He didn’t rename it Gulf of The United States. Mexico and much of the counties in North, Central and South America have repeatedly reminded us that they are also part of “America”. Most of Mexico prefers to call us “Americans” “Estadounidense” instead, since Mexico considers itself part of America and they would also be Americanos. They also tend to call us Gringos (term for Yankee). This is why the feigned horror by Acosta and others is just ridiculous. Especially when we are told we must use a bunch of made up pronouns.

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Yes! This!👍🏻👍🏻

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Actually I grew up on the US Mexico Border, having lived here for over 72 years, as well as a few stints living in Mexico, and I speak Spanish. I have never known the word “gringo” to mean “Yankee”. In the SW region of the US, and down in Mexico, it refers to a ‘foreigner’ who is American or a Caucasian who speaks English. Which often means that it is a “white person’.

I’ve never heard of a “Mexican American” referred to as a “gringo”.

I am a “blonde, light eyed gringa”, and am often referred to as a “güera”, when in Mexico.

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I wish he changed it to Gulf of the Americas. That name makes sense but Gulf of America works too.

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Well,that’s a good point! I feel odd that I didn’t see it that way,sooner..Thank you smart person!

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Check out the Gulf of California - totally bordered by MEXICO, Where is the outrage?

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"Gulf of California"? Well, yeah...have you looked at California's demographics lately? Yes, I'd say the name's appropriate (Plus it borders Baja California). As for the Gulf of America, really, what could be more appropriate? Two of the three major components of North America, The United States of America and Los Estados de Mexico border the Gulf in question. To be perfectly fair (and accurate) how about calling it "the Gulf of the Americas"?

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Baja California is Mexico.

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I wish our President had not made that name change..At least not so soon. It seems a little silly and unnecessary,and,a little megla maniac-ish, imho…but,that’s our guy. The good and the not so good.🤷🏻‍♀️

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Apparently you don’t understand that this is how you make America great again. The Biden administration changed the names of so many things that this is a tiny clawback of American pride. We aren’t so prideful that we go about changing names like Los Angeles, or New York, or Puerto Rico, but no one uses Gulf of Mexico as part of their address, so it doesn’t cause a lot of confusion or cost any body a loss of identity. The Woke agenda cost Americans a lot of frustration and harmed children. This small change by the Trump administration is making those like the AP look like the horrendous fools they truly are.

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Apparently, I don’t quite understand you.. I usually enjoy snark,but,only if it funny….

However,after reading a number of intelligent comments on this subject I have a better understanding of what “Gulf of America “ ACTUALLY means. I had not,apparently,grasped that he didn’t name it “Gulf of the USA”. My mistake.

I still think it was a little soon, with so many other things”apparently “ being done very quickly.

Thank you.

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You must not understand a lot if you didn’t get Obama and the Woke agenda he set up and accomplished during the Biden presidency.

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Check out the entire southwest of the USA, totally Mexico's not that long ago and just before that?

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I say change the name of the state to 'New America.'

However, this action strikes me as being in the Bidenesque "wonder-if-I-can-get-away-with-this-one" category.

Personally I wonder where "Rename the Gulf" polled prior to the election.

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Trump pushing buttons, personally, I don't recommend it as a way to get along with others, but he isn't trying to make friends of enemies, is he?

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Oh my! I wish I could remember the exact words I heard, but when he originally explained WHY he was renaming it, I remember thinking it much akin to an excellent chess move…it was a very smart “business move”, from what I can remember….Maybe oil drilling? I remember having great respect for the way he’s taking charge and handling things…I’m very certain I wasn’t the only person to have heard it…? From what I can gather it wasn’t an ‘in your face insult’….(which he certainly can use quick wit to not suffer rude fools…)

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Thanks for that perception. It's reassuring.

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"Meanwhile, Trump is out there actually updating the American people on a regular basis while Acosta furiously types away on Substack like a kid making a PowerPoint on why my mom is so totally unfair. If irony were a stock, we’d all be rich."

THANK YOU for this gem!

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I just wonder if it's to extend the territorial waters of the USA. That way they can legally go after drug cartels and human traffickers on ships that are further out in the gulf. Funny that with all the horrible crimes that Mexico enables, they are focusing on name changes. 🤪

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I like that idea, but I don't think a name change changes ownership in any way. And indeed

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Name changes make all the difference and the drama that has unfolded from this has been well predicted and constructed by the social engineers. This "bold" and very Trumpesque move is meant to create more divisions while also reinforcing the idea that Trump is a xenophobe and also very pro-American.

