Thank you for calling out Peggy Hall. She tried to slander ICAN several months ago for using language within a FOIA request and subsequent legislation that was designed to be a covert operation because she was too shortsighted to understand political strategy. She refused to come on the show and explain her position. She came out of nowhere during COVID in California. Those of us who fought for YEARS when CA was passing SB277, SB276 and others had never heard of her. Suddenly, she’s an “expert” and smearing everyone else who put in the legwork for decades while simultaneously profiting off the injured. The fact that she’s now going after Bobby is yet another red flag in her (now accumulated) circus tent full of them. She can fade into obscurity while the OG MAHA moms get to work. And that’s putting it nicely.
There are also several substackers I read who pulled the same crap, who can’t seem to understand that in order to get past the 10000% bought out shit bags on BOTH SIDES one needs to speak “diplomatically “ about the sacred cow that is vaccines. The epileptic seizures from the left (grand mal no less) were a sight to behold. Some of them really need to rethink their approach. It’s quite…..unseemly actually.
Thank you for this info, much appreciated! I didn't know this bit of info but had decided years ago she was someone I didn't need to watch. She sure does get angry and goes on long tirades about those she doesn't like and that's a real turn-off for me. I just want to know the facts I don't need anyone telling me how to feel about something nor do I need to put up with someone else's tirade, I can do that myself!! LOL. I'm always suspicious of those who come out of nowhere and are suddenly huge celebrities.
seriously, shame on Peggy. so sick of these folks. OG mammas like us understand what its like to take our so very rare WINS and shut the F up over the tiny concessions it may have taken to get those wins. after decades of gaslighting and marginalizing, I am okay with Bobby saying what he had to say in his 'job interview' (which the naysayers are practically foaming at the mouth misquoting. ugh.)
so party hats and Champaign corks in THIS momma's house. F*** the naysayers.
Yes my red flags went up when she started bashing EM, DJT and now RFK. I agree we should verify etc but she has also come out as a flat earther and man on the moon denier among other things…
Man, when I heard yesterday that RFK, Jr. had actually been confirmed, I immediately thanked the Lord for continuing to answer our prayers! I agree with you, he WILL do what he says he will do, just like Trump and the rest of these patriotic appointees. MAHA!
"Prayer is a force as real as terrestrial gravity. As a physician, I have seen men lifted out of sickness by the power of prayer. It is the only power in the world that overcomes the laws of nature."
Alexis Carrel (1873-1944) French surgeon and biologist
I know that there are many physicians such as this one, acknowledging with humility and praise, that God reigns over His creation! 🎶 I look forward to them using their voices to remind us of the gratitude they have to be able to help us with our physical ailments.
Anti-Vax ... Anti-Vaxxer ? Aren't these just made up words in an attempt to shame and quiet a certain group of people who refused to conform? While I wear the term proudly, it was never a phrase I used of myself until it was forced upon me by the lunatic vaccination crew.
We all feel the same way believe me. As a pharmacist I was taught about vaccines, how they often can’t, don’t, or won’t *prevent* disease but can, will, and have given our immune systems some tools to use to fight them more quickly (which I now no longer even feel like is true or believe). Imagine my growing horror that they were now telling people that natural immunity wasn’t “a thing” (when its hands down the best) and that vaccines are the cure all, 100% reliable, definitely will prevent disease best thing ever. This was never “a thing” that we were taught even 28 short years ago when I was in pharmacy school. That it would even be hinted at would have been the beginning of the end of the whole idea of vaccines to me, but noooooo—they screamed it from rooftops IN MY FACE. I already knew regular medicine was snake oil, the agencies bought and paid for. I just didn’t know the extent of the evil therein. I’ve been disabused of this notion. Free at last, free at last!
-- FYI, your quote is associated with a "diamond bullet" described in the link above. (See the 3 dots that appear on hover immediately to the left of the star.)
