Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

TDS is totally real. I am slowly recovering. I have been thinking a lot about an old friend that I cut off a few years ago when I found out he had become a Trump supporter. He, like me, had been liberal, and I thought he had been brainwashed somehow - I remember thinking how sad it was, because I LIKED him, and I wondered what on earth had happened to him - but if he was no longer a Trump-hater like the rest of us, then clearly he had lost all ability to think rationally, and the friendship wasn't worth continuing. Looking back at it, it's fascinating to see who the stuck person was - and it wasn't him. I wasn't curious about what he had discovered - he offered to share info with me at the time, and I didn't want it because I assumed he'd been sucked into conspiracies somehow. I feel ashamed remembering that I actually felt sorry for him. Yet here I am, a few years later, in the same place that he was - going through the process of de-programming myself, having to re-examine my political belief system entirely, and knowing if I told friends/family, I'd be cut off the way I did to him.

I've come to understand that I had TDS because I consumed only MSM and was spoon-fed everything I needed to seethe in hatred for Trump. I mean - there are things about Trump that I found off-putting before reading anything about him, but boy did the media hammer it home, constantly telling me all the reasons he was worthy of my derision and rage. Then the pandemic happened - I didn't want to get the shot, lost my job because of it, and wow did the news coverage/propaganda/censorship open my eyes to the realities of the MSM. It changed everything for me. Although I still didn't like Trump, my TDS was tempered by the realization that it's hard not to feel that way if all you hear is about how awful he is, and I understood that I needed to start actually paying attention to what happens vs what I'm told. I was already realizing how I could never ever support Dems again, but even so I didn't think there was any way I could pull the lever for Trump - RFK finally brought me all the way over.

I've also come to realize that I don't *need* to like everything about Trump to come over here. It's just a weird place for me to be - as mentioned, almost everyone I know and love is very liberal and I would lose almost everyone immediately if I said this out loud to any of them. And not so long ago I was one of them.

I think I'm starting to post more like this just to make it real to myself, that I've gone over to the "dark side" - and it makes it really seem like I in fact CAME from the dark side...it's a journey, what can I say. I will say that I have felt welcomed with open arms over here - and that it feels like even if I disagree with you about some things, you're not going to cast me out - the way I would be on the other side.

(PS - I reached out and apologized to my friend, who accepted my apology, and we'll have a lot to talk about moving forward.)

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How brave of you to share this! Thank you. :)

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I was just thinking the same thing. And, I would add, powerful. It's very hard, and very rare, to admit you were wrong.

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What's especially difficult is that I was in the throes of TDS for so long that it's still a little difficult to accept that I don't feel that way anymore! I feel like... BUT I AM SUPPOSED TO FEEL THAT WAY! I AN SUPPOSED TO HATE HIM! I don't think I have ever gone through a situation in my life where I had to just sort of start from the ground up and realize that I no longer fit into a box. It's both liberating and terrifying.

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That's what Liberty is - liberating and terrifying to collectivists.

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Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Thank you for your amazing posts <3

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Most importantly, congrats on avoiding the jabs. I can tell you from the videos I transcribe that what wakes a lot of people up to the fact that the MSM retails gobs of lies is getting the medical gaslighting after they've been injured. And many of the injuries are just horrific.

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Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Yes - thankfully I was already hesitant in general before that one rolled around. It was clear to me from the get-go that I was not going to allow myself to be a guinea pig in this grand experiment. Even though the social ostracization was horrible, I'm so grateful to have held my ground there. I feel so awful for those who weren't so lucky. I know quite a few who were actually clearly injured and can't bring themselves to admit why.

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Sadly, I have many friends and family in this same situation. And I suspect that most of those who find themselves down here in this comments section do, too.

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Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Yes :( I know it can feel a lot safer with your head in the sand!

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Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

One great story, among many, is how he finished an ice rink in NYC in a few months that was taking the corrupt city years.

Or when he opposed the racist policies in Palm Beach.

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Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Also his acts of kindness and charity toward so many service personnel in his circle. Like his doorman who has the handicapped son.

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Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

The recent stories about the kerfluffle at Arlington - and the families making videos RAGING about how Biden/Harris have not acknowledged their children, and they INVITED Trump because he was the one who reached out to them, and they were FURIOUS that this was being used to disparage Trump - that was eye-opening for me.

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But he did call for the death penalty for the Central Park 4, who were later found innocent. Hardly as bad as he's been painted by the billlionaire-owned MSM, but not quite ready for sainthood.

