As a person with a private pilots license who also owns a drone, I can say this:
The category of 'recreational drone flying' is limited to keeping it in sight (without binoculars), under 400 feet above ground level and you must mark your drone with FAA registration and it must have Remote ID capability (communicates with FAA and other aircraft).
If you aren't flying recreational rules, then you need to have a part 107 license. This includes anyone who wants to fly over people. Do anything for pay. Fly beyond line of sight. Enter controlled airspace (around airports and military bases). To get a part 107 license, you need to take and pass a course similar to the course to become a private pilot. It covers weather, flight theory, airspace rules, and more.
If you have a part 107 license and want to fly near an airport, you will need to ask the FAA for permission to enter the airspace. This is almost always granted as their job is to separate aircraft, not deny entry.
Due to these rules, there is no way that all these drones are operating where they are without knowledge of FAA and possibly other agencies. If it wasn't, they would have been 'taken care of'. So that rules out Iran and private parties. It is clearly a government operation (or government contractor). By refusing to say what is going on, means that they are doing things they don't want you to know they are doing.
Caution: This video contains rare footage from behind the scenes of the drone Psychological Operations Headquarters, Media Division. It also contains cute kittens:
The "Iranian Navy" theory is the most preposterous explanation. I didn't even know Iran had a "Naval fleet" that could operate more than 30 miles off their coast line much yet load up a fleet of high-tech drones on an Aircraft carrier that could get within 20 or so miles of the American Northeast and then fly nightly missions.
Has our navy - and our surveillance drones - somehow MISSED this Iranian task force operating off our waters?
We are living in a time when nothing is true and everything is possible. So many are content with this situation and don't pursue the truth. The confusion in the media leaves people with the inability to discern truth from lies. If there were one story it would be easy to prove or discount. With thousands of theories, it is impossible for society to agree on facts (at least a large portion of society).
Doesn't this mean that Van Drew and Chris Smith were put up to making the statements they made? I never saw a worse actor than Smith. Is Smith a RINO? I'm sorry I voted for him.
Whether it is an intentional lie or they were misled by the person that told them doesn't matter. They are all part of the psyops, willing or ignorant.
They "missed" Chinese high tech spying balloons till someone happened to see them all the way in Montana. The balloons flew over military bases. Remember all the BS stories from Biden administration on that?
How do you know they were Chinese? Because the same people told you they were. I am sure they would have been Russian if the wind blew the other direction.
There is nothing that proves it originated in China by a Chinese citizen. It is quite possible it did just as some of ours drift over other countries. This is nothing more than speculation based on a narrow window of where the object was seen. To call it a 'spy balloon' is another speculation. Just like calling the NJ drones Iranian spy drones.
I’m more on the dispersing the contagion/chemical/poison bandwagon of drone nefariousness. They’ve been up there for weeks now. If they were looking for a dirty bomb they’d have found it by now. They’re flying over densely populated areas. In blue states. Where it would be easy to panic people again causing hysteria. And a liberal public who will happily go along with any freedom stealing measures the gubbermint says will save them. There’s a reason they’re not flying out over the red states where the good ol’ boys will shoot those suckers down while drinking a beer and barbecuing some steaks. It would be a drone downing party.
I’ve got to be on Long Island at Christmas coming from the Midwest cow country. I’m going psyop. But putting this in Gods hands. What the hell can I do about it. If I get uncharacteristically really sick or my husband before leaving I’ll take it as a sign. , however.
Yes, but a lot of people's immune systems are very compromised given the jibjab. ...and the weather's getting cold, so it could be just that...or not! Haha. (That's a gotta laugh or you'll cry response-not that its actually funny)
I'm one, and I guarantee that's exactly what we'd be doing. We haven't been just sitting on our hands since November 2020. "I don't fear the man with 10,000 guns as much as I do the man who's shot his one gun 10,000 times". Anonymous
A psychological operation for sure. What's not a psychological operation these days? If these were not government operated drones, they would have been shot down and the owner of these drones would have been found, charged, and thrown in jail. Since that has not happened, then we can safely assume that it's the government. It is absolutely insane that our hard earned tax dollars go straight to a bureaucracy that does what it wants with zero accountability and zero transparency.
Or perhaps they are privately owned, but the government, out of concern for infringing on the civil rights of citizens, is reluctant to shoot them down.
