Gee, more privileged white folks getting offended on behalf of the groups who typically don’t give a flying eff, what a surprise. Reminds me of this Will Witt man[OMG, more offensiveness]-on-the-street interview of him wearing a sombrero in which the Mexicans (spoiler alert) don’t take offense at all:


Congratulations to Sophie for liberating herself from the conformity, I mean sorority 👏 You are deservedly very proud.

As much as I’d love to see you whip into psycho ninja mode, I hope the need never arises for this particular scenario.

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That video is SO GOOD. Poor kids; just repeating what they've been told with absolutely no idea why. I'm so lucky my daughters see through the BS! Pretty sure they'll go psycho ninja with me. (And I'm counting on you, too, MAA!) ;)

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🤯🧕 (That was the closest emoji I could find to a ninja, so now I'm going to get into trouble with the Cultural Appropriation Police, too, while simultaneously risking a fatwa.)

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Those kids! Oh my gosh. We are so screwed.

God bless your daughters Jenna. I have the utmost respect for people who have the courage of their convictions.

I’ll go psycho ninja with you. Count on it!

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I KNOW YOU WILL HAHAHAHAHAHA and that's why I love you!!!

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I❤️ Your comment!

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Can you still NOT ACTUALLY HEART COMMENTS???? Grrrrrrrrrr. I'm so disappointed in Bruno. :(

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When I ❤️ replied to poster,I accidentally posted it twice. When I tried to delete one ,it wouldn’t allow me to delete it…but,now I see one is gone…🤷‍♀️

Eventually I will try downloading the Substack app, to see if it helps…no worries. I will consider myself blessed if this is the worst of my frustrations,today.😉

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to further “causes” they don’t support or even understand

You just had to put that comment in there. I see you are jumping on this other bandwagon. I served 23 years. We in the military do know why we serve and what we support. I never met people who were idiots that didn't know why they joined or were mindless robots. Some of the most intelligent people I have met in my life I served with in the military. There is this new movement out here that has this new language by people that didn't serve that they know all about us. We served so you have the freedom to say and think whatever you want about us.

Let's talk about what is really happening. This administration with what they did with Covid discharged how many needlessly? Then they had their stupid little study and got rid of what? Any conservative leaning service members. Then they started pushing their LGQTB agenda across all services. The traditional people that want to serve their country around those grounded in conservative values that love the country and what we stand for. There are those that join just for school money and that is okay as well. Families aren't going to send their kids into the current military because of what it has morphed into. It has become part of the social experiment and started when Obama was president.

This is why they are trying to pass this legislation. They did it to themselves by destroying it from within. War and killing is a serious and ugly thing. It isn't a place for social issue experiments. They need to clean up all the policies that created the current military and then they will get the recruitment back and won't need change selective service policies.

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First, thank you for your service. I have nothing but respect, admiration, and appreciation for the folks who sign up to defend our country. But the wars I'm talking about ARE NOT OURS. Should my daughters be willing and eager to die so that China can take control of Taiwan? I stand by my no HARD NO on that one.

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I understand that, but what you are focusing on with the selective service bill isn't the issue. The issue is what they have done to destroy the military and why they can't meet recruitment goals. That is the only reason this bill is coming up. DOD is spending $500 million to test fake meat on Soldiers stationed overseas. I wrote my congressmen about that. What a waste of money and has nothing to do with readiness. It can also affect readiness if their are health affects. This is another social experiment that is being done by this Secretary of Defense. He isn't doing his job and that is why we are where we are. We need to make noise about what is causing the issues. I yelled about all the money being spent for trans surgeries being done by DOD. None of those people will be able to serve affectively. Another readiness issue.

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Perhaps the point is this: they do not care about us.

Is this destruction intentional or are they deluded or simply 'keeping their job'.

It's not just the military, every profession is under attack.

