All that reading I had to do and there’s no meatloaf recipe at end of it…seriously, wtf?

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Look, I'll be glad to give you my *two* *different* meatloaf recipes but you'll have to read all about the reasons they are *different* from everybody else's meatloaf recipes and that will take me the equivalent of about three single-spaced typewritten *I mean 12 point Cambria font* pages of explanation because it's really important for you to acknowledge how special my recipes are.

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Well, I’m “meatloaf adjacent” and demand you respect my choice! Also, I want those recipes!

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That one must have earned lots of participation trophies.

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Safe travels, and enjoy your time off with family and friends.

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This is exactly what I say! Except you say it in a much funnier way than I do, and made me laugh out loud! I will share with friends.

Travel safely! I always like to grip the armrests tightly in an upward direction to help the plane stay in the air 😁

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Haha same 🤣😅

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Jenna are you jet setting to Milan, Italy?



Milan, Georgia.

Milan, Illinois.

Milan, Indiana.

Milan, Kansas.

Milan, Michigan.

Milan, Minnesota.

Milan, Missouri.

Milan, New Hampshire.

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Italy! 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹

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Bravo! Io adoro bella Italia.

Georgia Meloni Is awesome as well 😍

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Safe travels and have fun 💃

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I’m officially jealous, just so you know! Have a blast!

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That does it. If you dislike chocolate we can't be friends. I did not need to know that! 😂

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Sooooo, Jenna... No chocolate, but black liquorice. I really don't know what to say, now that I know... is liquorice even a thing outside of Finnland? But I support you... Go for it. And enjoy your Thanksgiving vacation :-)

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a switch hitter...any port in a storm..whatever

The freedom for you to have an opinion includes my freedom to disagree with your opinion, especially if it's made public

Enjoy Italy, though you could have just come here since, apparently, I will now be making tiramisu along with my late paternal grandmother's bavarian cream pies for thanksgiving..and the turkey...potatoes..rutabaga... fresh cranberries...I better be getting some help this year instead of bunch of women drinking wine and observing

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Brilliant and so spot on! I enjoyed every minute of your commentary about people's ridonkulous identity obsession and oversharing about it. It reminded me of that very blunt book "He's just not that into you". All this deviant gender bending calls for a new book that should be required reading for that crowd. We could call it "You're just not that important" 😳

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Happy Thanksgiving Jenna! Only a few more left to enjoy before the end of the world bwa hahahhhaha!!! Just kidding. Eat extra cannolis and tiramisu for us!

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It’s like the old actor’s line in a pub:

“Enough of me talking about myself”

“Tell me. What do you think of me” ?

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Buon viaggio, Jenna.

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Sadly, there’s way too much of “my shit’s important, listen to me!” out there.

Like you…not my circus, not my monkeys.

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Thanks for speaking out about the absurdity of it all.

Don't ask don't tell was a much better spot to be in. Now it is forcing everyone to listen to every odd fetish people have and remember them so as not to offend.

More love in this world is a good thing. That doesn't mean we all need to hear the details.

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Exactly! TMI was invented for a reason!

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We’re still voting for you Jenna! When does this Fab 40 thing end? 😆 Happy Thanksgiving 🦃🍁!

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TY so much!!! I think it ends late December 🙈🤣

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So that's what it was... Every single girl in my high school, for four years, was abrosexual.

"Well, yes, ordinarily, I do date guys, but since _you_ ask, I've changed. And don't be surprised if I change back after you hang up; I have no control over it."

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