Thank you! The FDA makes so much more sense to me now. I’ve been an MD for over 20 years and been struggling to crack the code 😂🤡🤡🤡

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“Me, I’ll continue to take an opposite-day approach, avoiding anything the Food and Drug Administration Flibberdygibbet Dinglemajingle Abracadoodad recommends like a steaming pile of poodle poop on the sidewalk and embracing every last thing they tell me I shouldn’t.”

Oh my gosh Jenna. I’m dying here. 😂🤣😂🤣

Your new title for the FDA reminds me of the twinspeak that my sister and I shared when we were little. Now we mostly share bad four letter words. 😂

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And that, my dear, is why I love you both sight unseen!🤣❤️😊

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Back atcha 🥰😘❤️

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Some thoughts…

My husband’s eyes were opened to the FDA and media lies when he and his book club spies read “The Big Fat Surprise.” https://www.amazon.com/Big-Fat-Surprise-Butter-Healthy/dp/1451624425. This book revealed that everything we were told about dietary fat is wrong, that the low-fat nutrition advice of the past six decades was a vast uncontrolled experiment on the entire population — with disastrous health consequences. Sound familiar? But, oh, we have O-ZEMPIC to counteract the low-fat junk food laden with sugar and bad fats that they shoved into our trusting brains and down our throats!

You wrote: the Covid-19 “‘vaccines’[…are] exponentially the deadliest pharmaceuticals brought to market since the Great Flood.” Well, if you look at them as the bioweapons of mass destruction that they are, Covid-19 vaccines may be relatively benign — depending on whether you believe the gaslit numbers of dead and injured reported in VAERS (https://openvaers.com) and the now shut-down-because-the-numbers-and-text-are-too-terrible-to-show-you V-SAFE (https://icandecide.org/v-safe-data/ ) vs. the actual numbers reflected in all-cause mortality and disability reported by Ed Dowd (see Phinance Technologies Humanity Projects https://phinancetechnologies.com/HumanityProjects/Projects.htm#Nav_ExcessDeaths).

The Clown Show will continue in Clown World until you, Pierre Kory, and the rest of us shut it down and everyone stops buying tickets just to get cheap, safe, and effective free popcorn in the F’ing Dumbest Achievers’ Big Top.

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You are absolutely amazing! Such a brilliant writer! So spot on! You make me laugh as I feel exactly as you do! You just communicate it so incredible well!! Keep up the amazing work!!! All the names for the FDA are so good!! And I’m with you on playing the Opposite Day, every day, in this clown world we now live in. Thank you for your work!

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Day made, friend! Welcome to Team Tin Foil Hat! :)

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Not as funny as your examples but real: the Dutch PETA decided to follow their American counterpart in raising awareness about animal rights. Nothing spectacular there. But they are determined to help animals g have a better future by trying to ban merry-go-rounds with animal shapes.

"It's not normal to exploit animals for our entertainment. Using animal shaped seats promotes the idea animals are here to serve us."

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YOU ARE LYING!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't with this clown world we live in!!!!!

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No way, it's for real. I can share the story but it's in Dutch.

It's a definitely a weird world. 😂

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You could share the link and people probably could run the page through Google Translate to get the gist.

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The other bad F word is Federal like in the FEDERAL DOPE AGENCY or FEDERAL DEATH ASSISTANTS.

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Excellent, Jay Skywalker, excellent!

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Or Federal Reserve Bank

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This is so good that I thought that you would mention how well the FDA works with Big Pharma. It is called regulatory capture, so that the regulatory agency, FDA, works with Drug companies and other agencies to make sure that no existing drug is repurposed. Partly this is to protect "new drugs" that will cost $60,000 per year instead of $100 or $200. The other is to have total control. They have gone so far as to replace the Common Rule, that governed how Institutional Review Boards could supervise studies, since 1947. This is especially so for older generic drugs. See 45 CFR 46, an extreme example of the "Regulatory State's" taking over. It allows the FDA to control the entire universe of human interventional trials. This is new, approximately since the advent of COVID-19.

Jenna, you were a little too easy on the buggers this time.

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Fair enough, James, and you are 100% correct. I am no regulatory expert, but I *DID* co-write a book that covers this extensively. That's the main course, this was more of an amuse bouche... ;)

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Once again my joke ends up being true. People compared Fauci to a snake oil salesman. I said that was unkind since snake oil had some medicinal value. I just tripped over this;

Oil from Chinese water snakes has for centuries been used in Chinese traditional medicine to treat joint pain such as arthritis and bursitis. It has been suggested that the use of snake oil in the United States may have originated with Chinese railway laborers in the mid-19th century, who worked long days of physical toil. Chinese snake oil may have had real benefits due to its high concentration of the omega−3 fatty acid eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)—more than that of salmon; the rattlesnake oil later sold by charlatans did not contain a significant amount of omega−3.[2] In a modern study, erabu sea-snake oil was found to significantly improve the ability of mice to learn mazes, and their swimming endurance, over mice fed lard.[2][3]

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Well, color me shocked (in retrospect, not). OF COURSE snake oil has medicinal value (I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN)! Love this and appreciate the enlightenment.

