Yep, you nailed it mein Liebchen. Loved the dialogs. You should write a book…oh, never mind…

Only one thing you missed: THEY spared all the illegals pouring in through our Southern Border: unvaxxed, unvetted, low skilled (many), armed (some), soon to be Democrat voters (probably all). These migrants will be the new generation of soldiers, cooks, and bottom washers who serve the elite. The Grand Plan of their Great Reset.

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From what I hear, most of them are criminals. They may not be all that governable either. This should be fun. [eyeroll]

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Maybe not governable, but government supported. Someday, even the criminals may want jobs. Oh, let's hope they work for Gates, Schwab, Harari, Clinton and their buds. Surely then they will learn compassion, excellent manners, and foreign word-salad tongues.

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Also, seems to me that the ones coming from communist dictatorships like Venezuela might not be all that keen to vote for Dems, actually.

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I hear folks say these illegals will vote demoRat.

I say. I doubt they'd vote for the dead guy...sic

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I penned a note to an ex who was bemoaning the state of affairs on planet earth and said the same thing:

"They're" recruiting replacements...

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Jan 8Liked by Jenna McCarthy

You're assuming there's a connection between people who do manual labor and those who fell for the propaganda. Whereas in my limited circle, I've found the people most susceptible to it are actually the upper middle class who believe they're the important movers and shakers of this world. Many of the working class people I know were suspicious from the start. Klaus and friends only need so many middle managers, after all.

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I did not mean to imply that (nor do I think that)! I've seen both suspicion and gullibility in both camps, frankly. I was just trying to point out all of the many cogs that make any wheel move. True, they may not be inconvenienced if they exterminate a lot of executives at corporations they won't need in their little automated playground...

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Jan 8Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Ah, well then I apologize for my misinterpretation!

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No need to apologize! We're here for intelligent discussion and I'm grateful you pointed that out so that I had a chance to explain. Chances are you aren't the only one who took it that way, so THANK YOU! :)

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Jan 8Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Dang, you're a class act.

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Why, thank you kindly. :) *tips tin foil hat in your direction*

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OMG, that same exact question has been bothering me from the outset, too, Jenna!

I came to the conclusion that they decided to wipe out the compliant during Phase 1 because the biggest danger to them is our numbers. So first, you go for the low-hanging fruit before they wake up, then by the time their plan becomes obvious to even the blindest, the digital enslavement panopticon has already been installed, so the rest of us will be easy to corral (they think).

"Fauxlanthropy" is an admirable coinage, BTW, although I am partial to "philanthropath" since it also conveys their psychopathy:




Regarding who will perform the menial tasks, I speculated well before the AI explosion that they were counting on robots to perform those, as I describe in "Letter to a Colluder" (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling):

"It is time to wake up. It is time to redirect your aggression from the people to the powers-that-shouldn’t-be. It is time to recognize you are one of the targets of this fiendish agenda, too.

"Eventually, you will be replaced by robots. Then you will become one of the plebeians you presently persecute—and the few of us who survive the democide will be equally disempowered, dependent, divested of possessions, and enslaved to a totalitarian technocracy. Mass surveillance will monitor our every twitch, tallying credits and demerits to our social credit score in accordance with the autocratic algorithms.

"There will be no humans left to administer mercy. There will be no halfway decent enforcer to let this one slide. There will be no compassionate official to consider mitigating circumstances.

"All grays will be washed into an unending, unflinching, unsparing blackness from which the dawn never emerges.

"The totality of this New World Tyranny is unprecedented in human history. Indeed, it may signal the end of all human history, now and forevermore.

"Unless you stop colluding. Unless you stop enforcing. Unless you stop enabling."

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NGL I get a little OH MY GOD THE MOST POPULAR GUY IN THE SCHOOL JUST WINKED AT ME when I see a comment from you, MAA. Further, Harari has said we may be the last or second to last generation of uuumans (as we define them) to inhabit the planet. This is where my moral naivety rears its ugly head: [imagines to self] "You're one of the richest, most powerful humans on the planet. You can have whatever you want, whenever you want. Make a list of the top twenty trillion things that would make you happy." *Pours a generous glass of chardonnay, adopts a dozen stray cats, sharpens her favorite TAKE NOTE, BITCHES pencil and begins writing happily.* [note: mass genocide, stripping robots, and digital enslavement do not make list]

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You are so adorable and hilarious, Jenna 😹

And OMFG, I had to do a double-take after reading that because, minus the chardonnay (and, okay, the pencil), I am living your dream. We have exactly a dozen adopted cats (all feral except for one discard from a neighbor after she (the cat, not the neighbor 😆) bit her kids)—soon to be a baker’s dozen if I succeed in TNR’ing the new feral kitty who’s been hanging around 😸

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SOUL SISTER! If my husband ever leaves me [PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME, DEAR], he will be replaced by at least 9 feral cats.

