
It's cognitive dissonance plus willful denial maybe with a little embarrassment thrown in for good measure. I have a (former) friend I was arguing about this with for two solid years. She is also a writer and came out of the gate screaming GET YOUR SHOT, DO THE RIGHT THING, DON'T LISTEN TO CONSPIRACY THEORIES, BLAH BLAH BLAH and we would go to blows. It finally ended when I tried to share Ed Dowd's mortality data with her; her response when I said, "how does your side explain this?" was WE DON'T. When I pressed, her exact words were "the people and institution [sic] I trust to grapple with it have already decided it's not worth reporting about." In other words, the media silence didn't make her suspicious; it confirmed her bias. YOU CANNOT MAKE THIS SH*T UP. I blogged about the whole exchange (with screenshots ;) on my personal blog if you want to see the crazy up close and personal: https://jennamccarthy.com/waiting-for-the-truth-fairy/

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Just went there and read it. Glad I did. Even though it is making me so intensely sad. What an incredible example of being summarily dismissed and of pure fact being reflected like light to a mirror without a single photon penetrating. What a fascinating phenomenon. It is like these brilliant people have strong areas of mental power with vast disconnects, as if they need an intellectual defrag to bring their thinking abilities back into sync.

I am sad for your loss of respect for your friend and hers for you. Thank you so much for sharing that exchange in full measure. We The Dismissed count you as very dear. Excuse me, I must go to the cellar and get a glass of Lynchburg barrel squeezins to distract myself.

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Thomas, thanks for this note. I honestly don't even know how I feel about it. My knee-jerk reaction is THANKS FOR SHOWING YOUR STRIPES/ARROGANCE/IGNORANCE AND GOOD RIDDANCE but I'm also just plain mystified. In The War on Ivermectin, we likened it to The Emperor's New Clothes--and "We The Dismissed" are the kid calling out the BS. We aren't afraid to because - hello? - it's just SO OBVIOUS! Only a fool wouldn't see it! As I re-read my [former] friend's words, I cringe in embarrassment for her. My stance (that vaccines are dangerous, people are dying from them, and our government is corrupt), in her words, "starts from a place so far from reality that arguing with it would feel silly to me." By default, that means HER reality is a well-functioning, virtuous government doling out safe-and-effective preventative medication out of nothing but altruism and compassion. If she's managed to convince herself that's the world she lives in, I guess how I feel is jealous. ;)

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Your artical is very insightful. I have often thought about the point you raise and my thoughts on this are as follows;

1. It's okay to take the vaccine until you or someone you love gets injured. Thats the game changer. Once it gets close to home then it matters

2. Vaccinated people in general do not and will not enter into any sort of conversation re the gene therapy injections. I feel that they cannot accept that they made a bad choice and won't admit they're wrong about it.

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People generally don’t pay attention/think anything they see happening on “the news” applies to them until shit hits the fan in their own homes/circles of life. Incredibly frustrating when we have to share things (like a country 🤪) with them. LOL

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My experience as well. If I sent information via e-mail, I got no acknowledgement. If I brought it up in conversation, I got silence or a shoulder shrug or pooh-poohed with the accompanying dismissive hand gesture. Now I just figure ... sad, but they are the ones who may pay the price. I did the best I could to be the watchman on the wall. Now I just try to avoid any more shedding issues, as I had one instance last summer and that was enough.

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Another beautifully written post!

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Appreciate you reading and saying so! :)

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Get in the hot tub, thats not a body it's a statistic.

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Absolutely 100% TRUE!! First I wondered when it would stop. Now I wonder why it has NOT????

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Absolutely! Been screaming this from the rooftops to basically deaf and dumb people :(

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Excellent review of the medical madness! I will never understand how profits became more important than people, but it's obvious that is standard thinking by corporations, governments, media, and many billionaires.

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Just read your blog on the exchange with your “friend”. (Also realized I haven’t yet read all your stacks).

“I fear my fantasies of a world-wide wake-up may never be realized.”

Yeah. I feel ya. But I still kinda hold onto that fantasy.

I actually was able to red pill my cousin with Dowd’s book. Although our relationship is not what it once was (very close). He used to call me often and we would talk for an hour. I read a saying - people will forgive you for being wrong, but they will never forgive you for being right. So true 😢

So imagine my profound disappointment when I sent Dowd’s book to one of my besties of 50 years. She never mentioned it and she still thinks the shots are safe and effective. 😢

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Jenna like the humor- well done

Vince Neil

NOT the Rock legend, the music I like is gene expression -Ok that's my humor

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It continues to be a difficult view to understand - this view that vaccines are safe and effective - and a follow-up view that - getting the shot - is good for the many. I understand neither. But perhaps understanding is not necessary. I used to think we, in the USA, growled and howled when a product came on the market that was harmful...you know, product liability. But big pharma is not liable - so all that business is gone. I got into a discussion regarding product liability as a way to recall a product when it does harm - but was summarily told that I was some type of conspiracy theorist. Rather surprising. One death is too many. One skeleton. One loss. ONE. Just ONE. It is as if we have decided to play "Russian roulette" - spin the cylinder - and fire at your head. Maybe you'll get lucky - and maybe you ???? What has happened to: REVERENCE FOR LIFE?

It is a sad, sad tale.

May you be safe from harm.


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