May 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Happy Mothers Day Jenna! 🌸

As I’ve said before both CuOMOS can suck eggs. If their lips are moving they are lying. The mask mandates and jab mandates were full on at all SUNY schools as well as not eating in the dining halls next to others but FACING THE WALL. Mandated testing each week and no visiting others in other dorms. Not allowed to use the gym if not jabbed and no weekend retreat classes (which were required classes) if not jabbed. Can’t follow these RULES then you got expelled. I couldn’t go into many NYC or NYS restaurants unjabbed or unmasked. Businesses or employees that did not comply got the boot as well. Hospitals and clinics, no mask no entrance. Had a colonoscopy done and my spouse was not even allowed to wait for me in the waiting room, had to sit in the car. Taking my mother to her appointments meant only one person in waiting room. When she went to hospital after she fell, I was NOT ALLOWED in at all. She was there for a week, alone, then got coofid and they isolated and drugged her so she would stop yelling for help. She’s lucky she made it out alive. Unfortunately months later she had an intestinal blockage, needed emergency surgery (2021) and died 10 days later. I was only allowed in between certain hours. Again alone and died alone because she passed before I was ALLOWED in to visit. I hate them all and will never forgive nor forget and will repeat this ad nauseam til the day I day. Any one who falls for this apology backstroke BS is an idiot.

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This is horrific and heartbreaking. I'm so sorry, AJoy. :(

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May 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I am so sorry. That's awful. I am a (retired) nurse, and was raging throughout this entire farce, because I took care of all kinds of patients with infectious diseases and nasty wounds, and in all my years of nursing, we only denied visitors for two reasons: for a temporary radioactive implant (cancer treatment), or if the patient had shingles/chicken pox, and the potential visitor hadn't previously had chicken pox. Otherwise, we helped put the family/significant others into all the isolation garb, gave them the rules, and let them visit. Then we helped them "undress," wash hands, etc. It's HORRIBLE to be alone on isolation, and those patients NEED someone familiar with them to help them feel human, and to gather the energy to get better. The heartless idiots who made these rules should be sentenced to AT LEAST a week of the conditions that they put so many other people through. I am heartbroken that your mother wasn't allowed a family member by her side to comfort her. She didn't deserve that.

My brother went through a similar situation when he had COVID. He was denied his wife's presence as an advocate, and as a result, he ended up sedated and on the ventilator. Only after that - was she allowed one hour a day, at 1 PM. And that was only because my SIL made a lot of noise, AND he was (but no longer) personal friends with the hospital's CEO. He survived, but it was a close thing. He had crazy vivid dreams while he was sedated, but it is obvious that his wife's talking and praying with him for that one hour/day made its way into his dream world, and gave him hope. EVERY COVID patient deserved hope and comfort from family, and it was denied to so many of them.

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May 13Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Wow, your family is brilliant. And the old-school nurses absolutely rocked throughout that whole thing; a school friend's mom is a nurse and she was yelling at everyone, "Don't mask up! Do you want your toddlers and babies to grow up psycho?!" Which was a very harsh way of putting it, but three years later everyone sees her point.

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May 14·edited May 14Liked by Jenna McCarthy

My youngest son (a young adult now), was probably what folks call "neuro divergent" when he was a child. Among other issues, he didn't handle noise well (still doesn't), and in busy, loud situations, I learned to communicate with him using a combination of gestures and sign language - after first establishing eye contact. Before swim lessons, or any type of sport, I would speak with the instructor and tell them that if he wasn't looking at their face - he wasn't "hearing" them. They needed to establish eye contact first. My son repeatedly told me during COVID that he would have been totally lost if masks had been required while he was a child. He STILL needs to see a person's entire face to help him decipher what they're communicating. (And yes, his hearing is perfectly fine) I ended up homeschooling my son because of his learning needs, but during COVID, I frequently thought about all the more traditionally schooled children - who were going to be affected by the foolish COVID policies. My son is taking college classes with the older COVID kids now, and many of them shouldn't have even graduated. They are completely unprepared for college.

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Your son is so lucky that he had you. My heart also breaks for the millions of kids who will suffer indefinitely because of the Covid lies… It’s just unimaginable.

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Ah. Another "lucky" abnormal.

