Too early to tell. So many psyops, so little time. We still don't know anything really about Crooks, the kid who tried to kill Trump. Or remember the Las Vegas shooter? We really know nothing. All we know is our government lies to us about everything. January 20 can't come soon enough.
Jenna - just an FYI. Substack is screwing with Tom Haviland and I. He’s been unsubscribed SEVEN times now from my stack. Each time he resubscribes, “someone” unsubscribes him.
I pay VERY close attention to the emails I get from Substack as to who has subscribed and who has unsubscribed. As should all of us dissident authors!
SO strange and upsetting. I got an email from a subscriber this morning that she couldn't see or interact with comments on this post?!?!?! I know I messed that up last week but I was EXTREMELY intentional this morning about making sure "everyone can comment" was selected--and I went back and double checked and it is. So what's up with THAT??? Also ss has unsubscribed me from several stacks (including Jeff Childers and MY OWN) a few times...
I've noticed some random times that I am not getting emails from some of my stacks, so I go directly to the stack, and subscribe again. I thought it was just a random glitch?
The issue I’ve been having w/ a number of ‘Stacks I subscribe to is that I will try to hit the “like ❤️” button or make a comment & then get bounced to “subscribe”, type in my email & then have to type in my password before I can “like” or comment. It’s random - doesn’t happen on all ‘Stacks or any ‘Stacks all the time but it’s annoying as hell. Anyone else having same issue?
Yes. I used to have to do that a lot,and,I still can’t ❤️anyone.
It seems that the comment section has changed it format. Every comment has a “expand full comment “ statement,and,nothing “expands “ when tapped. I don’t know if there is more to the comment I am reading. If not,what’s the point of that “ expand full comment “, statement? Sheesh!
I changed browsers from Brave (Chrome in disguise) to Firefox and it made all the difference. And, if you click a link from an e-mail instead of from app, it will not recognize you. But, then again, it might be nothing at all like this.
I don't have the app, I only read long things on my laptop as I prefer to read and type on a full sized screen and keyboard. And when I click from the email, I am usually taken right to the post. But whether or not I get the emails is hit and miss for a lot of them. Checked spam and once in a while a post is there, but most of the time, it's just missing? And random prompts to 'subscribe' even though obviously, if I got the email, I am a subscriber? Sometimes the like button doesn't work but usually a message pops up saying there is a problem. Growing pains by Substack?
I just don’t get what’s going on or why these issues can’t be corrected. When I “liked” your comment it bounced to to “subscribe” & I typed my email in & it bounced me back to “like” your comment w/out having to add password. Cluster
Also,I don’t think I have ever used a “password “ with Jenna’s stack. Or,any. Though she is the only one I’m a paid subscriber too. The truly odd thing is…before I was a paid subscriber,I COULD “like” everyone. And,I can ❤️the very original article when it arrives in my email,but,once it “opens “, I can no longer “like” anything said..🤷🏻♀️
It’s very unfortunate that i can not “like” anything,because,there’s so many people who say terrific,smart things that I would like to show appreciation for,in that way…I can “comment “ on what people say,but,it feels odd to write something to everyone…
I have heard that because my device ( iPad) is old,that may be my issue.
Also,Dena,bellow,said to try using the app instead of our email notification. That might work, but, I don’t think I have the room for an app,nor,do I usually download any apps. Maybe that would help you?
Do you notice whether these ss issues are happening with app users as well as emai users? I use the app & haven’t had any issues, at least not that I’m aware of.
When I read that his passport was intact, I had a sneaky suspicion that someone was lying. HA! His body is charred but not his passport...mmm...sure.....OK. I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer but I am also not a spoon. My default setting for anything the government or news tells me is "That is grade-A, 100% bull cookies!" ala Col. Potter.
Just like the “passports of the terrorists” that were “found” in the debris of the WTC after 9/11. “Terrorists” who flew the plane in to the WTC and caused multiple buildings to collapse from the ground up (that the plane never hit)! That “kind of evidence”. 🧐🤨🤓
Happy Make 'Em Up Monday everyone! Of course it's another psy-op! Anything high profile like this is usually coordinated and contrived. Miri AF, sums it up very well in her recent substack:
"As always in these theatrical high-profile media events, the alleged assailants' full name, occupation, background, and political affiliations were all known by the media almost instantly, and - very conveniently - said assailant is now dead.
We are told the assailant's name was Shamsud Din Jabbar.
Which, as the ever-astute Owen Benjamin has pointed out, can also be read as 'Sham Sudden Jab".
("They" certainly do love their little wordplay joke names - remember the UK petrol shortage being reported on by "Phil McCann"?)
And here is Mr. Sudden Jab himself doing the predictable hand sign.
Then, less than 24 hours after this incident, we supposedly have an exploding Tesla cybertruck and fireworks display right outside Donald Trump's hotel in Las Vegas. The authorities tell us the events "could be linked", and indeed, what do you know, both alleged perpetrators apparently served at the same Army base and used the same rental app to source vehicles.
Their shared military past could be seen to hint at MK Ultra style assassin training, but it's very difficult to successfully MK adults, hence why the programme has mostly focused on children. And, as I've argued before, killing people for real is very messy and complicated for the authorities, and when they require "terror attacks" to advance certain political agendas (more of which later), it's much simpler, safer, and cleaner to just stage them.
So it's far more likely, in my opinion, that this is military black ops where the so-called perps have both agreed to stage "terrorist attacks" (acted out drills where nobody is really harmed), and then have their current characters "killed" (i.e., be removed from the world stage, given new names and identities and the opportunity to start new lives).
