This says it all: "You can lead a sheep to enlightenment, but you can’t make him think."

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Not gonna lie, I was pretty proud of that one. ;)

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You should be. You should put it on a t-shirt! Love it.

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That's actually not a bad idea! #CallStarkist (I KNOW I JUST HARDCORE DATED MYSELF hahaha)

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“What is the single, very best, most convincing, irrefutable article or study I’ve seen” that people can share with the sleepy sheep in their lives.

I think you just wrote it! Congratulations to the funniest and smartest sit-down comedian on the planet. Confession: I do take issue with the toilet paper advice because rolling from the bottom seems to prevent waste - pun intended.

For people who want a teensy few more references, I’ve been collecting and updating what I call “Covid Essential Links” at https://eolson47.substack.com/p/covid-essential-links. Feel free to share if you find them useful.

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Thanks for the comment and kind words (especially) and link--that's quite comprehensive and I look forward to checking it out and sharing! :) Sorry about the TP; I've always been an over-roller myself, but I once heard that the direction of the roll reflects your -achiever status, so I've been DIEHARD OVER-ACHIEVER ever since. ;)

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As a sit-down comic, it’s obvious why you need to over-roll the roll! Thanks for the laugh and for diving into the links. If you see anything amiss, please let me know.

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Thank you so much Big E for “Covid Essential Links”! Fantastic resource! I'm very grateful and will use it and share it. Wow.

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Wow back at ya! I’m so happy this is a good resource for you. One never knows if the bits flying through the electronic ether will land in a good place. Very gratifying to know they did so for you and yours. Thank you for taking the time to let me know!

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You're the greatest Big E!!!

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Thank you so much! It's so nice to know I'm helping someone -- that's my only goal :-)

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Love this - thank you!

Tess Lena offered another side of this - the painfully philosophical one; the cost of reacting/ responding with equal measure of disdain. This piece plus hers pretty much covers the challenge we live every day - to tell the truth or to lie?

Because I cannot flatter and look fair,

Smile in men's faces, smooth, deceive, and cog,

Duck with French nods and apish courtesy,

I must be held a rancorous enemy.

—William Shakespeare,

warrants a new T-shirt : The Enemy Stands Before You

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So whaddya do when the sheeperson looks up Dr. Tess Lawrie, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Joseph Ladapo and others on Wikipedia - then quotes from Wikidpedia and refuses to even look at anything they write or cite?

Sigh...guess that booster's inevitable...yikes...

Forgot to thank you Jenna! Loving the book. Nice that Pierre's spirited voice isn't heavily censored :-)

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Thanks for the comment and glad you're loving the book! To be frank, your question is one of my favorites to refute... because literally THAT IS THE POINT of their plan. When you explain to people that you cannot find wrong in what Tess or Pierre are saying, what must you do? Destroy the source. Brand them a quack, label them a fraud, whatever you have to do. Then it doesn't matter WHAT they say, you've already discredited them. Then you point out their credentials and encourage people to listen to one--JUST ONE--interview with them, and then DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES if they sound like quacks/frauds. Next I go into my "who stands to gain from this [the CDC/pharma/government/all folks making a mint and benefitting from YOU thinking Pierre and Tess are quacks], and who has everything to lose [Pierre/Tess], but insists on speaking out anyway? That shuts up a lot of them. ;)

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Unfortunately these peeps are all in and unreachable. Have an "expert" answer for everything. Stockholm Syndrome on steroids, especially after 7 shots and a return of cancer (now in remission again). I would give up if it weren't for the advice they give my 90 year-old mum. I'll send this terrific piece. Who knows? British roots, so maybe the toilet paper discussion will resonate :-) You know those Brits and their bowel humour ...

Thanks again Jenna. So good to remember to laugh!

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Great substack article!

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You're so kind to read and say so! :)

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As a physician who agrees with much of what you say and was skeptical of, and later fully against, the government (read: Anthony Fauci) management of Covid- lockdowns, closures, dismissing early treatment, ignoring acquired immunity, vaccine mandates, and the top-down-one-size-fits-all approach to vaccines and boosters (plus much, much more, but I have other things to do), I have one point of contention. I have been open to alternative medicine in the past, but give it the same scrutiny that I give allopathic medicine, which is to say a lot. I have not found Dr. Mercola to be credible and attribute to him the same unapologetic profit motive with which many mainstream physicians are pilloried. Much of what he promotes is unproven and some borders on quackery. Pierre Kory and Peter McCollough, yes. Mercola, no.

