Jan 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Another post for Jenna to write could be about Jill Biden as the doting, loving spouse who “faithfully stands by her man”. What twisted, diabolical role does this evil bitch play? Gold digger supreme? What “wife” would allow her “husband” to embarrass himself in front of the world and be a total laughing stock? Cruel is not even a starting point! She can’t even pay someone to dress her better! Oh, the days of our Melania or even Jackie O!!!

Jenna, you killed it today! Thank you!!!😂

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Jan 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Susan T. , my thoughts exactly. Jenna, please write about Jill Biden - - the “doctor”. Totally agree about Jill being abusive and cruel to her husband. What an evil bitch!

Jenna, your writing is superb. Thank you. ❤️

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Must do. And merci even more than beaucoup! :)

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Jan 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Jenna - thank you for the link to that Ted Talk. My husband isn’t completely red pilled on all the other issues besides the shots killing people. That video might help.

He’s a good man and cannot wrap his head around all the evil. The red pill process has been excruciating for me. But my faith in God is what keeps me from total despair. Sadly, he does not yet have the comfort of that. 😢

Thank you for starting my day off with yet more education and most importantly, an audible laugh. 😘❤️❤️❤️

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Bless his sweet, trusting heart. It *is* hard to wrap your brain around the depths of depravity. And so much of it just sounds too sci-fi to be real! Here's some more amo for you (and thanks for the comment and the love!):



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Jan 19·edited Jan 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

“……, outweighs the negative, nefarious uses”. (Talking about deep fakes)

Yeah. No, I don’t think so. Don’t be naive, dickhead. I need to watch the rest. All the world’s a stage isn’t it!

I finally saw Biden’s neck! I didn’t see that the first go round.

Hubs and I have much to watch tonight! Thank you!

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Thank you for the early morning chuckle! Though sometimes it makes ya wanna cry! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤪

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I LAUGH TO KEEP FROM CRYING! 10/10 recommend ;)

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Jan 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

People vote so hard for Joe that their votes show up in huge tranches on postal service semi-trailers crossing state lines and materialize in vans at 2AM on the night AFTER the election. That's how hard "people" vote for Joe. Votes for Joe are so potent that sometimes they get scanned a half dozen times secretly in the middle of the night after the pipes don't leak. Amazing!

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Jan 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Wait delete this. I don't have 500 billion dollars if I get sued.

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Get a My Pillow, you will get the best night sleep ever.

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You mean like a former justice????

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That's funny, but no.

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Careful, if you are broke, he will dig up the evil Arkansas witch and she will come after you to force you to commit arkancide!

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Jan 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Seriously, Biden and his fellow warmongers are a shit sandwich and a threat to all of us. But, as you imply, Trump Derangement Syndrome is a real condition, and millions of otherwise intelligent human beings have been indulging in a combination of magical thinkind and the three (un)wise monkeys these last 3 or 4 years while these criminals and/or idiots have been inflicting untold damage on just about everything and everyone. What's incredible is that the Democrats seem prepared to go into the 2024 election with that cretin. Perhaps they expect Trump to be under lock and key by then.

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Jan 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

The evil is a lot to take in. Im with you Jenna….Why do i still know so many people that don’t want to know the truth. Its not the easy road thats for sure. I do believe 2024 will be the year that a massive explosion of exposure that will reveal all is sure to happen. The fight between good and evil is upon us. I know there are people that love our country and care about the future of our children. I really pray people choose wisely and pray that eyes will be opened like never before! 🙏

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Jan 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results, is insanity. Didn't someone say that?

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What like keep trying to climb upstairs and expect to keep your dignity? :)

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Hunter said he gets the same results no matter the hooker!

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As a relatively new comer to your Substack I'm a man that loves people who can turn serious issues into comedy.

Maybe I have missed something regarding your bracketed comment "queue all night to shake hands with David Attenborough".

Although he may not be in the same category as Joe Biden, he certainly ranks as one of the more evil people on the planet. One of WEF leaders who dislike humans and wants a major culling of the human population to save the world from the climate change hoax. He makes many documentaries for the BBC, mainly how wildlife is being destroyed by humans. The one thing I share with him is being very old!

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Derrick! You are on point and I stand corrected (and fixed it). NGL I'm a sucker for a British accent and articulate old guys and anything with whales, but didn't know he was a WEFfer. Thanks for setting me straight. ;)

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Jan 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I still wonder about how he became the choice of deli in the first place.