We are told that Jabbar at least had serious financial difficulties following a difficult divorce, so there would be some financial motivation for him to partake in such a scheme. Or maybe he was blackmailed. Or had his family threatened: who knows?
We can never really know what motivates people to agree to participate in these charades, if indeed that's what they are: but we can know what the media is telling us, and therefore, how the events will be weaponised to fulfil certain political goals.
It is crucial, and far from incidental, to note that Jabbar - like the alleged Southport killer - was not an immigrant. He was a born and bred native who - also like the Southport assailant - was a recent convert to Islam.
The alleged Las Vegas perp, Matthew Livelsberger (also conveniently dead), has not (yet) been branded a Muslim convert, but perhaps we will be told subsequently that he was.
Why is this an important detail? Why is it important that these supposed terrorists were not immigrants, but, in at least two out of three cases, were Muslim converts?
Well, look at it in the context of the very recent big political brouhaha that blew up on Twitter: everyone got very angry with Daddy Saviour Elon, because he (an immigrant) stated he is in favour of (some) immigration.
He declared, and was supported by several key figures in his declaration, that he was in favour of skilled immigration, particularly from India, to help fill various alleged skill gaps in America's tech industries.
Much of his support base reacted with fury, to which he responded with a graphically descriptive expletive... and then, just days later, we have two "terrorist attacks" carried out by people who are not immigrants.
But at least one of them - just like the Southport stabber (stabber and Jabbar!) - is a Muslim convert.
The message you are supposed to get from this incident, then, is that it's not immigration itself that is a problem, it's Islam, because so pernicious and powerful is this force, that it can even radicalise born and bred Americans (and Welsh choirboys).
Mr. Musk now has the pitch-perfect "evidence" to support his stance: that it's not "immigration" per se endangering America and Americans (after all, how many Indian terror attacks have there been in recent years?), but importing Islam, and that this is a danger even to the native populace who are raised in non-Muslim homes." (Source:
Damnnnnnnnnnnn, Vee. You win Internet Super Sleuth of the Year! So much insight to unpack here... how did I miss Fill Mycan and Sham Suddenjabber? OMG. It actually is sort of funny when you see it...
I have a growing conviction that the occasionally repeated theory is partly true.
Perhaps 4 or 5 times I have heard that the globalists 'believe' (or act that way) that if they announce the evil they plan they will be held blameless because they warned us. I mean it is ludicrous on the face and if you look deeper it is even more ludicrous as if it was true it would demonstrate premeditation in all the evil acts, perhaps that is the their cult concession to providing us citizens the proof if we can use it.
I recall reading twice about Elon's recent child bearer instagramming a silly small indistinct graphic that had a row of pictographs that could be interpreted to be a corona virus, DNA strand, a hypodermic (x3) and a flying saucer.
This is not an isolated incident at all and aligns with the silly names and acronyms that are plastered all over these psyops and systems like the PHEIC and OHDSI with White Rabbits etc.
What I think is that somewhere in their cult PRE-HISTORY some spiritually knowledgeable (but not truly advanced) person who wanted warped people to help with his plans of world domination made up this fairy tale that warning people absolves you of guilt or responsibility but did not realise or care that karma does not work that way and this error in thinking is perpetuated to this day by ignorant and useful idiots who think they are edgy and by partaking in tacky or repulsive rituals believe they can exchange the blood of virgins or whatever for absolution from karma if they give a heads up to their victims.
So I believe these days that anyone who is doing this sort of signalling is a member of such a cult and should be put on a watch list and removed from any positions of power or authority permanently to die in obscurity or probably better yet be incarcerated on a penal colony island.
The problem we have is that so many people in positions of power are also members of these shady 'secret' organisations and they believe foolishly that their club membership is more important to them and even humanity than honest, open and upright dealings with their fellow men.
Small edit: Corrected that Odyssey acronym and include a link here to the post where I saw it.
I believe that they're telling us in advance as some sort of "I dare you". Like, we won't have the guts to shove it in their faces. Some (most?) of us will even double down on standing up for them, because the alternative is too frightening - they lie and kill, and joke about it right to your face. Plus, they signal each other with inside jokes, numerology and blatantly stupid names and acronyms.
All in all, they must be having a good time, which is probably the point.
That could be part of the club activities to find edgy ways to signal evil intent. I do believe also that there is a bit of fear in it as well, they have a soul that is hidden deep down and it wants to resist what they are expected to do but they want to believe that if they do these rituals they will not loose their soul.
Some time back in discussion we figured that in politics and public life you have to join one of these clubs to get ahead or you never get past the ground floor. So you hear about the Masons or something like that and you join and now you have a handshake and a sign you make and if you make this sign publicly it means you are one of them and others in the club can do favours for you by sending business your way, placing you in good film roles or arranging you into elected or appointed political positions. And by the same token you know that someone else making the sign is in the club and you are EXPECTED to help them or if found out you get punished somehow. The One Eye thing I believe is one of the entertainment field clubs and there mush be a bunch more we do not realise.
After spilling virginal blood or equivalent you have skeletons so will do stupid, illogical, illegal, anti human things because they can black mail you. If you will not join a club they will try to bribe you or they will threaten you or your family.
Sometimes people realise they have been causing too much harm and I believe they will kill themselves because there is no way out.
In the end it is childishness and insecurity and fear that is used to control the club members. Most of the clubs are just for useful idiots and can be sacrificed to make a point or cut a chain of responsibility. The clubs and cults will also be mostly self sustaining as they will gather in the sort of people who want to be in control of pliant people but are willing to have crazy goals in exchange for political or financial favours.
