OH. MY. GORSH! This was one of your BEST articles yet. 🤣 I’m loving it. Laughing so hard.
I just so happened to go through all that vacation angst back in 1993 when we were planning our honeymoon, and I CHOSE TAHITI! And I kid you not, my Greek father-in-law says, “why would you go there? Aren’t they in turmoil?” He thought we meant Haiti. 🤣🤣🤣 Guess it’s been struggling a lonnnnng time. Cuz I iz old.
And I never laughed so hard watching the difference between trying to be scary and actually being scary. Bah hah hah
I wholeheartedly agree with you about voting. (Hi Vee! 😉😂 sorrrry, and I still love you too. You’ve made me think harder many times - and it led to me wanting to vote harder.) I’m not voting for someone to govern me, I’m voting for someone to limit that governance and protect my freedom to argue with all of you.
Truly outdid yourself today Jenna. I’m so glad I came here first. I NEED this smile this morning. ❤️❤️❤️
Amen Juju! I am not voting for a candidate to be my husband, I am voting for him to keep peace in this country, to stop using the federal government as a weapon to sue the states for purging their voter rolls of non-citizens...and pretty much because 'they' want to kill him. Those that hate him so much is a laundry list of felons, war mongers and monsters who don't want to get caught doing their evil deeds. When the IRS union (seriously?) endorses Commie-La, when the porn industry endorses Commie-La...I am out. You know a person by the company they keep. I love that FL filed a lawsuit against the Feds first this time, but really, it all comes down to self-government. Either you know right from wrong or good from evil intrinsically or you don't.
I actually voted already. And yes, I voted for my favorite felon. And yes, I have the biggest trump/vance flag I could find that is waving majestically from my house for all my neighbors to see. And yes, I have had complete strangers walk and drive past with thumbs up and compliments on my flag choice. Next on my list is having a hard but needed conversation with my 2 indoctrinated sons.
Old gentleman (yikes. I’m an old lady) met us on about the 200th step up to a natural lookout over a river, yesterday. He was wearing a MAGA hat. I smiled at him, pointed to the hat and gave a big 👍🏻. He returned the gesture. Praying we’ve got this.
I have never cared for Trumps personality but he's from NY and after having NY neighbors for years I figured they were all like that. I like WHAT he says and does, I just ain't crazy about the way he SAYS it. So what? It matters not a whit as long as he gets the job done and last time around he got the job done. There is no doubt in my mind that he will get the job done again. The left has made a ginormous issue out of his bombasticness. Big whoop. These are the same people who couldn't buy a clue if you gave them $20. Trump is a businessman and when you run your own business you don't let people run you over or you'll be out of business. It is clear that foreign leaders respect him because he is willing to listen, negotiate and compromise if necessary WITHOUT throwing America and her people under the bus. When Trump walks in a room, all heads turn because he has a confident, commanding presence. RFK, not so much. He's good at the health stuff because that is his passion. Trump is good at what he does because it is his passion. He has been saying the same thing about America since he was very young. I know because I have been listening to him the whole time. Trump truly loves serving the people of America. He wouldn't work for free if he didn't. He makes sacrifices for the people's benefit. Has anyone else offered or attempted to do so? Nope. Everyone else just makes empty promises but mostly just takes and takes and takes and wastes our hard-earned tax dollars. I don't know about you but I thought my head was going to explode when I read yesterday that the current corrupt administration just approved $425M to Ukraine. We have Americans in NC, WY and FL who need some serious help. If it wasn't for Samaritan's Purse and so many, many volunteers and good neighbors, including a plane load of supplies from Trump, they would be worse off than they already are. Trump had a come-to-Jesus meeting with Zelensky not too long ago. He knows that gravy train is gonna stop if Trump is elected. And rightly so. I voted for Trump. The rest is up to God.
I agree with so much of what you wrote, but you clearly have never seen Bobby walk into a room. I have seen the latter many times, and trust me, all heads turn. He, too, has a commanding presence but it is more regal, and less "forceful" (he's just not fat or as tall as Donald; and neither of those are necessary) as Trump. Forceful is not necessary. Bobby is brilliant, articulate and has massive integrity. I will be supporting him in 2028 just like I did since last year. And I will vote for the team behind Trump this year.
Oh geez. I've actually seen Bobby walk into a lot of places. I'm real old so I'm pretty familiar with all of the Kennedy's. I have never gotten that impression and regal is a stretch. Whereas, Trump walks in the room and he clearly telegraphs that he is a force to be reckoned with. It is WHY the left wants him dead. They know that is the ONLY way to stop him from doing what needs to be done for the people. Ain't nobody gunning for Junior in that respect. I'm just not big on environmentalists to begin with. He sided with AOC's Green New Deal and he's big on climate change. Those are both a big fat no for me. I just don't cotton to people who try to mess with God's plan for the weather or environment. You actually mentioned Kennedy and integrity in the same sentence? He has been married three times and has a reputation for being a lifelong philanderer. (So much for that massive integrity). He has previously said he would "under no circumstances" join Trump on a presidential ticket, that his and Trump's positions "could not be further apart", and that Trump was a "terrible human being", a "discredit to democracy", and "probably a sociopath". The philandering is probably the only thing he has in common with Trump. The fact of the matter is, he knew he could not beat Trump. He just wants a position where he has some authority and say for all of his environmental projects. I appreciate that he works against the likes of Fauci, Gates, etc. I also appreciate his knowledge and advocacy against the vaccine industry and big Pharma and I support him for that. He is 70 years old. It is doubtful he will get the opportunity to run for president in 2028. JD Vance is years younger and I believe would easily prevail for the position. People these days do not appreciate the wisdom or experience of the older generation. Sad, but true. Don't get me wrong. I like Bobby. I just don't like or support a lot of his ideas.
