Amen to your points brought up here Jenna. The hypocrisy is breathtaking to witness. And not in a good way.

Thank you for the shout out! It is so very much appreciated!! Love you girl 😘❤️

Readers: feel free to copy the photos/videos in my articles and share them on social media. Ask your followers what they are. If they inquire, just say embalmers and cath lab workers started noticing them in the spring and summer of 2021. Then just let them get their wheels (hopefully) start turning. I don’t think FB allows links to Substack, but you could tell people to look up Clotastrophe on Substack to find out more information.

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Thanks Jenna for enlightening & keeping us laughing all at the same time. Because if we don’t laugh at the insanity of it all we may all crash & burn

Thank you most of all for the shout out to my amazing twin sister Laura… You could say she has had two awakenings of the most amazing kinds. Laura is brilliant, fearless, articulate, and she has a memory like I’ve never seen for names & faces, she gets that from our father. He taught a class on remembering names & faces. Loyal & devoted to people she trusts & loves & I’m am so very beyond blessed to call her my sister but more importantly my bff.

BTW I also have a vial of clots I carry with me & pray for opportunities to awaken the asleep (in more ways than one) ♥️🤍💙

Become a subscriber to Clotastrophe. We all need to become educated to be able to share truth to those that are in denial or completely asleep of the evil that has gone on & is still happening EVERYWHERE.

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Oh Sissy - I’m crying happy tears.

God has truly blessed us with each other. Mom and Daddy would be so very happy to know how very much their daughters cherish each other 🥰

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I don't even know either of you, and I am welling up!! 🥺 Just subscribed.

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Leslie M since your twins , I love you too 😘

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You're awesome Laura. Thanks for all the awesome work!

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Thank you Vee 🥰😘❤️

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If they can put a serial number on every piece of currency in circulation, they can do the same with ballots....and create a website where you can check to see if your vote was counted, and for whom. And if they can tell within minutes where the winning lottery ticket was sold, and who bought it, they could tell within minutes who won an election. NEITHER party wants to fix this.

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The problem is proving that someone is an American citizen. It can’t be just showing a driver’s license. Millions of illegal immigrants have been given driver’s licenses already. They just needed to provide an address. Why, when I got my DL, did they require my birth certificate, three forms of proof of my address and my SS card? How are illegal immigrants getting DL so easily without any of that? Apparently a DL just needs to verify your “identity”, not your citizenship.

We need a “voter ID” that verifies you’re an actual American citizen. Period. Either a birth certificate to prove you were born here, or your naturalization paperwork proving you acquired citizenship legally. If you can’t produce either of those you shouldn’t be able to vote.

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It’s soooo bizarre that they can get a DL. But,so very much about that whole scene is dodgy. Obviously,an agenda being implemented by the “club”, we ain’t a member of!

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Here is a terrifying thought for you. In my state of Washington you can take the driver's test in at least 20 different languages. ALL THE ROAD SIGNS ARE ONLY IN ENGLISH!

Regarding illegals and licenses. In Texas of all places, when they get their drivers license, there are NGOs outside showing them how to register to vote OUT IN THE OPEN IN FRONT OF EVERYONE!

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We already do that. This is for NC but check for your state.https://www.ncsbe.gov/voting/your-voter-record

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Happy Labor Day Jenna! Hopefully you're spending it with your loved ones after dishing out this hilarious substack. *COMMENCING LOVING VERBAL ASSUALT*

Why would an ID change anything if the electronic voting machines are already rigged? That is the root cause of the electronic voting machine problem and it's an easy fix. Require these machines to print out an auditable paper trail and then require a human being to audit it as part of a legitimate voting process. The machines are rigged on purpose. WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD THEY BE BUILT WITH REMOTE ACCESS CAPABILITES IF THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE SECURE!? Ugh...

I agree that an ID is a pretty basic requirement for pretty much anything, but that's no going to fix the voting fraud. Why does there seem to be such a huge push back against an ID requirement for voting? Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I think it's part of the strategy to get people pissed off enough so that we beg our masters for a solution that they already have in place. The digital ID! The good Ole nationalized and digitialized ID to enslave us all on their digital control grid.

