Nov 16, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Jenna, I am a retired 41 year Registered Nurse and you are spot on! What has happened to our Health Care system, especially since Obamacare, is a travesty. The best and brightest , that did their due diligence pertaining to the Covid jab, were terminated for non compliance. The same was done with the military. Worthless flue vaccine’s are mandatory in Health care (since Obamacare) and religious exemptions are denied because our Hospitals are very likely getting huge financial incentives by mandating these shots. Money laundering by any standard. Statins are prescribed to everyone like candy. They have an overall risk reduction of stroke and heart attack of 1% - yes, 1 %. Big Pharma finances the CDC, FDA and NIHID , to the tune of 75%. They control the medical schools, peer review journals and do their own drug/vaccine safety studies. Sounds legit - NOT!!! Medical practice is dead and Big Pharma financed the Funeral.

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Tammy you are so right! And your point is incredibly well stated. The financial incentives are obscene, and the fact that ANYONE still believes that those institutions you mentioned aren't captured is mind-boggling. I have bottomless respect for the medics and military folks who stood with integrity and autonomy rather than bowing to the scam (and I'm glad you were able to retire from the shit show, frankly!).

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Hey I got a big idea.

Pay a bonus when they save someone.

I'm sure Gates would put up a couple billion to help fund it.

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Indeed... And it ALL begins here.... now... with the CHILDREN...

I have posted the following elsewhere and repeatedly.... and will likely continue to do so ... Please take what you like and leave the rest...


"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."

~ Krishnamurti


"We are faced with a breakdown of general social order and human values that threatens stability [and survival] throughout the world. Existing knowledge cannot meet this challenge. Something much deeper is needed, a completely new approach. I am suggesting that the very means by which we try to solve our problems is the problem. The source of our problems is within the structure of thought itself."

~ David Bohm (1981)


NOTHING will change fundamentally, until we fundamentally change the way we perceive and treat children. Until then, we will continue to see childhood adversity re-enacted upon EVERY aspect of society, because EVERYTHING that humans think, believe and DO, happens DOWNSTREAM from the way we perceive and treat children during their FORMATIVE years. The human brain is not fully developped until the early 20's...

Furthermore, #childhood #adversity more often than not consists of imposing utterly INSANE societal standards of "normalcy" on children, to which they MUST conform, in order to survive, at a time when they are too young to understand and reject the madness being imposed on them.

The "masses" are essentially clueless and unaware of their own conditioning...

It will never end... as long as we continue to raise children with violence... however subtle and insidious or well-intentioned, ie violence in the name of "discipline", "religion/tradition", "preventative health care" or "protection"....



"It is paradoxical, yet true:

Children are the most

in need of loving attention,

when they act the least deserving of it."

~ Aletha Solter



“The total neglect or trivialization of the childhood factor operative in the context of violence and the way it evolves in early infancy sometimes leads to explanations that are not only unconvincing and abortive but actively deflect attention away from the genuine roots of violence."

~ Alice Miller

Full article




"What kind of a society is it, that does NOT place the Children's Fire at the very centre of its institutions of power?

It's an INSANE society!"

~ Tim "Mac" Macartney


Please Watch this Video presentation:



Why males are more violent:



Eric Clopper and Dr Denniston ... #circumcision




Circumcision: the human rights violation hiding in plain sight:



"One area of the CIA’s research that is rarely talked about, or even known, is male circumcision or genital mutilation.

Cansever describes a study of the psychology of boys circumcised between the ages of 4 and 7 both before and after the surgery, based on various methods of psychological examination, and reports the following trends among the subjects:

• lower IQ as measured 7 days after the operation

• infantile regression of drawings and expressed wishes

• greater measured levels of aggression

• new fears and anxieties

• weaker control over primitive impulses to the point of maladaption

• greater aggression towards their mothers

• withdrawal from human relationships and difficulty responding to demands of external world

• perceptions of having been castrated

It turns out that in 1961, the CIA had payed “Cansever” to study the effects of circumcision, and he found that it made boys dumber, more infantile, more fearful, and more aggressive, with less control over their base instincts and a healthy dose of aggression towards the most significant female figure in their lives, their mothers.

If the findings of this study hold true for boys circumcised younger, it might suggest that the United States contains some 100+ million men who have been psychologically altered, from as early as infancy, to be stupider, to have lower impulse control, to tend towards aggression and violence, and to possess an instinctual distrust of women.

Throw in the diminishing effects of circumcision on penile sensitivity and the consequent difficulties of sex and tendency towards paraphilias, and a picture begins to emerge of an organic golem that can be manipulated more easily by carrots and is less able to establish a normal, healthy relationship with a woman—splitting the family apart or preventing its formation has always been a goal of oppressive regimes, including the one that currently rules over the US.

Unfortunately for many of us, there exists, at this point, ample evidence that events in infancy can and do have measurable effects on the hindbrain, the part of our brain that drives instinctual, “gut” reactions and behavior. This is especially true when it comes to traumatic events that trigger stress hormones such as partial amputation of the penis, routinely performed at birth in this country.

Although humans are cognizant of their lives, making behaviorism a dead area of psychology, it is still understood that instinctual behavior plays a role in decision-making, which is why propaganda and advertising are so widespread. How attached will men be to their women if they are surgically predisposed more to masturbate to pornography than to enjoy normal, PIV sex? Is it really a stretch to claim that enjoyment of sex is determined, in part, by the existing or removed enervation of the sex organ involved, and that this might have an effect on the interpersonal relationships of men and women across the country?

It is also worth noting that, according to Leonard Glick in Marked in Your Flesh, circumcision of gentiles is twice used in the Old Testament as a means of disfiguring humiliation and domination by Israelites, and it may still be interpreted as such by a certain religiously-minded tribe. I am not a mind-reader, and intelligent minds can differ on the motivations of various groups that encourage circumcision in the United States, but the historical context of mass, non-consensual circumcision of gentiles may be a clue as to what is going on here."

Link to PDF:



Dissolving my vaxxed illusions:




~ Ghislaine Lanctôt

Direct link to PDF file:



Paul Valery declared “War is a place where young people who don’t know each other kill each other, based on decisions made by old people, who know each other and hate each other, but don’t kill each other.”


Harry Patch, last surviving soldier of WW1, who died in 2009, bravely said “War is organised murder and nothing else”.


The last two references apply to biological warfare no less than to any "conventional" war...

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I’m a retired nurse also. I agree with everything you stated. Thank you!

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As a Registered Nurse with 32 years of acute care experience I concur with everything you said. Health”care” is in decline and I will do everything I can to avoid using it for myself or my family.

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I'm a retired nurse as well, and have great distrust of the medical community. I will also try to avoid using it as much as possible.

