Sep 23Liked by Jenna McCarthy

To all undecided voters--Get over your hate or fear of Trump. Do you understand that next to nothing has come out of the Biden/Harris administration?

If our country has been destroyed so much the past four years, just think about how good things were during Trump's four years in office. Make our love of country great again! (MOLCGA).

We cannot afford the impending (additional) loss of freedom which is a true threat to democracy.

There is only one true choice to help our country move forward. Trump/Vance/Kennedy!!! 😇

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22 hrs ago·edited 22 hrs agoLiked by Jenna McCarthy

I agree completely although I would probably say “nothing GOOD has come out of the Biden/Harris administration”. How fabulous it would have been if they had actually done NOTHING. 😬

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22 hrs agoLiked by Jenna McCarthy

Perfect, Ree! I noticed that missed opportunity AFTER I typed it. You are 100% correct. I also agree with your NOTHING analysis! Thanks for keeping me on the straight and narrow! 🦅

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That’s great! 👏🏼

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Say what you want about Trump, but he loves America and we were much better off under his leadership. Don’t much care about what you think about his personality, he was always looking out for the American people. He is his own man, warts and all

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I’m tired of the repetitive slanders against Trump. Is he arrogant? Yeah maybe, but so what? What is not fair is linking to stories that paint him as someone who told 40,000 lies in his presidency. Really? They blame HIM for hyperbole?? And according to who? According to the sane media that has been lying to us for the past 8 years or more. I’ve yet to see even 100 absolute lies much less 40,000. Show me 10. You can’t. His mean tweets were the truth.

Trump did a lot more good those four years than bad. To counter the article that was linked to that painted him in a dishonest and corrupt light , consider what he DID do (I saved and copied from another commenter a few months ago) :

1) stopped ISIS cold

2) EO stopping the drug companies from charging medicare more than what they charged foreign countries

3) EO forcing hospitals to disclose their prices

4) Move the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem

5) ENERGY INDEPENDENCE for the first time in my lifetime of 70 years, and record low energy prices

6) Started no new wars
 6A) Abraham Accords, bringing peace to the middle east instead of war

7) Elimination of regulations, required to eliminate 8 to add a new one

8) Cut Taxes across the board

9) Increased the individual tax credit eliminating the need to file more complicated returns

10) Started the space force, sorely needed today

11) Replaced NAFTA with an agreement better for American workers

12) Put tariffs on china, starting the process of moving American production out of the enemy’s land

13) Brought back massive amounts of money saved in foreign countries

14) Withdrew from the farce know as the Paris Climate Accords

15) Withdrew from the Iran deal

16) Increased the $$$ of the average family by over 5K

17) Started the process of fixing the VA

18) Increased the spending by other NATO countries

19) Killed the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

20) Created several million jobs, actual creation not bafflegab bullshit

21) Economic growth rates were going up, somewhere around 4% before the marxist killed the economy with the scam chinaVirus

22) Lowest rate of unemployment ever, across the board for blacks, hispanics, asians, veterans, etc.

23) Opened ANWAR and had the Keystone pipeline being constructed

And there’s much more. I’d also argue that the negatives touted were more the fault of trusting the wrong RINO knobs as he was sabotaged repeatedly. Mike Pompous-ass, I mean Pompeo, urged Trump, BEGGED him,

to not release the JFK files convincing him America would not survive what they would find. Trump was naive and believed he was protecting us somehow. He now realizes that if we survived the last four years, there’s nothing we can’t survive, and the ONLY people the RINOs were protecting was themselves and their legacies and their power. Not America. Trump sees this now.

Seriously, how can we all see how the media and government lied to us about Covid, lies to us about RFKJr, lies to us daily about Biden and Harris, but we cannot see that they lied to us all these years about Trump, and he wasn’t lying nearly as much or as often as them. If he were, they’d have no need to kill him.

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Beautifully said Juju. Bravo. I’m saving this comment. Thank you!

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Juju's always got game. :)

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Thank you,juju! Damn straight.

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16 hrs agoLiked by Jenna McCarthy

Don’t forget to add Trump’s “right to try” that B/H and the CDC denied!

