The average person got measles, stayed home, recovered and had lifetime immunity.

The dumb ones decided to go to a doctor "just to be sure". Sat in a waiting room full of people and spread it around.

If you're sick, stay home!

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lol I was really hoping that the history of the word "shit" was legit. Absolutely hilarious. Shite!!

Like most things, both you and Doc Malik are right about the latest Measles shenanigans. Dr. Ryan Cole's recent comment should strike a cord amongst those who appreciate living in a fact-based reality:

"The number of deaths caused by medical error is estimated to be 250,000 times more than the current average deaths attributed to measles. Where is the media on that coverage?" (Source: https://x.com/drcole12/status/1895990875899207799)

It almost seems like the mainstream news had an agenda rather than a responsibility to report on reality...

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"almost" hahahahahaha

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lol welcome back from Commefornia Jenna! Since you mentioned Malik, do you agree with him on this recent post? https://substack.com/@docmalik/note/c-97168328?r=1lxezb

You know how much I love poking at your bubble. 🫵

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That whole shit show it was indeed comical… And I know Doc well and how he thinks… I certainly don’t disagree!

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Ahmad is pretty much on a high horse, referring to RFK jr supporters as 'hero worshipers' who will doom humanity. yada, yada, yada. I USED TO like Ahmad but since I am an OG autism activist and have been attempting to explain why my community feels some loyalty towards Bobby K, I have been widely ignored and shunned on his group chat. (maybe disrespected is a better term?) I fear that some of his recent posts are near-direct slams at me. I won't be going back there, sadly. its turned into a sycophantic black-pilled echo chamber. I don't do 'negative nelly' very well.

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I appreciate the feedback as always. In other news, please make him stop... https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/robert-f-kennedy-jr-measles-outbreak-call-action-all-us

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Zelinsky is an actor/puppet, Trump might be the actor, director, producer and he’s damn smart, I hope, pray, trust that he knows what he’s doing.

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Political theater, 101…

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Hope you don’t mind my chiming in Vee, and I screenshot some great memes and downloaded a video.

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Some great memes and comments on Malick’s stack.

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"At the end of the day, the choice to vaccinate comes down to cost-benefit analysis".

This is the whole enchilada in a concise statement. This is a calculation people need to learn to make for themselves. To do this they need to have reliable information.

I would have been far more impressed with RFK's F*CKS News op-ed if this information had been disseminated, instead of his being "very concerned " about this outbreak, and parroting the rote "vaccines save lives" mantra of Fauci, "Rachel", et al.

All this does is give fuel to both the red team and blue team entrenched and divisive messaging, and doesn't contribute to the nuanced and non-dogmatic conversation we need to be having.

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RFK could have done much better with his measles statement. Maybe a staffer wrote it for him, I don’t know; but he needs to a. Pay better attention to what’s said under his name & b. be a better communicator. Obviously he’s in the political game, got that - but you can’t pray on your knees for 20 years to get the chance to MAHA & then blow it.

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I recently wrote a measles post, and a reader added a FOX piece, attributing way more to RFK than what CBS did, take a look: https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/robert-f-kennedy-jr-measles-outbreak-call-action-all-us

They give the byline, "[His pic] Opinion By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Fox News" as if the entire content is HIS.

THIS is newsworthy in itself, as it's such a shit show.

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Uhm, that is RFK's op ed. See at the top where it says "By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr."? That means he wrote it, or says he did. So not sure where you get "way more" was attributed to him than on CBS. The "entire content" literally is HIS. 🤷‍♂️

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On Fox "News?" Not buying that it's all Bobby's for a second. But you do you. Black or white seems to be the rule today, no nuance, no room for interpretations other than the loudest voices.

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Because I know you, I’m going to interpret that as a slam on the sheeple and not me (which it sort of felt like) 😂😊

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If the shoe fits....

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On Fox only and the previous interpretation. I got onto the audio on the Fox piece and couldn't stomach it, as it clearly was neither RFK's voice nor his take on the matter.

Your second piece got this whole enchilada put into a great perspective! Thanks for that.

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Yes exactly, including yours.