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😹 This is what happens when a feral mama has two litters in your backyard before you're able to get her spayed and you can't bear to part with a single kitten (although one ran away before we were able to tame/trap/fix him and I can only hope he is being spoiled by some other neighborhood cat mommy).

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When I met my husband (twenty-seven years ago), I had five for that reason. He was not a born cat lover. We laugh heartily now that one of our first conversations about them went like this: Him: "So how many cats DO you have?" Me: "Just the five." Him: "Oh. How old are they?" Me: "They're all around six." Him: "How long do cats live?" Hahahaha the poor bastard buried every one of those sweet angels--plus six more in the ensuing years. Now he proudly wears his CAT GUY socks and we fight for the affection of our current brood of two. (His max, that official cat guy status notwithstanding.)

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Haha, Jenna…if I ever left my husband, I WOULD BE REPLACED by at least 9 feral cats! That’s one of the reasons I keep him! He loves them too.

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A song for YOU dear Jenna:


(PS. They weren't. And they did.)


"I can dodge bullets baby." 😉

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While you are predicting the worst possible scenarios--and I can't argue with much of what you all are saying--has anyone considered the power of intent and prayer? Vs. worry and fury. I'm very much outraged by the entire COVID mismanagement debacle, but damn! Anger is exhausting. (Maybe it's my advanced age.) So my nefarious subversive plan is treating myself and others with kindness and forbearance, and praying/meditating for a kinder, more tolerant and loving world. In other words, trying to BE the change I wish to see in the world. The energy behind intent and prayer is far more powerful than we physical beings can believe, since we can't perceive intent with our physical senses. My prayers are constant, yet I don't turn a blind eye to what's happening or others' intent. I very much insist on accountability for actions that are just beyond the pale and have caused so much needless death and suffering. As English civil war general Oliver Cromwell said to his troops: Praise God--and keep your powder dry.

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Jan 8·edited Jan 8Author

YES!!! I'm a big believer in frequencies (not joking) and the importance of vibrating in LOVE AND LAUGHTER and not fear. So that's why I do what I do, here in particular. There's enough doom-and-gloom out there and it can get mighty heavy and depressing. I included this quote from CS Lewis from 1948 in The War on Ivermectin because it's how I feel about all of this insanity:

“In one way we think a great deal too much of the atomic bomb. ‘How are we to live in an atomic age?’ I am tempted to reply: ‘Why, as you would have lived in the sixteenth century when the plague visited London almost every year, or as you would have lived in a Viking age when raiders from Scandinavia might land and cut your throat any night; or indeed, as you are already living in an age of cancer, an age of syphilis, an age of paralysis, an age of air raids, an age of railway accidents, an age of motor accidents.’

In other words, do not let us begin by exaggerating the novelty of our situation. Believe me, dear sir or madam, you and all whom you love were already sentenced to death before the atomic bomb was invented: and quite a high percentage of us were going to die in unpleasant ways. We had, indeed, one very great advantage over our ancestors—anesthetics; but we have that still. It is perfectly ridiculous to go about whimpering and drawing long faces because the scientists have added one more chance of painful and premature death to a world which already bristled with such chances and in which death itself was not a chance at all, but a certainty.

This is the first point to be made: and the first action to be taken is to pull ourselves together. If we are all going to be destroyed by an atomic bomb, let that bomb when it comes find us doing sensible and human things—praying, working, teaching, reading, listening to music, bathing the children, playing tennis, chatting to our friends over a pint and a game of darts—not huddled together like frightened sheep and thinking about bombs. They may break our bodies (a microbe can do that) but they need not dominate our minds.”

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Might want to have a boo dear Jenna.

