Biden leaving the astronauts.... leaving Americans in Afghanistan.... left his pen "somewhere around here"....... His handlers left him in office a little too long.
"We gather here today to bid a relieved farewell to The New York Times, once a proud bastion of investigative journalism, now relegated to something only a few rungs below digital kitty litter."
Goodbye and good riddance to that piece of cow dung.; formerly known as a newspaper.
They, and the rest of the MSM, are scheduled for the garbage dumpster very very very shortly. They are about as useless as the latte capucchino swilling buffoons who voted for the "cackling" dimwit. Matter of fact, the buffoons are the only ones still worshiping at the feet of these nincompoops.
We always write how the New York Slimes was once a proud bastion of investigative journalism. As we now know it was never true. When you have five sources of information the truth is anything they put in writing. No other form of media to dispute them. Look at Walter Cronkite America's News Man. Well he was the largest purveyor of propaganda and lies one could ever know. But we did not have alternate media to show the real truths to America. When the Darpa agency created their "internet" or was it Al Gore?? I forget. Little did they know they were signing their own death row sentence. It has taken a long time for our "Conspiracies" to be accepted by the general population, but it is happening due to the alternate voices that are being shouted from the mountain top. Just like we never landed on the moon, Nasa cannot save 2 astronauts from a 9 month sentence in the orbiting station. So now we know that all that we were ever told growing up is suspect to be a lie and gas lighting to propagandize and control the narrative to the masses. That narrative is exposed and they are now losing control of the narrative. God Bless America's return.
Frankly I don’t think they belong in anything but an URN the size of a thimble, smaller than the one we got for our daughter’s pet guinea pig, to get lost in someone’s closet under their childhood trinkets and old yearbooks, and accidentally thrown out only to fall out of the garbage can when it’s being dumped into the truck, and rolls over to the storm drain where it falls into the grate and gets buried by the world’s most disgusting drainage mire never to be thought of again. That’s the burial it deserves.
The most perfect example of journalism as propaganda. This should be used with student to teach them critical thinking and objectivity when reading media. Excellent job!
I didn't get the reference/iamold, but my live-in aibot, whom I've only to cast a frantically fevered look upon, came through with:
"Wordle was created by Josh Wardle and gained widespread popularity after its public release in October 2021. It was later acquired by The New York Times in January 2022."
I do love the idea of them imagining how far that money might have gone to postpone the inevitable...
This is slanted, irresponsible coverage for sure, designed to manipulate public perception.
But the NY Times has been committing journalistic malpractice for, like, forever.
For over 100 years, anyway.
Read the book The Gray Lady Winked: How the New York Times's Misreporting, Distortions and Fabrications Radically Alter History, by Ashley Rindsberg, to learn about the sordid history of horrible, irresponsible reporting at the NY Times.
It's not just wrong about things – I love the term fib-rosis – it has directly, actively influenced events and contributed to disastrous results.
The tag line for the book is: Think a newspaper can't be responsible for mass murder? Think again.
The book covers scandalous NY Times coverage that shaped history: WWII – Holocaust – Rise of the Soviet Union – Cuban Revolution – Vietnam War – Second Palestinian Intifada – Atomic Bombing of Japan – Iraq War – Founding of America.
The Amazon description highlights a few of these NY Times atrocities covered in the book:
“How its World War II Berlin bureau chief, a known Nazi collaborator, skewed coverage in favor of the Third Reich for over a decade. Its notorious coverup of the Ukraine Famine, a genocide committed by Stalin, showing that it was the newspaper's owners who directed the coverup in order to advance their own financial and ideological interests. The "1619 Project," a cynical, ideologically driven attempt to revise American history by rooting the nation's birth in slavery instead of liberty.”
The next installment, covering more recent events like the paper's disastrous role in the pandemic, wokeism, and globalism, will surely be another eye-opener, whenever someone writes it. It'll be a thick tome, and perhaps there will be a section about this spacey propaganda.
Beth, thank you for this summary. Maybe you could be the author of the next book about the NY Times' disastrous role in the pandemic, wokeism and globalism. I have faith in you.
When will the other media finally die? In 1897, Mark Twain is said to have read his own obituary, and then remarked, “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.” I keep hearing that the liberal media including the networks, NPR, and periodicals like the Atlantic are not long for this world, but it never actually happens. The only reason I can come up with is that pharmaceutical ads are keeping them on life support. An interesting effect for drugs to have. It may be the only thing they are good for.
Mary Ann, I think you've fingered it. I suspect government actions have created (engendered really) classes of, private, institutions that "simply cannot lose" because the "structure" guarantees their profitability. I think Obamacare guaranteed healthcare middlemen enormous profits at the expense of human providers (not institutions) and human patients. If they land between those two extremes, they appear to have been issued personal currency-printing presses.