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Sep 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I am a moderate who “came around” to the enemy of my enemies. The case you cite is a case of bad judgment—misplaced faith in NYC law enforcement?—and getting caught up in mob rage. He was a younger, more fiery Donald Trump then.

But he was far from alone in that bad call. I bet he doesn’t have so much faith in the NYC justice system now…

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Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Yeah... there are definitely things about him I'm not thrilled by. But he is the only viable alternative (oh my gosh cannot believe I just said that)

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Sep 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Yes. I remember being appalled by his statements about the Central Park 5. But he was much younger then. I hope he has changed. I am continually interested in the contrast between the statements from people who know him (positive) versus the people who have an axe to grind (negative). I see that he has a history of unsavory statements. I also see that the Democrats (my lifelong party) are explicitly advocating for censorship of dissidents. After decades of voting "Democrat", I know that I never will again.

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I'm ashamed to say it took me until the criminal invasion of Libya and the murder of Gadaffi for me to finally give up completely on the democrats. Was never a dem "true believer" - usually voted third party - but that's what made me vow to never agon vote for a democrat. I still don't believe that Trump is a friend of the people any more than the so-called "left" (that title should be taken from them - never heard of fascists called left wing!) I think Trump is more of a giant middle finger to the dem (more sold out) stooges than the more blatantly sold out dems.

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I know nothing about either of these! Have to go look

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Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Your post is so inspirational. ❤️❤️ I’m so happy someone like you is among us. Those who hated Trump but then finally saw the light are some of the best people I know, because they are thinking critically. Some Trumpers are for Trump because they always have been and have blindly followed for the same shallow-like reasons Dems follow their candidates, so they never had to challenge their own thinking. What will they do if they ever in the future they DO need to critically think about a policy Trump might be wrong about, that needs to be vocalized? Will they have the capacity? Someone like you will be the strongest among us. So glad to have you ❤️

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I think many people supported Trump because they saw him as anti-establishment. It was like all of a sudden everything shifted 180 degrees in the opposite direction. Overnight it seems like the dems, who I have voted for sometimes (no more), came out as blatant fascists and the republicans, who I never voted for, as clearly reasonable on several issues. Walking down the street at the start of all this, I was repeatedly assailed by a woman I never saw, think she was across the street, somewhere shouting out a window, at my "disregard" for the public good by actually walking down the street without a mask. She'd hurl her worst insult at me - Trump supporter - and I would envision her standing under an EMF tower with zero concern because nobody with "authority" told her they were harmful - just me walking yards away from her not sick and not masked.

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Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

WOW. it really brought out the worst in so many... and you are so right!

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Good summary. The habitual trust in authority is ... habitual.

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Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

❤ thank you. It is a process for sure!

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Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Beautiful humility on your part—such a welcomed perspective. Maybe if you could remember the little steps (questions, comments, etc.) that caused to light to start shining in your thinking, we could use them to help others with TDS.

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Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I wish I had an easy answer - but I kind of hate to admit that it wasn't until I was cast out by my compatriots during the pandemic that my blinders were ripped off to the true nature of the beast. If that hadn't happened, if I hadn't clearly seen the insane propaganda and smear tactics and censorship of the pandemic, I'm not sure I would have ended up on this side :( And seeing the blatant lies of the pandemic - my friends/family, who all got boosted (some multiple times), they do NOT want to entertain the idea of any sort of censorship or cover-up. It's too painful for them.

On a smaller level, I have pointed out instances to my friends of where Trump was quoted out of context or in a truncated way, and they've been kind of willing to listen, but TDS is INTENSE. And for example I have had quite a few people people bring up his "You'll never have to vote again" comment, as "LOOK AT HIM, HE'S CLEARLY A DICTATOR, LOOK WHAT HE HAS PLANNED!" That personally didn't scare me because I didn't think he'd be stupid enough to actually declare that he was going to create a dictatorship off the cuff like that - to me it was clearly a "this is an IMPORTANT election, you MUST vote, things will calm down and then we won't be in this dire mess and you won't HAVE to vote," statement (which he seemed to follow up with at a different event), but my friends were like nooooooooo he's gonna be a dictator... so I really don't know. I don't think there's an easy answer. :(

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Yes, I think the vax issue really was the make or break issue. If they swallowed that, they can’t let go of the whole TDS thing. I wonder if it’s because they would have to admit to themselves that they very likely have given themselves poison. Even my conservative friends who took the vax don’t want to hear about what is happening to people.

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Especially those who did it to their kids...

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I actually thought of one thing that really helped me. Alex Berenson's substack & his coverage of the lawfare against Trump. I formerly thought the lawfare was AWESOME. He really helped me understand what a steaming pile of garbage and obfuscation it was.