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Dang Juju, I was starting to comment, but you and Jenna, as well as others have done such an excellent job!

I certainly don't get it either. The choice seems so clear. Trump...Only thing is, we all don't sit in front of CNN, or MSNBC, with toothpicks holding our eyes open. We are not propaghandized!

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Brilliant! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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22 hrs ago·edited 22 hrs ago

Most surgeons I know who are any good are enormously arrogant! It’s off-putting at times but thank God they have that confidence.Excellent comment by the way! You nailed it!

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16 hrs agoLiked by Jenna McCarthy

And I think Trump’s narcissism is what made him so effective in keeping us it of wars. Remember the “my button is bigger” or something to that effect to No Korea? Being a bit of an unpredictable street fighter has its benefits for America!

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Sep 23Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I'm going to hold my nose and vote for Mr. Narcissist as I hope like hell he's mad enough at the administrative state for what they've done to him to actually "drain the swamp" this time.

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[enthusiastic clapping]

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Sep 23Liked by Jenna McCarthy

A very well written post, covering all pertinent points. There needs to be an overwhelming majority of non-zombified voters for Trump in order to beat the obvious and inevitable cheat.

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The fraction of the country that would even consider voting for more of what we've had the past four years... I don't understand how they can gaslight themselves into believing that's the way to go. I do understand out-of-touch mega-rich elites supporting her, as their wealth and status protects them from the worst of the consequences, so they can afford to be all-in on their all-important sacraments of babymurder and wiping out girls' sports, funneling buckets of money to illegal immigrants and bottomless hole conflicts we should never have joined, and of course protecting us from the heinous harm of "misinformation" by reclassifying free speech as dangerous. But regular people struggling to choose between ALL THAT and Trump, especially now that he's upped his game with RFK and a very real threat to the monopoly of Big Pharma/Big Med/Big Ag etc.? Make this delusion make sense.

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"Democrats will say it’s our global civic duty" Speaking only for myself, I have no global civic duty. To those of you who feel you do, I strongly support your right to act on it with your own money and in your own name. Heck, grab a rifle and head to you favorite foreign hot-spot if you feel the need.

As for Trump, I can sympathize with the suspicious, but he was notably different in some key areas including no new wars, expanded diplomacy (It's OK to talk to people you don't like), using our energy resources, and border enforcement. If that was only his "role," I'd still like a few more years of it.

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Sep 23Liked by Jenna McCarthy

"gender reassignment surgeries, should they (the illegals, not the surgeries) fancy them (the surgeries, not other illegals sorry but pronouns are confusing)." - love it! These little grammatical pedantic snarky quips is what sets Jenna apart (from the other snarksters, not the quips :)) and goes straight into this fellow cynic's veins. This is why Jenna is the queen (of snark, not the land).

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Outstanding Post...Thanks!

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Sep 23Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Wow! Great post! I think the term is “no brainer” for people voting for Harris. Because if people have a brain they would vote Trump. I am a Bobby Kennedy supporter and I’m for free speech, ending that stupid war in Ukraine, which is costing us billions of dollars, eliminating any mandates, closing the border, and making us healthy again. I just don’t understand how anyone could vote for Harris. How can a rich country like ours allow children to go to bed hungry and people to be homeless? And yet we are spending millions and millions on illegals, or is it undocumented? It saddens me to see what we have become.

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Did you see that Zelensky just showed up in the USA this weekend??

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Yes, asking for money or weapons I’m sure. Ugh 😩

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Sep 23Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Bravo Jenna!



TRUMP 2024

God used very flawed people to do His work.

Heck, He’s even using me. 🥰

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Sep 23Liked by Jenna McCarthy


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Me too Laura! Totally onboard with Trump/Vance! #TEAMGOD and #TEAMTRUMP sure feels good! We are in a spiritual battle that we MUST WIN!!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Sep 23Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I am in disbelief that the race is “tied” or “neck-n-neck” with a California radical avowed communist heading 1 ticket. Love Trump or hate him, one would have to be a mental midwit to 1) vote so disastrously against one’s own best interests, 2) deny one’s life was substantially better circa 2016-2020 (WuFlu excepted) & 3) deny that the world was a much saner & safer place. I just can’t believe it but after WuFlu madness in this country, I should

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Sep 23Liked by Jenna McCarthy

For a possible post topic, read the Asra Nomani twitter feed about the Springfield, OH labor trafficking operation she discovered when she went there to investigate the pet eating reports.

