Hilarious, as usual. Such a case of truth is stranger than fiction. I'd like to meet a person who actually supports Biden ... I know the polls say they exist, but I haven't found one yet (and I live in Manhattan...maybe I haven't asked enough people.... )

ALSO ... thank you for letting me know how to spell "Flazzercanoodlepluffer!" I had been stymied by that one.

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Living in MN we are surrounded by Biden supporters!

It’s tough being surrounded by that energy so there’s lots of meditation everyday just to get out of the house!

Jenna, there are no words to express my gratitude for the humor you bring to our world ☮️💟🤗☯️

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Have you ever asked them what they think he's accomplished or have they heard him speak recently? I'm seriously curious (as opposed to being seriously funny, which is an oxymoron.)

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It's such a liberal state and I feel it doesn't matter whom the candidate is - the liberals will vote Democratic. I used to be one of them!!! Personally, I can't vote for Trump so am extremely thankful that Kennedy is running !!!

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I was just listening to Aaron Rodgers on Joe Rogan and that is basically what they were talking about… Of course there’s always “anyone but Trump.“ But there will also always be “blue no matter who.“ Word on the street it will be gruesome or big Mike… God help us all.

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Since they lie about Biden, maybe they're lying about Trump. I always find it strange the hysteria of all the MSM. They literally lose their minds. There is no balance. Find someone who is balanced in their view of him (not the devil, not our saviour) Someone who is willing to look at both the positive and negative things he did while president. ('m I not American, so maybe I have no say.)

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You absolutely have a say and wouldn’t that be miraculous?

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He likely will not make it onto the ballot in MN...

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The DNC that is trying to remove all the competition to PedoJoe. Hopefully RFK Jr. will be able to stop their interference.

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I know and that leaves me in a conundrum...we will see!

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That is a conundrum.

Could you possibly see voting for Trump as voting for “not Biden?”

Of course, it’s starting to look like perhaps the plan is to let Biden run, for now, then have him step aside once primaries are done, so the DNC can appoint their candidate of choice to the nomination. 🤔

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I believe he WILL make it onto the ballot in every state. The will of the people is strong. Please don't let naysayers sway your confidence and/or hope. I volunteer for his campaign ... there are armies of volunteers in every state who will ensure he gets onto the ballot. They collected enough signatures in the FIRST day in NH to get him on the ballot ... this made history -- unprecedented!

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Living in a deep blue county (also in a state ruined by Democrats) people here are clueless about Biden. If they do not see or hear it on MSDNC or CNN they will claim you are lying. My son's mother in law refuses to believe PedoJoe sniffs and fondles little children. Her reply is "that has never been on CNN so it is not true."

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When I asked a (former) journalist friend why the media wasn't reporting on Ed Dowd's book and the #diedsuddenly phenomenon, that's basically what she said; if it was a thing, it would have been in/on the news. THE MIND BOGGLES.


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also the (former) is meant to modify both journalist and friend here ;)

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It’s funny, but I assumed that being Minnesota that people there would be solid, salt of the earth types from a more rural type of state to be suckered by the grifters known as the Bidens?!?! Is there something in the water?!?!

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Awe, we are the Land of 10,000 lakes 🤣

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I’m here to remind everyone that Biden lied for decades (especially when campaigning for re election) that his first wife and baby daughter were killed by a drunk truck driver…. Completely false. Mrs Biden ran a red light at an intersection….The truck driver was exonerated by the Wilmington PD and decades later after the truck driver had died, Biden apologized to the daughter for misrepresenting the story…..SO why are we surprised? Because Biden continues to get away with it. It’s disgraceful.

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In my warped opinion, I have another conspiracy theory that it might have been suicide over an affair with a certain babysitter.

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I’ve read that. I don’t think suicide but since I’m familiar with “ there is no fury like a woman scorned “, I can easily see Mrs Biden throwing the kids in the car and driving off in a blind rage through an intersection.

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Yes, sometimes accidents caused by rage or depression happen unintentionally.

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This is something only God knows for sure.

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Wow. Just when you thought you had a reasonable estimate of how deep the corruption is, there's your comment. What a heinous lie about his wife and kids. Too dark.

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I’ll try to find a link… they have disappeared over the years.