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Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Congratulations- liberals are definitely not a tolerant bunch. If you listen to Trump doing one on one podcasts & interviews he communicates better that way. The long rally’s can be tiresome.

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I really didn't realize how utterly intolerant I was until the pandemic happened and I was on the "other side" - it was an eye-opener.

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Thank you!

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Wow,Bridget! Thank you for posting your story. Many of us had very similar “awakenings”.

I,also,must keep most of what I believe,to myself,or lose most of the people in my life:(

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It's so sad!!!

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Sep 14Liked by Jenna McCarthy

@Bridget Thank you so much for sharing your story and for your PS, that your reached out and cleared the air with your friend. I'm finding myself in the position of your friend on occasions, so your story gives me hope that there's a chance that people may come around. I'm very grateful to you for sharing your feelings about the process you went through.

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Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Welcome to the “dark side”

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It takes real stealth and courage to write this, Bridget. Welcome! Unlike what you thought of "people like me," we welcome you with love and open arms. Who are "people like me?"

I am going to give it a go and perhaps I am not speaking for the "royal" we, so please give me some slack.

I did consider myself a full fledged R, back a few years ago. I AM NOT A R! I am a human being, here on earth for a short period of time. I don't affiliate with any made up uniparty. I am a wife and mum to my beautiful hubby and son. I want to speak and live in a free society. I want access to healthy food and continue to grow my own food. Disclaimer: I am an obsessed gardener, hopefully regenerating my little plot of land, and soon to expand this burgeoning journey. I grew some amazing heirloom tomatoes, people!

I suspect that I am not alone, so you have a choice November 5th. Choose the flawed DJT or the certain road to irrversible TYRANNY. I pray you choose with me. God bless and I will always pray for you no matter. You are always welcome to the BIG TENT!

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Sep 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I love this post <3 Thank you for writing it!

I spent so much time only hearing about (and seeing online) the R side that talks about "Libtards" and "Liberal Snowflakes" (which I don't like any better than the L side talking about deplorables) that I - just as the media wanted - painted everyone on the R side with a broad brush. I still don't know how I could have thought that, considering that I KNOW all people are different - but I guess those voices were the loudest ones I saw online. When Hilary first said the deplorables thing, I actually thought it was funny - I wasn't able to see what a disgusting, alienating comment it was. I sure understand that now. There's no one-size-fits-all label for people who support ANY party.

I love that you took the time to write this and show a snapshot of yourself, and I'm sure there are many others like you, just living their lives and not steeping in hatred for the 'others.'

I share your desires! (Even though I really dislike tomatoes, even heirlooms - am I still welcome in the tent? haha!)

(It is nuts to me that I can hear you talking about how the electoral success of Democratic party - with which I proudly identified my whole life until a few years ago - would lead to tyranny, and think, yep, she is right. I still remember watching videos before the last election of "ex-liberals" talking about why they were switching parties, and I regarded them with utter disgust. It's so weird and uncomfortable to me that I get it now. And I really appreciate the welcome.)

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And I LOVE all of your thoughtful, humble, raw commentary. You are MORE than welcome here!!!

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You are really helping me on my journey Jenna - with lots of laughs along the way <3 I really love your stack!

Oh my gosh, I only just realized that an exchange I had with a family member over one of your posts (I can't remember which one, only that it definitely talked about trans issues) perfectly echoes what I'm going through right now! I was told I shouldn't read your posts anymore because of some of the ways in which you expressed yourself in that article - it led to a really interesting discussion because we got to talk about how a) a person doesn't have to like every single thing a (writer/artist/public figure) says to want to see what that writer says about a wide variety of topics - I said that I really valued your writing and enjoyed reading all of your posts even if I didn't always agree with every single thought or turn of phrase, and would absolutely not be unfollowing you; b) we talked about audience (family member was concerned about the potentially hurtful nature of some of the things you said; I pointed out that anyone who was not at the very least straddling the ideological divide would not be reading this, would not able to hear ANY of what you said and certainly wouldn't be swayed in the least; c) the importance of being able to express yourself.

That was absolutely, "That person said something that doesn't align with my value system, they must be cancelled" - wow. WOW how did I only just see the echo??

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Bridget, I assure you that I am a former shell of myself! Again, I must say, that this past four years have been a revelation/revolution of sorts. The fact that I am communicating with you is God's work. I don't care if you have faith or not. I am okay with all of it. My anger is focused on the target. Get rid of the filth hampering our ability to live life freely--that's it!