"... they want to believe that if they do these rituals they will not loose their soul."
Exactly. Plus, if they tell us sheeple in advance, *they* didn't do it, *we* asked for it. You know, "mass formation". Their version of informed consent.
I'm sorry to say, I mostly agree. The sheeple's submission and need for heroes never ceases to amaze me. I'm writing something about that at the moment.
"After spilling virginal blood or equivalent you have skeletons"
Yup, plus it's a test of how far they're willing to go. Child sacrifice, plus self-mutilation are the rule. They do it to appease their sick gods, so we're supposed to follow suit. Anyone who thinks we're a "civilization" had better think twice.
The simplicity (sometimes stupidity) of these plots shows either 1–how stupid the deep state thinks we are, or 2–these people really aren’t the brightest bulbs themselves.
Seriously? Do you really think anyone on the negative side of the H1B Visa debate changed their mind as a result of the two recent events, or that anyone would predict that they would? Musk would be stupid (and regardless of what else you think about him, he is far from stupid) to try to make the argument you suggest since it doesn’t address the basic issue. The crux of the argument was not that the Visa program increases the likelihood or risk of terror attacks, thus endangering the safety of Americans, rather it was that the program is stealing jobs from Americans and that the current program is basically the modern era’s indentured servitude which artificially keeps wages in the tech sectors of the economy much lower than they would be if these positions were filled using competitive hiring practices. Musk already backed down and admitted the program is broken. I don’t see the two recent events changing that mind set at all.
It’s interesting that you display skepticism of the, in your words, “alleged skills gap” argument Musk is making. That would seem to imply that you believe the American education system is doing an exceptional job of educating American children in math and science since the tech sector requires highly motivated individuals with high level math and logic skills. Do you really think the public education system is churning out such candidates? If you do, that view is contrary to the evidence. In the most recent rankings, America was 38th out of 71 countries in math and 24th in science, which would seem to support Musk’s argument that “the number of people who are super talented engineers AND super motivated in the USA is far too low.” A country where teachers buy into the idea that math can be racist and that 2+2 might not always equal 4, depending on the color of your skin, that you can change genders on a whim, and where college entrance is determined by your identity rather than merit and SAT scores, is not going to produce the worlds best engineers and computer programmers, nor any other vocation for that matter.
The whole kerfuffle does, however shine a very bright light on the American education system and creates a very good argument for getting rid of the failed Department of Education, reforming our broken public education system and reforming the broken H1B visa program, which may have been the intent of “Daddy Saviour Elon” all along.
I think you missed the part that these aren't my words, but Miri AF's. I included the source to her substack article at the end of the relevant blurb that I quoted.
The American education sucks and it's that way for a reason. Musk isn't going to fix it. He's not going to fix anything. He is the epitome of a swamp creature. Every business venture of his is tied to free government money, aka our tax dollars. How is someone who is benefiting from government inefficiency going to save us from government inefficiency?
I did miss that those were all her words, but I assume they also reflect your opinion since you say she sums it up very well.
I didn’t say or imply that Musk was going to fix education since he is hardly in a position to do so, but he and Ramaswamy did manage to shine a very bright light on the failures of American education. Just like he is now shining a light on how disgusting and inhuman the British government has been for the past two decades.
I’m not sure Elon’s companies have been the beneficiary of government inefficiency so much as they have been the beneficiary of the governments misplaced emphasis on the urgency of the green agenda and/or it’s fascination with space and Mars. What savvy entrepreneur wouldn’t have capitalized on that if they had the capability? That being said, who’s to say whether DOGE will accomplish anything or not, but nothing ventured, nothing gained.
We didn't need Musk and Ramaswamy to shine a light on the American education system. This has been known for decades. That's like RFK shining a bright light on all the shit food that Americans consume. Oh yea, that's exactly what he's doing. I wonder why Team Trump is talking about almost everything but the death jabs.
I and many others are trying to tell you and others that DOGE isn't going to accomplish anything that can't already be accomplished without having a completely new department created to supposedly get rid the government of inefficiencies. Want to get rid of government inefficiencies? Pardon all those involved with J6, investigate and prosecute all of those involved with Epstein's circle, and lock up all the individuals involved with coordinating and contriving the ongoing democide that was started under Trump. That would be a great start. Until then, I'm not holding my breath.
🙄Okay, we have a huge problem that nothing is currently being done about, but you’re saying no one needs to draw attention to it because everyone already knows about it. Huh, sounds like a plan.
BTW, I wonder if the “ever astute Owen Benjamin” realizes that Kareem Abdul Jabbar can be read as Redub Kamala Jabber? Coincidence? I think not! When he changed his name in 1971, it was obviously to taunt everyone that in 50 years there would be a VP and Presidential candidate who would participate in mandating the C19 jab for government employees and all of her campaign staff. Abdul-Jabbar was even an enthusiastic participant in the campaign to get everyone jabbed. Shocking!😉
"We have a huge problem that nothing is currently being done about, but ... no one needs to draw attention to it because everyone already knows about it."
Just another day in the sheepfold... presumably the shepherds are already working on it... back to my grazing.
Jenna, thanks for the article. these psyops are just distractions and predictive programming/lesser magic to keep the public memorized and discombobulated. The trick is to look at what they are passing and doing behind the scenes while everyone is looking the other way at nonsense like the cyber truck fiasco. Conspiracy Sarah does a good job of that here. Eg Federal Register Updates List: Hundreds of BioPharmaceutical Companies Shielded From Antitrust Liability
As we receive more information, the fuzzier things get. A sure sign that the PysOp is working. The PysOp does have a purpose and I suspect we will find out in the next 2 weeks or so.