Trump has had infidelity, too, but Bobby has admitted his and has gone into recovery for his addictions. Trump has not. You really should think before you write (( SMH )). Bobby saw his father MURDERED before his eyes as a young boy -- that creates trauma. You're being hypocritical by even bringing up the subject of infidelity. Everyone has a past; I'm looking at who this recovered, changed man is, and yes, he has massive integrity now. He even has a YouTube video on how he no longer lies about anything because that is the first step into sliding back into addictive ways. So, before you write, perhaps you should do thorough research?
He is NOT on Trump's ticket -- that means as a VP, and Bobby did indeed turn down Trump's offer to be his VP. He kept his word on that. Yes, he's created a coalition force with him, as facts and times have changed. This is an AMAZING characteristic! It shows someone who is flexible, open to hearing new data and then pivoting as a result of it! Your point is, again, poorly-researched and then irrelevant in that you're cherry-picking facts and leaving out the significant context of what is actually going on.
Yes, Trump and RFKJ's positions ARE far apart on several issues. Trump thinks that the vaccines are good!!! 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️ He's clearly uneducated about them. However, Trump, also, said horrible things about Bobby and has embraced him into his transition team and most likely, if Trump keeps his word, his administration. So you're again being hypocritical in pointing out Bobby's actions but not Trump's.
I won't waste my time responding to anything else you wrote because there's already too much inaccuracy, lack of context and hypocrisy.
Uh oh. Fee fee alert! I guess you missed where I said, "The philandering is probably the only thing he has in common with Trump. " I didn't quote any research, Cletus, because I wasn't writing a term paper. I simply expressed my opinion as I have watched and listened to both people since before JFK was elected. From what I'm reading, everyone else here has also, EXPRESSED AN OPINION aka personal thoughts. As you have pointed out, Everyone is entitled to their opinion. If you believed that were true, you wouldn't have jumped down my throat for expressing my thoughts. I responded to an invitation to do so from the author. My response is not directed at you personally. You didn't like what I had to say and you just couldn't resist climbing the ladder to reach the back of that horse. I hope you know how to tuck n' roll. (My apologies to Jenna. I didn't realize there was a possibility that some random yokel would be critiquing and grading my personal opinion. Who knew that was even a category? Goes to show ya...ya learn something new every day!)
Read what you wrote again. You made statements that were couched as facts and not opinions, and yet they were incorrect. At least you admit to your own hypocrisy, which is good. Finally, I characterized your writing and logic in your response but not *you* as a person, and yes, there is a difference. However, you are actually calling me names and doing so several times, which is rich considering you just wrote that you didn't make anything "personal". You score yet another point for hypocrisy, and it's ok; I do understand when certain personality patterns cannot respond with substance and facts that they feel compelled to resort to name-calling. Too bad at your age you could not control the compulsion. I'm sure you'll need the last word, so have at it, but I will not read it. Blessings to you.
Yep it’s called paying his bills from running for office. I believe most of us would happily do that especially when we’ve also been promised a pretty free hand to clean up areas of government that need to be overhauled or dismantled.
Still voting for the felon who loves this country and has a plan to save it and us; and not the Marxist who can’t complete a sentence and if she has a plan, it’s to run this country in the ground.
You think the guy who calls this a shit hole country, wants to turn the military on his personal enemies and gave state secrets to the Russians loves this country?
I donated to Samaritans Purse as well as Go Cajun Navy and one other charity. Also in my Ny area I have donated to The Great American Warehouse. They have hired 3 trucks, are filled with donations, and have gone down to NC to help. There are so many good people in this world I wish the media would celebrate them and focus less on the negative.
"I have never cared for Trumps personality but he's from NY..."
4th-grade joke time:
A Texan, a Cuban, and a New Yorker were waiting to order lunch when the waiter arrived and greeted them with, "I'm sorry. We are out of beef. You will have to choose another meat, like pork."
I volunteered 3-4 months ago and they never called me. I called on Monday to find out why, and the guy was overly defensive. Yes I volunteered early and was in the system, but I wouldn’t be called until a different election. 🤨 I asked why and he got even more defensive about how they have more than enough already. I asked if there were Republicans in that mix and he was too defensive for me to believe another word out of his mouth. I do live in a very blue state … but they aren’t taking many republicans if a volunteer from four months ago was ignored.
Call your local county GOP chair and tell them what's going on. Call them every day telling them you will work the pills until they call you back. Please don't give up.
There are many reasons for not getting called back. The first time I worked the polls, I had to place several calls and e-mails to our county GOP office.
FWIW, all the party (ie, GOP) positions (county chairs, county secretaries, state chairs, precinct committeemen, etc) are all volunteers. So, they are trying to manage the elections and also do whatever else they do.
