As a parent of 4 boys...my youngest decided early what college he wanted to attend. And yes..it was a very expensive private tech school. I told him, and he knew, what it would take so he could afford to go. It was his future, not mine, and he was going to have to figure away to pay for this. So he got straight A's...got accepted and attended a STEM program while in high school to earn his associates degree at the same time as his diploma. He applied for every scholarship he could find. He succeeded in getting several, enough to pay for half of his tuition, room and board. He got loans...in his name..for the rest. And he worked while attending and he still graduated with honors...early. So then comes Biden to the rescue...belittling all his efforts, stealing his accomplishment of taking responsibility for his education. As a parent...I pointed this out to him. That this was a vote buying scheme. He did not see it that way. Sad...the indoctrination won. But now he is working...in New York...and seeing his earnings frittered away in taxes, expensive gas, expensive food. Maybe in time, he'll figure out how much a vote for Biden really cost him.

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"Maybe in time, he'll figure out how much a vote for Biden really cost him."

Meanwhile, good luck with him... 😉

From one frustrated parent to another.

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Thanks..for that.

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I can answer the why on the student loan payback. The own who pays the bills controls the content. So, if the government pays the student loans, they can control the education. This is just another step forward into socialism. There will continue to be a reduced space between school, borrower and student. In MN, they removed the college degree requirement from most government jobs. The same year they now offer free education to undergraduates below an income threshold. MN is following the line to build the socialism under Governor Walz. Time to go!

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Haha, sounds like health insurance! They pay the bills. Thus they control what types of services get dispensed!

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All debt should be forgiven because the entire monetary system is a scam. The federal reserve is a private institution that quite literally prints money out of thin air. Our money is backed by the "full faith and credit of the U.S. government". Shit.

Since the monetary system is a scam, the banking and financial systems are a scam, so our entire society's blood supply of fake money is completely controlled and manipulated for the parasites that control the fiat system. That's why big banks and other big corporations can be saved. They are "too big too fail." #HowWasThatEvenAThing

Now give me my cool five bucks you damn conspiracy theorist!

(A great documentary about how our monetary system really works: https://rumble.com/v3yak4a-century-of-enslavement-the-history-of-the-federal-reserve-2014-full-documen.html)

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Our money is backed by the fact that the government gave everything we own away as collateral already. We’ve been had.

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Fiat currency is the greatest HITEAT!

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In the UK Gordon Brown sold all our Gold reserves at the lowest possible price... #HowWasThatEvenAThing - DOH - to quote the great Homer Simpson...

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Yes! Be sure to watch the short clip by Neal.

“I’m going to get black out drunk and get my degree in sociology”

That’s awesome to know that’s what we taxpayers are going to pay for. I’m going to go throw up now. 🤮

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a- The ONLY thing that makes sense is a bold faced and shameless attempt to buy votes from the ME generation. Sadly, it might worik.

b- If you have any trouble finding esophagi, just let me know... (I am particularly qualified because I went to med school when anatomy was actually considered more important than DEI- not so today, by the way...).

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So you mean if I had been born two decades later, I could have eaten awesome but pricey cereal instead of oatmeal for breakfast, steak instead of frozen meat patties for dinner, lived in a bigger apartment instead of a studio, and bought my own car instead of using my parents - because I wouldn’t have needed to worry about saving money and thus requiring less student debt? Because now someone else would be paying it off for me? I wouldn’t have had to work 30 hrs a week (gasp!) while also managing a 16-18 hr course load?

And after graduation I could have moved into a bigger apartment or even bought a house, maybe taken a big vacation or two, or bought a cooler car than the used Ford Taurus that I bought when my parents’ car died - because instead of paying my loans off early (what was I thinking!), I could have, if I just waited long enough, had The Government (aka my neighbors) pay them FOR me?!

Wow. If only someone had proposed this a couple of decades ago! My life would have been so different!

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Ditto. Paid for everything myself. Took out one Pell Grant and a small bank loan. Lived on my own at 21 with 3 other roommates and took the train to work. Didn’t own a car until I was 26 and it was an old Dodge Dart lol. Made my own lunches everyday and scrimped and saved all my money. After marriage, (paid for my own wedding lol) went back to school for my Masters Degree plus 30 above and took one class at a time while I taught full time. Loans paid off immediately while I worked. Vacations were camping and or sleeping at relatives houses. Together my spouse and I saved for a tiny house. 2 kids and dogs later, paid off mortgage early. Dave Ramsey was a big help. Advise everyone to follow him. Cash for everything we can and have an emergency fund. I didn’t want to rely on big daddy for anything I didn’t have to :)

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I need another cup of coffee.

( if I were a real drinker I’d have another shot ).

It all makes me want to get drunk or fast forward in this clown world of ours.

If God doesn’t have peoples attention yet I have to ask WHAT NEXT?????????

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Working in finance most of my life the thing that is most distressing is EVERYONE is APPROVED. You betcha, no proof of income, no credit score issues, and you dont even need to let us know what you plan on doing with your diploma when and IF you graduate. I would rather see them give loans to young people for crypto or precious metals.

