“….your silence is your consent.”

No truer words.

This too:

“Courage is the rarest of the virtues. Goodness, kindness, honesty, etc. are all abundant in many cultures. But courage has always been and always will be in short supply. And very importantly, without it the other virtues are at risk.”

Thank you dear Jenna for being a voice of reason, truth and courage. Not to mention the humor you always add. Gosh how I need a laugh these days.

Such a blessing you are to us. 😘❤️

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This comment brought actual tears to my eyes! I always look forward to your comments… True story.😊

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Back at ya girl. I’ve got a lump in my throat.

PS - did you see that CHD covered the survey that Tom Haviland and I did? Gives me such hope that the truth is getting out there albeit so very slowly. And Pierre was such a great help in getting our info to someone who has a very big audience 🥰🙏🙏🙏


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You hit it out of the park. Thanks for all your hard work and relentless effort.

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Thanks for reading right back atcha! :)

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Every single time I am in a “blue” cities down town area, and I’ve been to quite a few, I am overwhelmed by the amount of homelessness and drug addicts. They are all shades of the rainbow and all ages. Right next to the downtowns are either a beautiful college or new hospital…..hmmmm. All I know is we have our own citizens that need help, lots of it, and aren’t getting it, yet the illegals are getting lots of assistance….hmmmmm. Why is that? 🤔

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It's almost as if the parasitic political class is purposely trying to cause more chaos, division, crime, poverty, starvation, etc. Hm.. I wonder what their agenda actually is. Could the conspiracy theorists be right again about a global technocratic government that is trying to enslave humanity?

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Vee - I honestly don't think it's "almost as if" - it's exactly what they're doing. Question is, why? (Or perhaps more to the point, WTF???) Check out Bret Weinstein's discussion with Chris Masterson on Locals:


where Bret and Chris discuss what's going on just south of Panama and how many illegals are being sent into the US through what's known as the Darien Gap. Check out the International Organization for Migration and some of the camps built in South America - just south of the Gap - to house immigrants. If you're not signed up for Locals to get Dark Horse, you can, I believe, pay $10 and watch that one interview. It's well worth it and gives a whole new perspective on exactly what's going on in Texas and why. Truly frightening.

Jenna - another brilliant piece of writing - humor is the way to go and you do it so well!

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I was being a bit facetious, Marcia. We know why. Those in power make up an organized criminal class of "elites" that are hell bent on maintaining control and power over the rest of humanity by creating a technocratic digital slave system. This is only possible if the masses continue to comply. We need to organize, decentralize, and take back our power by holding ourselves responsible and accountable for our own lives and those of our families and loved ones.

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Thanks for the comment and the link! I’m embarrassed to admit I know nothing about locals, curious to check it out.

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Good grief, there's no way anyone can know everything about what's on the web! No need to be embarrassed, for sure!! I belong to a book group in New England (more precisely - in MA); among them scientists - real live ones - who know nothing about covid, immigration, CRT (except that it's vitally important), the fact that there are only 2 sexes, etc. etc. etc. (as the King of Siam once famously said - in a movie, at any rate) - they're intelligent to a degree but also elites and they've swallowed the entire scam completely. At our last meeting one of them, a scientist, said she couldn't test for covid so would still wear a mask. Go figure.

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That is the problem with the argument in the Senate over funding. The bill that they want to pass includes funding for sanctuary cities that are impacted. It is kind of like saying we have to help all the alcoholics by increasing the flow of alcohol to them. That will solve the problem. Can we say enabling once you get in Washington? Anyway say this movement today.


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You nailed it again! How do you do it, Jenna?

Thanks for helping to keep us sane. It's a darn shame that our current administration has blinders on not only to the devastating negative impact this whole fiasco is creating, but the millions...er...billions of OUR dollars being spent to finance this illegal operation.

Keep up the good fight!

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Thanks Randy! It all just seems so OBVIOUS, and yet... argh...

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What makes you think the Bidenistas have are blind to the effects of their policies? They understand it perfectly well. They just don't care.

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I agree the puppet masters know exactly what they are doing… but I also think there are scores of sheep with blinders on who trot around parroting whatever the narrative is without giving it a moment’s thought.

