Mar 1Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Another great article! I couldn't decide whether to laugh or shake my head, so I did both. Thanks for a great start to my morning!

So sorry you've been ill! I live in Mexico, so if your cartel* can't get you the supplements you need, let me know, and I'll get one of ours right on it!

* I forgot, up North cartels are called "corporations." Making note to self, must remember.

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A friend of mine lives right on the border and I think I’m going to make a weekend of it down there… stock up on all the goods… But thank you kindly! 😊

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Mar 1Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Have a good trip! 🤗

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1Liked by Jenna McCarthy

To all the conspiracy theorists still out there, the facts about the vaccine being safe and effective were not lies and to claim that the experts knowingly lied is to spread dangerous misinformation! What the experts told us at the time was the best information that was available at the time. Why don't you understand that we're just trying to help humanity?! 🤗😘

This analogy is spot on! Thanks again Jenna for the tears of laughter in my coffee this morning. Feel better soon!

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Not only will people believe this, they will rush to the criminals’ defense and say it first.🤦‍♀️

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Mar 1Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Sadly true. To admit that you were duped is one thing but to pile on the possibility that you duped others into possibly destroying their own lives and the lives of others is another dimension of pain. The burden of guilt is too heavy for most people to bear so it's much easier to live in lala land.

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You keep beating this poor, lifeless horse for all of us because we still can't believe it's truly dead. You just do it with panache and humor, which makes it way more fun to watch/read. Thanks, Jenna!

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Thanks for justifying my insanity for me! :) Happy to continue to be crazy for the better good...

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Mar 1Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I miss TV Guide so much. I thought I was the only one🙏

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It was literally the highlight of the week! And you'd circle what you wanted to watch IN PEN--effectively letting everyone else in the house know you'd basically reserved the TV for that window... ;)

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Mar 1Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Yes, with the gleeful anticipation of Ralphie Parker from A Christmas Story, I’d sift through the mail on Wed. for the new issue. First I checked what The Wonderful World of Disney had on Sunday night. Then, who the guests were on Carol Burnett and Laugh In. I got to stay up late on weekends so checking Don Kirshner, Midnight Special and Soul Train was a must.

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Mar 1Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Same, i waited for it!

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So glad to hear you are on the mend, Ms. Jenna (may I call you "Ms."?)

Thank you so much for the humorous look at a serious topic. The vaccine issue isn't as funny as the Wonka story, but both illustrate false advertising, lack of informed consent, people who think they are gods, and outright lies (not to mention prevarications).

On a very serious note, I hope your readers will consider reading and sharing a recently published Substack article: Informed Consent and Human Health: From mRNA Gene Therapy Injections to Self-Amplifying Vaccines. It explains what is happening and what we must do to avoid tyranny and medical slavery. Latest scary vaccine tech. Important definitions (informed consent, EUA, nullification). Seven steps to freedom. And, of course, references & links: https://eolson47.substack.com/p/informed-consent-and-human-health

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I'm wondering if these "self-amplfying vaccines" are truly possible, or is this all just another FEAR campaign. I say this because what I've read is that RNA is EXTREMELY fragile and doesn't do well being mixed in large quantities with little to none quality control (ie, the cv jabs). There wasn't much, if any actual RNA found in the govt owned vials. The bigger problem is the LipidNanoParticles, the hydrogel and graphine oxide ingredients. They still haven't isolated any "virus".

Supposedly, one of the Ukraine biolavs was working on an "weaponized rabies virus spread by aerosolizarion". I asked Dr Kevin Stillwagon about this on his rabies vaccine article a while back. Here was his reply -

"They will try an aerosolized bioweapon, but do not fear this. It must be able to get through the epithelial barrier and the innate immune cells that protect it. Some of these cells are nonspecific and do not care what the virus particle is, manmade or not. In order for the aerosolized bioweapon to work, innate immunity must be weakened by putting the particle or the message to make part of it in a shot called a vaccine and convincing people they need to inject it on purpose for their own protection. Don't fall for it."

This may not even apply to "self-amplfying vaccines" but who really knows? It's difficult to know what to believe these days. 🤷‍♀️

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They've been working on and testing self-amplifying vaccines for a while. We'll see what happens. Even if they don't "carpet bomb" us with aerosols, inhalable vaccines are in development (see references in the article) and self-amplifying vaccines certainly could be injected in various ways (e.g., needles and perhaps even mosquitoes). The current genetic mRNA platform already is turning the body into a spike factory, with terrible results. As I see it, the S-A vaccines are an even more insane progression.

At this point, I don't fully understand all the in-the-weeds science, but have offered sources that appear very reputable (as is Dr. Stillwagon). In no way am I trying to start a FEAR campaign because we're all scared enough. Given that "shedding" appears very real, spreading person to person certainly is likely, especially if immune systems are compromised (as so many are).

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Mar 1Liked by Jenna McCarthy

"So shines a good deed in a weary world"

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Your essay reminded me of when our boys were growing up in the 70s. Their birthdays are both in March so we always celebrated them together with family. Every year it seems we chose the weekend that The Wizard of Oz was broadcast and it was the highlight of the party. They lay all over the family room glued to the adventures of Dorothy and all. Pretty gruesome story now that I think about it, but they loved it.

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That was us, too! Lots of those movies were pretty gruesome, Wonka included! Good times…🤣

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Mar 1Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Jenna - I can’t believe your stack has been in my inbox since early this morning and I’m just now reading it. My day just got better - and it was quite a good day for me to start with!

As always, thank you for making me laugh out loud.

But I will also say, some of this article made me want to punch a wall and scream at the top of my lungs, please dear God! Make this madness stop! Wake the sheep! Give them ears to hear and eyes to see.

And then I must remember what my Daddy taught me (I can still recite word for word 50+ years later):

”And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.“

‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭28‬ ‭KJV‬‬

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I was *about* to send a search party to check on you... ;) Excellent quote; shall commit to memory as well. Have an AMAZING weekend, friend!

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Yes. Commit that to memory and don’t forget that this scripture is absolute truth. It will see us through in the days and years ahead.

You too, dear friend. 😘❤️

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Mar 3Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Time and again over these past few years (especially since 2015), the media has proven that their main function is to distract, rather than inform us. The so-called journalists who reported on this story must have been having a slow day at work, proving once again that they'll always find something - anything - to titillate the average Walmart shopper, rather than stimulate the brainwaves of critical thinkers. Keep up the great work doing the latter, Jenna!

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WELL SAID, and thank you, Sir! :)

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You probably think things can't get any worse. We'll they just released dose #9 !

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Mar 3·edited Mar 3Liked by Jenna McCarthy

And of top of that I just saw an article where doctors are baffled about older people who got the RSV shots now showing up with some strange neurological illness. God only iknows how many sheep got the RSV and latest Covid booster shots at the same time.

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I think someone needs to start researching this epidemic of Baffled Doctor Syndrome. 🤦‍♀️

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Thank You Jenna in 30 plus languages. You are funny!!! and honest. We all know we can not be funny without being honest. It is all in the delivery and you deliver the goods😄 Next time you feel like you are getting sick- disclaimer this is not medical advice from your Registered Nurse- you may want to take 1 tsp-1Tbs of Chlorine Dioxide in 8oz oz of water. It is the ultimate antimicrobial. See Dr.Sircus.com or Mike Adams NaturalNews.com to learn more. Blessings

In Gratitude and Purpose


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This article made me think of a video that I must share.


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