When I learned Danny B was taking over the Deputy Director position at the FBI, I was both thrilled and crushed. Thrilled because no one except maybe Kash and Devin Nunes know where more bodies are buried. But crushed because Bongino's podcast was my workout go-to. If you can't get fired up listening to Dan, immediately check for a pulse!
Any outsider is going to get the left’s panties in a bunch. Isn’t that the point of these picks? To root out the corruption? I’m thrilled with DOGE and I’m hoping to see some real changes in the exposure of all these
“Forever” government employees. I do believe that President Trump wants to leave a legacy of cleaning up the mess perpetuated by previous administrations. And can’t wait for RFK Jr. to do what he’s promised.
And I also love Karoline Leavitt. She’s fearless and tells it like it is!! I love watching all of this unfold.
It's no surprise that the Deep State/MSM complex is terrified of the disruption of the status quo. It's a little bit surprising that climate warriors, trannies, pro-abortionists, etc. still believe that their "leaders" give a fraction of a shit about their causes, to the extent that they are perfectly willing to allow the Deep State to continue robbing the country blind. But as mathematics will support, half the country is dumber than average.
I'm convinced that the "climate warriors, trannies, pro-abortionists, etc" are dumber than a box of rocks. Whatever intelligence or IQ they started with has eroded from cognitive atrophy, addiction, obsession with porn, deviancy, perversion & lust for sexualixing anything and everything. Stupidity or the dumbing down of Americans is indeed the real epidemic.
Oboy. I stepped on some democrat toes this past week. I had responded to a friend’s text accusing me that my original text was false because a yahoo (yahoo!!! )Fact check said false. I responded with the OpenSecrets truth. No response. Then she passed around our circle a meme with 12 things we should do (to be a decent human being, I guess). I felt it was directed at me but I said I liked it. Might make a T shirt. But between 1 and 12 I might also put “Don’t kill the messengers”. She is very cool right now but I’ve listened to their stuff for 4 years with saying little. I’m on the edge and not really caring much anymore. She is a dear friend older than I am but WTF. Can’t we disagree about anything anymore? Sigh.
Very brittle people. I also sent a rundown of a few USAID flimflams. Her granddaughter at GW university in DC didn’t get an internship in some gov thing because of current situation being frozen. Boohoo. She actually would be a good hire. She’s going to Panama on another opportunity. Sounds better. She’s only a sophomore.
I think about all the indoctrination and psychological manipulation and conditioning these kids are exposed to in the universities. Have witnessed through my spouse who was a science professor at a Jesuit liberal arts school (that I coincidently graduated from in the 80s). In today's landscape, they espouse the teach their students to critically think and to serve. That's their mission. If students don't "critically think" politically correctly, they are ostracized not only by their peers but faculty as well. Got to know these kids personally as a result of the mandates. Heard many horror stories of discrimination based on their views not coalescing with the herd - even before covid. As well as the university bending over backward to right any offence of others who faced "bias", but not these kids - completely ignored.
That saddens me. When I was growing up in the 60's, we had a dear family friend who was a Jesuit priest who advised my widowed mother to dare her children to be different. I believe he meant it. When I was exploring my spirituality which ended up leaving the Catholic church, I felt supported by him.
I too am a "recovering Catholic." For over 50 years now I haven't set a foot inside a Catholic church except to attend weddings and funerals. (The smell of frankincense still induces memories.)
With all that said though, after exhausting every avenue except this one, in the search to find help for my vaccine injured son:
I assume,since you are reading Jenna,that you are aware of Dr Pierre Kory? His medical business is now very much about helping/ curing vaccine injured. Good luck and God bless!
Thanks for sharing your story. It sounds like you've found some help for your son? After exploring many spiritual teachings since my youth, I've been a student of Eckankar for the last 20 years plus. I find singing HU helps me a lot - it's a favorite tool in Eckankar.
