Sep 20Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I can imagine the backstage dealing that led to this. "Look, guys, the Epstein client list is trending again, we gotta give 'em something. Some*body*. To take the heat off the rest of us."

Biden (mumbling): "Give 'em the black guy."

Obama: "What did you just say, Joe?"

"Not you, Barack. The other guy. Diddly... Diddy."

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Sep 20Liked by Jenna McCarthy

That is very good! I actually laughed out loud!

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This is probably closer to the truth than anyone wants to imagine. Hilarious comment! 🤣🤣

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HAHAHAHA and (( sigh )), probably close to the truth. I'm wondering why they arrested him at all and why now. Just something else to distract us with.

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It's all a distraction would be my guess. Why now?

I mean, seriously folks! Did you see The Cackling Moron interview with PedoQueenOprah??

"Just BE!" What the holy hell!

Half the country is literally drooling...

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The audience sitting behind Scamala and The Oprah looked bored to death. The Hollyidiots joining in on Zoom hollering how joyful they were while the in person audience dutifully clapped was pathetic.

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People! Please rise to your feet. Stand tall and take your proper place.

Do you care about maintaining this Republic? We are Not Mob Ruled by a Democracy.

Did I make myself perfectly clear? God made sure words matter. Pay fecking close to the words

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Here’s the zinger question. Do you have the courage to withdraw from ever watching another puke worthy, shit movie with those hollyweird lizards that showed up with Fat Ozempic Oprah? She ain’t fecking skinny for the record!

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Sep 20Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I hear they took his cell phone, but provided him a pager...

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That’s good! 😉😂

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Maybe it’ll blow up

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> I hear they took his cell phone, but provided him a pager...

...and a nylon rope, washable.

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Sep 20Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Nothing of real importance will be revealed, especially anything that is associated with key politicians like Trump, RFK, Clintons, Obama, etc. Diddy will probably be suicided because that is what happens to anyone that attempts to reveal the one nation under blackmail system that we unfortunately find ourselves in.

Mockery is something that the ruling class loves and I think stories like this are par for the course. They are literally laughing at us when they parade stories like this infront of all of our faces. Rules for thee and not for me!

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“See ya later alligator. At your trial pediophile.” 🤣🤣🤣

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I know, right?!

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Sep 20Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Sounds like a tragic suicide to me.

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Whenever they put someone like this on “suicide watch” it’s such a tell for what they plan to do and a message sent to him. The most guilty is not behind those bars.

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Re Oddi, I agree completely that if I’d heard what he’d said at the time, I would have thought he was a whack. Since 2020, NOTHING surprises.

It does seem the globalist dam is sprouting too many little holes all @ once to plug anymore. Diddles+Varmint (Varmu), assasination attempts, the corruption of governments, stolen & soon to stolen elections, the scamdemic - more & more are waking up. I hope

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Sep 20Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Well , Maxwell is in cushy jail for trafficking nobody. I used to hope for accountability. Maybe this time?

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I suspect Maxwell is right where she belongs. Amazed that she has not "committed suicide" yet given all that she must surely know. Perhaps this is what keeps her alive- only she knows where the information to blow this wide open is hidden and set to go out if she is harmed. That may have been Epstein's fatal miscalculation, leading to his "suicide". As to the rest, I await, like everyone else, the publication of Epstein's client list. If the names are rich enough and/or sufficiently powerful in other ways, you can be sure it will be a cold day in hell before we know who they are.

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Re: "Conspiracy theorist". Anyone who believes that men and women with LARGE sums of money, power and control are NOT conspiring, are, shall we say, naive. I must be in a generous mood today.

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Sep 20Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I ALWAYS love (& need) to get your take on the big news stories (well, on all your observations )

Awesome commentary - and the memes, headlines and other illustrations were awesome as well!! “ who had p diddy as exposing the pedophilic elite?”

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*blushes and claps like an idiot*

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My take on this is that ‘they’re trying to ‘normalize’ debauchery. Why arrest Diddy now? He’s been outed several times in print over the years by other celebrities. Why now?