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Well down here in NZ a whistle blower has come forward - watch this space. One of the databases had the figures for the day, the time, the ID of the injector, name of patient - there were 30 doses given at roughly 5 min intervals - all 30 are deceased and the date of demise is also stated. I would say that is pretty damning evidence for cause and effect. Also deaths after jabs are now labelled as outcomes! Not picked up by ‘adverse reaction’ searches. The devious ways they hide data is so deliberate. You really cannot make this stuff up.

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Please let me know when the whistleblower comes forward.

That certainly would be damning evidence - and totally tragic.

Do you know over what time period all 30 died?

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Winston smith has come forward and was arrested yesterday afternoon. Follow Steve Kirsch substack as he has done analysis of the data over last few weeks

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Hi Jenny, At the risk of being labeled a "stalker", I receive your email notifications and feel compelled to offer my two cents, for whatever they are worth. The topic of this post is one I have wrestled with, and still do. I, too, subjectively feel that I am hearing an awful lot of incidents of sudden death in young people and athletes who would not be expected to be shuffling off this mortal coil so soon. I find myself asking the same question each time: "I wonder if they were vaccinated?" I have never received any of the Covid vaccines. Early on, it was my skepticism regarding the rush to approve these and the unprecedented glowing claims as to their safety and effectiveness. As the saying goes, I may have been born at night, but it wasn't last night. I held off for the approval of the Novavax product, which used traditional vaccine manufacturing processes. Unfortunately, its release was delayed repeatedly (a conspiracy against them by Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J?) and my wife and I caught Covid in July 2021. Delta Covid was unpleasant but we seniors (70 and 66, respectively) managed just fine. After that, with my natural immunity card stamped, there wasn't a snowball's chance in hell we would receive any Covid vaccine and that stance has hardened over time. I will never take one, Covid be damned. I advised my grown children to forgo vaccination as well and am delighted that none of my grandkids were ever vaccinated with these novel vaccines. I am not an anti-vaxxer and always encourage traditional vaccination schedules for kids. With that backgroung.........

It is very easy to take one's own perceptions and extrapolate them into more than the evidence actually supports. Rather that spend time writing out a long tome (as if this isn't long enough), I will point you to the discussion at https://www.thefp.com/p/the-epidemic-of-diedsuddenly. I have found Prasad and Mandrola to be very credible, skeptical, evidence-based physicians who thrive on data. I followed them throughout the pandemic and agreed with nearly all of their opinions. They provide a number of possible explanations for the apparent surge in sudden death. I say "apparent" because we really do not have numbers that show this to be definitely the case.

Are we experiencing an unprecedented number of inexplicable sudden deaths in the young and are the Covid vaccines to blame? Perhaps, but that verdict is definitely not in.

One important point they make at the end is the lost of trust in our medical institutions which fuels speculation and gives wings to conspiracy theories. My trust in the CDC , FDA, NIH, and our venerable medical journals is the lowest it has ever been and I don't know if I will ever get it back in my lifetime. This is one of the true tragedies of Covid. I fear we will some day look back on these past few years as the biggest debacle in the history of modern medicine. I do agree with Linda regarding Fauci, and I would add Birx, Redfield, Collins, and their sheeplike minions as despicable, lying SOB's.


R. Bosshardt, MD,

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Thanks for the thoughtful comment and I do agree wholeheartedly. The original post I wrote never said that the COVID vaccines were definitively to blame for the excess deaths; the whole point of that piece was WHY AREN'T WE ASKING THE QUESTION? The media isn't, many doctors aren't (I can't count the stories I've heard of heart attack victims never being asked if they took the shot), and scores of people won't acknowledge the excesses at all. It's a giant, striped, neon elephant in the room and it demands investigation (rather than a nonstop chorus of 'safe and effective') in my opinion.

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In terms of whether or not the experimental, poorly tested genetic injections are responsible for all of the excess deaths everywhere they have been deployed, I cannot help but think of the expression, "When you hear hooves, think horses". It also reminds me of the person who loses an earring in the yard, but searches for it in the living room, because the light is better in there.

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Hahahahaha poetic and ON POINT!

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Jenna - Am I correct that Dr. Kory is starting to question the childhood vaccine schedule since realizing "he was a clueless sonofabitch" (which made me laugh out loud when I read that).

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Nov 16, 2023·edited Nov 16, 2023Author

You are correct, indeed. He (like us, thankfully) is smart enough to question EVERYTHING. Not that I'm suggesting EVERYTHING is corrupt (although frankly I believe much of it is), but I'm pretty sure that questioning is unlikely to lead to LESS wisdom or poorer choices! ;)

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Yeah - I had a friend that said, "Laura, not everything is a conspiracy".

I replied, "Yeah, I kinda think everything is".

Covid is what brought me down the rabbit hole of 9/11. I too, was a "clueless sonofabitch". (Got two shots before I awoke to the truth 6 months later - the FLCCC is what started me on my journey to the truth).

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Not that anyone’s counting 🤔

But c theorist are up

scores are roughly millions -0

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Some of us might be counting. ;)

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I tell them, "People do conspire, you know, especially when hundreds of billions stand to be made... in perpetuity."

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And one has to wonder WHY THAT CONCEPT IS SO DIFFICULT FOR SOME PEOPLE TO GRASP? The mind boggles.

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Yep! I agree. FLCCC.net saved me and then I helped a few others!

Thank you❤️

And today I am getting over Covid again this year. I knew what to do! And especially this time around I managed my illness with flying colours.

I think it was much easier bc I used more vit. D than last time. I believe the D was lacking and I got sick.


A mature English lady said that when she was a small girl she remembers her mother going to a health centre where they got their allotments of cod liver oil.

The woman is well over 70’s. They knew back then?!!!?

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Absolutely. Standard remedy back in the day ~ along with spring parasite cleanses, sleeping with the windows open at night and taking a "morning constitutional" (i.e., walking in the sunshine)

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This is, I know - 5 months late. Anyway, I am 63, and remember my mother giving my brothers and I cod liver oil during the winter. Nasty stuff, but the mint flavor cod liver oil was worse. 😆

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@Laura Kasner ~ I'm still belly laughing over "Yeah, I kinda think everything is a conspiracy".

Spoken like a true kindred spirit! ;-)

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👆how to gracefully attend family get togethers over the holidays

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I'm dying over here . . . .

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hahahaha, excellent!!

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Clueless SOB precedes wisdom, sometimes with grave cost.

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Nov 16, 2023·edited Nov 16, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Completely agree. If you don't ask the questions, you will not get answers.................

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Study the asch line conformity experiments

The milgram experiments 🔬 are also applicable here

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With respect look at the Dunning-Kruger effect

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There should be a call out to the public. Who had these adverse effects that did not take the shots?

Is there any young who had these deaths without being vaxxed?

I think it’s now time to assume that they had all been vaxxed.