I 100% agree that this does not add up. There is also the email (published in the Gateway Pundit supposedly sent to Las Vegas police that is written in a different voice than the Shoemate email. Appears to me to be a false flag attempt to rile people up to do something that would then justify another power/$ grab by the feds.
I had not heard of Shawn Ryan before his Tucker interview and don't run in military circles but was intrigued by the Shoemate - Ryan interview. Both seemed to be very tentative in drawing conclusions while seeming to draw some conclusions, but props to Shoemate for putting the email out there in tandem with sharing with the eff bee eye under the assumption it would never see the light of day without his sharing it. Whether Shoemate is a pawn or a conspirator, he seemed very earnest, I believe he was sent this email from someone, and in a subsequent interview on some podcast posted on his X account he claims, pretty credibly, that he is an introvert and didn't want the spotlight or the attacks on his credibility he knew would come. Because the internet is the new wild west.
I do get a sense that there are some conservative podcasters/bloggers whose stock in trade is maximum eyeballs and clicks - and bad news drives eyeballs and clicks. If things are going well and stories add up, they are out of business. I call them doom-bloggers and tend to cast a somewhat jaded eye - trust but verify. So is Shawn Ryan and or Sam Shoemate a doom blogger out for clicks, a useful tool of the 3 letter agency cabal, or credible good guys just trying to get to the truth? This is what complicates it all - we need to be able to trust/vet both the messenger and the message.
One thing is clear - the cybertruck episode was constructed as a 'send a message' event vs a maximum casualty event. Just not sure who the message recipient was supposed to be. Trump and Elon, or the public at large.
We’re being played. The openness of the FBI in the NOLA case is curious too, especially when the usual FBI posture is to say as little as possible as in the Butler assassination case. And why now?, shortly before the inauguration? I don’t put anything past the Deep State. None of these recent events are as they seem. My question is why a closed mouth before, but not now?
Love your work. If you think you have been awakened by the debacle of Covid, Monkeypox etc you will be sleepless after reading one of the scariest pieces of independent journalism I was recently fortunate to read. This is a book by Greg Felton called " The Host and the Parasite" which describes the relationship between Israel and the US and how it really works.
Has anyone ever tried to "torch" an old passport? I'd like to see a video of what happens to the paper. I would imagine it's out there somewhere unless all of them have been taken down by our ministers of truth....
Like many others, I am at “conspiracy burnout “ stage.
This absolutely seems like another fake,staged,psyop,type thing…However,to answer one of Jenna’s questions about why shoot yourself before blowing your self up….well,wouldn’t you want to be sure you died quickly? The possibility of burning while alive is eliminated with the kill shot.
Exactly. I certainly would shoot myself while drowning myself. And if I was falling to my death from 30,000 feet, I would definitely choke me before I reached the ground.
Burnout's opposite from "So Many SciOps"[1] is The Instant Fall-for: don't bother thinking (it hurts too much) just take it at face value and throw it on the cesspile with the rest of rotting civilization and continue grubbing for buried treasure, and magic beans in your own village.
[1] I want to emphasize "SciOps" among which I characterize The Great Covid Scare of the Early 20s which regularly cited "SCIENCE!!" [scary ALL-CAPS] to shame and shout down skeptics. (Whatever THEY were citing should be spelled "PSIENSS!!" to differentiate it from authentic science, which INVITES alternative explanations...) Just saying there's two ops goin' on, and they're homonyms. [And how often do you get to write a sentence with 'homonym' in it?])
(Just trying to return the favor on behalf us. However I feel like a 4th grader laying jokes from old Readers Digests on the altar in the temple of the goddess of mirthful deep insights. ...simultaneously annoying the rest of the worshipful throngs calling for the temple guards.)
"Magic" indeed. (I feel like we as Society should be thankful for people who are, at least, trying to take care of themselves. Especially thankful if they're also doing a little extra for the silliest among us.)
Whether any of this is true or false, the question to me is, what can I do about it? Which answer seems to be zero at this moment, so I plow ahead with my own projects and don't worry too much about it.
But if you want inside info on anything military- or law-enforcement- related, follow josh_flashman on Instagram. He always gets this stuff first, somehow.
Jenna, thanks for getting me the book so quickly Before Christmas to my wife of 40 years. As to this and other psyops distractions, this story among others framed the introduction to my message yesterday.
Too early to tell. So many psyops, so little time. We still don't know anything really about Crooks, the kid who tried to kill Trump. Or remember the Las Vegas shooter? We really know nothing. All we know is our government lies to us about everything. January 20 can't come soon enough.
"..... our government lies to us about everything."
Indeed, it seems, nothing is as it seems.
So they don't lie ? Lol
The stories served their purpose. Everyone's been given the memo. Truth would ruin the cabal.
Hahahahahaha facts.
Jenna - just an FYI. Substack is screwing with Tom Haviland and I. He’s been unsubscribed SEVEN times now from my stack. Each time he resubscribes, “someone” unsubscribes him.
I pay VERY close attention to the emails I get from Substack as to who has subscribed and who has unsubscribed. As should all of us dissident authors!
SO strange and upsetting. I got an email from a subscriber this morning that she couldn't see or interact with comments on this post?!?!?! I know I messed that up last week but I was EXTREMELY intentional this morning about making sure "everyone can comment" was selected--and I went back and double checked and it is. So what's up with THAT??? Also ss has unsubscribed me from several stacks (including Jeff Childers and MY OWN) a few times...
I’ll be barraging ss with emails about this until it stops.