Words mean everything and we all know that you know this as a master wordsmith yourself, Jenna. Name changes don't mean change of ownership, but it is a small and divisive move towards the end goal of unifying US, Canada, and Mexico into a supranational state.

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And, Biden did the order of no oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. As it's the Gulf of America now, case closed.

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EXACTLY!! Now America can make money instead of giving it away to Zimbabwe to transgender chickens as per USAID.

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If they only stopped the CIA from their drug running...

Oh wait, can't do that... Must blame Mexico.

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Just in case you missed it, the Mexican drug cartels with the help of Chinese drug lords are manufacturing fentanyl in BC Canada and Trudeau has done nothing to stop it. Drugs come in from Canada to the US. Are you going to claim that that is also a CIA operation against Mexico? Hummm?

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Lt Col L Fletcher Prouty on the CIA involvement of the drug trade.


He also wrote a great book on the crap surrounding the JFK assassination.

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Prouty was associated with a group that were Holocaust deniers, Institute for Historical Review? That is over the edge in my book.

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You sound like the liberals who dismissed questioning the vaccines and lockdowns based on some association with right wing or anti vax groups as if that negates the fkin point.

So let's say he denied it.

Does that change the fact that the CIA has been and still is involved with helping clandestine groups?


This book, written by a former undercover agent working for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), charges that the Central Intelligence Agency and other U.S. Federal agencies are perpetuating the scourge of drugs on American streets while they profess to be fighting the war on drugs.

Money talks, bullshit walks.

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The feds didn’t stop Oregon legalizing small amounts of heroin, meth, etc. Mexican drug cartels came in to set up shop. Don’t tell me that was the CIA.

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If you look deeper into the history of the CIA, they have worked with cartels, mafias, etc to run their "programs".


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So you are trying to tell me Mexican Cartels aren’t responsible for fentanyl deaths in Oregon? Mexican Cartels are not CIA psyop set up to claim that Mexico is responsible for the illegal drug trade. You are reading too many novels. The CIA is political and dirty, but cartels are killing young Americans. We have Chinese migrants who buy farms in Oregon, board them up so no one can look in the windows, and manufacture drugs or grow pot. That ain’t the CIA. How can these people afford to buy these homes? We have seen some get busted and the houses have to be decontaminated to be resold. https://www.opb.org/article/2023/03/07/how-seaside-and-other-oregon-towns-became-targets-of-a-mexican-drug-cartel/

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How are you so sure and why are you so adamant that the CIA doesn't do this?

Hmmm 🤔

It's clear in the link I sent before. They help mobsters do horrible crap.

How else are they able to get tons of stuff across the border??

Here's another link... (Are you gonna dismiss it because of some technicality? 😂 )


This book, written by a former undercover agent working for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), charges that the Central Intelligence Agency and other U.S. Federal agencies are perpetuating the scourge of drugs on American streets while they profess to be fighting the war on drugs.

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I forgot who gave the info: The land shelf attached to USA extends quite far out into the Gulf and is considered ours. The name change is a reminder insuring sovereignty over drilling, fishing and defense (including, I assume, drug issues.)

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Good point about going after drug traffickers, I agree with you.

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I think Trump is taking a cue from China. They are making little man made islands all around Taiwan. Maritime law recognizes a certain distance around all land as belonging to that land. China keeps moving closer and closer to Taiwan with their man made islands, hoping eventually to take over Taiwan without a military move.

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According to my AI friend,

"The United States recognizes a limit of 12 nautical miles (approximately 22.2 kilometers) from its coastal baseline as the boundary for territorial waters. Beyond this limit, the waters are considered international waters."

Under some circumstances trying to enforce territorial water rights in international waters could be construed as an act of war. I think he's only trying to wave a red flag in the Reds' faces.

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We can't drill in The Gulf of Mexico but we can in The Gulf Of America?

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Isn't Jim Acosta a little old for middle school? What a whiner.

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Like I heard actual middle schoolers say—what a wiener whiner.

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The "new" Democratic Party is the domicile for crybabies, thumbsuckers, drama queens, thieves, bedwetters and fat people with purple hair and nose rings. My old Democratic party actually gave a shit about the workers of America and the middle class. Jim Acosta made his bed...now he pisses in it.