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May 13Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Thank you and I agree with you absolutely. 😭

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May 31·edited May 31Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I got through COVID a home-less person on the streets of Miami. I had brief experiences that I believe were COVID. One time I was sitting on a street corner in Miami and suddenly I had it. I was sitting there very sick, and hunched over. Maybe a couple of hours that way. To say it is "uncomfortable" is an understatement. What I noticed about this is that just simple SEEING another human being walking nearby while experiencing that torture made me feel better, I guess meaning I was not alone. A few persons also asked me was I was okay. As soon as they did that, I had the strength to lift my head and I assured them, yes I am OK! I responded to the other persons, I told them I was okay. There is nothing they could have done. Take me to a hospital? Ha ha. Great idea, that! But just seeing other human beings around seems to have meant something. I wonder if others have these six-hour attacks of COVID? I had two, and once it was milder, but for about two days. I don't know what else the events could have been. As far as in general: I was living outside, and because I was I seem to have through this whole thing with no disruption, and as a matter of fact I do not recall any disruption in my routine (outside of the actual COVID events of course). I hardly noticed the whole thing. Lockdown? How. I lived in the street anyways!!!!

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Wow! Bless you.😊💕

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What do you do, sit around all day waiting for responses? I already re-write my comment to improve the language (I am not a word nerd like you say you are) to make it better. So read it again.

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Now I am not even sure why I am responding at all, but since you asked, I have two monitors so when I am writing I can see when comments come in. I try to respond right away or often times I forget and never do.

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You don't need to defend yourself, when you are doing such a superb job. I never subscribed up until now because I think I have seen this name before and it sounded too famous or it reminded me of something. Aren't you famous or something? "Jenna," that is sort of like "Taylor," isn't it? I am a sort of a big slob, which you seem NOT to be.

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May 14Liked by Jenna McCarthy

"The heartless idiots who made these rules should be sentenced to AT LEAST a week of the conditions that they put so many other people through"

How about solitary confinement for a week, followed by exposure to the general population, who know how to deal a rough form of justice?

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I approve of this comment. ;)

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You are correct. The whole medical establishment was following the gestapo orders of idiots in government.

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They still are as well so many brainwashed friends and family :(

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May 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

And let’s not forget who put the Covid patients in nursing homes New York!! Just ask Janice Dean!

AJoy- how absolutely horrible.

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May 14·edited May 14

AJoy, this is a great post and I am sorry you lost your Mom during Covid tyranny. You will (as will other readers) love Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse's take on it. Here is one quote: "I refuse to give any “coming to the right side” credit to the vile, intolerant, hate-filled and insane leftists who demanded all the totalitarian bulls**t they now accept as futile nonsense. The leftists should be shunned, mocked and cast into the pit of irrelevance. Make Shame Great Again." https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2024/05/11/a-worthwhile-reminder-when-anyone-talks-about-trust-in-u-s-government/

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You’re a hoot ….. Happy Mothers Day , Happy Birthday and Happy travels 🤗

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May 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I believe that Jenna has taken over the spot for my fave stack. Jeff Childers is now second.

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May 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I like them both so much

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May 12·edited May 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Nothing they could do about it? Huh.

I seem to remember in New Jersey a couple of gym owners having their power and water shut off and their doors boarded up by the Covid gestapo. Here in Michigan Witchmer pulled the license of a barber who dared to try and feed his family by cutting hair is his own shop. I also remember my niece getting PULLED OVER and questioned by the cops when she was going to work at the assisted-living center she served meals at.

Cuomo (and Witchmer) need to confess their crimes and repent, or they can go directly to hell where their policies and lies came from and where the loved ones of the people they killed by decree are forced to live emotionally.

That being said, happiest of birthdays, Jenna, and happy Mother’s Day to all my fellow mama bears out there! 😉♥️

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Come on, hell is for regular sinners, thieves and murderers and the like, those might repent, like Barabbas. They don't deserve mo' Cuomo.

(There might be a 10th circle for them or sth, I am not a theologian).

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Fair enough! 😅

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TiredofThis, if I am not mistaken the gym owners and the barber both won their lawsuits when they sued over the Covid fines/regulations.

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May 14Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I think you’re correct, but I know that’s cold comfort for what the state put them through.

The MI barber at least could have tried identifying as an anonymous sex club or a pot shop, because Witchmer deemed those as “essential” during her lockdown. 🤬

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May 14Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Excellent point. I remember donating to one or both of these business owners who had a mountain of legal bills to pay. Hopefully they won reimbursement of those expenses too.

