Ivermectin to treat covid and maybe you become infertile.
Go to hospital with covid and be treated with the kill drug Remdesivir which will cause your kidneys to shut down, your lungs will fill with fluid, you will be put in a coma, and hooked up to a ventilator and the hospital with get $$$ when you die.
I've given IVM to my daughters, who hope to become mothers one day, so if true this would be REALLY GOOD INFORMATION TO HAVE. Hoping Drs. Lawrie and Yeadon get to have their chat and the facts come out. She's clearly done a solid job of presenting HER side...
I HIGHLY doubt it actually makes any animal or human infertile. I DEFINITELY am certain that Pharma will find any way to get rid of such a competition drug completely and will scare the world with infertility to do it.
I’m sorry, I don’t care how special or amazing Dr Yeadon was at the start of Covid right up to three weeks ago, but I believe he is in a pickle in some way that we can’t see (financial, found to have lied or committed fraud about something in his past, something he did that he’s ashamed of now and they can expose, pick your imaginative poison…) and so they found a way to get to him. There’s too many things that disprove this nonsense, animals alone reproducing easily.
Sorry for my bluntness, but this is beyond fishy. It’s pure bullsheet.
"I believe he is in a pickle in some way that we can’t see"
That's the first thought to have crossed my mind as well. I mean, wouldn't falling birthrates in Asia have been noticed? Or on farms? It's been, what, 40 years and counting?
According to the website Statista, the continent of Africa had the second largest population in mid-2022, at 1.42B people.
If you can believe anything the WHO relays, their own website states that from January 2020 - April 28, 2024 the African Continent suffered a *cumulative* death toll from COVID-19 of 175,508 people.
So, yes, Ivermectin for the win and unfortunately, Dr. Yeadon has in some way been compromised.
You have to wonder if he wasn't playing a role all along only to be told by HQ to push the Ivermectin infertility psyop. My ears perk up when I see Yeadon and other "health freedom" figures pushing the same message at the same time. You have Tim Truth, Yeadon, and others all magically pushing the same narrative at the same exact time. And, then a bunch of bot accounts on Twitter all pushing that message. That indicates coordination, implicating Yeadon as possibly being part of that machine.
Same here. If you watch the interview video with Delingpole closely, pay attention to Yeadon's countenance and bearing just before he introduces the whopper fake story about Ivermectin infertility and the cloak and dagger dossier nonsense. He appears sheepish, as if he doesn't have much confidence in what he's about to say. Either that, or its his effort to try to drum up a tortured look, as though he's really conflicted and having to force himself to say what he's about to say. In either case, Tess Lawrie just released a report showing countries in Africa which used Ivermectin had better fertility numbers than those that did not. And, a "dossier?" What a pile of a crap.
I agree with you 100% Juju and I immediately thought he’s been threatened, extorted, blackmailed by the PTB. The potential for ivermectin beyond the treatment of respiratory infections is unlimited. I take it regularly as part of a regimen to keep my early stage prostate cancer from getting worse or spreading. Since I am 72 I will probably die from something else but I relish the idea that I am contributing to the advancement of better treatment for cancer which has claimed my son, both parents, a grandfather and 3 of his brothers. Mike Yeadon is not trustworthy at this time.
The clue is when claims are made and no evidence is presented. We are supposed to take Yeadon at his word that now what he and others have said previously is now wrong? Ivermectin has a long history of doing much good, to the detriment of Big Pharma. Since its nobel prize decades ago, if the fertility issue was a thing, we would have heard about this long ago. In the blame game of blame others for what you are guilty of, this sounds exactly like baseless claims against a product that is a threat to people running their own psyops. While I appreciate Yeadon's voice on things, his links to Pharma may be a part of this.
Until I see indisputable evidence that this is an issue, I am calling it another propaganda wave.
We need to also realize that a fertility toxin is not a problem for most of the population. I am way beyond my years of needing to be fertile. The Covid virus ignored people in the fertile years and the vaccine they provided likely caused fertility issues among other side effects like dying (myocarditis, blood clots, etc).
So true about not being a real problem because ivermectin is rarely needed for those of reproductive age and those who need it are past their fertile years anyway. Basically a totally made up fear inducing and confusion spreading accusation about what may turn out to be better than a Nobel prize worthy medication.