One thing I notice is ppl( vaxxed) complain their unusual symptoms cropped up after a Covid infection or 2. Never realizing it has more to do with the adverse events caused by the jab- not the actual covid itself.

But they actually are convinced it’s from getting the virus.

Maybe the virus cause their immune system to “throw in the towel”?

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Of course they're convinced--that's part of the narrative! If only someone would ask the questions, study the [COVID] unvaxxed... RFK Jr.'s newest book VAX-UNVAX does a great job comparing long term outcomes of ALL the vaccines historically: https://www.amazon.com/Vax-Unvax-Let-the-Science-Speak/dp/B0CDJ6J91C/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3MJMLG5M7MD9B&keywords=vax-unvax+by+robert+kennedy&qid=1700354239&sprefix=vax%2Caps%2C433&sr=8-1

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Nov 19, 2023·edited Nov 19, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

McCullough and Malhotra both agree with you, Georgina:

> Assume the adverse effects are from the jab until proven otherwise!

-- https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/6836af3dec04

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I've been trying to keep track of the phenomenon of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome(SADS), sudden death and unexpected deaths and excess mortality...there is way too much to keep track of...but here are some timelines and links to explore further for those interested.




And more topics relating to the new technology jabs


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Respectfully, Dr. Bosshardt, most of the data used by the evidence-based physicians has been flawed either purposefully or unwittingly.

The mostly objective insurance industry definitely is seeing "died suddenly" as life insurance claims skyrocket. This "black swan" data is causing panic among the insurance company bean counters. Please review Ed Dowd's work and interviews about these numbers. Dowd is a financial expert who previously worked for the infamous BlackRock; if anyone knows data, he does.

Here are some links for Dowd:

* Search of FLCCC for "Dowd": https://covid19criticalcare.com/?s=dowd&id=38479

* Life Insurance Mortality Telling Us What Government Data Hid from Us: https://www.americaoutloud.news/life-insurance-mortality-telling-us-what-government-data-hid-from-us/

* More search results for "Dowd" on America Out Loud: https://www.americaoutloud.news/?s=dowd&et_pb_searchform_submit=et_search_proccess&et_pb_include_posts=yes

As the deaths skyrocket, birth rates have plunged worldwide. See the work of Drs. James Thorp and James Lyons-Weiler.

* Dr. Thorp interview (includes additional references and links): https://www.belovedholistics.com/podcast/128

* Dr. Lyons-Weiler search at Children's Health Defense: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/search/?search=Lyons-Weiler&sortby=date_desc

And, of course, there's the scrupulously careful Dr. Peter McCullough, who gave a historic speech at the European Parliament that everyone should read: It Is the Vaccine, Until Proven Otherwise. Dr. Peter McCullough, European Parliament - America Out Loud News. Oct 15, 2023: https://www.americaoutloud.news/it-is-the-vaccine-until-proven-otherwise-dr-peter-mccullough/

A new documentary features interviews with several of those mentioned above: Watch "Shot Dead The Movie" (by We The Patriots USA). Stories of covid shot deaths as told by the parents who lost their children (1 hr 8 min): https://wethepatriotsusa.org/shot-dead-movie/

These are just the tip of the iceberg of evidence and facts. Find more Covid / Vax links here: https://eolson47.substack.com/p/covid-essential-links

I hope the above will help everyone as they search and research for truth as best we can know it right now. More is being uncovered, painstakingly, every day. But we all must be willing to look at and consider all sides. Then use independent thinking to make sense of the nonsense.

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THANK YOU Big E, as always, for bringing the thoughtful commentary and copious links to the comments. Your wisdom, research, passion, and participation are legendary and greatly appreciated. :)

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Aw, shucks, ma'am. I'm glowing and grateful to you! You've saved so many lives -- you will never know how many. I happy to help in my own little way too. We've gotta beat this thing.

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Big E - I second what Jenna said. God bless you.

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Big E - I read Dowd's book a few months ago. I've purchased many copies of it. Was able to red pill my cousin with it (but he still won't talk with me like he used to - we were once close). Completed the red pill process with our financial planner (he's WIDE awake now and grateful that I shared the book with him). I sent it to a dear friend of over 50 years. She lives in another state and for 20+ years, I've always picked her up from the airport when she comes to visit her father who lives near me. Now she takes an Uber.

So two out of three ain't bad.

Recently, I left a copy of Dowd's book on my seat on the airplane. I figured it was $20 well spent. It's hard for someone to throw a large, hardback book in the trash.

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Brilliant solution, Laura! I loved Dowd's book. Unassailable truth. It's on my Kindle shelf, proudly displayed with Dr. Kory's, RFK Jr's, Dr. McCullough's and many others.

Now we have to worry about vax shedding on the unvaxxed. It's real. I've experienced it after visits to our local senior center. This bioweapon is hitting everyone. Dr. Kory's series on shedding is more than coincidental reporting:

* Shedding of Covid mRNA Vaccine Components and Products From the Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated. By PIERRE KORY, MD, MPA (11/01/23): Part 1 links to the others: https://open.substack.com/pub/pierrekory/p/shedding-of-covid-mrna-vaccine-components

Sadly, I've been unable to red pill several family members who no longer talk to me or dismiss what I've shared; fortunately, the more numerous non-family members are more receptive. We're now working with local school board, county commissioners, sheriff, fire/EMS chief, and others to open people's eyes. We just have to keep at it until no one can ignore the truth.

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Yes, the shedding issue is very worrisome. I subscribe to Dr. Kory so I read most of the series.

I've met with two of my state senators, one of my county commissioners and a deputy sheriff in my county. (You may have watched me in the video referenced in my comment of Jenna's stack yesterday confronting my state AG).

I did not need to convince ANY of these people - they all know the truth (well, who the hell knows what my state AG believes- such a lame asshole). But they are too cowardly to do anything about it. I've given up talking to politicians.

I just keep praying that the Lord shows me what to do next. One effort I'm planning is to take my vial of white fibrous clots around to pharmacists and leave them with a printout of the testimony from a local embalmer. I can share that document with you if you'd like. I just subscribed to your stack, so if you can email me, I'll reply.

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All our book collections have expanded greatly since 2020, haven’t they?

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Ed Dowd suspected something was up from the start...just as I did.

I've tracked his timeline FYI


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Thank you for all the excellent links.