Thanks for cleaning up my typos! Looks fabulous thank you for finding my words to be worth reading for your library! It’s been a long five years for those of us in healthcare who have retained our ability to think critically, remember our foundational education, and try to speak with others in our chosen fields who have thrown it all in the toilet. Even good, honest, caring and otherwise excellent pharmacists are completely bamboozled by the propaganda machine with regard to the entire Covid fiasco (and vaccines in general as they are highly pushed at large retail pharmacy chains). I’ve talked myself blue in the face over these five years trying to get them to see the level of dishonesty being promulgated by the 3 letters, to no avail. I gave up on most of them (for my own sanity and the sake of a peaceful work environment) and mainly focus on telling the truth to my patients and to the good folks here on substack. They do respect and honor my refusal to participate in vaccinating people, and I haven’t given anyone a vaccine in over six years despite having to maintain my accreditation to do so. I appreciate your appreciation. It means more than you think.
Thank you, Tara, for speaking out. Your comments are more important than you may ever know. By sharing your experience, you are encouraging other nurses to question what they've been taught, and to speak out when they eventually realize the degree to which they've been propagandized.
Reminds me of the following documentation about the history of pharmaceuticals and the dominant allopathic medicine paradigm, which tells the very sad, dark story:
We watched the vote and stood and cheered and toasted with champagne! Finally some great news! And I’d like to see your piece in MSM somewhere. Or how about being Bobby’s press secretary? You’d be great!❤️
In November of 2021, I accompanied my friends Doug and Carla Cameron to Senator Ron Johnson’s round table for the vaccine-injured. Doug took the J+J shot the day after Easter, and started experiencing problems immediately. 10 days later, woke up paralyzed. By the time he was released from the hospital (in July), he was lucky to be alive. He had survived treatments that have killed many others.
Senator Johnson was the kindest, most compassionate man. After the round table, which zero of the invited legislators attended, he stood outside the Supreme Court steps in (the rain), for hours, talking to the many other vaccine injured. Many were as disabled, and some were attending for their family members who did not survive. It was a large crowd.
Every one of those injured people had taken the shots. Some were actually in the trials, like 12 year old Maddie DeGuray. She was in a wheelchair, with her feeding tube taped to her face. Ernesto Ramirez held a photo of his 16 year old, who had dropped dead walking to play basketball.
Many people walked by and noticed the crowd, the wheelchairs, our signs with the names of dead family members. The most frequently heard comment from them? They’re Anti-Vaxxers. Said with contempt and scorn. No one in the group was an Anti-Vaxxer, until the symptoms started. Some didn’t connect the mild symptoms following the initial shot, and were destroyed by the second dose. Most were told they had anxiety, or mental illness by the doctors from whom they sought help.
An Idaho Senator named Brandon Shippy has introduced legislation to pause genetic vaccines for 10 years. During the pause, there would be studies to determine the effects and consequences, good and bad. This is not for cancer treatments, or for auto-immune diseases, only vaccines.
COVERED in chills, Ellen. I adore Senator Johnson, too, and just have to shake my head at the ignorance to call people who were injured by vaccines ANTI-VAX. Um... ya think?????
So Jenna, I am a Canadian non-vaxxer mum and staunch #MapleSyrupMAGA & #MapleSyrupMAHA and remember DJT's 1st term, namely: He met with RFK Jr at that time and then came "Operation Warp Speed".
This time around, I was more concerned with "fire all the unvaccinated nurses" Vance than I was with Trump's (personal) stance on vaccines.
Due to this "private" conversation which went public:
Wouldn't you agree that it's high time DJT either shits or gets off the pot, once and FOR ALL, with regard to his "public" stance on the "Operation Warp
Speed" debacle?
Dontcha think the PRESIDENT needs to clear up that fetid air, one way or another?
If he doesn't: RFJ Jr. will have a very rough row to hoe at HHS.
I will say this, however. Being injured by a vaccine does not, by itself, make you “anti vaxx” - at least not in my mind. Inappropriate generalization from that injury to make a statistical claim that is not borne out when one considers something much closer to the totality of all vaccine recipients about the vaccines’ risk level to tell people that they should not take those vaccines, does.