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Sep 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

That is beautiful, thank you again for sharing <3

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Unfortunately that will take a lot more than a vote.

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I have to make one comment. I am an Adorable Deplorable. Trust me on this. I will share all my gardening and health tips. I am in excellent health and shape. I would put most 30 year olds to pure shame. At least 5-6 miles of walking a day with the pups, 100-150 real pushups etc., etc. We almost never eat at restaurants unless I know the owner/chef which is rare since I shutdown my wine distribution/import company. With the high cost of ingredients, I assure you that chef's are using seed oils and other very toxic ingredients. Learn to grow or find a farmer in you local community!

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Adorable Deplorable - I love that ha!

Don't get me started on seed oils ugh

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Congratulations on your personal growth!

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Thank you, Bridget. As a life-long leftie, it has been a slow journey for me to recover from TDS. I prefer RFK Jr. for a number of reasons. However, in the last few years, I have observed that the mainstream media treats Trump and Trump supporters very unfairly. Just as the corporate media lie about RFK Jr, they also lie about Trump and his supporters.

In the last few years, I have met many Trump supporters and have discovered that they are decent, caring people. Not monsters at all. I support RFK Jr. I support Trump. I support anyone who love freedom and the Bill of Rights. As a wise man once said, "I will ally with anyone to do good. I will ally with no one to do evil."

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Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I have a very intelligent friend in London who constantly loses his mind over Trump, and I think he is on the verge of de-friending me (like, in the real world...not just on the internet) and his main attack line is the bleach thing. I have politely asked him a few times now to show me the evidence that Trump said we should inject bleach into ourselves, and he can't (because it never happened, obvs) but rather than see the error of his ways, he just gets madder and madder and his TDS spirals. I mean, we are talking about a wealthy, very well qualified financier who went to Oxford. It is baffling.

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Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

It’s because the people he has deeply trusted for so many years say Trump said it, and that’s enough for him. He doesn’t have time to research it and he can’t believe they would ever lie or mislead him.

The only way I can understand it would be to imagine if RFKJr, Tucker, AND Tulsi suddenly claimed that Trump is involved in sex trafficking, I would go into a complete meltdown and not know who to believe, but I’d be more inclined to believe them over Trump, EVEN IF IT WEREN’T TRUE, because of how much faith I have in those three telling the truth. It would take a LOT of proof to show me multiple examples in the past of their outright lying to finally start to believe Trump instead. (Thank God we don’t have to worry about that kind of dichotomy, right?!)

So I think that’s what many on the left are facing. They have yet to see enough evidence of past lies and manipulation, (as hard as that is to believe. 🙄 It’s like standing in a mud pit as big as a football field and saying you see no evidence there is no grass.) And until they do, they will react with extreme, heated fervor for those they have trusted all this time. For many that’s still the MSM.

Waking people up is so hard. Jenna has done one of the best jobs I’ve seen yet!

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Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Well said. Until the pandemic I trusted basically everything from MSM.

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Wow. I knew in 1968 we were being lied to on a regular schedule. Every night at 6 pm. Like clockwork. So I’ve been out here in the weeds for decades. And yet, Im considered the nut.

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Your extended tribe grows daily.

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This is such a long stretch of time..to be awake to the lies for nearly a lifetime and endure the isolation. It's been nearly 20 years for me and it seemed like eternity. 😳

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My device will not allow me to “like” any comments,so,I must write when I like something….and,I agree, with you. Waking people up,IS hard,but,it’s really getting boring, and frustrating, waiting for these ignorant people to make SOME effort to see the propaganda…

It’s getting more difficult to find the humor in the hypocrisy. Jenna does a good job of helping us smile through the tears…

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Thanks Tonee (and sorry for your frustration!!!)...

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Delighted you awakened!

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

You explained this quite well. Part of being asleep is substituting trust in areas where critical thinking is instead required. We were conditioned to assume authority figures are telling the truth from parents, teachers, government, media & corporate masters. This reliance on trust creates all master-slave mindset which kicks in hard big when the lies create profound levels of cognitive dissonance. Waking up involves migrating trust back to ourselves, trusting and developing our ability to discern for ourselves. No longer outsourcing our thinking. Stepping out of the old mind controlled ewe 🐑 and into the real you!

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YES! Ewe/you=brilliant. :)

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Perhaps the book "A Plague Upon Our House" by Dr. Scott Atlas might help your friend. Atlas had an inside view of what was happening in the WH in the summer and early fall of 2020 with COVID-19.

