Great comment, and will someone please tell me why the fact that Elon Musk is “unelected” is a problem? Do people not realize that with the exception of congress and the president and vice president, NO GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES , JUDGES, OR BUREAUCRATS ARE “ELECTED“???? Not a single cabinet member, secretary, department head, military General, Supreme Court Justice, or agency head (CDC, CIA, FDA, DOJ, HHS, DOE, FTC, FBI, NIH, WHO, OMB, etc.) has been “elected”!

I am so sick of the stupidity here!!!

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Exactly!!! And why are they SO obsessed with how rich he is???

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Because he’s the richest man in the world AND not on their side. He was an icon when he was a DemoncRAT.

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The only thing that the democrat party's done well in the last half-century is to provide the nation, often by exile, political figures that leave the party to save the country and the republic, I refer to ex democrats such as RFK, Jr., Ronald Reagan, D.J.Trump, Tulsi Gabbard, Elon Musk, and God knows who else. I am still an old-school democrat, but have fallen into the same category as the "exiles". True liberals no longer belong in the ranks of the democrat party.

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Same scenario when he wasn't President. They all loved him and his unfettered talk. How dare he be a Republican!

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Thank you for the actual meaning of USAID. I didn’t know that!

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They’re just secretly mad they aren’t. Good ol’ fashion envy.

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Elon Musk got the same number of votes that Kamala Harris did in the Democratic Primary last year.

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"Elon Musk got the same number of votes that Kamala Harris did in the Democratic Primary last year."

...although the fact that he was ONE PERSON'S CHOICE was made abundantly clear from the outset.

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As if Victoria Nuland is (was, fingers crossed) elected, but "progressives" aren't concerned about her and her diabolical schemes. Wilful deafness and blindness, hypocrisy, stupidity, and maybe (to be charitable) Stockholm Syndrome. Friends in Indiana have already been bankrupted by "healthcare" but the health problems continue, though TDS prevents them from appreciating how RFK Jr may make a welcome improvement to their lives.

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The coddling of the American mind explains it

Great book and now movie


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Trailer is amazing! Hope it delves into the grossly excessive vaccinations this gen has endured, a prime mind fuck often followed by mind altering SSRI drugs.

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Nuland’s at least retired now, phew!!

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there are some very wretched unelected ppl in the US government.

I hope they leave soon

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If this election was about anything, it was that "we the people want OUR OWN unelected ppl in the US government."

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Agree! And couldn’t have said it better!

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Ask them if Kamala was elected as the nominee.

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Exactly! Liberals don't have a problem with giving the keys to the car for George Soros, he's not an elected official.

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Unelected, rich, Asperger’s - who cares. Manipulating the government and citizens for his own ends is the problem. Follow the links in my other comment.

It's sad and dangerous that so many people keep needing to find a hero to do their "thinking" rather than stand up and think for themselves, be it trump, or musk, or diddy, or whoever.

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Except, for better or worse, all government employees are required to go through stringent tests. Probably the lower the level the more stringent the test. I worked for the Dept. of Labor/OwcP an number of years ago and I not only had to take a test, I had to list every job and every address I ever had. Still managed to be corrupt as hell though. I remember one case of a woman with four young children whose husband was assigned to Austria with the Marshall Plan. He was murdered while there, but he was in the Soviet Zone when he was murdered and it was after work hours - AND he had had dinner with his female secretary so they refused to give her compensation. It took years and a literal act of Congress for that woman to get worker's comp for her husband's death. It was the 80's when I worked there and she had requested her next check be sent to the Indian Ashram that she planned to stay at for one month. Loved it! Kind of reminded me of that old movie, Auntie Mame.

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It's a problem because he's a billionaire that doesn't represent your average hard working American. Every business venture that Musk has been supposedly successful at is tied with funding from the government and the deep state. Unelected bureaucrats has always been a big problem, but putting billionaires who benefit from government inefficiencies to lead the "department of government inefficiencies" is a big joke.