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oh yes, agreed as well. I was upset when he decided to run for president cuz I knew it would mean compromises (plus a target on his back). but supported him anyway. I was bummed when he dropped out and endorsed DJT (though I understand the politics behind it). more compromises. now as head of HHS, even though he can definitely do some good, its a shit pile of compromises. one step forward, two steps back. I was red-pilled 18 yrs ago so I am playing a long game. what choice do I have?

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Yes! I have tried to have hope that so much of this “s#%t show” is a “long game”,because,yes,what else can we do/ believe?

Up and down.. it’s exhausting!

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soooooo exhausting. as if nearly two decades of gas lighting and marginalization were not enough... oh well, changes my life not a bit so it is what it is.

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I was hammered on Twitter about encephalitis being one of the bad outcomes of measles. But I kept coming back with "own CDC data, 500 people a year died with the measles pre-vaccine, I'll take my chances."

To show the clear bias of the web, do two searches, one of the measles and another on measles vaccine injury. It is clear where the bias lies in all this, and it is interesting when even your own search engine's gaslight you.

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People online have lost their minds. I've been arguing against culling of birds with "avian flu" and how we should not cull 1000s, millions of birds and allow natural immunity … flock immunity to form and oh my lort, the hate that comes my way, the name calling...it's off the chain. People want these vaccines, because the last administration told them so. 😣🤐

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Surprised we don't hear that someone who died of choking on a chicken bone actually died of Bird Flu.

The main thing people are focused on is "infections lead to bad outcomes."

Forget that most people have a mild disease and symptoms correlated with exposure to measles/bird flu, but now we must take these injections because...you could get infected. I was schooled on my ignorance of "relative risk" in that I thought it was "risk/reward" or the consequences of taking/not taking certain interventions. But "relative risk" is merely the risk of getting something if exposed to it vs. not getting it.

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'Surprised we don't hear that someone who died of choking on a chicken bone actually died of Bird Flu.'

shussssssh. don't give them any ideas, lol

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and we are told that the 1960's vaccines saved lives so we should run and get ours...BUT THEY DO NOT TELL YOU that the 2025's vaccine is NOT the same vaccine as the 1960's vaccine...this new one is m-RNA ...a bio-wea-pon...they want useless eaters gone!!! Wake up please! and please do not boost your pets either, same crap, all m-RNA bio-wea-pons

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All they are talking about is a bad outcome with measles. If there was a bad outcome with another diagnosis then it doesn't matter to them because they believe those are separate from measles ones. Since the 'antivax' movement has the same ideology and believes in viruses as well they haven't found the data to show a graph of encephalitis incidence because they have assumed it was a result of measles and that these numbers actually mean there was people who didn't have encephalitis because of the 'vaccine'. As far as I can tell all that actually happened was they gave people a concoction and then said people were immune so measles was no longer diagnosed. The encephalitis events still happened but with another diagnosis. If encephalitis had gone down then why are we not shown graphs? It is safe to assume therefore that it did not go down and might have even gone up.

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Yes! My feelings,too.

Seems like his time of “playing nice” should be over. I want him to say something like “ I understand YOUR concerns about this measles’ outbreak “. However,the facts are this..,and, he tells what we all seem to know,by listening to these very smart professionals,doing all the calculations to show us the facts.. measles is not a threat. If people WANT the shot,fine,but,no one should have to take it” “for the good of society “. And,RFK needs to stand very strong on that,for us!

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I imagine that I will be alone in my defense of RFK Jr’s position on the measles outbreak, but consider this: We have witnessed the increase in previously rare and polymicrobial infections since the roll out of the C shots. At this time, no one knows for sure how the C shot-induced immune problems will intersect with the measles virus. It could be significant. The reported death does appear to be due to the measles (I was initially skeptical), and the risks of encephalitis and other sequelae are not inconsequential. Two schoolmates in our very small school died back in the day; encephalitis and pneumonia. RFK Jr promised not to take away vaccines from those who want them, and he is standing by his word. Crucial for credibility going forward. His response to this first public challenge was measured and balanced. Even those of us who have become NWIH vaxxers should acknowledge that the shots significantly lower the risk of contracting measles. Whether there is a net benefit, especially in a post jabbed world, remains to be seen. It must be the parents’ choice.