"It is absolutely insane that our hard earned tax dollars go straight to a bureaucracy that does what it wants with zero accountability and zero transparency. "
This needs to be condensed to fit on a bumper sticker so it can sink in to the average-voter mentality during traffic jams. A political cartoon maybe. (Based on my theory that the weighty ponderance of citizens reads nothing longer than a BS.)
Random thoughts on the “Dronedemic”: 1) If Myorkas says not worry, there is plenty to worry about. 2) Not buying the Iranian Mothership. 3) So far the Drones have been creepy and a nuisance. As soon as one these Drones inflicts major damage, panic will set in. 4) The Dronedemic is feeling like the 2020 Plandemic. Create a crisis and the implement pre planned solutions, that are a win for the Globalists and as loss for Freedom.
Hmmmm, I wonder if the drones are obfuscation / normalization so that *soon* an unknown drone over the 9th hole of a NJ golf course may attempt deadly dive-bombing on certain players.
"This, of course, is how the current administration operates, taking its cues straight out of Gaslighting for Dummies, from which they frequently pull reality-bending statements such as “this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” “the Afghanistan withdraw was an extraordinary success,” “we’re following the science,” “masks work,” “our border is secure,” and “vaccines are safe and effective.” ♬You’re not seeing what you’re seeing!♬"
LOL; Expect our Government to know what is going on??? With the flunkies in power until 1-20-2025? Pleassssssssssssssssssssssssssssseeeee. With a brain impaired POTUS, and cackling buffoon VP( and failed Pres. bid; is vacuous tooo strong a word) ( LOL) this is what is to be expected. I cannot wait for 1-20-2025, then maybe we will get some answers; or at least some intelligent questions. Maybe; I am hoping.................
David Z. Joseph, your party politics are obscuring your intelligence.
I have no love for the Democrats, But you seem to miss that the occupants of the WH are not in control. The DoD designed the bug and ordered the shots from China. Biden and Co. were just there to put a public stamp of approval on the mess.
Do you wear a MAGA hat? Sure sounds like it. You think DT is going to be any more responsive to your needs? Get real. No, sorry, that's beyond you guys, you think in black and white, like children. But your hate for the Democrats is just more claptrap and hate.
When you get past the hate you might be able to see what's right in front of your face. Until then, brother American, you are lost. Any American who hates another American is lost in the fog.
You will live life as you do. Good luck. You're already handicapped by your hate for other Americans.
Good luck on your journey too, David Nelson. The demons you believe in are your demons, not anyone elses. I hope you don't let them hurt you too badly.
@Doc Pruyne, impossible to believe you are not a troll. If you are possibly human however it is _your_ demons on display here. You project hate onto others and then read hate into attempts to get you to look at yourself. Hate on, brother!
I'm going to tell you what it is and you haven't seen this elsewhere but I have a very strong feeling.
Let me tell you what it's not regardless of what happens
Radiation doesn't just show up at night on sensors. That's not how it works. Even if they detonate a nuke please discard that thinking. We have state of the art sniffer planes that can find radiation.
You don't pass new drone legislation by telling highly educated Americans that they are blind and can't tell the difference between planes and drones so we are going to take more power with drone legislation.
You don't know me from a hole in the wall so go research whatever I say as it's going to be factual.
Drones can use AI to predict natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods etc. Yes PREDICT
New Jersey had a good sized earthquake months back
Two weeks ago the Economist Magazine talked about how scientists are concerned about pole shifting as the North magnetic pole is shifting towards Russia. Scientists that say it's no big deal are lying and other scientists are now admitting concern that had not done so previously. It would be catastrophic for humans.
There was also a front page article the other day in the New York Times about solar flares in stars similar to us giving new information that could be detrimental to humans so I find it interesting that we have two major left wing periodicals in two weeks admitting HUGE scientific information that they have denied for a very long time.
Therefore, I think the drones are using AI to observe and map New Jersey because of some concern about something they feel may be coming Either that or New Jersey topography can predict something that will happen elsewhere like the New Madrid fault
Where else have drones been seen in last few days? Arkansas. Look up the New madrid fault
It's certainly an interesting possibility. However, given that the drones have been spotted in Europe too, over a German military base, industrial sites, airport. Also over the airport over Manchester, UK airport, perhaps others, I didn't look extensively. Then I am more likely to believe Steven Greer's (UFO specialist) claim that the "trans-national" rogue group that has been reverse engineering alien tech for almost a century has been planning a Pysop against the World's citizens for decades! What better way to unite the people in a one world government than to fake a planetary attack by off-world (ET) sources. Just another power grab by those who support a one world order. Do not comply!