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Even they should be able to figure out the effect of importing millions of workers into an economy with less than full employment. But come to think of it they're the same ones who were told that natural immunity isn't a thing . . . AND THEY BELIEVED IT! Elitists who don't know 9th grade economics and 10th grade biology.

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Thanks for the "Astute" shout out. If there is one thing this country needs, it is more stutes, right?

Why are they doing this? For the same reason they are renaming military bases, tearing down statutes , refusing to teach real history (instead, giving kids lies like Howard Zinn's "A Peoples History of the United States"), and generally trying to rewrite history. The Left wants to give this country cultural amnesia. If we forget who we were, we won't know who we are, which will make it easier to "fundamentally transform" (you don't fundamentally transform that which you love, thank you Barry Sotero) this country into whatever utopia they are dreaming of this week.

They, the Left, want to remake us into something new. In addition to all the ways, and more, I listed in my second sentence, bringing in millions of folks who have don't share our values, from mostly shit hole countries where Marxism and Socialism are the norm, will be a nice assist.

Another reason they are flooding this country with millions of illegals and giving them YUGE generous benefits can be explained with the "Cloward-Piven Strategy". You overwhelm the system so that folks beg for government to "save" them from whatever malady is being inflicted upon them. Duckduckgo it.

And while the guy who beheaded his girlfriend may not be headed to the polls, his ballot will damn sure be filled out by someone else with all the votes going for D's.

Sorry, Jenna, we are well and truly f***ed unless Texas gets jiggy with the Feds. I have been impressed (recently) with an up to now, fairly unimpressive Greg Abbott. So, Remember the Alamo and Don't f***ing mess with Texas. I have never fired a firearm in anger or ill intent toward another human but I am a damn good shot at 500 yards with my 7mm Mag. And I am ready to bug out of Colorado. Just send out the call.

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We need all the stutes like you we can get! I frankly it is time for EVERYONE to stand up and stand for some thing. I feel like so many people sit around waiting for someone else to save them… It’s us. Do I want to shoot anyone? Hell no. Am I ready to defend my family? Hell yes. Come to Texas! We could form a hell of a militia. ❤️

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I am in Denver. EVERY corner is occupied with these “INVITED INVADERS” begging.

Some very aggressively. Young groups of men. Families with children.

Humanitarian speaking. It is overwhelming heartbreaking to witness.

If everyone saw what I am seeing we all would be FREAKING FURIOUS.


We just went through -0 temps.

Hubbies work is taking donations for coats to donate. They sent them to Colorado without coats???

Hotels were purchased by the city to house, yet there are camps everywhere.

I feel played..........


Be courageous and kind.

🧡 you Jenna

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And when does it end? It’s madness. Meanwhile my neighbor has been separated from her husband for six months because he is Canadian and they will not let him into the states, even though they have been married for 20+ years and she has dual citizenship. They have three young kids! Make it make sense.🤬

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“Maybe try moving to Mexico and then crossing back as an illegal immigrant” haha why didn’t I think of that? Oh, because I’m British... but wait..hotel owners are being paid big sums here to house illegals too...and we’ve got a titchy overpopulated island 😳😱

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Regarding the sieve that is our border:

Word on the street is that among the 5,000 - 10,000 illegal migrants we welcome daily, there are:

Hundreds of crack Chinese soldiers, typically 19-22 years old. Very fit folks, this cohort. Overwhelmingly male, by the way (Sorry, "CIS Male").


As a simple policy matter, any thinking, caring, empathetic person would have to agree with JM that we should be directing compassion to our own resident underclass of suffering citizens (homeless veterans foremost among them).

I hope the day never arrives, but: On the plus side, between now and the time that these CCP sleeper cell operatives are activated ("triggered") by their handlers: At least they'll probably pay more taxes, contribute more to the US economy, and require less in benefits than our current typical "stroll in" migrant.

So at least we've got that going for us....

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Plus a refillable debit card that automatically gets $2200 deposited each month.

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I’m a us citizen. Worked and paid taxes my entire life. 63 now disabled. Rare cancer 2017. Pretty sure it was an NIH cancer they developed and now study. I was part of NIH studies. At the time I thought they were saving my life. I KNOW that not to be true post 2020. Crazy world. Anyway…. My disability is $1500. A month. Immigrants are getting $2200.????