I met Karoline Leavitt when she was running for the House in NH. She's as articulate, smart, outspoken, and fearless in real life as she is when she stands on that podium. She was a pleasure to talk to and is smart as a whip. She graduated from the same Catholic high school as my daughter, just a year before my daughter did (they never met - the school is huge. My daughter didn't even know all 380 students in her own graduating class - never mind classes above and below her). Her family owns a local ice cream stand in the area where we lived (we no longer live in NH). They're good, honest people.
And I LOVED the meme Jenna chose to highlight Leavitt’s press conf yesterday. I swear that is what happens to me every time I listen. 🤣🤣
I love watching her abruptly place all those middle school mean girls in their place, decisively and with perfect articulation. That’s only possible by the graceful hand of God. It’s happened to me only a few times in my life when I was up against the largest most corrupt hoard in our public schools, and each time I prayed fervently for the Holy Spirit to guide my tongue and to help me identify what needed to be exposed. I walked in each time with confidence like I’ve never had before and wiped the floor with them. The last time when we walked out of the meeting my husband turned to me laughing and said “damn you’ve got some big balls.” I do, but usually they are reckless and unprepared. I made it clear to him it was an answer to the deep prayer we had in the car before we came in. God has big balls, not me. Those few times were a night and day difference to when I compare them to the many that I didn’t turn to God first before defending truth. I believe Karoline is remembering to turn to a God first for the power and skill she needs.
"The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses. The press is so powerful in its image-making role, it can make the criminal look like he’s a the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. If you aren’t careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” —Malcom X
Via control of global events as projected through the contorted lens of their relentless propaganda machines, these colossally virulent news media platforms - united with their malignant CIA partners in crime (see Operation Mockingbird | In-Q-Tel) - have immense influence over world perceptions, and consequently, the corresponding actions and reactions initiated by them—proper decisions cannot be made from improper information. This is by design, and was trivially achieved because an entire spectrum of allegiances can typically be bought for a pittance—and everything’s a pittance, when you're a central bank with bottomless pockets.
I'm not all about some of the apparent policies of the Trump Administration that are unfolding, i.e., Gaza (and Zionism in general), Warp Speed and now Stargate... and Where in the hell is Jeffery's little black book? Just to name three... But at this juncture, I'm copping a "wait and see attitude".
What I am all about are his appointments and choices for leading the charge against the rampant government corruption that has existed for the better part of the last century (and continues). To Bobby, Jr., Pete, Elon, Kash, Dan, and Tulsi... May the Force be with you!~ God's Speed!
We are all impatient but waiting. Only been a little over a month and the senate and these judges slowed things a bit. Also, have to remember that some of this is to get other things exposed. He with GOD'S help has become a master game player.
I dunno about that. Mum watches her and her late singing mother every day but Lidia is not the "picture of health" herself, and seems to have gained more weight every time I walk by mum's living room when her cooking program is on.
We (Mum and I) were born in the same area of Italy. My 93 year old mum always grumbles, in our archaic nearly lost dialect:
"She uses too much butter and throws in too much Parmigiano and she NEVER WEARS AN APRON"...
I finally lost it when a fellow Scot, who's been living in Indiana for about 20 years, was fulminating over a Trump pick in the run-up to 20 January - while the Blinken administration was taking the nucfear clock the closest it's ever been to midnight. That's how far gone "Democrats" are these days, but then again they do seem to love war. He was very gungho about the proxy war and no doubt still is ("Putin's got to go". "Do you mean regime change?" "Mumble mumble") He's a bright guy for a laptop warrior, but perhaps not quite as bright as he thinks he is, and certainly not immune to utter stupidity like "Alex Jones is literally Hitler". In any case, it's clear that "Democrats" and their media wing are pulling out the stops to make life as difficult as possible for Trump 2.0 - very patriotic!
Ok. So that means I'm decrepit? Quit it Jenna: You're in your PRIME.
(I'm fairly ancient but still feel young. And I collect old cookbooks from when women cooked everything their family ate from scratch and didn't pump their kids with 70 vaccines before the age of 6...)
