This is a post after my own heart. I immigrated to Ireland in 2015 and I had to jump through many hoops to be there. And the reason I didn't immigrate to France which is my first love is because I couldn't stay more than 6 months because of their laws. In Ireland I had to report to immigration every year and prove I ticked their boxes. I've also lived in 4 other countries and had to abide by all their immigration laws. And when I couldn't stay in France, I started looking at all the countries' laws to figure out where I could go and guess what? We have the easiest immigration laws in the world, BY FAR. It is very hard for Americans to immigrate to other countries!!! And easy for them to come here legally in comparison. So yeah, border jumpers, you don't sway me.
Laughed out loud at the thought that other countries' immigration laws might actually be designed around a central aim of "controlling" immigration of Americans. It may well be that the world sees what goes on in America and has concluded "less of that here is better."
(My old boss Harold would have put it: "When the average American emigrates, he lowers the IQ in both places.")
But! They're All in the same situation when it comes to illegal entry. Per capita European countries are becoming Muslim countries. Their native cultures being erased by the masses. We dummy Americans don't wish watering down a nation's culture on any nation.
So could Selena maybe, with her vast hollywood riches, sponsor some immigrants and help them come in legally? Is there really nothing she can do? Maybe employ some legally so they can get visas/greencards? And then pay them a livable wage? (I mean, minimum wage is $16 after all, at least in NY...I’m sure she could pay way above minimum wage).
She reminds me of the reaction to the busload of illegal immigrants that DeSantis sent to Martha’s Vineyard, a sanctuary town, until they actually showed up, that is. Selena isn’t interested in sponsoring anyone.
Hollywood has lost all connection with its audience. Like New York theater that puts on plays for itself, Hollywood makes movies for other actors. Theater is dead; now Hollywood is dead.
Actually, her performance on that post undoubtedly just won her an Oscar …I’m sure the Hollywood elites will want to reward her for her heartfelt empathy!
Exactly what I was thinking! Less “blah blah blah…!” More action! She has the means to help, but she’d rather blame.
I know folks who jumped through the hoops to abide by the law ~ there’s no reason why those who are long time illegal productive citizens (and not criminals) cannot use this time to change their immigration status (I’m thinking? I could be wrong) rather than being worried about ICE knocking on their doors…
I, for one, am currently very dependent upon a system that gets extremely abused by folks who want as much of a ‘free ride’ as possible…I volunteer because I don’t like the idea of ‘something for nothing’. I’m livid at the abuse I witness. Though I’m BEYOND BLESSED with things money simply cannot buy, I pray that things will change, and look forward to going to the store and purchasing the food I need for my health!
Prior to the election I kept hearing “If Kamala doesn’t win we’ll lose funding!” IE: the food distribution, etc. I’ve never fared worse financially than I have these past four years! (I’m a disABLED senior widow on below poverty income, but make about $10 too much for programs that can help me get out of this hole. Though I’m BEYOND EXTREMELY GRATEFUL for what I get, I’d
prefer not to need the help.
I know I went off on my own soapbox, but I’m one of MANY seniors I know that have struggled and suffered so much financially from ‘Bidenomics’ and are also infuriated at what these illegal criminals for the most part had the financial red carpets rolled out for them! May we PLEASE take care of our own?
If each and every one of those people (especially those richer influencers) so opposed to deportation would get together and chip in to help to sponsor those who actually WANT to abide by US Government laws and start the legalization process, I personally think that would be a much better use of energy than to complain! Just sayin’….. Trumps a reasonable man. I’m fairly sure he’d even go for it.
a year ~ with more coming in… whilst I hear about what the illegal flooding of immigrants were getting (SERIOUSLY??!!)
I might sound bitter because I’m not getting more assistance, but please do not misconstrue! I would SO MUCH RATHER be able to go to the store, be able to purchase the groceries of my own choosing for my health, and have not had to give up my lemon-vehicle because I couldn’t afford to keep fixing the darned thing!
No. I say we need to stop the horrific abuse of precious innocent children. Make our Country SAFER again, correct the inflation as best as possible, so I can get my finances
"Boo-hoo! I've run out of YOUR money--again!--to spend to help the poor..."
You make a good point. Talk of Trump buying Canada, it seems like socialist/communist 100-billionaires ought to be able to dig enough change out of their couches to buy a good chunk of Mexico and outfit it just like the United States. Think of the steps saved. The only downside would seem to be there wouldn't be millions upon millions of new Democrat voters...
So….they’re for massive illegal immigration, “all those poor people need jobs, opportunities an ability to create prosperity for themselves, why can’t you understand the humanity?” And you say, “So….trafficking children for sex until they burn out and then sell their organs, 350,000 unaccounted for, fentanyl poisoning, indentured servitude, rape, theft, murder, stealing from taxpayers to feed, clothe, house, educate, medicate a population so they’ll vote Democrat who are controlled by a totalitarian force that call themselves Democrats is okay with you.” Uh huh.