The unfortunate reality of the world is there is no 100% safe anything. This applies not just to vaccines, but to motor vehicles, and even to home electricity (electrical fire). It also applies to “natural” medicines, too. People can be allergic to foods. You can have a heart attack from excessive exercise. And so forth. But I seldom, if ever, see people who have those things come out advocating for totalizing bans on gyms, peanuts, etc.
The whole question is and always should be “what level of risk is acceptable - because we cannot have the risk be exactly zero, no matter what we may want?” And “How does that risk compare to the risk behind what we are trying to prevent with the intervention or medicine in question?” For exercise, peanuts, etc. overall the benefits far, far surpass the risks. Yet those risks still exist, and people still die or suffer lasting injury as a result that is no less real than that suffered by those injured by a vaccine. So why is the attitude suddenly drastically different when we talk about vaccines?
The better approach would be to advocate for further research to make even safer vaccines, better identify who is at risk for vaccination injury before a vaccine is given and from which vaccines, and to make better treatments for if and when it does happen. This would be in line with what is done with most other safety-related concerns and issues, I’d think.
Yes! Yes! And yes!!! As in many thing we have realized in these recent years, I have adopted the attitude of ok we tried it your way, and look at the mess you made of things; failing economy, 60-70% Americans obese, depression, autism and cancers rampant. Brave individuals like RFK and others have stood up and risked everything to expose the truth. As a mom who lost a perfectly healthy 1 year old to what I now know was a vaccine injury back in 89 that I was told was SIDS, (DPT for those wondering) As of yesterday we’re done trying it “your way” , it’s game time, let’s roll up our sleeves and fix this mess!!! BTW Jordan Peterson has an excellent recent interview with Benjamin Bikman: Is your diet killing you? An eye opener on the how’s and why’s of the standard American diets link to many chronic diseases…. highly recommended
Dear Raven, So sorry for your loss! I simply cannot even imagine the pain! Thank you for having the strength to survive, and to share your heartbreaking story! ❤️🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻
We see what their "science" of man made covert bugs 🐛 with gain of function jabs 💉 has gotten us... I personally see more people with heart conditions that ever in my sphere alone. Id rather go with Mr Kennedy. They try to say he's bad but I'll go then for the lesser of two Evil's 😈 and support the one who I've heard personally wants and cares to clean up our food and drugs. Meanwhile we got much of Congress seathing at the foam of their Pfizer lined pockets horrified RJK may take away their jabs 💉 line they are teddy bears. I've heard from non MSM media forums RFKs real stance. hes not anti v 🪓 so much as anti bad v 🪓. And he was for pro choice. I don't want no jabs. I want his later advice to remove cancer causing agents from food, get healthy and build the capability to fight infections
That was so odd that Bernie was (inadvertently) doing an ad for Children's Health Defense in the hearing. I'm a member of CHD and I didn't know they were selling them, until Bernie displayed them on the board. Not only did he give the price out but his favorite titles: Unvaxxed Unafraid, No vax. No Problem. To honor Sen. Sanders, CHD's discount code for the Onesies is "Bernie"
Great article, Jenna! Will be telling to see what tactics all those big bad industries use against him. Logic and truth won't work, so expect to see lots of lawsuits. Hope he goes hard and fast in getting rid of outdated dietary guidelines, vax schedules, restrictions on "natural" remedies, etc....
On 21Dec2023, the Department of Health and Human Services and FDA issued a final ruling to amend a provision of the 21st Century Cures Act to allow: exception from the requirement to obtain informed consent when a clinical investigation poses no more than a minimal risk to the human subject... This ruling went into effect 22Jan2024. Note that there's zero definition of "minimal risk!” I’ll add that the Covid shots are still being called S&E!
I have been moved to tears by this. You are so right. And thank you for calling out Peggy Hall, who has turned out to be a divider and dangerous to our movement. SHE is the controlled opposition, if there is such a thing. Trump will now have the most bipartisan cabinet in my lifetime, and it was probably on purpose that he was sworn in beneath a portrait of Ronald Reagan, who famously quipped, "I didn't leave the Democrat party, the Democrat party left me." God has heard the prayers of millions and we are filled with joy!
Thanks Lynn! I was afraid calling out Peggy would offend some folks, but so far it looks like most see what I see, too (at least the ones who are commenting; maybe the others unsubscribed?!?! Ha!)...