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Same shit is happening in real estate. Realtors have to sit through DEI training and not allowed to ask any questions or discuss neighborhoods etc. now they’re purposely planting fake customers to try and catch the realtors breaking the new rules. It’s pitiful

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What's insane is that PEOPLE GO ALONG WITH IT! (*See bit about the snowballing of stupidity...)

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Mar 29Edited


We never learn. Remember when the banks gave all those people who couldn't afford a home a loan that they would ultimately fail to pay? How'd that work for social equity. Not well! Taxpayers bailed their asses out and the idiot bankers that made gobs of cash lending to them. WTAF are we doing.

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Jenna, surely one of your best. Why is it that none of these limp wristed whiners ever goes to a less expensive state school, hurries through in three years and gets a degree in something useful? I went to a somewhat inferior, but nearby state school, got a degree, and was successful in spite of all (that was the hard part). I worked on the railroad in the summers for the princely sum of $2 an hour, $3 for overtime, but worked 12 or 16 hours every day. We lived in the railroad camp cars, so sleep could be interrupted by trains going by. I ate 6000 calories per day but didn't gain weight. Maybe I was just lucky to have had such an experience. The info. you presented just inflames me and you did not even mention the true poison of the student loan forgiveness. If government can get those with "education" to be beholden to government or even to be a part of it, then you will see an elite class, just below the ruling class. Marxism?

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1000000% ALL OF THIS. (I vaguely recall my college tuition mid-1980s was around $1200/semester (in state tuition at the princely FSU). I cannot even bring myself to type out the number that corresponds with what we are paying for our daughter to be indoctrinated (out of state tuition at SDSU in Commiefornia). I KNOW. But fortunately she's ABSOLUTELY AWAKE and has zero tolerance for any of the indoctrination they try to shove down her throat (and MAN do they try).

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Thanks for the laughs Jenna! 💖

You funny lady. HITEAT…good one! 🤪 Reminds me of a meme…pic of pizza box that says

Open Box Before Eating Pizza, caption says We’re Not Going To Make It,Are We? Myyylanta. Which leads to one of my favorite

quotes, “The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. “ Marcus Aurelius

Was he prescient, or what?

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A good writer, funny and on point. I agree with youabout the scamdemic. Remember how we were "allowed" once more to eat in restaurants, but must keep our masks on unless actually eating? A well-known fact that deadly viruses take a break when you're chewing food. However the school loan thing.....I think , for me the loan itself to gain an education should be in your HITEAT category. When I was young, when tuition wasn't a major profit for the bank parasites, a person with limited means could easily attend a State school for little to no tuition. Now getting an education for many young people means they are going into debt slavery for life. I know someone who got her medical degree in a nearby country that is on the U.S. hate list. She was a foreign student, but it was tuition-free. She is now back home, practicing medicine and a very good doctor. It's about priorities. One country values education, the other values power, control and providing the armaments industry lobby with enough money to own the world - at our expense. I'd prefer you get angry about that than young people seeking to improve their lives and ending up worse off than they were without the expensive education. The "evil dictator" Gadaffi provided both free health care and education for the Libyan people. How? He said the Libyan oil is the property of the Libyan people and so used the money to benefit them instead of the raptor class. That's genuine socialism at work, not the indoctrination offered that socialism is tyranny. What we have here is not even capitalism. It's correct and appropriate name is fascism, state and corporate control. Nobody should have to pay for an education unless they choose to do so at a private school. Remember 2008 when Obama declared the bank thieves who should have received prison sentences for their actions, instead received enough of our tax money to reward themselves with million dollar bonuses while Obama (along with Clinton the murderer of Gadaffi and a life worth livng for the Libyan people) that the psychopathic rapacious thieving bankers were "too big to fail". What he left unsaid was that the rest of us were too small and insignificant to give a shit about. The thieves should get trillions of dollars of our money and we and our children should need to go into debt to these creeps for an education. That's what I think.

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Trust me, you do not wan't a Range Rover. They are a bigger debt trap than my women's studies degree. (see Consumer Reports)

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Not if SOMEBODY ELSE is footing the bill though... AIR? ;)

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Bravo! <3

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Sing it Sister!!

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I'm not a proponent of debt forgiveness (they signed the documents and knew what was required regarding repayment- their stupid decision is not my fault), but.... the only semi- reasonable argument in favor of forgiveness for student loan debt is that government is "fixing" a problem it created, as usual. Unfortunately, it is trying to fix the problem from the wrong end, as is typical. Government backed student loans resulted in a huge hike in the cost of higher education. Easy access to money tends to result in loose spending habits and inflated prices. If people had to pay out of pocket up front for their education, the costs would have to be much more affordable. Yes, fewer people would have been able to go to college... which means we would not be facing a shortage of trade workers right now. Instead we have a bunch of baristas and uber drivers with worthless degrees because the jobs in their field are already filled. They can't afford to pay off a loan on that income. The colleges told them they'd be making a zillion dollars when they got hired in their field, though, so they went in thinking they would be able to afford the loan... The government upset the balance everywhere.

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Excellent point... but (and?) it does nothing to fix the problem, as you deftly pointed out. And in fact, it may even encourage MORE kids to seek out student loans in the hope that "maybe they'll just forgive them some day!" It's asinine times infinity plus four, IMO.

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Exactly. The problem will continue to worsen until the cause is addressed.

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