Back to reading your article now, which I always look forward to because I like a good laugh or 2, along with my Coffee and Covid, before 9 am. 😉
In my defense (*which WILL be the title of a future book), I did say "fairly." Ancient is relative--ask my kids (who like to ask me "what it was like living in the 1900s" hahahaha). Like you, I still feel 29 on a bad day, so to hell with numbers I say! :)
Well IN MY DEFENSE, I've been a humor writer for 30+ years. I think Jeff was very busy lawyering for many of those years, so maybe you recognize MY humor in HIS posts? Hahahaha jk. Flattered by any comparison. :)
Bongino is great, but I still doubt we'll get what we want (that being a complete clear out, with all the receipts on JFK, Epstein et al). The swamp is too deep, they've had too long to put tripwires and protective mechanisms in place. The real miss here by Trump was not just closing down the FBI and the CIA completely, firing every single one of them, then reopening the next day under a different name and make everyone reapply for their jobs, with a max 1 in 2 getting their job back and all other vacancies filled by decent Americans with no swamp connections.
When RFK Jr. suspended his campaign and joined Trump, people said he was in it for the money which, of course, is laughable. They're making the same comments about Dan B., which is also laughable. Bobby has become hugely popular. I'm so grateful this team is taking the corruption on. I saw in 1440 daily email that a bunch (27?) of DOGE techs are quitting in protest over DOGE's actions - they apparently were part of the Obama era DOGE team so their protests seem fishy to me. Also thought it was interesting that Lester Holt is going over to Dateline and stepping down from news anchor - I'm wondering if we'll see more of this with the other major networks and maybe get some journalistic integrity back in the news. It's a messy process but I admire the people who have the vision and the fearlessness to take it on and some of the reactions just reinforce that it could be working. I have hope. I personally want to keep my focus on the spiritual nature of why I'm here and bring that to the perspective I hold and my actions as I support this movement. It helps me when everything is being shaken up and these risks are being taken by our new and inspiring leaders. Thanks for your article, Jenna! Hope you enjoyed your time away!
Not sure about that info on DOGE team leaving. I would doubt they are. This is a big challenge and these young techs ate really into the harder more complicated the better. And I really don't think in the tech business you would want Elon as a "bad" reference or enemy. Just saying
As best I can tell from the AP article you linked to is that those resignations are among the very bureaucrats Musk and company are trying to root out. They’re old USDS civil serpents from the Obama era. So the resignations are a good thing and represent progress. Then again, I don’t trust AP any further than I can throw them.
When I learned Danny B was taking over the Deputy Director position at the FBI, I was both thrilled and crushed. Thrilled because no one except maybe Kash and Devin Nunes know where more bodies are buried. But crushed because Bongino's podcast was my workout go-to. If you can't get fired up listening to Dan, immediately check for a pulse!
Any outsider is going to get the left’s panties in a bunch. Isn’t that the point of these picks? To root out the corruption? I’m thrilled with DOGE and I’m hoping to see some real changes in the exposure of all these
“Forever” government employees. I do believe that President Trump wants to leave a legacy of cleaning up the mess perpetuated by previous administrations. And can’t wait for RFK Jr. to do what he’s promised.
And I also love Karoline Leavitt. She’s fearless and tells it like it is!! I love watching all of this unfold.
It's no surprise that the Deep State/MSM complex is terrified of the disruption of the status quo. It's a little bit surprising that climate warriors, trannies, pro-abortionists, etc. still believe that their "leaders" give a fraction of a shit about their causes, to the extent that they are perfectly willing to allow the Deep State to continue robbing the country blind. But as mathematics will support, half the country is dumber than average.
I'm convinced that the "climate warriors, trannies, pro-abortionists, etc" are dumber than a box of rocks. Whatever intelligence or IQ they started with has eroded from cognitive atrophy, addiction, obsession with porn, deviancy, perversion & lust for sexualixing anything and everything. Stupidity or the dumbing down of Americans is indeed the real epidemic.
