Feb 14Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Sage is a pessimistic turd sandwich. While he is on point most of the time, anyone that disagrees with him is controlled opposition and/or a useful idiot. It's obnoxious and childish.

He claimed that Joe Rogan is controlled opposition in one of his substack articles and when I asked for proof in the comments, he went off on me with his usual angry CAPS ON REPLY AND CALLED ME ALL SORTS OF MEAN NAMES WITH TOOO MAAANY EXTRAAA LETTERS BECAUSE EVERYONE KNOWS THAT IS AN EFFECTIVE WAY TO CONVERSE ONLINE.

Sage doesn't seem to understand that everyone has their own path to finding the truth of our reality. The plandemic was clearly a wake up call for a lot of people and it makes sense to be grateful for it, but Sage doesn't understand that it takes a lot of time, soul searching, heartache, courage, patience, etc. to see how far these rabbit holes really go.

With all that being said, Sage is definitely right about how absolutely psychopathic the powers to be are and how their plan of world control through technocratic controls is falling into place, but he doesn't need to be a douchebag about it.

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All the YES in the yes kingdom to this comment. I honestly had never heard of this person before but I certainly appreciate the Intel. And “pessimistic turd sandwich“ is my new favorite.🤣👏

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Feb 13Liked by Jenna McCarthy

This essay so well summarized my experience. I was so apolitical that I hadn’t even voted for decades. My facebook posts essentially consisted of family/kids and hero surfing pics. I wasn’t even on Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, TokTok, etc. I basically made $$ to support my family, recreated in nature, and (sheepishly...I am a happily married man) worked heroically to prove your point about the healthy male sex drive.

But then THE MACHINE tried to eat me and my family! WTF!

They had violated THE AGREEMENT: I would work, pay taxes, and stay silent about them: (1) eating foreigners via war and resource extraction, (2) convincing stupid people that crappy food was healthy, (3) allowing media to push the idiots into installment debt or useless prescription meds...as long as they didn’t FORCE me to make stupid decisions too. BUT NOW THEY WERE LITERALLY TRYING TO HARM ME AND MY FAMILY WITH THE THREAT OF VIOLENCE IF I DIDNT COMPLY WITH THEIR EXPERIMENTAL MEDICAL INJECTIONS!

Talk about eye opening. Everything has changed. I no longer trust THE MACHINE to limit itself. I’ve been using my narrow FB platform to try and convince people that everyone should wear a tin foil hat, like me. I’ve alienated many. C’est la vie. We choose Truth over Community. Who wants to be part of a Community based on lies?

The happy ending? My wife and I are both believers and tighter than ever. We believe that our current corporate/government mafia has evil tendencies. But perhaps most importantly, this whole experience has also reinvigorated our faith in a benevolent, omnipotent, omnipresent power that we call GOD. We needed something to believe in. Hope is important. Why not LOVE WINS? Corny? Absolutely. But it feels really good.

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OMG pretty-please expand on this and submit it to my anthology??? DON'T MAKE ME BEG!!! If nothing else it's a super sweet Valentine's Day love letter to your wife. :) https://jennasside.rocks/p/are-you-a-conspiracy-theorist-with

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Feb 14Liked by Jenna McCarthy

You’re so kind. Thank you. U want more words? 🤔

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If you are so inspired that would be amazing but it’s up to you❤️😊👏 THANK YOU I AM EXCITED!

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Feb 13Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I am so glad I found my tribe during the COVID insanity! It was pure gold when I found you! Thanks for all the laughs!

Seriously- that book video- when did you start surveillance on my marriage!? You nailed my life! 🤣😂That was spot on!

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Hahahahaha we are all married to the same guy, right??? (The subtitle on that book is "living with and loving the tv-addicted, sex-obsessed, not-so-handy-man you married," but then I have to GO INTO THIS WHOLE THING because my husband is actually SUPER handy, so I'm like, "I know, dear. I said the not-so-handy-man YOU married!" ;)

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Feb 13Liked by Jenna McCarthy

You are hysterical. Thank you for joining our historically boring world of physicians and adding some much needed humor to our otherwise pocket-protector wearing profession. One of my few gratitudes from this 'ronademic experience is meeting a whole new slew of people with the following traits....ethical-resilient-faithful-critical thinking-compassionate(in the old sense of the word)-courageous-passionate-selfless-truth seeking-truth loving-incisive-intelligent-purposeful-strong-heroic-resolute-unwavering....and adding them to my tribe.

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No, thank YOU! That means so much b/c for the first two years of this nightmare, any time I posted something anti-narrative, I'd get at least a handful of "where'd you go to medical school again?" comments... and I'd reply, "you don't have to have a culinary degree to read the menu" and let's just say things rarely went north from there... ;)

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Yes - agree... Like some people can't say what a woman is because they never went to medical school!!! - Does anybody know a single doctor who didn't know what a woman was before they went to med school???