Trust us peasants! You need a digital ID to protect yourselves from all this rampant fraud, but wait there's more! The digital ID will not only protect your identity and finances, but it will also secure your vote for this totally save and effective voting system where we have you vote every 4 years for one of the masters that we have already pre-selected! (Source: https://www.nextgov.com/digital-government/2024/03/white-house-stalls-digital-identity-mandate-despite-billions-fraud/394711/)

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Aweeeee, thanks Vee! I was braced for a much more abusive comment hahahahaha (you know I love you and agree with an overwhelming majority of what you say/think/write). ;)

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😘🤗 I love you too! Here is a hard hitting substack that I stumbled upon a few months ago and I find it much more inline with actual reality and not the matrix that surrounds us all.

Check it out please! https://open.substack.com/pub/garydbarnett/p/the-truth-you-cant-handle-the-truth

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Vee - re: election integrity.

This sheds a whole new and extremely concerning light on election fraud.

Dr. Jerome Corsi

His organization:

…….discovered and confirmed that an algorithm has been written into the New York State voter registration database. The algorithm alters the State Board of Election voter identification numbers (IDs) according to a cryptographic scheme that allows the creation of false voter records that cannot easily be detected.”

His website:


This needs to be shared far and wide.

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I did include this link in the piece but YES it does and thanks for the emphasis! :)

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Damn! I missed that Jenna! And you linked it twice! Thank you!

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You are 100% correct, Vee. Statism is dangerous! #ancap

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Letting them control the machines, voting machones or ID machines is fools arrand. They will betray us.

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Great stuff that is just infuriating. I’m going to spend Election Day filming outside my precinct. Every person that goes in.

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Recording the fraud does not stop the fraud, and when you rely on corrupt people to prosecute, you will be disappointed. Control is the point of this deception.

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It's like one of those innate properties. Like gender. I have always identified as a registered voter.

If you refuse to acknowledge my innate registered self would you be guilty of dismembering me?

A while back I was part of a European wide research team trying to come up with a decent electronic voting system. Our conclusion? The only electronic stuff involved should be the light switch so that you can see the paper ballot that has been given to you after having your govt issued ID verified.

It's really simple. If you're against voter ID you're not at all interested in a *secure* election. And there's only one reason why you wouldn't want a secure election, isn't there?

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Thank you Jenna! I had been in the 'blue bubble' and been against voter id. After escaping I had not thought much about it and you have really opened my eyes!

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Same. But the lockdowns and mandates opened my eyes. Not initially, but as the absurdities continued to build, you’d have to be a moron not to realize the extent of the corruption and lies our government is perpetuating to deceive us.

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Agreed Isabel, I did not leave the blue bubble just now I have been long gone over their deception in election practices and I have a vaccine injured child so never bought into the Covid BS.

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👍 Let's bring back common sense 🇺🇸

Fight AI. Teach basic problem solving skills.

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You would like my AI deception podcast series.

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I watched/listened to a piece the other day in which nearly 30,000 poll respondents had stated the had voted in the 2020 elections as undocumented immigrants. I kept envisioning the short speeches the 18 million new residents (since January 2020)must receive when getting there free cell phone, hotel room, debit card, and any other perks; “ make sure you vote Democrat because the evil orange man will take all of this away and make you go home”. We already know that the gangs currently taking over Aurora Colorado were purposefully released from prison in Venezuela and provided money in transport under the condition that they would not come back… communism with baseless printed currency is an extremely easy system to administrate.

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Really scary! Doesn't it seem like we're going through a repetition of what the European plunderers did to the Natives when they found the western hemisphere? The invasion of the conquistadors and now perhaps their South American descendants. I don't think it's communism though - why does everyone implicate communism/socialism, the economic systems which (on paper at least) are about cooperation and the sharing of resources. No, our ruling class come from families,most of whom, have long espoused fascism, a system described as the "iron hoop around the cracking barrel of capitalism".

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Just for that… I’m buying some Zinfandel and ciders and then sneaking into the Reagan movie tonite 🤭🤫😉

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Our Walmart has recently decided all ID’s must be date checked for alcohol. It made me so mad, I asked the woman if she needed to see my Medicare card too, the hag replied, it doesn’t have your birthdate on it, so you couldn’t use it. Now when I drive the 50 miles to Winco for my big grocery shop, I have to buy wine like it’s about to be rationed. I’m done with Walmart for almost everything, but in this rural town, it’s hard to completely release their fangs.