There IS a place where theft, and other forms of selfish behavior, is "understood and accepted": California. Interestingly enough, Ms Gomez, LEGAL citizens don't much like living there as a result, and are LEGALLY migrating OUT of that "paradise," leaving behind those who can 't get out to deal with, and pay for, the unfair burden.
The governor and legislature, architects of this dreamy world, will soon need to start construction on a WALL to prevent the OUT-flux of taxpayers.
(It couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of idiots.)
I don't say, Ms Gomez, that you should be ashamed of your family's immigration story, but what's your take on families who stood in line--for years--to get their chance, and are far behind your family in benefits received? Do you deem them all stupid? If you've no cause to be ashamed, you certainly have no cause to jump up and celebrate: it is embarrassing that your success story starts with: "First, you lie and cheat..."
I’m pretty convinced that some members of society have gotten so confused about words, meanings of words, fantasy confused with facts, that they have lost the definition of ILLEGAL over the past bunch of years. I for one am glad we have an administration that understands this. I wonder how Lakin Riley’s family felt watching a sniveling billionaire shoveling that shit.
You are 100% correct about the meanings of words. This is why I will never call them migrants, they are illegal aliens. They are not Minor Attracted Persons, they are pedophiles., etc, etc, etc ad naseum. The second we use their terms, we validate their skewed reality. LANGUAGE MATTERS because it shapes public opinion. So, no, I am not CIS (whatever the hell that is), I am not a birthing person, I am not a far right conspiracy theorist, I’m a heterosexual WOMAN grounded in reality who believes in the Constitution and I will not comply!
And bc the new arrivals don't know any different, they become dependent on the system. I really think that's the goal- marksism. Those hoodlums in our house keep talking about it. Their history shows they embrace it. Flooding the country gives em votes, but also brings in a bunch of people, flooding the system-toppling it w massive debt and spending wildly. People then think that's how things are- the government takes care of everyone. I'm telling ya folks, not a good way to go. We need to get back to affordability.
Now, we've got overpriced healthcare, goods, services and homes, funneling the money to the top. The government is footing the bill; you and I. Inflation is taxation. It will get higher w all that people are trying to make the government pay for. We could stand a good trimmin' of those every enlarging offices.
having worked for a decade in “Soros-funded” progressive orgs I have some insight. in fact, I worked in the 2012 “Path To Citizenship” immigration campaign which was so FULL of contradictions that it split the coalition in two. First, Obama’s admin deported more ppl than any admin prior, but the whole campaign was directed at Senate Majority Leader John Boehner. the org i directed was a coalition oif small businesses and i was directed to go out to our Research Corridor and find some tech biz to join the campaign. Well guess what…the tech corridor is connected to the local university’s engineering program and is full of kids who are in DEBT for the rest of their lives for an education that might not be worth anything—so they’re natural enemies toward H1B Visa program and told me so.
later i had to pitch the campaign to local union coalition. it was a meeting of all local unions…i gave my pitch, and then was asked by the leader of painters’ union if i cared to step outside for a smoke…where he unloaded on me (in hushed tones) about the history of immigration campaigns and unions. THE TWO ARE NATURAL ENEMIES, which if you think about it for 2 seconds makes absolute sense.
in both of these scenarios you have immigration that’d benefit the class of ppl we call OWNERS in marxist thought. the workers hated it with purple passion.
i thought i was working with an org that stood with workers! turns out the orgs and the funders work only for OWNERS and they want cheaper labor. they want wages depressed across the board. and some of those creeps apparently want to traffic children. idk much about that.
as far as Selena Gomez…her cosmetics line is great. don’t let this get in the way of a good liquid blush. BUT what she’s doing is non-paid work for Reid Hoffman and other big prog funders who i’ve been told explicitly, use celebrities to launder their bullshit messaging. this is prolly why she took the message down; she realized she was being used.
in the story below i tell the story of learning about the practice of using celebrities as a “media strategy.” since i’m a media person (publisher from way back), i was offended—to say the least. this was just months after a shadowy organization had started using BLACKLISTS against alternative media from both sides (left and right). I expected a publication like DailyKos to have some *solidarity* with those pubs!
anyway, this is a quote from where i start to really get into it: “in 2017 I attended a Daily Kos conference in Death Valley where a plan was presented for how Democrats would use celebrities with large social media accounts as a substitute for a media strategy. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.” more here (it’s jaw-dropping how nothing has changed since 2017) —>
OF COURSE celebrities are part of a media strategy. They ARE the media--many of them famous simply for being famous (Hi, Kardashians!). They pass gas and it makes headlines. What's that phrase again? Oh yeah, useful idiots.
Also "don’t let this get in the way of a good liquid blush" FTW!
Karmellow very much liked using celebs. I think their world is far removed from ours that they have no idea about the real world and how it works. Not sure anything they say or think is credible.