As my dear mother used to strongly hint at as she dandled me on her knee, "Sonny boy, when you're rolling in greenbacks, just about everything looks like you should own most of it."
I quit reading NYT Nov 9 2016, the "morning after" the election that a stunned HRC did not win. NYT first thing next day (almost as if it had been prepared in advance?) ran an analytical article complete with graphs about how could HRC have possibly lost 🤯 and the first hint of "misinformation due to overseas (perhaps Russian) social media workers deliberately spinning lies that ignorant people, especially in certain southern states, mistook as true negative facts about HRC" was launched. NYT, the flagship of paid-off p r o p a g a n d a production.
She might have been a beauty a long time ago, but it appears that beauty was always in the eyes of the beholder. She seemed more likely to bend the truth if not ignore it completely. In later years she was a delusional, lying, hateful bitch. The world will be better off without her.
The NYT “quick return” line reminds me of a scene in “Fletch.”
Dr. Joseph Dolan: You know, it's a shame about Ed.
Fletch: Oh, it was. Yeah, it was really a shame. To go so suddenly like that.
Dr. Joseph Dolan: He was dying for years.
Fletch: Sure, but... the end was very... very sudden.
Dr. Joseph Dolan: He was in intensive care for eight weeks.
Fletch: Yeah, but I mean the very end, when he actually died. That was extremely sudden.
Ha ha ha!
Biden leaving the astronauts.... leaving Americans in Afghanistan.... left his pen "somewhere around here"....... His handlers left him in office a little too long.
"We gather here today to bid a relieved farewell to The New York Times, once a proud bastion of investigative journalism, now relegated to something only a few rungs below digital kitty litter."
Goodbye and good riddance to that piece of cow dung.; formerly known as a newspaper.
They, and the rest of the MSM, are scheduled for the garbage dumpster very very very shortly. They are about as useless as the latte capucchino swilling buffoons who voted for the "cackling" dimwit. Matter of fact, the buffoons are the only ones still worshiping at the feet of these nincompoops.
Jenna, love your musings.
“Digital kitty litter” is my favorite new descriptor. 🤣🤣🤣
You forgot “used” kitty litter!
"They, and the rest of the MSM, are scheduled for the garbage dumpster"
Yet amidst all this, can't seem to change their ways for the better. Usually, outfits in dire straits pull their bootstraps up - but not them!
We always write how the New York Slimes was once a proud bastion of investigative journalism. As we now know it was never true. When you have five sources of information the truth is anything they put in writing. No other form of media to dispute them. Look at Walter Cronkite America's News Man. Well he was the largest purveyor of propaganda and lies one could ever know. But we did not have alternate media to show the real truths to America. When the Darpa agency created their "internet" or was it Al Gore?? I forget. Little did they know they were signing their own death row sentence. It has taken a long time for our "Conspiracies" to be accepted by the general population, but it is happening due to the alternate voices that are being shouted from the mountain top. Just like we never landed on the moon, Nasa cannot save 2 astronauts from a 9 month sentence in the orbiting station. So now we know that all that we were ever told growing up is suspect to be a lie and gas lighting to propagandize and control the narrative to the masses. That narrative is exposed and they are now losing control of the narrative. God Bless America's return.
“Cow dung”. Hilarious!
My favorite Jenna word today: "gaslightiest".
I wish I were as clever as you! I'm still tryin'!
Sometimes I get offended when spellcheck doesn’t get me. Oh, it’s a word. #BecauseISaidSo
🤣🤣🤣 exactly!!!!
Bravo, Jenna! Best obit I've EVER read. Now, I'd like to be there to witness the actual burial.
*dusts off biggest shovel* See you there!
Frankly I don’t think they belong in anything but an URN the size of a thimble, smaller than the one we got for our daughter’s pet guinea pig, to get lost in someone’s closet under their childhood trinkets and old yearbooks, and accidentally thrown out only to fall out of the garbage can when it’s being dumped into the truck, and rolls over to the storm drain where it falls into the grate and gets buried by the world’s most disgusting drainage mire never to be thought of again. That’s the burial it deserves.
(Yeah I’m a bit spicy angry this week 🤣)
Edit: New word Jenna! “Spangry”
The most perfect example of journalism as propaganda. This should be used with student to teach them critical thinking and objectivity when reading media. Excellent job!
Next up, Jenna engraves the NYT headstone. News at 10. Bravo, my dear, bravo. 👏
Great question: how WILL the Gray Lady's headstone read? I propose:
"Here lies. [full stop]"
EDIT, because "punctuation":
"Here;lies. [full stop]"
I offer “All the fish that’s fit to wrap.”