I think you mean Poll Worker who are also called volunteers. I did that too for many years. I have heard that this is a new tactic this election to hire mostly Democrats. I've been observing instead of Poll Worker for a few years now. You can probably find an election integrity group or your party and volunteer as an observer.
I vote as an act of self defense (which of these people is likely to do me the least amount of harm), and have no illusions of any of them "saving" us. That said, Trump and team are the ones most likely to flip the game board.
Thanks for the best scary bad orange man swearing. It gave me comfort that he is going to bomb the shit out of any rat bastards that try to hurt America.
I have said many, many times that I am not marrying Trump. I am voting for the Constitution , specifically 1st and 2nd Amendments. I pray for you and me to live freely and not to be embroiled in useless and endless wars.
I voted with glee on Tuesday before I left the country (again) for a month. One of the reasons I returned to Commie Cali was to vote. It’s my sacred duty to cast my vote.
I believe that becoming a naturalized citizen of the USA was such a blessing. My Hubby and I successfully pursued our individual and collective dreams. The things we have achieved most certainly were not possible in our country of origin, Canada.
Canada is a country so far gone and in steep decline, it’s difficult to witness. It was well on its tyrannical journey when we departed over 30 years ago.
My point is, I got a real good dose of the onset of incremental tyranny at a very young age.
Live freely!! Vote for freedom and our beautiful Constitution. The Cackling Moron isn’t and hasn’t ever been about freedom. Besides, she is dumber than a sack of rocks. 🪨
Love this - from one former Canadian to another. Rock on! I feel more American than most Americans. I guess that is how very many legal immigrants feel about their new home country. I wish most Americans who were born here understood just how lucky they are. I weep for my home country in the Great White North. They know not what they do!!!!
Honestly, I am now conflicted about Canada, my (former home) native land. I am so sick of the collective apathy and going along to get along. It's a friggin disease in Canada. Keep the conflict at bay, don't ruffle feathers, and for heavens sake, please be “sorry”
And apologize for everything!
Patti, I bet you had this sense of real belonging when you moved to the USA. I am not a “going along to get along” kind of gal. That's bullshit.
Soooooo, I never ever thought for a millisecond that I was going back for any length of time. Visits only.
After the fecking shit they pulled during the plandemic, it sealed the deal for ever. Sad, because when we left Toronto, it was such a vibrant and amazing city.
Oh hi there beautiful! Happy Friday Jenna and Jenna's followers! You all know that I won't be voting for America's next top president for all of the various reasons that I have previously shed light on so I won't go on my usual anti-empire rants. It is a very real possibility that the blue team is going to "steal" the election to incite violence from the red team. I think this is the ideal play from the rulers' playbook so that martial law can be declared, especially given this new directive that the current political parasites have currently signed that allows the government to use lethal force on Americans: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvLCzT6Tdnc
We all lose if we continue to believe that someone from the political parasite class is going to save us. Please check out this most recent substack by Miri that highlights the great reveal that I agree will soon take place in the near future: https://miri.substack.com/p/thinning-the-herd
Vote harder or don't vote at all, but make sure to have a great weekend everyone!
I saw that new directive yesterday to allow lethal force by the military on US citizens. Alex Jones covered it all day. It really pi$$ed me off but I came to the same conclusion as you because of the timing. They really are going to start a civil war over this election. The fact that they would do this before ever letting Trump into office just adds credence to him not being one of them. I’m fuming mad about it and wonder HOW it is legally possible. Why didn’t anyone stop it? Because you are right that most on the right are in cahoots with the left. But Trump and his team aren’t. So I feel good about wanting to vote for him, even though it may not matter.
But I got my FOID card last week! And as soon as my tennis elbow and broken rib heals, I’m headed to firearm training and gonna then buy my first gun. This sh*t is getting real.
Well, there in lies the rub doesn't it? Civil war can only be incited if the people believe that their sportsball team legitimately lost and they are willing to become violent. Civil war won't ever happen when everyone realizes that we are all being played and that this red versus blue team nonsense is an illusion.
"The trouble with government as it is, is that it doesn't represent the people. It controls them. -John Lennon
Usually but not always. Alex Jones has proven himself to be controlled opposition with his unrelenting support and lack of criticism for the apartheid state of Israel.
Kennedy being a part of the Trump transition team - where he would presumably have great influence in picking people who would really try to drain the swamp in the alphabet public health agencies and the CIA, FBI and Department of Justice - must scare the hell out of the Status Quo protectors.
Did everyone see the Vigilant Fox's article on Musk's recent speech in Pennsylvania? Musk brought up another reason the Powers that Be might be terrified of a Trump victory. Per Musk, Trump might or is going to go after the Epstein sex-trafficking clients. Talk about a thermo-nuclear truth bomb.
Fantastic 'Stack Jenna...again. I love how you write about the other mindsets that I really struggle to empathize with. Especially my former best-friend neighbors with blue signs all over their yard.
Re: self-sovereignty, the framers might have wished that, but upfront in the Declaration of Independence, they point out "That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed..."(you know the thing). So, yes, in order for us humans to get along together, Governments must be formed. Full-stop. So, better get busy. Canvassing low-turnout voters through your local republican party or candidates is how I'm going about it here, behind enemy lines, in WA state. (say hi to Del for me).