You'll be wise to heed the calls to ignore her completely. Jenna just scratched the surface, and Lynn (above) took it a step deeper. Not worth a second of your time.
She is from CA and big on helping people write and get exemptions for the jab. She used to be an educator and has also fought some of the loony laws in CA. She has since moved to FL and has many YT videos and a health channel. When she started in on DJT, EM and RFK my red flags went up. She has some legit questions but she also pushes the flat earth theory and no man on the moon theory ;/
🥳. Change the childhood vax schedule! Let’s get those darn pharmaceutical ads off tv. Dang I’m sick of watching people inject GLP-1 .😖. So ready for MAHA.
Even my teenaged son asks repeatedly "why are these ads allowed? People just pester their doctors for drugs that may not even be helpful to them". If my 16 year old gets it, why don't adults?
It's not about getting people to ask their doctor for the drugs, it's about not getting negative coverage in the media. The media can't say anything bad about the drug companies for fear of losing the ad money.
The FDA is also very reluctant to say anything negative of any drug company product. Licensing fees paid by companies to FDA are nearly half of the agency's budget - $3 billion of $6 billion total. "User fees" for medical devices, foods, biologics, human drugs, animal drugs, and tobacco. The biggest source is human drugs, over $1.4 billion (approx. 66% of FDA's human drug budget, 2023).
I don't have a solution to reverse this pharma control of the FDA, perhaps Dr. Marty Makary will have an answer.
First tobacco, then alcohol (or was it the other way?). However will media survive the loss of pharma revenue?! They might be forced to fire the grifters and hire a few real journalists. We can hope!
I definitely gave thanks for the confirmation of Mr MAHA. It will be a daunting task to untangle the government lips from the ass of the pharmaceutical companies. My hope is that the regulations of not being able to sue Big Pharma for vaccine injury can happen. And yes...let's get those Mcdonald 's fries back to being cooked in beef tallow! Amen!
Thank you for calling out Peggy Hall. She tried to slander ICAN several months ago for using language within a FOIA request and subsequent legislation that was designed to be a covert operation because she was too shortsighted to understand political strategy. She refused to come on the show and explain her position. She came out of nowhere during COVID in California. Those of us who fought for YEARS when CA was passing SB277, SB276 and others had never heard of her. Suddenly, she’s an “expert” and smearing everyone else who put in the legwork for decades while simultaneously profiting off the injured. The fact that she’s now going after Bobby is yet another red flag in her (now accumulated) circus tent full of them. She can fade into obscurity while the OG MAHA moms get to work. And that’s putting it nicely.
I love this and I adore you, my warrior friend!
The feeling is mutual! Let’s catch up soon. 😘
There are also several substackers I read who pulled the same crap, who can’t seem to understand that in order to get past the 10000% bought out shit bags on BOTH SIDES one needs to speak “diplomatically “ about the sacred cow that is vaccines. The epileptic seizures from the left (grand mal no less) were a sight to behold. Some of them really need to rethink their approach. It’s quite…..unseemly actually.
So sad and horrifying to watch.
Thank you for this info, much appreciated! I didn't know this bit of info but had decided years ago she was someone I didn't need to watch. She sure does get angry and goes on long tirades about those she doesn't like and that's a real turn-off for me. I just want to know the facts I don't need anyone telling me how to feel about something nor do I need to put up with someone else's tirade, I can do that myself!! LOL. I'm always suspicious of those who come out of nowhere and are suddenly huge celebrities.
I never thought she was a "celebrity". I just thought she was a noisy woman in the corner.
Great description, made me giggle!
seriously, shame on Peggy. so sick of these folks. OG mammas like us understand what its like to take our so very rare WINS and shut the F up over the tiny concessions it may have taken to get those wins. after decades of gaslighting and marginalizing, I am okay with Bobby saying what he had to say in his 'job interview' (which the naysayers are practically foaming at the mouth misquoting. ugh.)
so party hats and Champaign corks in THIS momma's house. F*** the naysayers.