Note that this death was the “first measles-related fatality in the United States in over a decade.” There have been only 146 reported cases. Hopefully this does not imply a significant revision of the measles CFR. Time will tell.

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you are definitely not alone in your defense. I do wish that he didn't feel so backed into a corner to somehow PROVE he's not an 'anti vaxxer', even though he literally used to start every speech he made, with exactly that, back in the not-so-long-ago day. he's carefully worded statement was such an obvious capitulation to the PTB. we who know him, no that he is NOT doing a '180'; the '180' is only a reversal from the BS propaganda that has bombarded the public for the past couple of years.

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RFK jr is a skilled politician and lawyer. He knows better than to attack the MMR vaxx head-on during a measles outbreak…

You bring up a good point about not knowing how the C19 vaxx could interact with measles! We know that the C19 vaxx definitely impairs the immune system. Todd Calendar even had a suspicion that there could be latent diseases in the hydrogels from the C19 vaxx…

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True, we are in an Immune System crisis amongst the covid vaccinated, but it’s been proven over and over again that immune boosters work as do re-purposed drugs like Ivermectin and Fenbenzadole. So why not rely on Vit A instead of an injection with even more toxins? Perhaps there’s a study on prophylactic Vit A?

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I'm a nutritionist and we've known for years about vitamin A's role with measles. It's just being suppressed or not mentioned because they want to push the shots. Same with vitamin D. The pharmaceutical industry doesn't want people to know the lifesaver roles any nutrient plays. They even sponsor studies to "prove" taking vitamins are dangerous. Those are the ones mentioned by the corporate media. I've seen this crap for years, which is why I never fell for the Covid narrative. Not a new playbook. It was just on steroids.

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Brenda, I kinda thought nutritionists were part of the system, glad to hear you’re not!! Where are you?

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I'm not a registered dietician. That whole organization has been captured by big food, Monsanto (now Bayer), big pharma, etc. I have met really good RD at functional medicine seminars but they all tell me that they had to unlearn most of what they learned. I went to school at The University of Bridgeport and the masters in science in human nutrition there is based more in functional medicine and naturopathic medicine. That being said, every practitioner is unique and can hold different beliefs and concepts. Most of my classmates didn't get near the Covid injections but I do know several functional medicine doctors who took them. That surprised me. They believed what was said about them: that they were highly effective, that they stayed in the deltoid and that the RNA is gone within 3 days. I never believed any of that because I was never indoctrinated and I was actually reading the open source conversations happening online among scientists and Frontline doctors. That all disappeared when Biden became president but I had already read a lot of papers. But, I felt like telling people that lipid nanoparticles stay in only a few muscle cells after being injected is just absolute nonsense. I couldn't believe that these high IQ people fricken believed that. But the biggest aha for me was no mention of vitamin D, telling people to stay indoors and to be afraid. I knew universal vaccines were going to be pushed on the population very early in this plandemic. I didn't believe they were safe but I also didn't think they would be as dangerous as they turned out to be. I didn't realize how evil people really can be.

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I'm in Florida

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I believe there may have been one, as it was used that way in Africa about a decade ago

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Confession: Pondering the meaning of NWIH while not fully caffeinated, I initially got, “Not while I’m Healthy”, though to myself, “NO WAY!”, then came to my senses. 😜😬

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We should make it NWIH ‘squared’. (I don’t know how to place a tiny superscript 2). No Way In Hell Not While I’m Healthy!

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Well, maybe. Guessing that no one is recording c shot status. 😡

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Said child was “reportedly” very ill with an RSV infection & pneumonia & was given an MMR?!? But still considered un-vaxxed? Horribly idea to ever attempt immunization, while currently fighting infections… Also, wild strain or “vaccine” strain? Nobody knows?? I’m with Dr. Tenpenny on this infection.. Both measles & chicken pox are infections, not diseases & normally clear in 7-10 days. But “counter measures” can cause diseases, that may linger for a life time. I’ll pass on the hippo & stick with kitties!!

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Do you have a link? I hadn’t heard that about the case. TIA.