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Okay, pretty funny book video! I try to keep my language clean, so the beeps were great!! It looks like you had a fun day shooting it. I’m the one who wear earplugs in my house as I wear a sleep apnea machine with a stupid chin strap to keep my mouth shut, so now I’m silent as the grave for the most part.! ( “love you still honey!!! 🥰”) I’m enjoying your humourous Substack entries. I think this insanity imposed on all of us have had some interesting results in everyone’s lives. Most of my family and friends thought I was a nutty conspiracy theorist anti-vaxxed, but the insane response to legitimate concerns actually turned me into one. Go figure? It’s taken a lot of work to get past their lack of support and keep my relationships intact. Thanks be to God for forgiveness. My life was almost ruined by my employer and it’s been tough working g there day after day but unfortunately I’m so close to retirement that I’m grinding my way through the next few years. Sigh. Have a great week! 👍🏻

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Thanks for sharing and sorry about your work situation... hang in there! :)

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The first part of the COVID debacle is a blur for me since my wife was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer and died in July 2020. After I came out my initial shock about three months later, what stood my hair on end was the constant media drumbeat that we were to stay home until we were so sick we needed to go to the hospital, and that there was nothing that could treat COVID. That could not be accurate. There had to be at least one drug among tens of thousands of approved prescription drugs that could treat COVID. Turns out there were a number, but as Jenna so aptly points out, you had to go looking for them. I have always been a healer, in this lifetime and in other lives, too. What makes my blood boil over is the decree from the High Priests of the FDA/CDC that doctors were not to look for or prescribe any effective treatment but to wait for an experimental rushed vaccine. People suffered and died as a result. I actually hate going to my doctor now because, although he's a very nice man, he went along with it. I just don't trust the medical establishment any longer, except to act in their financial interest and not in the interest of my health or anyone else's. I will never forget and it will be a damn long time until I can forgive.

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I am so incredibly sorry for your loss, Candace. Our blood can boil in eternity together. It's so far beyond criminal that it's impossible to even wrap your mind completely around it. But they know that and use it to their advantage... there's NO WAY that many people could be that evil, right? I mean, it was Adolf F*cking Hitler who said, "The bigger the lie, the more likely people will believe it."

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Thank you, Jenna. Yes. Hitler had many willing minions who were "just following orders." The FDA/CDC could not have succeeded in squelching COVID early treatment had physicians everywhere not been so willing to surrender their professional autonomy (not to mention their spines) to the Big Lie.

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Feb 13Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Thank you Jenna!!! I really had to wipe the laughing tears from my eyes several times to anxiously continue reading. 👏🏾 Although few, we are not alone.

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Feb 14Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I never make comments, but I had to. This is so spot on to my experience. I couldn't believe when I rolled up to my favorite Colorado town during the big C, and seeing that everyone was mandated to wear the damn masks outside while walking downtown (and people had those chin diapers on while hiking). My mind was blown. When I mentioned it to a friend who had just been there, it was crickets. Come to find out, she posted on Facebook regularly about how she was going to scream if one more person made a comment about their freedom to wear a mask. Another "friend" dropped me because while she was able to work from home and still collect a paycheck, my husband and I who own small businesses and have employees had to shut down and had no clue when it would end. I was "insensitive" apparently to all those people that could get sick. I could go on and on with examples of dumb people making dumb comments. I never ever dropped a friend over political garbage, but saw the other side do it in a heartbeat. It's OK......those people with shitty energy are gone and it makes more room for people who have a brain.

I enjoy your writing Jenna. It's very apparent when I'm reading your substack because I'm laughing out loud, high fiving my pets and yelling, "yup, exactly!!". I hope to meet you one day!

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Thank you sincerely, and of course I'm sorry you can relate. I keep waiting for the apologies to start rolling in... any day now... hahahaha. At least we have each other! :)

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Feb 14Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Thank God for that!

I have an idea for another book. Compilations of assanine things people did and said during C-mania. You'd have a gazillion submissions.

Here's a few:

1) On a text thread (that I didn't ask to be on and never commented in....you will see why). "Friend" mentions she made her daughter take a C test (she had no symptoms but was "exposed"). It was positive, so she sent a picture of her daughter wearing a mask on her couch. In her house. Need I say more?

2) On this same text thread she asked if any of us had gotten the jab, and if so, how many days did we have to take off to deal with the side effects.......

3) A long time friend got the jab because he said he would need it to travel. He gloated that he's vegan and doesn't eat anything with a mother (well when you say it like that, us meat eaters sound horrific). He stated that because he's so healthy being vegan and is careful of what he puts in his body, he was the only one that didn't get sick after the jabs.

I'm going to stop myself there.

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Hahahaha I think that book might make me want to jump off of a bridge but you’re right, it would be easy to populate🤣

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I have one for you. I saw a woman getting on a motorcycle with a mask on. But no helmet.

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Feb 13Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Yeah Sage is a man.... apparantly

Either trying to disrupt or got a huge ego or both....