Yes my red flags went up when she started bashing EM, DJT and now RFK. I agree we should verify etc but she has also come out as a flat earther and man on the moon denier among other things…
Man, when I heard yesterday that RFK, Jr. had actually been confirmed, I immediately thanked the Lord for continuing to answer our prayers! I agree with you, he WILL do what he says he will do, just like Trump and the rest of these patriotic appointees. MAHA!
Same here. We should thank God everyday. ❤️🙏
Yes ma'am, and I do.
RFK Jr's speech thanking God for this opportunity to serve was amazing. 🥰 MAHA
Wasn't it though? It's difficult to imagine a better prepared person to take this position.
I do and will continue :)
"Prayer is a force as real as terrestrial gravity. As a physician, I have seen men lifted out of sickness by the power of prayer. It is the only power in the world that overcomes the laws of nature."
Alexis Carrel (1873-1944) French surgeon and biologist
I know that there are many physicians such as this one, acknowledging with humility and praise, that God reigns over His creation! 🎶 I look forward to them using their voices to remind us of the gratitude they have to be able to help us with our physical ailments.
Anti-Vax ... Anti-Vaxxer ? Aren't these just made up words in an attempt to shame and quiet a certain group of people who refused to conform? While I wear the term proudly, it was never a phrase I used of myself until it was forced upon me by the lunatic vaccination crew.
We all feel the same way believe me. As a pharmacist I was taught about vaccines, how they often can’t, don’t, or won’t *prevent* disease but can, will, and have given our immune systems some tools to use to fight them more quickly (which I now no longer even feel like is true or believe). Imagine my growing horror that they were now telling people that natural immunity wasn’t “a thing” (when its hands down the best) and that vaccines are the cure all, 100% reliable, definitely will prevent disease best thing ever. This was never “a thing” that we were taught even 28 short years ago when I was in pharmacy school. That it would even be hinted at would have been the beginning of the end of the whole idea of vaccines to me, but noooooo—they screamed it from rooftops IN MY FACE. I already knew regular medicine was snake oil, the agencies bought and paid for. I just didn’t know the extent of the evil therein. I’ve been disabused of this notion. Free at last, free at last!
Fabulous, @irunthis1!
May I quote you in my "red pill" library?
Fabulous! Many thanks, irunthis1.
Much appreciated. 🙏
Ok ~ irunthis1, here's the link to your quotation:
And here's how you can see all the places where your quotation now shows up in my "red pill" library:
-- FYI, your quote is associated with a "diamond bullet" described in the link above. (See the 3 dots that appear on hover immediately to the left of the star.)
Thanks again! 👍
Thanks for cleaning up my typos! Looks fabulous thank you for finding my words to be worth reading for your library! It’s been a long five years for those of us in healthcare who have retained our ability to think critically, remember our foundational education, and try to speak with others in our chosen fields who have thrown it all in the toilet. Even good, honest, caring and otherwise excellent pharmacists are completely bamboozled by the propaganda machine with regard to the entire Covid fiasco (and vaccines in general as they are highly pushed at large retail pharmacy chains). I’ve talked myself blue in the face over these five years trying to get them to see the level of dishonesty being promulgated by the 3 letters, to no avail. I gave up on most of them (for my own sanity and the sake of a peaceful work environment) and mainly focus on telling the truth to my patients and to the good folks here on substack. They do respect and honor my refusal to participate in vaccinating people, and I haven’t given anyone a vaccine in over six years despite having to maintain my accreditation to do so. I appreciate your appreciation. It means more than you think.
Well said. I am so disillusioned by all of the misinformation that I was taught in nursing school. And I swallowed it all. Thank you red pill.
Thank you, Tara, for speaking out. Your comments are more important than you may ever know. By sharing your experience, you are encouraging other nurses to question what they've been taught, and to speak out when they eventually realize the degree to which they've been propagandized.
Reminds me of the following documentation about the history of pharmaceuticals and the dominant allopathic medicine paradigm, which tells the very sad, dark story:
Waking up is indeed painful. Thank you, Irunthis1!