I've noticed some random times that I am not getting emails from some of my stacks, so I go directly to the stack, and subscribe again. I thought it was just a random glitch?
Me too🙋♀️
I’m betting it isn’t random.
I had the same thing happen to one of my subscriptions to a dissident writer.
You may have chosen to, but I just checked, and you are unsubscribed from me.
Oh my gosh! I did NOT unsubscribe from you! I was wondering the other day why I didn't see any posts from you!
I've been getting quite a few people unsubscribing lately.
The issue I’ve been having w/ a number of ‘Stacks I subscribe to is that I will try to hit the “like ❤️” button or make a comment & then get bounced to “subscribe”, type in my email & then have to type in my password before I can “like” or comment. It’s random - doesn’t happen on all ‘Stacks or any ‘Stacks all the time but it’s annoying as hell. Anyone else having same issue?
Yes. I used to have to do that a lot,and,I still can’t ❤️anyone.
It seems that the comment section has changed it format. Every comment has a “expand full comment “ statement,and,nothing “expands “ when tapped. I don’t know if there is more to the comment I am reading. If not,what’s the point of that “ expand full comment “, statement? Sheesh!
I changed browsers from Brave (Chrome in disguise) to Firefox and it made all the difference. And, if you click a link from an e-mail instead of from app, it will not recognize you. But, then again, it might be nothing at all like this.
I don't have the app, I only read long things on my laptop as I prefer to read and type on a full sized screen and keyboard. And when I click from the email, I am usually taken right to the post. But whether or not I get the emails is hit and miss for a lot of them. Checked spam and once in a while a post is there, but most of the time, it's just missing? And random prompts to 'subscribe' even though obviously, if I got the email, I am a subscriber? Sometimes the like button doesn't work but usually a message pops up saying there is a problem. Growing pains by Substack?
I just don’t get what’s going on or why these issues can’t be corrected. When I “liked” your comment it bounced to to “subscribe” & I typed my email in & it bounced me back to “like” your comment w/out having to add password. Cluster
Also,I don’t think I have ever used a “password “ with Jenna’s stack. Or,any. Though she is the only one I’m a paid subscriber too. The truly odd thing is…before I was a paid subscriber,I COULD “like” everyone. And,I can ❤️the very original article when it arrives in my email,but,once it “opens “, I can no longer “like” anything said..🤷🏻♀️
It’s very unfortunate that i can not “like” anything,because,there’s so many people who say terrific,smart things that I would like to show appreciation for,in that way…I can “comment “ on what people say,but,it feels odd to write something to everyone…
I have heard that because my device ( iPad) is old,that may be my issue.
Also,Dena,bellow,said to try using the app instead of our email notification. That might work, but, I don’t think I have the room for an app,nor,do I usually download any apps. Maybe that would help you?
It could be an example of Hanlon's Razor, to wit (Wikipedia):
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
Do you notice whether these ss issues are happening with app users as well as emai users? I use the app & haven’t had any issues, at least not that I’m aware of.
When I read that his passport was intact, I had a sneaky suspicion that someone was lying. HA! His body is charred but not his passport...mmm...sure.....OK. I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer but I am also not a spoon. My default setting for anything the government or news tells me is "That is grade-A, 100% bull cookies!" ala Col. Potter.
Knife. Spoon. I'd be happy to be a spork, the most versatile of implements.
My heart leaps with joy at the original Taco Bell Spork.
Just like the “passports of the terrorists” that were “found” in the debris of the WTC after 9/11. “Terrorists” who flew the plane in to the WTC and caused multiple buildings to collapse from the ground up (that the plane never hit)! That “kind of evidence”. 🧐🤨🤓
And his tats survived.
Happy Make 'Em Up Monday everyone! Of course it's another psy-op! Anything high profile like this is usually coordinated and contrived. Miri AF, sums it up very well in her recent substack:
"As always in these theatrical high-profile media events, the alleged assailants' full name, occupation, background, and political affiliations were all known by the media almost instantly, and - very conveniently - said assailant is now dead.
We are told the assailant's name was Shamsud Din Jabbar.
Which, as the ever-astute Owen Benjamin has pointed out, can also be read as 'Sham Sudden Jab".
("They" certainly do love their little wordplay joke names - remember the UK petrol shortage being reported on by "Phil McCann"?)
And here is Mr. Sudden Jab himself doing the predictable hand sign.
Then, less than 24 hours after this incident, we supposedly have an exploding Tesla cybertruck and fireworks display right outside Donald Trump's hotel in Las Vegas. The authorities tell us the events "could be linked", and indeed, what do you know, both alleged perpetrators apparently served at the same Army base and used the same rental app to source vehicles.
Their shared military past could be seen to hint at MK Ultra style assassin training, but it's very difficult to successfully MK adults, hence why the programme has mostly focused on children. And, as I've argued before, killing people for real is very messy and complicated for the authorities, and when they require "terror attacks" to advance certain political agendas (more of which later), it's much simpler, safer, and cleaner to just stage them.
So it's far more likely, in my opinion, that this is military black ops where the so-called perps have both agreed to stage "terrorist attacks" (acted out drills where nobody is really harmed), and then have their current characters "killed" (i.e., be removed from the world stage, given new names and identities and the opportunity to start new lives).
We are told that Jabbar at least had serious financial difficulties following a difficult divorce, so there would be some financial motivation for him to partake in such a scheme. Or maybe he was blackmailed. Or had his family threatened: who knows?
We can never really know what motivates people to agree to participate in these charades, if indeed that's what they are: but we can know what the media is telling us, and therefore, how the events will be weaponised to fulfil certain political goals.