Every time I walk my dog as I bend down with my plastic baggie, I'm imagining if Mayorkas were there he would be telling me "what are you doing? That's a delicious Tootsie Roll!"
"The DOD is not the Government. The government is comprised of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The DOD dictating policy to the government is back-asswards, and the members of the government and the citizens need to remind them of that, and take back full operational control. The DOD is fully in the control of the civilians that run the Pentagon, the military members take orders from them, not the other way around.
Injecting citizens with bioweapons and running psy-ops on them are not part of that mission. Crimes have been committed against the people, and these crimes may have required complicity on the part of the military and other departments of the bureaucracy (CDC belongs to DOD, that is why they have uniformed officers), but the blame lies with the civil service and executive service employees of the Pentagon. These people have titles, offices, and names, and they should be prosecuted. There are approximately 1 billion people dead, disabled, or injured, worldwide, by this scheme, which includes waging biowarfare against the citizens of the USA."
DOGE is Elon trolling us. He's a huge MIC contractor. He receives enormous subsidies from both the US and China.
Yes agreed otherwise. The DOD needs to be prosecuted. They, however, have declared themselves immune from prosecution thanks to "sovereign immunity." We need to repeal any laws put in place to support this conclusion as well as prosecute the perpetrators as individuals, not officials.
George Watts v DOD case dismissed by federal court claiming "sovereign immunity".
The court ruled that the government is above the law and can kill you or your child by lying and forcing injections of poison on them under fake pretenses of a "public health crisis".
"I was thinking about this whole ridiculous fustercluck this morning and once again praising the heavens for the wake-up call that was Covid." It's about time someone said it... and it's no surprise to me that it was you, Jenna! Thank you! And Thank God for Covid... The very best wake-up call... EVER!
Yes, our unpleasant wake up call to just how long we've been conned for. ...It's really eye opening and continues to be shocking the depths it goes to, but really, Thank goodness we ARE seeing it finally. As we know, SO MANY still are NOT seeing it. Which continues to be baffling!
There's a song by the Rolling Stones about "You don't always get what you want, but you get what you need."... not everyone wakes up at once... give it time.
Read recently that because USA drone makers are required to limit their range to line of sight, all our police and military use drones provided by the CCP. Don’t worry - their back door technology is included at no additional cost. Maybe they’ll offer a Black Friday 2:1 deal!
Why should it be just one thing? Are we not living in the great and wonderful Efficiency Era? Psyop for sure but mb they can also spray you, spay you, you know, the works.
I’m leaning toward dirty bomb. They seem to be over large metro areas. And TX, FL are included. So a couple red states there. There is a significant military industrial complex group in TX so even though we as a public are red, I could see the true political power brokers here signing off on something like this to line their pockets and ensure their future.
On a completely different note, I am fighting off a bad head cold and just made your hot honey tea. Wow, is it terrific! Thank you so much!! Just passed it along to another friend who is sick.
As a person with a private pilots license who also owns a drone, I can say this:
The category of 'recreational drone flying' is limited to keeping it in sight (without binoculars), under 400 feet above ground level and you must mark your drone with FAA registration and it must have Remote ID capability (communicates with FAA and other aircraft).
If you aren't flying recreational rules, then you need to have a part 107 license. This includes anyone who wants to fly over people. Do anything for pay. Fly beyond line of sight. Enter controlled airspace (around airports and military bases). To get a part 107 license, you need to take and pass a course similar to the course to become a private pilot. It covers weather, flight theory, airspace rules, and more.
If you have a part 107 license and want to fly near an airport, you will need to ask the FAA for permission to enter the airspace. This is almost always granted as their job is to separate aircraft, not deny entry.
Due to these rules, there is no way that all these drones are operating where they are without knowledge of FAA and possibly other agencies. If it wasn't, they would have been 'taken care of'. So that rules out Iran and private parties. It is clearly a government operation (or government contractor). By refusing to say what is going on, means that they are doing things they don't want you to know they are doing.
Caution: This video contains rare footage from behind the scenes of the drone Psychological Operations Headquarters, Media Division. It also contains cute kittens:
Note: Is also the same scene for every "Latest Thing" PsyOp at the HQ Media Division. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
I don't give these bouncing dots my brain cells.
The "Iranian Navy" theory is the most preposterous explanation. I didn't even know Iran had a "Naval fleet" that could operate more than 30 miles off their coast line much yet load up a fleet of high-tech drones on an Aircraft carrier that could get within 20 or so miles of the American Northeast and then fly nightly missions.
