I literally was disinvited to my niece's wedding because I did not have the COVID jab. The hotel where it took place required all guests to show proof of vaccination and I could not. Even so, several of the jabbed guests got COVID. Great article, Jenna. And so true.

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Did you send a nice gift ?

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I did. My niece and her husband had a gift registry and I chose something from that. Plants in cute hanging pots. I love my family but I will not sacrifice my health for them.

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Jan 2Liked by Jenna McCarthy

There IS no such thing as an unjabbed changing his stance, you are so right. Imagine if hundreds, thousands, of unjabbed, suddenly began saying, well hell, those jabs really DO save lives, and after much research and reflection, we have changed our stance and decided to get that jab! The pharma companies would be all over that and would be putting those testimonials front and center of every advertisement, social media post, scientific journal, and msm outlet. Yeah, no, they have only those who wish they had waited.

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Many truths here! Thank you, Jenna.

🧻But can't we agree to disagree on the toilet paper thing? Pretty please?

Tribalism is "the behavior and attitudes that stem from strong loyalty to one's own tribe or social group." It seeks to divide us in order to conquer others. Tribalism has existed for millennia and continues unabated and exacerbated thanks to the Pharma-enhanced steroids of fear, isolation, propaganda, censorship, internet-fueled social media, captured media, medical schools and universities, and so much more.

When someone tells you it’s a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” we really should consider that it’s a “pandemic of the uneducated.”

Many people refuse to see the truth or investigate beliefs other than their own. And it’s not simply a left (Democrat) or right (Republican) political issue. Despite false claims that “antivax” is strictly a MAGA Republican mindset, some of today's strongest speakers against vaccines were Democrats (Rogan, Maher, Bigtree, Malone, Kory, RFK Jr. among others) or they “believed in” vaccines until they were injured, knew someone injured, got sick with the very illness the shot was supposed to prevent, or just started to – heaven forbid – do their own research.

I’ve been trying to figure out how to wake people up and more willing to listen. Providing facts and logic doesn’t always work—it's sooooo easy to lie with data, even I don't trust data any more (especially not government-supplied data).

So perhaps we should pose cognitive dissonance-inducing (but kindly delivered) questions until the mind pimples explode and healing can begin. Some questions could include:

* Have you looked at non-traditional sources (other than FDA, NIH, CDC, and their "experts')?

* Who told you whatever you believe now? When did they tell you?

* How recent are their facts?

* What resources are they using for research?

* How long have they specifically been studying the COVID-19 and mRNA technology?

* Have they ever lied to you before?

* Have they ever willingly changed their position on any topic?

* Have you followed their money? Are they funded by government or Big Pharma?

* Do they have any conflicts of interest (money, power, prestige)?

* Who is responsible if something goes wrong with the vaccines (answer: YOU ARE, not government, not the manufacturers!)?

* What early treatments are available for the disease in question? Have you or anyone you know tried them?

* Do you know anyone who was previously healthy, took a shot or two or three or four, and later died suddenly or developed some weird disease that doesn't usually happen?

I'm sure other readers will think of many more questions! But maybe it's time to turn the tide with questions so we can learn why others think the way they do. In the process, we might change their minds.

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If you give me Twizzlers, I'll give you TP *the wrong way.* ;) And ALL THE YES to your other points!!! I wrote a post a while back asking many of your questions... but sadly, only right-thinking (yeah, I said it) folks like us tend to read my 'stack. ;)


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No worries. I don’t eat Twizzlers — EVER.

I think others will be reading your ‘stack. I share like crazy (though maybe with more rightists than leftists), but it’ll break through. I promise!

I have in my “to share” pile your October 22 post, which I missed due to being uneducated and ignorant about your work (prehistoric 🦖 times, yes!): https://jennamccarthy.substack.com/p/convince-me-im-wrong

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Jan 2Liked by Jenna McCarthy

There's a maxim that goes something like this: "Don't expect to change with logic an opinion that was arrived at through non-logic, ie, emotion."