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They started with the military when Obama was president. The military never dealt with any social issues prior to him. We were a separate institution that didn't get involved. Before gay marriage was legalized he had Ash Carter putting out guidance for same sex couples to get survivor benefits. A male/female couple doesn't get those unless they are married. He was giving them to same sex couples that weren't married. At the same period in time he had the hiring freeze going on. He had government service employees being let go and some losing hours. It was intentional what was happening. I was still serving at this time. He started changing what our military was. Their is an Iranian plant that got appointed in this administration as assistant chief of staff in Special Operations. They refuse to remove her. People are paying attention now because it is affecting them. Military has been under attack for years. Why do you think there is such a homeless and suicide problem? Every time I have tried addressing it I get crickets. They just throw another study out there instead of fixing the actual problem.

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No offense, John, but the military industrial complex has long been a problem and is still a huge problem, especially when we know that the DoD was at the root of the covid operation and pushing these death jabs not only on the military, but on the entire civilian population. General Smedley Butler said it best over a hundred years ago:

"I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents."

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Damn. Well said.

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Thank you for your service,John. And,your insight.

According to KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov,the military isn’t the only “industrial complex” that has been infiltrated with the purpose of subversion. He has been trying to warn us for much longer then Obama’s term. He describes exactly how this subversion is taking place,and,what the “end game” is. It’s very unsettling.

The brave writer,Ayaan Hirsi Ali has seen this happen to her country,Somalia. She is trying to warn us,too. With very real risks to her life. What is happening is quite unbelievable,but,is playing out before our eyes. May God have mercy on us all….

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Heartbreaking. On so many levels.

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They are also making up new professions. Here's one that made me smile (I can count on NPR for great material!): Chief Heat Officer (in Florida (heat central)! oh, and sponsored by...drumroll....the Rockefeller Foundation!) You can NOT make this stuff up!


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Thank you for your service.

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And furthermore, women do not belong in line companies. What you (naturally) get when you put young men and women together is BABIES.

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My son has 1 more year on his military contract; can’t wait for him to be done serving under this demonic administration

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Contact your congressman and tell them to vote no on this bill. Tell them to fix these social issues. They don't belong in the military. I will do the same with this selective service bill. Got to fix the actual problem and then won't need the band aid approach.

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Sorry, I'm having a problem trying to figure out whicvh war saved our freedom. Seems like every war, every illegal invasion in which we massacre the citizens of (usually) a third world country which hasn't got the means to fight back, somehow that's soldiers fighting to preserve our freedom? WW2, yes, I can see how that would have been even worse had the nazis won - but ultimately from all I'm witnessing now, they did win. They had then the support of the American oligarchs as well as the Aemrican Eugenics Society. Our "ruling class" has never, not ever supported a free America. And they certainly don't now. If you were fighting for our freedom, I hate to have to tell you, but apparently you failed. This is hardly the same country in which I grew up in the 1940's - 50's - and it wasn't so great then. I remember the most popular quote of the time - till "woke", was "I may not agree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it.". Sounds like a joke now, along with the fact we needed no ID, no bank account,, nor to prove ourselves to every hostile bureaucrat. Politicians actually responded t their constituents. Constituents - another word that's fallen by the wayside. I think the current word for those who pay the politicians salaries is "john". You say you were fighting for our "freedom". Who was threatening us other than our own government? I'm curious, if push came to shove who would you fight for - our government or our Constitution? I'm more of a mind to agree with the old Charlottee Keyes comment: "Suppose they gave a war and nobody came?" That's from the Vietnam War era - how many wars ago was that? Did you know the U.S. hasn't yet made it to 250 years but has been at war all but 17 of those years - we won't even mention what they were doing to the Natives for the Natives for the 280 preceding years to the (1st) Revolution which, of course, continues to this day.


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Dang dubbydove1, you didn't hold back one bit. And nailed it 100%! I contemplated writing something similar but I'll just copy/paste what you've already eloquently stated.

