I will try not to think everyone who voted for Biden is as senile and imbecilic as he is. I will leave room for the idea that they are only evil.

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Wow, it's hard to play this game from the other side of the net. I'm thinking THAT ISN'T POSSIBLE!!! ;)

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Dec 30, 2023·edited Dec 30, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

OMG I love you so. These are hilarious, and I will "try" also.

This reminds me of that meme that is making the rounds. I'll type it out ...

"Which is the hardest for you to say?

1. I love you.

2. I was wrong. I'm sorry.

3. I need help.

4. Worcestershire sauce.

5. I appreciate you.

6. My "conspiracy" theorist friend was right. "

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Oooh! I haven’t seen that one! That is perfection.🤣

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I will try to stop buying books without reading the whole thing. At least finish one before buying another. Or maybe keep reading the one that was first, while I begin another. But they may stop printing books. And that great doctor just wrote another one. So I’ll just buy...one...more.😂 📚 📕💗

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At the risk of sounding selfish, keep buying books! Lots of them!🤣

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You just saved me from the chore of making a list. Thanks! I've already broken them, so I'll join you in (not) trying too hard.

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Dec 30, 2023·edited Dec 30, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

As for #1, our middle school age kiddo INSISTED one of their Christmas presents was a coupon for giving to me that will prohibit all covid talk in their presence for a week.

They received five one-day coupons. 😆

And in all seriousness, I intentionally am avoiding talking about it and all that other stuff in front of them. They know. And they get worn down hearing it so much. Just like we do, except they don’t have the same capacity we have for dealing with it. And heck, we get tired of it too.

As for volunteer work, yes, ABSOLUTELY this Substack counts! 🤗

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Day made.😊

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I’m going to stop holding out hope that one of my once brilliant but now brain damaged brothers will be a part of the great awakening that I truly believe will happen in 2024.

But then I think that I must never lose hope because:

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”“

‭‭John‬ ‭16‬:‭33‬ ‭NIV‬

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AMEN! 🙏❤️

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I will not tell people at every opportunity that I think Bill Gates's nickname should be "Gates of Hell."

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*Adds to list

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I will not fake a cough towards a maskaholic when I come across one in the grocery store aisle.

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Jan 2Liked by Jenna McCarthy

This is one of mine. I reduced it to a loud, scoffing ‘Hah!’ instead as an attempt to wean myself off the practice. This article may be of interest. https://dailysceptic.org/2023/12/27/spare-a-thought-for-the-perma-masked-this-christmas/

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What a perfect, compassionate analogy! I hope it reaches millions.

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

You are very funny! Unbelievable!


Just when I started to give up on PostPlandemicHumor!🤣

Thanks for the laughs!

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Gloating is allowed! Even if it is done silently in your own mind with a twinkle in your eye and a slight head nod.

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Not Masks ...

Starter Kits ... For Bacterial Pneumonia.


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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Oh good grief, I thought exactly this - well, the essence of it - when I saw a masked woman OUTSIDE the grocery store today.

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Oh my gosh your list is perfect! I LOVE your substack!

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I'm not gna do shit and I'm gna keep doing shit.

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My list of 3:

1. Stop focusing on what the devil is doing.

2. Stop focusing on what God is not doing.

3. Focus on what God IS doing.

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Jan 2Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I hereby solemnly swear to try to uphold every single one of your New Year’s resolutions as well. (Damn, if only I had read them on Dec 29th when you posted them! Well, I guess we can add this list to my own failed resolutions already! Pretty sure I didn’t even get through Jan 1st before I broke ALL of them! I guess there’s always next year - - - or not!)

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I gave up New Years resolutions many years ago by adopting an approach to life based on making tiny incremental improvements in the way I do things.

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