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I was so excited when he came on board. He was treated miserably by the other “experts”.

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Worthwhile idea, but good luck getting a hard-core TDS sufferer to read it!

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Hi Dan, You are not alone, I know people like this. I find it baffling, too. Of course I have my theories. A while ago I quit attempting to discuss anything related to DJT, RFK, covid treatments, or the jabs with them, as I have to recognize, they seem literally unable to take in new information and they also seem unable to put two and two together for themselves, and you know what, I've got better things to do than, essentially, bang my head against the wall.

As for politics, I don't get into it as "Transcriber B" but I will say that it seems to me that it's crucial to vote for the people, especially at the local level (state, county, city), who stand for medical freedom and free speech.

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I live in a very blue area and the ballot often doesn't have ANY options who fall into that category :/

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I hear you, I really do. (I used to live in such a place myself.) I'd love to see more people who support medical freedom and free speech step up and run for office. Or at the very least, begin to consider it.

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Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Qualifications and successful employment are no guarantee of intelligence.

Your friend sounds like a fool.

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Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Don't millions of asthmatics use an inhaler to deliver a mist of medication to their lungs? I've never understood how this was able to be ridiculed to the extent it still is. What would be so far fetched about delivering an anti viral in an aerosol form?

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Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Lifetime Bronchial Asthma. You are right! I mix my own food grade peroxide with saline for breathing treatments in a nebulizer. Works great.

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Years ago, my husband and older son (was hosoitalized) got bacterial pneumonia, and I caught it from nursing them. My youngest son, who had asthma and nebulized twice a day never got sick during that time. I was terrified he'd get pneumonia, but he didn't.

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It might be efficacious if the viral infection is in the lungs.

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Not really baffling to the Brits. They believe the BBC and the gov. would never lie to them. I suggest sending a link to UKColumn.org

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Maybe that used to be the case, but more and more people are awake to their bullshit.

I trust the UK media* less than I trust Pedo Pete offering free hugs to that dog faced pony soldier, corn pop.

*Also government, police, health experts.

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It's honestly better to reduce association with such people without cutting them off and wait and see if they ever come around. At this point, based on my own experiences, which has led to a complete vendetta against me by my brother which includes theft of inheritance money, these folks have completely lost their reason because they CHOOSE to believe transparent lies without question and prefer to assume they are true without verification. It has truly destroyed a lot of moral compasses while these people think they are on the side of the righteous. It's bad faith in the sense that they are engaged in self-deception as evidenced by the refusal to verify the information they believe to be true. It's delusional thinking and only they can possibly find their way back to some level self-awareness, however it may occur. I've let go of hope in some cases and think many people are forever lost morally, or at least it will take something very drastic like a near death experience.

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I would like to say, your friend is very smart but lacks true intelligence..which is typical. Mind control..as we saw demonstrated for us via the plandemonium..sorted out those who are merely smart in terms of intellectual knowledge vs. those who display true intelligence. Intelligence involves the ability to ask questions outside of the prevailing situation and knowledge base and critically think as well as utilize emotional intelligence to intuitively process information and knowledge to connect dots where insufficient information causes uncertainty.

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He can’t admit he was fooled & that he’s wrong. A character flaw. Easier to be fooled than admit you were fooled. Or something like that!

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How did drinking bleach become injecting it?

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Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Well, as Trump said neither, then the media bullshit to their low IQ viewers, was false from the start.

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If you weren't there, how do you know what he didn't say?

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Nobody had to be there. I transcribed it above and there are a million links online as well. Here's one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zicGxU5MfwE

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The link shows what he didn't say?

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It does indeed.

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If you weren't there, how do you know what he did say?

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There’s recordings of what was said. But, of coarse,with today’s technology,it is difficult to believe ANYTHING I didn’t see and hear in person.🤷‍♀️

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There are millions of people cloned from your London friend. Yet, this columnist "Jennasside" claims that TDS is "imaginary." Right. P.S. See if she wants to buy World Series tickets, now that the Chicago White Sox are in the playoffs.

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Jenna’s side doesn’t claim TDS is imaginary.

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Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Trump was right, there is an alternative UV light therapy that kill viruses, bacteria and fungus in the body and there are doctors that use it to treat cancer patients. There is also chlorine dioxide which gets confused with bleach but is also used to promote healing. He just needs to be more specific about such things when speaking so that TDS folks don’t get their panties in a twist.

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Hahahaha indeed!

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Yes! Please see my comment above (or below) for A Midwestern Doctor's post just yesterday regarding UV light and how Trump's attempt to talk about it during Covid became one of the main mainstream media mind manipulation memes against him. (Hmm, pretty good alliteration there.)