Imagine if ivermectin works against birdflu and monkeypox as well as covid and cancer. In that case it is worth blowing the cover of a LOT of sleeper (chaos) agents to convince the sheep that they should not listen to those that promote it.
I believe they are going to try and use it to label people who are ivermectin sympathizers the same way they label nazi sympathizers as the stakes are so high.
That's a very valid point, age I mean. Since the claim at the time of the plandemic was that the risk group was mostly older people, it makes sense for the treatment to be geared for them too.
There wasn't a pandemic. This is absolutely fundamental to understanding the ongoing fraud that is being perpetrated on the public. There is no evidence to support the pandemic narrative. Therefore any discussion around 'cures' or 'treatments' for covid/birdflu/monkeypox is completely irrelevant and is deliberate distraction.
It is true that during the alleged pandemic people died (but deaths were within statistical norms) from lack of treatment for other illnesses and from the deliberate withdrawal of effective treatments. For instance, many vulnerable and elderly people died from pneumonia, which was deliberately misdiagnosed as 'covid' (there were financial incentives to do this). Some of these deaths were avoidable, as antibiotics were deliberately withdrawn for the treatment of 'covid' which was often pneumonia or colds/flu with secondary bacterial infection. The deliberate withdrawal of antibiotics and other treatments was not a 'mistake' and was, together with the use of Midazalam etc, a deliberate euthanisia of the elderly and vulnerable. There is abundant evidence to support that there was a deliberate culling of the elderly and vulnerable. Given all the above, the 'vaccines' are a complete fraud, have nothing to do with health and can only have been aggressively pushed for sinister reasons, eg: to destroy health both mental and physical and to attack fertility plus a culling of the elderly and vulnerable.
Thank you for being skeptical about this Jenna! I actually reached out to dr. Tess Lawrie when I saw yeadons posts. Guess I wasn’t the only one who did 😂She has been on it, posting proof he is wrong, for the past 3 days, with the help of friends, as she put it today. Check out her substack if you haven’t already. Have a great day!
Thank you for taking this on. Love your reasoned argument in favour of Ivermectin and our justifiably hero doctors. I read that post from Dr. Yeadon with dismay. He was an early credible voice with everything to lose and nothing to gain (one of my criteria for whether to trust what I'm hearing) and I looked forward to his opinion as we were navigating through the daily fog of misinformation. But sadly, his posts have become increasingly erratic. I think when we are fighting an enemy we can't see, who are using weapons we can only imagine, and who appear to be everywhere around us, we can get at the best battle weary. It's easy to tip into paranoia. That was my first impression. And for that I feel sorry for him. But he is causing damage, and weakening the cause with these foolish attacks against something I thought we could all agree was a safe drug - Ivermectin - and more seriously, against doctors who have risked and in some cases sacrificed their careers to try to save those around them. The vast majority of people who follow you and the good doctors rolled their eyes along with you.
I think that’s what upsets me the most. Why would he have to throw such good doctors under the bus. If this was truly altruistic, you could get the same message out just the same without ever mentioning any of the doctors. And if an interviewer directly asked you all you have to say is that you won’t speak for them but you know they are good people with hearts of gold and leave it at that.
But he literally threw them under the bus. Good, wonderful, sacrificial people who have lost almost everything to defend all of us.
Exactly! If this were his legitimate, grave concern, wouldn't he reach out DIRECTLY TO THE "AMERICAN DOCTORS" (and everyone else he could find who was advocating for IVM) and share the info--and not drop the bomb casually during an interview on a paywalled podcast? As I said, FISHY. I like to try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but until/unless he can explain the thinking behind his approach, it's not going to be possible.
I saw this Dr. Yeadon stuff & am really bewildered, as he was one of my heroes very early on in the scamdemic so this about-face seems so out of character. It DOES smell fishy but on the other hand, this leaves one with a depressing sense of living in an alternative universe & sows such confusion, not to mention the ongoing & disorienting sense of not knowing who to trust.
Bingo. That part feels intentional--but saying that is doing precisely what Yeadon is doing (accusing every other "truth teller" of being in on the fix). The only thing I can think to do is call it out and beg/pray for the facts to come out.
