Oct 15·edited Oct 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I'm a male...who identifies as male...in a male sort of way. Re. Walz: there is something creepy about him. (Tucker Carlson right off blew the whistle on that offense.) And seriously: what is that thing he does where he puts his hands together and bows, and that other thing where he pats his right hand over the left part of his chest? Seriously--what is that supposed to indicate? Dudes don't do that sort of thing, man.

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Oct 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Walz may soon be outed as a pedo. I saw this video and thought for sure it had to be a spoof. My horror to realize that it is real. That's what the undemocrats really think men are like. They have no idea. Just because their lives are parodies doesn't mean the rest of us don't live real actual lives.

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Damn, Greg! You beat me to the Tucker reference! Good on you.

A total creepster is what I think Tucker said? Tucker not so subtly also said "I know those guys. I went to boarding school. I know those guys!" What's important here is what Tucker was inferring. My first instinct was sexual abusers. BINGO! That was the missing link for me. Walz gave me the creepy crawlies the very first time I layed eyes on the lizard.

OH GEEZ, guess what! It's all coming out... We shall see how far the LSM will go with sexual predator...Tampon Tim...Pedo Tim Creepster...

PS: I am stiil on Fakebook, but haven't posted anything on my page in years. It's merely a tool for interesting groups, doom scrolling, and keeping up with what the Libtards are saying and doing in their moronic, insane bubble. Haha!

PSS: I donated and voted for you Jenna! WTH! Currently, you hold position #1!!!!

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Awe, thanks KW! You're the BEST. :)

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You're right. I'm pretty sure it was "creepster" or "creeper." That really caught my attention.

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Precisely, Greg. It totally made perfect sense to me when Tucker uttered those words.

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PS: I'd vote for you, Jenna, but I'm not on FB. It doesn't bring out the best in me.

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Oct 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Greg - I don’t either. For me, it would be a way to beat my head against a wall and lose my mind -along with all my joy.

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No FB for me either.

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The bowing thing is because he's Chinese at heart. He has spent so much time and has such a love of all things Chinese that the bowing thing is second nature to him.

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Tim Walz literally has to be the dumbest person to ever have been elected as a Governor (seriously people of Minnesota, what is wrong with you) and most certainly to run for VP. He had an exchange with Jimmy Kimmel (whose writer was the “brain” behind the cringe ad in question). Walz apparently didn’t pick up the call from Kamala when she called to inform him he drew the short straw in having to run as her VP because no one else was willing, but he didn’t recognize the number. ‘Kimmel teased: “Is she in your contacts now so that doesn’t happen again?”

“She is,” Walz replied, before revealing she’s been given a now not-so-secret moniker.

Kimmel probed what pseudonym she’s listed under in Walz’s phone, the Democrat admitted: “My dry cleaner.”

Walz continued: “They told me to come up with something and that was all I could think of.”’

It’s like a Three Stooges movie and not in a good way.

During this same interview, he apparently said to cheers: “I plan to wake up on November 6 with Madame President.” I wonder what Mr Emhoff thinks about that?😂. If this wasn’t so utterly appalling and terrifying, it would be hilarious.

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OMGGGGGGGGG I need to go find all of those clips. Dying!

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😂I didn’t watch the actual clips because I can’t stand Jimmy Kimmel, or Walz for that matter, but I found the info here https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/tim-walz-kamala-harris-jimmy-kimmel-phone-b2625604.html

Doesn’t it just blow your mind!

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I think Walz was chosen because they had to find someone who wouldn't upstage Kamala. And of course it is almost impossible NOT to upstage her. Any alpha male was obviously out of consideration, but so was any halfway competent woman.

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Oct 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I thought it was insulting to men. And also insulting that Obama scolded black men for not enthusiastically supporting Kakala.

Can you imagine people saying vote for Trump because he’s white? Or vote for the white man with a penis?

Crazy says I who used to vote Democrat. I’m with RFK Jr. And Tulsi and left the party to at least vote for someone who will possibly change the way things are done in Washington.🤞

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Oct 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I’m man enough to read this substack and agree with it!

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Oct 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Every day for over 70 years

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Oct 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Matt Taibbi has a glorious takedown of that ad. Something along the lines a guy knows he’s a man because he can see his balls in a glass jar on his wife’s dressing table.

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hahahahahaha excellent!

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First time I saw it, I honestly thought someone had mistaken a Bee piece for an actual ad. Then I realized it *was* an actual ad. By the time I got to the end of it, my mouth was hanging open.