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22 hrs ago·edited 22 hrs agoLiked by Jenna McCarthy

Wasn’t that article eye-opening? . I live about 45 minutes from Springfield. Her reporting really explained so much about that situation. I just linked her full article here.

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22 hrs ago·edited 22 hrs ago

I am more than 1,000 miles from Springfield, OH. I was shocked and not shocked at the same time. I'm thinking these kind of empires are all over the USA. It reminds me of that Nebraska Franklin Sex Trafficking scandal in the 1980's.

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5 up boats, is that a go or a no go for the topic?

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Sep 23Liked by Jenna McCarthy

“She promises to pursue green energy investments, expand affordable healthcare, ensure federal protections for reproductive health services, and reduce “voter suppression” (by making voting less racist, i.e. requiring an ID to do it). “

One by one, just look at the track record of each one of those. Don’t target the ’feel good’ path. None of those ideas are beneficial.

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Sep 23Liked by Jenna McCarthy

This! They run on issues that have no chance of actually improving your life. They choose the issues they KNOW cannot be resolved, and they don’t want them resolved. If they became resolved they would have no way to coerce mindless millions to their side. Take abortion. For over 40 years democrats have had power for all but 4 years. RINOs had some of those years but we all now see clearly they are the same team. So why, with ALL that power for so long, did they NEVER ratify Roe V Wade?? They could have easily at many points. But they didn’t want to. That’s because it’s their best trigger issue. They can sway people against God Himself if God were running with that single issue. But if it were ratified and no longer possible to be lost, they’d be up a creek. Looking at Harris’ policies/focus, it’s full of unmeasurable issues that will never truly improve your life. They spin and say it will, but it only improves their handler’s pocketbooks. Green energy? Please. Affordable healthcare? We saw first hand what a government controlled healthcare would do to our country. And it’s NOT free - your life and health is the price. Voter rights? Illegal immigrants getting our tax dollars before citizens? Cmon, these are issues that HURT you and virtue signal for them.

I hope more people wake up and stop letting legacy media think for them.

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Sep 23Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Uni-party. And the divide of 'them' vs. the rest of the world. I can't stress enough how great JD Vance was with Tucker the other day. ♥

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Really?! Where can I find that? Thank you.

I have not been crazy about him,and,I would like to find something to change that. He is not changing my vote,but,I would have been happier with someone else..but,I have not followed him,much,so,a bit unfair….

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Thanks for the youtube. I subscribe to Tucker, so I didn’t even know it was on there. Read Hillbilly Elegy. I would say to watch the movie on Netflix, but there is no comparison really. The book from 2016 tells it all. I am a fan for sure.

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Tucker is on tour this month and in each city he has a sit down with someone. you can view them on youtube.

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Thank you. I will check it out….

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Oh…and one other thing really stood out to me when JD spoke. He asked why the US felt the need to place our military in the middle of every conflict/war/battle? I am like YES!! Bring our good people home and keep out military out of everyone’s business. What a waste of human life all these endless wars have been.

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Apparently, Commie-la's father Donald Harris, is a renowned Marxist economist from Jamaica who taught at Stanford University for decades. She is heavily steeped (indocrinated) in that ideology. Just another reason not to let her anywhere near the Oval Office. I would rather have a bit of an oaf in office than a fascist.

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Commie-La! ♥

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Agree! She is 👿👿👿‼️‼️‼️

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Sep 23Liked by Jenna McCarthy

If you vote for Trump and he loses, you've given your time, attention, and energy to the lesser of two evils. If you vote for Trump and he wins, you've given your time, attention, and energy to the lesser of two evils.

Either way, you are condoning, complying, and consenting to be ruled by a system of evil when you vote for the lesser of two evils. And that's assuming that the remotely accessible unaudited rigged electronic voting machines counts your vote in the first place.

The "assassination attempts" on Trump are just like covid. How many times does it have to happen before people realize that it's all a fraud? Stop believing in the narrative and the power that the narrative has on you disappears.