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Remember when Obama said if he could have a third term but just be in his basement in sweats talking to the fake president through an earpiece, he'd do it? #ThingsThatMakeYouGoHmmmmm

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Jan 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I just recently saw that clip. It seems to be the only thing that makes sense. Perfect puppet.

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4th term might be a Tranny attempt instead of a hair sniffer?

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Jan 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Never voted for Obummer. Never voted for Obiden. And I would never wait in line to meet Jane Goodall the climate activist and COVID-1984 pusher, ugh.

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Baby Chimpanzees

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Jan 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

wonderful writing! by the way, Jane Goodall is part of the WEF and is all in on the depopulation agenda.

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Oh *I* get it. Chimps good, people bad. (Seriously how do they get to these people? Do you think they got JANE into a compromising position?!?!?!)

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Jan 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

He is going to step down at or before the convention . He could never make it through another campaign. We need to focus on who the actual candidate will be. Most likely Michelle O.

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Just trying to write "My thought exactly." It got posted twice for some reason.

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Jan 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Campaign? He didn’t even campaign last time ... LOL

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I think it will be Newsom.

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So Mr Robinson can stick it to us all?

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I love it! Does it take a comic to tell the truth so we understand or is the truth actually kind of funny, that is, once we stop crying? I met Jenna after buying, then reading The War on Ivermectin. Next I'll probably subscribe.

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I like to think a spoonful of laughter helps the STEAMING SHIT SANDWICH go down! :) And thank you kindly. Appreciate your support! :)

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I meant for you to understad that I met you through your writing. In addition to The War on Ivermectin, which was a true eye opener to me, I have read several other books on the subject. As a retired physician, I was struck by how we were fed so much untruth, most egregiously, the idea that there was "no treatment for COVID-19, and people were told to go home and when they were close to death come beck to the hospital where we can finish you off and get an extra $50,000 for COVID." That is Vaccination, but no early treatment. Through my reading and some actual experience, I have learned about the WEF, FDA, CDC, NIH, NIAID, Fauci, the scythe, (The meaning of the name 'Fauci" in Sicilian). Hence, I really liked your put down of the WEFFers. By the way, I have always been comfortable with earthy language and use plenty of it, mostly in speech. I fear that we might be in real trouble here.

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I LOVE IT! "Did we just become best friends?"

(Since you enjoy "earthy language," here's a link in case you're unfamiliar with the quote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-ZUDtaGf3I)

Also I'd love to be able to share this comment on social media. In my mind there is little more powerful than when doctors admit they're still waking up to much of the BS! No pressure of course, but LMK. :)

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Please do. One of the big wake ups is that I have always thought that we could trust the journals. JAMA has printed parts of the ACTIV-6 study three or four times in 2023, the study showing that ivermectin does not work in COVID. Even a casual reader would wonder whether this study is a bit sketchy, but the last few pages of chapter 25 of Pierre Kory's and your book The War on Ivermectin tell why; and why the whole ACTIV-6 series will be no better than skilled propaganda. Asswipe that is,, but asswipe is at least honest and useful.

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Jan 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

That was good fun. I’m curious though, why is Kennedy not mentioned (ever) it seems in any chat regarding the leadership of your once great nation?

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I'm actually a huge RFK jr fan. Stood in 110 degree Texas heat to hear him speak and proudly wear my Team Kennedy hat around town! (NOT that I agree with him on everything--I just like a lot of what he has to say, in particular the vax stuff.) That said, it's far easier to bond with folks over common enemies than preferred candidates, so I don't necessarily put it ALL out there at all times. :)

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Jan 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Thank you for the considered response. He appears ( all the way from New Zealand) to be the only honest broker in town driven by morals and other historical oddities

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“Morals and other historical oddities” for the win! 🏆

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Last minute change ?

John Kerry

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Jan 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Money is on the snake from California

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Jan 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

That's what I'm expecting, too. It's not going to be a fun ride, Newsom is noisome.

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That’s our wonderful Governor Nuisance. He’s scary though.

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Amen! I think he's scarier than Kamala, and she's terrifying.

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And gruesome.

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Love your humorous and informative writing. Just starting “The War on Ivermectin”. I’ve followed Dr. Kory for some time as well as many others. Hard to keep up with all my favorite writers. The way you express yourself will make the book entertaining as well as informative. Btw, never voted for Obama or Biden. Neither one had any business being in the WH.

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Nor did I and I agree 1000000%! And thanks for the kind words. :)

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