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Big E,

I truly wish I had the time to continue this conversation, but I have so much going on in my life right now that I really do not have the time to do the necessary research to discuss this intelligently. For the record, I do not believe the propaganda surrounding the Covid vaccines and have not almost since they were rolled out. But for circumstances and the grace of God, I might have gotten vaccinated, but I caught Covid first and, after that, vaccination made no sense. My trust in our public health "experts", previously respected medical institutions, and our most prestigious medical journals has never been lower and I do believe history will judge medicine harshly in how the Covid pandemic was started by researchers and mismanaged from the start. I still believe a physician should strive to practice evidence-based medicine, but you raise a legitimate question: whose evidence? Who are we to believe? One of the big problems, as my post stated, was that the numbers we use are not reliable, and therefore drawing conclusions from them is problematic. I still await definitive answers. Meanwhile, I will not take any of the Covid vaccines and recommend against them to anyone who asks. For now, that is the best I can do.

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Consider reading "Turtles All the Way Down" and "Dissolving Illusions", two well-referenced books that reveal that the entire vaxx industry and all of their products are not to be trusted.

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Nov 19, 2023·edited Nov 19, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Dr. Bosshardt, of course there is no "definitive" proof that mRNA vaccines are the main cause of excess unexpected deaths, but what WOULD constitute "definitive" proof in this context? And, is it at all realistic to expect such "definitive" proof when the issue in this case is DELAYED, not immediate, deaths? (Obviously, IMMEDIATE post-vaccine deaths are extremely rare, but that does NOT mean that the vaccine hasn't caused the unexpected deaths of hundreds of thousands of people- it's just exponentially harder to "definitively" prove a DELAYED causal relationship). How many examples in medicine can you give where there is "definitive" proof of DELAYED consequences of something? And given that such "definitive" proof is very unrealistic, does this make it right to conveniently dismiss the considerable "non-definitive" evidence that unusually consistently points at the vaccine and keep saying "we don't know"- doesn't this carry an extreme risk of allowing untoward preventable harm and death to keep occurring?

The reason I ask all of these questions is that I (as a medical scientist who normally hates to jump to conclusions) would quite confidently bet my last dollar that mRNA vaccines are a primary cause of excess unexpected deaths. I say this based on the TOTALITY of evidence, all the way from a) the gold-standard randomized clinical trial mortality results from Pfizer and Moderna themselves- where excess non-COVID (cardiovascular) deaths canceled out the COVID death reduction from vaccination, to b) the gold-standard of anecdotal evidence such as Rasmussen polls of American adults- where significant percentages of even Democrats and vaccinated people polled believe the vaccine caused the death of someone they personally knew, and c) plenty of evidence in between- such as global mortality data showing increases (to varying degrees) post-vaccine vs. pre-vaccine in the vast majority of highly mRNA vaccinated countries. TOO MANY COINCIDENCES: there is no more appropriate saying here than "(mRNA) vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences".

Finally, it's important to have a satisfactory answer to the question: if NOT the vaccine, then WHAT is the most credible culprit for these sudden unexpected deaths in 2021-2023 that just were not very common in 2018, 2019, or even 2020? (To be completely honest, the claims that "lockdowns" or restrictions are a major cause of excess deaths are really NOT supported by the data, no matter how popular or convenient these claims may be. Though I hate to say it, the vast majority of countries with heavy "lockdowns" or heavy restrictions actually did very well mortality-wise pre-vaccine, and then their all-cause mortality went UP after the vaccine rollout.) So if NOT the vaccine, there has to be a BETTER answer for the cause of these unexpected deaths, which I have yet to see ("we don't know" absolutely doesn't cut it for a life-and-death issue like this affecting so many people).


https://www.cell.com/iscience/fulltext/S2589-0042(23)00810-6 https://dailysceptic.org/2022/04/09/covid-vaccines-increase-risk-of-heart-related-deaths-by-up-to-50-lancet-analysis-of-trial-data-finds/

b) https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/public_surveys/died_suddenly_more_than_1_in_4_think_someone_they_know_died_from_covid_19_vaccines

c) https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/cumulative-excess-deaths-per-million-covid?tab=chart&time=2020-01-25..2022-12-31&country=AUS~NZL~CAN~USA~SWE~JPN~GBR~KOR~DEU~DNK~ITA

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

All you have to really know is that natural immunity was never considered AND Pfizer tried to hide their data for 75 years. That is all.

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I would also add Sasha Latypova's research into the absolute LACK of any standardized production of said "vaccines" because, according to the government contracts - for the production of a "countermeasure prototype" (yep, not a "medical product" called a vaccine), there were no GMP (Good Manufacturing Processes) legally required...or allowed. It's all been done by end-runs around the normal laws that regular drugs have to follow. EUAs, EAUs and OTAs.

PS - Sasha has done a tremendous amount of work finding and deciphering these government/big pharma contracts

while Katherine Watt has chased the laws, acts, and regulations that have been put in place over the years to ALLOW this operation to happen...legally.



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I have tried to capture the "totality of evidence"


Which took me on a bigger picture journey I didn't even knew existed...there is no going back.

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Nov 18, 2023·edited Nov 18, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

@Richard T. Bosshardt, MD ~ If you are a data guy, have you reviewed Ed Dowd's "Humanity Projects" data or read his book "Cause Unknown", which is a data driven analysis of the "died suddenly" phenomenon? Well worth a deeper dive, if you haven't.

> Humanity Projects: https://phinancetechnologies.com/HumanityProjects/Projects.htm

> Measuring Excess Deaths: https://phinancetechnologies.com/HumanityProjects/Resources/Report%20on%20measuring%20death%20rates%20-%20V3%20-%20US.pdf

> Cause Unknown: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BB8JTNJZ/ref=dp_kinw_strp_1

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Richard, I appreciate your measured and thoughtful response as well as your attempt to find a "middle ground" of objectivity, but Vinay Prasad ain't it unfortunately. He has publicly called for open debates on certain scientific issues and when invited to participate in same, he declined (i..e on ivermectin which he claims does not work - I said fine, lets discuss it. Vinay - nope.). The essay you posted is absolute milquetoast, it starts with a premise that people are erroneously claiming that the sudden deaths are due to the vaccine without evidence.. and then provides literally no hard evidence to disprove "those peoples claims." They actually cite a WSJ article which posited alternative explanations.. without evidence. The massive rise in excess mortality is largely due to either cardiovascular or "unexplained"causes and is not deaths of despair (suicides, alcoholism) etc. And to blame lockdowns from 2 years ago on the sudden precipitous rise in deaths among young people which exploded in 3rd quarter of 2021 concurrent with the proliferation of vaccine mandates in schools, health care, universities, corporations etc makes no sense. Zero. The life insurance industry data is absolutely damning. Actuarial data. The government disability data is as well. I suggest you choose new sources to trust, Prasad ain't it, he has disappointed so many of us. Here is my take on the life insurance data: https://pierrekorymedicalmusings.com/p/the-may-2023-society-of-actuaries

I also published two op-ed's in major media - USA today and Newsweek, I am curious why you didn't cite those. Here ya go:



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Nov 19, 2023·edited Nov 19, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Very eloquent and fact-filled comment (as usual), Dr. Kory. I have close to zero trust in Vinay Prasad. He pretends to be "all about RCTs" but habitually misrepresents, distorts, and cherry-picks their findings. It is unfathomable that he claims to follow "RCTs and evidence-based medicine", and then pretends that ivermectin doesn't work but mRNA vaccines save lives (even in certain groups), while the actual RCT evidence screams the EXACT OPPOSITE! Meanwhile he almost entirely focuses on going after the easy targets like lockdowns and masks (perfect for crowd-pleasing and gaining popularity while avoiding any serious blowback) but ignores the "elephant in the room" disaster which is the mRNA vaccines. I'm sorry to say, he comes across as a very insincere mix of attention-seeker and careerist who cares much more about popularity and Twitter or YouTube likes than human lives.