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you mean like tony fauci highest paid government official that gets to enforce his own toxic drugs as standard of care .. nothing else allowed then takes all the royalties from them in spite of the taxpayer funding the research in spite of them being utterly toxic remdesivir didn't even make it to the end of the trial for ebola one of the most hideous illnesses on planet earth because it was more toxic than havin ebola yet millions got force fed the stuff and that is just one of his crimes among many

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No, I don't mean anything like that. Where in my response did I mention that a life long corrupt un-elected bureaucrat like Fauci should be in charge of anything? He belongs in prison along with the entire biopharmecutical military industrial complex that supports him.

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So, by your logic we should elect a few poor/middle class people without college degrees who have never benefitted in any way from government programs to conduct audits on government agencies. Good luck with that. Haven’t you noticed our bloated federal government is rife with fraud and corruption perpetrated by both elected and unelected millionaires? How do you think Schumer and Pelosi are worth hundreds of millions of dollars despite never having a real-world job? Don’t you want to know how they and their families got so rich at your expense?

Sincere question, what is it that bothers you most about exposing government waste, inefficiency, grift, and corruption? Don’t you want your hard earned money to be spent wisely and transparently? I sure do.

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Feb 10Edited

No... that's absolutely illogical. Why does it have to be the two extremes instead of someone from middle class America? Someone who has a track record of standing up for liberty and speaking out against the deep state? Someone maybe like... Ron Paul? Rand Paul? Thomas Massie? I absolutely have noticed that our government is full of corrupt politicians, most of whom are being blackmailed to support a darker agenda to bring down America. Do you realize that? Do you realize that Elon Musk is another actor and a part of the deep state apparatus?

What bothers me is the way that it is being exposed. MAHA is the perfect example. Let's talk about everything but how covid was a scam and how the death shots have killed and maimed millions of people in this country and continues to do so because these actors masquerading as politicians and human beings are remaining deathly silent on the issue. I also have a sincere question for you: don't you find this rather suspicious?

I would love for my hard earned money to be spent wisely and transparently, but that's not going to happen until there is a way to show how our taxes are being spent.

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Yes, exactly!

It’s illogical! By drawing your comment out to its logical conclusion I demonstrated the absurdity of it. The head of DOGE is never going to be an “elected”Average Joe. Why? Because no cabinet secretary or department head is an elected Average Joe. These positions are filled by credentialed individuals whom the president appoints because he believes they are a good fit for the job. In the case of DOGE it’s probably not necessary that the guy in charge be “relatable” to the average American. It’s probably more important that he be a brilliant, visionary, computer savvy guy with a legion of computer experts at his disposal. With all due respect to Ron Paul, Rand Paul, and Thomas Massie, who are good men, they are already employed in other important roles and they have a different skill set from someone like Elon Musk. So far, I like the fact that corruption and abuse is finally being exposed and if a non-relatable rich guy does the exposing, who cares?

As for Elon Musk being part of the “Deep State”, I don’t see how that’s possible given that he has never had a role in the U.S. government. The “Deep State” refers to career bureaucrats deeply imbedded in our government agencies that are undermining the progress and objectives set forth by a president they don’t like or agree with. That’s not a description of Elon Musk.

In regard to your question about finding something “suspicious” about MAHA, I’m not sure I really understand what you are asking. I agree that the jabs were poison — I saw through that hoax immediately — and the whole pandemic was a complete ruse. I would love to see the perpetrators like Fauci brought to justice for their crimes. I’m not sure why RFK seems to be backing off on exposing the vaccine hoax, but it may be that he is just softening his rhetoric in order to get confirmed. I really don’t know. I’m in a wait and see mode for now, but “suspicious” is not really the right word.

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lol this is hilarious. If you continue to draw your train of thought to its logical conclusion, you should also see how absurd it is for the inefficient federal government to create another department to address government inefficiencies.

It's great that corruption and abuse is finally being exposed, but it is not being fully exposed. It is a controlled exposure. That is the problem. It's another propaganda disinformation campaign to control the discussion by controlling the overton window. Please educate yourself on the overton window if you do not know what this is.

Your definition of the "Deep State" is not the same as mine. The "deep state" has its tentacles everywhere. It's not just bureaucrats deeply embedded in our government. They are embedded everywhere, especially in lobbying firms and key positions in the corporatocracy, NGOs, etc. The scamdemic was only made possible because of the way the system currently is. Do you know the history of Elon Musk and how he has made his fortunes? His grandfather was a technocrat in Canada! Do you think that is some sort of coincidence?