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That rude question is standard procedure for every Safeway and Lucky market,around here,and,has been,for years! No matter how wrinkled one may be…the only store that doesn’t ask is Trader Joe’s. I’m going to stop telling them and see what happens. They don’t ask to see id,just tell them your bday 😳

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Spot on !! You rock 🎯💥🌞💟

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I’ve always wondered why you don’t need an ID to vote. How does one function in our society without one?

And btw Jenna, another hilarious take on this subject!😂😂😂

I particularly loved the Gruesome in Commiefornia moniker.

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It's because it is so CLEARLY racist! Didn't you know that or do you dare challenge the democrat plantation? ; - )

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Hi. Having an ID would make you what;? A citizen, a person with somewhat intelligence?, a less than CACKLING buffoon? A legal resident of the USA.????

Are they really trying to manipulate this election? Or do they really believe their own pablum induced, double latte flavored GRUeL???????

WTFFFFFFFFFFF. 1984 anyone??????????


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Of course they're designing to rig it because it's the only chance they have. Our elections have been rigged to a shocking degree all the way down to the local level for a good two decades. The entire M.O. of the machines is to manipulate results. Machines opened up new avenues to cheat that can be much more easily hidden, largely thanks to "proprietary software" which means private companies who now effectively run the elections never have to reveal anything in their 'voting systems'.

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"You have to show your government issued identification card to get your fermented grape juice fix. You also are required to present it to board an airplane, open a bank account, check into a hotel, buy tobacco products, apply for a job, pick up prescription medication, purchase a firearm, rent a car, gamble, get a library card, register for college classes, secure a loan, receive hospital care, and go clubbing..."

I think that's fairly ridiculous, actually; though I like your serendipitous sequence at the end: secure a loan, receive hospital care, and go clubbing!

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Hi Jenna,

Just don't get the hotdogs from Boar's Head!

Question for you: We accepted States into our original Union. Is it OK to rid ourselves of some of them now? De-join them for messing with the Constitution in a thousand ways? We could give eveyone a chance to relocate by showing ID and testing for common sense. Just a thought!

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On another recent Substack, a commentator suggested that the minute a politician does anything unconstitutional, they be thrown out of office & maybe prosecuted, since all of those asshats take an oath to uphold it

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I would support that!🤣👏

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Very incisive. I'm convinced. Although I'm not convinced ID should be necessary to buy alcohol. Seems to me an attempt to remove common sense from the equation. I challenge anyone to find a person over 35 who could pass for under 18. To me, it's another attempt to stifle common sense in the masses. But voting, I do agree. Except I still agree also with Mark Twain: If voting made a difference it would be illegal". Voting as practiced in the Evil Empire is basically irrelevant. I plan to write in dead Gadaffi. From everything I've found out about him, he's one of very few I have respect for as genuine leaders. He took Libya from its status as poorest country in Africa to the richest while benefitting the people, not the oil companies with Libya's resources. Plus he took Libyans out of the tents they had to live in when he became leader and provided decent housing for them. Wouldn't it be nice to have a leader do that in the U.S. - instead of the reverse? He enacted equal rights for women - something we seem to be moving lately toward its opposite- and never passed in the U.S. We could get a Medium to call up his spirit and I'm sure we'd end up with far better government than we have now or in the foreseeable future. Also, I understand if you're dead, you're no longer a citizen of a particular country, you become a citizen of the Universe. So there's that.

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Actual LOL! :)

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" I challenge anyone to find a person over 35 who could pass for under 18."

From how far away? Under what lighting conditions? With or without makeup? Plus, I have met a handful of 18-yr-olds who, as long as they didn't express an opinion, could pass for 25.

" Also, I understand if you're dead, you're no longer a citizen of a particular country, you become a citizen of the Universe."

From the number of dead people voting in past U.S. elections, I would say at least for this country citizenship is retained.

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Since I was referring to being carded for buying alcohol or cigarettes, I would say the cashier would be fairly close, and with ample lighting.. I have no idea how many dead people vote in U.S. elections, but I've gotten to the point where I'm thinking a person would have to be brain dead if they really think voting makes a difference. This time they even blatantly chose the dem stooge without bothering with a legal nomination. But the only persons ever nominated on either side of the uniparty have to be cleared first with those who actually run the show. Yesterday I watched a fairly effective allegory relating to our political system on Netflix. It's called Kaos.

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