"But there’s a reason. There’s a reason. There’s a reason for this, there’s a reason education sucks, and it’s the same reason that it will never, ever, ever be fixed. It’s never gonna get any better. Don’t look for it. Be happy with what you got. Because the owners of this country don't want that. I'm talking about the real owners now, the real owners, the big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions.

Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for the senate, the congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls. They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying, lobbying, to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else, but I'll tell you what they don’t want: They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking.

They don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. Thats against their interests. Thats right. They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around a kitchen table to figure out how badly they’re getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fucking years ago. They don’t want that. You know what they want? They want obedient workers. Obedient workers. People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it, and now they’re coming for your Social Security money. They want your retirement money. They want it back so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street, and you know something? They’ll get it. They’ll get it all from you, sooner or later, 'cause they own this fucking place.

It's a big club, and you ain’t in it. You and I are not in the big club. And by the way, it's the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe. All day long beating you over the head in their media telling you what to believe, what to think and what to buy. The table is tilted folks. The game is rigged, and nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care. Good honest hard-working people -- white collar, blue collar, it doesn’t matter what color shirt you have on -- good honest hard-working people continue -- these are people of modest means -- continue to elect these rich cocksuckers who don’t give a fuck about them.

They don’t give a fuck about you. They don’t give a fuck about you. They don't care about you at all -- at all -- at all. And nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care. That's what the owners count on; the fact that Americans will probably remain willfully ignorant of the big red, white and blue dick that's being jammed up their assholes everyday. Because the owners of this country know the truth: it's called the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it." -George Carlin (Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=AeRd0EJbkC0&pp=ygUUR2VvcmdlIGNhcmxpbiByaWdnZWQ%3D)

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Sep 23Liked by Jenna McCarthy

There's a greater chance you'll be ruled by "the evil system" when you don't vote.

When you do vote, sometimes, good people get in office; Massie, Rand Paul, Chip Roy, etc.

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You are ruled by the evil system in either scenario. I agree with you on a local level, but it's a completely different ball game on the federal level.

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I'm shocked--SHOCKED I SAY--that you believe that! So at one point, there are actual good people in the system, but they eventually get to and compromise them ALL? There's not a single soul--maybe like a non-politician/disruptor--who could EVER break through despite all of their efforts to prevent it? I feel like you just made my argument. :)

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I'm just reading this comment after writing a long one of my own. I don't think the point is that one or two good ones never break through. Of course they do. The point is that we should not be controlled by ANYONE, EVER. And who *you* think is "good" may be very different from who *I* think is "good". So who decides? It's the same with trying to control free speech: who decides what is "good" and "bad" speech? So the whole argument about "good" people breaking through is irrelevant.

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Free speech isn't a "privilege". It's guaranteed to us by our Constitution. ALL Americans are entitled to free speech.....period.

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Tell that to Dr. Paul Marik who just had his book BANNED by Amazon,and,any royalties owed him,denied,and,his account forever canceled! I don’t know if that’s exactly like “free speech “ being censored,but,it sure pisses me off!

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I didn't say free speech is a privilege. That word does not even show up in my comment.

I think that all HUMANS, not just Americans, are entitled to free speech. And our Constitution has nothing to do with it. Rights are granted by our creator (God, Goddess, Spirit, Universe, whatever word you like). Just because a small group of rich white men got together and wrote something down on paper that benefited THEM (the rich white men) does not make it relevant or meaningful today. Rights DO NOT come from the Constitution.

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lol why? Do you REALLY think that the individuals who run on a local level are dealing with the same caliber of corruption as the executive branch of the US? No one makes it to the top of the top without being in the big club. Trump is not the exception, but that's what all the negative media attention has convinced people to believe. How many more "assassination attempts" on Trump will convince you that this is all a show?

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Trump didn’t work his way up through the political system. He was a COMPLETE outsider. It impacted his inability to navigate the swamp effectively his first term, unaware of who he could trust.

And just look at the local government of Springfield, Ohio if you don’t think the local level are dealing with the same caliper of corruption. 🤣 Look up who King George is and how the political locals support his kingdom.

