3 hrs agoLiked by Jenna McCarthy

Great Substack! I live in sea of high IQ liberals who consider themselves highly informed because they read The NY Times and Washington Post, cover to cover, everyday. As a result, they are the most brainwashed human beings on Earth. They are “High Disinformation Voters”.

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“Mid Disinformation Voters”. Worship “High Disinformation Voters” and primarily get their news from the Mainstream Media. Very brainwashed people but, slightly less arrogant. Their brainwashing is reinforced by Group Think and feeling superior to “Deplorables”.

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs agoLiked by Jenna McCarthy

You’re intro into your article left me laughing out loud. Pure gold. “…his name would be Earl … he’s a die-hard fan of football, freedom, and firearms…owns a TV only to watch NASCAR … washes his pork ribs and Cheeto pie down with some homemade moonshine, he wipes his mouth on the sleeve of his “Don't Tread on Me” hoodie, throws his dog Cooter into the bed of his pickup” 🤣🤣🤣

The whole point to a New Yorker article like that is to strengthen their base by convincing them they are the intellects and therefore the only sane solution for our country. But I find when talking to ANY Democrat they can only parrot what they read or heard by the MSM. They are unaware of how they are captured and a propaganda arm for the left, not unbiased journalism.

I get my news from those whose balls aren’t in someone’s vice, who have zero conflicts of interest, and had a LOT to lose if they told the truth. I listen to X of course, and my favs on Substack, but also Dan Bongino, Tucker, Vigilant News, Alex Jones, Mike Benz, and heck I’m even finding that Joe Rogan does his homework! I like long form interviews and find they give better facts and details. Gutfeld is a fun watch for left bashing humor.

I also prefer independent news sources. And I read the Epoch Times, New York Post, Blaze News, Briebart, OAN, Daily Mail, and others. I’d say I’m pretty well read and do as much research as time allows. I don’t blindly follow, I verify. I’m college educated with a masters degree too, and I have all my teeth. 🤣

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You are SO RIGHT with this: The whole point to a New Yorker article like that is to strengthen their base by convincing them they are the intellects and therefore the only sane solution for our country.

And glad you enjoyed! :)

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Don’t forget, it makes the MSM look like the only source of truth.

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I'm right there with you Juju! I'm pretty much exactly the profile they use to describe the educated suburban woman but I have chosen to think and research for myself. I'm often appalled by the tripe and misinformation I hear parroted by a portion of my 'friends'. I try to provide correct information but find lately that I've given up on most of them.

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2 hrs agoLiked by Jenna McCarthy

I proudly get my news from C&C and other substack posts like yours. I don't think I could stand to read it all without a good dose of humor to help soften the blows. Much obliged, Jenna.

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2 hrs agoLiked by Jenna McCarthy

Same. 🥰

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Same! Thanks Jenna and Jeff!!

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3 hrs agoLiked by Jenna McCarthy

I'm an independent and never really gave politics much thought because it wasn't really effecting my life...then covid came and turned me inside out. I've never learned as much as I have in the past 4 years. And none of it came from MSM. It came from podcasts, substacks and yes, social media.

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2 hrs agoLiked by Jenna McCarthy

I sometimes get my news from the mainstream media - I just believe the exact opposite and am right 99% of the time.

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2 hrs agoLiked by Jenna McCarthy

I'm actually only half-joking. It's fun sometimes to read the MSM sources - especially on political or otherwise controversial topics (seemingly almost everything these days) - to see what narrative the regime "mockingbird media" is trying to peddle. Similarly, and even more telling, what is NOT being covered and things that are verboten to say. You can learn so much from those ("the dog that didn't bark") in terms of what conspiracies might be true. E.g. nobody censors/silences the flat-earthers. But try asking questions about covid or 9/11, etc, etc.

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2 hrs agoLiked by Jenna McCarthy

Was at a fundraiser last night. They were raffling a TV. I thought, why would anyone want a piece of crap like a TV. I’m embarrassed to say how many we have in our home. The only time I turn it on to watch something newsworthy is to cast something from my phone to the TV. Realizing that I had been asleep for the overwhelming majority of my adult life has been a rough road. MSM is what indoctrinated me.

My “educated” brother who told me I was uneducated and in a cult when I tried to awaken him gets his news from The NY Times. God only knows if he continues to get the shots 😢

Trump 2024

Make America Godly Again

Jenna - thank you kindly for the shout out for my Substack. Anyone here who doesn’t know, Jenna’s husband Joe came up with the brilliant name “Clotastrophe”.