“The bottom of the birdcage”
Or "Even birds didn't bother..."
No more wordle for her , under headstone😵💫
I didn't get the reference/iamold, but my live-in aibot, whom I've only to cast a frantically fevered look upon, came through with:
"Wordle was created by Josh Wardle and gained widespread popularity after its public release in October 2021. It was later acquired by The New York Times in January 2022."
I do love the idea of them imagining how far that money might have gone to postpone the inevitable...
This is slanted, irresponsible coverage for sure, designed to manipulate public perception.
But the NY Times has been committing journalistic malpractice for, like, forever.
For over 100 years, anyway.
Read the book The Gray Lady Winked: How the New York Times's Misreporting, Distortions and Fabrications Radically Alter History, by Ashley Rindsberg, to learn about the sordid history of horrible, irresponsible reporting at the NY Times.
It's not just wrong about things – I love the term fib-rosis – it has directly, actively influenced events and contributed to disastrous results.
The tag line for the book is: Think a newspaper can't be responsible for mass murder? Think again.
The book covers scandalous NY Times coverage that shaped history: WWII – Holocaust – Rise of the Soviet Union – Cuban Revolution – Vietnam War – Second Palestinian Intifada – Atomic Bombing of Japan – Iraq War – Founding of America.
The Amazon description highlights a few of these NY Times atrocities covered in the book:
“How its World War II Berlin bureau chief, a known Nazi collaborator, skewed coverage in favor of the Third Reich for over a decade. Its notorious coverup of the Ukraine Famine, a genocide committed by Stalin, showing that it was the newspaper's owners who directed the coverup in order to advance their own financial and ideological interests. The "1619 Project," a cynical, ideologically driven attempt to revise American history by rooting the nation's birth in slavery instead of liberty.”
The next installment, covering more recent events like the paper's disastrous role in the pandemic, wokeism, and globalism, will surely be another eye-opener, whenever someone writes it. It'll be a thick tome, and perhaps there will be a section about this spacey propaganda.
Beth, thank you for this summary. Maybe you could be the author of the next book about the NY Times' disastrous role in the pandemic, wokeism and globalism. I have faith in you.
Thank you for posting your comment. I was going to point out the lies of WWII, but it was not from a source other than my memory. 😁
☝️ 👀 🙏
When will the other media finally die? In 1897, Mark Twain is said to have read his own obituary, and then remarked, “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.” I keep hearing that the liberal media including the networks, NPR, and periodicals like the Atlantic are not long for this world, but it never actually happens. The only reason I can come up with is that pharmaceutical ads are keeping them on life support. An interesting effect for drugs to have. It may be the only thing they are good for.
Mary Ann, I think you've fingered it. I suspect government actions have created (engendered really) classes of, private, institutions that "simply cannot lose" because the "structure" guarantees their profitability. I think Obamacare guaranteed healthcare middlemen enormous profits at the expense of human providers (not institutions) and human patients. If they land between those two extremes, they appear to have been issued personal currency-printing presses.
As my dear mother used to strongly hint at as she dandled me on her knee, "Sonny boy, when you're rolling in greenbacks, just about everything looks like you should own most of it."
"Media" <==> "Marketing": interchangeable.
I second your suspicions.
I quit reading NYT Nov 9 2016, the "morning after" the election that a stunned HRC did not win. NYT first thing next day (almost as if it had been prepared in advance?) ran an analytical article complete with graphs about how could HRC have possibly lost 🤯 and the first hint of "misinformation due to overseas (perhaps Russian) social media workers deliberately spinning lies that ignorant people, especially in certain southern states, mistook as true negative facts about HRC" was launched. NYT, the flagship of paid-off p r o p a g a n d a production.
“…at one point in time, she was a beauty.”
She might have been a beauty a long time ago, but it appears that beauty was always in the eyes of the beholder. She seemed more likely to bend the truth if not ignore it completely. In later years she was a delusional, lying, hateful bitch. The world will be better off without her.
Okay, backing away from my initial tombstone inscription, unless sub-inscription is a thing:
I like yours: "Rest in <the-mess-of-your-own-creation> you [and here comes your pure genius part] delusional, lying, hateful bitch."
Fabulous piece!
Wish I could assemble words so artfully! Great Job!
Too good Jenna.
I posted this on X. (Not that many folks pay attention to me but...)
"The Gray Lady is dead. Long live Substack!"
Can I get an Amen?
It won’t go out quietly…there’s got to be some thrashing
Omg! One of your best yet! Hilarious! And the Times is a piece of 💩
I'm a foreigner, but for about 10 years now I've felt something strange about the articles in the NYT newspaper.
I want to know why the NYT newspaper went crazy.