@NeoBob Thanks for making the framers real people in your incisive comments. I can picture the early discussions and hear the anarchic arguments being pressed--and respectfully treated of.
I so hope we could do these things but it will - of course - be a huge threat to the deep state & bureaucracy & pharma that I wonder if it can happen anytime soon.
Hadn’t seen this Brownstone article, thanks for the link. I like the idea of getting the government out of mostly everything. From education to healthcare they’ve done nothing but screw it up. Good ideas here.
They’ve had no constitutional right to ANY of this - regulating food, air, water, education, drugs, wellness, disease, farming/ranching, energy, gun rights, free speech, free association, ad nauseum.
For future reference: When posting a URL you can delete everything AFTER the question mark. (It is just unnecessary tracking information). (I learned this from my son, who is an "all things tech" genius.
Voted yesterday. I want my MAGA back again. Yes he is bombastic (like that word) but he is what he is and that is REAL. I will take that any day. The world is in such turmoil, and we can only hope he can at least fix some of it. People are waking up to the horrible things we have done by poisoning our world with toxics and continuing the trend with the children. It's never too late. I for one lived eating all the stuff that kids from the boom era grew up with. I am still alive and no health issues. I am lucky to live in a paradise where the birds and bees and hummingbirds thrive. So I guess I am doing something right. Maybe those foods didn't have all the additives back then accept loads of sugar (my addiction??) Anyway my thoughts for the day.
When DJT was elected heretofore, I said to anyone who would listen, "Well, one thing is sure: as much as he likes to blow, he won't be keeping any secrets from us!"
Speaking for myself, I am very interested in observing the response of half the population if Kamala "wins" another "election" that 100 million Americans conclude was ANOTHER steal/rig job. Are these Americans going to just shrug their shoulders and say, "Oh well, that's America these days. Our democratic elections are frauds?"
Maybe they will, but maybe they won't. As I said, I'm curious to see the response (or non-response) if this happens.
I think most Trump supporters now get that they have to turn out in such overwhelming numbers that the 2024 election result margins are "too big to rig." Of course, the only voters who really matter live in seven swing states. The Powers that Be only have to rig the results in a couple of those seven states (or, more specifically, in a couple of big swing cities).
Be careful (respectfully) with that "the only voters who really matter live in seven swing states." Who knows if the cheaters are going to instead target the states with the most electoral votes--where lazy red voters may be thinking they've got this in the bag? I've seen analyses that show if they flip Texas, we are doomed forever. (And keep in mind, California--with their FIFTY-FOUR electoral votes--has voted red in 7 of the last 18 presidential elections!) EVERYFREAKINGONE needs to vote. (You know, except RINOS and snowflakes.)
Coming here to enjoy you first before C&C takes me away. 🤣
OH. MY. GORSH! This was one of your BEST articles yet. 🤣 I’m loving it. Laughing so hard.
I just so happened to go through all that vacation angst back in 1993 when we were planning our honeymoon, and I CHOSE TAHITI! And I kid you not, my Greek father-in-law says, “why would you go there? Aren’t they in turmoil?” He thought we meant Haiti. 🤣🤣🤣 Guess it’s been struggling a lonnnnng time. Cuz I iz old.
And I never laughed so hard watching the difference between trying to be scary and actually being scary. Bah hah hah
I wholeheartedly agree with you about voting. (Hi Vee! 😉😂 sorrrry, and I still love you too. You’ve made me think harder many times - and it led to me wanting to vote harder.) I’m not voting for someone to govern me, I’m voting for someone to limit that governance and protect my freedom to argue with all of you.
Truly outdid yourself today Jenna. I’m so glad I came here first. I NEED this smile this morning. ❤️❤️❤️
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd I just pinned my very first comment! :)
And Juju’s comment earned being pinned! Amen Juju. And amen SadieJay.
You are my peeps!
Jenna - like Juju said - one of your best posts!
Amen Juju! I am not voting for a candidate to be my husband, I am voting for him to keep peace in this country, to stop using the federal government as a weapon to sue the states for purging their voter rolls of non-citizens...and pretty much because 'they' want to kill him. Those that hate him so much is a laundry list of felons, war mongers and monsters who don't want to get caught doing their evil deeds. When the IRS union (seriously?) endorses Commie-La, when the porn industry endorses Commie-La...I am out. You know a person by the company they keep. I love that FL filed a lawsuit against the Feds first this time, but really, it all comes down to self-government. Either you know right from wrong or good from evil intrinsically or you don't.
I actually voted already. And yes, I voted for my favorite felon. And yes, I have the biggest trump/vance flag I could find that is waving majestically from my house for all my neighbors to see. And yes, I have had complete strangers walk and drive past with thumbs up and compliments on my flag choice. Next on my list is having a hard but needed conversation with my 2 indoctrinated sons.
Old gentleman (yikes. I’m an old lady) met us on about the 200th step up to a natural lookout over a river, yesterday. He was wearing a MAGA hat. I smiled at him, pointed to the hat and gave a big 👍🏻. He returned the gesture. Praying we’ve got this.