I just wonder what his motivation is, to frighten people in this way (I’m not scared, BTW & I maintain my Iver stash, but at least some people will be). In the past, as you mentioned, he seemed so earnest & sincere in his concern for humanity. And yet even then, he was a bit on the fringe, compared to others in the medical freedom movement. Has he, too, been corrupted? It’s a head scratcher….
Well, it's hard to say but the most obvious guess is that he is being blackmailed into it, as discussed above, or that he has become "battle-weary", as Lynn put it earlier, and maybe sort of got lost? Who knows.
Let's step back and think about this. No virus, no need for a cure. The problem is all the evidence. And the volume of the evidence is astounding. Including (as many forget) the successful Presidential cocktail designed by Dr Zelenko. Anyone who needs more evidence is simply blind and this is not the time or place to expound on it.
What's fascinating is how this plays out. All the distractions! It's brilliant. Send out a messenger alerting folks under a early warning, solidify your base and then, once there is a big enough following, make the switch. Make people feel special, they are like insiders early on...then make the switch. Deception. War. Seduction. Call it whatever you want. But you can count on one thing: it works like a dangling charm. People love to be special. How do you think Satan got Eve to eat that fruit, he deceived her and she enjoyed it.
It is just another battle in ongoing global war between the global elites and the rest of us. It has as one of its goals the objective of creating further cognitive dissonance. And as so many of us resistors have already said its timing is to create confusion as the fearmongering and other media propaganda build up around monkeypox, bird flu, measles, dengue fever and any other disease that they can use to have more public health mandates, lockdowns and control. Most of us who follow you and the medical heroes can smell Yeadon’s Fauci flip-flop 🐂💩 from a continent away. Just another day of lies and gaslighting. Truly sad for all of us.
I stopped following M.Y. a long time ago. He was just, well, squirrelly.
Another issue is Ivermectin side effects. I brought them up in a comment on another Substack, and was blasted and told to run along. The author said Ivermectin has none, and the site I recommended was all Pharma. So I asked where did he go to get the information of adverse events for drugs? Silence.
Good ’stack today!
It bothers me when people go pure black or pure white in a subject.
He is squirrelly, isn’t he? He doesn’t come over well, anyway, although I suppose he can’t help his manner and looks. I had read here on substack that he had made these claims about Ivermectin, and then by coincidence heard his remarks about Ivermectin yesterday when he was being interviewed at an event hosted by James Delingpole. Of course James Delingpole said at once he would throw away his store of IVM….honestly, it’s hard to know who to trust anymore, although I think this idea about IVM being dangerous is likely wrong. At the very least I would have expected Yeardon to have said that he needed to do more research himself about these claims…
Everyone can be led astray, no one is exempt. IVM may be useless for the next one they have planned and of course the counterfeiters are in full blown delight.
I have no idea who Dr. Mike Yeadon is and frankly, I don't give a damn. One thing has become crystal clear to me thanks to the so-called authorities' murderous, lying, oath-violating response to COVID. Be your OWN authority! I don't care how much alphabet soup a person has after her name or how many papers this guy has published. I decide whether or not to take or believe someone's recommendations. Physicians and researchers may have certain subject matter expertise, but no one knows my body like me, since I have been living in it for more than half a dozen decades. I listen to different points of view but I decide. Me. No one else has authority over me, not even the Creator I love so dearly. God gave me free will and hang it, I intend to use it. Now and forever. Fuck off, big pharma.
This is the epitome of a mind fuck, ugh! I've been following both Lawrie and Yeadon for years now, trusting and agreeing with most of everything they've had to say, but now I'm a bit lost in the madness. I haven't had the time to dive deep in this specific rabbit hole yet, so a conversation between Lawrie and Yeadon would be absolutely amazing to see.
Also she has a great point in the video about the 'manufactured pandemic' or 'casedemic' by PCR as it was known for quite a while in the health freedom discussions!