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I agree with/applaud this very important statement: "... give [alternative medicine] the same scrutiny that I give allopathic medicine, which is to say a lot." Absolutely everything we hear anymore should be carefully scrutinized and considered. I cannot speak to Dr. Mercola's credibility, but even McCollough sells products (through the Wellness Co), as did the amazing Zev Zelenko. I had a friend who worked with her physician brother to create "Defense Boxes" filled with all of the best supplements for preventing and treating COVID. She was raked over the coals for "profiteering from the pandemic" when in reality she was trying to create a one-stop-shopping experience for people with the right mixture and dosage. I guess I'm just saying, just because someone sells something doesn't make them a grifter. Maybe they just think they've created or found the best option and want to share.

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I totally agree that physicians must be very careful in selling products lest we become the same hucksters that we decry. This is why I have never sold supplements or "cosmeceuticals" in my practice. If I recommend something, it won't be because I profit from it.

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Did you get the chance to checkout the FB video I shared above?

Followed Mercola for years, always sound and well researched imo. You don't have to buy what he sells afterall. He's been appallingly treated by Biden et al without justification. Oh and alternative 'quackery' is way safer than pharma industrial profit focussed 'medicine'.

Check out Katherine Watt's interview on the Delingpod if you really want to know what's happening btw.

All my own opinions, simply different to yours 🙏

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I just voiced my opinion and I doubt that we will resolve our differences in a few sentences. I repeat that I agree with you on much but disagree re Mercola. I submit that it is just as wrong to demonize western medicine in gross generalizations as it is to promote alternative medicine as being beyond criticism. Both are flawed. If I have cancer, I will go to an oncologist, not a naturopath. I will take chemo before I will try homeopathy. https://quackwatch.org/?s&_sf_s=mercola

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No one is forced to purchase his products! His information is worthy of consideration and support if so led - if similar quality products are available elsewhere nothing stops you from purchasing them elsewhere - don’t throw out the baby with the bath water!! Mercola has been a voice for healthier living and information for years - paved the way for many others that followed.

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Agree with all you wrote. I never said anything about "throwing out the baby with the bathwater," just that I am skeptical of his credibility, and others have said the same. I always look at the profit motive and hold physicians to an especially high bar. I try to get my medical information from sites that are not trying to sell me anything. Of course, some will say that anything coming from a source that practices allopathic medicine is suspect, but the advice, "don't throw the baby......" is equally applicable there as well. It comes down to who you trust. I am ashamed to say that, as an MD physician who has tried to practice science and evidence-based medicine all of my professional career, my trust in the medical profession as a whole has never been lower. You can thank Covid, Fauci and his minions, our government agencies, and big pharma for that. I cannot imagine how confusing it must be for people to figure out what advice is good and what is not. Mercola may be a good guy and believe what he says, and sells, but he can be wrong too.

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Please don’t misunderstand- I certainly am NOT saying you can’t have wisdom AND education- it’s just no guarantee and until recently I think MD’s have wrongly been placed on a pedestal of sorts and we are learning to think otherwise- in general- not pointing a finger at you! You sound like an educated and wise person- God Bless!


I would not have believed it if I hadn’t heard of amazing results for one of our sons with serious health issues- and then experienced results myself!

Fearfully and wonderfully made! Psalm 139:14

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I really don't wish to hijack or monopolize this comment thread, but your comments are very interesting. For 25 years I wrote a weekly medical column in the Orlando Sentinel and covered countless topics, including many in the realm of alternative medicine. I even recall looking into what you call "earthing" but could not find any writing of mine specifically on this topic. I did do a some recent research into it. As a physician, my patients expect me to practice evidence based medicine, which means I have to have sufficient evidence to recommend a particular product or practice. For example, I never accepted the idea of a blanket recommendation for the Covid vaccines because of the lack of evidence for their effectiveness and safety, especially among the very young, healthy adults, and those who had already recovered from Covid. I was suspicious of a one-size-fits-all approach to vaccination. I have been validated in this by multiple studies that have supported my position.

I studied homeopathy and came away convinced that this is quackery and any benefits of homeopathy are psychological and the result of the placebo effect (https://www.beyondplasticmd.com/oscillo-oscillococcinum-for-flu/). The placebo effect is extremely powerful and I have seen it in action many times. It can make a provably worthless drug effective in as many as 20-30% of patients. After looking into it a bit more thoroughly, I put earthing and grounding pads in the same category as homeopathy. If you or someone close to you have benefitted, that's great. Can't argue with success. I cannot see any harm in it and if you feel it was worth whatever you spent on products or devices that is your prerogative. It is different for me. I cannot practice based solely on testimonials of a few patients. That is not science and medicine without science puts us back in the dark ages.

