Jul 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

It's the comments from my lefty friends bloviating about how presidential his speech was and how he has served his country for 50 years in a selfless way...this is when I wonder if we are all living in the same world or if we are in parallel universes. Actually saying that when they voted for Biden they voted for Harris too - um, no they didn't...she was selected as VP and then had the nerve to say we should bring back SchoolHouse Rock to learn how it works.

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OMG I literally had that argument YESTERDAY on Fakebook! I was like WHY ARE YOU DEFENDING THEIR RECKLESS REMOVAL OF YOUR RIGHTS? Don't you *want* to get to choose who represents you? Stockholm Syndrome is real, folks.

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Personally, I prefer to present myself, rather than being "re"presented by someone else who is bought off by lobbyists and literally spends more time raising money/shmoozing then actually doing anything to make the world a better place. But that's just me.

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Jul 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Stockholm Syndrome!! OmyGosh that’s it! What else could it be?

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They should have never removed civics from high school curriculum.

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Jul 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I like to call him C.G.I.Joe...no offense to G.I.Joe

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Jul 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Oh good one!!! Gonna use that one 😂

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Amazing! who the hell’s flying this plane? It doesn't matter, with few exceptions like JFK and DJT, it has been running non-stop on masonic auto-pilot since WW2 !

What’s your best way to wake-up those who don’t want to open their eyes?

Please share your most effective wake-up strategies.

The more the awakened, the sooner this nightmare will be over!

The most effective strategy is asking about the person’s opinion on some of these topics:

Would you be interested in the story of how a father got 20 million dollars from the Government?

Or, show the video of the baby seizures:


That usually works, especially with young couples having children.

If the person doesn’t want to discuss injections, then food is a good start:

Why is food poisoning legal?

How Rumsfeld forced the approval of Aspartame.

Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!


Then I’d follow with "Are you opened to see if the actual data matches your opinion?"

Then I start showing some of the shortcomings of the Pharma industry:


Then, show that every single person on the planet should be suing Pfizer and Moderna for deliberately hiding human DNA in their vaccines, and Pfizer, for injecting an undisclosed carcinogenic monkey virus (SV40) sequence into the cell nucleus of the clueless biohacked, as officially recognized by Health Canada !!!

Not like the topic? I’d show this video (all you need is 10 secs in the middle, who doesn’t have 10 seconds for you):


(caveat about the beginning: pot destroys your brain + “Raises Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke”)

9/11: two "planes", yet the third tower (WTC7) imploded, free falling on its footprint like in a controlled demolition. It was out of reach, and all 7 World Trade Center towers needed to be rebuilt, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center... and the “owner” took an insurance policy for the WTC against terrorism, just months before, when no one was taking them … he didn’t show up for work precisely on 9/11 … just as his 2 grown up siblings. The inside information about the FUTURE 9/11 event helped masons make trillions by shorting the stock exchange: the records were deleted by the SEC so they wouldn't be prosecuted !!!



There's a plan to murder 95% of the global population by 2050… written on the masonic Georgia guide-stones: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 … ”:


- J6: The false flag operation of the fake riot was planned, incited and guided by FBI mason agents, who broke into the Capitol !!! All intel agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) were founded by masons and are run by them for their own nefarious goals.


In 2022, the same mason-plot was copy-pasted to disband the demonstrations of millions of Brazilians against the stolen elections through the rigged voting machines owned by mason Soros:



Weaponization of migration to steal elections and destroy nations


All political parties are compromised/infiltrated. For example, Italy supports vax pass and WHO Pandemic Treaty !!! Meloni's Government! People voted her for being against that!


- At least since the 90s, vaccines are weaponized to reduce the population, for example:

1. Adding hCG to infertilize women: lab detected in 30 countries

2. Overpassing the FDA 10 ng limit to human DNA “contamination” by 2000%, thus causing neuro-damage (autism, asperger, tics, dyslexia in 29% of kids, etc.) and childhood cancer epidemic (n.b. leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas)

Check soundchoice.org or videos at bottom of next link:

Free 100 redpill movies and documentaries:

(don't miss the 1st one, 10 min at 2x, an amazing tool to start a discussion):


- COVID was designed as a primer for even more lethal COVID haccines:




- You’ll go nowhere and you’ll be happy:


Elon's top secret: EVs cause cancer

Go green with gasoline!


- It's genocide for depopulation:

Depopulation or EXTERMINATION? (finest quotes):

https://scientificprogress.substack.com/p/depopulation-or-extermination https://scientificprogress.substack.com/p/depop-vaccines-no-myth

- You are the carbon they want to exterminate!

1. No one denies there's man-made climate change but scientists disagree on the cause and remedies.

Prehistoric data from ice cores proves that temperature rise precedes carbon release in the atmosphere, not the other way around.


2. There's proof of deliberate geoengineering to increase global temperatures and droughts and decrease albedo by dissolving clouds with satellite Electro-Magnetic Frequencies.


3. Life involves a carbon cycle. A war on carbon is a war on life, causing food scarcity, increase in food prices and famines. Decarbonization is part of the plan to exterminate 95% of the population.

