than that, seems like we're living in an age noted for its ordinariness. Instead of Frank Lloyd Wright, we have identical rectangular boxes being built. Instead of Hammerstein or Leonard Cohen, Broadway is rife with remakes from the past. And the dems, attempting to beat Trump, copy him. Of course they do.

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Words Matter!!

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I didn't mean Leonard Cohen, although he was also a very creative artist. I meant Leonard Bernstein. But speaking of Leonard Cohen, Daniel Kahn sings "Hallelujah" in Yiddish - can see it on YT. It's really beautiful! Gives me th joy that I'm missing with Mommie Dearest.

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Aug 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

The most obvious/accurate L word here is clearly "lose".

kaMALA = Make American Lose Again

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Aug 28·edited Aug 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

lol thanks for the call out! Jenna, I love you to the moon and back, so I'm saying this out of love (and also because you said it yourself in this piece), you are naive. Unfortunately, most of us are when it comes to truly understanding the political parasitic class.

I know I'm beating a dead horse, but this cannot be emphasized enough. Politicians say one thing and do the opposite. This has always been the case and Trump is not an exception to this rule. If anything, he proved that he is another swamp creature with tons of broken promises, but worst of all, HE APPROVED AND BRAGGED ABOUT WARP SPEEDING THE DEADLIEST SHOT IN THE WORLD!! This is absolutely unforgivable. We cannot look past this.

Both Trump and Vance are deeply entwined with the technocratic elites, specifically Thiel, Musk, and now apparently Zuck? They are all on board for pushing a digital ID to continue the plan to enslave us on a digital grid. I know, I know, it sounds crazy, but is it really? These swamp creatures locked us in our homes, stopped us from seeing our dying loved ones, threatened our livelihoods, continue to maim and kill us, and don't forget they segregated us with those lovely vaccine passports (digital IDs)!

Derrick Broze recently went into detail about the red half of the uniparty and how this is just another psychological operation: https://derrickbroze.substack.com/p/tcr-live-140-the-unholy-union-of

Broze can be crass when he's passionately angry about something, but he has great points based on evidence.

This isn't a left versus right thing. It's an us versus them thing. You are giving your consent to be ruled when you give this much of your time, attention, and vote to one of the two evils.

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I ,unfortunately,agree with your viewpoint,but,what the actual f#%k can we do? Really. What else can we do ? I’m totally “ baby waffled “….

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Stop supporting every part of the system that continues to enslave us and decentralize. It doesn't need to be done all at once, but starting and taking baby steps is the key. Still using YouTube? Use Rumble, BitChute, Odysee, etc instead. Still using X? Use SubStack instead? Still using unencrypted text messages? Use Signal, Telegram, Line, etc instead. Connect with local farmers, start a garden, connect with like minded neighbors. There's so much that we can do.

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Those are all good suggestions. And,I have been doing every single one,for years.I’ve never participated in any of those social media traps,but,people who do,might benefit from those changes. But, I don’t believe even those sites are safe from the powerful programming. It sooo big. I put my faith in my animals,my gut feelings,and,Divine Grace. Thank you.

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Aug 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Hit this one right on the funny bone! And educational as well with regard to that Nazi "Strength through Joy" part. Why am I not surprised by that?

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Literally IN OUR FACES! Grrrrrrrrr.

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Aug 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Love Liz Lemon!

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Aug 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

None anyone would support

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FACTS!!! (Well, *none anyone WITH A BLOODY BRAIN would support* might be more accurate. ;)

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Okay, so first, I have to say you have bumped Jeff Childers from the top position in my email reading order. Brava.

Second, I love how you skewer the nitwits with such clarity and wit. And I agree 100% that it is all a facade, but not meaningless. It's quite meaningful, but if voting actually made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it (Mark Twain). It's all a huge distraction designed to keep us divided and squabbling among ourselves and not paying attention to the real problem, the parasites enriching themselves at our expense.

George Carlin, as always, said it best.


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Okay, so first, THANK YOU. The day's goal has officially been met. ;)

Second, I do realize this on a cellular level, but NOT voting goes against every fiber in my being. (I hear you're not allowed to complain if you don't vote, and I LOVE complaining hahahahaha.) I need a more practical, detailed plan than "exit the system and don't let them control me." Open to ideas!

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I’m with you about voting. In my opinion, those that think it’s all a Uniparty system of globalists who want the majority of the population dead and voting merely constitutes consent to allow them to do whatever they want, are no less naive. If we accept their premise that everyone involved in government is an evil authoritarian, I’m puzzled by how they think that these same evil authoritarians are just going to look the other way as these pockets of anarchists go about their business in their happy little enclaves, unencumbered by government, paying no taxes and thumbing their noses at the “system”. Why would they? The Uniparty,, by definition, wants to control everyone and everything.

I don’t disagree that a world without government, no taxes, and just being left alone to live your life, minding your own business sounds lovely in theory. Unfortunately, because of the nature of humans, I don’t find that to be a plausible scenario. The strong have always preyed on the weak, so the end result would likely be communities run by gangs. Even with a governments in place, I have heard that is beginning to happen in the parts of the US being overrun by illegal immigrants. All part of the “Plan”, I’m sure , but you’re not going to escape it by refusing to vote and tearing down the system. Unless there is an organized structure of recognized authority, things will devolve into chaos. Haven’t we already witnessed that in many Democrat cities where they have allowed it to happen? I’ll take my chances by choosing to have some faith in our current system. Naive? Maybe, but otherwise we’re lost and things are going to get ugly, even for those who withheld their consent by not voting.

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Being open is the first step. Government is a religion. Government is violence. The fact that "NOT voting goes against every fiber of your being" (you and millions of other people in this country and around the world) shows how powerful and effective the propaganda has been. I used to be there. It's definitely a process to come out of the rabbit hole.

This is a good starting point. And there are a LOT of resources on alternatives to the violent government trope that we are all inundated with every single day.


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