Come on, Jenna…don’t you know “we’re all in this together”?!? (That has become the phrase that makes me want to vomit, in any capacity it’s spoken.) Your words perfectly describe my own path to understanding we were living in a plandemic. By the time they got to the 6 ft social distancing and the mask nonsense, I already knew it was garbage. To this day, I cannot comprehend how so few looked at the facts to see the truth. Never have I been happier to be a skeptic by nature! So, Merry Christmas, my fellow skeptics and truth seekers! And Happy (buckle down cuz it’s gonna be a wild) New Year!

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Jenna! Let's continue to search and speak for truth so that we can make 2024 a year that does make sense! Thanks for being an awesome mama bear for humanity and for all of the children and future generations!

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(Pretty sure 2024 is going to be wilder, in a different way, than the past 3 years! They’re losing the battle, and they know it, so will go to any lengths to maintain their control. Be prepared for the worst, and hope for the best!)

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I suspect you are not wrong! Buckled up over here.😉

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I agree. They will only lose control as they try harder to maintain it. There is certaintly an awakening happening as people try to make sense of a nonsensical world. One of the best ways to prepare is to continue connecting with like minded people, especially locally. I hope that 2024 will be the year of decentralization and people taking back their control.

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I made sense outta this shit by using new words I resort to.

The scamdemic Harmacide hacksxxxine injextions needlerape depopulation viruganda agenda is intended to destroy all of Womanity, like the skypainting too is meant to do, although sometimes the latter makes rain, rather than just making us cry.

I've heard some injexted or shedddupon have cried blood .

The sense of total self destruction even for the planners and partakers of Harma cide is the plan, which goes vomittingly well...sic

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To read this brings back all the insanity and how it continues...I should have printed this out and put it in my Christmas cards!

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Love your style in writing. Thanks! 🙏

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The beautiful models, who are stereotyped as "bubble-headed bleach blonds and airheads," are far smarter than the top scientists from all the elite colleges and far smarter than all the other political "leaders" and "experts."

Jenna is one of the best voices on Covid (and, before that autism). Pamela Anderson, a bikini model famous for being on a show everyone makes fun of, has been one of the great voices of reason (and courage) on the persecution of Julian Assange.

All the "smart" actors, actresses and models ... are obtuse, proveably so thanks to Covid.

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This is Jenna, not Jenny. There are, apparently, two distinct fabulous, intelligent blondes.

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You bring in "madness" as an early descriptor. These people are mentally unbalanced as outlined in Cleckely's 1941 "The Mask of Sanity". They are clinically diagnosed to be 5% of the population. In the US this means ~17mil individuals some of whom have high IQ measures . They seek to be at the top of power structures by manipulation as they believe this is normal. They operate based on the tribal behavior of the Limbic System, the "Reptilian Brain", while the rest of us have progressed to operating using our contemplative Frontal Lobes which signal guilt if we have cheated another out of what we believe to be fair treatment. This is the source of what has been called "The Golden Rule".

The Golden Rule survived based on its incorporation into some religions as it has led to cooperative human survival, even sacrifice to save the group from extinction.

Sociopaths are a human remnant from when we survived having one dominant leader i.e., when we were all warring tribes fighting for resources. Cooperative survival, market-based negotiated exchange of resources, has gradually taken over society but sociopaths remain a very destructive element of our evolutionary past. They believe they are the sane ones but they create all the evil we have in our long-history of wars.

The battle between the sociopaths, all of whom are predatory of others' innovation and wealth creation, and the rest of society needs to be recognized for what it truly is, a group of individuals with throwback behavior/perception who have not developed their use of their Frontal Lobes. I do not know if there is a cure as this is developmental and not some virus or bacteria. But, if we educate ourselves to Robert Hare's "The Psychopathic Test", we can learn to avoid giving these people the authority they crave and the world will be a better place.

I believe we have to recognize where the "Madness" comes from before we can deal with it. Cleckley and Hare have identified it and described methods to deal with it. Everyone of us needs to be able to identify these individuals and not give them an inch of authority over us. The best response is to them is actually no personal response other than, "That's interesting." then walk away without further contact,

You were banned by sociopaths seeking to firm-up their personal standing by dumping on you. By walking away you discovered other outlets. Keep up doing what you do. You are helping others to simply walk away and the social media outlets operated by sociopaths will gradually lose their influence and dissemble.

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A final point worth making (I hope?). They hate Christmas, hate Christian behavior. Goodwill to others as a theme is the equivalent of fingernails on a blackboard. Christian behavior can be found in almost all religion's tenets. Goodwill is an intangible communication about 85% of us share. To sociopaths it is Kryptonite to tribal control. Goodwill is unspoken and they call it a "Dog Whistle" deriding what they cannot understand. Some sociopaths become psychotic when exposed to goodwill and want to utterly destroy, erase people who express goodwill. This is what Hamas did Oct 7th.

See sociopathic behavior for what it is, a primitive means of human behavior, and you can spot it and prevent it from gaining authority.

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As always great summary of how the last three years have made no sense. Just highlighted how narcissistic and controlling my ex husband still is when he spat at me how it would be all my fault when (not if) our 2 kids,10 and 12 at the time, got Covid and died. My response of ‘ the risks far outweigh the benefits’ was just too rational and pissed him off to no end. He has had the jabs and has been sick repeatedly. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy!

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Actual LOL! Here's to karma. ;)

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WOW! That's it in a nutshell!

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Dearest Jenna - you are a delight.