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Oct 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

The liberals have absolutely NO IDEA what a real man is and no idea how to communicate with them so they resort to these insulting yet hilarious stereotypes. At least it’s good for a laugh for us.

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Oct 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

How about -I’m man enough not to pressure, coerce or force a woman to abort our baby and encourage her to get care from a real OB/Gyn rather than an abortionist.

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Chris Bray (Tell Me How This Ends-Substack) posted this creepster ad last Friday. I, of course watched it, and my first instinct was...what real man would watch this and do anything but be cringed out and feel shame for The Cackling Moron and Tampon Pedo Tim.

I don't know if my Hubby has seen the ad because we usually discuss, so I will assume he hasn't yet. I am curious to get his reaction/take. He is usually a good bellwether for how a real man reacts to such garbage. He is way more fair than me, for sure. Just being perfectly honest.

Anyway, I may post later on Hubby's reaction. Stay tuned.

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Please do report back! 🤣

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It may take a few hours. I am traveling today. What a nightmare. I officially despise flying commercial airlines.

Does anyone give a feck anymore!? Service? Huh! What service!

Don’t get me started on how poorly trained the airline employees are that work for American.

I have the most frustrating story regarding my check in with my dog this morning. I had to go over the dogs paperwork with her line by line! 🙄😡

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I should hope your husband reacts the way I did, with laughter. It is unbelievable that someone thought that would convince anyone to vote for Kamaltoe.

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Honestly, Hubby is a jokester, so my guess is he will laugh with extreme disgust! He isn’t a fan of fake men as it should be! Dammit!

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Indeed! I think us gals are much more critical about this stuff, than the hubs and boyfriends! I know… that’s what I experience!

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Oct 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

The obvious manipulation is no longer working on the millennial and younger generations. They can spot phony acting for what it is. And they are waking up to understanding their country is slipping away from the opportunities their parents and grandparents had.

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Oct 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Who paid for that ad? Are we sure the Trump campaign didn’t put it out there?? It’s that bad for Harris. And then Weirdo Walz out in a field with a gun he didn’t seem to know how to load, pretending he’s a big gun enthusiast: “…back when I used to shoot a lot of trap.” It could only have been more fake if he’d said snipe instead of trap. The Matrix is glitching!

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Oct 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Here’s an example of real men. https://www.instagram.com/reel/DBHJAAuuIMT/?igsh=MXRvMnZtaGhqajh6aQ==

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Oct 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Thanks for sharing. Tears… wow.

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It’s beyond cringe. I’m not sure who the target audience is.

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The weak, woke, wimpy generation of wussies out there, I'm thinking.

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Oct 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

The guy sitting on the truck tailgate certainly looked effete!

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Oct 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Duuuude....(as my granddaughter would say) LOL. That is what leaped off at me. Real men don't sit that like. Anywhere. They should at least have given him a bud light to wrap his little hands around.

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😂🤣 Sadie!

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Oct 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

No “man spreading” there = soy boy

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The position of his hands is right out of the handbook for taking those awful photos for church directories.

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I thought it was possibly for women to bully their men into voting for her. 🤡

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Also likely!

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24 hrs agoLiked by Jenna McCarthy

I think the target audience is men who should be listening to Jordan Peterson instead.

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Oct 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Jenna’s writings and the comments are keeping me sane and even happy


Im learning new terms such as: “raw dogging” and renewing appreciation for old reliables like

“Creepy” Thank you for the laughter

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Well, as a certified testosterone generator with externals to match, I found the ad really really creepy. The fat guy who ate carburetors was just amazing. My first thought was, “what the hell is that?” Tuning a carburetor isn’t hard. But I haven’t done that since about 1986 because all of my cars use injectors. I think injectors are nearly universal. But, if you’re a Hollywood actor or writer you probably don’t know that.

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Oct 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I started to watch, but stopped. I had to go throw up.

I will keep saying this. We are watching a movie. It is the only thing that explains such absurdities.

Jenna! I tried to vote for you, but I don’t do f**kbook.

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Oct 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I was wincing so much that I had to re-watch it to make sure that it was what I thought it was. That ad should be preceded by a warning about possible side effects (like severe nausea, nightmares, possible stroke, or other cardiac events ).

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Oct 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Seriously. And it should be followed by "This ad paid for by Donald Trump."

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Oct 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Don't throw up! We can't be wasting that good organic food we pay SO much money for! Your body needs the nutrients to keep up the good work.

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Oct 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

You missed that one guy claimed to cry during the movie Predator. Predator. C'mon man.

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It is because he knew he was next. Prey!!

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