Such an eloquent testimony:


(FYI: I look at everything under the sun and "orbs" are coming up lately. A lot. Probably the algorithm... 😉)

Fight but Be Not Afraid folks.

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Abiding in Christ produces fruit (that remains) and it nourishes and engenders reciprocity for the love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, meekness, temperance, faith that is borne of our being faithful to do that for which we were(re-)created in Jesus. "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this [present] darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) places." Ephesians 6:12.....

And His commandments [those given to us by Jesus, not Moses] are not burdensome, because everyone born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world: our faith.

"Who then overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. This is the One who came by water and blood, Jesus Christ—not by water alone, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit who testifies to this, because the Spirit is the truth. For there are three that testify: the Spirit, the water, and the blood—and these three are in agreement." 1 John 5: 3-8

"When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory. Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." 1 Corinthians 15: 54-58

"If we live, we live for the Lord, and if we die, we die for the Lord. So then, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s." Romans 14:8

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Jan 8Liked by Jenna McCarthy

They're counting on AI and humanoid robots for most of that stuff. But even when the technology matures to where that's feasible, they will likely be extremely bored without flesh-and -blood peons to lord over.

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Exactly! They'll be like kid who wants nothing more than a Furby/Happy Napper/Razor scooter for Christmas and is bored with it two weeks later. Toys lose their luster--pets don't. That's why they need us (preferably on leashes and in cages).

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And where will those battery operated robots get their batteries or what happens when there is nobody to fix the electrical grid? A robot is going to climb a ladder with his nimble fingers! There are way to many what if's! It takes humans days to restore power.! Who will fix the electric cars? Electric robots? What if they get their wires crossed? Lol.

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My husband is an IT guy and I am extremely skeptical that AI is going to be self-sustaining in the anywhere-near future. I mean, I probably should be, but I just can’t bring myself to be too scared of something that dies the second you unplug it or take out the battery 😏

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See my above comment. Great minds, I tell ya.

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Jan 8Liked by Jenna McCarthy

They are building a global prison where every movement, purchase, and internet activity is tracked. Do the wardens really worry that they have dangerous prisoners? No, they manage them.

Israel boasted in newspapers that they are using an AI system to select target homes as belonging to terrorist members. Then they blow them up. Obviously, such tech either came from or is shared with the US. They are probably testing it out for us.

An AI will check your substack subscriptions (notice btw that substack posts every subscription on your public profile to be data scraped by third parties unless you go into your profile each time and hide them- not an accident), phone location history, purchase history, voice recordings from your car and home appliances, etc. Then the AI will decide you are a terrorist extremist. Your car will be shut off, your electricity and electric range shut off, when you call someone your phone will ping a few 5g towers and a drone will drop a bomb directly on your head. Just watch some videos from Ukraine to see if you think you can defend against a nearly silent drone dropping an inexpensive mortar or artillery round directly on you.

This is the future they anticipate, a future in which mass resistance is rendered obsolete by automation. Remember how google got caught making mass surveillance tools for China, seeemed to back off, and then fired objectors and did it anyway?

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Sort of hard to LIKE this comment, but I had to because I always appreciate thoughtful discourse. But DAMN that got dark quickly. Calgon, take me away.

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Jan 8·edited Jan 8

Sorry about that. I am just worried about the future that my children will grow up and have to survive in. With injections, we have been allowed some kind of choice, but the logical trajectory of the crackdown on speech and branding of dissent as harmful disinformation is violent crackdowns. Those we won't get to opt out of. I would like people to look around and see that car kill switches, electric ranges (all electricity is centralized where you can have a tank of propane), universal biometric ID, etc are all very useful in suppressing an insurgency. In Iraq, universal biometric ID registration was a major project of the surge for instance. They don't need compliance if they prepare for subjection.

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Jan 8Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Sadly, zuF, I think many don’t realize how quickly this can go dark, in a very, very bad way! If society breaks down, there will be mayhem the likes of which few have even imagined. These wackos may have a grand vision of some utopian society (in their minds) they are creating, but getting there is going to be brutal and bloody. Just look at some of the “mostly peaceful” riots we’ve seen. Those are tiny microcosms of what is likely to take place. Look at what happened in Watts riots in the 1960’s. As hard as this is to hear, people need to understand that scenarios like this are not just possible but almost assured if they manage to cripple our society. I’ve seen it personally, having been raised in 3rd world countries, including Venezuela and Libya. It’s not going to be all slightly inconvenient like it is in Obama’s movie “Leave the World Behind”. So as dark as this is, be prepared as much as you can, keep situational awareness at all times and find as many like minded folks in your location as you can…just in case!