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This infuriates me and breaks my heart. Are you taking ivermectin by any chance? Some good work coming out in that area. Paul Marik has a "cancer care" book that's pretty technical but packed with studies and may be of interest. I'm so sorry. :( https://www.amazon.com/Cancer-Care-Repurposed-Metabolic-Interventions/dp/0960121706/

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I'd heard something about that - thanks for sharing.

Thought for the Day I: You can't make this stuff up.

Thought for the Day II: Truth is stranger than fiction.

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A couple years ago my husband lost his job. We had a brand new baby AND my mother living with us. It took SEVEN MONTHS to find another job and if it weren’t for the generous severance package from my previous job we would have lost our house. Luckily we are savers and we’re ready for something like this (and our remodel could wait), but there was nobody to help us. I don’t want to begrudge anyone else a windfall, but the folks coming here get a stipend, a phone, and a roof with meals. What the actual F@CK!!?? It’s not a windfall if it’s being taken from someone else at the risk of imprisonment. That’s called stealing in my book. My favorite coworkers have almost always been the migrants from Mexico I worked with in restaurants. They never got anything either. They were hard workers. This is different. This is an encouraged invasion. Is there a term for that? If not we should make one up. This is insane. Full stop

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Dems working hard to create a one party system where they can stay in power forever. Thousands of these illegals already have ID to vote. They get their phones & their apps with instructions on what to do. Instructions to vote being the least harmless to US citizens; instructions on how to sign up for law enforcement / military in order to enforce martial law ( due to the chaos Dems will manufacture). Have these politicians ever worked this hard for the American people? They hate us. We’re only useful as a means to their maniacal power.

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I totally agree

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I lived in Panama as a child (aged 7 to 10.5) in the late 1950s/early 1960s. I saw poverty there that seared my soul. When my family returned to the US, I was unable to describe it such that others could really understand it, because they'd never seen anything like it. Now, you can see it daily in any US city from mid-size on up. I never thought this would be possible, but here it is. And for the same reasons as in Panama: the political class are criminals.

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Not here legally ?

No education.

No medical.

No housing. (Can't rent) (can't buy)

No welfare.

No driver license.

No jobs.

No nothing, nada.

If you are caught, held in jail until deportation.

Don't like it.

Go the F home.

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Just be wary of Abbott. He's not who most think he is. He's a solid WEFfer. During covid, Abbott revealed himself. https://youtu.be/yqKVhbIouJA?si=RD0k9BlzZQLKpiBp

The guy that took Bret Weinstein and Chris Masterson down to Panama, Michael Yon, confirmed this about Abbott.

https://youtu.be/p_bbGRLr33Q?si=NGhi6KZUiJCfpiCn (watch the entire thing if you can, it reveals a lot about Mayorkis and his ties to funding the HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society)recruitment camps down there. The /AbbottTexas info starts at about 12:35)

For the past 3 yrs, he's denied that the Constitution allowed him to take any action against this invasion, saying his hands were tied. Now, he's suddenly found the Articles of that same Constitution that apply? 🥴 I'm afraid he's setting up the start of a civil war and using our law enforcement officers to start it. Our state Troopers from all over the state have been on a rotation down to the border to serve in Operation Lone Star since 2021, leaving their usual posts unmanned during their absence. Of course, that puts even more pressure on the ones left and causes a great amount of stress with the troopers leaving their families for 3 wks at a time. TXDPS is running 600 vacancies right now because they can't find anyone to apply. They've already lowered the standards in the training academy so people aren't flushed out because it's "too hard". In years past, the academy was much like boot camp, that was where the less than stellar were PURPOSEFULLY pushed out. Now, they beg anyone who applies to stay.

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Obungo promised to fundamentally transform America. He could not do it in his two terms so now he is doing it through a 3rd term via the pedophile demented puppet, old Joe. It is why he wants Moochelle on the 2024 ticket so he can finish the job. God willing the evil of he and his cohorts will be stopped.

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Our government had grown too big and it has its tentacles everywhere. Just electing more traditional and conservative representatives won't be enough now. Even if it were enough initially, the approach won't last and persist. Until we discover, change, and improve the approach, America is fucked(debt, borders,national identity,economy,etc). If Trump gets another term that will only be a beginning, chapter 1. We will need a new, better, and more intelligent version of a Trumplike movement; with new ideas to really move forward.

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