Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I intend to continue using accurate language until the day they send a federal agent to shoot me in my driveway. Vagina. Bio-weapon. Corporate oligarchy.

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Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I have long said we cannot use their language and I adamantly refuse to fall prey to this nonsense! It is NOT Minor Attracted Person, it’s PEDOPHILE. It is not a “vaccine”, it’s gene therapy. The list goes on and on… not doing it!

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Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

A minor point.

Corporate oligarchies can't exist without a socialist government.

Need to eliminate socialist governments.

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Corporate socialism is a different political entity than financial safety nets for actual individual people. When you confound those two things, you sidetrack the conversation. If corporations pay their fair share of taxes, I am also ok with considered support for incentives going to corporate entities to guide their focus of R and D toward avenues that contribute to the greater good. I doubt very much that the oil and gas companies want to see the $20 billion dollars they got from the government disappear in the name of doing away with socialism, don’t you?

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Socialism—a centrally planned economy in which the government controls all means of production. Capitalism - an economic system in which private individuals own and control most of the factors of production—the resources used to produce goods and services. Corporate capitalism refers to a capitalist marketplace characterized by the dominance of hierarchical, bureaucratic corporations. The purpose of corporate entities is transfer risk from the individuals making corporate decisions to either the customers of the corporation, insurance organizations, which may also be corporate entities which then displace risk onto their customers, once removed from the corporation purchasing the insurance, or onto non-corporation regulation bodies such as the government. Businesses both individually owned, and corporations, do pay taxes. Tax cheats, who do not pay their fair share of the costs which they transfer to non-business entities, are wrecking the economic basis of democratic capitalism. By consolidating and hoarding capital, rather than spending it back into the economy through increasing wages to workers, reinvesting in infrastructure repair and maintenance, and investing in research and development of new products, they have produced a system where rewards and power lie disproportionately in the hands of a small percentage of the entire populace, essentially creating a plutocracy. Power in the hands of a few who feel no need to consider the impacts of their decisions on the many is the antithesis of a democratic form of governance, and also antithetical to the idea of capitalism. Clearly the United States is not a socialist country. However, at a time when a few hundred Americans control more wealth than half of the rest of the population, it can hardly be called a capitalist country either, and democracy hangs by a thread. Stop using words inaccurately. What do you really mean?

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15

Businesses like socialism if they can use the government to limit the competition. Sun Microsystems lobbied to have the government go after Microsoft during the Clinton administration.

Michael Kinsley wrote an interesting letter to the LA Times explaining that Gates wasn't paying his lobbyist dues. All the other software companies took notice.

Businesses pay no taxes. Their customers do.

Socialism is state control of the lives, liberty and property of individuals.

BTW, who pays for a 'social safety net'? Who decides who qualifies? What is the cost of the bureaucracies that redistributes wealth?

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

That would be far too easy. They just want to torture and torment us with word violence until we're a heap of flesh quivering in a corner with all our hair strewn around us having yanked it out in complete despair as we've lost our minds trying to make sense of insane humane beings. It used to be that human beings were ashamed of being stupid. Now stupidity is glorified, celebrated and championed.

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You are not wrong!

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I'll let Eve Ensler know the new name of her play is now "The Front Hole Monologues."

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Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

These words here may have come out of my mouth nearly verbatim!😆 Great minds!

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Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

So do I, Marc.

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Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Since the penis has a hole as well, men also have a “front hole” that’s arguably “front-ier” than a woman’s. This is all sooooo insane.

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Bahahahaha indeed!

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It should be called a Pole Hole.

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Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I read that to my husband and he shot his mouthful of water out his nose! 🤣

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But then we’d be “discriminatory” since they want the “cave” we have 😂

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Depends on the man and the woman and their... surroundings, if you catch my drift.

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Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

What happened?

Fifty plus years of feminism.

One lesson to take from the feminists, stand up for yourselves and stop enabling this BS.

Women have to do this. Stop accepting men who want to play act at being women.

Stop watching a 'Miss' Universe pageant that is owned by a man who dresses like a woman. Stop buying products that promote this.

I will support women who do this, but women have to take the lead.

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I agree!!! I have completely boycotted all the BS woke companies. We need more Riley Gaines' in the world. It's infuriating.

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Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I don’t think they will notice a boycott without a voice. I think we need to each write a letter to each and everyone we boycott and tell them we did. Flood them with letters. All of us.

