As someone pointed out, the complainers are the same people who DID NOT OPPOSE firing thousands for noncompliance with forced v a c. Another note: do they ever SPEAK OUT for the many voiceless trafficked youth or those murdered by UNVETTED il legal imm i g r ants? Their "cries" of injustice are hollow and meaningless.

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Awesome points of TRUTH!! Saving this for pushback moments. 100 more likes.

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I’m disappointed that only around 1780 have been fired. That’s just a drop in the bucket. Compare that number to those who lost their jobs because of the vaccine mandate.

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Bet they didn't shed a tear for those Americans! Musk cut 90% of Twitter and it runs just fine. Considering we have govt. workers, he could probably go 95% or higher!

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What CriticalThinker said. Times 1000.

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Agreed! (( me boldly and audaciously (might be repetitive) testing if Substack's censors are in line with the new Trump term )) --> "Vaccine!" HA! 👀 (( is my comment still here? ))

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Having listened to the audiobook, “Elon Musk” (Walter Isaacson; 2023), where it was documented how and why Elon reduced the Twitter staff so dramatically and pushed Space X engineers to find ways to reduce cost and increase efficiencies, I feel absolutely certain that he is the RIGHT GUY for the job. That the Dems are squealing like stuck pigs and desperately trying to generate fear and obfuscation is all the confirmation I need.

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I read a book years ago, by George Gilder, called "Recapturing the Spirit of Enterprise." (I have it in my head that it was a sequel to something earlier that I intended to find and read, but then I had a hard time believing he would have left out so much from the original of what he put in the second... Anyway highly recommended.)

The book teaches economics without focusing much on them, by giving "family histories" of great corporations. The most striking thing I learned was* that the conventional answer to "What was Henry Ford's chief contribution to America's propulsion to the head of the world' economy?" is, simply put, wrong. That answer, "The assembly line." refers to the thing invented by his engineers who were acting under the promise of "mass terminations" if they could not find ways to cut costs and produce a product below a certain price.

Ford's contribution, in Gilder's view, was something now called the "price point," a price indicating a point at which massive numbers of purchasers will flood into the marketplace to purchase. Ford conducted "market research" (which he may have invented as well) that indicated an iceberg of demand for this horseless-carriage thingy lay just under a certain figure ($550 if memory serves--spoiler: it doesn't), and he told his engineers to figure out a way to make an automobile thingy that could be sold for $550. (I forgot to add that he did this at a time when the leading luxury automaker (Buick?) had just announced it was RAISING its prices and Ford engineers were collectively breathing sighs of relief, assuming they'd be doing the same. Instead Ford whacked them with this wacky idea from somewhere out in left field.)

The engineers assured him it simply could not be done. He said (think Emusk) that he'd already been in other failed businesses (again as I recall) and that it didn't much matter to him WHICH business he was in, but that he would not remain in a business that was doomed to last place (I'm liberally paraphrasing Gilder's paraphrases here). UNDER THIS TRUE WARNING THAT THEIR JOBS WERE ON THE LINE, the engineers--far from LOWERING their productivity, sharply increased it, and VIOLAS! (played), modern America stepped out of the shadows.

Of all the things I'm wishing this morning, I wish I could go back and be there when the assembly-line idea was first mentioned. Who did it? What was the initial response? When did they realize "This is crazy! but it just might work!!!"?

* I 𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭 go back and try to dig out the references... but what am I, some kind of Jenna McCarthy? 𝓢𝓱𝓮 should read Gilder's book(s). Gilder's got a lot of other great stories in there, Honda's being one, and all aimed at tilting the conventional understandings.

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Interestingly, the watchmaking industry began making watches in an assembly line fashion in 1865 at the Elgin National Watch Co. So much for Ford inventing precision made interchangeable parts….

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It was Eli Whitney, working on a contract for muskets, who is first credited with interchangeable parts.

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I thought, again my memory is not what it used to be, that was Elon Musket.

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Still, given the scales involved, one wouldn't say Ford copied the assembly line from Elgin. I have a friend who explained chemical engineering to me by first asking me to name a product I liked--aspirin, gasoline, scented kitty litter, earwax solvent...--and then saying, "Our job is to figure out how to make it at a rate of tons-per-hour."

