I watched with delight as he signed the EO! It’s about time that common sense prevailed. I’m now such a fan of our President and wondered how I could have been a Democrat. I feel like Bobby and Tulsi in that I didn’t leave the Party, but the Party left me. And then I left the Democratic Party.

President Trump seems so much more kind and so human, as I watched him surrounded by all those girls as he signed the EO, I said awwww, how sweet!❤️

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It was nice to see no attempted sniffing!

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I’ll say!

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I saw that clip also. A liberal friend said it was disgusting to see him surrounded by all those girls. You can't win with TDS infected.

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As you may have figured out by now, I'm no fan of governement. That said, I am grateful that Trump is overturning all of these atrociously misogynistic and harmful positions that governement has been ramming down our collective throats over the last 4 years. (Well, much longer than that, of course.) I agree that it is horryfying that we even need to be saying that men are stronger than women and don't belong in women's spaces. My partner is all on board the gender crazy train and calls me transphobic for knowing that men DO NOT belong in women's spaces, including prisons. My mind melts to think that needs to be said.

I refuse to say "real" or "biological" or "cis" (that one makes me throw up) when speaking about men and women. Transwomen are men. Transmen are women. Live your life how you see fit. But as soon as you neeed me to participate in your fantasies for you to feel okay about yourself, or as soon as you need to be able to access facilities designed for the other sex, we have a problem.

Funny enough, not only do you not see young men trying to compete against old men, you don't see women trying to get into men's sports or men's prisons. I can't figure out why...

As always, Jenna, thanks for bringing some humor and levity to these crazy crazy times.

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OMG how can you live with a partner who calls you transphobic for acknowledging basic biology? I COULD NOT DO IT. There's no amount of history or number of children we had together or strength of religious beliefs that could make me stay. God bless you, sincerely. XOXO

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What you DID occasionally see was male poker players dressing up as women to be allowed to compete in WSOP "womens tournaments."

Many women who felt uncomfortable playing in regular events, against men, often sign up to play these low buy-in tourneys. Then the guys showed up.

How was the situation eventually resolved? The WSOP said ok. Guess you fellas can sign up but instead of paying the $1000.00 female entry fee it'll cost biological males $10,000.00.

Problem solved.

PS: I think I play better than many if not most of my male opponents. It's a brain, not brawn "sport". Lind of like chess. I sit down and simply try to outplay them or flip over the best hand at showdown if it comes to that.

Ooh! They do try so VERY hard to bluff me and win pots, sometimes colluding with one

another to do so, but I "didn't

come here to fold".

They learn. 😉

It's time for female sports to become equitable again. (The 2023 Summer Olympics boxing competitions proved that...)

And bless Riley Gaines too! Had more women with huevos like hers supported WOMEN in sports, I don't think that bs would have gone on as long as it did.

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That is a big part of my disappointment with my fellow Americans over the last 5 years or so. How quickly would this have been over if women refused to participate AT ALL. If absolutely no one but the women's team with a man on it even showed up? Or show up to the venue with the bus and your fans and remain outside, preferable with as much press as possible.

How about if entire fire departments refused to come to work after a jab mandate?

How about if more than one couple (us) showed up to the warehouse club without a mask?

You cannot comply your way out of tyranny!

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How about they let me identify as having a doctorate so that I can wipe the floor with the morons and their bullshit in medicine and physics? And yes, even Einstein was a bullshitter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaUzq4YuErs&list=PLkdAkAC4ItcFyNFBywN0wiZ45pCnMr-Ay

So were the discoverers of DNA, Crick and Watson.


Or I can settle for law as both judges and lawyers can't seem to understand that Jacobson never said mandates can exclude you from society. It was just a fine of a hundred bucks in today's dollars.

But again, even the morons on our side fight over transmissibility, like in the lausd case.

Maybe they should all compete in a fantasy league for medicine, physics, and law.

The winners can get nobel prizes. They're useless anyway and given to sycophants that promote war. My favorite was Obama getting the peace prize despite his chicken hawk psychopathic push for more war.

Follow the money because those who have a lot of money aren't doing it for charity but for power.

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Just self identify as a doctor/scientist. I do it every day

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I always wondered why some absolutely livid mom/dad/brother of-a-female-athlete didn’t run up to the 1st place podium and PANTS the self-identified “female winner”, exposing the lying eggplant in the pants. 🍆 🥇 👨

Wouldn’t that have been freakin’ AWESOME?!?

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Seriously! If I'd been an athlete and a guy had shown up on my team, my dad would have marched down there and showed him what a man was supposed to look like.