Your comments interested me and I do not doubt your integrity or sincerity, just your conclusions. To show you how serious I am, I have placed a two Part piece on my substack- richardbosshardtmd.substack.com, that addresses this, and was inspired by you.




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Bottom line is we all need to take responsibility for our own health and understand that doctors are just human and while they may have more “education” they don’t necessarily have more wisdom than the rest. I currently have a great MD whom I trust and I’ve had a “natural” MD Doc who was totally disappointing to me - I appreciate LOTS of options for info and have to weed through and find what works for me. ( I was on thyroid meds for 15 years and could never find a doc to offer anything other than more meds- until I was told about “grounding mat” and decided to give that a go- 5 days later had my levels rechecked to learn my thyroid numbers were normal and I did not need to be on meds!! Go figure!

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Kath. Preach it, sister! If you are a physician for more than a few years (45 for me) and are not humbled by the complexity of the human body and the infinite variety among your patients, you should not be practicing. I would beg to differ, respectfully, on one point. I think 45 years of practice have given me a bit of wisdom that cannot be acquired without the foundation of medical knowledge that was given to me in med school, coupled with years of patient experiences and some common sense. Glad you go sorted out. Not sure what to make of grounding mats. I believe that, on some poorly understood level, we all need to be "grounded" to the world around us. I only wear sandals (no shoes- not to work or play, ever) and run (marathons and ultras) in them as well, because it is the closest I can get to being barefoot without looking silly or constantly picking glass our of my feet or dealing with rocks.

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I enjoyed your explanation of the electrical beings that we are- fascinating!! While an investment of a couple hundred $ for a grounding mat isn’t MINOR, it pales in comparison to a lifetime of monthly prescriptions and never feeling quite well - and if the placebo effect is in play, so be it! I don’t believe that’s the case but suppose it is a possibility - In my case I was skeptical going into it and pleasantly surprised at my rechecked bloodwork! I’ve never heard of the immune response being positively impacted by grounding- just inflammation -

Money complicates ALL aspects of health care and traditional medicine is NO exception - I like all the options!

Thanks for the dialogue!

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You are most welcome.

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The horse that wont drink the water is just as dead has the horse that can't be lead to the water.

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Dear Jenna, For me the best hook is the FOI request that was relentlessly pursued in the UK and finally rewarded with the total government death data of vaxxed and non-vaxxed since the experimental shot came out. For the vaxxed, at the time of writing, one in every 73 had died. The non-vaxxed had one die out out of every 172. The writers said that the gap had been and continued to expand. The link - https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-03-22-one-in-73-covid-vaccinated-dead-data.html.

The 2nd key was hearing that Pfizer wanted to hide the test data for 75 years.

The 3rd key was hearing the media, politicians, and even medical authorities saying that we could only get herd immunity from vaccination. Even when I was a young adult I knew that was a lie. I began to realize how completely corrupt the three basic institutions were.

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damn! I don't even remember seeing those stats before. Thanks for sharing. Yeah, the 75-year thing was a powerful tool in the arsenal. Give me ONE GOOD reason they'd want that if they had nothing to hide. [Crickets.]

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Great job. Why do you think people aren't interested enough in their own future that reading one article/book would dissuade them? Why wouldn't they read dozens of articles from many points of view including business, regulatory history of product/creator, people? Understand the BACKGROUND? It takes maybe 2 days (you are right RFK Jr book nails it and Whitney Webb lays it out in videos/articles) to research this deeply and understand we are dealing with serious cronyism (at best) and deep, deep corruption, perhaps murder (at worst). Literally life or death or ????

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Sadly I think we have been conditioned over decades to “trust what we have been told by experts.“ And it wasn’t that long ago when many of us, myself included, wouldn’t have dared or dreamed to defy that conditioning. I think people wake up at their own speed and when they see or hear or read something that resonates… so I will keep posting and screaming and writing until the day I die. What else can you do???

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Keep doing what you are doing, you are more hopeful than I am.

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80% of people don't want to know that they've been injected with a slow-kill bioweapon. I don't think that's going to change. So maybe the focus should be elsewhere ?

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I tell them they gna die.

I don't know why I never get invited to things.

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You can lead a sheep to water, but you can't prevent the wolves in sheep's clothing from taking those lambs to the slaughter. Are sheep the same as lambs? I don't even know.