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9

Also Hydrogen Peroxide, which is injectible in certain circumstances.

TDS folks will get their panties in a twist, even when given the actual information.

I have found that when someone is on the anti Trump bandwagon, then truth and facts are completely irrelevant to them

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Yep! Even my college son, who I’ve been trying to bring up to speed about the vaccine and spike proteins, tried to “carefully let me down” that it’s pure quackery to tell people to use things like hydrogen peroxide. 😂 He read something critical and uninformed and believed it.

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Gasoline is injectible too, but such is not advisable.

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"Chlorine dioxide is used as a bleach at pulp mills, which make paper and paper products, and in public water-treatment facilities, to make water safe for drinking. It has also been used to decontaminate public buildings." .atsdr.cdc.gov/ToxProfiles/tp160-c1-b.pdf

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Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Ya know, most pharmaceuticals use dangerous compounds and chemicals that at their full strength are very, very toxic and dangerous, and many have harsh industrial uses on their own outside of the medicine. But that’s not how they are formulated for use as medicine. You could give your same reply to so many common OTC medicines and treatments sold today if you did your homework and looked at the things used to make them, and it still would be nothing but fear mongering.

Pulling that CDC article shows you’re more into blind faith, fear mongering, and social shaming.

Even in that CDC document it states, “Chlorine dioxide is added to drinking water to protect people from bacteria and other microorganisms. The EPA has set the maximum concentration in water to .8mg/L for chlorine dioxide and 1mg/L for chlorine ion.”

So, right there shows how something that is used far below toxic levels can actually be safe and actually helpful.

And, “Both leave the body rather quickly. Chlorine dioxide changes into chlorite ions that are used for MANY NORMAL purposes.” They mainly leave the body in urine. They go on to say that while inhaling it can cause mild discomfort to the nose or airways, “most people will not be exposed to amounts large enough to damage other parts of the body.” And most people don’t use large amounts for inhalation to the lungs either!

It’s all in the potency and quantity that many things go from being safe and effective to truly dangerous.

We aren’t idiots here. We don’t believe in pulling industrial strength chemicals off the shelves and foolishly using them willy nilly. Most of us are well read and do our research.

There are just as many herbs and foods that are medicinal too, but can become extremely toxic and dangerous if used in too high of a quantity or combined with the wrong things. But that doesn’t make them too unsafe to consider using - how it’s formulated, extracted, and used is the deciding factor. If you don’t want to do any research yourself, then sure, trust the CDC wholly and take their jabs and medicines. I know people who haven’t been to doctors in decades that are healthier than anyone else I know because they know how to use Mother Nature and how to handle certain chemicals in the right amounts, in the right ways.

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Juju bringing ALL the receipts today! I LOVE IT!!!

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Sep 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Just so. Off brand use is often more healing than otherwise. Ivermectin is the classic example.

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Well said,Juju!

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You again. Leave

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You are the one off of your own outlet.

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And also?

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Here’s to ALL your subscribers taking this message to heart and convincing all their friends. ❤️

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I signed up for the free version of Dan Rather’s substack blog just to find out what his followers think. Wow. I ended up getting lambasted by no less than 15 different people who seemed to be never Trumpers. Thankfully no one called me a racist or bigot but for providing an alternate view I was called ignorant, illiterate and told English wasn’t my first language and Russian probably was (in reality it is the other way around). The number of times that Cathy, Susan, Rhonda, gwpriester et al referred to trolls and censorship and blocking me tells me all I need to know. Some of my comments were insulting but only in response to insults directed towards anyone who disagrees with their opinions. I don’t know, if I had unlimited time to actually troll these Harris supporters it may be fun. But I have many more productive ways to spend my time. Ultimately it gets back to the old adage that “you can’t fix stupid”.

When I first became a paid subscriber Jenna I knew I was going to enjoy your writing. However, the sheer volume of your production exceeds my wildest expectations and your range of important topics is also most impressive. Thank you for all you do to make our world better and my day brighter.

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Martin, first, thanks for the support and the lovely compliment! You make the inevitable beatings I take worth it. :) Second, I, too, am frequently stunned/appalled by some of the social media trolls out there. I like to tell myself they're bots or paid puppets, but you're probably right; they're just not so bright...

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Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Yes, thank you for all you do and your range. Appreciate it all, because I know it all takes much time. ♥♥

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When the facts don't support them, labels and name-calling are their weapons of choice.

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♥ Agree!!

