Your writing style - is brilliant.

The Source here is way beyond the drug dealer -

takes some of us a lifetime to know the Source known by many names.

We do not need fentanyl or heroin to get high - we just need to transcend the material bondage of the world.

An encouragement - keep writing...that brilliant style...consider it.


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It just amazes me this guy with this belief & the horrible management of this country during the Convid Crisis is ahead by 51 points in the poll. Jim Trafficant, house rep from Mahoning County, OH used to say, BEAM ME UP SCOTTY?

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It's unimaginable...and a reminder of what the offerings are...

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Dec 27, 2023·edited Dec 27, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

If you don't follow him, Jeff Childers wrote about this topic the other day. It is an enjoyable read. He sees us and the covidians closer than we think after some observations. Here is his post where he was talking about it.


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Childers and McCarthy -- Could be a great law firm -- or a great comedy team -- or both! Childers also wrote an excellent Substack today where he discussed a method of argumentation he calls “agree and extend.” See https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/little-packages-wednesday-december just under WORLD NEWS & COMMENTARY.

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I saw it. I commented on it and got some nice feedback from others as well. Nice when you get good conversation and thought circulating.

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Sorry, I missed that. But I totally agree about good conversation circulating!

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It was dealing with the same topic of how to deal with these type of people. I cut it from the other article and will paste it here.

I got involved in comments on an article on microsoft news about Ivermectin. It is funny how people against it saying on people for it are MAGA and things of that nature and those kind of attacks. Dosing required not safe for humans, etc. I put in my two cents worth about a gold standard study that has been done commenting to some of those attackers. Microsoft won't let you give the links. When they attacked me with the MAGA stuff, I responded with it was a Gates funded company that did the gold standard study on oral ivermectin proving it was safe and effective for treating Covid. I gave the company name and told them search it and look in their portfolio and you will find the study. Their study is on the government website with everything except study results that it was 97% effective. The fact they did it and submitted it is there though. Even Bill Gates knows it is effective. The motive for the study is to create an intravenous version which I am not sure I would trust and would probably be expensive. The point is a Gates funded study isn't a MAGA thing. A Gates funded company isn't a MAGA thing. That took the breath away from their attacks in my opinion. Dr. Pierre Kory even sited this study when saying it is effective. Gates funds WHO, NIH and many 3 letter organizations, but they all said it was an ineffective drug for Covid even though he funded a company that shows it was. The webs they all weave.

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Superb research and reply. Thanks for sharing it here, John T.

I confess that I usually don't read all the C&C comments -- there can be thousands, literally! -- so I appreciate your sharing yours here.

You may know this, but in case you or someone else finds it interesting, here's another way to share comments: Simply copy the comment link and paste it wherever you wish, e.g. "See comment here: https://jennamccarthy.substack.com/p/consider-the-source/comment/46130429."

There are several ways to copy a comment link (assuming you're using a standard browser, not the Substack app).

1. Find the time the link was posted (either a date or a number of hours ago) on the line with the commenter's name, just above the comment text. It might look something like "Just Now", "14 hrs ago" or "Dec 22".

2. Copy as follows:

2a: Right-click the comment time with your mouse and choose Copy Link from the shortcut menu (the option may have a slightly different name). Or,

2b: Click the comment time to go directly to the comment. Then select and copy the link from the browser's URL bar at the top.

3. Paste the link wherever you like.

I hope this is helpful!

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❤️ Coffee and Covid - a must read start to the day!!

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So very spot on Ms. Jenna! I wish I could write this well. But I can't. So, I do the second-best thing: I share!

You ask: "How do we get the loyal Pharma followers to actually think about it?"

I answer: "Send them Jenna McCarthy's article on magical thinking, live-forever potions, dapper high-singing mobsters, and instant weight loss for the massives."

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Hahaha look at you! You can TOTALLY write! (Also I live for your comments, for real.) XO

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You really made my day, Jenna. I'm truly honored. XO back at ya!

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Some of the celebrities are just dying to promote the jabs! They should have taken the saline shots the politicians take. But they probably know that by now.

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Many celebrity influencers made a GRAVE 🪦mistake!

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Just a few thoughts

-- Outside of people like those who were driving in their cars alone with a mask on, I have a hard time feeling sorry for those who actually enabled what happened since 2020 because most of them will jump right on board again and drive us deeper into an existential ditch when the trap is set again. Some of these hall monitor-types showed how easily they transformed into nazi brownshirts in a very short period of time.

-- Let's not forget Reiner Fuellmich who is now completely isolated in jail on what appears to be B.S. pretenses because of his efforts to dig deeper and raise more awareness globally while coordinating legal efforts anywhere possible. They're trying to remove his influence from society.

-- I don't know how we reach the herd because these people are primarily governed by fear and that's why they need to be part of the herd. And the reality is society collectively, that is to say I suppose that the culture, has been seriously dumbed down for many years. The blatant criminality of pharma that everyone has known about for years suddenly turned into our saviors--- imagine that! That requires a special level of cognitive dissonance that I don't think was possible even 15-20 years ago. So gov't & pharma are out to protect you and save you because they love you so much? Got it-- well, I guess we have nothing to talk about then. If people can't even analyze what they're thinking at all then I just don't think they're reachable until things start to crack internally.