I bought a shit ton (that's a lot :) of Ivermectin from a quality company in India, for the peeps on my email list and even though I have the immune system of a tank, have been taking 12mg Wed/Sat for a LONG time now (for cancer prevention). I saw Mike Y's "disclosure" and yawned wide and long while taking my next scheduled dose. Thanks SO much Jenna for saving my valuable time going down this rabbit hole! I am very open to changing my mind, when presented with new evidence, but I run predominantly on my highly tuned gut instinct and Mike's story created no "disturbance in the field." Besides, I'm 76 and jumped onto the vasectomy table right after my second kid came out with all her fingers and toes! So, as long as my testosterone stays in an acceptable range, I don't give AF about my fertility ;->
Excuse me for seemingly endorsing vasectomies, but I can't exactly, as my wise old self, go back and give my 24 year old dumb ass self (with massive fears of too much responsibilities) your sage advice :(
One noteworthy point: The interviewer of Yeadon mentions a quote by Albert Pike, something about when a hero is needed, one will be provided. But anyone that quotes Albert Pike, a 33 degree Free Mason that penned their manual of operations "Morals and Dogma" and was a known Luciferian, I have to question. Why does Mr. Yeadon choose this person's platform to make this announcement? What sort of person memorizes and quotes Albert Pike or Aleister Crowley or Charles Manson? Just thought it was worth mentioning.
Someone who is equally brainwashed as Yeadon. I followed James Delingpole from the beginning thinking his guests were great, but then he started to go down every rabbit hole and believe everything he found. As far as I’m concerned he lost the plot a few years ago, but I don’t think he’s being ‘handled’ by anyone ( like I think Mike is) and so I have a fondness for him as I think his heart is in the right place and I’m forever grateful for him speaking out so early on. I think the last few years have been a fascinating study in how the human mind works and what makes people believe what they do.
I think veterinarians would have noticed this issue, especially since animal breeding is how many ranchers, and farmers make a living, not to mention dog breeders.
What makes me the most skeptical about Yeadon's announcement is his failure to produce any credible evidence to back up his ivermectin claims. One outlandishly rigged study ("let's give rats enough IVM to poison them, and then say that it poisons them"), and another that yielded low sperm counts (which does not equal infertility, btw). Makes me wonder how much Yeadon was paid.
Interesting. I have no experience with human usage of Ivermectin but I do have experience with it's use in my livestock.( sheep, goats, cattle) If it was so toxic to fertility it would be real apparent to livestock producers as reproduction is the main reason to raise these critters.
What immediately popped into my mind is that Dr Yeadon has been MK Ultra- ed.
He has always struck me has being an extremely fearful and nervous man, on the verge of hysteria with his fear and anger. Fearing for his life in the beginning, claiming that he was being targeted. Moving himself and family, and fleeing to an undisclosed location. Broadcasting from his hideaway. And I totally understood that. Of course he would! However, this level of fear makes him quite susceptible to mind control which can explain this bizarre turn around. Just a thought.
It's almost like George Constanza is in charge in a worldwide reality psychodrama written by Lewis Carrol. I can't imagine being out front and having to deal with mis-,dis-,mal-information generated by the most sophisticated espionage consortium ever
assembled with unlimited budgets and no scruples. It's so hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys when "follow the money" raises questions like, "which money?" So...how does one determine if a good guy was actually a bad guy or has simply been duped, bought, blackmailed, etc? It would be nice to get through this and see all of the loose ends neatly tied up.
Another great read Jenna. Thanks for the update. I got Tess's substack this morning and the evidence couldn't be clearer. As Pierre said during the first Senate hearing, ivermectin is a "miracle".
Let's see the choices we have:
Ivermectin to treat covid and maybe you become infertile.
Go to hospital with covid and be treated with the kill drug Remdesivir which will cause your kidneys to shut down, your lungs will fill with fluid, you will be put in a coma, and hooked up to a ventilator and the hospital with get $$$ when you die.
Looks like...Ivermectin for the win!
I've given IVM to my daughters, who hope to become mothers one day, so if true this would be REALLY GOOD INFORMATION TO HAVE. Hoping Drs. Lawrie and Yeadon get to have their chat and the facts come out. She's clearly done a solid job of presenting HER side...
I've met several women* since 2020 who have taken ivermectin, gotten pregnant and delivered healthy babies. Good luck to your girls!
*I am not a biologist, but they were definitely women: they gave birth to human babies.
I HIGHLY doubt it actually makes any animal or human infertile. I DEFINITELY am certain that Pharma will find any way to get rid of such a competition drug completely and will scare the world with infertility to do it.