Good for you and I am proudly wearing my Trump hat to vote tomorrow! #MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
I have never cared for Trumps personality but he's from NY and after having NY neighbors for years I figured they were all like that. I like WHAT he says and does, I just ain't crazy about the way he SAYS it. So what? It matters not a whit as long as he gets the job done and last time around he got the job done. There is no doubt in my mind that he will get the job done again. The left has made a ginormous issue out of his bombasticness. Big whoop. These are the same people who couldn't buy a clue if you gave them $20. Trump is a businessman and when you run your own business you don't let people run you over or you'll be out of business. It is clear that foreign leaders respect him because he is willing to listen, negotiate and compromise if necessary WITHOUT throwing America and her people under the bus. When Trump walks in a room, all heads turn because he has a confident, commanding presence. RFK, not so much. He's good at the health stuff because that is his passion. Trump is good at what he does because it is his passion. He has been saying the same thing about America since he was very young. I know because I have been listening to him the whole time. Trump truly loves serving the people of America. He wouldn't work for free if he didn't. He makes sacrifices for the people's benefit. Has anyone else offered or attempted to do so? Nope. Everyone else just makes empty promises but mostly just takes and takes and takes and wastes our hard-earned tax dollars. I don't know about you but I thought my head was going to explode when I read yesterday that the current corrupt administration just approved $425M to Ukraine. We have Americans in NC, WY and FL who need some serious help. If it wasn't for Samaritan's Purse and so many, many volunteers and good neighbors, including a plane load of supplies from Trump, they would be worse off than they already are. Trump had a come-to-Jesus meeting with Zelensky not too long ago. He knows that gravy train is gonna stop if Trump is elected. And rightly so. I voted for Trump. The rest is up to God.
I always say I'm not voting for a personality, I'm voting for policies. And her policies equal doomsday to me.
She has no policies. She just tries to regurgitate what hussein tells her but is woefully inadequate and what comes out are the word salads.
Just once I'd like to hear her speak and actually understand what point she's trying to make.
Yeah, that will never happen. She doesn't even know what point she's trying to make...lol
I KNOW! Just once….just to understand if she can…not that anything she says would change my mind… I’ve already seen what her actions have created…
And for a movement- MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
I agree with so much of what you wrote, but you clearly have never seen Bobby walk into a room. I have seen the latter many times, and trust me, all heads turn. He, too, has a commanding presence but it is more regal, and less "forceful" (he's just not fat or as tall as Donald; and neither of those are necessary) as Trump. Forceful is not necessary. Bobby is brilliant, articulate and has massive integrity. I will be supporting him in 2028 just like I did since last year. And I will vote for the team behind Trump this year.
Oh geez. I've actually seen Bobby walk into a lot of places. I'm real old so I'm pretty familiar with all of the Kennedy's. I have never gotten that impression and regal is a stretch. Whereas, Trump walks in the room and he clearly telegraphs that he is a force to be reckoned with. It is WHY the left wants him dead. They know that is the ONLY way to stop him from doing what needs to be done for the people. Ain't nobody gunning for Junior in that respect. I'm just not big on environmentalists to begin with. He sided with AOC's Green New Deal and he's big on climate change. Those are both a big fat no for me. I just don't cotton to people who try to mess with God's plan for the weather or environment. You actually mentioned Kennedy and integrity in the same sentence? He has been married three times and has a reputation for being a lifelong philanderer. (So much for that massive integrity). He has previously said he would "under no circumstances" join Trump on a presidential ticket, that his and Trump's positions "could not be further apart", and that Trump was a "terrible human being", a "discredit to democracy", and "probably a sociopath". The philandering is probably the only thing he has in common with Trump. The fact of the matter is, he knew he could not beat Trump. He just wants a position where he has some authority and say for all of his environmental projects. I appreciate that he works against the likes of Fauci, Gates, etc. I also appreciate his knowledge and advocacy against the vaccine industry and big Pharma and I support him for that. He is 70 years old. It is doubtful he will get the opportunity to run for president in 2028. JD Vance is years younger and I believe would easily prevail for the position. People these days do not appreciate the wisdom or experience of the older generation. Sad, but true. Don't get me wrong. I like Bobby. I just don't like or support a lot of his ideas.
You are entitled to your opinion.
Trump has had infidelity, too, but Bobby has admitted his and has gone into recovery for his addictions. Trump has not. You really should think before you write (( SMH )). Bobby saw his father MURDERED before his eyes as a young boy -- that creates trauma. You're being hypocritical by even bringing up the subject of infidelity. Everyone has a past; I'm looking at who this recovered, changed man is, and yes, he has massive integrity now. He even has a YouTube video on how he no longer lies about anything because that is the first step into sliding back into addictive ways. So, before you write, perhaps you should do thorough research?
He is NOT on Trump's ticket -- that means as a VP, and Bobby did indeed turn down Trump's offer to be his VP. He kept his word on that. Yes, he's created a coalition force with him, as facts and times have changed. This is an AMAZING characteristic! It shows someone who is flexible, open to hearing new data and then pivoting as a result of it! Your point is, again, poorly-researched and then irrelevant in that you're cherry-picking facts and leaving out the significant context of what is actually going on.
Yes, Trump and RFKJ's positions ARE far apart on several issues. Trump thinks that the vaccines are good!!! 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️ He's clearly uneducated about them. However, Trump, also, said horrible things about Bobby and has embraced him into his transition team and most likely, if Trump keeps his word, his administration. So you're again being hypocritical in pointing out Bobby's actions but not Trump's.