Aan, brilliant summary of what we are up against. Like trying to train a goat not to climb into the feeder and poop. They are never going to get it.
I concur, Roberta!
As my dear dad (RIP) would say, "Kick the tomfoolery bums out and be done with it. Don't be dilly-dallying!"
Gosh, I love those old tried and true sayings my mum and dad would use daily.
Oboy. I stepped on some democrat toes this past week. I had responded to a friend’s text accusing me that my original text was false because a yahoo (yahoo!!! )Fact check said false. I responded with the OpenSecrets truth. No response. Then she passed around our circle a meme with 12 things we should do (to be a decent human being, I guess). I felt it was directed at me but I said I liked it. Might make a T shirt. But between 1 and 12 I might also put “Don’t kill the messengers”. She is very cool right now but I’ve listened to their stuff for 4 years with saying little. I’m on the edge and not really caring much anymore. She is a dear friend older than I am but WTF. Can’t we disagree about anything anymore? Sigh.
nope; left wing people, friends or no friends, are blinded by the Trump wave. Sad, very sad.
Blinded and blighted.
In a somewhat similar situation with a friend surrounding USAID. Factcheck.org
Very brittle people. I also sent a rundown of a few USAID flimflams. Her granddaughter at GW university in DC didn’t get an internship in some gov thing because of current situation being frozen. Boohoo. She actually would be a good hire. She’s going to Panama on another opportunity. Sounds better. She’s only a sophomore.
I think about all the indoctrination and psychological manipulation and conditioning these kids are exposed to in the universities. Have witnessed through my spouse who was a science professor at a Jesuit liberal arts school (that I coincidently graduated from in the 80s). In today's landscape, they espouse the teach their students to critically think and to serve. That's their mission. If students don't "critically think" politically correctly, they are ostracized not only by their peers but faculty as well. Got to know these kids personally as a result of the mandates. Heard many horror stories of discrimination based on their views not coalescing with the herd - even before covid. As well as the university bending over backward to right any offence of others who faced "bias", but not these kids - completely ignored.
That saddens me. When I was growing up in the 60's, we had a dear family friend who was a Jesuit priest who advised my widowed mother to dare her children to be different. I believe he meant it. When I was exploring my spirituality which ended up leaving the Catholic church, I felt supported by him.
I think the Catholic Church lost. And you gained.
I too am a "recovering Catholic." For over 50 years now I haven't set a foot inside a Catholic church except to attend weddings and funerals. (The smell of frankincense still induces memories.)
With all that said though, after exhausting every avenue except this one, in the search to find help for my vaccine injured son:
I've taken to wearing a small crucified Jesus pendant on a silver chain.
In my opinion: "Can't hurt"... And? A little extra fervently murmered prayer for his healing, while holding it, might help?
Who knows.
I assume,since you are reading Jenna,that you are aware of Dr Pierre Kory? His medical business is now very much about helping/ curing vaccine injured. Good luck and God bless!
Thanks for sharing your story. It sounds like you've found some help for your son? After exploring many spiritual teachings since my youth, I've been a student of Eckankar for the last 20 years plus. I find singing HU helps me a lot - it's a favorite tool in Eckankar.
Sometimes the “dear friends” have to go. Because what is still ‘dear’ about their opinions and points of view?
I had to be rid of a few of my long time ‘dear Dem friends’, who from 2020 on, turned into raving, moronic, illogical, talking points lunatics.
I met Karoline Leavitt when she was running for the House in NH. She's as articulate, smart, outspoken, and fearless in real life as she is when she stands on that podium. She was a pleasure to talk to and is smart as a whip. She graduated from the same Catholic high school as my daughter, just a year before my daughter did (they never met - the school is huge. My daughter didn't even know all 380 students in her own graduating class - never mind classes above and below her). Her family owns a local ice cream stand in the area where we lived (we no longer live in NH). They're good, honest people.