We watched the vote and stood and cheered and toasted with champagne! Finally some great news! And I’d like to see your piece in MSM somewhere. Or how about being Bobby’s press secretary? You’d be great!❤️
I'd be SO DOWN! I'm gonna ask my buddy Del Bigtree to put in a good word. ;)
Ask Dr. Kory too!!!
I don't know if I could handle that much awesome ;) but fingers crossed for you!!!
You as Bobby’s press sec would be awesome!!!
100%. All would be right with the world! 😉👍
In November of 2021, I accompanied my friends Doug and Carla Cameron to Senator Ron Johnson’s round table for the vaccine-injured. Doug took the J+J shot the day after Easter, and started experiencing problems immediately. 10 days later, woke up paralyzed. By the time he was released from the hospital (in July), he was lucky to be alive. He had survived treatments that have killed many others.
Senator Johnson was the kindest, most compassionate man. After the round table, which zero of the invited legislators attended, he stood outside the Supreme Court steps in (the rain), for hours, talking to the many other vaccine injured. Many were as disabled, and some were attending for their family members who did not survive. It was a large crowd.
Every one of those injured people had taken the shots. Some were actually in the trials, like 12 year old Maddie DeGuray. She was in a wheelchair, with her feeding tube taped to her face. Ernesto Ramirez held a photo of his 16 year old, who had dropped dead walking to play basketball.
Many people walked by and noticed the crowd, the wheelchairs, our signs with the names of dead family members. The most frequently heard comment from them? They’re Anti-Vaxxers. Said with contempt and scorn. No one in the group was an Anti-Vaxxer, until the symptoms started. Some didn’t connect the mild symptoms following the initial shot, and were destroyed by the second dose. Most were told they had anxiety, or mental illness by the doctors from whom they sought help.
An Idaho Senator named Brandon Shippy has introduced legislation to pause genetic vaccines for 10 years. During the pause, there would be studies to determine the effects and consequences, good and bad. This is not for cancer treatments, or for auto-immune diseases, only vaccines.
He is naming it The Doug Cameron Act.
COVERED in chills, Ellen. I adore Senator Johnson, too, and just have to shake my head at the ignorance to call people who were injured by vaccines ANTI-VAX. Um... ya think?????
So Jenna, I am a Canadian non-vaxxer mum and staunch #MapleSyrupMAGA & #MapleSyrupMAHA and remember DJT's 1st term, namely: He met with RFK Jr at that time and then came "Operation Warp Speed".
This time around, I was more concerned with "fire all the unvaccinated nurses" Vance than I was with Trump's (personal) stance on vaccines.
Due to this "private" conversation which went public:
However with that, and with this ⬇️ said:
Wouldn't you agree that it's high time DJT either shits or gets off the pot, once and FOR ALL, with regard to his "public" stance on the "Operation Warp
Speed" debacle?
Dontcha think the PRESIDENT needs to clear up that fetid air, one way or another?
If he doesn't: RFJ Jr. will have a very rough row to hoe at HHS.
Umm, yeah. They were obviously not anti-vax if they have vax injuries....
I will say this, however. Being injured by a vaccine does not, by itself, make you “anti vaxx” - at least not in my mind. Inappropriate generalization from that injury to make a statistical claim that is not borne out when one considers something much closer to the totality of all vaccine recipients about the vaccines’ risk level to tell people that they should not take those vaccines, does.
The unfortunate reality of the world is there is no 100% safe anything. This applies not just to vaccines, but to motor vehicles, and even to home electricity (electrical fire). It also applies to “natural” medicines, too. People can be allergic to foods. You can have a heart attack from excessive exercise. And so forth. But I seldom, if ever, see people who have those things come out advocating for totalizing bans on gyms, peanuts, etc.
The whole question is and always should be “what level of risk is acceptable - because we cannot have the risk be exactly zero, no matter what we may want?” And “How does that risk compare to the risk behind what we are trying to prevent with the intervention or medicine in question?” For exercise, peanuts, etc. overall the benefits far, far surpass the risks. Yet those risks still exist, and people still die or suffer lasting injury as a result that is no less real than that suffered by those injured by a vaccine. So why is the attitude suddenly drastically different when we talk about vaccines?