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"a practice known as body marking, which is the very best position if you ever get asked to volunteer at a triathlon, by the way" Thanks for my morning belly laugh, Jenna! I was captain of my all girls high school's basketball team in 1972. (I wasn't aware that so few girls around the country were participating in organized sports.) In grad school, a couple other women and I played pick up basketball games with some of the guys in our class - since there were substantially more guys than gals back then in that particular educational setting. The guys were very nice and it was just for fun, but they were built differently and I could easily get hurt with them just playing as guys do. If you ever watch a Nuggets game, Joker has scratches all over his arms from the other players and he's a big guy! It's inconceivable to me that anyone can justify what's been going on....

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The body marking bit was how my hubby got me to volunteer that very first year LOL! :) That's awesome that you even HAD a HS girls' basketball team in 1972! And I hear you; my hubby also played BB until pretty recently (he's 6'3", 220lbs) and he'd come come ROUGHED UP. Bruises, scratches, the whole bit. I can't imagine what a woman half his size would have walked off the court looking like (if she walked off at all)...

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Smart hubby :)

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I find men’s calves and forearms the sexiest parts I can actually see. Lol.

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Throw in tushies and we got a deal!

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Bumper sticker: Biology is not bigotry.

Be that however it may, I'm with others here who repeatedly have mentioned: "Executive orders--like bumper stickers--AIN'T gonna save us!"

The Divine Mr. Trump _must_ use his overweening influence to press legislators into whatever molds are necessary to PASS LEGISLATION _codifying_ these REFORMS, somewhat--sadly--more permanently.

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Executive orders are necessary at this time. It is the first step. It needs to be done to force the people to have the honest discussion. To have people see that we have a voice. To bring to light the things that talking about will never change. To open the dialog with those idiots who are "elected" to represent the constituents. To force them to do their jobs.

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@SteveO "To force them to do their jobs." was exactly my point. Trump's lasting contributions will come--only--when he accomplishes _that_.

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It seems like a slow start in Congress, but I saw that Rep Tom Massie, with lots of support, has submitted a bill (or resubmitted a previous bill) to end the Department of Education. I would bet others are doing likewise with some key Trump agenda items.

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Another benefit/result of Title IX was that the market for sporting goods equipment doubled in a a decade or so.

Where your local sporting goods store used to just sell equipment to only males, now they were selling the same type equipment to everyone.

I have two kids and in Troy, Alabama we go to the "Sportsplex" a couple of times a week to watch games or take the kids to practices. Sometimes there are thousands of people at the these basketball courts, football/soccer/baseball/softball fields ... batting cages, etc.

When I was growing up, there used to be just a few hundred people out at the "ballpark."

Our local recreation department is now making a mint from "sign-up fees" and concession sales.

Also, local restaurants and convenience stores are selling a lot more fast food and Gator Aid for families who are stopping at these places before or after games/practices and tournaments.

So Title IX had a profound economic impact on society.

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I have a brother who is a cyclist who has done a couple of Ironman’s. He is NOT normal. He’s done the hill-climb rides of the Tour de France for fun TWICE. He once took me on a ride with him when I told him I thought I was decently fit - I urinated blood afterward. Baseball was my primary sport (way less running), where, back in the day, I played at UCSB. Go Gauchos! Real women athletes DO rock!

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Why don't they form a league of their own and compete against each other. That is what females and minorities once had to do.

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Carolyn, that takes all the “fun” out of it for these mentally ill people playing gender make-believe.

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Totally agree. Except when I beat my wife in pickleball.

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This article made me think back to my triathlon days … I really miss where I was at that time. Driven, sharp, dedicated, thinner! I recall one race where the waves of age groups were so poorly planned, I was in the 30-35 females and the 16-20 men were next after us! They swam right over top! Like we didn’t exist. I get it, prolly annoyed them too - they were just trying to make their time. Demoralizing. Inconsiderate. No one was hurt or drowned, but it still sucked.

It was an avoidable error … if only someone had thought thru the consequence. Intended or unintended. Did anyone else really care? What do we do going forward? Continue to race!

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My daughter is heading off in the fall to play a high-level D-1 sport. I am so thankful for this EO, even though I really don’t agree with the whole concept of the executive branch “legislating”.

SO…this MUST be followed up with *actual* legislation (weird that I have to even write that) that makes this law, and much harder to reverse. My fingers are crossed that by the time the next vote comes up the lunatics are so obviously crazy to enough people that they are reduced to the 4.73 percent support that they actually deserve. But in the meantime, Congress must act as well.

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SPOT ON Accurate Article! This was a FUN, EXCELLENT Read, Jenna!

Thank You.

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😭 ...um.... I love veggie chips ... they're not at fault for leftie lunacy ... 😉 😘

It's so wonderful to be able to breathe this air of "normalcy".

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I wonder if the dood who in 2023 placed first in giant slalom and third in slalom CA/NV high school ski racing championships, besting 100+ real girls (including my daughter) will give back his trophies now?