Want to hear another BS policy? I was born in Japan of 2 US Army officers. So I'm an American citizen. But my Father had to get a special certificate of Immigration for me. And when I got married I wanted to change my name so I got in a very long line along with thousands of "immigrants." They had no paperwork and were being processed in easily. I was told to go home and get my certificate before I could legally change to my married name despite having a CA driver's license and birth certificate with me to prove ID. I needed proof of citizenship, they said. !!!!!!!!!!!!
That is nuts!!! We have a neighbor who was born in the US and her husband in Canada. They met and married there, had three kids, and then decided to move to the US. It took almost two years (and an attorney and several court appearances) before he was granted entry here. She was like, "yup, it's a twenty-two year marriage of convenience just so he could get American citizenship mwaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa." She would joke about flying him to Mexico and just having him saunter right in... Sigh.
I used to go to Mexico all the time and when asked where I was born I was held up and put in another line for more questions. Eventually I learned to just say "Kansas" when asked. That way I was waved through...
In nursing school, I was forced to read and discuss "A Land of Hard Edges", a book about a retired nurse washing feet of illegal immigrants who had survived the border crossing. In our discussion group, I shared my opinion that this book illustrated some good reasons why people should only take the legal path to immigration - to avoid the treacherous journey and human trafficking while gaining protections such as workers rights and minimum wage. I was met with crickets and looks of disgust. Apparently I had missed the (brainwashing) point of the reading assignment, I lacked the compassion to be a nurse, and I was a racist to boot. Did I mention that I went to nursing school in Portland? Yep, I'm a 5th generation Oregonian preserving our conservative values that the California transplants have all but destroyed. The leftists will never concede to a rational argument, instead they react with big emotions like my preschooler and Selena Gomez.
Every morning I wake up and THANK GOD that I was born in America. Sometimes you just get a lucky star. Prior to being born, if I had the option to pick a "golden ticket" , it would be the ticket for entry and admittance forever to the United States. I think we take far too much for granted. Every day we wake up and don't thank our lucky stars - shame on us. Don't waste the opportunity you have in the US and don't wait until the final furlong to be thankful for your good fortune.
Here, here, Randall! I was born in South America of American parents, have lived on 4 continents and traveled to many other countries, including living in Venezuela & Libya. I am always astounded, after all these years, especially after living in 3rd world countries, how much Americans take for granted! Golden ticket indeed…Talk about spoiled!
You are soooo right about the spoiled attitudes. A good dose of Army Basic Training would do wonders for a huge number of citizens. What appeals to me now is to have a requirement that every citizen serve a "hitch" in the army after reaching age 18 or graduating high school. It would do wonders for the development of so many. You will learn how to be self-sufficient because no one is going to hold you by the hand. Oh my! I guess you lit me up this evening. Thanks for your comment.
Every morning and every evening I thank the good Lord for my blessings. There are still many harships, but each day we get to try again and try to bless those less fortunate. Why are we not helping people right where they are, I wonder?
In reading this post and a few other recent ones -- Trump-related of course because it's all anyone can talk about right now -- it became glaringly apparent that the reactions to this and pretty much everything Trump is proposing to do is exactly what your typical spoiled toddler would do when he finally learns (and comprehends) the word "No". Or in my many years of horse training, what a horse would do when he learns he can no longer get away with rude or bad behavior. Or what my dog would do when told, "No you can't get on the bed right now" (she barks loudly at me and says "Yes I Will! Then runs away because she knows I'll back up what I say.) But still, she has to voice her opinion. (And there are still people who don't think of themselves as animals!) In short, the spoiled, short-sighted "rulers" of their appointed world -- not mine BTW, or your's either or you wouldn't be here -- are being told by the rest of us that they are fed up with dealing with toddler behavior. They are saying "No" as loudly as possible and "barking" just as loud. Recognizing the behavior for what it is makes it easier to stay on track. Make no mistake though, the longer the behavior has been allowed the more loudly (and sometimes violently) the miscreant will object. Stay strong everyone. I for one do not want to be dictated to by toddlers!
I think the attitude about crossing the border as no big deal can be tied back to our changing attitudes about marriage. In the past fifty-sixty or so years, the shift to "it's only a piece of paper, etc. etc." mirrors the position that citizenship is no big deal, it's all the same. living together may look like marriage, but it's not. Likewise, being here in the country working raising kids etc.. etc. may LOOK like citizenship, but it's not. Both issues show more concern for feelings and appearances than following the law and commitment.
I believe a coworker and her hubby were traffking people in before this big push. She did not know why America would not pay everyone's health care. From her lips. Thats you and I paying for this socialist agenda. What people don't realize is we WILL run out of money. Also, with the profiling and scoring people, you could have everything yanked from you for looking at someone cross-eyed. Never, ever allow oneself to become dependent on another.
I haven't been following closely, but I ~thought~ I might've heard ~something~ about deportations having already started? Yes/no?