And I LOVED the meme Jenna chose to highlight Leavitt’s press conf yesterday. I swear that is what happens to me every time I listen. 🤣🤣
I love watching her abruptly place all those middle school mean girls in their place, decisively and with perfect articulation. That’s only possible by the graceful hand of God. It’s happened to me only a few times in my life when I was up against the largest most corrupt hoard in our public schools, and each time I prayed fervently for the Holy Spirit to guide my tongue and to help me identify what needed to be exposed. I walked in each time with confidence like I’ve never had before and wiped the floor with them. The last time when we walked out of the meeting my husband turned to me laughing and said “damn you’ve got some big balls.” I do, but usually they are reckless and unprepared. I made it clear to him it was an answer to the deep prayer we had in the car before we came in. God has big balls, not me. Those few times were a night and day difference to when I compare them to the many that I didn’t turn to God first before defending truth. I believe Karoline is remembering to turn to a God first for the power and skill she needs.
I LOVE this! 💪💕
Thanks for the reminder!
The usual brilliant pick by the Trump administration, thus the WRONG pick for the leftists. I just keep loving it!
"The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses. The press is so powerful in its image-making role, it can make the criminal look like he’s a the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. If you aren’t careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” —Malcom X
Via control of global events as projected through the contorted lens of their relentless propaganda machines, these colossally virulent news media platforms - united with their malignant CIA partners in crime (see Operation Mockingbird | In-Q-Tel) - have immense influence over world perceptions, and consequently, the corresponding actions and reactions initiated by them—proper decisions cannot be made from improper information. This is by design, and was trivially achieved because an entire spectrum of allegiances can typically be bought for a pittance—and everything’s a pittance, when you're a central bank with bottomless pockets.
Much more on how the bought and paid for media controls the narrative (which is the most powerful control system there is) here: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/counterfeit-continuity-in-our-fourth
No truth was ever stated so exactly.
I'm not all about some of the apparent policies of the Trump Administration that are unfolding, i.e., Gaza (and Zionism in general), Warp Speed and now Stargate... and Where in the hell is Jeffery's little black book? Just to name three... But at this juncture, I'm copping a "wait and see attitude".
What I am all about are his appointments and choices for leading the charge against the rampant government corruption that has existed for the better part of the last century (and continues). To Bobby, Jr., Pete, Elon, Kash, Dan, and Tulsi... May the Force be with you!~ God's Speed!
We are all impatient but waiting. Only been a little over a month and the senate and these judges slowed things a bit. Also, have to remember that some of this is to get other things exposed. He with GOD'S help has become a master game player.
Yes. I agree it’s a bit confusing,for sure! But,I have more hope then I’ve had for quite a long time..
They should be called what they are: Regressives
Lidia Matticchio Bastianich should be in charge of the school lunch programs. IMO
I dunno about that. Mum watches her and her late singing mother every day but Lidia is not the "picture of health" herself, and seems to have gained more weight every time I walk by mum's living room when her cooking program is on.
We (Mum and I) were born in the same area of Italy. My 93 year old mum always grumbles, in our archaic nearly lost dialect:
"She uses too much butter and throws in too much Parmigiano and she NEVER WEARS AN APRON"...
I would love your mother I am sure!
My personal pick for investigating the school lunch program is Bongino, after he cleans up the FBI that is. Or, can he do both simultaneously?
I finally lost it when a fellow Scot, who's been living in Indiana for about 20 years, was fulminating over a Trump pick in the run-up to 20 January - while the Blinken administration was taking the nucfear clock the closest it's ever been to midnight. That's how far gone "Democrats" are these days, but then again they do seem to love war. He was very gungho about the proxy war and no doubt still is ("Putin's got to go". "Do you mean regime change?" "Mumble mumble") He's a bright guy for a laptop warrior, but perhaps not quite as bright as he thinks he is, and certainly not immune to utter stupidity like "Alex Jones is literally Hitler". In any case, it's clear that "Democrats" and their media wing are pulling out the stops to make life as difficult as possible for Trump 2.0 - very patriotic!