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Here ya go… the accident report confirmed that Dunn had no alcohol in hi system… the Police Records of this in Wilmington, Delaware have gone missing…I’m so shocked!


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I wasn't doubting your comment, I was surprisingly shocked by his lie about the accident.

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Oh I know.. I just try to back up my comments so I do not sound like I’m regurgitating something I’ve heard….

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Happy sportsball Sunday Jenna - I will be picturing the two of us thinking while the game is on, “I could give a rats ass about this game - what time is first pitch (🤣) so I can start praying it doesn’t go into overtime.”

Safe travels to NY 😘❤️

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Hopefully there’s a good halftime show? That isn’t a not even thinly veiled Satanic ritual? A girl can dream.

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Are we sure it isn’t Taylor Swift??? 🤮

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I read Taylor Swift guzzled down a full beer for all to see on the big screen (including the young underage fans who worship her) plus one of her invited guests made sure to sport an upside down cross and some other satanic symbol. As a side note, Beyonce's blond coiffed hair was quite the cultural appropriation.

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This was one of your very best, Jenna! The depth of truth paired perfectly with the brilliance of your humor. I'm still chuckling! Thank you!

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And now my day is made!😊

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Loved this piece.

Loved “The People’s Court.”

Loved the “Love Boat.”

Major ear worm theme song running through my head now, THANKS, JENNA! OK. Play this 3-minute video to get your very own ear worm: https://youtu.be/m2ugQ190hkc?feature=shared.

Hate what Biden and the puppet propping people are doing to America. Here’s another guy who hates it:

Let’s Talk About Espionage Not Dementia. By SAM FADDIS (02/10/24)


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I clicked your love boat link, but I needed to see the old intro… Found this; are used to think they were so old, but they were BABIES!🤣


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This one is WAAAY better. In addition to looking YOUNG, they look HEALTHY! Much healthier than people today. Hmmmmmm. 💉💉💉💉💉

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Oh my…immediately transported back in time…then would have to shut tv off immediately at end of show because fantasy island always freaked me out!

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I hated fantasy Island too!!🤣🙈

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Yeah my hubby still sings Love Boat in the shower 😂

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Is he all wet, or is his singing awesome?

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Always awesome 😂

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Mine is too, but he doesn't sing in the shower. He's too wet behind the ears to sing.

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Biden probably thinks he couldn't flunk a COVID test cause he studied all night long. The only way we could have a stupider president would be immediately after Joe croaked.

Why can't aliens abduct the two of them and haul them to another planet? Maka real spaceaman's outofa them.

(I am half Italian so I can talk that way).

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I think aliens already did…and then returned them!

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My condolences to you sis… i hope it’s a fast game. I hate sports … well not all sports. I liked sports when my daughters played soccer, softball basketball & baseball. I hate that ball players get paid $$$$$$$$ & our first responders get paid squat. And nope my hubby is not a first responder. Thankfully he does not like sports either. A match made in heaven. He is an awesome frisbee player & could ride a surfboard like an Hawaiian

Jenna. My sis & I ♥️ loveboat. & I still love court cases. Judge Wapner was one of the best. ( haven’t thought about him in years) You are the best & we love ya. Traveling mercies to you.

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Have not thought about The People’s Court for decades. Thanks for the walk down memory lane.

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What are "the three OG television networks?"

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I had CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - so now state TV receiving $700,000 million of taxpayers' money), CFTO (Local), CHCH, Hamilton (Tiny Talent Time and Party Game!!!) and Channel 4 Buffalo with Rocketship 7 and Commander Tom after school. Who needed cable :)

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Rocket Ship 7 was ABC affiliate channel 7, and we loved your Captain Kangaroo! Btw, “it’s 11 o’clock, do you know where your children are?” lol

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Right it was channel 7. I forgot. I remember "It's eleven o'clock do you know where your children are?" very well.

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They are all small change by comparison to the current market.

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Yup, but back then, pre-cable, that was it!