If so, my understanding was that the CRIMINALS were going to go first?
You don't mean to tell me that some fool has gone and started with rounding up CHILDREN and making Ms Gomez cry right out of the gate?! As my old mentor, the Wicked Witch of the West, used to tell me, "These things must be handled DELICATELY..."
It's been said before: Put the emphasis on self-deportation; "If you leave voluntarily, you GET the GIFT of being permitted to go to the back of the line; if you MAKE US find you, you GET to go to the END of the earth." The problem solves itself. I've NO DOUBT that taxpayers will be tapped, again, to provide "relocation assistance."
Yes, deportations have begun with the criminals. However, as you might expect, the media and others have begun to lie/misrepresent incidents in an effort to gin up sympathy for the plight of these illegal aliens being deported. In Chicago, it was reported that ICE showed up at a school and they interviewed several teachers who described their noble and heroic actions in putting their life on the line to keep the agents from entering the school. As it turns out, they were not ICE agents, they were Secret Service agents there to investigate a threat made against a government official over the Tik Tok ban. Given that these agents would have been required to identify themselves, this appears to be a deliberate attempt to mislead the public.
The other thing that people need to keep in mind is that some of the members of these vicious gangs like MS-13, etc are teenagers 14-17 years old. The migrant in Britain who stabbed and killed the three young girls and severely wounded several others was only 17.
lol if only the world knew about what Jenna McCarthy says instead of Selena Gomez. Who the hell cares what this out of touch with reality celebrity singer thinks?!
By the way, this open border policy is happening in European countries too and it's all part of the bigger plan to bring down western countries by importing populations of people that are vastly different in culture and refuse to assimilate.
Yes. That's it. And roll in socialism by toppling the countries economy and systems. Corporations the "ruling class". You'll always follow the lead or you'll be reprimanded.
Excellent post Jenna. In a civilized society, we must have laws and those must be observed. I have a unique take on this issue because I am a retired U.S. citizen living in Mexico, legally. It took 5 years, many government interviews, proof of U.S. funds in my bank account sufficient to cover monthly costs, and yes payment to become a legal permanent resident. I have yet to apply for citizenship because I do not have a firm grasp of the language or the workings of the Government, which is required. Mexico is serious about its Visas and laws, and a couple of years ago, it began enforcing the law regarding gaining the system by abusing tourist visas, if you own property here.I find it interesting that most of the legal immigrants in the US that we have spoken to, also feel that something has to be done about the droves of people entering illegally. The fact that this is an issue at all just flabbergasted me. Keep up the good work.
I have known a few who say they don't dislike their country, in fact, they live their country and go back at least once a year, some have a few times a year. So it couldn't be as bad as they want to say. They are just grabbing the ripe fruit. I've heard some say they are coming to marry and/or work so they can go home after 10 years and enjoy getting social security to supplement their income.
This leads to other "gaming" the systems as well. I just learned there are neighbors of friend who come and spend a couple days in a rental home. What sounds like a well-paying grant, it specifically says you need to be a resident of Nebraska, while they own their home and live in Iowa. They do something with PVC pipes. Pays well enough that they can rent a nice home in Nebraska too. Or maybe that's their story and there's more to it.
Then, another person came, was (assigned?) Living w a person who had come before him and his family. The first guy got the whole upper home and the family, the lower level. The mentor paid what sure seemed had to be the entire rental amount and all the utilities- So taken advantage of. The sad part was that the one who was trying to do things right- legally, was being s*rewed over by one of his own.
Then, a woman who a hubby and children who came over w a trafficker. Owed thousands of dollars to "mafia", as she called them. They enticed her by saying well give you roses to sell on the street -10 each. She had a couple of buckets most days, paid 40 bucks a bucket of 50. So the thugs are making a living all the way around. And she was terrified to make any move except to sell those roses. She was told she could buy a 2,500.00 hone in no time. They lied. Family is homeless. Earnings go to paying a hotel, when they can "make" enough. She wanted to pay her own way, but it was impossible. Couldn't help her- she was afraid.
This is a post after my own heart. I immigrated to Ireland in 2015 and I had to jump through many hoops to be there. And the reason I didn't immigrate to France which is my first love is because I couldn't stay more than 6 months because of their laws. In Ireland I had to report to immigration every year and prove I ticked their boxes. I've also lived in 4 other countries and had to abide by all their immigration laws. And when I couldn't stay in France, I started looking at all the countries' laws to figure out where I could go and guess what? We have the easiest immigration laws in the world, BY FAR. It is very hard for Americans to immigrate to other countries!!! And easy for them to come here legally in comparison. So yeah, border jumpers, you don't sway me.
Laughed out loud at the thought that other countries' immigration laws might actually be designed around a central aim of "controlling" immigration of Americans. It may well be that the world sees what goes on in America and has concluded "less of that here is better."
(My old boss Harold would have put it: "When the average American emigrates, he lowers the IQ in both places.")