I’m sorry, I don’t care how special or amazing Dr Yeadon was at the start of Covid right up to three weeks ago, but I believe he is in a pickle in some way that we can’t see (financial, found to have lied or committed fraud about something in his past, something he did that he’s ashamed of now and they can expose, pick your imaginative poison…) and so they found a way to get to him. There’s too many things that disprove this nonsense, animals alone reproducing easily.
Sorry for my bluntness, but this is beyond fishy. It’s pure bullsheet.
Juju, I don't disagree. ;)
I like blunt. I have no patience for people who skirt around the truth.
Keep being blunt.
Plain speaking is the best.
"I believe he is in a pickle in some way that we can’t see"
That's the first thought to have crossed my mind as well. I mean, wouldn't falling birthrates in Asia have been noticed? Or on farms? It's been, what, 40 years and counting?
It’s kind of the only theory that makes sense…
According to the website Statista, the continent of Africa had the second largest population in mid-2022, at 1.42B people.
If you can believe anything the WHO relays, their own website states that from January 2020 - April 28, 2024 the African Continent suffered a *cumulative* death toll from COVID-19 of 175,508 people.
So, yes, Ivermectin for the win and unfortunately, Dr. Yeadon has in some way been compromised.
Sure does seem like it.
You have to wonder if he wasn't playing a role all along only to be told by HQ to push the Ivermectin infertility psyop. My ears perk up when I see Yeadon and other "health freedom" figures pushing the same message at the same time. You have Tim Truth, Yeadon, and others all magically pushing the same narrative at the same exact time. And, then a bunch of bot accounts on Twitter all pushing that message. That indicates coordination, implicating Yeadon as possibly being part of that machine.
Indeed. No matter how you look at it, it's suspicious. Who knows the impetus, but sadly he lost my trust completely. :(
Same here. If you watch the interview video with Delingpole closely, pay attention to Yeadon's countenance and bearing just before he introduces the whopper fake story about Ivermectin infertility and the cloak and dagger dossier nonsense. He appears sheepish, as if he doesn't have much confidence in what he's about to say. Either that, or its his effort to try to drum up a tortured look, as though he's really conflicted and having to force himself to say what he's about to say. In either case, Tess Lawrie just released a report showing countries in Africa which used Ivermectin had better fertility numbers than those that did not. And, a "dossier?" What a pile of a crap.
I agree with you 100% Juju and I immediately thought he’s been threatened, extorted, blackmailed by the PTB. The potential for ivermectin beyond the treatment of respiratory infections is unlimited. I take it regularly as part of a regimen to keep my early stage prostate cancer from getting worse or spreading. Since I am 72 I will probably die from something else but I relish the idea that I am contributing to the advancement of better treatment for cancer which has claimed my son, both parents, a grandfather and 3 of his brothers. Mike Yeadon is not trustworthy at this time.
The clue is when claims are made and no evidence is presented. We are supposed to take Yeadon at his word that now what he and others have said previously is now wrong? Ivermectin has a long history of doing much good, to the detriment of Big Pharma. Since its nobel prize decades ago, if the fertility issue was a thing, we would have heard about this long ago. In the blame game of blame others for what you are guilty of, this sounds exactly like baseless claims against a product that is a threat to people running their own psyops. While I appreciate Yeadon's voice on things, his links to Pharma may be a part of this.
Until I see indisputable evidence that this is an issue, I am calling it another propaganda wave.
We need to also realize that a fertility toxin is not a problem for most of the population. I am way beyond my years of needing to be fertile. The Covid virus ignored people in the fertile years and the vaccine they provided likely caused fertility issues among other side effects like dying (myocarditis, blood clots, etc).
So true about not being a real problem because ivermectin is rarely needed for those of reproductive age and those who need it are past their fertile years anyway. Basically a totally made up fear inducing and confusion spreading accusation about what may turn out to be better than a Nobel prize worthy medication.
Imagine if ivermectin works against birdflu and monkeypox as well as covid and cancer. In that case it is worth blowing the cover of a LOT of sleeper (chaos) agents to convince the sheep that they should not listen to those that promote it.
I believe they are going to try and use it to label people who are ivermectin sympathizers the same way they label nazi sympathizers as the stakes are so high.
Great comments here, both of these. Well articulated. Thank you
That's a very valid point, age I mean. Since the claim at the time of the plandemic was that the risk group was mostly older people, it makes sense for the treatment to be geared for them too.
