I feel sorry for young people who don't know the joys of flying commercial airlines before 9/11. My fondest memories are from the 70s. Passengers were literally treated like royalty back then. Now, I dread having to fly anywhere. Most flight attendants don't even try to be nice or polite. You are herded like cattle. My, how things have changed.

Your skilled use of humor is a highly effective tool for pointing out the obvious insanity of the DEI system. Please continue writing these excellent pieces. I love the bit about the tweezers! I am baffled as to how the majority of people either can't see the obvious or have chosen to be willfully blind.

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Jan 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

My last flight from NY to FL I forgot I had mace and a pocketknife on my keychain. They did not find it lol. The flight from FL to NY they confiscated it!

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Point proven!! 🙈

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Actually that’s a 50% find rate, maybe they’re improving?🤣🤦‍♀️

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Jan 25·edited Jan 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

On a September 2023 flight TSA agents pulled me aside for an elastic knee brace I wear when walking long distances in airports. Forget the fact I am a senior with a head of gray hair. Had to go to the nasty private room and strip down the pants to let them feel up the brace each time I went through TSA. 🙄😏

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OMG! And the strapping young military-age men just stroll right through. Insanity. (Especially when you consider the whole thing is basically a show to stop the boogeyman "terrorists" AS IF.)

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Jan 24Liked by Jenna McCarthy

😂😂Thank you for being a knowledgeable, trustworthy source of information that ALSO says, “I don’t want my cat being groomed by a hermaphrodite who doesn’t know how to wield a pair of shears”, and sprinkles her writing with curse words for effect.🥰🥰. Love it! I look forward to your take on things when I see your articles in my “feed”.

Also, it may seem overreactive, but since they mandated the jabs for pilots and lowered the requirement of heart health to qualify pilots to fly, I’ve been discouraged from wanting to plan another trip to Florida. I assume you are still flying? How are making those decisions? I am wondering how other informed people are deciding what to do.

We’re literally just praying and trying to seek the will of the Lord over here, but I’d like add more wisdom to my starting position!

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Thanks, friend! Yes I'm still flying--in the next two weeks alone, to Phoenix and NYC. I have kids on opposite coasts so not flying is not an option for any of us. Do I love it? Hell no. But I know--at least on an intellectual level--that flying is still far safer than driving (and nobody really talks about the DRIVERS suffering the same fates as pilots behind the wheel but it's happening; search for "single vehicle crashes"), so I'm just putting it in God's hands. I like to think He still has lots of work for me to do here. I pray I'm right!

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Jan 24Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Oh Jenna - so pleased to see you say this. I feel the same. Headed to FL in a couple of weeks.

i refuse to live my life in fear. The Bible says FEAR NOT many, many times.

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Jan 24Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Amen sister! Sounds like we’ve reached the same conclusion! 🙏🏼💗👍🏼

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Jan 25·edited Jan 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Rosie Cotton, I just pray that a whole lot of pilots either faked their vax cards or got excemptions from the shots. Also figure the airlines are well aware of what is happening to jabbed pilots so they are now hiring back unjabbed pilots on the down low.

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When whites are properly represented in the NBA and NFL I will take a diversity class.

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Jan 24Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Loved the scenario with the tweezers! That actually happened to me on one of my trips. The TSA agent confiscated my tweezers. I thought “yeah, those are really going to break through the reinforced cockpit door.”. 🙂. The only sane way to deal with the crazies is with a sense of humor.

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Zactly! 🤣

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Jan 24Liked by Jenna McCarthy

That story reminded me of the time some (not-too-bright) TSA agent made a pilot give up his eating utensils (which he always carried in his carry-on because he liked real knives, forks, and spoons) because "he could do harm to the plane." Pointing out to her that he was the pilot and if he wanted to, he could run the plane into a mountain, made no difference. She still confiscated his silverware. Sigh. And this was before Dumb Everything-down Insanity - which I'm also going to steal. It's as good as an overweight, older friend who's now telling everyone that she "identifies as young and slender." Gotta love it!

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One of my best friends is a retired Continental pilot. The TSA dork wouldn't let him have his fingernail clippers cause he could stab someone with that tiny fold out file. He told the guy the same thing and broke off the file part, handed it to TSAss and dropped the rest into his shaving kit and said "Are you happy now!"

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Jan 24Liked by Jenna McCarthy

That's even better! Brilliant!!

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Jan 24Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Love those stories too! The phrase "you can't make this stuff up" has never been more apropos.