OMG come to my little city in the burbs of Chicago and I’ll show you corruption that would put Washington to shame.

But, there ARE those that cannot be corrupted. And DO get to Washington. They are so few it’s David vs Goliath

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This is the story you are told that is not true. No "outsider" makes it to the executive branch of this country without having ties to the swamp. You can say it over and over again it is still not true. Do you think it's just a coincidence that Trump just somehow posed for a picture with Epstein?

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He was an "outsider"?? Oh my, you people really don't understand how they operate. Trump filled his admin with the Swamp, namely Goldman Sachs goons. Trump is a swamp. Have you heard him talk about his own daughter in a most inappropriate way? It reeks pedophilia.

Trump works for Israel/Federal Reserve globalists like all the others do. Have you not seen them all at the wailing wall humping it? No? Where have you been? All of this information is out there for everyone to see.

Read Congressman McFadden's remarks on the Federal Reserve Corp from 1934. Read John Beaty's book and Alison Weir's 'Against Our Better Judgment'. It is worse that you are aware of.

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No, this is more nefarious then you are aware of. This is not a game to those in control. You would need to read John Beaty's book 'Iron Curtain Over America' to understand the depth and breadth of our situation. Addressing the evil in our government is not fixed by "voting" a chosen candidate ( by those in power ) into office. We do not have a Constitution any longer after the Patriot Act. It completely dismantled the Constitution and Bill of Rights. We do not have a Supreme Court because if we did then there would have been no way in hell that people could have been threatened with death ( when you take away someone's livelihood how shall they live? ) or locked away in "quarantine".

It's time for everyone to do their due diligence in getting to the ROOT of our situation. We are our own worst enemy.

So, no, there is no one can that break through the barriers that 'they' have put in place. The Kennedy brothers are an example of what happens to a candidate/[president that goes 'rogue'.

Go and read John Beaty's book and then let's have a discussion.

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Not so on the local level; They are bought and paid for too. It's all sewed up.

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It’s folly to not even vote.

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Remember back in the 50's when they used to put comedians in jail for saying shit...like Lenny Bruce? George Carlin's comedy became political and everything I have heard him say is spot on.

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It takes approximately 20 minutes out of my day to vote. In 2015 that vote helped usher in 3 1/2 years of sane policies: lower energy costs, lower food costs, fewer wars, demonstrably better border security, low inflation, low interest costs, no men in women’s bathrooms, the US was a safer place, etc. I would say that was worth 20 minutes out of my day.

You don’t think politics is corrupt at a local level😂. Have you spoken with anyone in Chicago, Philadelphia, LA, Atlanta, Detroit…….lately? Maybe talk to someone in Springfield about how the mayor is a beneficiary of the Haitian problem: “Mayor Rob Rue of Springfield, Ohio, is renting out apartments in buildings that he owns to Haitian immigrants”, probably at substantially more than he was getting before because the Feds are paying it either directly or indirectly through some NGO. As long as local governments receive funding directly from the federal government or federal pass through money from their state, and/or local politicians benefit from federal policies, they all dance to the federal government’s tune.

As long as there are policy differences that result in me feeling the affects, either in my wallet or in a general sense that the mores of a candidate are more closely aligned with my own values, I will continue to to take 20 minutes out of my day to vote.

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Can you honestly say that you only spend 20 minutes a day on voting? I'm not talking about the physical act of pressing buttons and looking at a screen. I am referring to the sum whole total of how much time, attention, and energy is spent rooting for one team over another.

This is like my friends telling me they spend only a couple of hours watching a sportsball game when we both know that they spend countless hours of their time, attention, and energy reading and watching everything about the sportsball universe when the sportsball game is not on.

Jenna's substack is a great example of this. Can Jenna really claim that she spends only 20 minutes voting when she has clearly spent a significant time researching, reading, watching, writing, editing, commenting, campaigning, etc?

I never said that local government's aren't corrupt. I know they are, but some can still be gamed with enough grassroots. This actually proves my point. If local elections are this corrupt, how corrupted do you think state and federal ones are?