Please consider that c shots have adversely affected immunity, and we’re not sure what impact that will have wrt measles. We know other virus cases are more frequent and likely more deadly.

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I’ll gladly look, but cannot for the life of me remember where I read that.. Stand by!

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I agree!

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This is a very good alternate perspective on what RFKJr is doing.


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Thanks for this link. That was a great explanation of what new honest information is being introduced to the public by RFK Jr post. I fully back him and know he has a plan for getting the truth out to parents and actually making it possible for people to make an informed consent. In this post she calls pro-vax a religion for some and she's right!

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If the MSM is hyping something then I know it’s a lie. Had all the same questions about the child that died. But zero answers from the CDC etc. this is where RFK Jr could step in and shine some light on what happened.

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The purpose of this book is to help children understand the benefits of measles and why they should not fear. There are benefits.

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I'm talking with someone on X Twitter now over the latest fear and panic narrative of measles. He insists as someone who had HSV-1 encephalitis, that I am marinating in denialism. I said..not denialism, a difference of opinion. He believes that the only true "informed consent" is to provide fear and panic narratives to properly contextualize the disease.

And yes, I get chided for asking questions like "does the child have any other chronic conditions? What is their medical history."

Also it's not lost on me that this is a child from the Mmenonites, so it's also an attack on the recent remarks Trump made concerning the Amish being healthier and vaccine free. Not like the Mmenonites are going to line up to give press conferences to the whole population.

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I must admit I’m a bit disappointed in RFK Jr’s response. Maybe he has to be careful about what he says so as not keep dredging up the “antivax” label again and again. I wish he would just say what Malik and Palevsky have said about this measles “outbreak.” It’s so infuriating to hear the MSM go batshit crazy about it. Will we ever really see the truth be reported?

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Agreed. He said things that are not true, full stop. I hope he’s playing a long game, but I’m discouraged that we keep dancing to Big Pharma’s ugly tune…

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Born in the 1950s, I received exactly two vaccinations: Small pox and Polio. In elementary school, I was tested for TB. A few years later, I cut myself on a rusty nail so I got a tetanus shot.

Every child I went to school with lived through ALL those childhood illnesses. Every one. Not one child suffered a long-lasting injury from having measles, mumps, Rubella, or chicken pox. Did I miss one? Oh, yes, scarlet fever. There was rheumatic fever that could scar one’s heart and whooping cough. Don’t think I had the pleasure of either of those illnesses. Maybe the collective immunity I earned from all the illnesses I did have provided protection from those. Idk.

But our food supply and water were better living on a working farm with well-water. Also we played outside and enjoyed all those dangerous (by today’s standards) playground staples such as the monkey bars, high slide, see saw, and merry-go-round. Most of these were made from metal.

The insistence that we can live a “safety first” life from cradle to grave is delusional. I’m old and cranky; now, get off my lawn!

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Actual LOL! If you watch that Brady Bunch clip, Carol keeps a big chart of all of those diseases (and more!) with a column for each kid so she can check it off once they've been infected. I was born in the '60s, and like I mentioned in another comment, I was part of the "chickenpox party" era. Your mom wanted you ALL to get it and be done with it at the same time. They certainly didn't believe they were risking our lives!

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“Your mom wanted you ALL to get it and be done with it at the same time.”

My mom went a step further. We didn’t just ALL get the usual diseases at the save time; we ALL got ALL of the diseases at the same time. It was the three of us, cycling through measles, mumps, and chicken pox, one after the other. Or so she said.

Perhaps she could have used Carol Brady’s chart though. Somehow, I managed to come down with measles in high school. So either I missed it earlier when the other kids had it or I was one of the lucky ones who got it twice. Lucky me.

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Because no lives were risked. Our mothers had the same experiences they knew we would face. They loved us enough to “get it over with” when we were very young. I vaguely recall having distinct illnesses but that small pox immunization, hurt like heck. And the big, mounded scab was wretched and hurt terribly. I am grateful that we were spared small pox and polio.

Having those childhood illness experiences prepared us physically with natural immunities and emotionally because we learned there is an end to bad times and families love and care for you always.