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Randomised Controlled Trials (RCT) & Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) is a catch all phrase to give the illusion of "Science". They may have been well intended to begin, but the terms have been corrupted. (I am no expert, just what I've come to learn)

I started the EBM journey when Patrick Wood mentioned it's connection to Technocracy as a passing comment in one of his presentations, from memory it was one he gave at Doctors for Disaster Preparedness conference.


He mentioned a report by Twila Brase. I went on a hunt for it and found it in the archives...a very enlightening read.

For those who care to read a couple of summaries on this topic of standardised medical "care", below are 2 pdf links to documents by Twila Brase:

1) January 2005 "How Technocrats are Taking Over the Practice of Medicine A Wake-up Call to the American People"




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This appears to be the live link to the EBM report FYI


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Excellent sleuthing! Looking forward to checking this out.

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I spend my days documenting much of my sleuthing!


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I delighted to receive this response and thank you for giving me the time and consideration as I assume you are very busy and cannot answer ever comment. I posted my comment because I do consider myself to be a physician who tries very hard to think critically and consider my sources. As you can appreciate, with all that goes into a busy practice, I simply do not have the time to vet every source and have to take some things on faith. I am engaged in a battle of wills with the American College of Surgeons, which occupies much of my discretionary time. If you wish to know more, you can visit my substack, www.richardbosshardtmd.substack.com. I have respected Prasad and those like him because he has seemed to me to be a true data nerd and to be seeking objective truth in many of the topics he discusses. I am not academically equipped to do the sort of indepth critiques of studies that seem natural to him. None of us are perfect and I read some of the criticisms of him and can accept that some of them may have some justification. He has become very popular very quickly. I have been very troubled by the continued demonization of Ivermectin and especially his dismissal of this. I cannot but wonder what happened to the PRINCIPAL Trial which as yet to report even preliminary results for Ivermectin after more than two years. In addition, the Hydroxychloroquin arm was discontinued after the derogatory papers published on this in NEJM and Lancet. Why was the arm not restarted when those papers were proved fraudulent? I have many questions and the first and foremost is: who does a physician trust these days to provide objective, evidence-based information with which to make informed medical decision and formulate opinions? My trust in organized medicine and our medical agencies (CDC, FDA, NIH, etc. ) has never been lower. I freely admit that I am skeptical of everything I read or hear these days. Given that I devoted my life to medicine and will be retiring from a profession I love in the next year, this is incredibly sad.

I will check out the links you posted. Is there a way I can get in touch with you other than through a thread like this?

Thanks again,


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G'day Richard, not being a smart arse here but maybe you could have a robust discussion with Meryl Dory re: traditional vaccine schedules, you might learn something new. If you don't trust ALL of the organisations you mentioned, maybe they've crapped on about everything you were ever taught. I know, that's a tough one to consider but look at what is currently happening, it's ALL BS. All the best, you'll find her substack.🇦🇺👍😃

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Think you've seen the worst? What's really going to rock everyone's world is what happens now. Why has the world seemingly gone mad in just about every way? What they have planned for us will shock us all to the core if it's allowed to happen. We already don't recognize our country, but in another year we'll all be asking to get off this roller coaster. Trouble is there's no where else to go. We'd better fix it while we can. Thanks Pierre & Jenna for all you're doing to wake people up.

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What's just happened in Argentina gives me hope that maybe--just maybe--the globalists aren't destined to win... [insert praying hands emoji here]

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Roc Findlay,

Don't think that the past three years of Covid have not made me question and rethink just about everything I ever believed/assumed/knew about the medical profession and big Pharma. It has. Cheers, Rick

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I truly feel sorry for you medical professionals who trusted the education system to teach you the truth and the best there is to know. You devoted so much time to your study to become a doctor, and the ongoing study that is needed to keep up.

The citizens trust that doctors have been taught the best of "science" and are fully informed about what they recommend.

All are awakening...here are but a few of your colleagues questioning what they were taught.


Thank you for your honesty. I wish you all the best.

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Unfortunately most Drs. don't engage in any ongoing studying.

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Glad to see your acknowledgments of the facts, but your stance strikes me as weak. Take the next step and cross the rubicon! These useless jabs are toxic and unsafe. Time to burn security blankets.

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G'day Rick, thanks for the reply, all the best.😃👍🇦🇺

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I only know of one death that absolutely came from J&J. What I do know is that many employees developed new or reactivated autoimmune disease after the booster, I know of about 9 RNs with uncontrolled hypertension and tachycardia-1 that had ablation and 3 others who said that procedure was in their future. On other floors someone had a teen die in their sleep and one had a healthy husband die in their sleep. More than a year ago I remember bizarre, advanced cancer cases in the younger crowd, non-stop strokes in the ER. My friend was finally enjoying some improvement in her eczema until she decided to take the flu shot out of habit a few months ago. The eczema took off worse than ever. I've been after her for months to get her Vitamin D level checked along with some other things. Urgent care acted like the tests were coming out of their own pockets, but finally she found her level was a 14. Our medical care is so backwards. Why are all of these people with autoimmune disease not being tested? Because pharma doesn't teach that? I've seen too much and I have such different beliefs now vs. 20 years ago when I started.

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Dear R. Bosshardt MDyou said you had lost trust in all the medical agencies CDC, FDA, NIH and and "This is one of the true tragedies of Covid"

No Mr. Bosshardt...it is the opposite...people who were depending on toxic drugs and inappropriate surgeries to "heal" their ills are now opening up to the reality of our medical system. It IS FOR PROFIT ONLY. The sicker you are ...the richer the medical industry becomes--and sorry but it IS an industry and not for healing--.

You get sick...and they get rich..Surely as an allopath you know that...if only subconsciously.

The drugs that are prescribed in this system mask the symptoms

that are telling you that you need a different way of living and eating

and these drugs also destroy your bodies natural ability to heal. Real

healers have been telling us these facts for a very long time...

Please look into herbal medicine....physical yoga asanas for flexibly

and breath very deeply as often as you can.