There wasn't a pandemic. This is absolutely fundamental to understanding the ongoing fraud that is being perpetrated on the public. There is no evidence to support the pandemic narrative. Therefore any discussion around 'cures' or 'treatments' for covid/birdflu/monkeypox is completely irrelevant and is deliberate distraction.
It is true that during the alleged pandemic people died (but deaths were within statistical norms) from lack of treatment for other illnesses and from the deliberate withdrawal of effective treatments. For instance, many vulnerable and elderly people died from pneumonia, which was deliberately misdiagnosed as 'covid' (there were financial incentives to do this). Some of these deaths were avoidable, as antibiotics were deliberately withdrawn for the treatment of 'covid' which was often pneumonia or colds/flu with secondary bacterial infection. The deliberate withdrawal of antibiotics and other treatments was not a 'mistake' and was, together with the use of Midazalam etc, a deliberate euthanisia of the elderly and vulnerable. There is abundant evidence to support that there was a deliberate culling of the elderly and vulnerable. Given all the above, the 'vaccines' are a complete fraud, have nothing to do with health and can only have been aggressively pushed for sinister reasons, eg: to destroy health both mental and physical and to attack fertility plus a culling of the elderly and vulnerable.
Yes, that looks about right.
It was a plandemic that covered a multitude of sins, for sure, and it definitely was a great series of opportunities for the unscrupulous.
Thank you for being skeptical about this Jenna! I actually reached out to dr. Tess Lawrie when I saw yeadons posts. Guess I wasn’t the only one who did 😂She has been on it, posting proof he is wrong, for the past 3 days, with the help of friends, as she put it today. Check out her substack if you haven’t already. Have a great day!
Oh, I linked it here! I, too, am glad she's addressing it. :)
Thank you for taking this on. Love your reasoned argument in favour of Ivermectin and our justifiably hero doctors. I read that post from Dr. Yeadon with dismay. He was an early credible voice with everything to lose and nothing to gain (one of my criteria for whether to trust what I'm hearing) and I looked forward to his opinion as we were navigating through the daily fog of misinformation. But sadly, his posts have become increasingly erratic. I think when we are fighting an enemy we can't see, who are using weapons we can only imagine, and who appear to be everywhere around us, we can get at the best battle weary. It's easy to tip into paranoia. That was my first impression. And for that I feel sorry for him. But he is causing damage, and weakening the cause with these foolish attacks against something I thought we could all agree was a safe drug - Ivermectin - and more seriously, against doctors who have risked and in some cases sacrificed their careers to try to save those around them. The vast majority of people who follow you and the good doctors rolled their eyes along with you.
This is SO WELL SAID. And I have always used the same barometer (everything to lose and nothing to gain). Thanks for the thoughtful note. :)
I think that’s what upsets me the most. Why would he have to throw such good doctors under the bus. If this was truly altruistic, you could get the same message out just the same without ever mentioning any of the doctors. And if an interviewer directly asked you all you have to say is that you won’t speak for them but you know they are good people with hearts of gold and leave it at that.
But he literally threw them under the bus. Good, wonderful, sacrificial people who have lost almost everything to defend all of us.
Exactly! If this were his legitimate, grave concern, wouldn't he reach out DIRECTLY TO THE "AMERICAN DOCTORS" (and everyone else he could find who was advocating for IVM) and share the info--and not drop the bomb casually during an interview on a paywalled podcast? As I said, FISHY. I like to try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but until/unless he can explain the thinking behind his approach, it's not going to be possible.
Deception is a tactic of our Enemy. In war, one must conquer through division....a little at a time.
I saw this Dr. Yeadon stuff & am really bewildered, as he was one of my heroes very early on in the scamdemic so this about-face seems so out of character. It DOES smell fishy but on the other hand, this leaves one with a depressing sense of living in an alternative universe & sows such confusion, not to mention the ongoing & disorienting sense of not knowing who to trust.
Bingo. That part feels intentional--but saying that is doing precisely what Yeadon is doing (accusing every other "truth teller" of being in on the fix). The only thing I can think to do is call it out and beg/pray for the facts to come out.
I just wonder what his motivation is, to frighten people in this way (I’m not scared, BTW & I maintain my Iver stash, but at least some people will be). In the past, as you mentioned, he seemed so earnest & sincere in his concern for humanity. And yet even then, he was a bit on the fringe, compared to others in the medical freedom movement. Has he, too, been corrupted? It’s a head scratcher….
