Oh my Gosh!!! This is hilarious! Jenna, you have taken word-smithing to a whole new solar system.

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Jan 22Liked by Jenna McCarthy

“Don’t should on anyone else and never let anyone should on you” reminds me of what my brother would say - “should equals shit”.

Yeah - the brother who no longer speaks to me because I am “uneducated and in a cult”. His twin feels the same way. 😡😢

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Hertz don’t it! One of my (Uber-jabbed) siblings is exactly as yours. The other is moving that direction, despite his conservative leanings (but he’s twice-jabbe, sadly).

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Jan 22Liked by Jenna McCarthy

It does, Big E. My heart goes out to you - and to all who have lost loved ones - all because of a BIG FAT LIE.

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Thank you, Laura!

Speaking of big fat lies, Sasha Latypova just put out an amazing interview that explains every aspect of the Big Fat Lie and offers a few solutions near the end. See Corona Investigative Committee Interview. January 12, 2024 - discussion with Viviane Fischer and Wolfgang Wodarg. By SASHA LATYPOVA (transcript included): https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/corona-investigative-committee-interview

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Big E - that was an excellent interview! I subscribe to Sasha, but hadn't listened to it. Glad you prompted me to.

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Jan 22Liked by Jenna McCarthy

As someone who considers herself a Christian, I am so weary of people who think that they can judge other people based on their rigid dogmatic ideas of what constitutes a Christian. It is an example of the “othering” that is the exact opposite of what I believe my faith is about. Christians should not be Karens, but they often are.

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But all the wonderful and not so wonderful things you do talk about to keep us laughing and thinking at the same time.

THAT is why I am a paid subscriber to you and other great writers on here.

I noticed when I used to be on Fakebook the amount of trolls that came out from under a bridge to criticize but weren't brave enough to speak standing naked behind their own glass pulpit.

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This means EVERYTHING to me! :)

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Jan 22Liked by Jenna McCarthy

You've got a biting sense of humor smacking of well deserved sarcasm. I left a 7yr relationship the main reason for which I was constantly being told how to do what I do best by someone who didn't know which end of a screwdriver to hold. Appreciate your wit & wisdom.

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Jan 22Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Spit.My.Coffee.Out hilarious!

Thanks, Jenna!

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Jan 22Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Love this - so funny. I can relate.

So, as your hubby, can I assume that the next time you ask me to build something, you wont also tell me how to do it? Hmmm? And no. You cant have it there!

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Of course you can’t assume that, dear! Now go put on your “happy wife, happy life” hoodie and build me something. I’ll be out in just a minute to tell you how. 🤣🤣🤣😘😘😘

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Jan 22Liked by Jenna McCarthy

‘... an entitled cohort of twats who expect an award for showing up...’. Best line of the year.

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Jan 22Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I attempt, with great daily struggle, to follow the teachings of Jesus and can opine to one fact: it is a process. My human nature continually thwarts my effort to gain 'perfection'. And why is that? There is no perfection here.

I am truly stunned by the politics of Christianity, especially among my fellow Americans who think that a politician or a piece of legislation can save them from the upcoming disaster that most are unprepared for, although there is considerable warning. While there are many, many 'good' people who have leadership roles, we are at a point in history where there are too many holes in the sinking ship. I have made peace with the reality that preparing myself for what is left of the future means learning patience with one another, even if it means me walking away from others.

As I consider this comment (which is actually a taunt) “As a Christian, I’d love to know your thoughts on Palestine”?

I pause and wonder if people remember that Jesus himself told us to love our enemies (and He specifically reminds us that it's pretty easy to love those that love you).

As for me, I choose to follow the One who is called "Prince of Peace".

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Jan 22Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Jenna, for future reference to save your research time. I have 3 gnomes, all male, all of the garden variety and I redo their makeup for them every Spring 😅

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Jan 22Liked by Jenna McCarthy

This is more words than I say in a month! Absolutely 💯 hilarious! Great!😊

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Jan 22·edited Jan 22Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Thank you, Jenna, for NOT writing about everything under the sun (but don’t forget your Vitamin D). I’m not feeling very creative today, but thought I’d reply (SERIOUSLY) about a couple of things. Bear with the brain fog…


Requiring manufacturers to have liability for their “vaccine” products will first require complete dismantling of the PREP Act and other laws that were used to shoot these shots into every arm on the planet (except a darn few stubborn holdouts).