DO NOT go out on the hard side walk and run up and down ruining your knees

and ankles.

DO NOT take antibiotics when ill except for a last resort.

DO NOT go to a hospital unless you desperately must do so to stay alive.

Just common sense advice.

Stay well and best wishes for the new year

simple formula...got that, now?

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"Are we experiencing an unprecedented number of inexplicable sudden deaths in the young and are the covid vaccines to blame?"

Yes... Correlation doesn't mean causation as some might say but it's a good place to start, that's how we found out about thalidomide and birth defects, smoking and cancer etc...

The best way is to see if there are excess deaths in all age groups that aren't attributible to covid, but coincide with the vaccine?

Yes... We have a covid free community where this was demonstrated, Queensland and Western Australia, the figure tell the tale... Covid free communities that experienced a jump in deaths when the vax was rolled out...




And the weaseling when questioned in parliament


Of course the Aussie govt got a peer reviewed paper (peer reviewed by mates) that said it is not the vax... They don't know what it is but it's certainly not the vax... WOW, THEY'RE SO SURE OF IT 🤔 Even adding it's the best protection against Covid mortality...

You can smell the bullsh!t from here ... The soda drink board investigated the link between sugary carbonated beverages and diabetes and found no link, in fact they found "Coke adds life" and "is the real thing", so "enjoy" now, it's safe and fun ..

Unfortunately for these corrupt defenders of poison the excess deaths tell the story, currently 10,000 excess deaths this year in Australia, which is unprecedented... Malcolm Roberts nailed it : "10,000 deaths per annum unexplained and another 5,000 to 10,000 once the provisional deaths are changed with the autopsy included. This is about half to two-thirds of all casualties in World War II"

Explain that vaxophiles... 🤔

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Jenna - love that you are further addressing Linda's comments!

More "anecdotes" for you. (I heard the plural of anecdote is data).

Our accountant emailed us yesterday. He had to change our appointment time for this coming Monday. He needs to accompany his 19 year old son to a "heart test".

I remembered that I sent some information to his wife a few months ago, but I couldn't remember what or why. Then it hit me, their 20-something daughter had thyroid cancer. I emailed her information on alternative treatments (to which I never got any feedback).

A few months prior to that, his wife told me her mother had just started venturing out in the world after being terrified of getting Covid. She had all of her shots and boosters - fell and broke a bone. Got Covid while in the hospital for surgery and died.

Let me reiterate - this is all in the SAME family.

Here is what keeps me from going insane listening to these people who just cannot (or will not) open their minds that something is amiss and why the lies continue:

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

Ephesians 6:12 NIV

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I'm going to need a minute to peel my jaw off the floor after this comment. FOR THE LOVE. Thanks for the words of wisdom and sanity and inspiration (and for being here and commenting and being so incredibly passionate and rational)!

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Jenna - here’s an updare:

Just got back from our appointment with our accountant. His other daughter had heart issues too!😢. Doc chalked it up to too much stress from constant studying - she’s in pre-med.

His son that is having a heart test today was put on meds in order to play college baseball because he didn’t pass the heart screening. Meds gave him terrible side effects so he is having additional tests run today. Doc actually acknowledged that the vaccines may have played a role along with having had Covid.

Is the damn breaking?🙏🙏🙏

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I guess "may have played a role" is better than nothing!!! Praying for this poor family--for healing AND enlightenment!!!

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy


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I never thought big pharmaceutical gave a rats ass about me.

What has changed in the last 3 years?

Now I don't think my GP gives a rats ass about me.

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@David Cashion ~ Time to get a new GP, I'd say. ;-)

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I was once totally in favor of listening to my doctor's advice. The first time I heard the term 'medical industry', I was offended. After all, industry is based on making money. That's not what we do, I said, cluelessly. Well, I resigned my 'medical industry' lab position when I could no longer pretend to agree with the idea that symptom management was the goal of health care. Linda and many others need to take the blinders off and see reality. Truth sometimes hurts but it's real.

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Kudos to YOU for walking away with integrity!!! I do believe a better system will come out of all of this insanity. There are too many good, caring, qualified people out there--and there's certainly a market for an "awake" medical practice!

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Linda...? Linda! HEY LINDA!! We are all dying to hear what you have to say. Oh wait. Nevermind, NOT dying.

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy


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I thoroughly enjoyed this clear and snarky summation of your dialogue w Linda and the state of the

medical industrial complex My favorite line: “all words are made up, Linda” 😂

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Hahahaha thank you! That's my favorite line, too. :)

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Nov 19, 2023·edited Nov 19, 2023

I like the sports car references but if you want to sound more medically politically correct

Call them

unprecedented vaccine induced hyper prolific cancers

If you want to see how people have cleared these burdens

Go to Ben Fen ss

Find my comments there and learn how to clear these hyper prolific cancers( I made up the word btw)

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Nov 18, 2023·edited Nov 19, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

"Mixed evidence is evidence that there is no evidence"? WHAT??? I often tend to be quite sympathetic and sometimes even admiring of the "Lone Wolves" for having the guts to stick with and openly defend their unpopular stances because I tend to be like that at times (a not so impressive example is that I am in the Northeast and have dealt with the consequences of being an Unvaccinated Lone Wolf in many settings). I'll admit I have to draw the line when I hear statements that I would bet my last dollar are false, such as "mRNA vaccines save lives (overall)", for example. But "mixed evidence is evidence that there is no evidence" is really one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard, WOW.

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RIGHT? That was right out of The Princess Bride! "You have evidence, which means you're exceptionally bright, but it's MIXED evidence, so I clearly cannot trust you..."

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Listen Linda. My resume is just as impressive; actually more. I also invested many decades into my craft. But computer science, not medical. Being intimately exposed to the resulting outcomes of Doctors and Nurses, I can assure you they don't always know what they are doing, and don't always make the best decisions. Proof is in the claim analytics.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

No real reason to believe she’s a bot; more doctors, nurses, pharmacists, etc. bought into the BS of the past 3+ years than not

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True story! She seemed legit; went on at length about her job history...

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Even odds she’s a CISA funded troll.

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Nov 18, 2023·edited Nov 18, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I would not 100% assume Linda is what she says she is. She may be, but...

I waste way to much time arguing on these forums. I've encountered too many commenters who are flat-out lying. They throw falsehoods out there for who knows what reasons- hoping no one will call BS, to see what they can get away with, sowing doubt and confusion....

They take advantage of the fact people like Jenna and the rest of us are trusting, polite, and generally think people may be misguided but they are still good people. I take no pleasure in saying this, but that's no longer true. Those people delude themselves into thinking their cause is righteous, and will lie, cheat, and steal to advance their agenda.