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Here’s my most recent story: I have been flying around the world for at least fifteen years with the same rather junky metal nail file in my purse. Not once in all that time has anyone flagged it. But flying OUT of Turkey, so clearly it had already flown in with me, this complete witch decided to take it out and measure it. I kid you not, she placed it on her little plastic ruler in such a way that it exceeded the limit, whereas if she had measured it like a normal person, it was clearly much shorter. I just glared at her. You want my nasty old nail file so you can feel better about yourself?? You can have it sad sack!

You could not pay me enough to work at airport security. I don’t t even apologize for my naked hatred as our lovely host did in her piece. If you work for TSA you are part of the problem and we can’t be friends. Every time we fly I make a stink and I make sure my kids know it never used to be like this.

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DEI is bad. MANDATED jabs are worse. Pilots literally going incoherent as they fly. Two examples of many:

* Pilot deaths and an inspiring, hopeful interview with a pilot who resigned: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=907730213959329

* Another major airline pilot incapacitated. …something needs to change. By DR. KEVIN STILLWAGON,

JAN 23, 2024. https://drkevinstillwagon.substack.com/p/another-major-airline-pilot-incapacitated?r=14nzxn

* US Freedom Flyers: https://usfreedomflyers.org/ (Resources page shows affiliates and provides help for injured pilots)

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Thanks for always bringing the best links E!! 😊

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You're so welcome for the links. In fact, my Substack is so full of links you'd think I was planning a jewelry making business :-).

Substack's search tool is pretty decent for locating stuff, like this search for "pilot": https://eolson47.substack.com/?sort=search&search=pilot

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Jan 24Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Jenna, I am medical school faculty. For the past 10 years or so, we have morphed from selecting students by their academic ability (doctoring is not easy) and their desire to care for patients to their diversity, social justice warrior score, and "distance traveled". Some of the students are still wonderful. But many will never be able to be competent doctors. To hide this fact, all medical schools have gone to pass fail (where you can draw an arbitrary line to pass however many you want without anyone knowing what/where it is) and recently (because it was becoming obvious what was happening) the National Boards have also gone to pass fail so they can pass whomever they wish.

Having said that, some of us still keep track of scores so low that one would be scared to have them be orderlies. In the cohort we examined yesterday for "remediation", 12 of 13 were DEI admissions. They may be trying hard, but once they get passed out of here (and they will), they will surely start killing patients.

There will surely be some major air disasters in our future; you have written about something that those in the industry realize will be inevitable. But far, far more people will prematurely face morbidity or mortality that they should be able to avoid) from the compromised medical system than will happen from the sure-to-be-shocking airliner disaster. The aircraft disaster will get lots more attention because 300 will die at once. But far more than that will be dying every day from improper/inadequate medical care.

Any time one abandons merit for physical characteristics and patient concern for wanting to correct some perceived social justice failing, the results are guaranteed to be bad. So as you ruminate/write on this subject, keep this far harder to see but likely far larger issue in mind.

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Dr. K, this is horrifying to read but sadly not surprising. It is the reason I will never go to a “mainstream doctor“ ever again. Obviously there is an agenda being relentlessly pushed here, but you can’t help but wonder about the sanity and/or intelligence of the folks who genuinely believe this is a safe or beneficial approach…

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Jan 24Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Dr. K - just spoke with a friend who said he had to take his FIL to the ER last night. FIL is in his 80's - fell three times that day and couldn't get up and seemed confused. They feared a stroke. They tested him for Covid at the ER - positive (of course). Doc said we want to give him an anti-viral. My friend (completely awake to the scams at the hospitals) asked him what the anti-viral drug was. Doc said I can't recall the name. We've been giving it for about 4 years. My friend said is it remdesivir - doc said yes. They made it clear he was not to be given that drug. FIL is in stage 3 kidney disease and has heart issues (these were present before his two jabs) to which they reminded the ER doc. My friend's wife refused to leave her father alone. Was woken up in the middle of the night to a nurse wanting to inject something into her father's IV. When she asked what it was, nurse said, it's remdesivir. They don't know if their refusal of this drug was noted on his chart. Nurse said, I wouldn't want my family member to have this drug either.

My friend's wife was told if she leaves the hospital, she cannot come back.

We are fighting true evil here. Just like the Bible tells us.

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Jan 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy


And to be told if she leaves she can’t come back - she’s being held hostage, basically. With threat of her husband’s death if she leaves, because they will then do whatever they damn well please.

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This. 🤬

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Jan 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

The medical profession has screwed themselves. I don’t know when it became acceptable to exclude family members from care and from the hospital. It’s like they’ve gone back a hundred years, or something. I don’t even have words.

They’d have to carry me out if my spouse was in there. At this point, I wouldn’t leave for a freakin minute.

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Why was she injecting it then? That’s what I don’t get. “Just following orders to murder my fellow humans. I’m sure if it happens to me one day I’ll deserve it.” FFS

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Also may I share this in a future post?