I won't waste my time responding to anything else you wrote because there's already too much inaccuracy, lack of context and hypocrisy.
Uh oh. Fee fee alert! I guess you missed where I said, "The philandering is probably the only thing he has in common with Trump. " I didn't quote any research, Cletus, because I wasn't writing a term paper. I simply expressed my opinion as I have watched and listened to both people since before JFK was elected. From what I'm reading, everyone else here has also, EXPRESSED AN OPINION aka personal thoughts. As you have pointed out, Everyone is entitled to their opinion. If you believed that were true, you wouldn't have jumped down my throat for expressing my thoughts. I responded to an invitation to do so from the author. My response is not directed at you personally. You didn't like what I had to say and you just couldn't resist climbing the ladder to reach the back of that horse. I hope you know how to tuck n' roll. (My apologies to Jenna. I didn't realize there was a possibility that some random yokel would be critiquing and grading my personal opinion. Who knew that was even a category? Goes to show ya...ya learn something new every day!)
Read what you wrote again. You made statements that were couched as facts and not opinions, and yet they were incorrect. At least you admit to your own hypocrisy, which is good. Finally, I characterized your writing and logic in your response but not *you* as a person, and yes, there is a difference. However, you are actually calling me names and doing so several times, which is rich considering you just wrote that you didn't make anything "personal". You score yet another point for hypocrisy, and it's ok; I do understand when certain personality patterns cannot respond with substance and facts that they feel compelled to resort to name-calling. Too bad at your age you could not control the compulsion. I'm sure you'll need the last word, so have at it, but I will not read it. Blessings to you.
Fat? Really?? Was that necessary???
Care to explain how someone with "massive integrity" took an $100k payment from the Trump campaign before endorsing?
Care to define the word "allegedly"?
Seems like an "alleged $100K" for legal counsel isn't excessive. Care to explain Bill "let's depopulate the planet" Gates donating $50 MILLION (secretly) to Harris? Not sketch or anything. https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/harris-trump-election-10-23-2024/card/bill-gates-privately-gave-50-million-to-back-harris-rwG4XsQjBVD6D8U6II1Q
Yep it’s called paying his bills from running for office. I believe most of us would happily do that especially when we’ve also been promised a pretty free hand to clean up areas of government that need to be overhauled or dismantled.
It's called taking a bribe for your endorsement.
And I'm guessing you missed the important part.
Running it through his law firm means it would be a treated as a business expense instead of a political contribution.
Just like Trump did with the payoff to Stormy.
Which he was just convicted of in NY.
Still voting for the felon who loves this country and has a plan to save it and us; and not the Marxist who can’t complete a sentence and if she has a plan, it’s to run this country in the ground.
You think the guy who calls this a shit hole country, wants to turn the military on his personal enemies and gave state secrets to the Russians loves this country?
What are you smoking?
I donated to Samaritans Purse as well as Go Cajun Navy and one other charity. Also in my Ny area I have donated to The Great American Warehouse. They have hired 3 trucks, are filled with donations, and have gone down to NC to help. There are so many good people in this world I wish the media would celebrate them and focus less on the negative.
"I have never cared for Trumps personality but he's from NY..."
4th-grade joke time:
A Texan, a Cuban, and a New Yorker were waiting to order lunch when the waiter arrived and greeted them with, "I'm sorry. We are out of beef. You will have to choose another meat, like pork."
The Texan asked, "What's 'pork'?"
The Cuban asked, "What's 'meat'?"
But the New Yorker asked, "What's 'I'm sorry'?"
Voted early for the T-TEAM! (Just in case N. VA gets hit with a storm.)
I have election day off and will volunteer for election observation as well as voting, of course.
I volunteered 3-4 months ago and they never called me. I called on Monday to find out why, and the guy was overly defensive. Yes I volunteered early and was in the system, but I wouldn’t be called until a different election. 🤨 I asked why and he got even more defensive about how they have more than enough already. I asked if there were Republicans in that mix and he was too defensive for me to believe another word out of his mouth. I do live in a very blue state … but they aren’t taking many republicans if a volunteer from four months ago was ignored.
Call your local county GOP chair and tell them what's going on. Call them every day telling them you will work the pills until they call you back. Please don't give up.
There are many reasons for not getting called back. The first time I worked the polls, I had to place several calls and e-mails to our county GOP office.
FWIW, all the party (ie, GOP) positions (county chairs, county secretaries, state chairs, precinct committeemen, etc) are all volunteers. So, they are trying to manage the elections and also do whatever else they do.
Be persistent.
I think you mean Poll Worker who are also called volunteers. I did that too for many years. I have heard that this is a new tactic this election to hire mostly Democrats. I've been observing instead of Poll Worker for a few years now. You can probably find an election integrity group or your party and volunteer as an observer.
There are observers as well. They work with specific candidates' campaigns to observe ongoings at a polling place.
Our state law requires an even number of Ds and Rs.
Although this isn't always followed. Some areas have preponderance of one or the other.
Juju- same crap going on in a blue county here in Ohio.