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Sep 20Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Only read the first sentence but RIGHT?!!!! That disgusting phrase. 🤢🤮

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Sep 20Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Read more! You’re missing out. Jenna has tons of laughs and sarcastic giggles throughout all her articles.

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The world operates on SO many levels that average Joe has no clue about! How and when people like Diddy, Weinstein, Epstein finally get outed. By accident? Because they were shiny balls meant to distract you from something else? Was Diddy hung out to dry because the Trump assassination attempts are looking too much like inside jobs? (And they are!)

You mention the Oddi incident which I don't recall either, but the things he was saying have been out there. Remember the "pizzagate" guy who went to the shop near Washington because he heard Hillary was involved? Remember the Podesta email hack because his password was "password"? There was an email to Obama. But Pelosi and others were CC'd. He was telling Obama he shouldn't order " pizza" at the White House! Remember when Obama ordered "pizza" from Chicago?

People getting headed off at the pass before outing something big. The IMF head Dominique-Strauss Kahn was going to drop a bomb. Then, he gets arrested in a NY hotel for chasing a maid around trying to rape her? The maid turned out to be an illegal scamming the system who also was a prostitute.


Then we get to the dead people. Tim Russert ABSOLUTELY EMBARRASSED Hillary playing her "vast Right wing conspiracy" tape and asking for an apology. HER FACE WAS PURPLE! Shortly after, Russert drank a cup of coffee and had a fatal heart attack right on the news set! The Weiner computer in New York with Hillary emails on it. SIX N.Y. POLICE COMMITTED "SUICIDE" that were investigating it!

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Who needs to conspire when you have enough billions to buy outright all the politicians, federal agencies, and Supreme Court justices you could ever want? Kevin Spacey was found not guilty, although news of that verdict in London didn't make near the number of headlines the accusations did. Combs is presumed innocent until proven guilty. What's next? A plea deal so none of those possibly embarrassing to influential people videos ever sees the light of day. If Combs "hangs himself" in his jail cell or dies in any manner while in jail, that's when I will put on my tinfoil hat. That would be one too many mysterious deaths of people who could point loaded fingers at the powerful.

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It is my hope that before they off Diddy, that all his ‘freak off’ tapes receive the light of day that they are due.

The evil rats are scrambling back down into their underground bunkers! Nothing like the light of day, the curtain being pulled back, to send them scurrying!

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1000 bottles?? 😳 I don't want to know this.

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I heard he got like 500 million for the list names and videos before the feds got him. And...for all those believers on here, God has mentioned Calabasas since 2022.

"Calabasas: this name will be in your news. Truth was hidden and covered up, but I will uncover it and expose all of the secrets your enemies never wanted to surface, saith the Lord." 10-12-2022

"Calabasas is about to be in major news stories."5-14-2024

"Calabasas: this name will be in your news." 7-17-2022

"Keep your eyes on Calabasas. Something is about to take place there." 8-6-2022

Honestly...for those who look around, there is no hope. The censoring and propaganda. is the worst. But God is bigger than all that and if this last 4 years didn't happen, how many would still be asleep at the wheel? They censor truth. Lies go uncensored. And...it is going to get worse before it gets better. And one man won't make it better, it is God who will. All He needs are willing vessels. This shit going on is over the top evil and they don't even try to hide it anymore. Hollywood and Swampsters are in bed together. We changed carriers from Verizon and I got a new cell phone. It is Googled and I can't stand it. Everywhere I look on there is that evil rainbow. I loathe tech. I prefer a good note under a rock by the old oak tree.

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SadieJay, check out the Unplugged phones that are Google free. Erik Prince and his company make them. They are about the same price as an iPhone.

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Thank you...I will check it out!

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I am a believer. What are you saying about Calabasas? It's a cesspool, for sure. A gated community of Hell?

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Julie Green has had these words about Calabasas for a few years now. Prophetic words. You can go to her website and look up certain words as well. I heard her teaching and word where she mentioned The Magna Carta. It was kind of an eye roll moment for me. But sure enough, just a few weeks later it WAS in the news. 2 old ladies tried to hammer the case to break it and one opened her coat to show a t-shirt that said “Stop big oil” or something. That a many other things made be listen to her teachings. She said God gives us the news before the news.

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