Has our navy - and our surveillance drones - somehow MISSED this Iranian task force operating off our waters?
We are living in a time when nothing is true and everything is possible. So many are content with this situation and don't pursue the truth. The confusion in the media leaves people with the inability to discern truth from lies. If there were one story it would be easy to prove or discount. With thousands of theories, it is impossible for society to agree on facts (at least a large portion of society).
Indeed, Samuel Morse, "what hath _thou_ wrought?" with your invention of telegraphy, the archetype of modern comms.
Doesn't this mean that Van Drew and Chris Smith were put up to making the statements they made? I never saw a worse actor than Smith. Is Smith a RINO? I'm sorry I voted for him.
Can you trust anything a politician says?
Whether it is an intentional lie or they were misled by the person that told them doesn't matter. They are all part of the psyops, willing or ignorant.
They "missed" Chinese high tech spying balloons till someone happened to see them all the way in Montana. The balloons flew over military bases. Remember all the BS stories from Biden administration on that?
How do you know they were Chinese? Because the same people told you they were. I am sure they would have been Russian if the wind blew the other direction.
An independent American tracked from China using satellite imagery and his AI software.
There is nothing that proves it originated in China by a Chinese citizen. It is quite possible it did just as some of ours drift over other countries. This is nothing more than speculation based on a narrow window of where the object was seen. To call it a 'spy balloon' is another speculation. Just like calling the NJ drones Iranian spy drones.
If it didn't originate in China, why did China warn of repercussions about shooting down their property?
I’m more on the dispersing the contagion/chemical/poison bandwagon of drone nefariousness. They’ve been up there for weeks now. If they were looking for a dirty bomb they’d have found it by now. They’re flying over densely populated areas. In blue states. Where it would be easy to panic people again causing hysteria. And a liberal public who will happily go along with any freedom stealing measures the gubbermint says will save them. There’s a reason they’re not flying out over the red states where the good ol’ boys will shoot those suckers down while drinking a beer and barbecuing some steaks. It would be a drone downing party.
I’ve got to be on Long Island at Christmas coming from the Midwest cow country. I’m going psyop. But putting this in Gods hands. What the hell can I do about it. If I get uncharacteristically really sick or my husband before leaving I’ll take it as a sign. , however.
And the Best comment award goes to CindyArizona! 💐🥂🍾🏆🎉
Agreed! Has anyone noticed people are weirdly sick? Terrible respiratory bullshit. Feckers are out poisoning us again!
Love your take on the drone BS, CindyArizona!
Yes, but a lot of people's immune systems are very compromised given the jibjab. ...and the weather's getting cold, so it could be just that...or not! Haha. (That's a gotta laugh or you'll cry response-not that its actually funny)
My thoughts exactly on the 'good ol' boys' haha :-)
I'm one, and I guarantee that's exactly what we'd be doing. We haven't been just sitting on our hands since November 2020. "I don't fear the man with 10,000 guns as much as I do the man who's shot his one gun 10,000 times". Anonymous
"Good ol' boys drinking whiskey and rye...."
"...any closer you could easily die..."
A psychological operation for sure. What's not a psychological operation these days? If these were not government operated drones, they would have been shot down and the owner of these drones would have been found, charged, and thrown in jail. Since that has not happened, then we can safely assume that it's the government. It is absolutely insane that our hard earned tax dollars go straight to a bureaucracy that does what it wants with zero accountability and zero transparency.
Or perhaps they are privately owned, but the government, out of concern for infringing on the civil rights of citizens, is reluctant to shoot them down.
Tim, I think you should have added ("sarc") after this post.
It was implied. Thanks for noticing!
Since when does the government care about infringement on our rights?
Pert sure that there’s sarcasm 😀
Yep. The sarc tag was implied.
I'm so glad that was sarcasm. These days you never know, people are saying some cray-cray things.
"It is absolutely insane that our hard earned tax dollars go straight to a bureaucracy that does what it wants with zero accountability and zero transparency. "
This needs to be condensed to fit on a bumper sticker so it can sink in to the average-voter mentality during traffic jams. A political cartoon maybe. (Based on my theory that the weighty ponderance of citizens reads nothing longer than a BS.)
They may not be able to read that bumper sticker due to the mask they’re wearing alone in their cars getting in the way.
Right. I missed that.
This will need to fit on a mask, printed backwards to be read in a mirror.