God bless you and Merry Christmas to you and those you love. 😘❤️

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The very same to you, friend! xo

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If something doesn't make sense, you either don't have all the facts, are being lied to or you are a moron.

Don't be a moron.

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The more I read, research and learn. The more big questions I have. The answers I receive from more traditional sources might make sense if you accepted things for face value. My questions have grown and not decreased. I came to my own conclusion, a few months into what is called covid, that things were not sense. I have learned to look deeper into what Health Canada and public health has told me. It is important to use rationale, logic and real science. It is important to not be in fear or blindly by messaging on TV, radio and social media.

This Christmas, I will see family and friends, like many others who still hold onto parts of the narrative. My hope for the New Year is that truth and justice are a part of the covid fiasco.

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I agree! Have you explored the National Citizens Inquiry? 305 testimonies and a recently released NCI Report. One of the few things happening in Canada that gives me hope. Even if you're not Canadian worth digging into the testimony. The only citizen funded and citizen run inquiry in the world (to date). www.nationalcitizensinquirry.ca

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Kendra, thank-you for the suggestion of looking into the National Citizen's Inquiry. I was unaware of the Inquiry until they started to move across country. I was saddened that I was not aware sooner.

I have since had the opportunity to view some of the testimonies. They are moving and powerful. I have also signed up for updates. I have recently seen the video about the release of the report. I am now slowly reading through the report.

As a Canadian, I hope that all Canadians can see or read the testimonies. The lack of knowledge causes division.

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Love this, Jenna. It made me decide to be a paying supporter, but I’m faced with more foolishness in trying to pay. I’m in the iPad app, and got an immediate notification: YOU CANT DO IT IN THE APP, DUDE! Doncha know nuffin? No worries, I’ll persist and find a way. Your combo of truth plus humor is too good to consume without recompense. Carry on, hold on, shields up for 2024, but keep the funny bone well exercised as you go.

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Why that's the best Christmas present ever! I don't know anything at all about how payment works but I sure do appreciate your support. :)

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Turns out one more roadblock, thanks to Apple, your charge "deemed suspicious." Wild. I was on my Mac, had to open my iPhone to verify the charge was real. I guess the word is out on you, Jenna… glad to be here!

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Loved all of this!!! Keep doing what you are doing!! Merry Christmas!

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Great job, Jenna.

Regarding the grocery stores, where's the scientific study of check-out girls to see if they caught Covid at a far higher rate than any other category of worker? Think about it: these check-out clerks had "close contacts" with hundreds of customers every single day. Not only that, they touched every single item their customers put in their shopping buggy. If there was one group that was going to be falling out left and right from Covid, it would be the check-out girls at our local grocery store. But I don't remember any grocery store closing due to "rampant hospitalized check-out girls."

At my grocery store, I kept asking: "Anybody here die from Covid yet? How many workers have been hospitalized so far?"

At my main grocery store, half the check-out girls weren't even wearing masks until weeks or months after the lockdowns.

Anyway, always look at the studies that have never been performed.

.... And the origins question has always been a scam and cover-up as well ...


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I remember seeing one pitiful check-out girl in Wal Mart whose black cloth mask was totally soaked by her runny nose. Poor thing. Can you imagine having to wear that wet thing on for hours? I guess you go in the bathroom and wring it out occasionally. You can't pull a Kleenex out of your pocket and blow your nose like an unmasked person.

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Ugh! My daughter was forced to wear a mask on campus (in Commiefornia) and once puked in her mask. She had to PUT IT ON to walk back into her dorm I can't [string of profane/angry emojis here].

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All ridiculous. Just want to say here as one mother to another who chewed her babies food for them, too. (LOL to make it easier to digest!) I love your posts.

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I live in a condo where 75% are over 70. The air system (heating/cooling) is shared. How many of these technically more at risk individuals died from Covid? NO ONE. How many caught Covid early on? NO ONE. Eventually people got Omicron, but again NO ONE DIED. After all this "evidence", some of them are still wearing masks. Many of them are repeatedly sick for a month at a time (Covid, Colds, Flu, Flu-like) yet they don't see the connection between multiple boosters and masks and their damaged immune system.

FEAR also works, especially for older folk who's info comes from MSM.

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The folks who did this to us understood what the most powerful force on earth was and used it against us. Peer Pressure. Very few folks, even when they knew it all (the masks, the distancing, etc) was a joke and a farce, were willing to stand up and stick out. Courage is the rarest of the good character traits.

Here is proof that the previous paragraph is true. At the height of the "not mandatory but strongly recommended" stage of the masking, I would go into a crowded grocery store on a Saturday morning and be the only person without a mask. But, BUT!!! about 75% of those walking around like zombies in their masks, were wearing them as a chinstrap or loosely over only their mouth.

This means that those folks knew it was a joke but they didn't want to stick out. God help us next time. And believe me, next time is being planned right now.

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You are 10000% correct! Here in Texas, my youngest daughter was a senior in HS when masking became optional at the school. She was on the fence about it at first ("I don't want to make anyone else feel uncomfortable!" God love her) and most of the teachers were still wearing them, so she said it would feel disrespectful not wearing one. Class after class, every kid and every teacher was masked, so she kept hers on. BUT she finally went to her last class and the teacher wasn't wearing a mask, so she waited a few minutes and then tried to discreetly take hers off. She said that throughout the class, she'd make eye contact with other kids who would see she wasn't wearing a mask and take theirs off, too. So bravery can be contagious, too! :)

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Appreciate your insights-especially... the sarcastic ones!

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