Good point!
But! They're All in the same situation when it comes to illegal entry. Per capita European countries are becoming Muslim countries. Their native cultures being erased by the masses. We dummy Americans don't wish watering down a nation's culture on any nation.
This article isn't about legal immigration.
So could Selena maybe, with her vast hollywood riches, sponsor some immigrants and help them come in legally? Is there really nothing she can do? Maybe employ some legally so they can get visas/greencards? And then pay them a livable wage? (I mean, minimum wage is $16 after all, at least in NY...I’m sure she could pay way above minimum wage).
Right??? I'm betting it was a few hundred comments like yours that led to the deletion of her whiny posts.
She reminds me of the reaction to the busload of illegal immigrants that DeSantis sent to Martha’s Vineyard, a sanctuary town, until they actually showed up, that is. Selena isn’t interested in sponsoring anyone.
Also, her movie is up for an Oscar. Bet she got a phone call to turn off the phony tears.
Hollywood has lost all connection with its audience. Like New York theater that puts on plays for itself, Hollywood makes movies for other actors. Theater is dead; now Hollywood is dead.
Actually, her performance on that post undoubtedly just won her an Oscar …I’m sure the Hollywood elites will want to reward her for her heartfelt empathy!
I still don't understand why Hollywood isn't giving Oscars to everyone...
Exactly what I was thinking! Less “blah blah blah…!” More action! She has the means to help, but she’d rather blame.
I know folks who jumped through the hoops to abide by the law ~ there’s no reason why those who are long time illegal productive citizens (and not criminals) cannot use this time to change their immigration status (I’m thinking? I could be wrong) rather than being worried about ICE knocking on their doors…
I, for one, am currently very dependent upon a system that gets extremely abused by folks who want as much of a ‘free ride’ as possible…I volunteer because I don’t like the idea of ‘something for nothing’. I’m livid at the abuse I witness. Though I’m BEYOND BLESSED with things money simply cannot buy, I pray that things will change, and look forward to going to the store and purchasing the food I need for my health!
Prior to the election I kept hearing “If Kamala doesn’t win we’ll lose funding!” IE: the food distribution, etc. I’ve never fared worse financially than I have these past four years! (I’m a disABLED senior widow on below poverty income, but make about $10 too much for programs that can help me get out of this hole. Though I’m BEYOND EXTREMELY GRATEFUL for what I get, I’d
prefer not to need the help.
I know I went off on my own soapbox, but I’m one of MANY seniors I know that have struggled and suffered so much financially from ‘Bidenomics’ and are also infuriated at what these illegal criminals for the most part had the financial red carpets rolled out for them! May we PLEASE take care of our own?
If each and every one of those people (especially those richer influencers) so opposed to deportation would get together and chip in to help to sponsor those who actually WANT to abide by US Government laws and start the legalization process, I personally think that would be a much better use of energy than to complain! Just sayin’….. Trumps a reasonable man. I’m fairly sure he’d even go for it.
a year ~ with more coming in… whilst I hear about what the illegal flooding of immigrants were getting (SERIOUSLY??!!)
I might sound bitter because I’m not getting more assistance, but please do not misconstrue! I would SO MUCH RATHER be able to go to the store, be able to purchase the groceries of my own choosing for my health, and have not had to give up my lemon-vehicle because I couldn’t afford to keep fixing the darned thing!
No. I say we need to stop the horrific abuse of precious innocent children. Make our Country SAFER again, correct the inflation as best as possible, so I can get my finances
Back in order! Sorry sounds disjointed but I tried to edit unsuccessfully
"Boo-hoo! I've run out of YOUR money--again!--to spend to help the poor..."
You make a good point. Talk of Trump buying Canada, it seems like socialist/communist 100-billionaires ought to be able to dig enough change out of their couches to buy a good chunk of Mexico and outfit it just like the United States. Think of the steps saved. The only downside would seem to be there wouldn't be millions upon millions of new Democrat voters...
So….they’re for massive illegal immigration, “all those poor people need jobs, opportunities an ability to create prosperity for themselves, why can’t you understand the humanity?” And you say, “So….trafficking children for sex until they burn out and then sell their organs, 350,000 unaccounted for, fentanyl poisoning, indentured servitude, rape, theft, murder, stealing from taxpayers to feed, clothe, house, educate, medicate a population so they’ll vote Democrat who are controlled by a totalitarian force that call themselves Democrats is okay with you.” Uh huh.
You can quote, you can cut and paste, you can do whatever it takes to spread the word. Be loud and righteous. Beat back this evil anyway you can.
may I quote you? Seriously, children have suffered the most across the board the past four years. I pray they can somehow recover :(
There IS a place where theft, and other forms of selfish behavior, is "understood and accepted": California. Interestingly enough, Ms Gomez, LEGAL citizens don't much like living there as a result, and are LEGALLY migrating OUT of that "paradise," leaving behind those who can 't get out to deal with, and pay for, the unfair burden.