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I didn’t say he copied it from Elgin, I’m just pointing out that Ford was still in diapers when Elgin was doing it. And I doubt they came up with either. They were just trying to create watches that didn’t need custom made parts in order to be repaired. This had been a problem since the 1600’s when the first personal timepieces came on the scene.

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George I tried to word it so I didn't say you had said Ford copied, but I do mean to say that I don't think what Ford Co. did was what Elgin had been doing, in my opinion.

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I am a one-man assembly line in my hand made leather shop. I cut out massive amounts of parts and box them and it cuts the time per product down to roughly 25% of what it would be and although I do offer some custom work and repairs on outside otems, it is a money losing deal every time. It wastes hours to develop patterns for items I may never make again.

Sadly, all of the small hardware available is imported because it is no longer being made in our country! Most is only made in China more than likely by a prisoner that must work efficiently or become body parts!!!

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Thanks for the high points but I really should go read it myself. I won't.

Thanks again

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Jenna- you can make like Elon and get DT to support your own DODO (Department of Debunking Outrages) from the media.

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And then open branches in dozens of other countries and get those funded too!

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This is literal genius. 😉

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This is exactly what we voted for!

A little story. I live near Gettysburg. For those who aren't aware, Gettysburg is full of raging liberals (maybe it's the college - I have no idea). The rest of the county is very conservative but Gettysburg isn't. The battlefield, which is a National Historic Park, has houses on it that can be rented for overnight stays (there are claims they're haunted). In a FB group for the Gettysburg Community, someone joined to say they had a reservation at one of these houses and it was abruptly canceled. They showed a screenshot of the email. There was no explanation - just that all reservations have been canceled indefinitely. Well, the actually community people (not the person who posted this who doesn't even live in the community) were all in an uproar that this is EXACTLY what happens when Trump comes in and fires everyone and blah blah blah. There was ZERO indication of why the reservations were canceled indefinitely. I don't know - it's a house that's over 200 years old. Maybe they found something that would make it dangerous for people to stay there. It could be a million reasons. It could be because of cuts. We don't know why. But to the people of Gettysburg, it's all Trumps fault and this is why he's a Nazi. I live NEAR Gettysburg. Not in it. I live in a normal community.

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This is the literal manifestation of TDS. Break a fingernail? TRUMP'S FAULT.

Also for grins I asked chatGPT about the houses you mentioned; check this out:

As of February 2025, there have been no widespread cancellations of home rentals at Gettysburg National Military Park. In fact, the National Park Service has been expanding opportunities for visitors to stay in historic homes on the battlefield. For instance, in May 2024, the Michael Bushman and John Slyder houses were made available for overnight accommodations.

However, it's worth noting that the David Wills House is currently closed due to a water line rupture. This closure pertains specifically to the David Wills House and does not affect other rental properties within the park.

OFFICIAL DAVID WILLIS HOUSE CLOSURE NOTICE: https://www.nps.gov/gett/planyourvisit/david-will

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Ok so I just found the original post and it was the Slyder House (I originally typed Willis - I changed it) that this person had rented. And I stand corrected - it's a National Military Park, not Historic (though in my mind, it's that too).

Someone in the comments posted this: "Copied from NPS post

Our parks are in chaos. We’ve seen firsthand how Trump’s hiring freeze, the rescinding of hundreds of job offers, and the layoff of 5% of NPS staff have left us overwhelmed and short-handed. Now, as we approach our busiest months, we’re expected to manage record-breaking crowds with a fraction of the workforce we need.

It’s not just the staffing crisis—our day-use reservation system, designed to protect park resources and improve the visitor experience, appears unlikely to return this year. Without it, overcrowding will strain our fragile ecosystems even further. Efforts to preserve these lands for future generations are being abandoned before our eyes.

Then, on Feb. 6, we learned that the Trump administration had rescinded even more job offers—this time for seasonal law enforcement rangers, wildland firefighters, and EMTs. These are roles directly tied to public safety, supposedly exempt from Trump’s Jan. 20 hiring freeze. But now, critical emergency response positions are being cut, leaving both staff and visitors at risk.

We take pride in protecting and maintaining these parks, but we are being set up to fail. The people who love and rely on these public lands deserve better."