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The acronym used to denote cable television is CATV, which stands for Community Antenna Television, which was exactly what it was. The first CATV system popped up in the mid to late 1960s and was nothing more than a collection of the signals from the big three, picked up with large high-gain antennas and combined into a common signal carried by cables to all of the subscribers. It was many years before it offered more than the big three. They were originally supplanted by what were called superstations like Ted Turner's WTCG, which became very popular nationally as WTBS. His CNN was the first all-new 24/7 television channel.

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Well aware! Own & operate a TV/video production company since 1989.

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My last television was stolen in 1987 and I haven't missed it.

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Dang you had horses growing up I am Jealous ! And It’s good to be reminded that - of course - Liars don’t lie when they are under oath! 🤞


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Biden’s performance on Thursday was worse than Jimmy Carter’s malaise speech. This is the final nail in his re election coffin. May it Rest In Peace.

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Sorry, “May it rot in Hell” suits me better!

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I think they're starting to throw him under the bus so they can replace him after the primaries. "Oopsie! Biden had a debillitating stroke or whatever". Isn't this the first time since he was installed that he's REALLY had to field REAL questions from the press? - with no cue cards with the pre-submitted questions, and practiced answers? WHY on earth would his handlers allow him out on his own without supervision NOW? Doesn't make sense. Anyone familiar with dementia/Alheimer's disease (there's millions of caretakers, past and present) can spot those sudden angry outbursts, lapses of memory/words, reminising, and his stiff, shuffling walk. Everyone knows he has no business where he's at. KJP and MSM are failing miserably with the gas-lighting. It's like we're all being punked.

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Not just “Love Boat” and Judge Wapner, but Friday Night Videos.

When we sang along with, “I want my MTV” in my small town, we meant it.

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Love this Jenna! You are a brilliant and witty writer! And by the way, my thoughts exactly – could not have said it better myself! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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I appreciate that! 👸❤️😊

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"No.… This is so easy!"


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Hahahahahaha I've never seen that show but that was brilliant! ;)

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O … M … G … ! "Kids in the Hall" is like the Shakespeare of sketch comedy. Definitely worth adding to your humor curriculum.

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I am super bad at watching television… Squirrel! But on your recommendation, consider it done. 😊✅😘

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Being super-bad at watching television is GREAT and one reason you're so awake! I haven't watched television for years and can't even manage to find time to watch a five-minute video these days, but KITH is worth squeezing in as a treat as time permits :-)

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@Margaret Anna Alice *WHYYYYYYY* [Nancy Kerrigan voice] can I not find our exchange about my upcoming crazy anthology??? I think you suggested A Letter to Klaus Schwab, right??? I'm starting to assemble and I NEED YOU IN THERE. ;)

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It was in this Note thread:


And yes! My letter to dear Klaus:


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Jenna, at least the Love Boat had relatively tame heterosexual romantic escapades on the high seas compared to what is shown today.😊

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TRUTH! I am soooo glad my girls are grown. It's a scary world out there, especially online (monkey-hiding-his-face emoji).

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Equal parts enlightening and hilarious as usual Jenna. I want to make 2 comments on your back story.

1. Consider your minimal exposure to TV in your youth a blessing. Its not called programming for nothing.

2. Believe it or not the Judge Wapner court was probably the highest court in the land. Higher than the "Supreme Court". Constituted properly it is the highest court. Why you ask?(or I hope you ask)

Here are the levels of jurisdiction from the top down as they were created.

1. God (consciousness of creation)

2. man/woman

3. Legal Society

4. Government (our Public Servants)

5. Agents such as Judge

6. Prosecutors (Attorney)

7. Defendant / Claimant represented as

8. Client (titles such as that of Citizen put you 7 levels down to that of a man/woman)

The control system created the legal system (as opposed to law) as a control system. That is why you can have the bullshit you describe. They literally make shit up as they go along. Ever notice the your name is capitalized on almost all contracts you sign? Ever wonder why?

However, if you live as a man/woman and hold that space and do not take on any titles you remain at the highest jurisdiction. To live in this jurisdiction requires us to Live in Honor ( take full responsibility) and Do no harm (or if you do, make remedy to the one you harmed). If you want to learn about this check out thesovereignsway.com. I did and its changing my life. Its surprisingly simple once we let the programming go. This is how we hold our Government (our public servants) to account.

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Thank you kindly and I LOVE THIS! On my way out of town but bookmarking to review. :)

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