It is crucial, and far from incidental, to note that Jabbar - like the alleged Southport killer - was not an immigrant. He was a born and bred native who - also like the Southport assailant - was a recent convert to Islam.
The alleged Las Vegas perp, Matthew Livelsberger (also conveniently dead), has not (yet) been branded a Muslim convert, but perhaps we will be told subsequently that he was.
Why is this an important detail? Why is it important that these supposed terrorists were not immigrants, but, in at least two out of three cases, were Muslim converts?
Well, look at it in the context of the very recent big political brouhaha that blew up on Twitter: everyone got very angry with Daddy Saviour Elon, because he (an immigrant) stated he is in favour of (some) immigration.
He declared, and was supported by several key figures in his declaration, that he was in favour of skilled immigration, particularly from India, to help fill various alleged skill gaps in America's tech industries.
Much of his support base reacted with fury, to which he responded with a graphically descriptive expletive... and then, just days later, we have two "terrorist attacks" carried out by people who are not immigrants.
But at least one of them - just like the Southport stabber (stabber and Jabbar!) - is a Muslim convert.
The message you are supposed to get from this incident, then, is that it's not immigration itself that is a problem, it's Islam, because so pernicious and powerful is this force, that it can even radicalise born and bred Americans (and Welsh choirboys).
Mr. Musk now has the pitch-perfect "evidence" to support his stance: that it's not "immigration" per se endangering America and Americans (after all, how many Indian terror attacks have there been in recent years?), but importing Islam, and that this is a danger even to the native populace who are raised in non-Muslim homes." (Source:
Damnnnnnnnnnnn, Vee. You win Internet Super Sleuth of the Year! So much insight to unpack here... how did I miss Fill Mycan and Sham Suddenjabber? OMG. It actually is sort of funny when you see it...
It wasn't me, it's all Miri and Owen Benjamin. The predatory class likes to mock us in these very blatant ways. It's laughably horrifying.
I have a growing conviction that the occasionally repeated theory is partly true.
Perhaps 4 or 5 times I have heard that the globalists 'believe' (or act that way) that if they announce the evil they plan they will be held blameless because they warned us. I mean it is ludicrous on the face and if you look deeper it is even more ludicrous as if it was true it would demonstrate premeditation in all the evil acts, perhaps that is the their cult concession to providing us citizens the proof if we can use it.
I recall reading twice about Elon's recent child bearer instagramming a silly small indistinct graphic that had a row of pictographs that could be interpreted to be a corona virus, DNA strand, a hypodermic (x3) and a flying saucer.
This is not an isolated incident at all and aligns with the silly names and acronyms that are plastered all over these psyops and systems like the PHEIC and OHDSI with White Rabbits etc.
What I think is that somewhere in their cult PRE-HISTORY some spiritually knowledgeable (but not truly advanced) person who wanted warped people to help with his plans of world domination made up this fairy tale that warning people absolves you of guilt or responsibility but did not realise or care that karma does not work that way and this error in thinking is perpetuated to this day by ignorant and useful idiots who think they are edgy and by partaking in tacky or repulsive rituals believe they can exchange the blood of virgins or whatever for absolution from karma if they give a heads up to their victims.
So I believe these days that anyone who is doing this sort of signalling is a member of such a cult and should be put on a watch list and removed from any positions of power or authority permanently to die in obscurity or probably better yet be incarcerated on a penal colony island.
The problem we have is that so many people in positions of power are also members of these shady 'secret' organisations and they believe foolishly that their club membership is more important to them and even humanity than honest, open and upright dealings with their fellow men.
Small edit: Corrected that Odyssey acronym and include a link here to the post where I saw it.
I believe that they're telling us in advance as some sort of "I dare you". Like, we won't have the guts to shove it in their faces. Some (most?) of us will even double down on standing up for them, because the alternative is too frightening - they lie and kill, and joke about it right to your face. Plus, they signal each other with inside jokes, numerology and blatantly stupid names and acronyms.
All in all, they must be having a good time, which is probably the point.
That could be part of the club activities to find edgy ways to signal evil intent. I do believe also that there is a bit of fear in it as well, they have a soul that is hidden deep down and it wants to resist what they are expected to do but they want to believe that if they do these rituals they will not loose their soul.
Some time back in discussion we figured that in politics and public life you have to join one of these clubs to get ahead or you never get past the ground floor. So you hear about the Masons or something like that and you join and now you have a handshake and a sign you make and if you make this sign publicly it means you are one of them and others in the club can do favours for you by sending business your way, placing you in good film roles or arranging you into elected or appointed political positions. And by the same token you know that someone else making the sign is in the club and you are EXPECTED to help them or if found out you get punished somehow. The One Eye thing I believe is one of the entertainment field clubs and there mush be a bunch more we do not realise.
After spilling virginal blood or equivalent you have skeletons so will do stupid, illogical, illegal, anti human things because they can black mail you. If you will not join a club they will try to bribe you or they will threaten you or your family.
Sometimes people realise they have been causing too much harm and I believe they will kill themselves because there is no way out.
In the end it is childishness and insecurity and fear that is used to control the club members. Most of the clubs are just for useful idiots and can be sacrificed to make a point or cut a chain of responsibility. The clubs and cults will also be mostly self sustaining as they will gather in the sort of people who want to be in control of pliant people but are willing to have crazy goals in exchange for political or financial favours.
"... they want to believe that if they do these rituals they will not loose their soul."
Exactly. Plus, if they tell us sheeple in advance, *they* didn't do it, *we* asked for it. You know, "mass formation". Their version of informed consent.