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I love the title of your upcoming Anthology! I hope you’re serious about publishing such an anthology. I will be the first in line to buy it. It’s so nice to be able to laugh about all of this!

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Oh I am DEAD SERIOUS! It's already happening... :)

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I can't wait! I can think of several friends I want to get copies for. We will have so much fun reading it. Thank you!

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I’m making notes on my phone while I’m on vacation. 🥰

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Your advice on following the FDA's recommendations can also be extended to most (if not all) government organizations and definitely the mainstream media.

When I first learned that Ozempic was developed from the Gila monster's venom, I thought that it was a complete joke, but it makes total sense given that these assclowns running the world are more reptilian than human.

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Oh, AGREED. Every last atom in our "government" has officially lost my trust. Bastards!

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Hopefully they can regain it through their billionaire meetings in Davos. 🤣🤣

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I believe you are unfairly stereotyping cross-eyed carnies. When deciding whether or not to trust his/her/its judgment, other attributes such as missing teeth, facial tattoos, body piercings, body odor, and tics and twitches should also be considered. Carnies are very diverse you know.

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actual, hearty LOL! ;)

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FDA DEI might factors in too. Could that why airlines have experienced hard landings and doors falling off airplanes? They also promote recruiting for severe mental disabilities in their air traffic controllers, perhaps to watch over their highly vaxxed pilots. Oh goodie.

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Flying now isn't just transportation. It's an adventure.

(Some assembly required.)

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From Nature Reviews Drug Discovery Volume 21 | December 2022 | 872–873 | 872 : https://www.nature.com/articles/d41573-022-00191-2.pdf

QUOTE: Recently retired head of vaccine R&D at Pfizer, Kathrin Jansen, discusses the lightning speed development of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines — and the implications for vaccine platforms. “We got creative — we couldn’t wait for data, we had to do so much ‘at risk’. We flew the aeroplane while we were still building it. All the bureaucracy fell away…“

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Ya know, Jenna, we joke now ... and we must. Black humor may be one of the lowest forms next to sarcasm; yet as essential as Lennie Bruce, George Carlin and Jimmy Dohr ( not quite yet in the same league but getting there) because in condemning these POS's we are reaffirming our humanity in a way easily grasped. It requires no dialectic nor academic precision because it is visceral, primitive, limbic -- survival. These wannabe uber mensches, they think, have a weltanschauung diametrically opposite that of the most profound Wise Man of all time because He was actually Divine & Inspired. They reek of inchoate insipidness and emptiness and are pretenders ... pretenders with tons of money, tons of influence and tons of hubris. Yes, we joke now, but these modern day Herods may well have our nut bags as our esteemed Dr Alexander with his wonderfully filthy mouth has alluded to. These crawling cretins, these Gollums, aka Harari's, have been plotting this well before Smedley Buttler cut them short in the early 30's. But, they never stopped and ... no one paid attention because we had Ronald Reagan holding the reins at Westinghouse Theater ... and what could go wrong .... And so it was: Good Night & Good Luck. But the luck ran out & here we are today ... lickspittles ... without a government and without a leader. I could so go on but must stop. Final words: RFK, Jr for president or we are as doomed as Sisyphus to repeat or to perish ... and may God protect him!!!

JoeRad: aka Aide de Camp Hermes Messenger to the gods

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Look at me, I'm now the Babylon Bee SERIOUSLY WHO KNEW???????

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🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝

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Now that was an interesting read Derek, thanks for posting the link.

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Jenna, I hope we are able to share cells close to each other for I fear boredom more than anything. Just Forget Da Assholes; I always suspected something was amiss when eggs and nutritious oils got short shrift -- two of my fave foods frequently fed upon and I was always attracted to Olive Oil Popeye's main squeeze. Will you be my Valentine? I've got a whole box of chocolates that the Fatal Death Arm of the USA says are highly nutritious 'cuz of da chocolate flavanols.

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Hahaha amen! If there's a dissident wing in the FEMA camp, I'll save you a seat... ;)

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Thanks once again for making us laugh! I can think of a few other acronyms for FDA but they may not get published ;) I just finished reading Change Your Diet, Change Your Mind. It does a brilliant job showing how we've been sold a bill of goods when it comes to nutrition. In particular epidemiological/observational studies - the ones where they survey people often years later, what they ate and then prescribe how we should eat based on their "findings"! (Also the same type of studies they used to determine mask wearing). This book is about the SAD diet (Standard American Diet - or Seriourly Anti-living Diet) and how it impacts mental health. Basically we're all facing increasingly poor physical health, and low and behold, it's also making us mentally ill. Well worth a read. Finally, Dr. Aseem Malhotra has his latest documentary coming soon - First Do No Pharm - https://www.nopharmfilm.com/

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SO EXCITED for that doc! Thanks for sharing. Will check out the book, too!

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Loved this stack Jenna! Brilliant and hysterical! Oh yea and SPOT ON!!!!! 🎯‼️

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