Most all of the military personnel (current, ex and retired) have deluded themselves into believing they served to "protect our freedoms" but the only things they served are corporations that lobby (bribe) congress. Big oil, defense contractors. corrupt foreign dictators, etc. We've lost most of the freedoms they try to deceive us into thinking "they protected."

BTW, I served myself, signed up when I was an ignorant teenager. Did one tour, woke up to the scam and got the hell out, honorable discharged. Most of my extended family served.

Don't get me started on the "Service Related Disabled" scam a lot of the military personnel are running on the taxpayer. ~41 percent of post-9/11 veterans had a service-connected disability, compared with 25 percent of all veterans."


Sleep apnea is a service related disability? It's called snoring and most (overweight) men have it. Scam, scam, scam.

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Thank you. We seem to be moving inexorably toward the Fourth Reich. I certainly don't blame the soldiers, since we've all been deluded. Just some people have a problem seeing the obvious. I have family like that too, none who've been soldiers, just deluded about supporting corrupt political hacks.

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We deluded ourselves. We are stupid idiots without brains. I might be more intelligent than you. I might have spent my whole career in the military saving lives. Couldn't do that if I was a stupid idiot like you say. I might have a higher power that I follow in my life that shows me where to serve and what is best. People can say what they want, but He is never wrong. Sounds like you haven't gotten anymore smart since you were an ignorant teenager.

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Nevr said anything about stupid. All of us are educated on lies at least from the day we start school. I'm sure that's true in other countries as well, just don't know if it's as all-consuming as it is here in the U.S. We are raised on lies, we have enemy after enemy after enemy that we need to defeat in order to preserve our rapidly disappearing pretense of freedom. I don't think that those who fall for the lies are stupid, just misled. The reason there was so much resistance to Vietnam was because we had a draft then and it involved educated young men. By ending the draft, the military was able to sift out the "troublemakers". Those who signed up were either dyed in the wool believers in the American fantasy or young men who had no other options. I don't fault either of them, they are either deluded or desperate. I am not Henry Kisinger who famously referred pointedly to military men as “dumb, stupid animals to be used” as pawns for foreign policy. You may have good motives, but you are serving the devil. Those who promote wars don't care whether you live or die. To them you are but cannon fodder to feed their insane lust for money and power. The Rockefellers, involved of course in the WEF/WHO attempted power grab as well as usual pushing war, also provided weapons to the nazis with which to kill American soldiers. There were many super-rich megalomaniacs engaged in the same tactics in that war and evermore. You're worshipping the wrong idol. "Love your country always, your government when it deserves it".: Mark Twain. Our government does not deserve your loyalty.

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I guess you don't understand the ideals of our country. I am sorry that you don't. The fact that you think we just go and massacre citizens tells a lot about what you think about our military. It isn't always about our freedom, it is about the ideals of freedom. If you don't understand that, I can't put those thoughts or feelings into your mind. That is why such a small percentage serve. Most people are selfish and not willing to die for something bigger than themselves. How did this country become free? This form of country is an experiment. It was being oppressed by England. If another country is being oppressed you can't see anything other than what you have written. Some people view things differently. You however also lump everyone into your viewpoint. Everyone has their motives for what they do in life. If you do nothing and just complain, you are part of the problem. If you as a constituent do nothing, you are part of the problem.

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I see both sides, I truly do. Your sacrifice (and those like you) is both honorable and unfathomable, even if it were only in the name of the freedoms we take for granted--and not the ideals of freedom, as you say. But our government has lost my trust and my faith. I believe they (or whoever controls "them") are self-serving at best and murderous at worst and will not lay one of my children on their sacrificial altar of "duty" to the country they are systematically destroying.

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And, by the way, I don't complain. I explain. I also love America and want to see my country saved from the psychopathic predators who have gained such a foothold here at the expense of all decency and humanity. My hope is I might possibly wake up one person who will wake up another, that ultimately the American people will stand up and fight back!