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This is short and to the point 🙏

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Brilliant--but I believe we use far more than 41% of the world's medication!!! And also we are the fattest, sickest, most medicated first-world nation, so there's that. :(

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Dear Jenna:

In 2003 when COVID-03 came out (its formal name was "SaRS-CoV-03") there was no overload on our hospital system, because a cheap generic medicine was available to relieve cough, called Hydrocodone. Prescription medicines containing hydrocodone and an antihistamine, decongestant, expectorant, or all 3, could be prescribed by doctors and taken at home for the cough. Only the severely immunocompromised (folks on cancer chemotherapy, organ transplant recipients, and people with an HIV infection) needed isolation from anyone who might infect them with the virus.

Alas, an Australian doctor developed a weaning protocol for heroin addicts that replaced methadone shots with cheap Vicodin tablets to relieve heroin withdrawal. Saving money so more addicts could be treated, unfortunately, is totally logical so the George Dubya Bush Administration needed to do the opposite. A new drug, Suboxone, that was under patent, costs 200x more than Vicodin did, and has no particular benefits for addiction recovery DID have an impressive set of lobbyists backing it. Result: Bush's DEA chief illegally issued a regulation she has no authority to issue (the proper official is the Surgeon General, says the Controlled Substances Act), making hydrocodone a Schedule II drug. An existing law rescued pricy Suboxone from competition because it restricts doctors from using a Schedule II drug to relieve withdrawal symptoms.

Barack Obama launched Obamacare with this useful cough medication no longer available. He responded by pushing overuse of flu shots (previous medical thinking was to vaccinate the elderly and immunocompromised, while allowing flu to run rampant through the rest of the population, causing us to get natural immunity. It was the natural immunity that each new flu strain had to overcome, if it was to spread. So natural immunity was essential to predicting which flu strains were spreading and how to formulate this year's flu vaccine). So the Bush policy of paying corporate welfare to the makers of Suboxone, carried over into a really dumb set of policies for managing infectious disease that got Obama's approval.

When COVID-19 hit, there was a stark contrast in policies between countries. Countries like Sweden that had plenty of cough medicine (many developing nations followed the Swedish policy), simply let healthy people catch it, treated their coughs, then begged them for blood donations to make antibodies for immunocompromised folks so they could come out of hiding.

The US, which escalated the pro-Suboxone policies into a drastic reduction in access to all useful pain drugs and has caused an alarming increase in the suicide rate among people terrified to face major surgery with nothing but plain Tylenol for pain control (we can thank Dr Andrew Kolodny for slandering everyone in pain as an addict, and his Manson Family of DEA sociopaths with badges who hang on his every lie, for making that a reality. I'm waiting for a few DEA agents to suffer wounds in the line of duty and get nothing but Tylenol for pain, to finally convince their brethren that they've been conned by their cult leader and it's time to clap him in handcuffs), faced COVID-19 with a severe shortage of cough medicine.

Hospitals could improvise a cough treatment with injected morphine.

So cancer patients were thrown out of hospitals to free up beds for folks who could have taken cough medicine at home as we did in 2003, except DEA policy had suppressed production by more than 95%. So people with a bad cough needed the hospital, purely because of corporate welfare paid to the makers of Suboxone that resulted in a cough medicine shortage.

How bad is the addiction menace that Kolodny, Bush, and others hyped?

Well for one thing, the natural Endorphin stored in our bodies is made from Morphine, which we make in our adrenal glands, store as endorphin, and release in emergencies when we need more. Heroin is a peptide made of 2 morphine molecules. Endorphin is a peptide made of 5 morphine molecules.

Since 100% of all the people who have ever lived, always have morphine and endorphin in our bodies, addiction disorders are NOT caused by the presence of these substances. We need to understand the mental health problems that we call addiction, as primarily being mental health problems.

If you'd like more of what our Government knew about this since 1985 but ignored when it was time to make payoffs to greedy corporations that paid kickbacks via their CEOs to political committees, I suggest reading a short research paper I did on the subject. You may download it from this link. http://t.co/pzVCtYWkeu .

Thank you for speaking up!

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Now we understand the true purpose of government "education": to create sheep that will never have an independent or contrary thought, who will follow the crowd under orders from their masters without a moment's hesitation, who fear ridicule and condemnation from their peers. This mindset motivates young men to blindly rush to the slaughter of war generally for no personal good reason but to only make the powerful and wealthy more powerful and wealthier. You know, the mindset that reveals a certain madness of crowds at high school, college, and professional sports events.

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It's a great book! I wonder how many of the sheeple read books.

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Dear fellow grifter:

May I modestly suggest my opus, The Day the Science Died: Covid Vaccines and the Power of Fear, which features my account of the Dr. Kory's talk at the Expert Panel Meeting sponsored by Senator Ron Johnson, as well as own experience with vaccine injury.

See my website: https://www.patrickhahn.net/

Keep up the good work. Best, Patrick D Hahn

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