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

“Is Trump treated unfairly by the media? “


“Is TDS a real thing?’

Most certainly

“ If the media isn’t to blame, who is?”

I think it goes much deeper than the media. As in deep state.

Bravo Jenna! Awesome stack.

For those that want to just shut out all of this crap, you better take it seriously and get your ass to the voting booth so you can vote for the guy that wants to try and save our constitutional republic - our great county - our UNITED STATES OF AMERICA from the f*ckers that want us all dead or enslaved.

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Laura K , did u read how many Somali immigrants were place near Columbus Ohio . This happened by Hillsdale Michigan … they bought up farmland and built housing for other immigrants and also by Traverse City . They all will vote . Not good for the future of our country.

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I did not Bro. I’ve only been reading about the Haitians in Springfield. 😡😡😡

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Your descriptors pretty much hold for Trump and I would add one more. He tells the truth as he sees it. The Left calling him a liar comes from their not knowing what the truth actually is. 'Truth' for the Left i.e., sociopaths, is whatever leads to more power for them. Truth for the rest of us leads towards individual autonomy in regards with right and wrong in other's behavior. Trump is dead on target with telling the greater truth and is so ahead that he may state it a couple of years before it becomes obvious. His bluster, his name calling, is an efficient technique for revealing those who present false personas to the world. Their vitriolic responses/behaviors self-identify them as manipulators. It is not what someone says but how they behave that speaks to the underlying character of an individual. Trump says much but his behavior defines his character which is decently based from my perspective.

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Well said!!!

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Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Good stuff, Jenna. I especially LOVED the ad at the end. This should be aired free of charge by all networks as a Public Safety Announcement! 🤠

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Remember the days when ANY candidate was free to purchase advertisement minutes on main stream TV? And they could have run this ad. 🤣 Yesterday we watched the season opener Bears game. There were TWO positive Kamala commercials making her look all warm, loving, and capable, but not a single Trump commercial. Given the sheer number of viewers, I consider that election interference.

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“Nextdoor “ is a local kind of neighborhood social media,I guess. Their rules say “no politics “. However,people post about Kamala,without problems. Any post about Trump is immediately deleted. I didn’t understand there was such censorship and was banned 2 times back when I was trying to share my Cvd propaganda concerns. They tell me,one more complaint and my bann is permanent. I’m never rude,or preachy,but,they don’t want to hear what I’m saying…I would dump them, except I try and save wildlife through this neighborhood media…Sigh….🤷‍♀️

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I think next door is run by a San Francisco group. It’s pretty worthless imo.

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I agree. Except for the fact that I KNOW I’ve opened some peoples eyes to the fact that SPRING AND SUMMER are bird and squirrels nesting season,and NOT the best time to cut their trees,shrubs,etc….plan for the fall to prune, and give the wildlife a chance…and,other things like Gopher snakes may shake their tails,but,they are NOT rattle snakes…so many things that people don’t think about can really help our struggling flora and fauna…that is the only reason I stay. I don’t do ( and never have) any other social media like FB,etc…I think they are all,not in our best interest…

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That’s all the evidence you need to label them confirmation bias victims. Get them to look it up.

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I think a 28% positive rating qualifies for a 100% endorsement by the left. See the numbers do add up!!! 🤪

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I posted it on my FB page.

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Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I just first have to say that I love reading your Substack you are hilarious!

With that being said, I will say I do not like Donald Trump’s personality however, like most grown-up people I can put that aside and decide who is best for this country and it definitely is not Kamala Harris.

I Voted both times for Donald Trump because one he is not a career politician and he actually does care about this country which makes all the difference!

I will once again be voting for Donald Trump because I can put his personality aside and still vote for him after all I don’t live with him.

Why some people does not have it with them to grow up enough to realize that they don’t have to like the president just like they don’t have to like their boss as long as they are fair and they actually care.

I watched Some of the people have a total freaking meltdown when he was elected. It was hilarious that people grown-up people I should say could act so insanely.

As I said I’m voting for Donald Trump because he is not a career politician, because he cares about this country and because he cares about the people in this country. I wish more people could grow up and realize they don’t have to like him as a person.

If Kamala Harris somehow happens to get into the White House, all I can say is God help us!

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Carter was a nice guy and lousy president.

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How was he lousy Jon? I ask, not to start an argument, but to maybe learn something. I was a teenager then, but my impression of him was largely positive. I am still impressed that he was willing to tell us things we might not want to hear.

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Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I don't understand why so many are offended by Trump.

I watched The Apprentice for a few seasons and eventually understood it was a TV show. Those who really worked for Trump, even women, seemed to really respect him.