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You’re missing my point. Given the very real, and frankly terrifying, possibility that Kamala Harris may be the President of the US (as utterly absurd and inconceivable as that is), if I just sit by on the sidelines, watch that happen and pretend that has no affect on me because I chose not to give “my consent to be governed”, my “victory” is pretty meaningless when I still have to pay more for groceries and possibly stand in line for them if she does as promised and implements price controls, I’m still going to have to pay more for gas and eventually bow to the EV mandate, I have to watch my tax dollars go to fund nonsensical climate measures, I have to watch while the degeneracy gets more and more extreme and normalized, and I may, at some point, have to submit to a needle in the arm in the name of the latest pandemic du jour. In my estimation that makes me partially responsible for all of these things because I consented to it by not “giving my consent to be governed,” otherwise known as voting. To quote an old, maybe overused, but undeniable fact “elections have consequences”, at least where I live. Maybe you live somewhere that you are insulated from all of this and the last 3 1/2 years haven’t adversely affected you. Maybe you live by some local barter system where everything is fair and you don’t have to worry about policies affecting your wallet and livelihood. If that’s the case, congratulations, but some of us aren’t so lucky. Keep in mind however, if things get really bad, those pesky city dwellers and the gangs that have been imported by the current regime aren’t going to stay in the city. They will get desperate and might just find their way to where you live and overwhelm any local law enforcement.

In regard to your question about the amount of time spent voting, I can honestly and unequivocally say that I didn’t need even 20 minutes to decide between Trump and Biden or Trump and Harris. That is a no brainer for me, it didn’t require even a seconds contemplation.

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Well said!

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I hate to break it to you, but all of those things are going to happen regardless of who is selected, unless there is a significant genuine grassroots awakening and push back and not this vote harder nonsense. You are falsely assuming that your vote counts and that you have a choice in the presidential selection process in the first place. You don't and the rigged voting machines are the proof. You cannot vote your way out of tyranny.

You are missing my point. You clearly spend more than 20 minutes outside of just voting for your leader to support your team. I know for a fact that you spend more than 20 minutes replying in just these threads. Your time and attention is what these circus shows are for. It's really no different than sportsball. Go team red! Go team blue! Whoever you cheer for doesn't give a damn about you!

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I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree. I’m willing to admit that I don’t know for a fact that Donald Trump cares about this country, anymore than you know for a fact that he doesn’t. I don’t know for a fact that he wants to save America from the globalist regime that is threatening our country’s status as a sovereign nation, anymore than you know for a fact that he is part of that globalist regime. My guess is though, that you’re not willing to admit that you don’t know what you don’t know. What I absolutely DO know, and frankly the only thing I really care about, is whether my family was better off under Trump than it has been under Biden/Harris and I can tell can you unequivocally and with certainty that were better off then than we are now. Would you like to quibble over that also?😉

I don’t know that my vote counts, but it doesn’t cost me any effort to cast it and nothing ventured, nothing gained. As for the 20 minutes, I wasn’t talking about how much time I spend reading various authors on Substack and frankly, that’s the least of my reasons for doing so. I do freely admit to spending much longer than 20 minutes a day doing that, it gives me an excuse not to do housework. I was actually referring to the amount of time I spend on Election Day coloring in my selections of candidates on the ballot with a #2 pencil, as not all States use voting machines.

If you’re right, whichever candidate wins will usher in globalist hell. If I’m right and my sportsball “team” wins you may have additional disposable income. Since you’re so sure of the outcome and your worldview, maybe you should put your money where your mouth is and commit to donating any extra disposable income you may get to a worthy cause. After all, you choose not to participate, why should you reap any benefit from the outcome? Just asking.

BTW, what the hell is sportsball?😂

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Pretty much my thoughts exactly.

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs agoLiked by Jenna McCarthy

You have guessed incorrectly. I am willing to admit that I don't know what I don't know, but show me the evidence first. I know with every fiber of my being that Trump is a part of the political parasitic class. How do I know? Because I've done my research and I've paid attention to what was done while he was in office for four years.