"but perhaps not quite as bright as he thinks he is" Lot of that going around (most likely myself included!)
All of President Trump's cabinet appointments are great picks!
Fully support Dan Bongino and all Cabinet appointments. Great team
If the Vulcans came down to Earth and spoke logically, like Mr. Spock, they could not have been better than your musings; nor more accurate.
Absolutely fffffffffffing brilliant; spot on.
"Because I’m fairly ancient..."
Ok. So that means I'm decrepit? Quit it Jenna: You're in your PRIME.
(I'm fairly ancient but still feel young. And I collect old cookbooks from when women cooked everything their family ate from scratch and didn't pump their kids with 70 vaccines before the age of 6...)
Back to reading your article now, which I always look forward to because I like a good laugh or 2, along with my Coffee and Covid, before 9 am. 😉
Keeping me sane in these times.
In my defense (*which WILL be the title of a future book), I did say "fairly." Ancient is relative--ask my kids (who like to ask me "what it was like living in the 1900s" hahahaha). Like you, I still feel 29 on a bad day, so to hell with numbers I say! :)
I swear Jenna IS our beloved Jeff Childers! (Or maybe she’s his dear wife, Michelle?!)
Every now and then I really recognize Jeff’s sense of humor in Jenna’s posts … 😂🤔🤗
Well IN MY DEFENSE, I've been a humor writer for 30+ years. I think Jeff was very busy lawyering for many of those years, so maybe you recognize MY humor in HIS posts? Hahahaha jk. Flattered by any comparison. :)
Makes sense, Jenna! 😂
Love you both! ❤️❤️
Bongino is great, but I still doubt we'll get what we want (that being a complete clear out, with all the receipts on JFK, Epstein et al). The swamp is too deep, they've had too long to put tripwires and protective mechanisms in place. The real miss here by Trump was not just closing down the FBI and the CIA completely, firing every single one of them, then reopening the next day under a different name and make everyone reapply for their jobs, with a max 1 in 2 getting their job back and all other vacancies filled by decent Americans with no swamp connections.
I was for that as well. All letter agencies need to be wiped.
When RFK Jr. suspended his campaign and joined Trump, people said he was in it for the money which, of course, is laughable. They're making the same comments about Dan B., which is also laughable. Bobby has become hugely popular. I'm so grateful this team is taking the corruption on. I saw in 1440 daily email that a bunch (27?) of DOGE techs are quitting in protest over DOGE's actions - they apparently were part of the Obama era DOGE team so their protests seem fishy to me. Also thought it was interesting that Lester Holt is going over to Dateline and stepping down from news anchor - I'm wondering if we'll see more of this with the other major networks and maybe get some journalistic integrity back in the news. It's a messy process but I admire the people who have the vision and the fearlessness to take it on and some of the reactions just reinforce that it could be working. I have hope. I personally want to keep my focus on the spiritual nature of why I'm here and bring that to the perspective I hold and my actions as I support this movement. It helps me when everything is being shaken up and these risks are being taken by our new and inspiring leaders. Thanks for your article, Jenna! Hope you enjoyed your time away!
'in it for the money'... that's hilarious
Not sure about that info on DOGE team leaving. I would doubt they are. This is a big challenge and these young techs ate really into the harder more complicated the better. And I really don't think in the tech business you would want Elon as a "bad" reference or enemy. Just saying
this is the article that 1440 digest reported:
As best I can tell from the AP article you linked to is that those resignations are among the very bureaucrats Musk and company are trying to root out. They’re old USDS civil serpents from the Obama era. So the resignations are a good thing and represent progress. Then again, I don’t trust AP any further than I can throw them.
that's what I meant by they seem fishy to me. Just another attempt to make DOGE look bad when it's not.