As the turbo-cancers continue to pile up, I wonder when they're going to start referring to the clotshot as the gift that keeps on taking.

Also, you should get a cat to help you change the sheets. Then it's not just housework, it's an adventure.

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Hahahahhaa! My cat AND dogs help make my beds!!! Hahahaha

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Why would a cat need sheets?

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They don't, and they don't think you need them either - at least laying neat and flat with no wrinkles. If you've never tried making a bed with a cat in the room - especially a young and playful one - you should try it. It's an exercise in futility, but quite entertaining. 🤣

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We lost our girl back in June that used to “help” me change the sheets. Oh how I miss her. 😢

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I'm sorry for your loss.

My cat is seven and I'm seventy five, so it's a toss up which one of us will go first. One thing is certain - it will be a sad day for the other one.

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Thank you.

Oh my yes. 😢

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I haven't had a cat since 1981 because the landlord wouldn't let me, the shelter wouldn't let me adopt because I live in a van, or their cats were kept in cages and they didn't know anything about their tortured personalities. I figure I'll get adopted by one some day that will come for love and food, and have its own life with a refuge on its own rules. The closest I've been to sheets are comforters and sleeping bags for two decades.

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Oh my, it's been so long since I've had a cat that I'd forgotten what fun it is to change the sheets with a cat about! Thanks for the reminder! (Currently I have four dogs, 17 chickens, and a daughter...and no help changing the sheets! Damn! Add to bucket list: Become a crazy cat lady.)

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You already hit all the nails on their heads, Jenna. This is damage control of the actual reality that can no longer be denied with the massive amounts of families, friends, and acquaintances being injured and/or suddenly passing.

The silence was too deafening and continuing to ignore the vaccine injured dead elephant in the room was becoming more damaging to the arbiters of truth than it was beneficial to keeping their official narrative going.

I have to think that Marjorie Taylor Greene's recent public comment about having a PHD in bullshit sparked this new move by our ministry of truth. https://rumble.com/v4e9h7c-marjorie-taylor-greene-erupts-at-covid-19-vaccine-hearing.html

She's just as bad ass as you are, if not more. No offense. 😉

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I will take, “almost as badass as MTG“ all day long.😊❤️

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Can you imagine an MTG JM supergroup? 🤩💣

Your fans would pay good money to see that collaboration! I know I would!

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Also that video REDEFINES badass!!! 👏💯💪🏆❤️

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Vee, many thanks for that link to MTG's statement! Wow! That woman speaks TRUTH!

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Great info and humour as always Jenna - thanks again

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100% ~ Jenna nailed it ~ again!

Guess she's helping to launch that infamous hardware store! 😉

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I can see the spin - "yes, we have some adverse events from these shots, but they are very "rare."

I bet tens of millions of Americans think they have had an adverse event(s) or know people they think died from the shots. But we can ignore the anecdotes. Yes, 10 or 20 million people are ALL wrong.

It's like the millions of people who think they had early Covid are all wrong. Every single one of them.

I intentionally made this story very long ...


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Dr. Marc Siegel is a CDC shill on Fox News.

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Fox had one reporter who was NOT a shill for the CDC - Tucker Carlson. I think we've all noticed, he's no longer with Fox News.

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Feb 21, 2024
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If Tucker is/was "controlled opposition," the forces that were controlling him must have done a re-assessment of their psy-op and decided he was being too effective at his assigned task at Fox News. Why else would they fire him?

"Tucker, we appreciate all your hard work to advance our 3-D chess game, but you are starting to go a little overboard with some of these monologues."

Did they want him to take his act to Twitter, where his episodes are now reaching 30 to 180 million viewers instead of 4 million?

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Since schools are not teaching definitions, nobody knows what rare means!

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Sad and also very, very true.

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If absolutely one passenger plane in every thousand flights was guaranteed to crash, there would be no airline industry.. Yet idiots line up at worse odds for getting Faucinated.

As to going to NYC, glad you enjoyed it. The fat guy was TMI!


I wouldn't want go there myself all expenses paid,ride the subway and spend'even just one night for $20,000 cash but then at 77 I now literally hate to travel.

I also ignored all them WinRed come on dinner invitations from Trump.

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So the Dragon is missing a scale. Let's slay the son of a bitch!

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If ignorance is bliss then I guess most will die of their jabs with huge grins on their mugs. The rest of us will continue to watch insanity unfold around us and wait in vain for the masses to wake up

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"If the media’s coffin had any more nails in it, they could open their own hardware store."

"BS R US."

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Does the Red Cross know something they’re not sharing?


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That's my next post!!!!!!!!!!!! (And indeed, I suspect they do!)

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Great minds...