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✍️ 💯🙋‍♀️

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Oh, I have done exactly that. I’ve emailed corporate offices, I’ve walked into stores, I’ve copied them on social media, letting them know my reasons for no longer supporting their businesses. When I canceled my Planet Fitness membership all those months ago, they asked why and I explained it was their corporate bathroom policy, the clerk shook his head and said “believe me, I’ve been hearing that a lot these days”. Our voice counts, the Court of Public Opinion has weight. The time is long past to be quiet…that’s how we got to this state of affairs! #SpeakUp #DoNotComply

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And that’s exactly how they infiltrated these businesses to begin with. They did the same thing. They boycotted unless their demands were met. It is an efficient tactic. But we are the majority and our complacency and silence allowed this to happen. There are more voices among us and we need to fight back with the same tools they used

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Exactly! No more Mr. Nice Guy!

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Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Stopped shopping at Target over a year ago. Just learned that Tractor Supply supports drag queen story hours - wont be buying my dog food there any more. Stopped buying all Bud products too (I wasn't a Bud Light drinker but did drink Mic Ultra, which is a Bud product -- no more). We refuse to contribute to the nonsense that's taking hold.

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Same. Target is dead to me, as are Ulta and REI (clearly I'm not exactly outdoorsy * holds up I LOVE NOT CAMPING coffee mug* but my hubby is and REI used to be my gifting go-to. NO MORE).

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Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I used to love REI, but over the years they’ve turned into an elitist, upscale and overpriced Cabellas or Bass Pro shops. Kinda like Whole Foods. (Btw, just read that many of the bagged 365 vegetables are from China!).

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Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Cannot trust these woke companies - especially with your food. They’ve now put “chemicals” in the vege sprayers that come on to spray onto your organic veges.

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Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I don't think I've ever even stepped into a Ulta (or REI for that matter) so there was no issue with me boycotting them. :D

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Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Wait, what????????🤨😤🤬 Ulta AND REI?? I mean, in my own defense, I live rurally and the nearest Ulta and REI stores are 1.5 hours away - so shopping in app is a must. What the heck happened with these 2 stores?😭

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Google the company names with the word woke and prepare yourself to be pissed off🤷‍♀️

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I also love not camping 😂

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Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

We now shop at their competitors. I know everyone who works at my local Tractor Supply, so as well as writing their corporate office, I also went and talked to the store manager and explained. He was apologetic but of course, not willing to personally do anything except notify corporate he’s getting complaints. He did tell me sales have dropped “recently”…

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Sorry, no. This is all being engineered by oligarchs and billionaires to destabilize society. https://www.firstthings.com/web-exclusives/2020/01/the-billionaires-behind-the-lgbt-movement

Fetishist men who fancy themselves as women and see the billions in profits convincing children to change their gender.

Feminism was co-opted a long ago by the porn industry which turns women into commodities while exploiting men by teaching them that women love to be beaten, raped and dehumanized. What you think is feminism today is a men's rights movement in disguise.

Oh, and the true feminists, you know, the ones who believe women have a right to be treated with dignity and respect, those are the ones who have been silenced everywhere they turn. Threatened with loss of job/career, doxxing, assault, rape, murder.

So, yeah, blame women, feminists. Leave this battle to them as they struggle to raise their children, earn a living, volunteer in their community, deal with pregnancy, childbirth, menopause. Leave it to them to deal with perverts, and pedophiles in bathrooms and gyms. Leave it to women and girls to compete with men and boys pumped up with 10 times the testosterone. Leave it to women who are losing awards, prizes, scholarships and career opportunities to men in dresses. Even beauty pageants FFS!

Yes, as always, male predators get a pass and damn those women for trying to 'be kind'. Women have had their compassion weaponized against us. And even when we DO get angry, we're dismissed or labeled crazy, shunned or ridiculed, or violently assaulted.

When will men hold other men accountable for the travesty that is the woke movement?

This is a complex problem that is NOT the exclusive fault of women or feminism. In fact it is male aggression and domination as the transhumanists are trying to wipe out women altogether that is the core issue.

Men HATE women so much that they'd rather throw their wives, sisters, mothers, daughters under the bus than research who's ACTUALLY behind trans ideology. Hint: It's NOT women and never has been. I recommend the book Transsexual Empire by Janice Raymond. 1979 https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1001441.The_Transsexual_Empire

You will discover just how depraved the men are behind this movement.

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EPIC points! I don't have the victim-blaming mentality--but I DO wish the women who are being forced to compete against these monsters and share bathrooms with them would JUST SAY NO. It's a horrific position to be put in--let's see, I've worked my entire life to make it to this spot on this team and now I have to walk away to prove a point?--but until that happens and the whole thing falls apart, their participation is their consent. It's not unlike Kyrie Irving and Novak Djokovic and Aaron Rodgers taking a stand against the stupid poison shots. They shouldn't have HAD to, but they were heroes for doing it nonetheless IMO. OF COURSE the misogynistic backholes responsible should be crucified; that should go without saying.