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He seems more like a 4th grader to me.

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true and hilarious.

In 2013, Hillary Clinton told an audience that, by China’s logic that it claimed nearly the entirety of the South China Sea, then the U.S., after World War II could have labeled the Pacific Ocean the “American Sea.” That sounds pretty good too. silly Hillary.

I love all of the meltdowns.

Jim Acosta has a substack now? I bet it has a heavy paywall bc really....

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I’m sure leftist trolls will push his sub numbers up to about a million in quick time. A million subscribers and 25 likes. The leftists are surging there, but suspicion is being raised. Nobody I know but 1 even knows what Substack is. All liberals.

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I think the underlying reason is due to Biden putting some kind of forever ban on drilling in the "Gulf of Mexico". So a name change is proper. NOT ONE of the Acosta types threw fits when military bases, etc, highways, mountains names were changed by Obama and Biden. So suck it up buttercup you haven't seen anything (hoping and praying soon rather than later) yet!

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Regarding Biden's forever drilling ban, "forever" is a long time, how about we re-name "forever" to "four years, or less"?

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Good post, Jenna!!! Some people never grow up. We have a smart President who is getting the job done fast. Oh for some more Paul Harveys or Rush Limbaughs!

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I remember listening to Paul Harvey when I drove to work many years ago. I really miss him. Lots of his tapes are on You Tube though.

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Trump pushes button of _______

______ takes the bait and lashes out like a small child/ren

Onlookers watch and giggle at the cartoon show

People are psychotic. Emotionally retarded at age 7.

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Actually Mexico is in South America. The name makes sense because the gulf is American, North, South, Central. It's not renamed the Gulf of United States. Timing, not sure. Maybe just to further highlight who is against us?

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Jane Kuehn

Jane’s Substack


"Actually Mexico is in South America."

I live in Mexico and have always believed Canada, USA and Mexico make up North America (as in North American Free Trade Agreement/NAFTA) and Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rico and Panama made up Central America (although Belize is often excluded by the other six countries for various reasons). South America starts at Colombia and Equador and runs down to the end of Chile and Argentina at or near Patagonia.

But what do I know. Thanks Jane.

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I took Jane's statement to have meant "culturally" because since at least the Clinton administration we've known there are 7 continents: North and South America, Europe, Africa, Australia, Antarctica, and ...China.

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You're correct, sorry, I wasn't paying attention. My point was it's American.

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This is apparently the world we're living in now. A formerly well respected journalist says "I hope not a single person shows up to his stupid party and that he chokes on his birthday cake.” and feels it's acceptable to post this to millions of people. I understand this could be his private thought but to publicly say this - I find it shocking. To then add that MSM should be held up as the purveyors of free speech, and suggesting Biden didn't censor anyone who disagreed with the government - fortunately a federal judge concluded that Biden was the first sitting President in the history of the U.S. of America to censor his political rival. My head is spinning but my heart is hurting. This is the crazy world we're living in. When will it stop?

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No heart hurting!!! No shock! I totally made that quote up to be funny (maybe you missed that part!)!

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Where did you find that pug dog clip? So correctly to the point! I have 2 short legged dogs so that really hit home with deep meaning.!!!!!

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hahahahaha giphy.com is a gold mine ;)

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Me too! The pug clip was priceless. I had to watch it a few times.

I so enjoy reading all the comments, too.

We are all (generally) respectful, intelligent souls who love a good laugh!

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NORTH AMERICA, CENTRAL AMERICA, SOUTH AMERICA, which THE USA and MEXICO are part of, so IT IS actually the GULF OF AMERICA and does not belong exclusively to Mexico. It should also NOT be called THE GULF OF THE USA and never should have been called the Gulf Of Mexico.

By the way, MONDAY many government employees had the day off and were out like titty babies protesting DOGE while us taxpaying suckers were out working.

If you really consider this NOBODY that receives a government or government subsidized paycheck really contributes tax money. THEY JUST RECYCLE IT.

There are NOW more people getting those checks than there are of us!!!

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😂 you have it down! Voice in my head, down!

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Always a good laugh with your common persons perspective. Thank you.

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Exactly - I doubt the whiners were fussed by NAFTA, no doubt trying to sell it to Americans about to lose their jobs.

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