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Jan 8·edited Jan 8

Years ago I read Thomas Carlyle's book on the French Revolution. One of the ideas he discussed is that civil society is just a set of habits. Once those habits are broken, what is unleashed is very ugly indeed. In our current situation, there is a concerted, sustained effor to undermine the rule of law. Rule of law is one of the habits that create civil society. Deliberately trying to turn the law into a partisan weapon is the road to violence as neither side will have any longer an arbiter to appeal to.

So my concern is that as time goes by, the balance of power tilts toward lethal automation and whoever controls it rather than with the people. They may not care if they strip away civil society if they think they can suppress popular resistance. Ten years ago, American elites were pining to be more like China and now we are and more like them every day. It is an ugly road to be on.

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Totally agree. All the more reason to never give up our 2A rights, we may have need of them. They were putting people in Covid camps in Australia, for Gods sake!

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No access to a tub where I am now but yeah...

Need it.

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You seriously underestimate the independent capabilities of Israel. Ever heard of the intelligence gathering software called PROMIS? The only thing Israel needs from the US is our money and they don't really "need" that, they just want it.


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Yes I certainly have heard of it.

Based upon the catastrophic "failures" on 10-7- 23 (so similar to those of 9-11-01) I cannot imagine how that tragedy happened.

Can you?

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Jan 8·edited Jan 8Liked by Jenna McCarthy

It's very dark and most normal human beings wouldn't be able to even fathom this type of reality, but I think a lot of the dystopian movies lay out the future that these psychopaths are looking for: a completely docile and compliant population that can be monitored, manipulated, and controlled like robots as the press of a button. Scenes from The Matrix where human babies are artificially grown and raised by this system to obey and serve their masters without even knowing that their masters exist is the ideal scenario for these parasitic humanoid creatures.

Obviously, this can only happen if the current population complies and doesn't resist so let's keep loving and laughing like we were meant to do while these losers have their temper tantrums.

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I think Glenn Becks books have it down. The world will become a dictatorship of slaves living in cubicles basically eating Soylent Green. You will work or become body parts or next weeks Soylent Green.

We are infiltrated with armed terrorists that came through the border from across the world. Homeland Insecurity didn't buy all those guns and ammo to protect US. The secret army will have all they need.

A great book series is W. Michael Gear's recent "THE WYOMING CHRONICLES".

More than likely this is the plan to turn us into Anarchy and Famine.

A great TV series on Amazon Prime Gaia channel is DEEP SPACE.

Ever wonder where all those missing people go that are never found dead or seen again?

We more or less have 3 governments and only 1 was elected and that one is rigged. The other 2 are at odds with one another. JFK knew too much.

I think in the end all the globalists will die.

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Praying your last prediction is accurate!

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The comment some ruler said in the past that lost their head was, "Let Them eat cake!"

I remember what Italians finally did to Mussolini.

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Jan 8Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I’ve wondered if they miscalculated or know something we don’t. As cruel as it sounds, I’m looking forward to the strong being the majority. Maybe then, we take back our country.

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Jan 8Liked by Jenna McCarthy

You nailed it Jenna...

It troubled me initially (and it still does) what are they going to do with an empty planet... But much like the warped idealists in movie scripts, I believe they want to "rewild" and live in a feudal system, unfortunately a little like the picture Dr John Coleman presented in his Committee of 300 book... (I read it some time ago and thought it far fetched, still do a little, because it is such a different world to how I even picture society.)

Unfortunately the plan isn't so much a feudal system like King Alfred the Great protecting his subjects but more like Caligula, total debauchery...

Far beyond the worst of 1984, but featuring the controlled society of that book, some have suggested this society may be a bit more like brave new world, people kept prisoner by pleasure and not wanting to step out of line and lose that lifestyle...

Okay, how would that work without a lot of us around?