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The ideals you speak of included the genocide of the Natives from whom thisland was stolen. Those who survived had their language, their culture and their children stolen from them. Their leaders today languish in prison foro fictive crimes. Those ideals also include 246 years of actual slavery, oppression and discrimination of minorities to this day. Includes Lyndie England, Mai Lai and the persecution of Julian Assange for daring to tell the truth and this government's power in not just attaching criminality to his truth-telling but their "right" to indict a foreign national who has never lived in this country. Our ideals include the murder of many, such as Gary Webb, for revealing how our government was pushing illegal drugs on the American people. I understand that was part of the issue about Afghanistan - that the Taliban (who I recognize as pretty vile as well) destroyed the Afghanistan poppy fields which the U.S. promptly restored. The "ideals" also brought down the Libyan government because the U.S. gov't believes only they have the right to decide the government of every nation on the planet. The murdered the man who brought Libya from the poorest country in Africa to the richest. The American army was employed in destroying Libya, and in destroying the water pipeline that Gadaffi had built to proivde irrigation throughout African nations. We were told he was a "dictator". Now Libya is a failed state with open air slave markets, much more suited to the true "ideals" of thie crime cartel that has become the American government. You claim to be a patriot. I asked you wo who would you support if it came to that: the U.S. government or our Constitution. You haven't answered.

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You are exactly correct! I also notice that most everyone that served in the past is conservative and loves our country. It went to hell when Hitler's grandson was illegally installed to ruin it.

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Thank you for writing this post. I have 2 young sons, one in college and one in high school. I was thinking with all of the military activity, "kiss your mom and choose death or jail". I also found it very interesting that illegal aliens (aghast they used the word alien) are not included in the auto draft. We have millions of military-aged men coming across the border with free cell phones, rent, college and medical care (more than my American boys) and now my kids get to fight for their freedom??? This is positively replacement theory in action. I fought to protect my boys from those awful mandates, but cannot if they are in the military. I sent my son to ND to avoid college mandates, he left a full-tuition from a MN school requiring the mandates. I am getting tired of fighting, but won't stop.

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Right?!!! They think it’s a jolly good idea to leave illegals with all the women left behind?! What a perfect opportunity for them to — no, I’m not even going to put it in writing. It makes me so angry. And I bet they would think we are joking.

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Your sons are very fortunate to have a strong,intelligent mother,Sw.

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You are too freakin’ right and funny. I had to subscribe! My son, a non phallus prosthetic male just became a Green Beret and let me tell you the military is for some and not others. Only one percent of Americans know someone in the military. Sad. No one has any idea what these kids go through to train both mentally and physically. My sister had the audacity or just the ignorance to ask why women aren’t green berets not understanding the physicality of it. Not understanding any of it. Women are not restricted from trying, but we physically can’t. of course there’s some Amazonian who can and that’s great but she hasn’t shown up yet. Maybe she’ll have a penis and then I guess I’d be wrong (or right of common sense begins to prevail. ) What people don’t think about is someone, some equally fit man, that is a penis swinging man, may have to drag my 200 pound 6’4” injured boy off the battlefield. That’s what I care about. I don’t need someone on the phone calling for help. I need someone helping my boy.

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First, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT, and God bless you and your son! What a stud. And your point is the very reason men--sorry, assigned male at birth persons--should NOT be able to compete against women in sports. They simply have a biological advantage. You don't have to like it, but you do have to accept it.

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You've seen the post,

https://x.com/RadioGenoa/status/1800125436346941468 ?

There are a lot of similar video clips of males disentangling themselves from female police and leaving the scene, if no other male passerby, or Amazon, intervenes.

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So much truth !! Bravo … I have that outfit in the basement that my kids wore in middle school, about 15 years ago ,gees has the world changed . Just a change in topic ( but related) it’s ok in Pelosi and Newsom neck of the woods to take advantage of immigrants to cut their manicured lawns , palm trees and prune their flowers and watch their kids cook dinner and clean their houses and pay them minimal dinero … honestly they are disgusting hippocrits .