The real question is: are you willing to admit that you could possibly be wrong about what you absolutely DO know? How can you know for certain that you and your family were better off under Trump than under Biden/Harris? You are falsely attributing your better life to a single person instead of the entire system. Do you have a crystal ball that tells you how life would have been like in the alternate universe of being ruled by Clinton and then by Trump? Is it possible that you and your family were "better off" or "worse off" because of the entire system instead of a single person? Your false attribution is akin to people falsely attributing being "better off" by getting the covid/flu "vaccination" because they did not end up in the hospital or dead after getting sick. "I still got covid/flu, but at least I didn't end up in the hospital or dead."

Sportsballs is a funny word for all of us non-sports fans. So, if your sportsball team wins and I get extra disposable income, how can you prove that I wouldn't have gotten this same extra disposable income if the other sportsball team won? As a thought exercise, let's assume that you can somehow know this and we all get extra disposable income because your sportsball team won in 2016 so you get the credit because of your vote, right? Does that mean you're also going to take credit for releasing the deadliest injection that this country and world has ever seen? After all, you chose to participate, so why should you only reap the benefits from the outcome? It seems only fair.

That's my point.

Here is a great video that was released four years ago and still holds true today: https://www.bitchute.com/video/BCCtnvQ78DI

I hope that you will watch with an open mind to better understand my perspective. Thanks for the great dialogue!

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And this is why we have the society we do; everyone spends 20 minutes in attendance to their Civic Duty. The most we could do is to listen to people like Cynthia McKinney, James Trafficant, Louis T. McFadden, Henry Ford, Benjamin Freedman and many, many others who have taken their precious time, forsaken their personal safety and donated their fortunes to warn us about who is actually controlling every system. The least we could do is to "vote".

Let us not forget he claims to be the "Father of the Vaccine", ushered in 'Operation Warp Speed', handed America over to FEMA and lied about the border wall and Hillary Clinton. I won't even mention his mentor ( Roy Cohen ) being a known pedophile....or his affiliation with Jeffrey Epstein.

These puppets do not write policy ( it would be too difficult if your vocabulary consists of 4 words ) nor do they have any true power; that is BEHIND the throne room.....not in it. ( Chabad Lubavitch? )

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“The least we could is ‘vote’” for whom? Based on your comments, I’m confused as to who you’re suggesting we vote for as I’m assuming it is not Trump.

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For the kabillionth time, I do not necessarily believe your positions are without merit (although I do find it insulting that you insinuate that because YOU have read XYZ book you therefore have the definitive "truth" while the rest of us are "blind, naïve, negligent zombies who need to have our heads examined.") My husband will often interject an argument we are having with, "can both things be true?" It'll stop you in your tracks every time. Have you never had an "affiliation" (or a simple photo taken) with someone you later learned was a sleaze? I have. You may indeed be right, but I think it's wise to be open to nuances you may not be fully aware of yourself. Just one gal's opinion. ;)

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Thank you for being WIDE Awake and not a Zombie. It is beyond discouraging that the majority are dim-wits. Carry on.....

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Sep 23Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Thanks Jamie. I agree with you and I ask that you try to be respectful of those who haven't come to this realization. The use of labels and name calling is not helpful. I remember how painful and difficult the process of "waking up" was and still is. A lot of people are still waking up from covid and are still in the process of trying to understand what is really going on.

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Appreciate you saying this, Vee. ;)

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Zombies. Yes...that has become my friend filter. Even acquaintance filter. If you are all in on how much the Hydra-Fed loves you and line up for your shots like a good little citizen..then out the door you go! And, the Nazis cleansed the smart, intellectual critical thinkers everywhere so there would be nobody to lead the sheep into rebellion. I am reading a book about Catholics in Poland in the late 30's and through the war. Truly dark...

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Oh, I really was not calling anyone names ( every one is so sensitive these days to their own feelings but not to others! ) but merely observing the general population's level of intelligence. It's more of a descriptive because after the Plandemic I have no idea how anyone could be this blind, this naive, this negligent in their moral duty to "Know thy enemy". I believe there is a reason that Hollywood made the movie/documentary 'Idiocracy'. They were laughing at us. Even George Carlin made fun of our abject ignorance.

Yes, it is true that I once was blind to many things but never to the corruption in Hollywood, the Vatican or DC. I was always aware of that since 1978.