I also know this: Authorities (and the "watchdog press") will never investigate anything they don't want to "confirm."
Random thoughts on the “Dronedemic”: 1) If Myorkas says not worry, there is plenty to worry about. 2) Not buying the Iranian Mothership. 3) So far the Drones have been creepy and a nuisance. As soon as one these Drones inflicts major damage, panic will set in. 4) The Dronedemic is feeling like the 2020 Plandemic. Create a crisis and the implement pre planned solutions, that are a win for the Globalists and as loss for Freedom.
Hmmmm, I wonder if the drones are obfuscation / normalization so that *soon* an unknown drone over the 9th hole of a NJ golf course may attempt deadly dive-bombing on certain players.
EXCELLENT consideration. "IS the Secret Service prepared for 'drone strikes[1]?'" (and "How long have they NOT been prepared for them?")
[1] Crediting @Janet for the phrase.
Now that I could believe. Surgical drone strike.
"This, of course, is how the current administration operates, taking its cues straight out of Gaslighting for Dummies, from which they frequently pull reality-bending statements such as “this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” “the Afghanistan withdraw was an extraordinary success,” “we’re following the science,” “masks work,” “our border is secure,” and “vaccines are safe and effective.” ♬You’re not seeing what you’re seeing!♬"
LOL; Expect our Government to know what is going on??? With the flunkies in power until 1-20-2025? Pleassssssssssssssssssssssssssssseeeee. With a brain impaired POTUS, and cackling buffoon VP( and failed Pres. bid; is vacuous tooo strong a word) ( LOL) this is what is to be expected. I cannot wait for 1-20-2025, then maybe we will get some answers; or at least some intelligent questions. Maybe; I am hoping.................
David Z. Joseph, your party politics are obscuring your intelligence.
I have no love for the Democrats, But you seem to miss that the occupants of the WH are not in control. The DoD designed the bug and ordered the shots from China. Biden and Co. were just there to put a public stamp of approval on the mess.
Do you wear a MAGA hat? Sure sounds like it. You think DT is going to be any more responsive to your needs? Get real. No, sorry, that's beyond you guys, you think in black and white, like children. But your hate for the Democrats is just more claptrap and hate.
When you get past the hate you might be able to see what's right in front of your face. Until then, brother American, you are lost. Any American who hates another American is lost in the fog.
You will live life as you do. Good luck. You're already handicapped by your hate for other Americans.
@Doc Pruyne, don't be coming in here with you're condescending name-calling. It's abundantly clear to regular readers who's-hating-whom here.
<wondering why there's not a DISLIKE button>
Something about a holier than thou prick makes me hate them more. Typical progressive. As slick as obeyme. No smarter.
They really need a "dis-like" button. I second that!
More hate.
Good luck on your journey too, David Nelson. The demons you believe in are your demons, not anyone elses. I hope you don't let them hurt you too badly.
@Doc Pruyne, impossible to believe you are not a troll. If you are possibly human however it is _your_ demons on display here. You project hate onto others and then read hate into attempts to get you to look at yourself. Hate on, brother!
More hate in your comment than the one you’re commenting on. Typical Dem woke gaslighting or is it just empty virtue signalling? Maybe both.
I'm going to tell you what it is and you haven't seen this elsewhere but I have a very strong feeling.
Let me tell you what it's not regardless of what happens
Radiation doesn't just show up at night on sensors. That's not how it works. Even if they detonate a nuke please discard that thinking. We have state of the art sniffer planes that can find radiation.
You don't pass new drone legislation by telling highly educated Americans that they are blind and can't tell the difference between planes and drones so we are going to take more power with drone legislation.
You don't know me from a hole in the wall so go research whatever I say as it's going to be factual.
Drones can use AI to predict natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods etc. Yes PREDICT
New Jersey had a good sized earthquake months back
Two weeks ago the Economist Magazine talked about how scientists are concerned about pole shifting as the North magnetic pole is shifting towards Russia. Scientists that say it's no big deal are lying and other scientists are now admitting concern that had not done so previously. It would be catastrophic for humans.
There was also a front page article the other day in the New York Times about solar flares in stars similar to us giving new information that could be detrimental to humans so I find it interesting that we have two major left wing periodicals in two weeks admitting HUGE scientific information that they have denied for a very long time.
Therefore, I think the drones are using AI to observe and map New Jersey because of some concern about something they feel may be coming Either that or New Jersey topography can predict something that will happen elsewhere like the New Madrid fault
Where else have drones been seen in last few days? Arkansas. Look up the New madrid fault
Definitely food for thought.