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My wife said that long ago. When the race starts JUST STAND THERE and let it race by itself! The same with real woman actually standing and clapping when A man wins their beauty contest instead of just turning their backs!

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Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

God what a missed moment. ALL those other contestants should have turned around and not clapped when the trans was crowned. What a statement THAT would have made!!!

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It will not change until women demand it. Oh & where are the fathers of high school & college age girls who are forced to accept a penis in the locker room and Sorority. An erect one at that.

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That's why I said that women's compassion has been used against us. Think about it...we've been indoctrinated from infancy to be sweet, kind, compassionate. Personally I'd rather live in a world where that was the norm. But if that's our socialization we end up with propaganda that taps into that vulnerability - the desire to be supportive - EVEN IF IT'S AGAINST OUR OWN INTERESTS. Then we add to that the censorship and threats that MAINLY women are subjected to (see what J.K. Rowling is subjected to - it's pure evil, and all these threats are made by men) and it's NO WONDER women aren't mass mobilizing. We have children to consider, jobs to maintain, etc. etc. Honestly, I'm appalled at how women are being demonized every which way we turn. It's why suicides of teen girls are off the charts. Women are incredibly strong and resilient, we have to be for our children. But it beggars the imagination that men actually BLAME women/feminists for the LGBT movement. Holy crap!!! How oblivious can people be to not see the trans humanist agenda behind all of it? Just like sex workers are seen as having 'chosen' that profession as if the culture isn't propagandizing sex work as glamourous and enriching. The war on the human female is real and devastating. Don't even get me started on FGM, menstrual huts, burquas, child brides.

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Women need to take responsibility for enabling homosexual men and those who try to mimic women. They dominate the fashion world.

Are women amused by people like RuPaul, do they pity him?

I think RuPaul would be out of business if he depended upon heterosexual men to watch and buy his sponsors products.

I completely agree with you regarding how women are abused in many cultures. Has the National Organization for Women condemned these cultures?

Some women say women from Israel weren't raped by Palestinians.

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Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Absolutely correct.

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Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I couldn’t agree more with your commentary. I was incensed when I read the article when it came out. I had two immediate reactions: 1) Are you f”$&ing kidding me? (My filter has officially disappeared and at my age, I don’t give a damn because the world is so messed up!) and 2) This is just another reason why I no longer support the Canadian Cancer Society. They take in so much money, and I know there are cures for cancer already out there, but those cures don’t bring in the money treating a sick patient does. I know first hand how terrible their current treatments are, having lost many family members in recent years to cancer and now supporting my husband dealing with it. It’s all a bunch of BS and it’s time to say NO MORE!

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YES and I'm sorry about your husband. Do you follow 2nd smartest guy? He's got lots of great cancer miracle stories (and includes the "Joe Tippens Protocol" in every stack... here's one:


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Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Thank you! I’ll definitely look into that. He is ‘clear’ 🙄 right now after radiation, but the effects of the treatment itself are terrible. I trust none of the so-called allopathic ‘experts’, especially after the covid debacle that will plague mankind for generations to come. Thanks for the suggestions, Jenna, and keep up your great work exposing the truth!

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Thank you, Dena. I have subscribed to 2nd smartest guy, but have also been keeping on eye on Dr. Makis’s work. As I said in my earlier comment, cures are out there, but there’s no $ in them for Big Pharma. Thx again.

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He posted the 15 minute Dr. Makis talk on Fenben today. We’ll worth hearing & saving.

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Fenbendazole - a cure for cancer hidden in plain sight

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Also a preventative. I have read that everyone has cancer genes on their body

FenBen kills them.

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I take it once a month on the full moon, with oil, and reducing carbs, which is not a bad idea anyway. People forget about the oil part.

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You mean like olive oil or avocado oil? Here’s Dr Makis on Fenben. https://open.substack.com/pub/2ndsmartestguyintheworld/p/15-minutes-with-dr-makis-episode?r=nl3ud&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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Yes, olive oil is what I read in 2nd Smartest guy (I think). I take it 3 or 4 days in a row. Fenben Lab, on Amazon. Open the 222mg cap, pour into olive oil. Let it dissolve.

This Vit E oil is new or I missed something along the way.

The type of E is very important as per this article, and Mercola. Easily found at health food stores.

I am not a doctor!

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12

I'm in Canada too. I remember in the 70's when my mom was a volunteer for the Canadian Cancer Association and thought cancer would be eradicated "in a decade". Then it became the next decade. Then "in our lifetime" - an easily moved target - who's lifetime? I just read an older book "The Hidden Story of Cancer" which was very interesting around the cause and cure for cancer (food related). And Dr. Jason Fung's book, "The Cancer Code". His book didn't offer treatment but looked at how the powerful voices silenced anyone looking at different causes/cures. Follow the narrative is a constant theme of anything related to science, medicine, climate, virology, dental care, mental health, etc. All roads lead to pharmaceuticals (there will probably be a drug for climate change). I just started reading 2nd smartest guy. The FLCCC are also looking into repurposing inexpensive, off patent drugs.