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That’s ok we are all in the same cult … 🥰

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I'm right there with you. All those "experts" are the main reasons why our country is where it is today, going to hell. Doing your own research opens your eyes. You can tell when the government is lying by them talking. They only know how to lie. They forgot if they ever knew telling the truth..." in the latter days, the wise will be made foolish and the foolish, wise" and here we are.

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2 hrs agoLiked by Jenna McCarthy

we say "cootah" here, just south of Boston, to reference our lady bits

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I just died. HAHAHAHAHA.

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Yes, and I’ve heard it used for a large turtle.

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1 hr agoLiked by Jenna McCarthy

On polling: If you’re a Trump supporter, you likely think the Dems will try to fix the elections. If you let the Dems know how many votes they need to win ahead of time, you’re just making it easier for them to cheat. That’s why Trump supporters don’t respond to polls or even give misleading answers. They want to surprise Team Blue with the overwhelming majority coming…so much so that manufacturing offsetting votes will be difficult/impossible.

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Excellent point! :)

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2 hrs agoLiked by Jenna McCarthy

I love when I'm told I should "do my research," when I'm the one *actually* doing the research. My news comes from ACTUAL journalists on Substack, podcasts like Victor Davis Hanson/The President's Daily Brief, etc. and any other non mainstream source I can dig up.

Thanks for giving me continual chuckles.

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Well said, dear Jenna.

So many people I know, they seem to have no clue that they're being outrageously gaslit. The gaslighting hooks right into their pride and their sloth, like keys in a lock. It is quite something to behold.

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3 hrs ago·edited 34 mins agoLiked by Jenna McCarthy

I get my news from anywhere BUT the msm. I read Revolver News, The Stream, Gateway Pundit, Eric Metaxas, Naomi Wolf, and Citizen Free Press, and I watch Tucker Carlson.

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1 hr agoLiked by Jenna McCarthy

40 years ago I was introduced to CNN and was fascinated by 24 hour, somewhat in-depth coverage. Two decades later I would watch with frustration how they could air one report after another on similar subjects that wouldn’t take the facts of the first into consideration for the second and vice versa. I would often find myself standing in front of the tv screaming “Can you not at least compare your news stories?”

Though I swore off tv news, including FOX, when Biden got the election (just to keep from staying angry), Hubs keeps a couple of conservative news channels running in his home office ALL DAY LONG for background noise. So I occasionally hear that, but sometimes FB, el gato, Alex Berenson, C&C and you, Jenna, are my main sources. Plus the links provided and links from the incredible commenters.

My husband will occasionally flip to CNN now to “try to understand the other side.” (My blood pressure starts to climb.) On one segment with guest speakers, I watched them literally make things up about Trump on air. Seriously, like look up to the ceiling and start their outrageous sentences with “Like maybe” and “What if” before continuing the thought as if it were actual fact.

Oh, once, after having one of my FB posts “fact checked”, I actually followed their instructions to see what was wrong with the post. EVERYTHING was right except some tiny phrase that had nothing to do with the meat of the post. Then I followed the fact check site to find how to become a fact checker. There were NO qualifications other than wanting to be one! So anyone, no matter their education, understanding, ideology, intention or objective can just become a fact checker.

I’m done!

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2 hrs agoLiked by Jenna McCarthy

My beautiful soul, I don't even own a TV due to garbage propaganda and programming. I get my news from reputable sources like yourself. Thank you Jenna. Love your humor 😄

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We hillbillys are way ahead of the libturd brainwashed sheep. We think for ourselves, discern, use logic and reason, and work our asses off. We love God, family, Trump, and guns and we will die defending the constitution and the USA. You’re welcome 😎

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2 hrs agoLiked by Jenna McCarthy

msm = damage control , spin and lies

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2 hrs agoLiked by Jenna McCarthy

I don't think the liberals know how to find Real News. I think some conservatives don't know how to find Real News! We've tried to get conservatives to dump the lying Fox, but they just can't, and they look suspicious as to the credibility of any news that requires they download an app.

You'd be amazed at the layers of news and details you can get from The Warroom. On all fronts from politics to war. The whole pupurpose is to arm us with facts.

We watched Alex Mercouris, and fellow that walks around for a half hour in Cypress, Greece, or other countries, telling us what's really happening globally. It was amazing to get a recap of world leader news and insight never ever mentioned here in the U S.

There's Real America's Voice App and Rumble and they do not censor or "fact check". And, then there's Substack, where news is reported.

The most difficult thing is finding good sources. We found most by word of text by Commenters! Smartest people ever 👍♥️

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