I don't particularly like his style. Gold trim, for example, but the rooms in Trump's Las Vegas hotel are quite spacious and comfortable.

He also understands buying stuff to furnish his properties and laments he can't find more in the US.

Interesting some don't mind politician lies, but are upset by Trump's embellishments. These people fear Trump because he threatens their political power.

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Most telling of his character for me is that his kids adore him. Remember Reagan’s kids???

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It took you several seasons to recognize a television show was a television show?

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I was disappointed he wasn't picking the best candidate for his apprentice.

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I've never seen the program.

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Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Immigration is a disaster but entirely deliberate. Has to be.

Going to be much, much worse if the she gets coronated.

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You only have to look at what was done in Europe to know this was the EXACT SAME tactic, but highly accelerated. Trump delayed them four years, so it had to go into double time.

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Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

OK. Let me lay his out for the delusional Buffoons that read your wonderful musings; ( You know, the idiots who think anything but Trump is wonderful; you know the fools who think men are women and up is down and wrong is OK ; and caCKLING IS THE BEST THERE EVER WAS; What flip flop policies are we talking about here???OH joy??????????).

Immigration under the cackling one and her boss ( a freaking disaster ( rampant crime, billions spent on them, a sure way to ruin this great country; Inflation - out of control ( under Trump 1.9%; under the cackler (6-9%) ( just look at your grocery prices); Energy - your gas bill, your electric bill????Economy ( what/// do not make me laugh!!! disgraceful.)

The fools can say what they want, they can think what they want, but you reap what you sow. And they will be sowing plenty if the cackler gets in.

Wake the fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffup demofoolsssssssssssssssssss.


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Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I'm constantly mystified by the anamous people feel toward Trump. Moments before he came down that escalator he was the beloved "The Donald". People of every political flavor, of every entertainment entity, of heads of corporations, etc. - all wanted Trump at their parties, their golf courses, their movies, their restaurants - you name it, they wanted him. And they wanted invited to whatever he was hosting.

And then. He came down the elevator. And people lost their collective minds. I have a beloved aunt, who has canceled us. Our last interaction is an effort in conversation to discover what/why she was so against him.

And her answer? With her face screwed to such vicious demeanor, she said, "he tweets!!!!". Forgive us, but we laughed, and asked, which tweet? She had never seen nor could refer to a single tweet or comment Trump made. It was shocking to see one of the most decent, down to earth, sensible people I know act in such a manner. And nothing has changed.

Facts are denied. They are irrelevant. They just hate him. Total refusal to acknowledge what's happened in our country is irrelevant. There's no other answer but TDS.

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Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

How is this not the topic of conversation, like EVER.

"The fact that an-unnamed-somebody-can-say-that-an-important-somebody-else-said-something-explosive and it is treated as fact should tell you everything you need to know about media integrity and reliability."

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Do we want to neuter men? I don’t. Ee don’t need a gentle ben fighting the current evil who keeps trying to subjugate humanity if the most egregious ways. Including maiming and even killing with their strategies. I will take him all day long.

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Sorry for the typos. My phone keyboard sucks.

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Most smartphones' keyboards lack keys.

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Thank you, Sunshine!

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Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Such a great, succinct piece. I will be passing on so it can be passed on by others to their lib friends bc I don’t think I have anymore. They think I am crazy….

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Sep 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I have never had lib friends. I am content with that. Especially now. There is no polite discourse between political beliefs. It is almost like that is all there is in LIFE. Nope. I am WAY more than who I vote for. I talked to a friend yesterday in NoCal and she was at Walgreens in line with 6 people to pick up a prescription. They were all masked and she asked the general question "Wow, busy here today. What am I missing!?" and they all answered her with "We are here for the latest covid shot!" She told them they were nuts, gave an example of her son's 43 y/o friend dying in his sleep a few hours after getting the shot despite passing his firefighting physical the week before with flying colors. And as she was talking she could see them literally moving away from her because she told them she was shot-free. Then as she left she told them to enjoy their clot shot. They have managed to divide us in all ways.

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10

Horrifying story about the 43 y.o.’s death but equally appalling that in 2024 masked people were moving away from the un-injected leper to get another useless and potentially very dangerous shot. Did they learn nothing? They cannot wait to get another shot! Many mentally ill, brainwashed people here in Boston too, to still see 20-something college students wearing masks outside on gorgeous late summer days is just sad.

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Yes, when she told me that I was incredulous. Like she was one with the cooties. I am over this. So over this, but I have to press on.

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