Sep 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I read a lot of TEOTWAWKI (the end of the world as we know it) dystopian books where we're either struck by an EMP, Yellowstone finally erupts, a nuclear blast takes out half the country, etc. In all of these novels, Americans are forced to go back to a simpler time. Finding their own food, fending for themselves, finding entertainment. I must admit - there's something about it that's thought provoking and nostalgic. I wouldn't wish any of those disasters on us, but I do sometimes wish we could get back to those simpler days when we grew our own food and families did things like play board games at night and no one stared at a screen. Losing the internet wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing.

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Sep 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Laughing so hard. See? The other day I said we’d read your articles even if you wrote about a pile of dog poo you happened upon during a walk because of how entertaining you are. Case in point almost immediately. ❤️

I actually spent at least an hour a few years back calculating how many squares I got and the price of each square when comparing options of a bulk order of TP. 🤣 I was enraged when they actually changed packaging and production to give a smaller roll size but using words to make it sound like it was larger, bigger, better than ever before. It wasn’t. Lmao

I saw the connection to TP that you probably intended to make before you “weren’t going somewhere”, pointing to the intentional convolution of modern day politics and how they use the same tactic to replace what doesn’t work (Biden) with something that works even worse and gives you less for more (Harris) and package it to be new and improved and better than what actually has been proven to work (Trump.) All same advertising tricks are used to scam the public into coarse, 1-ply effectiveness and coerce us into thinking it is evidence that they care about and listen to us. They don’t. 1-ply is cruel beyond words and what you do to those you deeply despise and have ill intent against.

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Sep 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

And who among us dog owners here haven’t used a nice wad of toilet paper to quickly hide a stray gift of dog poo unaccountably left by either an overly excited puppy or a forgetful and too late to care elderly dog (or in my case more than once a stubborn wiener dog who feels this is the best revenge for any perceived slight). So here is the dog poo you were looking for!

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LOL! Yes, 1 ply IS cruel beyond words…

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

When I was a little girl in the 1940's,living in Brooklyn, NY, not everyone even had phones. We did. As a result, not all calls we got were for us. Sometimes one of the children would have to dash to a neighbor's house to tell them they had a phone call. Sometimes there was a ten minute wait between making a call and getting the right person on the line. And no one resented it. It was what neighbors did. More recently, I have discovered it is close to impossible, at least for me, to find a small container of just plain, full fat yogurt. Now there are probably close to a hundred varieties. I sometimes need a small container for a starter as I make my own yogurt, but sometimes not frequently enough to use my own yogurt as a starter. I've found but one that I can use and it's not ideal, just the only one I can use. Just about all of them contain some kind of sugared fruit. Yogurt, formerly a health food, has now been turned into a supermarket aisle-long variety of candy. But don't complain about toilet paper, instead appreciate the wide variety we get to choose from, unlike politicians and definitely hella more useful.

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Yes! I have OFTEN wondered why we need 50 different varieties of yogurt,all in plastic that may, or may not, be recycled?

I,also,remember the simpler times . I remember the first color tv. My relatives got one and I was sooo excited to watch Bonanza’s horses,in color….only to find that they all looked a funny shade of green…took awhile to get the color right…big disappointment.

And,our one telephone had a party line,which meant, others used the same number..I still remember the roterary # We-19005.

My son,at 36, is the last generation born without a computer attachment. Though he’s totally involved in the electronic world,he remembers when our entertainment WAS playing music together,reading together,playing cards,etc…it seems that board games are making a comeback in his circle of friends…. And,that’s nice.

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Sep 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I tried making my own yogurt. I bought plain, unsweetened, organic yogurt as my starter. The end result was the most bitter, off-tasting yogurt I've ever had. I'm tempted to try it again (maybe using raw milk instead of store-bought milk) but with a flavored yogurt, like vanilla, because as much as I'd like to make my own, we could NOT get past the taste (and my husband and I eat yogurt every day, so making my own would be very cost effective if I could find a decent recipe!). I actually thought it was kind of a cool process to do. :)

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So sorry it didn't turn out well. But don't give up! . Not sure if unpasteurized works the same way. You can find videos on YT on how to make yogurt. One of my favorite go-to how-to's is Mary's Nest. When I have to, I get a small cup of Fage plain full fat yogurt - the only one I can find with fat and without sugar. I use half and half along with 2-3 tbsp of starter and I can just turn on my oven light which provides enough warmth, wrap my jars in a towel and leave for perhaps ten hours. I made some yesterday and forgot - it was in the oven for 17 hours and still perfectly good (actually delicious). Yesterday's was made with my own starter though. I live alone and end up feeling obligated to eat yogurt - because it's there.

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Thanks. I follow Mary's Nest and didn't even think to look there. I had used a recipe I found using an Instant Pot (I used store bought milk my first time but wanted to try with raw milk). I think it was the no sugar that we disliked. It was just SO bitter. And kind of chunky. I don't know - I'll need to go to Mary's site and look for her recipe. Maybe it will come out better. :) Thanks for responding!

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At first I thought it might be being used to sweetness that's playing merry hell with your tastebuds. But the finished product should taste sort of pleasantly sour. Chunky + bitter suggests either overfermentation (the temp might have been too high) or acidic milk. Good luck with your next attempts.

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So sorry it didn't turn out well. But don't give up! . Not sure if unpasteurized works the same way. You can find videos on YT on how to make yogurt. One of my favorite go-to how-to's is Mary's Nest. When I have to, I get a small cup of Fage plan full fat yogurt - the only one I can find with fat and without sugar. I use half and half and I can just turn on my oven light which provides enough wrmth, wrap my jars in a towel and leave for perhaps ten hours. I made some yesterday and forgot - it was in the oven for 17 hours and still perfectly good (actually delicious). Yesterday's was made with my own starter though. I live alone and end up feeling obligated to eat yogurt - because it's there.