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Nov 19, 2023·edited Nov 19, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

@Evil Incarnate ~

Apparently the Lindas and Karens of the world have even resorted to using AI in an attempt to defend their obviously unsupportable positions:

> https://bra.in/7qa8NE

Plus, we know AI is quite skilled at lying:

> https://bra.in/4jQeKE

Learn more about the AI "hallucinations" and lies:

> https://bra.in/3jbJ8k

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I love to eff around with Chat GPT just to see how biased it is. Ask for instance how many people have died following COVID vaccination and you get this:

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, COVID-19 vaccines have undergone rigorous testing in clinical trials to ensure their safety and efficacy. The vast majority of people who receive COVID-19 vaccines experience only mild side effects. Serious side effects are extremely rare, and the benefits of vaccination in preventing severe illness and death from COVID-19 far outweigh the risks.


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Nov 19, 2023·edited Nov 19, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Oh, don't get me started . . . . The whole AI bias thing is such an abomination, and I'm remain stupefied that so few people recognize the problem.

> https://bra.in/9jX6x2

You'd think AI was better than God on toast, if you believed the hype about how miraculous it is supposed to be. Ugh.

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Did you listen to the Joe Rogan interview with Sam Altman (creator of ChatGPT/OpenAI)? Obviously Altman hemmed and hawed and tried to get off with, "oh sure there will be some drawbacks but the BENEFITS..." Rogan was pretty savage, I thought.

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Interesting! I missed this. Will definitely need to check it out.

Thanks for the heads up!

Reminds me of a comment I read or heard recently (unfortunately didn't save) from a cynic who is convinced that all the calls for AI regulation (like Sam's comments before Congress) are simply based on the self-interest of the big players who want to try to keep everyone else in the AI gold rush from cashing in on the staggering profits that will be rolling in, in the days ahead.

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Still haven't had a chance to view the interview, but did you see that Sam was just recently ousted with nary a word of warning? Sands are shifting now under OpenAI!

> https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/ai-reboot-control-altman-delete

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Did not know this, fascinating. Also as a word nerd, I have to say the headline is brilliant. 🤷‍♀️

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The "new" golden calf / false god. (Or one of the "new" ones.) Too bad the First Commandment means nothing to most people. See Exodus 20:3-5. All those who don't keep God's Commandments are dooming themselves to eternal death.

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Every regulator uses the term "rigorous", but what does that really mean!

Marketing for "nothing to see here"

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Very interesting. Thanks.

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Prior to Covid, I never second guessed anything doctors or the “experts” recommended. I was always a little skeptical of the financial side and costs associated with healthcare but I would have never believed the health industry would put money over people…and then Covid hit.

What I saw was happening compared to what the media and experts told me was happening was so out of whack, I couldn’t believe it at times. The last straw was almost three years ago in November when I easily fought and recovered from covid (the first and only time I’ve had it). Shortly after, the vaccine was mandated for my job. I argued that I had natural immunity yet nobody listened or cared. The fact that the government medical agencies didn’t recognize natural immunity was criminal. It was at this point I completely lost all trust and came to the conclusion I’ll never blindly follow the “experts” again.

What’s unfolded over the past three years has completely blown my mind. Prior to the release of the vaccines, I personally knew maybe one or two young people who had heart issues including a friend’s dad that died of a heart attack in his 30’s (30 years ago). I knew these issues were possible yet rare. Even with Covid, before the vaccines, I knew folks had heart and lung issue but I personally didn’t know anyone with long term damage.

After the roll out of the vaccine, holy crap. I had a friend die of what they called a congenital heart defect at 42. Ironically, her husband almost died at the same time of blood clots. They were federal employees and I’m sure vaccinated. My best friend, also vaccinated due to his job, died of a heart attack at 38. A co-worker of mine had a stroke at 45 and luckily will fully recover. Another co-worker developed myocarditis after the first shot. Luckily he lives in Texas and is currently being treated by Dr. McCullough. Another friend suddenly developed an autoimmune disease at 37, shortly after the vaccine. I’ve know a few others who have had abnormal heart rates and blood pressure after the vaccine. My vaccinated 6 year old nephew had a crazy auto immune rash response that left experts answer less. I know all these are anecdotal but where there’s smoke, there’s fire. I mean look at the huge drop in people getting boosted. I wouldn’t be surprised if many of those who were 100% onboard experienced adverse reactions or had someone close have a possible reaction.

Unfortunately, the people responsible for these atrocities are still in power and I suspect the truth will one day come out…buts it’s not going to easy. We need more brave doctors and experts speaking out against this crap!

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AND YET! People [like Linda] rush to their defense and try to rewrite history to make us believe "it's always been like this." Pardon my French, but NO IT HAS FUCKING NOT. My husband is right now on the opposite coast to attend the funeral of his childhood best friend, an uberfit marathoner who was forced to get the poison [DID NOT WANT It] to visit his mother in a nursing home. He had a heart attack on a run and died. No prior heart issues or family history. YES, people have "died suddenly" in the past, but not in the numbers we are seeing today. End of story.

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I’m sorry to hear about that. It’s completely insane that some people are trying to normalize what’s going on. I mean, how many times prior to the release of the vaccine did we witness somebody on TV or field suddenly pass out? I don’t recall ever seeing such a thing but now, you can find clip after clip after clip of healthy adults “taking a nap”.

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But think about how we (they) have been conditioned. These are the same people who have been chirping "safe and effective" and "protect grandma!" all along. I'm working on another post and I made the mistake of revisiting the first few public posts I made during COVID. Literally people--real life friends, in some cases--told me I'd better "stay home and die" when I got COVID and called me, well, let's just say lots of unpleasant names. (This, mind you, for sharing information about ivermectin and trying to warn people of the danger sirens that were wailing off on other planets they didn't inhabit.) Their heels are dug in to deep at this point, I'm afraid. The media has told them that we're nuts, wackjobs, right-wingers, conspiracy theorists... so ANYTHING we say is automatically discounted. At least we tried! :)

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Never forget the way people acted toward you. Their true colors came out and they should never be trusted again. It’s insane how unhinged and disconnected from reality people had become. I always wondered how Nazi Germany could have occurred and well…now we know. On the bright side, I believe many of these Covid cultists are now suffering from “conspiracy theories” such as myocarditis.

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

That is tragic! Sorry to hear that. I am so angry at this point and I haven't even lost someone close to me....yet. I am unvaxxed as are my boys, thank the Lord. My eldest was vaccine injured (he has severe autism). I've tried to wake people up but I'm close to letting go of that. I'm in the minority here in my small town and was treated quite poorly by friends and neighbors. Members of my family think I'm nuts of course, but what's new? :) No one would come near me because the unvaxxed were dangerous don't you know. How ironic is it that they are actually dangerous to the unvaxxed due to shedding? I usually laugh it off, but there are days I want to scream or sob.....sometimes both!