I’d be tempted to make a inquiry with your Sec of State! Sorry to say, sounds like MN.. 😩
Yeah we are hard nosed Illinois. Contacting anyone is a lesson in futility. Even our own GOP reps. It’s awful.
Yes, thanks for volunteering. And for voting day of.
Thank you for your service
I vote as an act of self defense (which of these people is likely to do me the least amount of harm), and have no illusions of any of them "saving" us. That said, Trump and team are the ones most likely to flip the game board.
I love "I vote as an act of self defense"!!!
Thanks for the best scary bad orange man swearing. It gave me comfort that he is going to bomb the shit out of any rat bastards that try to hurt America.
I have said many, many times that I am not marrying Trump. I am voting for the Constitution , specifically 1st and 2nd Amendments. I pray for you and me to live freely and not to be embroiled in useless and endless wars.
I voted with glee on Tuesday before I left the country (again) for a month. One of the reasons I returned to Commie Cali was to vote. It’s my sacred duty to cast my vote.
I believe that becoming a naturalized citizen of the USA was such a blessing. My Hubby and I successfully pursued our individual and collective dreams. The things we have achieved most certainly were not possible in our country of origin, Canada.
Canada is a country so far gone and in steep decline, it’s difficult to witness. It was well on its tyrannical journey when we departed over 30 years ago.
My point is, I got a real good dose of the onset of incremental tyranny at a very young age.
Live freely!! Vote for freedom and our beautiful Constitution. The Cackling Moron isn’t and hasn’t ever been about freedom. Besides, she is dumber than a sack of rocks. 🪨
Love this - from one former Canadian to another. Rock on! I feel more American than most Americans. I guess that is how very many legal immigrants feel about their new home country. I wish most Americans who were born here understood just how lucky they are. I weep for my home country in the Great White North. They know not what they do!!!!
Honestly, I am now conflicted about Canada, my (former home) native land. I am so sick of the collective apathy and going along to get along. It's a friggin disease in Canada. Keep the conflict at bay, don't ruffle feathers, and for heavens sake, please be “sorry”
And apologize for everything!
Patti, I bet you had this sense of real belonging when you moved to the USA. I am not a “going along to get along” kind of gal. That's bullshit.
Soooooo, I never ever thought for a millisecond that I was going back for any length of time. Visits only.
After the fecking shit they pulled during the plandemic, it sealed the deal for ever. Sad, because when we left Toronto, it was such a vibrant and amazing city.
Ba, ba, bye 👋
Oh hi there beautiful! Happy Friday Jenna and Jenna's followers! You all know that I won't be voting for America's next top president for all of the various reasons that I have previously shed light on so I won't go on my usual anti-empire rants. It is a very real possibility that the blue team is going to "steal" the election to incite violence from the red team. I think this is the ideal play from the rulers' playbook so that martial law can be declared, especially given this new directive that the current political parasites have currently signed that allows the government to use lethal force on Americans: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvLCzT6Tdnc
We all lose if we continue to believe that someone from the political parasite class is going to save us. Please check out this most recent substack by Miri that highlights the great reveal that I agree will soon take place in the near future: https://miri.substack.com/p/thinning-the-herd
Vote harder or don't vote at all, but make sure to have a great weekend everyone!
I saw that new directive yesterday to allow lethal force by the military on US citizens. Alex Jones covered it all day. It really pi$$ed me off but I came to the same conclusion as you because of the timing. They really are going to start a civil war over this election. The fact that they would do this before ever letting Trump into office just adds credence to him not being one of them. I’m fuming mad about it and wonder HOW it is legally possible. Why didn’t anyone stop it? Because you are right that most on the right are in cahoots with the left. But Trump and his team aren’t. So I feel good about wanting to vote for him, even though it may not matter.
But I got my FOID card last week! And as soon as my tennis elbow and broken rib heals, I’m headed to firearm training and gonna then buy my first gun. This sh*t is getting real.
Well, there in lies the rub doesn't it? Civil war can only be incited if the people believe that their sportsball team legitimately lost and they are willing to become violent. Civil war won't ever happen when everyone realizes that we are all being played and that this red versus blue team nonsense is an illusion.
"The trouble with government as it is, is that it doesn't represent the people. It controls them. -John Lennon
I have a “rakem frakem” deluge if Yosemite Sam going on in my brain right now. 😆
😂…. Yosemite Sam!!!
I saw that juju that was very upsetting.
No matter your opinion - he’s usually right. https://vigilantnews.com/post/alex-jones-fires-off-a-chilling-warning-to-america/
Usually but not always. Alex Jones has proven himself to be controlled opposition with his unrelenting support and lack of criticism for the apartheid state of Israel.
Is anyone always right. Usually right is a pretty good record. I don’t see how his support of Israel = controlled opposition though.
Not any human that I am aware of and yes I agree, but Alex Jones is just a character just like many others on the world stage.
Any individual that calls themselves a truthseeker while defending the apartheid state of Israel has clearly not done the actual research.
Felon vs. Mamala? I vote Felon; with the hope that his version of inclusivity will have Tulsi, Kennedy, and Elon in his admin.
Hmmm, conv-icted felon vs. unind-icted felons?
I've decided to vote to position J.D. Vance to become President.