Apparently much like the world of 1700, a world population of around 600,000... Smaller, but enough people to service an economy, and more importantly enough people to service incredibly out of touch kings and queens ... Unlike that world, there's our current tech to keep this system going in luxury ...

The problem that worries me, like you say, is what about the loss of talent...?? The tech leaps have come from a large population, a pool of 600,000 is tiny... Where are your science breakthroughs coming from? Talented doctors? Talented computer people? (And yes, movies and music? )...

Not a well thought through plan, or maybe we're just not invited to the Bilderberg meeting where these questions were answered!?

I wondered what about the economy? The big companies, whose going to buy the TVs, cars? But... It did cross my mind that all these industries are in the end only owned by a few giant corporations (Vanguard Blackrock etc) that are really just arms of the bank international settlements... These people print their own money, accountable to no-one... So perhaps this is all propped up by their new electronic slavery CBDC money..?? Under their one world government???

Here's a copy of that book (still seems far fetched but a lot of it is coming true... Electronic money, one world government, deindustrialisation of the west, flooding of western nations with immigrants with backgrounds that do not understand the western world etc...) not saying I agree with it all, but I'm not obviously an insider at Davos to know... I will reiterate I found it far fetched, some of it seems still inconceivable, but at the very least it serves as a guide to a possibility...

It starts about page 161 in my hard copy (or page 151 on the online archive)


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Yes, to all of this--and I will check out the book. And also WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO DO WITH 7 BILLION DEAD BODIES? Their garden of paradise is going to smell worse than the NYC subway in August.

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As I will say, the book seemed so far fetched, but some bits have happened and are happening, so he was right on those counts... Hope he's wrong on the rest... It's just shocking...

But the lead in to the book seems quite accurate and researched... His speech floating around on the web isn't too bad to flesh out the book...


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LOVE John Coleman -- a visionary before the time when they expected such prescient thinking! IMO, these are pawns in a Satanic cabal -- those who have traded power and influence for their very souls. And their free will is now in service to the Evil One.

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Yes that was the question a lot of ex Jehovah’s Witnesses asked when they were waking up to God killing everyone who isn’t a JW at Armageddon....

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Steve, thanks for that link. Fascinating, and from the 3 dozen or so pages I’ve read so far, it sounds like he’s more right from wrong, unless we step into the breach….

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Jan 8·edited Jan 8

Unfortunately the scenarios I hear from people like one of their favourite speakers Yuval Noah Harari... When he says "Human Rights are just a story we've invented", then goes on to say, like the psycho he is, if you cut someone open you can see organs, but no human rights... Scary, scary person who represents the WEF/UN/WHO ethos I suspect, and lead me to think some of Coleman's most dire predictions are on target with this ethos.


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Remarkably, I have to agree. When I started down the first rabbit hole” back in late 2019, I had no idea at what was in store and how many “conspiracy theories” had validity. I fear that the chaos we are witnessing day to day (for those paying attention) may be nothing more than mere distractions to keep us from seeing a deeper truth, whatever that is. I don’t believe our situation is hopeless, just that we may be fighting a battle without knowing the rules.

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Jan 8·edited Jan 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

They need the power to keep us distracted, and living in fear of course.

Creating wars...

Limiting agriculture for "climate change" to create food shortages... Less cropping less meat... Can starve the masses, crash money and economies (look how much the US threw at Ukraine, didn't matter how much it cost, and how little they put in at home, look at paltry Hawaiian compensation).

Cyber attack to destroy "money" in banks to push towards CBDC (sold as secure money to the masses, when instead it will be a slavery tool governing "what" you can buy and "how much" of it you can have (eg meat or petrol)... Elites will have no such limits of course)

Banning of cash ... Can see that coming too...

Possible mass death from the jabs (give it eight years for the genetic poison to do it's thing) blame on Climate Change or disease of some sort ..

Then when we're all broken from that, in will come out saviours for a great reset...

Scary premise, but lately that seems the path in my mind...

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I keep coming back to (which is the next 'stack I'm working on): I'm not saying you're trying to enslave, impoverish, and kill us, but if you *WERE*... name one thing you'd do differently.

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Jan 9·edited Jan 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I haven't listened to many of these, but there's been a lot of praise for Alan Watt who seemed to know a lot about the Agenda... But I decided to have a little listen today.

At 16 min listen for a minute till the 17 min mark...

