*I’M* with you!!! I have a husband pushing up daisies because of the mandated hellspital protocol BULLSHart!!! He was taking ivermectin! He was taking his VITTamins! But his O2 dropped to 67 and with home oxygen I couldn’t get it above 74...he went to the local county (rural MS) ER, with NO VENT NO REMDESIVIR written on both forearms ..... he got it anyway, (secretly!😡) and in 14 days his body’s organs all failed! Boom! The End.... 14 days, his body could not fight the poison to his kidneys...they failed, then pancreas, liver, then heart... just like clockwork... Ii

I am a part of the FORMERFEDSGROUP FREEDOM FOUNDATION! I now interview grief-stricken families who are struggling to make sense of the tortured HELL their loved ones were out through! WHY!!!! WHY were they given Remdesivir against their wishes! WHY were there no informed consent forms explained and signed? WHY were they given drug cocktails riddled with Black Box Warnings meds, and DoNOT MIX WITH,,,” meds? WHY were they given oxygen suppressing drugs when they already weren’t breathing well??? WHY were they FORCED onto ventilators in the middle of the night, with no family approval and patient denied the right to speak to a scared, loving spouse who might be able to calm them down just a tad, with a kind loving encouraging word??? WHY then were they kept paralyzed, given high doses of morphine and fentanyl, medazolam, (the drug that is used to kill death row inmates) WHY????? BECAUSE, it was allowed,,,,it was PAID FOR, BY THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES!!! The hospitals received a grant of money for covid patients, and without enough deaths, they would’ve had to repay REPAAAAY that WINDFALL which they could never do..... WHY were family members allowed to see their loved one a final time, in many cases, *only* after they agreed to sign them over to hospice with a do not resuscitate order? WHY if the family refused, were they forced to stand outside a window to watch that precious life breathe its last....one I know of,,,,the little girl screaming out “DADDY! Daddy, please don’t die.....”

through a double-glass window...

THIS!!!!! THIS is the c19 HELLSPITAL “PROTOCOL” that was FORCED on unsuspecting Americans by the CDC/NIH, IN THE PLACE OF TRULY “safe and effective” EARLY treatments.... Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, Vitamins, Zinc,


the most often heard statement we hear from our family members during our interviews, through broken hearts and soft sobs is:

“My (husband/wife/parent/child) just needed some oxygen and maybe an antibiotic or a Z-pac for his lungs...” and now he’s dead...

My thoughts exactly...

Thanks to Dr Kory, and to my friend, Dr John Witcher, who tried to save us but couldn’t...

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I am sobbing. I am so sorry about your husband. He is the reason I will NEVER stop fighting this beast. You are the reason. Nobody should ever have to go through what you did. Justice must be served.

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If they had fined the hospitals when a patient died "of COVID" instead of giving them a bounty for it, I think people would have recovered.

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In a heartbeat!!!

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RayRaysGirl - I’m so very sorry for the horribly tragic loss of your husband. My heart and prayers go out to you.

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Thank you! We’re in a fight to stop it - it’s STILL the only approved “drug” right now!!!

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I read the book and think it was one of the best out of all the COVID crisis books I eagerly bought. You and Pierre are not only great writers, but your skill in reporting a very serious subject using everyday language and humor is masterful. If I could afford it, I'd buy a copy for everyone I know who followed the government narrative. Brilliant exposé!

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OK, I done went and ordered it! (The book) I am one of those cowboys who also had ordered a 12 pack of the apple flavored horse wormer from Amazon.

I used to get terrible heartburns but a dose of the wormer for about a 250 lb horse when I weigh 165 and no heartburns for a few months. Guess it was worms?

Amazing that lots of places kissed the Fauci (or whoevers some couldn't bend that low) backside and took it off their shelves.

Most of my rural friends also did the same and like me told them where they could stick their shots. Nobody died from COVID or horse wormer. Sadly I did have some jab for your job friends and acquaintances die of sudden heart attacks.

Oddest thing is COVID seems to have eradicated the common cold and flu according to that arrow they stick up sheep noses.

Looking forward to reading your book!!!

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Funny who turned out to be the "smart" ones in all of this, huh? I hope you love the book! (Oh, it'll piss you off, don't get me wrong... but hopefully it will fire you up, too!)

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Oddly enough, I just was reading an article about super-duper gastric distress being caused by ........

PARASITES!!!!! You kilt’em and now you feel better! So does a friend of mine diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome and no control over her explosive diarrhea!!! For years!!!

Free to ditch them DEPENDZZZ now!!! Who knew? Well, besides BigPharma, of course....

So glad you’re feeling better!

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It’s amazing with all the information exposing the fraud that people still not only believe but vehemently defend the shots. One girl told me recently that the shot has cured Sickle Cell Anemia.

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Dead people don't get other diseases!

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The shots, perhaps along with a dose of Ozempic, are the perfect permanent weight loss drug.

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I discovered Pierre Kory and the FLCCC right as they began helping people. I can’t begin to tell you how grateful I am to him. I did my own research before those shots got pushed out and was smart, or untrusting enough, to not take them. I’ve been using ivermectin as a preventative against covid for the last few years. It does exactly what it’s supposed to do. Dr Kory gave me hope during those dark, horrible times and helped me keep my sanity.

Thank you both for all you do.

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I count my blessings for a dear friend the good Lord sent my way, recommending the FLCCC website. It was the beginning of my journey into understanding all things Covid (and the propoganda being shoved at us daily). It is still my go to site, often suggested to others who are seeking the truth.