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Jan 24Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Jenna, If you are talking about my post, feel free. It is so hard to get people to understand the dire state of affairs. And thanks for all you do.

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I was talking about your comment above, and thank you right back for reading and commenting and being part of this incredibly important (and hopefully enjoyable despite the horror and severity of the situation) conversation.

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Jan 24Liked by Jenna McCarthy


You make my days with your insight, humor, and indignation toward the absolute clown world in which we live. THANK YOU!

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And YOU made my day with this comment, so THANK YOU right back! :)

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Jan 24Liked by Jenna McCarthy

From here on in every time someone says “DEI” I’m gonna say, “oh, Dumbing Everything Down Insanity?” - it’s perfect and I’m stealing it! Thanks, Jenna! Spot on as always. 💕

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Jan 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

In re: "controversial stance". It is not. There is simply a shortage of folks with courage. This is NOT a new phenomenon. Courage is the rarest of the virtues. Goodness, kindness, honesty, etc. are all abundant in many cultures. But courage has always been, and always will be in short supply. And very importantly, without it the other virtues are at risk.

I too flew for the first time, alone, at the age of 10 in 1970. Got to go into both the cockpits and speak with the pilots. The stewardesses fussed over me and treated me like a prince (I was and remain, quite the handsome specimen:)).

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I love EVERYTHING about this comment. 😊

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I have always believed that many mysterious passenger plane crashes are for Deep State Assassinations of one or more passengers on board.

It don't matter what the security is if they want someone out of the way.

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Sure would be nice if we as passengers could get a list of the OTHER passengers before boarding...

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Perfect, analogous to trying to see a doctor today. DIE is only part of the problem the big one is intrusion of the electronic world into what used to be pretty simple.

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Since nine eleven I don't see how anyone is willing to fly.

You want to write about that.

Check Richard Gage s substack, he started an organization he was kicked out of for nine eleven truth.

Just this morning the newkranianas we fund shot down a plane w like sixty five of their soldiers Russia had captured and was gonna use for prisoner swap.

When Putin flies. He brings a squad of air defense surrounding him.

Unless it was on a plane w Putin, I'd be hard pressed to fly again.

I mean, no aeroplane hit building seven was an inside job....and those others that fell down.

Isra Hell is doing that to Gazans every day, more nine elevens, except they use bombs rather than nanothermite charges.

Oh yeah. The nanotech is a muther furker.

Write about the skypainting that is squeezing out all this rain as I commentate.

Say, did Lord Austin Northrowup grummond Raytheon get offed when he delivered cocaine to elenskies ?

Who has seen him this year, that croaky toad?

Ah. scAmerica, stranger than fiction....

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Jan 24Liked by Jenna McCarthy


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Sharing!! Omg.. Nail, meet hammer! 🙌

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Jan 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

No lie. Tweezermans (Tweezermen?) rock!


Your polycystic ovarian friend with borderline chronic hirsutism who lets her guard down for 30 seconds & becomes a bearded lady circus freak.

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Jan 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Yup we are living in seriously sick and messed up times. The fact I have to fly to visit my family makes me ill every time I go through security and get on the plane praying no assholes will start acting out and the pilot doesn’t have a heart attack or a death wish :(

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I honestly don't know if this will make you feel better or worse, but an asshole can start "acting out" at the restaurant where you're having dinner or the salon where you're getting your hair cut. The guy driving in the opposite direction on a two lane highway can have a heart attack or a death wish. Airplane tragedies and disasters are sensational(ized) because they typically involve hundreds of passengers at once, but the reality is unless you stay at home in a bubble, the world is a risky place no matter how you slice it. Carpe diem. :)

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Jan 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I unfortunately know how risky the world is. Lived through both my parents involved in two separate car accidents at two different times destroying their lives. I was 17 when my father had his and he was in a coma for months and had to learn life all over again and was handicapped for the next 2O years he lived. Years later my mother had a car accident and was paralyzed until surgery helped her but lived a life of continuous pain and pain meds and major depression. My dad died not long after and she went downhill mentally. You would think I would never get in a car again lol! Now my SIL in AZ has been vaccine injured after her booster and has had brain seizures so she has horrible short term memory and all her hospitalizations have given her infections where she now requires health aides each day. We fly back and forth from NY.

I hate flying and all I am saying is it feels awful to be trapped in a metal tube for 6 hours praying for a healthy pilot and normal passengers to remain normal. At least elsewhere I have a chance of escaping and/or surviving. ✌️

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Wow, AJoy. I am so sorry for all of the trauma you have experienced (and continue to). I pray for you and your family's safety and your SIL's comfort and miraculous recovery.

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Jan 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Thank you Jenna for your kind words and prayers 💕

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