Unfortunately, the Legal Issues for Legislation are thornier than Sleeping Beauty’s Briar Garden. Sasha Latypova describes them in excruciating detail without mincing any words: https://sashalatypova.substack.com

To find some legislation that absolutely could work, visit ICAN Legislate (https://icanlegislate.org)

Here is one example:

* No Liability No Mandate Bill: Individuals will not be mandated to receive medical products if the manufacturer of the product cannot be sued. https://icanlegislate.org/no-liability-no-mandate-bill/

The above is one of six excellent and elegant model bills provided here. Propose them to your legislators! https://icanlegislate.org/model-bills-page/

A Model Constitutional Amendment to protect medical freedom is here: https://icanlegislate.org/constitutional-amendment/


PTGer Complaint: “You won’t shut up about the Covid vaccine, but you say nothing about women’s reproductive rights.

Potential Reply (but rewritten with Jenna Jauntiness): I care a lot about women’s reproductive rights! That’s why I ask women — especially pregnant woman — to go jab free (men too, especially if they are actual biological men whose “seed” may be spikey🦠). I want women to have informed consent before injecting bacterial poo into their bodies or consorting with men who have.

Dr. James Thorp speaks eloquently and accurately about women’s reproductive rights. So does Dr. Kimberly Biss. Here’s an example: Category X with Special Guest Kimberly Biss, M.D. (01/19/4): OB-GYN presents a few of her findings on neonatal injections, menstrual irregularities, healthcare staffing, cancer rates and more. (Video 50 min): https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/good-morning-chd/category-x-with-special-guest-kimberly-biss-md/?utm_source=luminate&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=chdtv&utm_id=20240120

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All. Of. This. :)

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Jan 22Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Freaking Brilliant.

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Please stop talking about what you don't talk about.

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Jan 22Liked by Jenna McCarthy

You are a very talented writer which makes reading your material interesting and worthwhile.

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Very kind of you to take the time to say so! :)

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Hey, these truly are some "mucho" interesting themes that Jenna is unearthing for our consideration. I think she is a good fit for me, though, and I would ask here (or anyone) to tell me just how I can go "fishing" for the persons I do need to support my writing. How do you do it? I have a very specific style but I am getting a bit worried that readers will never magically show up. What do I do? Well, all I could figure out was to post this. So don't get made now, Jenn! -uh. You da perfect person, goil!!!!# Seriously though, it is about COVID, vaccines, gender and above all an economics spin that is definitely non-standard (not the neoclassical orthodoxy but entirely concerned with and critical towards Economics as a subject field). It could also be of interest to philosophers.

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Thanks for the note, Jacob! Building a substack community is just like building one anywhere else. You "go out and meet people" by following and engaging with other writers you like (like you just did) and offering thoughtful commentary and links. You do this while also being active in similar ways across as much social media as you can stomach. You can't just "build it and (hope) they will come," especially with the topics you/we write about, b/c a) social media will all but bury that shit and b) it can take a while to find and assemble your tribe. Be persistent and consistent and you'll get there. :)

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I don't cross post between social media. So nothing from my "Substack" will ever appear on my Facebook., and vica verse natch., so I don't want "them" to know one another. Because I think the two platforms might fight or steal from one another. Each "person" should be they own thang? So I do not link social media platforms, thank you. I want FB and Substack to NOT be friends! Who the Fu*k gave S-Stack and FB permission to be friends anyway? I have no community. I am Autistic. I was on "Medium," they de-platformed me. The offense was "'breathing while offending a TRANS activist...'" And: "not comprehending the genius of the "Medium" CEO." Who was at the time "Ev," but they got a new CEO called a "coach" and "the coach" never invited me back so I guess I a literal "chopped liver" as the Jews say, and I eventually decided "Medium" must be a very poorly run organization. I do not think about it. I want other persons to read my work and try to think about what I am saying. I want to know if it is helpful to anyone. I refuse to take more that $100 a month, although I do not get paid at all as of now, and I have accumulated 44 followers and about ten who actually read it regularly. I just think that (the number) is kind of low. I do not make anything in money as of now, but that is projected, to limit it to $100.

- p.s. I am not sure that I want a "tribe." I want the world, Jenna....

("....To the Moon, Alice!")

- plus(+)additional p.p.s. but mostly vegetarians. Who like Delta blues music, e.g. Furry Lewis, Lightning Hopkins, Charley Patton, Blind Lemon Jefferson or Blind Willie McTell (both good esp. because "interesectional" ~bcs both are black and blind so we need to support thembecause being blind "oppressed" them but at least they never had to see the world as it is today)....

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