Today’s children are taught to fear struggles whatever their form and, worst of all, to rely on big government and big pharma to keep them safe and well. Generations of children have been set up for failure and/or mental illness because they learned to fear life and avoid pain and struggles at all costs.

Keep up the good work, Jenna!

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And rust does not cause the bacteria infection of Tetanus… Grows in animal dung.. Thus if any metal was sitting in a puddle of poop & pee, in the mud around the barn, there’s a slim chance that if cut by said metal, and your wound was not cleaned properly, you could develop that type of bacteria infection. It only takes a few hours to fester in a human body & a tetanus shot takes 2+ weeks to offer any protection, so getting a shot, after an injury, is a tad too late.. Cows are already out of the barn! Clean all wounds well & carry on!

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I didn’t know that when I was a child. Lucky for me that incident happened over 60 years ago!

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🗽🎄🎶🎶🎶Iwant a hippopotamus for Christmas.  Only a hippopotamus will do.  No crock-o-diles, or rhinos-erses.. I only want hippopotamusses.  And hippopotamusses want me to.🎶🎶🎶Sorry..  couldn't stop myself from singing..lolAnother bullseye, Jenna!

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So I need to know… was Van Halen right or wrong about the origin of the F word?

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LOL "for unlawful carnal knowledge" is another myth (as is "fornication under consent of king"). Most etymologists agree it comes from a combination of the Latin and German words for copulate. :)

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Another juvenile highlight, ruined. Sigh. 😉

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Thank you so much Jenna for your grounded and humorous take on this issue! I am so grateful to people like you, Del, and all the brave doctors speaking out against the propaganda with facts and logic. Fear really does work - I KNOW the media is lying to me, I KNOW I can't trust the CDC, however there have been moments of anxiety where I think that maybe I should vaccinate my perfect and healthy unvaxxed preschooler. If she had a serious complication from measles, I could never forgive myself. Then logic kicks in and I tell myself that I could never forgive myself if I gave her a vaccine and she was harmed by it. Mom-guilt is brutal! God has revealed the truth to me to protect my family and I will trust in Him. (And also load my baby girl up on all foods with vitamin A - she loves mango and I can usually get in two or three baby carrots at dinner).

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I feel you. When my oldest got Covid THE VERY FIRST WEEK OF HER FRESHMAN YEAR IN COLLEGE (out of state) and they kicked her out of the dorm, she sobbed to me on the phone. "What if I die because you were WRONG?" Believe me, I'd already had that thought a million times. It was brutal to say the very least. This was four years ago, before so much info had come out, and I am so glad she trusted me. (FWIW her dad was on business in CA and went and stayed with her in a hotel, where he also got Covid LOL--but neither has had so much as a sniffle since then and they now both are completely on the side of reason.)

You hit the nail on the head; you'd have incomparable grief either way. We just have to do the best we can with the info that's available (and NOT the info that's spoon-fed to us by captured agencies and media). YOU GOT THIS!!!

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It really speaks to your close relationship with your daughter that she trusted you when probably everyone else around her was shouting the opposite. I hope to have that with my kids someday as well. Thank you for the encouragement!

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It’s just as bad (or worse) when you are a physician questioning your decisions/judgement when your child looks so ill and weak and has a fever of 105….

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Stay the course. Listen to your heart. 27 years ago I caved to the fear and truly had blind faith, believing my doctor would never, EVER harm my sweet little babies. All three immediately changed and overnight after one of their “scheduled”vaccinations developed various autistic conditions. Their lives have been forever negatively impacted and it’s been really hard on them. Their natural brilliance and natures just completely changed like someone flipped a switch. I realize now that had any of them actually contracted one of the conditions we were vaccinating against, it never would have caused the devastation to their lives that the vaccines did. They had a much better chance surviving the disease than avoiding life-changing side effects of the vaccines. We don’t get a do-over for our parenting mistakes. It’s painful.

Life will never give guarantees. It’s literally a crap-shoot. Sometimes illness and disease just happens and you deal if and when that occurs, but we shouldn’t be tampering with those odds via vaccines.