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All excellent points and sadly true. Case in point: NO LIBERAL was going to take the "Trump vaccine," INCLUDING sleepy Joe and cackling Kamala. Of course (eyeroll) the good old trusty internet has been mostly scrubbed of their comments, but here's a "fact check" description of them (where they hilariously try to backpedal the facts to insist it was merely a distrust of TRUMP, never the VACCINE): https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/jul/23/tiktok-posts/biden-harris-doubted-trump-covid-19-vaccines-not-v/

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Thank you for making reference to this fact. The liberal outcry was actually the genesis of my decision to 'wait and see' if the shots were untested. It is so important to keep the historical record of these critical developments alive! Thank you again for your role as Historian and Defender of the Covidical Records.

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Sadly, the people who need to read this probably won't, and we who do read it already agree.

Personally, I've given up trying to red-pill anyone. As long as they leave me alone, I'm ok with other people holding onto their weird beliefs.

The only thing that sometimes works a bit is the tiny nudge - asking a question that might trigger some actual thought process!

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McCarthy & Childers FREE PRESS at its best!

Coming to a substack near you.

Thanks for all you do Jenna.🙏

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At this point there is no getting through to the co-vidians. It doesn’t matter red or blue, left or right, straight or gay, as I’ve got them ALL in my family and friends unit and they are still getting their flu jabs and buying up the pcr tests lol. I’m done trying to educate anyone. If they ask, I’ll share my thoughts, experiences and research. Otherwise I’ll continue to post on social media, and drop off leaflets and pamphlets I’ve collected here and there and follow the Drs on substack that are speaking out. I’ll continue to hope and pray that people wake up but I’ve already gone down that rabbit hole of “the white hats are on our side” and “JB is not really president” and “follow the timeline” etc. 2020 was a wake up call of how much evil there is in the world. We can all comment on social media and be keyboard warriors etc but Unless we have an honest msm and administration nothing is going to change. The Dems are in control and everything they touch they destroy.

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I'm sorry but just because my drug dealer recently paid the biggest fine in corporate history for covering up that he knew there was fentanyl in their Maryjane doesn't make him untrustworthy. That's just crazy talk...

Oh how quickly we forget the inconvenient truths.

Brilliant post. Love it.

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Unfortunately integrity is a rare quality in people these days. Money speaks louder.

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I don’t know, but I have seen integrity scream at the top of its lungs and all money had to do is whisper and that is what the audience heard. Very sad, indeed!

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Jan 4Liked by Jenna McCarthy

There are areas where it seems nearly impossible to counter the covidians - my totally blue state (MA) does have a few people who will admit to not being jabbed but not many - and groups (like my book group) still asks everyone to test before going to an in-person meeting! (I've not been for awhile . . .) What I find even more reprehensible is the local supermarkets - they of course have pharmacies and banks as every good supermarket should (eye-roll) and they are now offering $10 off the grocery bill if you get a combo flu-covid jab. So for a measly $10 bucks you can get something to eat (probably some completely trashy "food" that will also help end your life) - along with the shots that will probably do the same . . . . . . Seriously - what is wrong with these people?

Years ago I read that the KKK got outed by someone who knew their "secret handshake", taught it to a bunch of kids who started using it as their secret handshake - thus making known to the world what the KKK did behind closed doors - hence outing it and making fun of the KKK all in one fell swoop. Humor is the key, which is why your column is so great, Jenna. As is Geoff Childers'. Keep up the good work.

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OMG I got two receipts at the grocery store yesterday--the second one was the $10 off your basket. I literally refused to take it from the cashier (hahahah take THAT, minimum-wage-paid high school kid also sorry). Appreciate the comment and the kind words! :)

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Received approval for use in less time than it takes to teach a toddler to tie their shoes.

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David, may I quote you on this? Your comment is just too good.

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/10b051b40bde

If you prefer, I can delete your name and the link to your comment to anonymize it.

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Use as you wish.

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Thanks, David! Much appreciated.

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Honestly bat this point I think tis not possible. I am of the mind, these folks who were killed and maimed, so many will say, twoud have been worse were it not for scamdemic Harmacide hacksxxxine injextions.

Of course many folks did figure it out right away, or prior to damage, hopefully, because of the viruganda so thick and ominous and coordinated globally, a first as it were as such .

But try to tell someone to take their mask off, or take that needle out of their arm, I think tis pointless and fruitless, sigh

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What's really creepy about the Madonna photo is the veins in her hands. This bulging ropey look seems to be all too common in many of those who have been jabbed:

> https://makismd.substack.com/p/died-suddenly-30-yo-bodybuilder-and

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They really don’t need to be convinced. If they’re covidians, they chose the slow kill bio weapon and their fate is sealed.

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Unfortunately, covidians will never question big pharma unless something terrible happens directly to them or a loved one, and even then, the majority of them will never make the connection because their connection to reality relies on them believing in this fairy tale.

It's been happening for decades now, but it's just more obvious now.

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