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Yogurt. My mind goes straight to that aisle when reminded of “too many choices” for overpriced, sugared up basics. Thanks for doing the math, drawing conclusions and adding in the humor!

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Sep 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Thanks, Jenna, for reminding us, there was a simpler life. So refreshing on this Wednesday morning with rain already ahead of the Hurricane. Hopefully we will be on the west side this time. How refreshing. Please put mine over not under. What a wonderful break in this crazy world. Do it again.

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Sep 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Happy Wednesday Jenna! Thank you for the soft and plushy post.

It's a good analogy. Just like politics, no matter which brand you choose, it ends up in the toilet. Hahaha sorry, I couldn't resist.

Kidding aside, did you know that toilet paper is also terrible for us? https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress.substack.com/p/wipe-out-the-alarming-truth-about

So what's the solution? You buy a brand outside of the current system. Or even better, don't participate in the game and get a bidet!

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Sep 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Thank you for that observation. I see now what they mean when they refer to their campaigns being on a roll.

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Sep 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

😡well OF COURSE they are poisoning us (and in two of the most blood per fused areas of the body—which is why they are popular with drug addicts) with this crap! Sigh. The more I know the more I wish I didn’t but am glad I do. Ugh.

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Sep 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

TP tip: Costco, as well as continuing the $1.50 hot dog, has resisted the urge to narrow their TP brand. It still fits perfectly on the roll whether over or under. However you have to buy a package with enough rolls to coverthe circumference of the earth.....or handle the next pandemic...

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Good to know and lol!

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Sep 26Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Is it me, or has the Costco TP become more scratchy? 😖

I love you Jenna ... but I'm sorry ... it's under. 😁

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Hahahahaha I'm sorry, but it's OVER! The original patent proves it. ;)

(Background and interesting psychoanalysis of each preference here: https://www.reelpaper.com/blogs/reel-talk/toilet-paper-over-or-under-the-toilet-paper-roll-debate#)

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I went to my office-office (as opposed to my home office) to consult with the IP attorneys, desperatly hoping the patent had been invalidated or in review. They laughed. I have no choice but to accept the "patent beat-down" with my usual grace and sophistication... 😡😤🤬

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Sep 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

🙏Lovely, the gift, the friendship, little debts, sweet Simplicity

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Sep 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Your analogy between toilet paper and modern-day politics reminded me of the quote attributed to Mark Twain [1] "Politicians, like diapers, must be changed often, and for the same reason".

[1] some fact-checkers have found "no evidence" that Twain is the one who actually said it. Same fact-checkers couldn't find evidence of covid leaking from a lab... so I'll stick with Twain for now.

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Sep 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Alas!!! Your mind is calming down!

I sing "hallelujah and smile alot."

My mother would say and now I repeat what she said,


By golly she was/is right!

And believe you me, she never gave one damn about toilet paper.


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You are a dear. 💕

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Bows to you…keep going, don’t give up.

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Sep 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

"...in countless modern and intricate and surprising ways, [life] is still impossibly lovely."

Quote of the Year honors. I'm going to lift up my head, step out the door, and find that loveliness today.

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Inspired by YOU!! 💕

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Sep 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

AWWW best posting everrrrr

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Sep 26Liked by Jenna McCarthy

The real problem with toilet paper is how it’s like life, as you near the end, the faster it goes!

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Sep 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Who uses Strong? The bidet people of course because forceful jets require strong spunging - LOL

TV's 200 channels? Exchange that for Over the Air and MSM spewing their genuinely malicious information every night providing us with a real show and Free + bonus of how revealing their manipulations are!

Health Insurance? Yep choices of Advantage or Original plaguing Seniors because it never ends! Though seniors are keeping ahead thanks to 50 yrs of watching our healthcare system going to pots - Obalm fixed nothing he made it worse and rewarded the system! Thank you from the bottom of my feet your lordship!

Phone plan? All part of the fun final destination: Lotteries first, then Phone plan torture, next video games mainly to learn how to drive on the real roads, then the final addiction called the Casino where you can trade in your wife for a little more roulette time! In the end, you'll have nothing and be happy... Heard that somewhere?

Food? This one's easy - First rule: Do not think! Treat the old body like a rubbish bin while ingesting poisons in the form of processed food or pharma food brought to you by Gen Mills, Craft, Newbisco, Phizzler, MothermayI, Nouveau No-risk... all from your GP who was educated to Second rule: not think either!

Sorry too long but Gram and Gramp should be painted on murals everywhere doing their activities as a reminder of how to live! Watching the American grand scale self immolation is depressing.

My own papie and mamie ate good nutritious foods, didn't take meds or supplements and were around for a long time surrounded by quality! Nostalgia? No Truth!

Jenna - it was good reading - Thanks!

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Sep 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Well wonderful to see I am not the only one bewildered with the new toilet paper roll. It is 1/2" narrower and you are right. It rock and rolls on the holder. Do they think we are that STUPID? Obviously they do. Started years ago with the can of Hillsbrother's coffee. 2 lb. forever then it bacame 1 lb. 16 oz. No one paid attention to the beginning of the big DUPE. Thanks for what you do

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Sep 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Oh, gosh! I joined you in being verklempt over your grandparents' lives because I had grandparents who were so very much like them. Then, the doorbell rings, bringing an exquisite gift from a stranger who isn't a stranger after all. The world shifts back into an intimate reality that isn't the same as before, but still has truth, beauty, and goodness in it. What a wonderful story! Thank you, Jenna!

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Sep 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Thank you Jenna for the reminder that there are still lovely, loving and thoughtful people out there. I am blessed to have so very many in my life who I didn’t even know existed until just a couple of years ago. 🥰

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