As for MAHA, various individuals and organizations that were calling out the plandemic and the covid shots are now a part of MAHA. Now that MAHA has seemingly solidified itself as "movement", the leaders of MAHA are deathly silent about the plandemic and the death jabs. Why is that? Why have the conversations around the death jabs and the scamdemic become sidelined? Do you think it is a coincidence that there is absolutely little to no mention of the two most important topics of the last five years?

The conversations are being controlled. The overton window is being controlled. If you are not suspicious, then you are not paying attention.

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1. Sorry, that is not the “logical conclusion” of my comment. The relative efficiency/inefficiency of DOGE is not related in any way to my comments about Elon Musk being an unelected appointee of the President. It’s an entirely separate issue.

2. Do you think that the Overton Window is a new concept? Did you just hear about it? Too funny! I have no need to “educate myself”. The Overton Window has been in common journalistic usage for many years. Maybe it’s new to you but it’s actually a very well known reference point.

3. Neither you nor I get to have our own personal definition of “Deep State”. Here is the actual definition. You can look it up. “Deep state is a term used to refer to the idea that there is a cadre of career employees inside a government that are working together to secretly manipulate government policy and undermine elected leaders or political appointees. These people can have positions in the military or intelligence fields as well as other areas of government like bureaucratic agencies. “ Now, Deep Staters can use outside agencies or individuals to further their agendas, but the actual Deep Staters are employed within the government. That’s why “State” is in the description.

4. I addressed my opinion on MAHA in my previous comment.

5. I am paying attention and I find many things to be suspicious. I just didn’t think it was the applicable term in the context of your comment.

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My grandfather used to say, "it takes a thief to catch a thief".

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DEI aside...at least he's qualified for the job!

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It reminds me of Covid, when they sheep all got behind Fauci even though he was obviously nefarious. These people are totally brainwashed. There is no hope for them. It is kind of funny but tragic at the same time.

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Yea, but when those shovel-ready jobs (12+ years and NADA!) finally make their way to THEIR neighborhoods (12 year old potholes currently being filled as we type!), when the moola makes its way BACK to THEIR bank accounts, when ADHD becomes a nightmare of Christmas past thanks to the unadulteration of our food supply, they may just wake the F up… Oh, a girl can dream!

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Dan, I would've agreed that there's no hope for them, but I'm glad I wasn't written off as hopeless when I was really just not used to thinking to logical conclusions. Given today's educations that are being handed out, I'm not surprised that people find it hard to have to do their own thinking.

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I have my own reservations about what Trump and Musk are doing, but would rather take a "wait and see" approach than work myself into a lather about it. All that cortisol can't be good for the physical body, either.

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Same here.

Happy with the common sense reorganizing and the abolishing of ungodly things forced on us. Happy with seeing the corruption, abuse, and thievery brought to light.

But a bit nervous about AI and cryptocurrency, etc. and possibly other “oh hell no” items coming down the pike.

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Wow. I shared something from Robert Malone’s last post on Facebook last night and got crucified. Mostly by my own family. Not going back on FB for a while.

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It's a cesspool over there, honestly (but my girl DID sell 7 pieces, so I guess it's good for SOMETHING!) ;)

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Isn’t it just stunning how brainwashed people react to truth? It reminds me of the squinting when people walk from the dark into sunlight. It just hurts.

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Social media doesn't have to monitor posts with so many tiny little self-appointed nazzis around with their home-made hats and badges.

"Self-policing" I think it's called.

(In North Korea anyway.)

I'm about to "share" information about Joe Tippen's cancer-fighting protocol of Ivermectin and Fenbendazole with my "family."

"Molotov cocktail" I think it's called.

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I am totally confounded by your posts. Have no idea where you’re going with your statements as you have posted here multiple times.

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Thank you.

And now you have returned the favor!