Well, it's hard to say but the most obvious guess is that he is being blackmailed into it, as discussed above, or that he has become "battle-weary", as Lynn put it earlier, and maybe sort of got lost? Who knows.
And follow the money! Maybe Yeadon had a conscience of wallet proportions!
Let's step back and think about this. No virus, no need for a cure. The problem is all the evidence. And the volume of the evidence is astounding. Including (as many forget) the successful Presidential cocktail designed by Dr Zelenko. Anyone who needs more evidence is simply blind and this is not the time or place to expound on it.
What's fascinating is how this plays out. All the distractions! It's brilliant. Send out a messenger alerting folks under a early warning, solidify your base and then, once there is a big enough following, make the switch. Make people feel special, they are like insiders early on...then make the switch. Deception. War. Seduction. Call it whatever you want. But you can count on one thing: it works like a dangling charm. People love to be special. How do you think Satan got Eve to eat that fruit, he deceived her and she enjoyed it.
Jana, when do you go to Japan?
It is just another battle in ongoing global war between the global elites and the rest of us. It has as one of its goals the objective of creating further cognitive dissonance. And as so many of us resistors have already said its timing is to create confusion as the fearmongering and other media propaganda build up around monkeypox, bird flu, measles, dengue fever and any other disease that they can use to have more public health mandates, lockdowns and control. Most of us who follow you and the medical heroes can smell Yeadon’s Fauci flip-flop 🐂💩 from a continent away. Just another day of lies and gaslighting. Truly sad for all of us.
I stopped following M.Y. a long time ago. He was just, well, squirrelly.
Another issue is Ivermectin side effects. I brought them up in a comment on another Substack, and was blasted and told to run along. The author said Ivermectin has none, and the site I recommended was all Pharma. So I asked where did he go to get the information of adverse events for drugs? Silence.
Good ’stack today!
It bothers me when people go pure black or pure white in a subject.
He is squirrelly, isn’t he? He doesn’t come over well, anyway, although I suppose he can’t help his manner and looks. I had read here on substack that he had made these claims about Ivermectin, and then by coincidence heard his remarks about Ivermectin yesterday when he was being interviewed at an event hosted by James Delingpole. Of course James Delingpole said at once he would throw away his store of IVM….honestly, it’s hard to know who to trust anymore, although I think this idea about IVM being dangerous is likely wrong. At the very least I would have expected Yeardon to have said that he needed to do more research himself about these claims…
Everyone can be led astray, no one is exempt. IVM may be useless for the next one they have planned and of course the counterfeiters are in full blown delight.
Stay cautious.
I have no idea who Dr. Mike Yeadon is and frankly, I don't give a damn. One thing has become crystal clear to me thanks to the so-called authorities' murderous, lying, oath-violating response to COVID. Be your OWN authority! I don't care how much alphabet soup a person has after her name or how many papers this guy has published. I decide whether or not to take or believe someone's recommendations. Physicians and researchers may have certain subject matter expertise, but no one knows my body like me, since I have been living in it for more than half a dozen decades. I listen to different points of view but I decide. Me. No one else has authority over me, not even the Creator I love so dearly. God gave me free will and hang it, I intend to use it. Now and forever. Fuck off, big pharma.
Dr. Mike Yeadon used to be a vice-president of science at Pfizer, if I remember correctly.
I suspect that he would be considered a superior authority to someone who doesn't give a damn.
You GO girl!
This is the epitome of a mind fuck, ugh! I've been following both Lawrie and Yeadon for years now, trusting and agreeing with most of everything they've had to say, but now I'm a bit lost in the madness. I haven't had the time to dive deep in this specific rabbit hole yet, so a conversation between Lawrie and Yeadon would be absolutely amazing to see.
Dr. Sam Bailey is another individual that I've been following for a while and here is her perspective: https://drsambailey.com/resources/videos/covid-19/the-ivermectin-games/
Thanks for shedding light on this one, Jenna. I'm looking forward to seeing this one play out.
I've a packed day but flagged this one to watch as soon as I can, thanks Vee! :)
Also she has a great point in the video about the 'manufactured pandemic' or 'casedemic' by PCR as it was known for quite a while in the health freedom discussions!