I'm sorry to say, I mostly agree. The sheeple's submission and need for heroes never ceases to amaze me. I'm writing something about that at the moment.
"After spilling virginal blood or equivalent you have skeletons"
Yup, plus it's a test of how far they're willing to go. Child sacrifice, plus self-mutilation are the rule. They do it to appease their sick gods, so we're supposed to follow suit. Anyone who thinks we're a "civilization" had better think twice.
The simplicity (sometimes stupidity) of these plots shows either 1–how stupid the deep state thinks we are, or 2–these people really aren’t the brightest bulbs themselves.
Seriously? Do you really think anyone on the negative side of the H1B Visa debate changed their mind as a result of the two recent events, or that anyone would predict that they would? Musk would be stupid (and regardless of what else you think about him, he is far from stupid) to try to make the argument you suggest since it doesn’t address the basic issue. The crux of the argument was not that the Visa program increases the likelihood or risk of terror attacks, thus endangering the safety of Americans, rather it was that the program is stealing jobs from Americans and that the current program is basically the modern era’s indentured servitude which artificially keeps wages in the tech sectors of the economy much lower than they would be if these positions were filled using competitive hiring practices. Musk already backed down and admitted the program is broken. I don’t see the two recent events changing that mind set at all.
It’s interesting that you display skepticism of the, in your words, “alleged skills gap” argument Musk is making. That would seem to imply that you believe the American education system is doing an exceptional job of educating American children in math and science since the tech sector requires highly motivated individuals with high level math and logic skills. Do you really think the public education system is churning out such candidates? If you do, that view is contrary to the evidence. In the most recent rankings, America was 38th out of 71 countries in math and 24th in science, which would seem to support Musk’s argument that “the number of people who are super talented engineers AND super motivated in the USA is far too low.” A country where teachers buy into the idea that math can be racist and that 2+2 might not always equal 4, depending on the color of your skin, that you can change genders on a whim, and where college entrance is determined by your identity rather than merit and SAT scores, is not going to produce the worlds best engineers and computer programmers, nor any other vocation for that matter.
The whole kerfuffle does, however shine a very bright light on the American education system and creates a very good argument for getting rid of the failed Department of Education, reforming our broken public education system and reforming the broken H1B visa program, which may have been the intent of “Daddy Saviour Elon” all along.
I think you missed the part that these aren't my words, but Miri AF's. I included the source to her substack article at the end of the relevant blurb that I quoted.
The American education sucks and it's that way for a reason. Musk isn't going to fix it. He's not going to fix anything. He is the epitome of a swamp creature. Every business venture of his is tied to free government money, aka our tax dollars. How is someone who is benefiting from government inefficiency going to save us from government inefficiency?
I did miss that those were all her words, but I assume they also reflect your opinion since you say she sums it up very well.
I didn’t say or imply that Musk was going to fix education since he is hardly in a position to do so, but he and Ramaswamy did manage to shine a very bright light on the failures of American education. Just like he is now shining a light on how disgusting and inhuman the British government has been for the past two decades.
I’m not sure Elon’s companies have been the beneficiary of government inefficiency so much as they have been the beneficiary of the governments misplaced emphasis on the urgency of the green agenda and/or it’s fascination with space and Mars. What savvy entrepreneur wouldn’t have capitalized on that if they had the capability? That being said, who’s to say whether DOGE will accomplish anything or not, but nothing ventured, nothing gained.
We didn't need Musk and Ramaswamy to shine a light on the American education system. This has been known for decades. That's like RFK shining a bright light on all the shit food that Americans consume. Oh yea, that's exactly what he's doing. I wonder why Team Trump is talking about almost everything but the death jabs.
I and many others are trying to tell you and others that DOGE isn't going to accomplish anything that can't already be accomplished without having a completely new department created to supposedly get rid the government of inefficiencies. Want to get rid of government inefficiencies? Pardon all those involved with J6, investigate and prosecute all of those involved with Epstein's circle, and lock up all the individuals involved with coordinating and contriving the ongoing democide that was started under Trump. That would be a great start. Until then, I'm not holding my breath.
🙄Okay, we have a huge problem that nothing is currently being done about, but you’re saying no one needs to draw attention to it because everyone already knows about it. Huh, sounds like a plan.
BTW, I wonder if the “ever astute Owen Benjamin” realizes that Kareem Abdul Jabbar can be read as Redub Kamala Jabber? Coincidence? I think not! When he changed his name in 1971, it was obviously to taunt everyone that in 50 years there would be a VP and Presidential candidate who would participate in mandating the C19 jab for government employees and all of her campaign staff. Abdul-Jabbar was even an enthusiastic participant in the campaign to get everyone jabbed. Shocking!😉
"We have a huge problem that nothing is currently being done about, but ... no one needs to draw attention to it because everyone already knows about it."
Just another day in the sheepfold... presumably the shepherds are already working on it... back to my grazing.
Jenna, thanks for the article. these psyops are just distractions and predictive programming/lesser magic to keep the public memorized and discombobulated. The trick is to look at what they are passing and doing behind the scenes while everyone is looking the other way at nonsense like the cyber truck fiasco. Conspiracy Sarah does a good job of that here. Eg Federal Register Updates List: Hundreds of BioPharmaceutical Companies Shielded From Antitrust Liability
As we receive more information, the fuzzier things get. A sure sign that the PysOp is working. The PysOp does have a purpose and I suspect we will find out in the next 2 weeks or so.
"PysOp." I like it; pronounced "Piss-Op."
I am going with this one! Look at what shit is going on behind the curtain!