The governor and legislature, architects of this dreamy world, will soon need to start construction on a WALL to prevent the OUT-flux of taxpayers.
(It couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of idiots.)
I don't say, Ms Gomez, that you should be ashamed of your family's immigration story, but what's your take on families who stood in line--for years--to get their chance, and are far behind your family in benefits received? Do you deem them all stupid? If you've no cause to be ashamed, you certainly have no cause to jump up and celebrate: it is embarrassing that your success story starts with: "First, you lie and cheat..."
Way to call out Selena’s attempt to make a crime something to celebrate.
I’m pretty convinced that some members of society have gotten so confused about words, meanings of words, fantasy confused with facts, that they have lost the definition of ILLEGAL over the past bunch of years. I for one am glad we have an administration that understands this. I wonder how Lakin Riley’s family felt watching a sniveling billionaire shoveling that shit.
You are 100% correct about the meanings of words. This is why I will never call them migrants, they are illegal aliens. They are not Minor Attracted Persons, they are pedophiles., etc, etc, etc ad naseum. The second we use their terms, we validate their skewed reality. LANGUAGE MATTERS because it shapes public opinion. So, no, I am not CIS (whatever the hell that is), I am not a birthing person, I am not a far right conspiracy theorist, I’m a heterosexual WOMAN grounded in reality who believes in the Constitution and I will not comply!
Couldn’t stand the signs in my neighborhood that said “love is love” and “no human is illegal”.
Maybe some comparing signs like a “virtue signalling isn’t virtuous”. Other ideas?
...+NINE more likes.
Shortening in order to put this up for January 2025 Bumper Sticker of the Month:
"Virtue signalling isn't."
Can’t hardly wait to afford another vehicle to sport one of those!!!
I would do whatever I could to get one of THOSE! Be it bumper stickers, signs, etc! You hit the nail on the head!
One counter we had is something like "Love is not [destroying] your baby". Different word used there. Don't need the speech police.
And bc the new arrivals don't know any different, they become dependent on the system. I really think that's the goal- marksism. Those hoodlums in our house keep talking about it. Their history shows they embrace it. Flooding the country gives em votes, but also brings in a bunch of people, flooding the system-toppling it w massive debt and spending wildly. People then think that's how things are- the government takes care of everyone. I'm telling ya folks, not a good way to go. We need to get back to affordability.
Now, we've got overpriced healthcare, goods, services and homes, funneling the money to the top. The government is footing the bill; you and I. Inflation is taxation. It will get higher w all that people are trying to make the government pay for. We could stand a good trimmin' of those every enlarging offices.
[apologies for typos]
having worked for a decade in “Soros-funded” progressive orgs I have some insight. in fact, I worked in the 2012 “Path To Citizenship” immigration campaign which was so FULL of contradictions that it split the coalition in two. First, Obama’s admin deported more ppl than any admin prior, but the whole campaign was directed at Senate Majority Leader John Boehner. the org i directed was a coalition oif small businesses and i was directed to go out to our Research Corridor and find some tech biz to join the campaign. Well guess what…the tech corridor is connected to the local university’s engineering program and is full of kids who are in DEBT for the rest of their lives for an education that might not be worth anything—so they’re natural enemies toward H1B Visa program and told me so.
later i had to pitch the campaign to local union coalition. it was a meeting of all local unions…i gave my pitch, and then was asked by the leader of painters’ union if i cared to step outside for a smoke…where he unloaded on me (in hushed tones) about the history of immigration campaigns and unions. THE TWO ARE NATURAL ENEMIES, which if you think about it for 2 seconds makes absolute sense.
in both of these scenarios you have immigration that’d benefit the class of ppl we call OWNERS in marxist thought. the workers hated it with purple passion.
i thought i was working with an org that stood with workers! turns out the orgs and the funders work only for OWNERS and they want cheaper labor. they want wages depressed across the board. and some of those creeps apparently want to traffic children. idk much about that.
as far as Selena Gomez…her cosmetics line is great. don’t let this get in the way of a good liquid blush. BUT what she’s doing is non-paid work for Reid Hoffman and other big prog funders who i’ve been told explicitly, use celebrities to launder their bullshit messaging. this is prolly why she took the message down; she realized she was being used.
in the story below i tell the story of learning about the practice of using celebrities as a “media strategy.” since i’m a media person (publisher from way back), i was offended—to say the least. this was just months after a shadowy organization had started using BLACKLISTS against alternative media from both sides (left and right). I expected a publication like DailyKos to have some *solidarity* with those pubs!
anyway, this is a quote from where i start to really get into it: “in 2017 I attended a Daily Kos conference in Death Valley where a plan was presented for how Democrats would use celebrities with large social media accounts as a substitute for a media strategy. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.” more here (it’s jaw-dropping how nothing has changed since 2017) —>
OF COURSE celebrities are part of a media strategy. They ARE the media--many of them famous simply for being famous (Hi, Kardashians!). They pass gas and it makes headlines. What's that phrase again? Oh yeah, useful idiots.