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Here’s a story from the late 70’s . I was hired by 2 rich families in Beverly Hills (movie producer the other brain surgeon involved in removing Kennedy bullet, as he had a piece displayed in the house ) , they had kids that needed “play therapy “ from a white person … they treated the Hispanic hires like slaves…their arrogance and attitude disgusted me , I lasted a few months and quit .

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Ever thought about writing a book?😉

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Bro - what Jenna said.

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Let’s see…

1. Poison millions of people with an untested biological agent causing thousands of deaths and millions of injuries.

2. Foment and fund a war sending billions of $$$ to the most corrupt nation in the world.

3. Open our borders to millions of illegals who come to suck billions of taxpayer $$$.

4. Draft our young men and women who are still able-bodied and send them to various overseas theaters to fight for bullshit that has nothing to do with us.

Sounds like the perfect set up for the complete destruction of America, her values, and her strength. Who will be left behind to defend her? Women with young children. The elderly? And illegals who care nothing about America. What was it Obama said, “We are fundamentally going to change America”? Well, it’s happening.

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What a delightful article to read while having my usual coffee with vanilla creamer ...or you might say my vanilla creamer with coffee. Yep! Our "countrymen" have crossed the line. I am reminded daily of the Seinfeld episode when he began dating a native American - or should I say an indigenous person of the western hemisphere.

I work online overseeing a group of people who score a speaking exam for nonnative ( !) speakers. It was time to send a break reminder and I knew they were more than ready to step away from their laptops. The phrase, "The natives are restless" came to mind which at first I thought would be amusing to begin the reminder with that phrase...something like "I am sure the all the natives are restless by now..."

I asked a coworker if she thought that would be funny and she couldn't believe I would even consider saying that! So I discarded that idea. What has happened? These concepts are putting us back in time rather than getting on with living.

And by the way - that sorority girl or girls were most likely aghast at her wearing a sombrero as they were actually prejudiced against various cultural traditions and were concerned it would bring down their "status." Kudos to your daughter for quitting - I did the same....way back in 1969.

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Oh please, lol. I teach kids to ride and I’ve considered stopping myself from saying “abort!” if I need them to change the pattern or whatever. I now say it but was shocked that I even hesitated.

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It is incredible! A good one.........lol....abort.

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Good God, Jenna -- how did you make me snort with laughter multiple times while reading such alarming things? Genius. (And I'll join you in psycho ninja-hood, if it comes to that.)

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But africans sporting blond hair, long fake hair, blue contact lenses, and driving German cars or using anything else from western, white civilization (air conditioning and everything else not native to Africa) isn't cultural appropriation?

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Oohhh. I like this. Kudos!

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I still have, burned into my brain, a memory from my impressionable college days of a visiting artist's response to my series of paintings based on my time spent in China. Her critique: you can't paint these because you're not Chinese. The rational part of my brain, of course, realized that limiting my artwork to "white people stuff" from [town I grew up in] and leaving no room for imagination is absolutely ridiculous, but it still hurt. Of course I think most of my work from those days is garbage now 😅

And the blackface analogy is perfect. I have wondered for years why people can choose their gender, but not their race. Isn't race a "social construct" as well? And isn't it much more of an actual spectrum?

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You can't paint these because you're not Chinese? Can the Chinese eat hamburgers and hotdogs and mac-and-cheese? Can Latvians wear Levis? Can Brazilians listen to Bruce Springsteen? Where did this notion of my-country-my-culture even come from? I had a friend (who no longer speaks to me) get furious when I compared vax passes to yellow stars. I had no right to do so, she insisted, because "I'm not Jewish" and she is. I reminded her that history belongs to all of us (and that forgetting it is an express train to repeating it). Sort of like dreadlocks and tribal tattoos, if we fancy 'em. :)

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Oh, the Chinese certainly have their own interpretations of things... like pizza - with interesting toppings like corn, carrots, and shrimp. Honestly, I kind of like it.