I have followed the NPS for years. I also just went through the NPS website and I don't see this posted anywhere. A moderator turned off commenting (after over 200 comments) so I can't ask where they saw this supposed NPS post. As if an official government site would actually post something slamming the government.

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So for every 25 employees 1.25 people will be cut—hardly a “staffing crisis”. Though for that .25 person it could be tough.

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And… OF COURSE….this is TRUMP’S FAULT!!!!

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Having a college nearby is now a liability.

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Many Dems thrive in a miasma of Trump doom metaphors to explain their lack of critical thinking skills and miserable lives. “My constipation is Trumps fault because of…… stress”. Or the ever popular “just like Trump”. I have a sister like that. Sad. She’s been quiet lately, though.

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Love this. We all have relatives or friends like this; sad, very sad. :(:(

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May I please pose a question here? It’s kinda sorta semi-related….but it’s been bugging me to no end!

Just WHEN EXACTLY did everyone get so fixated on pronouns? Seems to me it got rabid in Biden’s administration, right along with the multitude of genders floating around which seemed to magnify and cause EVEN MORE division between everyone…

I shudder to think how we all survived literally thousands of years prior without all that ridiculous (~ my own biased opinion interjected here!) nonsense! Learning that USAID spent my hard earned dollars on another country learning this terminology whilst driving into a hidden but huge pothole on a Goleta road caused pretty severe damage to my tire!

Heck yes I’m grateful for Elon’s tenacity to expose this utter insanity! I might not be “on board” with him littering our atmosphere with all those satellites, but DOGE? YES!!!!

Thank you in advance for the answer! It just seems like ALL of the insanity happened at once! The robbing of innocence of young children by trannies twerking, sex changes being as normal as ordering a pizza…. I don’t know…. I feel like the female version of Rip Van Winkle!

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...it's definitely the college. Cut off the federal life support for that and they'll [the liberals'll, not the college'll] blow away.

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It's a private school so I"m not sure how it's affected by that.

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I'd be surprised if they didn't solicit federal funds for anything at all. But, I'll be big about it: "Kudos!" if they really are a liberal institution that doesn't feed at the government trough.

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Like I said, I have no idea if they get any federal funds. My kid is in high school and Gettysburg College isn't even on his radar so we haven't looked into anything involving the college.

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I go with total ineptitude of personnel. Several years ago we toured Gettysburg battlefield. We dutifully stopped into the office recommended for renting the tape(!) for a driving tour only to be told we had to go to a shop to rent it. After finding said shop and renting the tape, we set off on our tour. “ Turn on _______Street.” Hard to do since there were no street name markers. You had to use the small map I thankfully picked up at the office to try to decipher which street we were supposed to be on while listening to the audio of the battles that were going on at that part of the battlefield. “Here you see the monument (I.e. small plaque on small granite marker somewhere in a field you’re not sure you are near) to _____.” We were constantly rewinding the tape trying to figure out where we were. It was a frustrating visit at best. I would have loved to know how much of our tax dollars were spent annually there.

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The msm is blaming Trump for the Delta plane that landed & somehow then turned UPSIDE down at a Toronto ( which is in Canada) airport. Thankfully nobody died. As far as I know, Canada is not yet a 51st state so Trump has nothing to do with their air traffic control situation. Jeesh!

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DOGE is fantastic and Americans love it. The media doesn’t have any credibility left. They are spitting in the wind and only the radical Left, is down wind.

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They're eventually going to drown in their own mucus as RFK Jr, Tulsi, and Patel get settled and get their teeth into cleaning house throughout many bureaucracies. It appears this is going to be epic.

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Fantastic post with so many good descriptions but this one..."So sometimes, out of kindness, we round the truth’s sharp edges. The grit of sandpaper we use will vary from day to day and relationship to relationship..." is PURE GOLD. In other news, I did a meme post about DOGE today and some people are mad at me for pointing out the waste, fraud, and abuse that DOGE uncovered. Apparently, noticing that mostly Democrats (so far, because DOGE hasn't gotten to the Pentagon yet) are the ones screaming is not allowed. 😂

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LOL and thank you. I'm particularly partial to that sentence, too. :)

Share your meme post?!?!?!