The better approach would be to advocate for further research to make even safer vaccines, better identify who is at risk for vaccination injury before a vaccine is given and from which vaccines, and to make better treatments for if and when it does happen. This would be in line with what is done with most other safety-related concerns and issues, I’d think.
Ellen - I’m going to be listening to that Idaho hearing live this coming Wednesday. 🙏🙏🙏
I’m going to be there with Doug and Carla. They really need some positive news!
Please give Laura Demaray a big hug from me. 🥰
I will, although she's already told us there's shenanigans planned, so there may be no vote. We shall see.
I'm so tired of legacy media. Thanks for your blasts of fresh air that helps to clear the air they foul.
Legacy media is done, time for citizen journalists who work hard to be recognized.
Excited to see the dismantling of “healthcare”. Time to give natural alternatives a seat at the table!
Food for thought on "natural alternatives"
They are actually the original!
Yes! Yes! And yes!!! As in many thing we have realized in these recent years, I have adopted the attitude of ok we tried it your way, and look at the mess you made of things; failing economy, 60-70% Americans obese, depression, autism and cancers rampant. Brave individuals like RFK and others have stood up and risked everything to expose the truth. As a mom who lost a perfectly healthy 1 year old to what I now know was a vaccine injury back in 89 that I was told was SIDS, (DPT for those wondering) As of yesterday we’re done trying it “your way” , it’s game time, let’s roll up our sleeves and fix this mess!!! BTW Jordan Peterson has an excellent recent interview with Benjamin Bikman: Is your diet killing you? An eye opener on the how’s and why’s of the standard American diets link to many chronic diseases…. highly recommended
Oh, Raven, I am so sorry for your loss. God bless you for not letting anger consume you and continuing to fight. Respect. XO
Dear Raven, So sorry for your loss! I simply cannot even imagine the pain! Thank you for having the strength to survive, and to share your heartbreaking story! ❤️🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻
We see what their "science" of man made covert bugs 🐛 with gain of function jabs 💉 has gotten us... I personally see more people with heart conditions that ever in my sphere alone. Id rather go with Mr Kennedy. They try to say he's bad but I'll go then for the lesser of two Evil's 😈 and support the one who I've heard personally wants and cares to clean up our food and drugs. Meanwhile we got much of Congress seathing at the foam of their Pfizer lined pockets horrified RJK may take away their jabs 💉 line they are teddy bears. I've heard from non MSM media forums RFKs real stance. hes not anti v 🪓 so much as anti bad v 🪓. And he was for pro choice. I don't want no jabs. I want his later advice to remove cancer causing agents from food, get healthy and build the capability to fight infections
There's NOTHING "lesser of two evils" about Kennedy. Don't believe the MSM lies.
Tell Bernie sanders I bought my niece an antivaxx onesie.😉 The beginning of the end to big pharma, big agriculture and msm medical community. MAHA! 👍
That was so odd that Bernie was (inadvertently) doing an ad for Children's Health Defense in the hearing. I'm a member of CHD and I didn't know they were selling them, until Bernie displayed them on the board. Not only did he give the price out but his favorite titles: Unvaxxed Unafraid, No vax. No Problem. To honor Sen. Sanders, CHD's discount code for the Onesies is "Bernie"
He thought he was being clever. As you said, he advertised the product instead. I love the discount code. Bernie. 😄
This is priceless! So glad to hear the rest of the story . . .
Good for you, Auntie Annie! Your niece is very lucky to have you in her life!
Great article, Jenna! Will be telling to see what tactics all those big bad industries use against him. Logic and truth won't work, so expect to see lots of lawsuits. Hope he goes hard and fast in getting rid of outdated dietary guidelines, vax schedules, restrictions on "natural" remedies, etc....
And do away with the abhorrent change to our informed consent laws! Can you use your connections Jenna?
On 21Dec2023, the Department of Health and Human Services and FDA issued a final ruling to amend a provision of the 21st Century Cures Act to allow: exception from the requirement to obtain informed consent when a clinical investigation poses no more than a minimal risk to the human subject... This ruling went into effect 22Jan2024. Note that there's zero definition of "minimal risk!” I’ll add that the Covid shots are still being called S&E!