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Well, I WAS going to write about it, but I called the number. NOT THAT THEY'RE NOT POISON OR THAT I WOULD EVER TAKE V'D BLOOD, but I think this may (?) have been blown a bit out of proportion. IDK but at least a dozen people sent it to me today. The very kind man (Mark) I spoke with told me there is "no deferral time after any of the standard Covid vaccines" (and rattled off Pfizer, J&J, Moderna, and AZ), saying "you can donate immediately afterward as long as you're feeling well!" (*Or not dead. Ahem.) When I asked if this was a new thing--I donate blood regularly and do not recall ever being asked this-- he replied, "well, they're always supposed to ask if you've had any vaccinations or reactions." I encourage others to call as well, but FWIW. :)

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Thanks for clarification!

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Of course! I wasn't trying to sound like a know-it-all; it was my very next thing I wanted to tackle--and I may still do it, in this vein--but I thought it was good/important info to share. :)

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I give blood every 8 weeks through the Community Blood Center. I get asked if I have taken the experimental jab (refuse to call it a vaccine) and once I say no, we continue with the check-in. This has gone on since the jabs came out. I finally got curious and asked why they ask this and was informed that if I had taken the jab there were more questions they had to ask. Since I am not jabbed, I have no idea what those questions are.

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H8SBAD, Thank you for the link. always good info from DC Draino. I think the Red Cross is hearing more and more that people (purebloods) are refusing blood transfusions from jabbed donors. So they are going to claim there is no problem if the donation is made 2 weeks after someone got the jab.🙄

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Gosh! Did you notice that their definition of "rare" was issued with a free set of blinders?

Great work, Jenna! As always!

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Jenna - aawww. Balm for my soul to see a stack from you. I was having withdrawal.

I think they float out this bullshit to see how it lands. At some point - very soon - the flood gates will open. The damn is breaking. The boulder of truth is gaining momentum and there is NO STOPPING IT.

Richard Hirschman and Tom Haviland were interviewed by Alex Jones yesterday.

I believe it was their interviews with Dr John Campbell that got Alex’s/Rogan’s attention. Tom’s alone had over 1 million views. Also, Richard posted a video on Twitter of him pulling a white clot out of a juggler vein. Hmmmm. This is weird. I went back to the link and it’s gone. Last time I looked, there were over 18 million views.

Toward the end of Richard’s interview, Alex told him that Joe Rogan asked him why he hadn’t had Richard on his show yet.

Come on Joe! Your turn! Are you making Alex the sacrificial lamb to see how it is received before you grow some balls and interview Richard and Tom?????



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Is it creepy that a post isn't officially posted until/unless I get a comment from YOU??? :)

YES to all of this (although that blood clot video will give me nightmares for the rest of ever... which I s'pose is a good thing IN CASE I EVER WAVER IN MY RESOLVE HAHAHAHAHA AS IF). I don't think of Rogan as ball-less; he *does* toe the line of devil's advocacy, but IMO that works to his/our advantage! Here's hoping... ;)

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If they took 'deaths' into consideration all sorts of stringy white spaghetti things would have to be explained away too....shhhush don't talk to the embalmers, funeral directors or death insurance companies, or listen to Ed (Edward) Dowd, the expert on stats (well he is ex Black Rock Exec gone good) - nothing to see here

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And so tonight I got to explain to our young ‘un what media spin (and any other “spin” by anyone, actually) is, as they didn’t otherwise quite understand the “make like a record and spin” comment.

*They DO know what records are. Just hadn’t yet encountered the vocab of verbal spinning.

Job well done, Jenna.

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Good job educating them! And thank you kindly.😊

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Great piece ! And they can all suck eggs, they are evil and deserve no mercy.

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Nah, eggs are too nutritious. Let them suck 3D-printed meat product with a side of slug.

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Jenna, do write well, very well. In fact you remind my favorite syndicated columnist, James Patrick Murray. Yeah he was a sports writer. He was also great. His insights were always worth considering. His writing was hyperbolic, side splittingly funny and memorable. Yeah, babe - you converted this septuagenarian into a paid subscriber. That's how much I want it.

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Philip! Thanks for the comment and the support and the genuine LOL! I'm honored and will have to look up your sportsball writer hero. :)

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Awesome takedown of the limited hangout study authors and their conflicts of interest! Everyone should look for such conflicts even before they read the abstract, conclusion, and then the body — don’t forget the body, dead ☠️ or alive 😎 — of any “we followed the science and there’s nothing much to see here” publication.

I’ll be sharing your article on my Substack along with this one from The Epoch Times, being sure to include a comment about yours being a much more enjoyable read:

CDC-Funded Study of Nearly 100 Million COVID-19 Vaccine Recipients Reveals a Host of Adverse Events. Cases of a blood clot condition called CVST were found to be three times higher than expected among the vaccinated. By Naveen Athrappully, Updated: 2/21/2024


Another great article, which you obviously read cover to cover is FLCCC’s “TOOLS & GUIDES - How to Read Scientific Papers & Research Articles Effectively” Published On: November 8, 2023:


Thank you, Jenna, for bringing a lot of sunshine 🌞 into your writing on seriously rainy 🌧️ topics.

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