May 30Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I'm baby waffled that the tornadologists didn't use climate change as the most likely safe and effective possibility. I'm starting to think that baffled is actually synonymous for "don't want to go down that rabbit hole because I still want to make a living for the machine".

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YES! 😂 Well said, and my thought exactly.

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May 30Liked by Jenna McCarthy

A new acronym - ABV (Anything But the Vax).

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YESSSSSSSSSSS. Stealing for future use (with credit, OFC). ;)

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May 30Liked by Jenna McCarthy

😀 I can’t take credit. I’ve seen it many times in stack comments.

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Back in 1976, I had a cute 17 year old high school (real female) graduate working in my shop that could sell ice to any male Eskimo. Her favorite saying was, "If you can't dazzle them with facts or your intelligence, baffle them with bullshit!"

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Just thinking out loud here but it might be why there are still some baffled people that worship our White House Resident.

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Or deranged...supporting an increasingly baffled but still dangerously bloodthirsty and corrupt president.

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President Eisenhower used this approach, too. (Maybe Joe's sharp as a tack and this senility thing is just an act. Yikes!)

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ViroLIEgy is bull shit.

www.VirusTruth.NET we need activists to study this site, share and post'

get the free books Contagion Myth and Can You Really Catch a Cold?

im putting their mini flyers called tickets on cars and taping to gas pumps everyday

to help end this Bullshit !!

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Too funny Jenna!

I trust most of your readers are spitting coffee too.

Your husband is a lucky man.

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I’ll be sure to tell him you said so!🤣

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May 30Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Glad my phone is waterproof 🤭

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May 30Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Thanks for the first steps in the scientific method.

Too often schools forget the first step.

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Jun 4Liked by Jenna McCarthy

thank you for pointing this out. www.VirusTruth.NET needs to be posted everywhere !

im putting the mini flyers called LuckyDay on cars and taping to gas pump screens.

Putting the free pdf of book Contagion Myth directly into as many hands as humanly possible. one by one we turn the tide !

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May 30Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I am baffled why they are baffled about some of those examples that you gave. Dead fish? Already a lawsuit due to whales being killed by those big ole wind turbines. They can kill those big ole mammals the little ones don't have a chance. Micro fibers in the testes. I am baffled why they don't know about PFA's. They are in everything, including stuff we eat and drink and wear and cook with and put food in and you can go on forever. Maybe when you make some waffles you could ingest or try and digest some microfibers. The star obviously had to have been hovering over D.C. So many liars and two faced people located there. That one is very easy. I congratulate them on the mountains. Being able to tell that a mountain is lurking is pretty incredible. I didn't know they posed in that manner.

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Dr. Stefano Scoglio explains the micro fibers

here www.VirusTruth.NET/Italia

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Lol, that dance just about sums it up, doesn't it. Are we at peak absurdity yet?

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With these bozos, I'm not sure "peak absurdity" is even reachable.

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Yep, every time I think that we must be there now, another range shows up behind that and then another.

I like the way you use a bit of sardonic humor in your writing, it makes things a little more bearable. A laugh is good medicine.

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Not even close to it

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Peak Absurdity, I like the term however I’m not sure were there….

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No not peak absurdity...if they can pull of faking viruses and getting humanity to inject poison for viruses that dont exist (read Contagion Myth by Dr. Tom Cowan for details and the work of Virologist Stefan Lanka- hold on to your seat. get the popcorn out. Bird Flu"pandemic" and Disease X up on stage next.... www.VirusTruth.NET activists needed. time is of the essence. this is how they cull the population especially poor black undeveloped countries

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May 30Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Jenna, it’s not often that a Substack can literally make me laugh out loud, but this one did it! The “Those who trust the government” photo(s) was just the best thing I’ve seen in a long time. Thank you for your brilliance and finding humor in this bizarre existence we find ourselves in.

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My pleasure, friend. Appreciate folks like you. :)

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Nice one! I always appreciate your style.

(I saw a recent conversation between Mikki Willis and Jimmy Dore where Willis complimented Dore on his work, noting how humor is needed to help swallow the absurd, dark truths. He said it so well and I think he spoke of something that is a sign of a growing trend; I expect that our future will be full of people sharing their perspectives and experiences in ways that look nothing like the media of the past. We will see people with humor, with compassion, with holistic perspectives, with solutions… all kinds of things of value that the media establishment stripped away.)

Thank you for the effort you make to wrap the absurdity in smart humor!

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I hope that is EXACTLY what our future is full of! :) The media is dead... and thanks for taking the time to comment. :)

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Completely unrelated to the stupid scientists but right in line with mandatory narrative phrasing, a college buddy once pointed out that buses always plunge. He used to collect "bus plunge" headlines. Buses plunge into roadside ditches, even.

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What else could they possibly do? Teeter? Careen? Wobble?🤣🤣🤣

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May 30Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Once again, you got my morning off to a laugh-filled start! Thank you!

However, I have to quibble with your wordsmithing about the word "baffled." I have it on excellent authority (mine) that "baffled" originates from the ancient Sumerian word, "bah-fled", meaning, "an immature disinclination to tell the truth, particularly when a potential loss of money is a factor." Thought you´d like to know!

Hugs and love, Jenna!

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Bahahaha the more you know! ;)

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May 30Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I’m baffled why anyone would want to sleep with 80 yo Robert De Niro and have him father their child?! Did you know he has a 10 month old baby? His baby is now auntie to his 56 yo old son. I didn’t know this or care until my young son read it, forwarded it to me, and asked if it was true. So many things baffle me lol especially stupidity :/

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There are lots of star f*ckers out there HI ANNA NICOLE SMITH who would do anything to have a celeb's baby. So gross. Also I'm confused how this baby is an auntie? Wouldn't she be the sister? (Not being argumentative, just clarifying!)

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May 30Liked by Jenna McCarthy

It’s all so gross and yes the baby is the auntie to his teenage grandchildren, ugh.

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OH!!! ✅

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understing the lie of viroliegy is most crucial to our existance going forward

we can turn off the TV to Hollywood and stop giving these "actors" any of our attention and financial support of their "movies and sick violent entertainment"


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"Doctors were baffled".

This mom? Not so much.


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So horrifying and heartbreaking.

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May 30Liked by Jenna McCarthy

As a fellow word nerd, you might find it interesting that baffle as a noun is

"a device used to restrain the flow of a fluid, gas, etc. or to prevent the spreading of sound or light in a particular direction." (Oxford dictionary.)

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Good one. My favorite word concerning "experts" of all types is "unexpected". Unexpected inflation numbers, unexpected unemployment rises or falls just to name a very few.

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May 30Liked by Jenna McCarthy

The Science™ died from exceedingly rare side effects!

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