Thanks for sharing Dr Sam's video 👍
I bought a shit ton (that's a lot :) of Ivermectin from a quality company in India, for the peeps on my email list and even though I have the immune system of a tank, have been taking 12mg Wed/Sat for a LONG time now (for cancer prevention). I saw Mike Y's "disclosure" and yawned wide and long while taking my next scheduled dose. Thanks SO much Jenna for saving my valuable time going down this rabbit hole! I am very open to changing my mind, when presented with new evidence, but I run predominantly on my highly tuned gut instinct and Mike's story created no "disturbance in the field." Besides, I'm 76 and jumped onto the vasectomy table right after my second kid came out with all her fingers and toes! So, as long as my testosterone stays in an acceptable range, I don't give AF about my fertility ;->
“I saw Mike Y's "disclosure" and yawned wide and long while taking my next scheduled dose.“
Good instincts. Lol
Unfortunately vasectomies are not entirely safe. There are long term issues that no one highlights or discusses. God bless
Excuse me for seemingly endorsing vasectomies, but I can't exactly, as my wise old self, go back and give my 24 year old dumb ass self (with massive fears of too much responsibilities) your sage advice :(
agreed. Sorry. We all have those regrets from the past. Its such a hard and strange life.
One noteworthy point: The interviewer of Yeadon mentions a quote by Albert Pike, something about when a hero is needed, one will be provided. But anyone that quotes Albert Pike, a 33 degree Free Mason that penned their manual of operations "Morals and Dogma" and was a known Luciferian, I have to question. Why does Mr. Yeadon choose this person's platform to make this announcement? What sort of person memorizes and quotes Albert Pike or Aleister Crowley or Charles Manson? Just thought it was worth mentioning.
Good thoughts! Very dodgy….
Someone who is equally brainwashed as Yeadon. I followed James Delingpole from the beginning thinking his guests were great, but then he started to go down every rabbit hole and believe everything he found. As far as I’m concerned he lost the plot a few years ago, but I don’t think he’s being ‘handled’ by anyone ( like I think Mike is) and so I have a fondness for him as I think his heart is in the right place and I’m forever grateful for him speaking out so early on. I think the last few years have been a fascinating study in how the human mind works and what makes people believe what they do.
I think veterinarians would have noticed this issue, especially since animal breeding is how many ranchers, and farmers make a living, not to mention dog breeders.
What makes me the most skeptical about Yeadon's announcement is his failure to produce any credible evidence to back up his ivermectin claims. One outlandishly rigged study ("let's give rats enough IVM to poison them, and then say that it poisons them"), and another that yielded low sperm counts (which does not equal infertility, btw). Makes me wonder how much Yeadon was paid.
PS Another great post, Jenna! Thank you as always!
Interesting. I have no experience with human usage of Ivermectin but I do have experience with it's use in my livestock.( sheep, goats, cattle) If it was so toxic to fertility it would be real apparent to livestock producers as reproduction is the main reason to raise these critters.
It's a damn solid argument!
Great insight Jenna, as always.
What immediately popped into my mind is that Dr Yeadon has been MK Ultra- ed.
He has always struck me has being an extremely fearful and nervous man, on the verge of hysteria with his fear and anger. Fearing for his life in the beginning, claiming that he was being targeted. Moving himself and family, and fleeing to an undisclosed location. Broadcasting from his hideaway. And I totally understood that. Of course he would! However, this level of fear makes him quite susceptible to mind control which can explain this bizarre turn around. Just a thought.
It's almost like George Constanza is in charge in a worldwide reality psychodrama written by Lewis Carrol. I can't imagine being out front and having to deal with mis-,dis-,mal-information generated by the most sophisticated espionage consortium ever
assembled with unlimited budgets and no scruples. It's so hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys when "follow the money" raises questions like, "which money?" So...how does one determine if a good guy was actually a bad guy or has simply been duped, bought, blackmailed, etc? It would be nice to get through this and see all of the loose ends neatly tied up.
It *does* make you want to hide under your bed for a spell, doesn't it???
Another great read Jenna. Thanks for the update. I got Tess's substack this morning and the evidence couldn't be clearer. As Pierre said during the first Senate hearing, ivermectin is a "miracle".