And truth be told, I prefer Chinese McDonald's to American 😬😆

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Hypothetical, my back hole!! I hope it is not too late…

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“I don’t give a flying middle finger what you’re doing with your clothes off behind closed doors. I don’t want to celebrate it with a parade, I don’t want to see a kaleidoscopic reminder of your sexual preferences everywhere I turn, and I certainly don’t want you chatting about them with any children.”

Yeah, we’re good.

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I'm sure you heard about the bar in Idaho that launched "heterosexual awesomeness month" where any "heterosexuals male dressed like a heterosexual male" gets a free beer? That's ONE way to do it hahahaha! https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/idaho-bar-celebrates-heterosexual-awesomeness-month-response-pride-mon-rcna156063

*AGAIN* this is not in any way trans or homophobic. I do not want or need to celebrate anyone's sexuality. I was taught that stuff was private. Can't we please keep it that way?

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I haven't read the bill but advise all who have loved ones in this age category to read up on the 'exemptions'. You know the criminal/hypocrites who are running the show will have 'legal exemptions' and are already getting their younger ones lined up for them. During the 60s, my ex got a job with a military contractor to obtain a 'free pass'. He hated every second of it as he is, like me, an absolute conscientious objector and called it the 'bomb factory'. Then he went to law school and hid there for a few years. Alternatively, one can become a quaker and reconcile their belief/exemption with peace.

I notice govt contractors are hiring big time. Double check and keep monitoring the 'exemptions' in the bill. I merely offer a potential solution.

Learn to be strategic, know your enemy and make your moves without fanfare.

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Thank you Jenna. If it wasn’t for you & your hysterical way of writing there are some days I’d just cry… instead you make me laugh & want to yell .. hell ya your daughter too Way to go ♥️🤍💙

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That makes me happy. :)

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Just when I'm enjoying your right on target essay you slipped this in: ". . . it seems like it could be a distinct tactical disadvantage." The next time I read you I'll put my coffee down first. FWIW, it was messy, but also SO WORTH IT!

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You’re welcome?🤣😊

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my view:

if the clothing or markings mean something of honor in that culture.... it is probably not a good idea to use it in such a fashion as to cheapen the item / markings.... military medals of honor. feathers.

something that is earned to have the right to wear....

if the item or markings worn by everyone in that culture, then it holds no unique value.

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Fair… But what about tiaras? Those people earned nothing… They were born into royalty or married into it. [*locks tiara in safe*]

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Agree to disagree? Can you not play king or war hero or even Jesus in a movie? That's also just dressing fancy.

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play king generic? or a specific king? and then there is the problem of how historical true is it? Satanic Verses--- fatwa

having said that, i would hope that: anyone that killed Salman Rushdie would face the death penalty...

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Actually I don't really understand what Rushdie has got to do with it.... and it doens't make a differnce, if a historical person or made up king. A Pharao for arguments sake. The last emperor of China. Cesar. Queen Elizabeth. Daenerys Targaryen and Snowwhites Stepmother. It's regal clothing. Some General. Medals. Geronimo. Feathers... You know.... Imitation is the purest form of flattery, they say.

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all of these things have to deal with freedom of expression and the consequences of expressing them at different times and places, situations.


all i am saying is sometimes it really isn't a good idea to display imitations or real.

a few years ago, some people tried to get across the border from Mexico into the States. Part of their deception was dressed in either imitation or stolen Fed Ex uniforms and imitation truck... the truck was imitation, that is how they got caught.

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But that is a lot different from doing fancy dress for a Party, isn't it? They tried to scam, to imposter.

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yes, it is situational dependent.

i should have said that earlier.


btw i tried to click on like, i can't with my internet browser. i used to be able to with it.

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