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The only argument I have found that gives a bit of pause in their dogma has been to explain that it's a new type of vaccine never used before. Many don't even know this.

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I've had NO luck with that one at all! "Oh it's been development for YEARS blah blah blah..." [eyeroll] It's hard to break the defend-your-abusers mentality.

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The ones i have found that didn't know are in their 80s.

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That’s a good one, but even the non-mRNA COVID shots proved dangerous and ineffective.

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Jan 2Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I suggest starting with the axiom that all people are created equal and are endowed by our Creator with unalienable rights to life, liberty and property.

Agree or disagree.

The fundamental issue is do our rights come from God or man (government).

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Jan 2·edited Jan 2Liked by Jenna McCarthy

How about this: most people have "woken up." We know this because the vaccine uptake now is so abysmal. I'm older, my doctor didn't even offer me a vax at my checkup in November. They know. But "they" will not talk about it. We're all just going to pretend it never happened. It's not that I want anyone to admit that they were wrong so I can gloat. It's just that we cannot actually repair this societal error unless it is agreed that there was an error. Somehow it has to become ok to talk about it. For them, I mean. There are many on the anti-vax side who talk about it already.

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YES!!! This is literally the topic of my next post. Doctors and nurses and pharmacists who give out this poison HAVE to be seeing the aftermath... why aren't they talking? (We know the answer... fear of retribution, but ENOUGH ALREADY. It's time to speak up!!!)

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And in the same vein, regarding Ivermectin... the FDA tweeting this “ Now stop it y’all, you know you’re not a horse”....simply brazenly wrong and or stupid. We are mammals, we are exposed to parasites and the medicine has been used globally for decades most notably by the Jimmy and Roslyn Carter Foundation to help eliminate River Fever in third world countries. SHAME on the FDA!!!

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Jan 2Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I appreciate your perspective... you are right on target...

What surprised me in this entire Covid ordeal was how quickly and how widespread the false narrative was put in place and "accepted" by the authorities-- even in the medical establishment. Being in the medical profession, I found out almost incredible. I think the false narrative could occur rapidly because as we began to follow the money, it began to be clear that people had so much money in their ears that they couldn't think logically...

Anyway, thank you for your posts. Maybe in the future, I will upgrade.

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Jan 3Liked by Jenna McCarthy

YES Terry! That realization was what cemented my resolve to avoid the jab! How quickly every business complied with these outrageous mandates, and not just comply but embrace them! Dutifully generating 'Essential Worker' letters to distribute to their employees who could anticipate getting pulled over for going to work. Cheerfully explaining their customized testing and 'stay home' policies. Stores merrily putting little 'foot shaped' stickers and arrows in the aisles... it's like they were just waiting to unleash their creative zeal and devotion to the cause! And then incredibly, it blossomed across the face of the earth with unprecedented speed as all the nations joined together with a rush of surreal synchronicity. When does that EVER happen?

Looking back it was like getting caught in a parade and trying to not get carried along-confusing.. alarming... and exhausting.

I'm grateful that you took the time to post. I too intend to upgrade my sub eventually. In that vein, have you read the book she co-authored about the war on Ivermectin? I enjoyed it very much and it was only 20 bucks. It was a start!.

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Jan 4Liked by Jenna McCarthy

“it blossomed across the face of the earth with unprecedented speed as all the nations joined together with a rush of surreal synchronicity. When does that EVER happen?”



THAT by ITSELF should have made people wonder. I mean, when - EVER - ever, ever, ever has the entire world agreed on something, and done so in about a single nanosecond?

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Thanks for sharing. I haven't read the book... sounds like it would be a good read. I have been in favor of Ivermectin ever since it first came out. I couldn't make any sense of the effort to discount it until I heard someone say that with Emergency Use Authorization, they couldn't have anything else that worked. So they didn't want anything else to work because it would disallow EUA for this "vaccine". The lack of sound reasoning on the part of so many people-- in authority and under authority has truly boggled the mind... But then again, money has a way of interfering with sound reasoning...