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Doubt it, but he should! Sad to say, your daughter learned a valuable lesson that will serve her well! You’re a terrific Dad!

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Jrod, it would be great to see the female skiers join together and file a lawsuit to make the male gender bender’s trophies null and void, as well as his event record for it.

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Feb 7Edited

Yeah, that’ll never happen. Everybody was too scared and browbeaten to do anything in the first place; parents, coaches, admin, school board, though privately most were upset about it. I, however, was not silent. I got a platform, and it made a difference is as much as that particular young man dropped off the team. I’m the “concerned dad” interviewed for the article. I stayed anonymous for my daughter’s sake. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12120895/Trans-skier-took-spot-California-womens-race-competitors-dad-hits-result.html

I know the article made a difference because through the process I became friendly with a mom from Davis who was privy to the talk around town. Her story is incredible. She’s on Substack. Beth Bourne. She’s worth looking up.

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I am just going to tell you that I lost a friend (30+ years) because I used the phrase "a dude in dress". She had asked me why I didn't care about gay rights, then spouted off about trans, which she is not, she is a lesbian. It started when she said she was thinking of moving to Sweden or something and my response was that I just want my country back.... which led to the video of Musk doing the heil Hitler... OMG I lost that friend long ago but just didn't know it. My last words to her were be happy, be well, go to Sweden.

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I posted on Fakebook yesterday for the first time in ages and think I may have lost a dear friend, too. This is what I shared:

The co-founder of Airbnb Joe Gebbia (the 386th richest person in the world according to Forbes) posted this on X. Thought it was interesting. 🙂

I have a confession to make:

I did a bad thing.

Something the younger me

Would hate myself for doing.

Something that only a few people (and maybe Bytedance) know:

I voted Republican last November.

I know, I know

I can hear the crush of disappointed voices: Say it ain’t so, Joe.

And yes, I can hear other voices cheering in the background, welcome to the club.


So I would like to take a few moments to explain this choice to my younger self who cast his first ballot for Al Gore in 2000.

Young Joe, first of all, stop frosting the tips of your hair, it’s not cool.

Secondly, those Democrats you’ve voted for your whole life aren’t the same party they used to be.

Like your fashion sense, they’ve lost their way.

Hopefully they’ll make an effort to win people like me back.


Yes, I know I’m late to the party on this, and there’s already a thick gold chain in the punch bowl.

(I hope he drops the Facebook Files in there next.)

But today we stop hiding the truth from our close Never Trumper friends: That we support a party that isn’t going to run this country into the ground.

A country that people from all over the world dream about living in.

I love our nation, our people, and even our standard measurement system.

We were told by the media that loving this country meant hating Trump, and for many years I believed that.

Until I committed the second greatest sin that I’d like to confess today:

I did my own research.

And I found something that shocked me.

He is not a fascist determined to destroy democracy.

He deeply cares about our nation. (I also happen to deeply care about our nation.)

He deeply cares about safe cities. (I also like my car still being where I parked it in the morning.)

He deeply cares about government efficiency and spending. (I also care about the next generation, and love the whole DOGE initiative.)

He cares about bringing common sense back to our country. (So do I.)

He cares about making our borders secure. (I actually don’t like going through the customs process myself, but I do respect the fact these safeguards exist.)


I did, however, find a problem, something that stopped me in my tracks, besides dropping a meme coin on the eve of the inauguration:

One of his cabinet picks, RFK, is saying some pretty out-there things.

I think the establishment may even be more afraid of him than Trump.

For starters, this crazy guy wants to make our tap water safer to drink.

This guy wants us to stop over-medicating.

This guy wants to make our grocery store aisles less poisonous.

This guy is clearly a threat to our way of life. Doesn’t he know how much money these companies make slowly killing us?

So I did that bad thing again and looked into these ideas with an open mind.

Lo and behold, I found out that they were exactly what our country needed. Desperately.

Make America Healthy Again.

Make America Great Again.

Make America America Again.

Say it with me, MAAA.


I’m guessing even young Joe wouldn’t have liked living in the eggshell ages of these last few years.

A time of silence, shaming, and fear, where calling a duck a duck meant you hated ducks.

It was kind of like the dark ages, complete with its own plague, but with more modern forms of torture, like having to watch CNN for news.

So, if like me and many others, you also had a woke-up call, it’s time to talk about it. Better late than never.

It’ll unburden you, and you’ll no longer have to live a lie, pretending like the other party had a good plan in place.

And if you disagree, please don’t remove me from your Christmas card list. I certainly won’t remove you. I hope listening to each other will become the new shouting at each other.

Together, we can make this nation great again, from the Gulf of America in the South all the way to the great state of Greenland in the North.

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love this :)

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