I have been moved to tears by this. You are so right. And thank you for calling out Peggy Hall, who has turned out to be a divider and dangerous to our movement. SHE is the controlled opposition, if there is such a thing. Trump will now have the most bipartisan cabinet in my lifetime, and it was probably on purpose that he was sworn in beneath a portrait of Ronald Reagan, who famously quipped, "I didn't leave the Democrat party, the Democrat party left me." God has heard the prayers of millions and we are filled with joy!
Thanks Lynn! I was afraid calling out Peggy would offend some folks, but so far it looks like most see what I see, too (at least the ones who are commenting; maybe the others unsubscribed?!?! Ha!)...
Who IS Peggy Hall? She's not on my radar...
You'll be wise to heed the calls to ignore her completely. Jenna just scratched the surface, and Lynn (above) took it a step deeper. Not worth a second of your time.
I hadn’t heard of her either. Thanks Doc, for your invaluable advice!
She is from CA and big on helping people write and get exemptions for the jab. She used to be an educator and has also fought some of the loony laws in CA. She has since moved to FL and has many YT videos and a health channel. When she started in on DJT, EM and RFK my red flags went up. She has some legit questions but she also pushes the flat earth theory and no man on the moon theory ;/
🥳. Change the childhood vax schedule! Let’s get those darn pharmaceutical ads off tv. Dang I’m sick of watching people inject GLP-1 .😖. So ready for MAHA.
Is Rolling Stone mag still “a thing” ? 🤣
Even my teenaged son asks repeatedly "why are these ads allowed? People just pester their doctors for drugs that may not even be helpful to them". If my 16 year old gets it, why don't adults?
It's not about getting people to ask their doctor for the drugs, it's about not getting negative coverage in the media. The media can't say anything bad about the drug companies for fear of losing the ad money.
Oh I point that out. Every ad is money for that station. If they didn't run them, they'd be broke.
The FDA is also very reluctant to say anything negative of any drug company product. Licensing fees paid by companies to FDA are nearly half of the agency's budget - $3 billion of $6 billion total. "User fees" for medical devices, foods, biologics, human drugs, animal drugs, and tobacco. The biggest source is human drugs, over $1.4 billion (approx. 66% of FDA's human drug budget, 2023).
I don't have a solution to reverse this pharma control of the FDA, perhaps Dr. Marty Makary will have an answer.
Thanks for being the mom who raised that kid :) I have faith in the future when I hear things like this.
This is so important ⛔️ NO to pharmaceutical advertising direct to consumers.
First tobacco, then alcohol (or was it the other way?). However will media survive the loss of pharma revenue?! They might be forced to fire the grifters and hire a few real journalists. We can hope!
It's a thing in the sense of a grainy, B&W movie titled, "The Thing that Wouldn't Die."
Beautifully written and expressed, Jenna.
One other group besides moms and dads are Gen Zs - I have 2 boys who could not have been more thrilled yesterday!
Thanks Lisa! My girls are Gen Z, too, and they were definitely celebrating. :)
My 16 year old too - he and his friends were thrilled. So what are they? Millennials? I have no idea, honestly, what generation he is.
Prolly still Z?! Not sure - mine are 21 & 22.
Ok I looked it up - he was born in 2009 so he's Gen Z, which is the last year to be in that generation.
So relieved to hear of so many of our youth supporting RFK Jr! My “hope” meter is soaring!
Great piece.
Arigato from Japan.
I definitely gave thanks for the confirmation of Mr MAHA. It will be a daunting task to untangle the government lips from the ass of the pharmaceutical companies. My hope is that the regulations of not being able to sue Big Pharma for vaccine injury can happen. And yes...let's get those Mcdonald 's fries back to being cooked in beef tallow! Amen!
“untangle the government lips from the ass of the pharmaceutical companies”
Just wanted to enjoy this line again 🤣
Yes! It was a good one:)
So good, in fact, I'm wondering:
> Kathleen, may I quote you in my "red pill" library?
Many thanks, Kathleen! Much appreciated.