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I'm so sorry that happened to your family. 27 years ago we didn't have the counter-information (aka truth) that we have now. You are in good company and voices like yours are protecting kids like mine today. Thank you

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ONE child. I'm sorry about that little one and the immense grief of his/her parents. However, it's ONE child. I wonder how many parents will now freak out over ONE child. Remember a few years ago it was Ebola and "we're all gonna die"? I think that was like several hundred people who died on another continent and it seemed to work. They're screwing with us; we've gone from several hundred people who die down to just ONE. Simply amazing.

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Agree. If someone did a list of causes of death in children, measles would not even make the list.

My ongoing mantra - it is never immunity from a shot of toxins that keep you from getting ’it’. It is always your natural immune system doing the work. Keep it functioning. It knows how to do its job.

“Vaccines” mess up your natural immunity.

Here is a fantastic read to help explain.


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I personally know 2 moms that lost babies to SIDS, post DPT jab. funny how those deaths are never even commented on. and the poor parents are quite literally tortured by the 'authorities' on a regular basis.

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Right? If the vaccines cause deaths, and even many more than one, it’s Ok! Because “iT’s sAviNg MilLioNs!” But when just one dies that isn’t vaccinated suddenly sanctity of life first! How many died from the Covid vaccine? Wayyyy more than one. The double standards they play with is appalling.

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I wonder how many children die from other causes: car accidents, drownings, parental abuse? And yet there is no fear campaign built around any of those. I never thought twice about putting my kids in a car. No one else does either.

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Excellent article by Dr. Stillwagon. I force myself to read Paul Offit's Substack (it's devolved into nothing but a Kennedy smear Substack, however) and his followers positively adore him. Offit's tactic is to use logical fallacies of various kinds to make his arguments. At first I thought he was doing it on purpose in order to dupe his unsuspecting readers who aren't critical readers. But now I suspect he doesn't know any better. My late husband was an astute professor of English literature who I was sure had read every word ever written in the English language. He always used to say about physicians (insert Offit's name here) that as a group they tend to be so dumb, they couldn't earn a C- in Freshman English. I give you Paul Offit.

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us in the autism community have referred to him as 'Dr Profit' for years. ;)

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I think your husband was on the right track there. I used to spend my work days copy-editing prospective medical articles. The authors ranged from medical students to senior researchers. I would always marvel at the mangled sentences and tortured grammar in these manuscripts. And I would wonder how these people ever managed to make it through their undergrad English classes with high enough marks to avoid tanking their GPAs so badly that they couldn’t get into medical school.

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Good writing demands clear and precise thought and if a physician still can't think very well when treating patients, we shouldn't wonder at some of the really dumb decisions they make. In addition, they don't so much diagnose anymore, they rely on Standard of Care guidelines from somewhere in the federal government and we know how that has worked out.

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Thank you so much for both links! And I agree totally: strong immune systems are the key to keeping contagious and chronic diseases at bay.

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Holy cow! Sounds like the mystery has been solved.

This is on a slightly different topic, but is connected to the fear being generated over measles: John Leake, who partners with Dr. McCullough, noted in his post today that the very same people who "expressed mortal terror about covid 19 which posed zero risk to the young and healthy, expressed zero fear about the prospect of an eventual nuclear exchange with Russia." Odd, isn't it. It's not two dots I had connected before.

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Several studies have shown that the more childhood diseases you get the longer you live with less cancer. In Japan those making it to 100 or more also had the greatest number of childhood diseases. What we need is more more real science and a lot less knee jerk money making.

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Meanwhile over in VAERS (which we know is unreliable, but if anything it undercounts by a factor of 10 to 100+, so multiply accordingly) - a quick search for reported side effects of the MMR vaccines since 1990 turns up over 100k cases, which includes 295 deaths, 1192 life threatening, 1436 permanent disability, 4507 hospitalizations and over 32,000 ER or doctor office visits. Bottom line, until we know how safe/unsafe this (and other shots) are, you're rolling the dice (which you absolutely have the right to do - but don't force me to).

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Amen and preach!

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Thanks for such a well written, succinct and funny post on this. So great to find humor and sense in all this continuing madness.

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Appreciate you taking the time to comment. :)

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