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I am on FB but I do not have ANY family as friends. That works

I do sneak over to their pages and my little brother is hysterical TDS

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Ditto with my SIL who I don’t follow but can see on my husband’s page when I sneak over lol

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The ultimate ideal of a totalitarian government! When citizens censor each other and the gov't doesn't have to lift a finger or send a single cop.

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I've been off it quite a while because of this. Don't miss the takedowns and blocks

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Left it in 2021

Rejoined in 2023 privately with only 6 friends/family and to follow a private No coofid mandates group

Rarely on it

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Come on Paula! 🙋‍♀️Join me! I’m going to keep on squawking, politely of course (and as much as it pains me to do it, sometimes throwing in a bone to make the truth more palatable. Don’t judge me. 😁).

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its mad isn't it and the hurt will stay with us for years even if we pretend it doesn't

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When Heinrich Musk did his Nazi salute he was thanking the US people. They'd given him what he was after; access to 83-year old Norman Nobblenuts private details.

Don't you lovers of the Orange Triple Hitler know that EVERY single person who has ever had access to personal data on behalf of government has been *elected*. Sheesh. What are you MAGA extremists on, eh?

Sorry for the sarcasm, but I just can't fathom any of this nonsense. It seems the great audit of destiny has met the arse crack of stupidity judging by the lib response.

When you guys have finished playing with your DOGE can we borrow it here in the UK? We've got a gormless robotic tit as Prime Minister and a country that's fast heading to the dogs.

The forced insertion of a bit of DOGE here would do wonders to illuminate all those places where the sun has never shined.

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God I miss English sarcasm. Thanks for the smirks.

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I felt this comment in my bones. ;)

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Hold yer nose whilst you peer in there, Rudy.

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Wow 😮

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I'm going to hazard a guess here that you didn't pick up on the sarcasm?

I'm 100% behind Jenna's take and love what Musk is doing.

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Loved your comments. Praying for the UK 🙏🙏🙏

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It is a fact of social media that sarcasm is many times not apparent. As I read your first two paragraphs I thought you were on the Progressive Resistance Front. But then the lightbulb went off. Great comment and love your handle.👍🇺🇸👍🇺🇸👍

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Do any of these outraged citizens braying about Elon gaining access (supposedly, but who knows?) to our social security numbers, etc. make a fuss about how we give away our information every day through shopping and being online? And all this disruption is necessary, because CONGRESS IS NOT DOING ITS JOB! (And hasn't been for may years.)

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Yeah too obvious probably lol

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I thought about something similar this weekend. While this DOGE news should be THE topic of conversation in many places, it sadly is not. Why? Because it would mean the perpetrators, willing participants and all those that “bought the ticket” to ride well paying white collar mgmt jobs pushing the agenda were the bad guys. Plain and simple they can’t and won’t see, it would mean holding a mirror up to their own behavior, seeing how awful they’ve treated their fellow citizens and indeed the rest of the world. The red pill has become impossible to swallow, for taking the blue pill keeps them in the fantasy that they are the good guys.

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Yes, it’s called cognitive dissonance.

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See the documentary, “An Honest Liar.” It’s about James Randi, magician, and how he outed Uri Geller by pretending to be psychic, getting famous for bending spoons “with his mind,” then coming clean and showing how the trick is done. People were NOT mad at Uri Geller for being exposed as a phony, they were mad a Randi, who exposed him. People are fucking nuts.

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Yep. MDS is classic “Shoot the Messenger” mentality.

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Mattias Desmet's work on mass formation is proving very accurate. Through propaganda you can get 30% of the population to blindly and enthusiastically follow orders and believe anything, the more ridiculous and contradictory the better. Polls show ~30% of the people still take the news seriously. TDS is a real mental disorder and it has affected a good chunk of the population. Reality, common sense, logic don't help, they need deprogramming, starting with unplugging from the MSM.

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Most people don't follow the news except

at around election time. If the citizenry understood

politics as well as they understand pro sports or TMZ celebrites, it would destory Democrat power for at least a generation.

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Unfortunately the $2.4M for cloud seeding was just for doing it ONE state. I have seen a contract for another state posted and I assume there are 48 others buried in the database somewhere that we haven’t uncovered, yet.

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Just got myself a paid subscription, Jenna.