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May 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I really wish mainstream media had the balls to show his sidestep comments and then switch to videos like the 22-yr old woman being arrested by the police, etc etc, back and forth to show all the hypocrisy. Wouldn’t that be a hoot to see on the 6:00 news? But sadly most of the masses will never see it presented this way. It is up to each of us to keep these links at our fingertips for a “speed post” when we read regurgitation comments elsewhere.

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Sadly, most of the balls seem to be in women's swim teams these days.

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Dying laughing LOL

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May 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Happy Mother’s Day and Birthday! May your trip to Commefornia give you lots of writing material.

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May 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Voluntary compliance?! He had no enforcement capacity?!

Tell that to the hundreds if not thousands of police officers who unwillingly rolled up their sleeves the day before the jab deadline because they felt they had no choice if they wanted to feed their kids. Tell that to all the school kids who were stuck at home for a year. Tell that to the courageous doctors and nurses who also unwillingly rolled up their sleeves for jabs they neither needed nor wanted.

He is a blazing liar.

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May 13Liked by Jenna McCarthy

If I could give your comment a hundred likes, I would.

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We must never, ever let them gaslight us into believing what is a blatant lie. Never.

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May 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Have a great trip and enjoy your “none of our business” birthday! Thanks for shining a little light in our crazy world! 💕

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May 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

The Cuomo brothers take scumbaggery to an entirely new level.

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Happy Birthday Jenna - time to stand up for those of us getting older - meaning ALL of us. Proudly state your age my friend. It's really o.k. to be older - even for us women.

Glad you're taking much needed time off to enjoy your daughter and old friends. You've more than earned it. Have a blast and do something NOT age appropriate for all of us:)

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I'm really not weird about it at all! FIFTY-FIVE here (still feel 27 TBH)! And I promise to be wildly age inappropriate on this trip and also for the rest of ever!!! (I still wear short skirts and over the knee boots and nobody can or will ever stop me!) :)

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May 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Happy birthday and happy anniversary! Your anniversary photo lied. You don't look 55!! (Good for you!) And enjoy your birthday in "Commiefornia" with your delightful daughter!

It's interesting that your anniversary and birthday are close together. Were you able to celebrate a birthday on your honeymoon? I was able to celebrate my milestone 30th birthday on my honeymoon - in the lovely city of Wurtzburg, Germany. Best birthday, ever!

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Nope… but my birthday usually gets the shaft because it’s always in the shadow of the anniversary and Mother’s Day. One year when my girls were little they asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I said, “I just want everyone to get along and be kind to each other.” My daughter replied, “we JUST did that on Mother’s Day.“ 🤣🤣🤣

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Well said. You go girl!

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May 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Happy Mother's Day Jenna! Take lots of pictures for us from Commefornia! Hopefully you can avoid stepping in the human feces we've all heard about.

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May 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Just got off a 12hr night shift but I had to read your post before I sleep my Mother’s Day away (because I also work tonight). So good, Jenna. Yours is a necessary voice in these fillintheblank times. Enjoy your time away!

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Sweet dreams and HMD to you, too! :)

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May 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

fillintheblank times...love that.

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Happy Birthday and Mother’s Day! I hope you’re not flying on.a Boeing and if you are, here’s to hoping all of the pieces/parts stay on the plane where they belong.😊

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May 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I agree!

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May 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Happy Birthday!!🎂

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May 13Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I don't see what y'all are excited about: it's just voluntary uniformity, it was the trend that year, like, IDK, skinny jeans or pull-up socks. It was purely sartorial, nothing to do with any, what's the word... prom? porn? Ah right, prop, as in "propaganda."

And, you know, one day it will come back again, like 80s shoulder pads.

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May 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Happy Mother’s Day, enjoy your trip to the republik. Stanley Milgram’s work is something I consider now to be an absolute treasure and still rings. Much like your work, I will probably remember it forever.

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May 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Happy, Happy. Joy, Joy Jenna!

P.S. I will now refer to all mask wearers I see as Learners. Too many shocks for to long.

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Or maybe... un-learners? Never-learners? How-fucking-dumb-do-you-have-to-be-to-still-not-have-learned-learners? IDK! ;)

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