So, it is difficult to "respect" those who have no respect for themselves by remaining ignorant at this late date. I find it disgusting.

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If it's that sewed up, and voting at any level is a waste, it seems like reading Jenna's Side or commenting on it is also likely a total waste of time. And I say this not to be argumentative, but because you've got me really thinking--and wondering if I'll vote.

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Noooooooooooooooooo Tim. Choose to believe in (metaphorical) God--just in case!!!

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I choose to believe Jenna—no metaphor necessary. As for proof? So many verses that I can’t believe came from the mind of a man. One favorite? “Let he who is without sin throw the first stone.” That, in my mind, a sign of the divine.

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Metaphorical god doesn’t care what you believe. He/she/it is above that, no?

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23 hrs agoLiked by Jenna McCarthy

Tim, vote against something if not for something. It’s evident that we must stop Harris. Vote against her please. Because if she gets into office, what we thought didn’t matter will come crashing home to our front doors and the regret will be far worse. It absolutely DOES matter.

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There is no vote. They place these people in office. Many books have been written on this. You just have yet to read them.

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20 hrs agoLiked by Jenna McCarthy

Just because a book was written doesn’t make it true. Many books have been written about total b.s., even pro-vaccine books convincing the readers of the safety.

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You will never know until you read them. The same can be said of the tell a vision. What is to believe about that thing anymore? All we have heard out of it for 50 years are lies. If this is your argument then it is a failed one.

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VOTING AGAINST EVIL MATTERS! Let’s make America great again! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Watch Truth Stream Media's video on "voting" and what it truly means. It's an eye opener.


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Don't think, go and read John Beaty's book, 'Iron Curtain Over America', Alison Weir's 'Against Our Better Judgment', watch Benjamin Freedman's video on YT....it's worth our time.

I've spent the better of 20 years reading and researching and can tell everyone in this forum that it is over, literally. Those in power have complete control over every Social Institution in America. ( Watch Norman Dodd's interview with G.Edward Griffin ). Listen to Peg Luksik explain Common Core edumacation.......and what it's true intended purpose was/is. Read Henry Ford's book about the capture of all Social Institutions in America by this globalist group.

I get it, people do NOT like new information....anything that breaks down their institutionalized instruction from the cradle to the grave. They hate the messenger and cherish the lies. They cannot be bothered to look in places they were never instructed to. They prefer low hanging fruit because it is just easier than climbing that 'tree'.

But, I was never that person to grasp at low hanging fruit. I was never that person to be satiated with rotten fruit.

I hope that you are sincere about your intentions to know the truth because it is really all that can save us at this point. No man who lives in a gilded penthouse can even relate to us much less give two shits if we live or die. And I hope people realize that not one of these rich people gives two shits for them because, to those billionaires' who toy with the majority of believers, we are garbage. You just are not that important and maybe this is truly the real issue at hand; People think way too much of themselves.

No one is coming to save us from ourselves.

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Dear Vee

It will all be good in the end. If it is not good now it isn’t the end yet.

I pray god will make his presence known to you. ❤️

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Amen. In the end, all will be good, but in the mean time, let's try to survive while we watch the dumpster fire burn.

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Vee, your post is exactly why I came back full circle to a belief in God. I grew up in a family full of preachers and teachers. I slowly rejected all of that in my late twenties and thirties.

Eventually, I got right to the edge of the abyss, leaning out and peering into the void, and really didn’t like the evil and the spiritual battle that I saw. I determined that even if “this God stuff” was complete baloney, it was still better than the alternative. Perhaps I would still end up in a gulag, or worse, but at least there would be something waiting for me on the other end, and something comforting me now in the middle of it.

It is not so bleak when you know the final outcome.

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Wow, negative nancy

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I prefer Realistic Ryan. Thanks.

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Oh, I like that one too.

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You can't say you weren't warned, Jenna. If Trump, Musk, and Kennedy are elected, your government will lose its ability to decide when and how much you must be injected with experimental mystery solutions, and people will say what they want with NO supervision! Some of it could be erroneous. I'm thinking "War of the Worlds" combined with the Hindenburg and Titanic both sinking at once. Oh, the humanity!

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LOL! The horror! 🤣🙏

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