He mentions that the internet "wasn't given to the public for their enjoyment, the internet was given as the beginning of a process into a new scientifically run society, where everything will go through the internet... Banking, personal information...and sure enough, a lot of people are already cashless, they don't use money at all, or cash, and they don't mind what's on the internet, and it familiarises us with the idea of the next step, which is a smaller unit, a portable unit that will go everywhere with you, and the next step again is a brain chip... It's a process of adaptation, training is piece by piece, on the road to the next step, the the next step..."

He said this Oct 15 2006 when phones weren't really smart internet capable phones like now... Has been an interesting listen so far, and quite accurate if we think of what's happening now...


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Perfect question...!!

I really wish it didn't look like they were TRYING to enslave or poison us, but if they were it would look an awful lot like this...

Good idea for a stack Jenna

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I threw out a line from Throw Momma From The Train the other night.

Me: "The old lady's hard to kill."

Him: (Him being the middle aged fellow at the poker table wearing thick spectacles, the one who had just tried to take me out but failed, blinked. I repeated it. He blinked again.) "What?"


Keep trying. I'll just keep dodging bullets baby.

You too Jenna. ❤️

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A little off subject but funny.

Red Green

If women don't find you handsome make sure they find you handy.

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I always carry a roll of duct tape David.

No men around carrying theirs...

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Jan 8Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I’ve found a kindred spirit 🤣

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You betcha Judy Judy Judy. ❤️

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Jan 8Liked by Jenna McCarthy

That applies to everyone these days! No one needs a vapid useless woman (and I’m saying that as a woman!)

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What she said. ⬆️

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I like my woman barefoot pregnant and at work.

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Jan 8Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Haha, can’t wait to see the comments on this one! You sure know how to stir the pot! Better hope she’s not armed!

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Jan 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Sometime during this travesty a friend told me a story from I think "The Guardian" - it concerned an elite who had built a bunker which he planned would keep him safe during the possibility of a massive change in the world - but he had one problem - he hired lots of protection in the form of guards and wondered how he might prevent his hired guards from turning against him and simply take over his bunker.

and...on a more hopeful note - I once read about Doris Lessing during WWII being sought out by very young Brits for solace - her response to them was to give them a timeline of her life which was a lot of world mayhem followed by her winning a Noble prze in lit while she was living in a small flat caring for her very sick adult son.

Is there some truth that the world is no more broken than it has ever been?

With that said, don't give up, keep going.

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I can not make out the image.

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[Clapping hands]

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You forgot one thing. Robots. That’s their plan. Robots will serve AND service them.

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Maybe I'm still living in 2002, but I do not think robots can and will ever replace people for everything. Obviously they're already replacing cashiers and servers and drivers... but I can't go through the self-checkout at the grocery store without needing to call a human at least twice. Yesterday I went to the UPS store and the self-service scanner was out of order so the guy behind the counter took care of my return--it was quite a nice thrill. Will they build robots to repair their other robots when they break? And even if a machine could perform every task in, say, a bar, we go to the pub for the social aspect as much as the drinks. My husband and I will pay $60 for two rounds of drinks we could have easily poured at home for $10 without a second thought. And look at how well our kids did with remote/online learning (eyeroll). I tend to be a glass-overflowing kind of girl, but the thought of a fully autonomous world crushes my little spirit.

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I agree 100%. However, for the crazy one percenters, they'd rather have a world with many fewer people and a little less convenience then having to deal with the unwashed masses like us using up THEIR resources. BTW, I always enjoy when I have to call over a REAL person at the grocery store when the self scanners fail. HA....small victories (-:

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My above comments further up are similar! Lol

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Maybe the convid show was the first step to separate the willing from the unwilling? Those who don't hold a QR-Code yet are the unwilling. In the next chapter the QR-Codes will be connected to cbdc's. Then comes the time of our hunger Games. China ist the perspective. This escalates the categorizing to the next level which was to check If they are going to accepts blindly any risks of health damage that come with the boosters, even If death is a possible option along with the jabs, as long as they are allowed to participate in the system. Compliance until death.

In the following there will be compliant and life long medication dependant followers. A win win for state and pharma.

But that's only my wild guess yet.

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Damn. You just earned your handle. I pray you're wrong but suspect you're not.

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Right on, Jenna!!

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