The Gates of Hell are WIDE OPEN
... and apparently swinging straight into the Harris coffers.
Growing up going to sleepaway camp every summer, I always brought with me the same slippery pink sleeping bag, the same clunky Kodak camera, and the same gnawing, crippling fear. I wasn’t worried that a snake would slither into my cabin and strangle me in my sleep (it would get the gal on the bottom bunk first) or that I’d be picked dead last for every sportsball team (that was a given). I wasn’t even all that vexed by the knowledge that I’d be forced to venture out into the forest and trot back to base camp with my very own rodent/reptile/arachnid/amphibian to enter into the highly competitive Critter Crawl (yes, this was a thing in the ‘70s) that was the highlight of the week for everyone who wasn’t me and the hallmark of camp’s final, festive night.
No, my dread centered around the phobia that a fellow camper might hijack my shampoo bottle and replace its contents with a depilatory cream.
Can you imagine?
I slept with one eye open and my precious bottle of Prell tucked safely beneath my pillow.
Fast forward forty-five years and I think it’s fair to say that Bill Gates is to humanity what Nair is to a spectacular (or even mediocre) head of hair.
This week, one of the planet’s wealthiest and most perverse fauxlanthropaths donated a cool $50 million to the Harris campaign, a (relatively) tiny token of affection he hoped to bestow on the sly. [Insert every Scooby Doo villain voiceover ever: “And I would have gotten away with it… if it weren’t for you meddling kids!”]
Why would the relentless pusher of deadly pharmaceuticals, the catalyst for countless caustic public health initiatives, the passionate pusher of The (Not So) Great Reset, the mastermind behind using AI to suppress free speech and combat damning truths “misinformation,” a miscreant who’s just been indicted in the Netherlands for lying about the safety of Covid vaccines, the poster boy for depopulation, be so keen on seeing Commula in the Oval Office?
“Tell me who your friends are, and I’ll tell you who you are.”
~Spanish proverb
Sure, she’s the candidate who would advance all the things Gates pretends to care deeply about, like climate change propaganda, government mandated “health” interventions, and equality for everyone on earth (except, you know, him). And yes, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation previously admitted to being “deeply troubled” by Trump’s decision to cut funding for family planning programs—so as much as he obviously loves french fries, Gates was unlikely to ever make out a check to MAGA. Still, one can’t help but wonder: Could it be something else, something more sinister, perhaps something personal driving the donation?
“I think part of why Kamala is getting so much support is that if Trump wins, that Epstein client list is going to become public,” Elon Musk has mused. “And some of those billionaires behind Kamala are terrified of that outcome.”

When asked in a rare hardball interview about his relationship with fellow fat cat and known pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, Gates squirmed like a caffeinated worm and lied harder than a recovering alcoholic busted with bourbon breath—provably about not having any business dealings with Epstein.
In honor of our kackle-happy friend who loves her a Venn diagram, I took the liberty of creating a handy visual for my readers.
While I was searching for the above image that didn’t exist, I discovered that the Internet has come up with some delightful Venn diagrams that are worthy of a share.
This one isn’t technically accurate, but as a visual word salad it warrants a mention.
Flat out this one isn’t wrong.
On the other hand, spectacularly accurate.
Anyway, back to Billy Boy and his eight-figure donation in the name of Doughy, Despicable, Double-chinned Dudes for Harris. What do my astute readers suppose was the impetus for this generous gift? Spin your wildest conspiracies in the comments.
P.S. If you’ve got 30 seconds, would you cast your daily vote for yours truly? I’m in the top spot in the final round. :) Happy Friday!
Melinda Gates is no better than Billy Bob with the man boobs.
She smirked when he warned that the "next one" would get everyone's attention.
She also agreed with him about "black and brown people" getting the vaxxines first.
Melinda is sick and evil...she knew exactly what was going on with Epstein.
And no screeching from the media about the money, “a billionaire is giving to a campaign?! Isn’t that illegal???”