Mathew Crawford named him months ago.... search for Sage on his substack... apparantly u can do that here

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Feb 14Liked by Jenna McCarthy

The outtakes in that video were so awesome. I was laughing very hard. "Zestra" lol

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We literally had THE BEST TIME shooting that!!! ;)

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My experience almost exactly, except I came to the party fashionably late. But I am here now and I’m all in.

On a possibly related note, I hope all you won’t mind my sharing a short essay…

Why Republicans / Conservatives Should Not Count Out Democrats / Liberals (and Vice Versa)

On February 12, we contacted the FULL IDAHO SENATE, asking them to Vote NO on Senate Bill 1245 Pesticides, warning labels (https://legislature.idaho.gov/sessioninfo/2024/legislation/S1245). We received the following replies from Senators on “other side of the aisle” who were kind enough to respond.

The Senators wrote:

Sen 1: Thank you. I and the rest of my [“other side of the aisle”] colleagues will be voting against this bill. I agree with you that corporations are not looking out for us.

Sen 2: Thanks for reaching out about this issue. We're on the same page.

Sen 3: Thanks. I’ll be voting against it.

These replies illustrate why it's important to respectfully reach out to ALL sides -- Republican, Democrat, Conservative, Liberal, and everyone in between. Sometimes we will agree, but we cannot predict when that agreement will occur. Sometimes our reasons for agreeing will differ, but we still want the same end result.

Another example occurred this week. We reached out to an estranged politically opposite family member who had refused for at least 4 years to consider ANY non-mainstream medical experts or resources. We made a last-ditch effort to help after the family member had to give up traditional treatment due to its terrible toll on his body without beating back the disease. To our surprise and delight, the family member was both receptive and grateful for our information.

So, let's always keep an open mind and reach beyond our own echo chambers when trying to achieve our goals. Not every issue has to be "us" vs "them." And preaching to the choir (that is, to those who "naturally" agree with us) may not be the most effective way to convince enough people that our position is valid.

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Yesssss! Great work on all fronts, and I agree you catch more flies with honey... ;)

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Thank you! I've learned not to ASSume that I automatically know what others think. Talk with them. Convince them. Listen to them. Give them time to adjust to new information. Keep trying.

As they always say: ASSume makes an ASS out of U and ME. 🫏🫏🫏🫏🫏

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Hahahahah I saw that in an episode of The Odd Couple in the '70s and thought it was SO. EDGY.

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Wow, I didn't know Odd Couple was the origin of the ASSume commentary.

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I don't know if it was the ORIGIN, but there was an episode where Oscar had to go to court (I think?) and Felix defended him and that was his big "get" at the end! ANDDDDDDDDDDD I had to go find it, so here you go! ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEP1acj29-Y

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👏👏 Great sleuthing, Jenna. And great memory -- mind like a stool trip er, steel trap.

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Feb 14Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Neither did I!!!

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Jenna - I could only read a few lines of Sage’s stack. How embarrassing that a commenter had to point out that he had the wrong McCarthy. What an a**hole. He needs to go away. 😡😡😡

Oh. And that book video. I was laughing out loud. Loved that you included the outtakes.

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That whole post was surreal to me! Like you are going to dedicate an entire Substack to being an asshole to someone by taking one sentence out of context and in fact having the wrong someone? As someone with 30 years of journalism experience, I found it sort of embarrassing for the guy. Who I guess is in fact a guy, thanks for letting me know! 🤣🤷‍♀️ Obviously I found it comical which is why I shared it… People are strange. I’ll just leave it at that.😉 And I’m glad you enjoyed my book trailer! It still makes me laugh every single time I watch it.🤣

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"People are strange"


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The funny thing is he is liking all of my comments and all of the comments in support of me🤣🤣🤣

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Yeah. Thats his MO. I hope he feels like a dumbshit thinking you were Jenny. Does he think you spelled your name wrong on your own Substack?

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Feb 14Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I completely missed the outtakes until reading your comment. Had to go back to see them, so THANK YOU for the extra laughs.

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You rock, Jenna!!

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Safe travels...come back refeeshed...hopefully find a little beach therapy

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Hahaha if I find THAT in New York City, the end is nigh.. ;)

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Wow! I wish I would have read this when it first came out. I thought it was just a few of us for quite awhile... Actually for a short time I thought it was just me...

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Believe me Joh, so did I! That is why I am just so damned happy to be here.😊❤️

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Feb 15·edited Feb 16Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Jenna, that's a great word 'glommed' (quote: people I knew had glommed onto “life-savingly-effective” and weren’t about to budge). Being a writer, I just had to google it and discovered it is in fact a real word, meaning either 1) To steal something or 2) To get stuck or attached to something the way "the ice gloms onto bridge pilings." It made me think how we all got our tongue stuck on ice at least once in our kidhood. So people have their tongue firmly glued to the 'safe and effective' lolly and it won't budge.....

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