Killing me softly with green songs:


Carbon reparations:


Climate deaths:


- Their main source of power apart from sin-empowered demons? NOT a coincidence that the USA left dollar convertibility to gold in 1971, precisely triggering the exponential government deficit coupled with the trade deficit and inflation.

This is the Achilles’ heel of all nations: masonic and satanic secret societies counterfeit paper money and launder trillions with which they buy Banks, seats in the Federal Reserve (the only private run Central Bank in the world), political careers and parties, puppeticians, listed corporations, media, healthcare corporations and organizations, universities, foundations, judges, etc.:

Who are The Powers That Be?


Illuminati David Rockefeller (quotes):


Ex illuminati Ronald Bernard:


Illuminati Attali (quotes)


The way out of this mess:

1. Create an easy system for real money: private currencies/warrants based on real assets, goods, services, etc. (gold, corn, oil, distance/volume/weight transportation, labor human hour/minute, etc.)

2. Ban legal tender. Let the free markets decide which real-currencies/valuables/warrants they prefer to trade with

3. Ban paper-backed currencies (unlike real-backed ones of point 1.)

4. Enforce a Legal Banking Reserve of 100% of deposits (so banks don't create money based on air) and therefore there's no excuse for a Central Bank, because there would be no risk of bank-runs since all their loans are fully backed with deposits

Anything else you might think of?

Now, are you really ready for this?:

The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”

If you are a mason or know a mason, ask him to ask his 33° master to put in writing and sign it, who is "the great architect" and that he is not Lucifer. If he refuses, then he’ll know who he is really serving, Satan: tell him to get out of masonry NOW. Sooner or later he’ll be required to trample on a cross to get to a higher degree.

Ex mason Serge Abad-Gallardo:


Mason confession: we worship deities/demons








Almost all anti-viral vaccines and all COVID vaccines were abortion linked (using cell lines from aborted or butchered alive babies). Christians know that abortion is the most wanted sacrifice by Satan.

More lifesaving articles, like the cure for cancer and dengue, at:


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Damn, Sir, I have a lot of reading/watching/researching to do! Thanks for sharing. Flagging this comment for the save files. :)

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Jul 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Oh, even the people on social media are posting that this is a different person. First of all he’s way taller than the other Joe Biden. These people are literally lying to our faces. We are in psyops! And now Kamala wants to go through with a debate. This is gonna be hilarious.

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Indeed!! 🤣💕

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The devil is in the details! OR, A picture is worth a thousand words!

These are pithy titles to put in your back pocket, Jenna. Just thinking outloud...

DEBATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF, WTH???????????????

The Cackling Moron Puppet doesn't speak the King's English! How the hell is Kamel Toes going to translate "word salad" into cogent, comprehensive, and logical sentences?

Kamel Toes, the greatest orator since Winston Churchill, on community banks:

" We invested $12 billion into community banks, because we know community banks are in the community, and understand the needs and desires of that community, as well as the talent and capacity of community."

Whaaaaattttt did she say, exactly?

Right. Okay. Onwards. Don't get me started on "unburdened." PLEASE!

DJT, could shred the Cackling Moron, but with the same kind of discipline he exhibited on June 27th with Marble Mouth, she will destroy herself in a matter of minutes!

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THE THING IS, people in general aren't all that bright. (When I wrote for newsprint, the rule was "write for an eighth grader." AYFKM?) Lots of them will hear the community bank speech and think, "wow, so profound." (Obviously someone fist bumped her the first time she threw out "unburdened by what has been" and thus she incorporated it into *literally every speech she ever gave* from that moment forward.) It'll be fun to watch for sure. ;)

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Wow, you are correct about people not being so bright! I wrote for two prominent children’s non-profit groups here in Commie Cali. My editor’s were always whining about my submissions and using “big” words. It was so irritating, but I guess it’s reality.

The MSM is in the process of re-writing KH’s history!

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Thing is, MY kiddo, who happens to be around the middle school bracket, thinks quite well beyond the newsprint "8th grade" level. I dunno what or how they teach people nowadays.

I agree, lots of people, even very smart people, do not pause to reflect upon what they are actually hearing. Or not hearing.

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As has been proven the past 4+ scamdemic years. Still quite a few true believers + even others that have come to their senses took damn long enough to do so.

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Jul 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Without anyone saying anything about it both my wife and I thought we were watching a fake Joe Biden when we watched it “live”. Everything about this administration is a lie!

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Yup. My husband and I kept saying the same thing.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

You have a wise daughter, Jenna. This column would have been a good one for your book. In my opinion, this exchange shows the true colors of almost all of our wacky liberals. It shows that the only opinion they'll tolerate is their own.


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Jul 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

True to form, Joe makes sure the pharma cos are well-funded for Cancer Moonshot, his 'pet' project now that the mRNA shots will contribute to this debilitating and deadly disease.

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right? And how's that going??? Any updates?

