I have a screenshot of screaming headlines from every year from 2018 back 10 years saying about the same things. Hospitals full, cases surging, epidemic worthy, everybody sick. I think I had my first hard flu since 1998 after Christmas with nothing but maybe 1 or 2 flu shots in between. Quit that folly long ago. I understand this years jab effectiveness is worse than placebo. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. I don’t test for Covid. Another joke.

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Big Pharma and their Media are preaching to their shrinking choir. Hopefully RFK Jr. will be successful eliminating Big Pharma ads in the main stream media.

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I'm willing to bet that pharma will find a work-around to sneak them in anyway.

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I’m still alive as turning off Main Stream Media has eliminated the fear and manipulative spin ,the false narrative is unheard and the experimental toxic injections are being saved for those that promote the death by a thousand boosters 😂

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Bingo. I turned it off March 2020. All of it. I was perfectly calm and unafraid. Worked on getting healthier. Then I became concerned about the level of potential violence turned in my direction late summer of 2021 for refusing the jab. They would have had a hard time getting me out of my house, however.

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"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win”

Pretty sure we're in the "fight you" phase right now, but I think we're also very close to "then you win."

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Thanks for the warning. I wouldn’t want to miss the latest TEOTWAWKI (The End Of The World As We Know It) fright fest! Lions, tigers, and jabs, oh my! 😱

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Not to worry! I have my Glock with 2000 rounds of ammunition just in case a stark raving mad (cow) blue-haired, TDS infested lefty on their 47th booster (aka-mentally deranged) dares to tell me I am a murderer and granny killer

Because, that is the one and only thing (emphasis) to fear these fine days!

Don't you just love how the looney tunes leftists are losing their ever living sheet?!

Thank you Jenna for the fear and propaganda update. I be stayin alive!

Hilarious 🎯😎🤣

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How about that monstrous can of whoop ass (Dan Bongino) joining the venerable Kash Patel to take down some whiny doughboys, aka Schiff and Swalwell! Hee, hee.

Now, Bongino and Patel are something those reptilian miscreants should fear. I mean, like shaking in their boots and vomiting kind of fear!

What a fabulous way to begin yet another momentous week in the greatest country on God's green earth. Virus, schmirus... Bring it on! Oh, I almost forgot to mention C U Next Tuesday, Joy (NOT) Reid is OUT!

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What the heck does TWOSIAD stand for? I feel like I'm wandering around, looking under rocks and behind bushes, trying to figure it out! The Way Out Seldom Is As Delivered? To What Outlandish Stupid Idiotic Asinine Dunce? Twice Wasted; Only Saved If Always Dangled? It's an illness and I can't find the treatment (IAIAICFTT). Rand

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The Winter of Severe Illness and Death.

Mrs. "the Knife"

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Mandy Cohen, the smiling mistress of death at the CDC is gone now isn’t she? I might be behind in this season of so many winning moments.

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Is she Mindy Cohen's sister? Perhaps she is learning the "facts of life!"

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I’d comment, but my unvaccinated ass died a few TWOSIADs (my favorite new acronym) ago. Wait…never mind.

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“…known as winter”. Hilarious

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I got the flu shot every year from 2002 until 2012... and I got the flu every year from 2002 until 2012... I stopped taking the flu shot in 2013 and have had the flu 2 times since then, 2017 and 2018.

Not only am I not "jabbed", and never will be... I wouldn't take a tetanus shot now... no way... no how! ... (the rhyme was an added bonus, however unintentional)

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Damn. Now I'm picturing "overwhelmed" health care workers doing dance routines!

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!

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I'm staying out of hospital, off drugs, and delaying if not outright avoiding dementia with:


Nutrition; i.e. Whole foods Yes! Ultra processed and refined foods NO!

Sunshine and making sure that my Vitamin D level is above 50 Ng/ml. (My target is mid to high eighties.)

Proper sleep hygiene;




Peace, Love, Health, and Freedom, to all who are fortunate enough to strive for these goals. 🙏


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Let me remind you of the year 2018 when Dr. Timothy Cunningham, working for the CDC, bless his honest heart, discovered it wasn’t the 2018 flu killing people all over the US, but the flu SHOT … This old link mentions his mysterious disappearance. Later he was found to be suicided. 😢💔🙏


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Awakened with a minor sore throat two days ago. When it looked like it meant business, I popped 2 Echinacea Premium (Std Process) twice during that day and was normal by evening. Flu? No clue, but I don’t play Name That Disease.

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