Oh my gosh. I actually sang “tip the vote over”. 🤣
hahahaha I dated myself right there ;)
Blue state but voting trump. Dems left me long ago in their hit and run attacks
over our country as they sail over the cliff. Unfortunately all of us would be in the trunk of their clapped out jalopy with them.
Kennedy being a part of the Trump transition team - where he would presumably have great influence in picking people who would really try to drain the swamp in the alphabet public health agencies and the CIA, FBI and Department of Justice - must scare the hell out of the Status Quo protectors.
Did everyone see the Vigilant Fox's article on Musk's recent speech in Pennsylvania? Musk brought up another reason the Powers that Be might be terrified of a Trump victory. Per Musk, Trump might or is going to go after the Epstein sex-trafficking clients. Talk about a thermo-nuclear truth bomb.
Here's the article that includes excerpts from Musk's "damn-the-torpedos" talk in Pennsylvania.
Saw that this morning! Yet another reason to VOTE TRUMP/KENNEDY. Release that list and watch those bastards burn.
Robert Kennedy, Jr. for Secretary of Department of Health and Human Services?
Or is there something with a better fit for grabbing certain parties by their short hairs?
Fantastic 'Stack Jenna...again. I love how you write about the other mindsets that I really struggle to empathize with. Especially my former best-friend neighbors with blue signs all over their yard.
Re: self-sovereignty, the framers might have wished that, but upfront in the Declaration of Independence, they point out "That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed..."(you know the thing). So, yes, in order for us humans to get along together, Governments must be formed. Full-stop. So, better get busy. Canvassing low-turnout voters through your local republican party or candidates is how I'm going about it here, behind enemy lines, in WA state. (say hi to Del for me).
THIS. :)
@NeoBob Thanks for making the framers real people in your incisive comments. I can picture the early discussions and hear the anarchic arguments being pressed--and respectfully treated of.
The dress is white & gold! The Rogan interview of Callie & Casey Means is a must listen. Rogan hardly talked for the 2 hours. They are correct- MAHA may be our last chance to push out the corrupt agencies trying to slowly kill us & our kids. The statistics are mind blowingly terrible - what better way to weaken our culture than to poison our children? https://open.spotify.com/episode/14XV2p3zAYVWPt7F2hpP9Z?si=gjiVt891Ry-O5laS2Jbwcw&t=192&context=spotify%3Ashow%3A4rOoJ6Egrf8K2IrywzwOMk
Their book is a must read!
It was excellent!
For a different take that all of this will just expand government:
These are fantastic and actually do seem doable (am I too far gone hahahahaha?)!
I so hope we could do these things but it will - of course - be a huge threat to the deep state & bureaucracy & pharma that I wonder if it can happen anytime soon.
Hadn’t seen this Brownstone article, thanks for the link. I like the idea of getting the government out of mostly everything. From education to healthcare they’ve done nothing but screw it up. Good ideas here.
They’ve had no constitutional right to ANY of this - regulating food, air, water, education, drugs, wellness, disease, farming/ranching, energy, gun rights, free speech, free association, ad nauseum.
And I’m a Massey fan.
For future reference: When posting a URL you can delete everything AFTER the question mark. (It is just unnecessary tracking information). (I learned this from my son, who is an "all things tech" genius.
Voted yesterday. I want my MAGA back again. Yes he is bombastic (like that word) but he is what he is and that is REAL. I will take that any day. The world is in such turmoil, and we can only hope he can at least fix some of it. People are waking up to the horrible things we have done by poisoning our world with toxics and continuing the trend with the children. It's never too late. I for one lived eating all the stuff that kids from the boom era grew up with. I am still alive and no health issues. I am lucky to live in a paradise where the birds and bees and hummingbirds thrive. So I guess I am doing something right. Maybe those foods didn't have all the additives back then accept loads of sugar (my addiction??) Anyway my thoughts for the day.
When DJT was elected heretofore, I said to anyone who would listen, "Well, one thing is sure: as much as he likes to blow, he won't be keeping any secrets from us!"
Speaking for myself, I am very interested in observing the response of half the population if Kamala "wins" another "election" that 100 million Americans conclude was ANOTHER steal/rig job. Are these Americans going to just shrug their shoulders and say, "Oh well, that's America these days. Our democratic elections are frauds?"
Maybe they will, but maybe they won't. As I said, I'm curious to see the response (or non-response) if this happens.
I think most Trump supporters now get that they have to turn out in such overwhelming numbers that the 2024 election result margins are "too big to rig." Of course, the only voters who really matter live in seven swing states. The Powers that Be only have to rig the results in a couple of those seven states (or, more specifically, in a couple of big swing cities).
Be careful (respectfully) with that "the only voters who really matter live in seven swing states." Who knows if the cheaters are going to instead target the states with the most electoral votes--where lazy red voters may be thinking they've got this in the bag? I've seen analyses that show if they flip Texas, we are doomed forever. (And keep in mind, California--with their FIFTY-FOUR electoral votes--has voted red in 7 of the last 18 presidential elections!) EVERYFREAKINGONE needs to vote. (You know, except RINOS and snowflakes.)
And for an unhinged take on what happens if Trump wins:
Philadelphia comes to mind. We Pennsylvanians used to jokingly ask "how many dead people voted in Philly?" Not so funny, now.