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We've got the executive order update May 2024, there are earlier ones:


Then we have this palatial estate being built.


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So if they want to really stop toxic exposure, they should stop the stratospheric aerosol injections.... sorry, that's my thing shedding light on that mess.

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No need to apologize. Everyone should find the thing they came here to do and expose to the Light everything they are doing to destroy the planet/us.

Please continue to do the work you came here to do!

Everything is going according to plan. :)

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Jul 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

All Biden has to do is produce a video of God Almighty telling him to drop out of the election, that being what he told George Stephanopoulos would be the only reason why he would.

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That would be hilarious. Someone who has more access to technical wizardry than me should produce a skit of that ( although maybe that would be considered sacrilege?)

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Equating Biden with anything godly would be blasphemous.

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Jul 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Democrats are a mob of misfits.

They each need to cover for one another

For the lies that they need others

To believe to be true about them.

That’s the pact:

“I’ll provide cover for your lie, if, and as long as, you cover for my lie.”

Every breath is lived in fear that any of the foundational lies, if exposed, would bring the entire playhouse tumbling down.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

We're well into the fun house it seems.

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Jul 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I haven’t watched it yet, but thank you for making me laugh before I cry.

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There was a teleprompter to the left of his neck , it would speed up then slow down if he stumbled around . His color must have been way off ( ? Previous cardiac event) … because he had so much makeup on . What a clown world 🤡

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Jul 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Jenna - have you seen Bret Weinstein's take on this?


He makes some interesting points. Then again, he believes we evolved from apes. So there's that.

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I had not seen that! It's sort of a twist on the theory I proposed earlier this week in another post; I'll include a link and relevant paragraph:

Here’s what I think: In the interactive livestreamed TV show we’re watching called The World Is on Fire, there’s a character named Joe Biden we are supposed to believe is the leader of what was once the most prosperous and powerful country on earth. It’s a grueling, 24/7 role so naturally, they’ve got four or five—maybe dozens? IDK, I’m not a director—actors playing the part. If one of the actors playing Joe Biden falls ill, NBD, they just pop another one in his place. If Joe Biden falls ill, well then, that’s the week’s storyline for you. Gripping, isn’t it?


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Jul 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Canal-street rolex!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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Appreciate the props! ;)

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Off topic, I just looked at the number of "likes" your last column generated - 149! In my recent piece, I reference a new Substack author, a tad more liberal than you and me, who allegedly has at least 2,000 paid subscribers - and got those in 2 1/2 months.

His articles typically generate 24 or so likes and about 14 Reader Comments.

What's up with that?

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I checked him out after reading your post about him and I COULD NOT GET OFF OF HIS PAGE FAST ENOUGH. God bless you for having the patience to read his drivel and attempt to interact. I wanted to vomit. (Also who the hell is paying for the same drivel you can get free on literally every/any MSM station I don't get it?)

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I'm dumbfounded this man's cartoons were once syndicated in 300 newspapers. He was considered the best cartoonist in the entire country - which is why he was awarded a Pulitzer Prize.

Note that he was fired last year - another example of perpetual down-sizing in corporate newspapers and magazines because every sane person in the country is fleeing the captured MSM.

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The fact that he was a Pulitzer Prize winner and could be fired so fast makes me think there’s something else involved other than the obvious downsizing, like the interference of a personality disorder or something.

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You might be right. His behavior towards me was possible evidence of this. He's obviously immature. Still, he somehow rose to the top ranks of his profession. Sigh.

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Jul 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Yeah that kind of immaturity that I faced with my reply is not indicative of a 50-60 year old. I think he is in his 50s from one of his other articles I allowed myself to read to get a better understanding of him.

I think when people spend a lifetime fighting for illogical reasoning it stifles maturity and over time takes a toll on their minds, and yes leading to depression and other forms of mental instability. That’s probably why we see so many older adults with such unstable personalities. Remove the plumb line of right and wrong, truth and lies, from a society and eventually they all go mad. We need that plumb line for the health of both our souls and our minds.

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I learned from WikiPedia that he was born in 1960 - so he's 64.

He was a star cartoonist in college and, upon graduation, worked at a series of well-known newspapers.

It would be interesting to learn what percentage of newspapers and magazines still employ full-time cartoonists. Probably only a couple.

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Jul 26Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Speaking of deep fake, you reminded me of this pre 2020 TV series... It was DISTURBING... I saw this before I even was aware that anything was going on in the world...

It was full on WEF agenda, and softening you up for open borders etc... but also AI under the skin (transhumanism) and (spoiler alert) being uploaded to the web, Deep Fake videos were rampant too... your article reminded me of this series...

A roadmap for the sh!t future planned for us, I was disturbed by the way it was so NORMALISED.

Unfortunately I can't find full episodes on YouTube, but if it's on a streaming service somewhere, worth a watch, as hard as it may be to stomach ... the more you watch, the worse the agenda gets...


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WOW. I don't watch (or even enjoy) TV much, but that looks compelling! I'll give it a try. TY!

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It's worth your time, scary predictive programming I fear... 😬😬

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