Thanks Joe!
I have to add that I just found out that they found a new fault in New Jersey four weeks ago
They are chemtrailing the hell out of us in Southern Colorado this Winter which is not needing to be cooler like Gates wants.
Joe, have you ever watched DutchSinse’s earthquake coverage on YT?
It's certainly an interesting possibility. However, given that the drones have been spotted in Europe too, over a German military base, industrial sites, airport. Also over the airport over Manchester, UK airport, perhaps others, I didn't look extensively. Then I am more likely to believe Steven Greer's (UFO specialist) claim that the "trans-national" rogue group that has been reverse engineering alien tech for almost a century has been planning a Pysop against the World's citizens for decades! What better way to unite the people in a one world government than to fake a planetary attack by off-world (ET) sources. Just another power grab by those who support a one world order. Do not comply!
California Washington, and Oregon too.
They've also been spotted in south central PA, which is primarily farm land.
Every time I walk my dog as I bend down with my plastic baggie, I'm imagining if Mayorkas were there he would be telling me "what are you doing? That's a delicious Tootsie Roll!"
IF "Mayorkas were there," _I_ would be waiting until he passed by before I "bend down."
OVERHEARD: THIS is what DOGE needs to clean up:
"The DOD is not the Government. The government is comprised of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The DOD dictating policy to the government is back-asswards, and the members of the government and the citizens need to remind them of that, and take back full operational control. The DOD is fully in the control of the civilians that run the Pentagon, the military members take orders from them, not the other way around.
Injecting citizens with bioweapons and running psy-ops on them are not part of that mission. Crimes have been committed against the people, and these crimes may have required complicity on the part of the military and other departments of the bureaucracy (CDC belongs to DOD, that is why they have uniformed officers), but the blame lies with the civil service and executive service employees of the Pentagon. These people have titles, offices, and names, and they should be prosecuted. There are approximately 1 billion people dead, disabled, or injured, worldwide, by this scheme, which includes waging biowarfare against the citizens of the USA."
DOGE is Elon trolling us. He's a huge MIC contractor. He receives enormous subsidies from both the US and China.
Yes agreed otherwise. The DOD needs to be prosecuted. They, however, have declared themselves immune from prosecution thanks to "sovereign immunity." We need to repeal any laws put in place to support this conclusion as well as prosecute the perpetrators as individuals, not officials.
George Watts v DOD case dismissed by federal court claiming "sovereign immunity".
The court ruled that the government is above the law and can kill you or your child by lying and forcing injections of poison on them under fake pretenses of a "public health crisis".
"I was thinking about this whole ridiculous fustercluck this morning and once again praising the heavens for the wake-up call that was Covid." It's about time someone said it... and it's no surprise to me that it was you, Jenna! Thank you! And Thank God for Covid... The very best wake-up call... EVER!
Yes, our unpleasant wake up call to just how long we've been conned for. ...It's really eye opening and continues to be shocking the depths it goes to, but really, Thank goodness we ARE seeing it finally. As we know, SO MANY still are NOT seeing it. Which continues to be baffling!
There's a song by the Rolling Stones about "You don't always get what you want, but you get what you need."... not everyone wakes up at once... give it time.
Read recently that because USA drone makers are required to limit their range to line of sight, all our police and military use drones provided by the CCP. Don’t worry - their back door technology is included at no additional cost. Maybe they’ll offer a Black Friday 2:1 deal!
For someone living in Roswell, NM
a/k/a Alíen Capital of the World, this is all pretty ho-hum 😊. The federal government has been singing-lying 🎵 the nothing to see here 🎶 since 1947
Why should it be just one thing? Are we not living in the great and wonderful Efficiency Era? Psyop for sure but mb they can also spray you, spay you, you know, the works.
I think they are planning to drop turkeys for Christmas. Never ends well but worth another try.
I’m leaning toward dirty bomb. They seem to be over large metro areas. And TX, FL are included. So a couple red states there. There is a significant military industrial complex group in TX so even though we as a public are red, I could see the true political power brokers here signing off on something like this to line their pockets and ensure their future.
On a completely different note, I am fighting off a bad head cold and just made your hot honey tea. Wow, is it terrific! Thank you so much!! Just passed it along to another friend who is sick.
Glad you like the tea and feel better soon! :)… 🤷🏻♀️
It would be more effective after January 20. I’m going psyop.