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Vaxed early 2021 - almost died. Wanted to since many times. It's been an exhaustive battle. I'm living the war on Ivermectin.

Thank you for your service, Jenna! Thank you too for reminding me of laughter. It's the best medicine.

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Exciting! I’m buying the book.

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I hope you love it (and find it extremely accessible)! :)

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We're having some wins here in Idaho starting at the County level. Much of this was inspired by the tenacity of Dr. Kory, honorary doctorette Jenna, Dr. Malone and so many more.

We hope for more updates about Idaho soon. Here's where you'll find them for now: https://eolson47.substack.com/i/137369913/boise-county-commissioners-advise-against-gene-therapy-shots

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👏👏👏 and I will take honorary doctorette day long!

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Ordered the book after reading this column. As a long time follower of Dr. Kory/FLCCC I am not sure why I held off as long as I did in getting it!

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Thank you for posting those chapters, it pushed me to purchase the audible so I can listen when driving.

If we are going to beat these people we all need to put our badass on and use it

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Who’s narrating please? This may be my way in...

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So I have to purchase the book and read it, but I have to ask, did he and you write your own chapters or did each of you add pieces or lines here and there regardless of what chapter it was? In other words, was the line, “Accessible? What did we turn in, a wheelchair ramp?", his line or yours? Funny the things that will make you crack up, and that did for me.

I confess to still being in somewhat of a deflated covid burnout (yes, pretty much all of my family took the injections, think we had an 'insurrection', and still think Russiagate was real) because I was screaming Fire in a crowded theater from April 2020, and I ingested a ton of information for a good two years or so before reminding myself that most people don't come to knowledge unless they get curious on their own. Deflating but true. A very smart and talented friend of mine from my youth, who had a bit of a rocky family life, once said to me around the age of 16, "I think most adults live in denial." That is getting near to 40 years ago and I've always remembered that moment, and I don't know what instilled such wisdom in my friend but boy has that statement held up and proven to be more relevant as my years move along.

Aside from that personal tidbit, I've always enjoyed and appreciated every time I've heard Dr. Kory speak publicly because of his candor, his wit, and his passion for getting the truth out so that line I mentioned above really does sound like either one of you could have spoken it. I appreciate this substack for the humor and the guts to come out and say it like it feels without apology and yet wrap it up in a cheeky way so as not to be too preachy or heavy. And yes, I will get the book, eventually, once I manage to give a few others their due that I've neglected and deserve attention. Cheers.

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Thanks for this Bradley! I take credit for the wheelchair line (everything in this post (proximal to the book chapters LOL) is all me. As you know, Pierre is brilliant and witty, so our collaboration was a riot. I'd say while we both contributed to each piece, he was more about content and I was more about delivery. If you read both of our substacks, I bet you'll be able to guest who-done-what if/when you read the book. :)

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Bradley... do buy it and read it! You will appreciate the way the book reveals how Dr. Kory let the truth dawn on him as things developed. It gives me deep respect for the man. Also...

You will find yourself chuckling out loud when you come across one of those distinctive "Jenna-isms".. love to give you one here, but they are better when you are reading along and one lands on your funny bone!

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Favorite comment of the week!! 😊

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This is an amazing post; I’m deeply moved.

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Off topic, but it looks like Substack itself is now under attack. The narrative is that Substack is now a "haven for Nazis.”


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Of course it is! [eyeroll] I commented there as well, but here are my thoughts: When did ninety-seven percent of the world become delicate little easily-offended flowers? Is this what happens when everyone gets a (participation) trophy? The entitlement is MIND BLOWING. Why do I have to agree with every single thing posted on this platform to use it? (Do the anti-Nazis have any idea of the nasty crap out there on X and YouTube, which they likely peruse daily?) I wrote about this back when Joni Mitchell and Neil Young were having simultaneous tantrums and threatening to pull their music from the same streaming service as "Covid misinformation spreader" Joe Rogan. (BYE!) The mind boggles. https://jennamccarthy.com/not-your-cuppa-joe/ (Oh, and how much do you wanna bet this massive "user revolt" is the two folks mentioned here? I've got a crisp fifty I'll throw down.)

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If you love hilarious prose, you need look no further than this:


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Thanks for the link. I laughed out loud when I read this at the end, "... health-promoting behaviors, such as vaccination..." 🙄😏 Yeah right, over my no mRNA jabbed body.

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I liked the Donald Trump reference. So scientific.

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I just got a rush of gratitude for never having seen any part of an episode of Family Ties.

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Great excerpts. Truly the pinnacle of accessible, well-researched writing. I recall reading Chapter 1 (at least) in one of Dr. Kory's Substack articles, which indeed, I've been following for as long as I stopped believing mainstream media and "doctors" (sadly, starting way too late with the advent of COVID-19).

Cannot wait to read the honestly purchased "The War on Ivermectin," which I downloaded to my Kindle a while back. "War..." is on my must-read list as soon as I finish the not-as-accessible but totally convincing with pictures (OK, graphs) that overcome any inaccessible words: "Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak" (https://www.amazon.com/Vax-Unvax-Childrens-Health-Defense-Kennedy-ebook/dp/B08X4XQXXK/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=)

You wrote: After months of toiling and pruning and hair-pulling, Pierre and I submitted to our publisher what we were smugly positive was a masterpiece.

👨‍🦲Just one question: Does all this pulling explain what happened to Dr. Kory's beautiful hair? From "my head to Hector's eyes," or something weird like that?

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That man probably had an additional 1462 reasons to pull his hair out over the last 4 years! I’d say he’s lucky to have a single sprout remaining.😊

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Super hero!

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