Stop watching the damn car chases! 👀🙄🧯
Memorized? Mesmerized? I agree with your basic premise.
Oops sorry about that.
One thing for sure imo is that the New Years attacks involve (somehow ) our military / alphabet agencies. They’re just too eager to share ‘evidence’ that clearly has been planted. Like a burnt beyond recognition body along with not burnt ID. Here, one of the biggest, almost got away with psyops ever - We’ve been subjected to a coup / psyop that is finally unraveling: from the great Julie Kelly who has been relentless in pursuing the truth:
I 100% agree that this does not add up. There is also the email (published in the Gateway Pundit supposedly sent to Las Vegas police that is written in a different voice than the Shoemate email. Appears to me to be a false flag attempt to rile people up to do something that would then justify another power/$ grab by the feds.
I had not heard of Shawn Ryan before his Tucker interview and don't run in military circles but was intrigued by the Shoemate - Ryan interview. Both seemed to be very tentative in drawing conclusions while seeming to draw some conclusions, but props to Shoemate for putting the email out there in tandem with sharing with the eff bee eye under the assumption it would never see the light of day without his sharing it. Whether Shoemate is a pawn or a conspirator, he seemed very earnest, I believe he was sent this email from someone, and in a subsequent interview on some podcast posted on his X account he claims, pretty credibly, that he is an introvert and didn't want the spotlight or the attacks on his credibility he knew would come. Because the internet is the new wild west.
I do get a sense that there are some conservative podcasters/bloggers whose stock in trade is maximum eyeballs and clicks - and bad news drives eyeballs and clicks. If things are going well and stories add up, they are out of business. I call them doom-bloggers and tend to cast a somewhat jaded eye - trust but verify. So is Shawn Ryan and or Sam Shoemate a doom blogger out for clicks, a useful tool of the 3 letter agency cabal, or credible good guys just trying to get to the truth? This is what complicates it all - we need to be able to trust/vet both the messenger and the message.
One thing is clear - the cybertruck episode was constructed as a 'send a message' event vs a maximum casualty event. Just not sure who the message recipient was supposed to be. Trump and Elon, or the public at large.
We’re being played. The openness of the FBI in the NOLA case is curious too, especially when the usual FBI posture is to say as little as possible as in the Butler assassination case. And why now?, shortly before the inauguration? I don’t put anything past the Deep State. None of these recent events are as they seem. My question is why a closed mouth before, but not now?
Love your work. If you think you have been awakened by the debacle of Covid, Monkeypox etc you will be sleepless after reading one of the scariest pieces of independent journalism I was recently fortunate to read. This is a book by Greg Felton called " The Host and the Parasite" which describes the relationship between Israel and the US and how it really works.
Naw. I think I’ll pass. I’m going for a hike today and shaking this shit off with a cool breeze. Have a good one.
Has anyone ever tried to "torch" an old passport? I'd like to see a video of what happens to the paper. I would imagine it's out there somewhere unless all of them have been taken down by our ministers of truth....
Well THAT was pretty easy to find. Goes up in flames rather nicely (eyeroll).
Like many others, I am at “conspiracy burnout “ stage.
This absolutely seems like another fake,staged,psyop,type thing…However,to answer one of Jenna’s questions about why shoot yourself before blowing your self up….well,wouldn’t you want to be sure you died quickly? The possibility of burning while alive is eliminated with the kill shot.
Exactly. I certainly would shoot myself while drowning myself. And if I was falling to my death from 30,000 feet, I would definitely choke me before I reached the ground.
Burnout's opposite from "So Many SciOps"[1] is The Instant Fall-for: don't bother thinking (it hurts too much) just take it at face value and throw it on the cesspile with the rest of rotting civilization and continue grubbing for buried treasure, and magic beans in your own village.
[1] I want to emphasize "SciOps" among which I characterize The Great Covid Scare of the Early 20s which regularly cited "SCIENCE!!" [scary ALL-CAPS] to shame and shout down skeptics. (Whatever THEY were citing should be spelled "PSIENSS!!" to differentiate it from authentic science, which INVITES alternative explanations...) Just saying there's two ops goin' on, and they're homonyms. [And how often do you get to write a sentence with 'homonym' in it?])
David you make me LOL!
(Just trying to return the favor on behalf us. However I feel like a 4th grader laying jokes from old Readers Digests on the altar in the temple of the goddess of mirthful deep insights. ...simultaneously annoying the rest of the worshipful throngs calling for the temple guards.)
I don’t take much of anything at face value.
I understand that the future begins at this very moment,with my very next thought.
Fortunately,my magic beans only produce corn and, string beans:)
YOU can produce corn and string beans??
In THIS day and age???
"Magic" indeed. (I feel like we as Society should be thankful for people who are, at least, trying to take care of themselves. Especially thankful if they're also doing a little extra for the silliest among us.)
David, I would happily share my corn,green beans,and,scary amounts of zucchini,with you!
[knee-jerk begins choking me at thought of death-by-zucchini]
Whether any of this is true or false, the question to me is, what can I do about it? Which answer seems to be zero at this moment, so I plow ahead with my own projects and don't worry too much about it.
But if you want inside info on anything military- or law-enforcement- related, follow josh_flashman on Instagram. He always gets this stuff first, somehow.
These days it's probably worth adopting the principle, "Psyop until proven otherwise."
Jenna, thanks for getting me the book so quickly Before Christmas to my wife of 40 years. As to this and other psyops distractions, this story among others framed the introduction to my message yesterday.
My pleasure, Pastor Mike! I hope you both enjoy. :)
Psyop. By whom? Who knows.
Excellent Jenna !