Also "don’t let this get in the way of a good liquid blush" FTW!
Karmellow very much liked using celebs. I think their world is far removed from ours that they have no idea about the real world and how it works. Not sure anything they say or think is credible.
Want to hear another BS policy? I was born in Japan of 2 US Army officers. So I'm an American citizen. But my Father had to get a special certificate of Immigration for me. And when I got married I wanted to change my name so I got in a very long line along with thousands of "immigrants." They had no paperwork and were being processed in easily. I was told to go home and get my certificate before I could legally change to my married name despite having a CA driver's license and birth certificate with me to prove ID. I needed proof of citizenship, they said. !!!!!!!!!!!!
That is nuts!!! We have a neighbor who was born in the US and her husband in Canada. They met and married there, had three kids, and then decided to move to the US. It took almost two years (and an attorney and several court appearances) before he was granted entry here. She was like, "yup, it's a twenty-two year marriage of convenience just so he could get American citizenship mwaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa." She would joke about flying him to Mexico and just having him saunter right in... Sigh.
I used to go to Mexico all the time and when asked where I was born I was held up and put in another line for more questions. Eventually I learned to just say "Kansas" when asked. That way I was waved through...
And they should be vetted. This latest experiment revealed that plainly.
In nursing school, I was forced to read and discuss "A Land of Hard Edges", a book about a retired nurse washing feet of illegal immigrants who had survived the border crossing. In our discussion group, I shared my opinion that this book illustrated some good reasons why people should only take the legal path to immigration - to avoid the treacherous journey and human trafficking while gaining protections such as workers rights and minimum wage. I was met with crickets and looks of disgust. Apparently I had missed the (brainwashing) point of the reading assignment, I lacked the compassion to be a nurse, and I was a racist to boot. Did I mention that I went to nursing school in Portland? Yep, I'm a 5th generation Oregonian preserving our conservative values that the California transplants have all but destroyed. The leftists will never concede to a rational argument, instead they react with big emotions like my preschooler and Selena Gomez.
Every morning I wake up and THANK GOD that I was born in America. Sometimes you just get a lucky star. Prior to being born, if I had the option to pick a "golden ticket" , it would be the ticket for entry and admittance forever to the United States. I think we take far too much for granted. Every day we wake up and don't thank our lucky stars - shame on us. Don't waste the opportunity you have in the US and don't wait until the final furlong to be thankful for your good fortune.
Here, here, Randall! I was born in South America of American parents, have lived on 4 continents and traveled to many other countries, including living in Venezuela & Libya. I am always astounded, after all these years, especially after living in 3rd world countries, how much Americans take for granted! Golden ticket indeed…Talk about spoiled!
You are soooo right about the spoiled attitudes. A good dose of Army Basic Training would do wonders for a huge number of citizens. What appeals to me now is to have a requirement that every citizen serve a "hitch" in the army after reaching age 18 or graduating high school. It would do wonders for the development of so many. You will learn how to be self-sufficient because no one is going to hold you by the hand. Oh my! I guess you lit me up this evening. Thanks for your comment.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
" Don't waste the opportunity you have in the US."
Thanks! for That!
If I do get that tattoo, it'll be THIS! printed backwards on my forehead.
Every morning and every evening I thank the good Lord for my blessings. There are still many harships, but each day we get to try again and try to bless those less fortunate. Why are we not helping people right where they are, I wonder?
In reading this post and a few other recent ones -- Trump-related of course because it's all anyone can talk about right now -- it became glaringly apparent that the reactions to this and pretty much everything Trump is proposing to do is exactly what your typical spoiled toddler would do when he finally learns (and comprehends) the word "No". Or in my many years of horse training, what a horse would do when he learns he can no longer get away with rude or bad behavior. Or what my dog would do when told, "No you can't get on the bed right now" (she barks loudly at me and says "Yes I Will! Then runs away because she knows I'll back up what I say.) But still, she has to voice her opinion. (And there are still people who don't think of themselves as animals!) In short, the spoiled, short-sighted "rulers" of their appointed world -- not mine BTW, or your's either or you wouldn't be here -- are being told by the rest of us that they are fed up with dealing with toddler behavior. They are saying "No" as loudly as possible and "barking" just as loud. Recognizing the behavior for what it is makes it easier to stay on track. Make no mistake though, the longer the behavior has been allowed the more loudly (and sometimes violently) the miscreant will object. Stay strong everyone. I for one do not want to be dictated to by toddlers!
LOL and BINGO!!!
Well stated.
I think the attitude about crossing the border as no big deal can be tied back to our changing attitudes about marriage. In the past fifty-sixty or so years, the shift to "it's only a piece of paper, etc. etc." mirrors the position that citizenship is no big deal, it's all the same. living together may look like marriage, but it's not. Likewise, being here in the country working raising kids etc.. etc. may LOOK like citizenship, but it's not. Both issues show more concern for feelings and appearances than following the law and commitment.