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Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

💯THIS. When my daughter was teeny tiny, she called her vagina her “to China.” Today, we still refer to vaginas as To China’s 😂 (She’s now in her thirties). But never “holes.” Front or otherwise. We will NOT comply. The good news is all of this madness has swung the Overton Window wide the F open. States are enacting common sense legislation fighting this nonsense, Argentina elected a chainsaw wielding leader, and the EU is turning to the conservative side. 2024nis hella exciting!

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We *tried* to use the tech terms... and they became "bikinis and chinas." (Imagine how confused they'd have been over the "china virus?" hahahaha)

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Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Even George Orwell would have a hard time believing this crap.

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Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I refuse to play that game with those who rename everything so as not to offend someone. Sorry, not sorry.

It’s deja poo. I’ve heard this shit before and getting tired of all the woke bs. Can’t support it.

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Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

“I’m offended by your far more offensive replacement for my not even remotely offensive word.”

I won’t be waiting for permission to say these words.

The deep crevice between my eyebrows gets deeper every day. 😢

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Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

There’s botox for that, or should I start calling it ‘line eraser’ ✏️ 😉🙄

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Karen - haha! I used to do that, but gave up. One can only chase their youth for so long. Then you start running out of money.

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That’s for sure! Mucho dinero.

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You might want to rethink Botox. It is made by Big Pharma and Abbvie, the manufacturer, is getting into the mRNA business

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Wonderful news, not! 🧐

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Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

If I ever walk into a doctor's office and she uses the term "front hole", I will tell her she's certifiably insane and walk out of the office. Good Lord, we need to reopen the asylums.

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That is where the used to put the idiots. Now they put them in power.

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Vagina, vagina, vagina. I'm not playing their game. Who are these people that write this crap? Do they look at themselves in the mirror and pat themselves on the back??

This is a hill worth dying on. I regularly watch "old school" shows and it's so refreshing to not have this pc crap language that's somehow evolved.

On another note, my copy of Yankee doodle soup came in the mail yesterday just in time to read on an impromptu trip. It's divine intervention!

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HAHAHAHAHA VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA!!!!! Thanks for the laugh (and the support) and enjoy the book!!! :)

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Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

The medical & sciences are dead

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Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Shut all of your front holes before we cancel your anti-trans non-inclusive back hole Jenna! My goodness. Why can't you just fall in line and accept the new normal?

Kidding aside, this is all going to stop when we stop putting up with it, just like this covid crap. We can do what Peru recently did by officially declaring that the trans community is mentally ill. Unfortunately that would never happen in the states because of the very obvious agenda that is being pushed. Really Graceful just did a short video on this continued insanity: https://youtu.be/sOUDa1DGH5Y

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OMG REMOTE SHUT-OFF SCOOTERS! VANDALISM! The world has lost it's everloving collective mind.

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Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

OMG! I need to rage for a few seconds. I’ve had to learn to live with the fact that our Christian faith would NEVER be allowed to paint the three crosses of Calvary on a crosswalk of “government property” to represent our faith, our rights, and our freedoms. Somehow the idea that “we are not all Christian so we shouldn’t force our beliefs on others” was acceptable. I understood that. I don’t believe in forcing my lifestyle (which IS an identity too ya know) on other people, but that also includes anyone else’s lifestyle not being forced on me. But then this?? These lunatics can shove their beliefs in my face and on government-owned property nonetheless? 🤬 WHERE’S A SCOOTER WHEN I NEED ONE! I’d like to see them accept not being able to plaster their beliefs and identity everywhere with the same grace as we did.

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In some places cross walks are now painted in rainbow colors, for you know, alphabet month.

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Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

A cervix is not a hole 🕳️

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Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

OMG that front hole cracked me up because I never really thought society could become so ridiculous.

It’s almost like a demoralizing attempt against women.

I believe the “being” that came up with the terminology ‘front hole’ is none other than an A-HOLE that likes to spew nonsense from its Pie Hole.

(If it’s wrong to write this please delete.) I haven’t figured out or understand the new terminology or the beings that demand we use it.

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If this comment is wrong, I DON'T EVER WANNA BE RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

You are making my brain explode 🤯… I told my family this when Covid hit & I started really taking a deep look at.. it’s all by Executive Order by Biden that made all this legal ..

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Good one jennasside.rocks …. Actually the urethra …. Well …. Forget it …. 😢😉

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