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I have several friends like you who knew what was going on long before the rest of us (myself included in that latter category). I don't think anything can stop the tsunami that's coming... when someone like RFK Jr. (See his book Vax-Unvax) is putting out pure, undeniable facts, and Peter McCullough and Candace Owens are shouting them from the rooftops, and Ron Johnson preaches openly about vaccine injury, and even Ron DeSantis (surely just trying to snatch Trump votes but still) is disavowing the entire schedule, and Elon Musk is sharing anxi-vax memes, and Joe Rogan is giving many of them time on one of the world's biggest platforms... I think the truth is going to get harder and harder to ignore/deny. :)

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From your lips to God's ears.....I'm praying you're right. The past 3 1/2 years of waiting for the truth to come out has been so tough. Everyday it was a new and ever more ridiculous claim about covid. Thankfully we have you, and all the other people you mention. I follow them all and I've read RFK's book about Fauci. Don't get me started on that guy. Hang in there fellow warriors!

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy


Loved your response to Linda! I think Linda thinks a piece of paper from a university makes her an expert! It doesn’t critically thinking does! Linda is the kind of nurse who treated m in the hospital when I had Covid!

I was shocked at the lack of empathy, knowledge the nurses that I had while in the hospital with Covid. I am a retired nurse with a masters degree! That by itself does not make me a knowledgeable nurse as Linda thinks she is.

The nurses I had were only interested in telling me I should have gotten vaccinated!!

Like it was my fault I got Covid!

Linda and nurses like her don’t think for themselves! Even after Covid nurses were pushing me to get vaccinated! I assured them my immune system after having Covid was better than a vaccine! Did they forget about science and your immune system!!

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In their defense, they were brainwashed. They were just parroting what they'd heard and been told (like Linda). It's sad, actually.

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So brilliant I can't hardly stand it as a person "studying research in graduate school and afterward in my work and teaching. And in 42 years of working with physicians and other nurse specialists who know what they're doing and are great teachers. Research validity and reliability standards don't ever change.” might say.

This quote could have come from my sister. She is not a nurse, but worse, a retired lawyer who represented Nursing, Medical, and Pharmacy colleges at my -- sad to say -- alma mater. Or a former neighbor who is a retired maternity nurse manager for a large medical group in Oregon; she's an absolutely lovely person otherwise, but fully bought into the same BS that we also swallowed whole until the Covid plandemic rendered the Pharmaco-Medical Emperor naked.

Really appreciate the discussion and presentation from all sides.

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I for one would really like to hear more from Linda D Siegel, RN, BSN, MN.

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Exactly! I got out of working in pharma way back in 1997 for similar reasons as Dr. Marcia Angell. (fentinyl lollipops!? I'm out.) I used to work regularly with the FDA, launch drugs or new indications, decipher clinical trials, write courses to train global sales forces ... I saw how the sausage gets made. So in 2020 I knew how long trials are supposed to take and why and how pharma can torture data until it submits. I knew how to spot key missing data and massaged bs language. So I was shocked when not one person I knew asked for my fairly expert opinion of the crazy speed demon jab rollout. Instead, when I raised the alarm to everyone, friends "divorced" me, excommunicated me from gatherings, derided me on social media and in person. Family escorted me out of the house for daring to say "follow the money." It was gut wrenching and despairing. To this day, I've received not one apology. The reality of what masses of people all over the world were fooled into doing and saying and believing is only slowly dawning on them. May they each know how to handle it.

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Oh Suzanne, SAME. Sometimes I go on my husband's Facebook account to spy on some of the many people who blocked or unfriended me, genuinely hoping they've seen the light. Rarely happens. :(

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

This is what I find unexplainable. That so many people who have no medical background decide that they know more than doctors who found the early treatments and called them conspiracy theorists or people like you that had a direct background in pharmaceutical workings. Just mind boggling.

Could you expand on this?

'fentinyl lollipops!? I'm out.'

I have been dealing with neuropathy and after trying other medications for it which did not help my doctor prescribed it for me and it was the only drug that actually dealt with the pain. My worker’s comp insurance tried for over 15 years to cut me off because of the expense and finally did. Now I deal with severe pain daily and it’s ruined my life. But I’m curious your opinion of them.

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@Sam ~ I know pain is a complicated issue, and I don't have personal experience with neuropathy.

However, DL-Phenylaniline has been a godsend for me in managing back pain. It has relatively few side effects (except for people with PKU) and it is generally safe up to 3,000mg/day. Do your your own research, though, of course. I'm not an MD. Only reporting about my own experience.

As for the neuropathy, if it is related to diabetes, I highly recommend the books and work of Dr. Jason Fung. His recommendations have been life changing for many diabetics.

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Thank you for your suggestion. I will look into it. The neuropathy is an insidious pain that is usually at levels 7-8 most days and it just interferes with almost everything. Thank goodness that I have a dog that gets me out daily for a walk which helps my mood. I do not have diabetes. My doctor has called it idiopathic which just means he doesn’t know what is causing it. I have this device and I’ve just ordered an attachment for it. One treatment relieved the sciatic pain so I’m hoping that it can help with the neuropathy too. The person who used it on me suddenly moved away and I can’t find anyone else who does this type of therapy. Doctors in Europe have worked with it with great results.


Thanks again!

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Nov 20, 2023·edited Nov 20, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Correction, idiopathic means the idiots don't know what's causing it!

I stumbled across a new to me Substack yesterday. Dr.C and Blair Technique chiropractic. As a chronic pain patient here due to degenerative spine I had previously gone to an upper cervical chiro spine specialist who was helping me but is unfortunately too far from me right now. There is a Blair chiro closer whose methods are different yet same pathological theory which has to do w upper cervical and I will try. It might be something you would look into especially since you're not diabetic.Sorry I don't have link to Dr. C SS but you can find it Sam. PS Blair technique.com you can find one near you

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I had a great chiropractor in California and when I moved she helped me find one that did the techniques like she did from the Palmer institute. Sadly he retired and I tried one from the webpages and left feeling like I had been physically assaulted. No muscle work before adjustment. If you adjust before relaxing the muscles the adjustment is worthless for me.

Thanks for your response and link. I will look into it. The extension for my device I linked to above should be here soon. My first treatment with the device got rid of the pain I’d had for a decade. I didn’t expect the quick results.

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Thanks for your prompt feedback, Sam. Appreciate the additional info ~ and I'm sorry to learn the neuropathy is idiopathic. Hope the DLP and your new technology do the trick! (Bookmarking now for future reference.)

Wishing you all the best!

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Just a suggesting...watch this documentary - I rented over the weekend as it is a rabbit hole I fell into mid this year, and have written a few stacks on it's history. You may find some answers there. All the best Sam and Metta



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"Family escorted me out of the house" serously!

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