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I appreciate you, Janet!!! :)

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We thank you too, Janet, because without subscribers, we run the risk of losing Jenna!

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Why are "We" (collectively) more concerned about having things pointed out, rather than what's being pointed out?

Asking for a friend.

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That old fashioned game of “kill the messenger” Pastor.

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I want my money back. 1 million will do for now. And WTF happened to the DOGE ads??? I was supremely disappointed (though the lack of woke ads was supremely encouraging!).

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I KNOW! My daughter in CA and I were texting the entire four hours. We'd be like "WAIT IS THIS IT OH NEVERMIND IT'S DORITOS" Hahahahaha. Nice ploy by the sportsball people to get views!!! (eyeroll)

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That’s the only reason I watched the stupid game, dammit. Did we get punked?

I have to admit that it was fun watching Taylor and her boyfriend get taken down.

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I think we're going to get a break from Mahomes-peddles-everything! ads for the next year too. Wow. For a second there I was afraid the Eagles were going to come out of the screen for ME because I had cheered (a little) for the Chiefs early on. Then I just cheered for it--and the stoopit commercials--to be O Ver.

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I hate to break it to ya, Nard, but that money is GONE, Adiós, arrivederci, pissed-away, outta here, GONE! Thirty fucking trillion gone. And nobody's even gonna get a thank-you note or a reach-around. Have at 'em, Elon!

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NExt year…!

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"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

Not you, of course, but all those attacking Musk.

This is why Yellowstone Park warns people not to feed the bears.

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The crazies are running amok! It makes my brain hurt attempting to understand. Do not get me wrong, I definitely understand the shrieking and clutching of pearls by some of our illustrious political hacks, but by tax paying citizens of this country??

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Hi not that my opinion counts for much as I'm. a brit and it has sod all to do with me

except for my prayers that this process will migrate across the atlantic and do the same in the UK

I do have one criticism of DOGE

and that is the word government

The elected officials are elected to represent not govern the unelected officials are appointed to serve

Thus I moot that it should be renamed DOSE

Department of State Efficiency

we've had a shocking time of it over here for 40 years plus

endless cutbacks plus corruption but the cutbacks have been the letting go of good people busting their chops to do a good job serving the public social workers child protection agencies etc etc etc but the dead wood the expensive wood is all still there haenorraging money and yet nothing good happens with it now. and the few good workers that remain are knackered and stressed beyond their ability to function. They keep 'saving' money in the wrong places while endlessly increasing the high tiers of management.

as an example the boss of the national health service has been quoted as saying the NHS would be so easy to manage if it wasn't for the patients.

billions spent on covid PPE that didn't work and not repurcussions I'll shut up now before I rant

good luck America

may the new team get to live long enough to finish what they started and promised to do I only see great things can come of this.

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I do wish I'd proof read this and my other comment before I pressed post.

A few full stops, commas, capital letters and spelling corrections may have helped a bit sorry.

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It's all good, Wm. Your point is well taken. You have a similar problem as did your froggy neighbours in June 1940 when the German Wehrmacht swarmed over that monument to bloated French Bureaucrats, the Maginot Line and whipped France's arse in two weeks. Bloat bankrupts and kills governments. Ask Mikhail Gorbachev. (it wasn't R. Reagan, the Soviets did it to themselves).

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@william ormerod See those little horizontally dots to the far right (haha I said "far right") of your name?They hide an Edit button which I use liberally and oftener. I suppose it is possible mine is the only subscription on which it is offered.

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Overall, bravo. But one point about the use of the word government - yes, we have representational govt - but self-governance is the concept. Our republic is not supposed to be an elite “state” dictating to the citizenry. “We the People” well, at least 25% of us have forgotten that or never been educated about civic duty. DOGE is perfectly acceptable.

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I went through a force-reduction exercise at my state-agency employer, mandated by the conservative legislature upon learning of the rich, long-running corruption scheme that had been put in place.

Unfortunately, the mandate to cut was handed to the pustules themselves, who proceeded to purge the ranks of everyone who'd ever registered a voice of caution about the corrupt practices.

The mycenium of corruption is still throughout and awaits only the return of the more "sympathetic" regime.

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