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And thank you Jenna!💕

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Awesome roundup! But I don't see the people mad at you? (Just a few unipartiers, which I see you addressed brilliantly!)

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Thank you! That's because I muted and/or banned them. 😂

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Thank you Heather B. Lot’s of great memes. I subscribed

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Thank you so much! 💕

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Excellent! Thanks for sharing it with us.

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Thank you! 💕

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And the follow-thru …

“The media isn’t rounding the edges of fact anymore; they’ve taken a belt sander to it and are trying to drown us in the dust.”

Boom 🎤

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Heather, You beat me to it. I wanted to thank Jenna for "Soo sometimes, out of kindness, we round the truth’s sharp edges." Jenna sure has a way with words.

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I appreciate that, Dr. Dan! :)

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Spending cuts can be painful. If the local town council told the neighbors it was OK to eat their meals in my home they might like it. They might be sad when it ended. None of that would make it right.

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DOGE needs their own Substack with daily detailed information. IMO.

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They've got an "official government website" (which is essentially the @DOGE X feed) that's updated constantly. :) https://doge.gov/

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Jenna - Haha! Great minds…..

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Commoncents - I think this may suffice:


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Put this on my desktop like an app. Thanks!!

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Yes, me too, some time last week, I think. It's great to see, because we know they're just getting started.

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I constantly worry about the weather raining anvils!

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While I was reading today's post, I received a phone call from a young doctor (45 - younger than me) who is involved in the care of a friend of mine who has newly diagnosed Stage 3 pancreatic cancer because he is the nephew. When I brought up the subject of possible alternative therapies such as, God forbid, ivermectin and fenbendazole, I could hear the familiar sound of eye-rolling along with the dismissive sound of condescension. I wonder if we will ever succeed in convincing these people, as in the ones you referenced today, that they are terminally brainwashed.

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It will likely take seeing it work firsthand in someone they know, or God forbid, getting a dire diagnosis of their own and deciding "can't hurt, might help." That's my best guess. :(

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Go check out the Data Republican on X. Here’s an interview she did. https://x.com/citizenfreepres/status/1891313469875458555?s=46&t=HrjIVpMY-LOd752yqNAprA

She uses AI to write algorithms to track the various entries receiving money from all the NGO’s. It will shock you.

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Wow, what a badass! Thanks for sharing.

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Go follow her and see what else she’s uncovered. It will literally 🤯🤯🤯 your mind. To quote George Carlin, “It’s a big club and you’re not in it.” Years ago, I had a friend whose husband was a judge. He took a position in Washington DC. This was around 2010 when the economy was tanking. She went back to visit him and I remember her telling me it was like nothing was affecting them. The stores were busy, the restaurants were busy, tge Malls were packed, unlike where we lived. Now we all know why.

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Tuesday morning. “That page does not exist” on the X link.

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I just clicked it and it's working?

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So many shared posts of employees that were fired from "their dream job" because DOGE has "real life consequences..."

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This was epic! It confirms everything I hate about the media and big government. The trust is shattered and people will have to pick up the pieces and realize that daddy government was a fraud all along. In other words, we'll all have to grow up and take responsibility for not holding our politicians and media accountable. "Until you change how money works, you change nothing." Michael C. Ruppert,

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You fucking rock! I love your writing style and how you come at it. Keep on keeping on Jenna M!

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I saw a ‘meme’ recently that basically (predominantly rabid Dems) were trashing Trump’s and Elon’s DOGE activities ~ weeding out the corruption and exposing how much of the taxpayers money was being siphoned off…. Yet NONE of them were complaining because the accusations of said exposed fraud were lies!

HUH????!!!!!! So, basically they are so deranged that they are supporting the insanity?

Again….I’m now at a point where the phrase doesn’t trigger an immediate gag response, but I’m SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL to be “unburdened by what has been”

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"You could literally kill someone,” I told the girls on a loop, “and I could find a way to forgive you. Under certain circumstances, I might even help you bury the body."

Goodbye Earl...


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ACTUAL LOL OMG (that video, I'm dead). My BFF and I are partial to this song (pertinent line: "Hypothetically if you ever kill your husband, hand on the Bible I'll be lying through my teeth." ;) ***IT'S A JOKE BEFORE ANYONE LOSES THEIR SH*T*** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBWYm1DZ650

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