(Greg, you said the quiet part out loud.)
I believe a coworker and her hubby were traffking people in before this big push. She did not know why America would not pay everyone's health care. From her lips. Thats you and I paying for this socialist agenda. What people don't realize is we WILL run out of money. Also, with the profiling and scoring people, you could have everything yanked from you for looking at someone cross-eyed. Never, ever allow oneself to become dependent on another.
I haven't been following closely, but I ~thought~ I might've heard ~something~ about deportations having already started? Yes/no?
If so, my understanding was that the CRIMINALS were going to go first?
You don't mean to tell me that some fool has gone and started with rounding up CHILDREN and making Ms Gomez cry right out of the gate?! As my old mentor, the Wicked Witch of the West, used to tell me, "These things must be handled DELICATELY..."
It's been said before: Put the emphasis on self-deportation; "If you leave voluntarily, you GET the GIFT of being permitted to go to the back of the line; if you MAKE US find you, you GET to go to the END of the earth." The problem solves itself. I've NO DOUBT that taxpayers will be tapped, again, to provide "relocation assistance."
Yes, deportations have begun with the criminals. However, as you might expect, the media and others have begun to lie/misrepresent incidents in an effort to gin up sympathy for the plight of these illegal aliens being deported. In Chicago, it was reported that ICE showed up at a school and they interviewed several teachers who described their noble and heroic actions in putting their life on the line to keep the agents from entering the school. As it turns out, they were not ICE agents, they were Secret Service agents there to investigate a threat made against a government official over the Tik Tok ban. Given that these agents would have been required to identify themselves, this appears to be a deliberate attempt to mislead the public.
The other thing that people need to keep in mind is that some of the members of these vicious gangs like MS-13, etc are teenagers 14-17 years old. The migrant in Britain who stabbed and killed the three young girls and severely wounded several others was only 17.
If you are here illegally, you are a criminal
lol if only the world knew about what Jenna McCarthy says instead of Selena Gomez. Who the hell cares what this out of touch with reality celebrity singer thinks?!
By the way, this open border policy is happening in European countries too and it's all part of the bigger plan to bring down western countries by importing populations of people that are vastly different in culture and refuse to assimilate.
Yes. That's it. And roll in socialism by toppling the countries economy and systems. Corporations the "ruling class". You'll always follow the lead or you'll be reprimanded.
How did murders, rapists, child molesters, gangsters, and those who hang out with them become Selena Gomez’s “people”?
Excellent post Jenna. In a civilized society, we must have laws and those must be observed. I have a unique take on this issue because I am a retired U.S. citizen living in Mexico, legally. It took 5 years, many government interviews, proof of U.S. funds in my bank account sufficient to cover monthly costs, and yes payment to become a legal permanent resident. I have yet to apply for citizenship because I do not have a firm grasp of the language or the workings of the Government, which is required. Mexico is serious about its Visas and laws, and a couple of years ago, it began enforcing the law regarding gaining the system by abusing tourist visas, if you own property here.I find it interesting that most of the legal immigrants in the US that we have spoken to, also feel that something has to be done about the droves of people entering illegally. The fact that this is an issue at all just flabbergasted me. Keep up the good work.
I have known a few who say they don't dislike their country, in fact, they live their country and go back at least once a year, some have a few times a year. So it couldn't be as bad as they want to say. They are just grabbing the ripe fruit. I've heard some say they are coming to marry and/or work so they can go home after 10 years and enjoy getting social security to supplement their income.
This leads to other "gaming" the systems as well. I just learned there are neighbors of friend who come and spend a couple days in a rental home. What sounds like a well-paying grant, it specifically says you need to be a resident of Nebraska, while they own their home and live in Iowa. They do something with PVC pipes. Pays well enough that they can rent a nice home in Nebraska too. Or maybe that's their story and there's more to it.
Then, another person came, was (assigned?) Living w a person who had come before him and his family. The first guy got the whole upper home and the family, the lower level. The mentor paid what sure seemed had to be the entire rental amount and all the utilities- So taken advantage of. The sad part was that the one who was trying to do things right- legally, was being s*rewed over by one of his own.
Then, a woman who a hubby and children who came over w a trafficker. Owed thousands of dollars to "mafia", as she called them. They enticed her by saying well give you roses to sell on the street -10 each. She had a couple of buckets most days, paid 40 bucks a bucket of 50. So the thugs are making a living all the way around. And she was terrified to make any move except to sell those roses. She was told she could buy a 2,500.00 hone in no time. They lied. Family is homeless. Earnings go to paying a hotel, when they can "make" enough. She wanted to pay her own way, but it was impossible. Couldn't help her- she was afraid.
This seems like common sense so I don’t expect the left to understand.