Proverbs 17:23 "A wicked man accepts a bribe behind the back to pervert the ways of justice."

"Proverbs 29:4 "The king establishes the land by justice, But he who receives bribes overthrows it."

Follow the money....

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Sorry for the delayed response...😊

No, I haven't read that book yet... I'm in Brazil, and probably won't be ready getting it here...I'd like to get it when I get back to the states...

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Jan 2Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Division of community has been the goal for a long time. Divided we all fall. I tell my teenage grandkids that there's not a person alive that I agree with completely. That's OK. I try to avoid labels and encourage them to do the same. True acceptance of diversity gives us the ability to disagree, and insisting everyone agree with me is actually the opposite of diversity.

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On Tuesday, Jan 2, 2024, Boise County (Idaho) Commissioners unanimously passed Resolution 2024-10! We are eternally grateful to our County Commissioners for their honesty, integrity, and sincere desire to do the right thing.

Details: https://www.boisecounty.us/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Res-2024-10-signed.pdf

Washington County signed a letter of support against gene shots for kids in early November 2023.

Another County is voting soon.

One county at a time. One state at a time. One country at a time.

Article with details about the project and links to testimony in Washington County on Sasha Latypova’s Substack: https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/washington-county-idaho-resolution?utm_campaign=email-post&r=14nzxn&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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*And also sad that common sense gets a standing ovation and a party these days

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Jan 2Liked by Jenna McCarthy

ATTENTION - any here who are health professionals:


Kaiser nurse from CA, Gail Macrae and several medical professionals, including Dr. Christiane Northrup, founded the organization Stand Firm Now, to gather expert witness testimony from medical practitioners on notarized affidavits that will “be accessible to every litigating attorney in the world.”

The notarized testimonies will allow litigants to “properly reinforce” their cases with the “quality and quantity of evidence required to persuade the judge to open exploration.”

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Jan 2·edited Jan 2Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Fantastic information, Laura Kasner! Thank you. I will share with medical professionals and others I know. I’ve also updated the Legal Resources section of my list of Covid Essential links. If you have a moment, check it out in case I’ve made any errors: https://eolson47.substack.com/i/136555279/legal-resources

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Prefect Big E!

Did you read Jeff Childers today? I was able to be the first commenter this morning and now it's the top comment! Yay!

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The unvaxxed can visit covidians again.

The wave has passed, we are safe.

We go to their homes and they shedd all over us.

They think they are such caring people.

They are ghouls.

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I do not disagree!!! Bastards.

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Jan 2Liked by Jenna McCarthy

GOD bless you Jenna - love your humor & thanks for being a true Truth Warrior. Dear Lord, deliver us from evil - I have to believe the Light of TRUTH will come to pass ...

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3% to 7% still getting the jabs.

80% Vax rate at one point.

75 % no longer getting them.

25 % have admitted they shouldn't have taken them.

50% of population full of crap.

What's new ?

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Megan REdshaws substack today has the Military numbers for increase in diseases and adverse events. Nice to see military members going after the leadership that blindly forces the issue.

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Jan 2Liked by Jenna McCarthy

There is a human spirit in the UN-vaccinated which appears to be severely lacking in the vaccinated. It would be within reason for the unvaccinated to sit back and let the chips fall where they may and see who the last one standing is but apparently everyone with a moral consciousness appears to be in the question the jabs before you jump camp. And these folks are still holding out their hands in an effort to save those who wish them all sorts of harm. Not only that they are the ones looking for solutions that the vaccinated need or will need. Truly amazing to watch. Self-righteousness vs actual righteousness. Moral conscience vs. Collective ignorance. Thats what we are dealing with.

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Green grows the grasshopper.

Dawn breaks our darkest day.

Funny how the hours slip away.

From MariGolds , by Grasshopper Kaplan SF killafornia.

Hear it on one of my last couple of substack posts, nearly completely composed ...

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